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GCobb Grimoire spells and rituals


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This book is a summary of the magickal system(s) contained in the book(s) “The Miracle of New Avatar Power” and “The Mystic Grimoire Of Mighty Spells and Rituals” by Geof Gray-Cobb aka Frater Malak in the early 1970s. The system(s) of magick are not only simple they are extremely powerful. This is because the Incantations, Invocations, Chants and Rituals are based on the Kabbalah and Goetia. Unfortunately due to the publishers the book contained a suffocating number of “case studies”. Originally the what was contained in 400+ pages, is now contained within a mere 25 pages.


The Rituals and exercises in chapters I and II can be read and practiced instantly without any preparation what so ever.

For Incantations, Invocations, Chants and Spells in chapters III and IV you should follow the Basic Ceremony but if your tight for time you can recite them by-themselves.

To utilize the Spells and Rituals to their fullest in chapters IV and V there are a few basic Ritual items you need to prepare for your altar before hand. If you have already done this simply follow the Basic Ceremony with your newly set up altar.

BASIC CEREMONYFirst burn a candle and some incense of your choice to set the mood. Then perform the Rituals/exercises in this order. This system of magick is essentially 5 steps and should only take you 20 minutes or so even if you are new to magick.

Opening CeremonyKabbalistic Cross RitualNAP Relaxation Ritual (Optional)Middle Pillar Ritual/Circulation Ritual

Magic Working(s)Incantation, Invocation, Chant, Spell or Ritual

Closing CeremonyKabbalistic Cross Ritual

You first perform the Kabbalistic Cross Ritual(Banishing Ritual), next the Nap Relaxation Ritual(Relaxation/Focus Ritual) this Ritual is used to put your mind into a peaceful relaxed state and can be left out or replaced with any exercise that relaxes the mind, then finally the Middle Pillar Ritual(Power Building Ritual) optionally you can build more power by performing the Middle Pillar Circulation Ritual as well. After performing the three opening Rituals you have created your circle of influence (or circle of power). Now perform one or more of the Incantations, Invocations, or Chants. Then finish with a final Kabbalistic Cross to clear the area. Here is what your ceremony would consist of at the bare minimum. Feel free to add or replace Rituals to your liking if you are more adept and prefer something different. You can also use this same magickal formula with any other Spells and Rituals that you like.

PREPARATION INTRUCTIONSTo practice the Spells and Rituals in chapters IV. And V. you need an altar. Find a spot for your magick altar first. Next make a batch of magical oil, get/buy piece of rope 3 yards long, print out talismans, cut them out then charge them with the Ritual below.

Once you have got everything. When you perform a Spell or Ritual in the last two chapters you first set up your altar according to image and for the Rituals ware the proper mystic talisman around your neck using a necklace. If you do not have one you can use a piece of string and if you do not have string you can simply place the mystic talisman on the altar until you can get either string or a necklace. Also you need to make a circle around you using a rope you can either tie the ends off or simply make sure they are overlapping each other to close the circle. This is your circle of protection. Once everything Is set up simply follow the Basic Ceremony at the beginning of the chapter with the Spell/Ritual of your choice.

Magick Oil4-5 Grapes1 Cup of Vegetable Oil(Olive, Corn, Canola, etc)Pinch of Salt

Crush the grapes then,mix the grapes and the salt in the oil, let it sit for a full 24 hours in an airtight container. Then strain out the grape pulp using a coffee filter, you may want to do this at least one more time. After the oil sits for another day to get any remainder of grape pulp out. When you are done your oil should be perfectly clear and golden. Now

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you bless your oil with the following chant:“Creature of the elements,You are created for meTo focus the Forces of good.Blessed be in the name of the highest.”

The oil can now be used to dress, bless and charge your talismans, altar, candles, and yourself. Use it whenever you want to imbue anything with more personal power(magickal energy) by placing a drop of oil on it and rubbing it over the object. I recommend doing this to all candles that you use and to each mystic talisman before using it.

THE TALISMANS AND AMULETS CHARGING RITUALThe Thaumaturgic Triplet is used as a focal point for energies and helps manifest what you want. Place the Thaumaturgic Triplet at eye level on your altar so you can always see it. You can also use it to astrally project and scrying. The symbols appearing inside the elemental amulets on your altar originate from angelic alphabets. Print all the talismans off and cut them out. Then follow these instructions to charge your talismans.

Place one new white candle in the center of your altar,facing East. Place the Talismans and Amulets on the left side of the candle. Place an incense burner on the right side of the candle. Perform the Middle Pillar Ritual,without performing the Circulation Ritual. Light the candle and some incense and say these words with meaning:

“As this candle flame burns,and as the Earth and this World turns,I call upon the Lords of the Flame,To bless and fill and impress these pages,With Your Light,So that all that I want will be granted.May the light of this candle,find the way to Your home above the Stars,and in whatever corners of the Earthand this World that You may be.Hear me as I speak theseBlessed and Holy and Sacred Names,Let there be Limitless Light,And let that Light descend!”

Imagine the Limitless Light descending and filling and surrounding the

Talismans and Amulets for about five minutes. Blow out the candle and incense. Cover the Kits with clean cotton or linen cloth for twenty four hours. Store the Talismans and Amulets in a hidden place until they are needed.

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I. Opening and Closing RitualsKABBALISTIC CROSS RITUALStand up with your feet together. Close your eyes. Put your left hand at your side, and raise your right hand to be pointing at the ceiling with your first and second fingers. Keep those two fingers together, and curl your thumb and your other fingers into your palm.

Say the Word of Power: AH-TAY

Now, bring your right hand straight down in front of your body and point at the floor between your feet.

Say the Word of Power: MALL-COOT

Lift your right hand, and point your two fingers at your right shoulder.

Say the Word of Power: VAY-GAY-VOO-RAH

Move your right hand and point at your left shoulder.

Say the Word of Power: VAY-GAY-DOO-LAH

Clasp both hand in front of your chest and say: LAY-OH-LAHM-AMEN

Say “In the Name that is above every other Name, I banish from this place all seeds of evil. I bind them as with chains and cast them into the Outer Darkness where they shall trouble not the Seekers of Truth.”

Repeat minus the final invocation.

NAP RELAXATION RITUALI am beginning the New Avatar Power Ritual. I call on the Inner Planes to witness. I state my purpose thus: ANKAR YOD HAY VAW HAY.

I begin to wind down, to let go and be rid of all the tensions of my body. To let my muscles relax, unwind and let go.

The tensions are beginning to drain from my body. Soon, a gradual heaviness will start to weigh down my thighs, my arms, my hands, my feet, my legs, my body.

My muscles unwind and let go. All my muscles are relaxing, unwinding and relaxing.

Very soon I shall feel the unwinding, the letting go. Unwinding and letting go. Unwinding. Letting go.

Deeper and deeper…letting go…unwinding and letting go.

The tensions drain from my muscles and they will soon become loose, letting go, relaxing and unwinding.

Noises round about me will drift into the background. I shall feel the relaxing, the letting go, the unwinding.

Breathing easily and deeply. Easily and Deeply.

Unwinding and letting go…drifting into the peace and serenity of complete relaxation. And as my body unwinds and relaxes, so I enter the peace and quiet, where only these words have meaning, and nothing else disturbs me.

Letting go…unwinding…letting go…unwinding…relax…relax…relax…let go…let go…let go…relax…relax…relax…let go…let go…let go.

I call on Thee, Mighty Arzel, who stands in the East, to assist me in this and all my ventures. I know now that my New Avatar Power is flooding to the surface.

Close eyes. Sit for at least two minutes. The longer you sit and meditate the better.

MIDDLE PILLAR RITUALSit or lie down. Now breathe in and out until a rhythm is established. While inhaling and exhaling in this pattern imagine that a sphere of light is hovering just above your head. This is the Sphere of Spirit.

Say 3 times: EH-HE-YEH (Eheieh)

You will feel a tingling sensation in your hands and feet. Picture the mental image of a small shaft of white light moving out from the lower half of the sphere of light. The shaft moves down through your head until it reaches your throat, at which you imagine a second sphere of light.

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This is the Sphere of Air.

Say 3 times: YEH-HO-VO EL-OH-HEEM (Jehovah Elohim)

You will experience warmth in your throat. With these two spheres awakened, visualize that the shaft of light moves slowly down through your chest. Now picture a third sphere on at your heart. This is the Sphere of Fire.

Say 3 times: YEH-HO-VO EL-OH-AH VAY-DAH-ASS (Jehovah Eloah Ve Daas)

You will feel a vibration throughout your chest. Now imagine the shaft of light moving down your body to your groin, visualize a fourth sphere. This is the Sphere of Water.

Say 3 times: SHAD-AY EL-KAY (Shadai El Chai)

You will experience a pleasant sensation in your pelvic region. Extend the shaft of white light to your feet, where a fifth sphere is visualized. This is the Sphere of Earth.

Say 3 times: AH-DOH-NAY HA-AH-RETZ (Adonai Ha Artez)

The image you have in your mind should be a shaft of white light running from your head to your toes, in the center of your body, studded with five, white spheres – three along the center of your body and one at each end.

After performing the Middle Pillar exercise recite the Bornless One invocation and the Circulation Ritual to strengthen your aura around you.

BORNLESS ONE INVOCATIONThee I invoke, The Bornless One. Thou are Man made perfect, whom no man has seen at any time. This is He whom the winds fear. Hear me, and make all subject unto me, so that every Spell and scourge of the Vast One shall be made obedient to me.I am He, the Bornless Spirit, strong and of immortal fire. I am He, the Truth, that lighteneth and thundereth. I am He whose mouth ever flameth. I am He the begetter and the manifester unto the Light.

CIRCULATION RITUALVisualize your aura and the energy field you have generated. Picture the energy flowing around your body in a circular motion from your head, to your shoulder, down your left arm, to your left leg, then down the right leg, up to your right arm, then right shoulder and finally to your head.

Repeat this for about 30 seconds to a minute in each direction.

After completing the circulation left and right do the same thing but this time move the energy from your head down the front of your body, under your feet, and up your back to your head.

Repeat this for about 30 seconds to a minute in each direction.

You are now fully charged and ready to perform a magickal working of your choice.


MIDDLE PILLAR ATTRACTING/BANISHING RITUALYou can also use the Middle Pillar exercise as a powerful Ritual on its own. First you decide upon a reason for your working. Say you want to obtain money. On the chart look for the planet that money is under in the controlling subjects column(the Sun). On the chart there are attracting colors and banishing colors you use the attracting ones to attract and banishing to send out or away. So in this case we look on the chart for the Sun's attracting color which is Gold. Now get a piece of paper and write down your desire in a few words. Then write the name of the planet, the color you are going to use and the name of the being who controls the planet.

Now perform the Middle Pillar Ritual along with the Circulation Ritual but pretend the light has changed to the color you wrote down while saying the mystic beings name 3 times.

Example: Desire: I want to obtain money.Planet: SunColor: Gold(Attracting)Being: Say 3 times: “YEH-HO-VO EL-OH-AH VA-DA-ASS”

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DEE-HAY THOOTH EVOCATIONThis Ritual can be used to add extra power to any of your workings and is great to use when you need to make sure 100% that your Ritual will be a success. Look at the diagram below for a better idea of how it is performed.

Stand up with your feet together and arms to your side, close your eyes.

1. Raise your right hand and point with your first two fingers forward above you. Bring your hand downwards until your arm is level,then in a sweeping continuation of that movement, swing your hand across your body, keeping your arm straight, until your hand is opposite of your other shoulder. As you do this gesture breath out and say “DEE-HAY.”

2. Now move your hand back up to the point it began. As you make this gesture breathe in. Now pretend that someone is standing in front of you, facing you, and he is at least a good taller then you are.

3. Swing your arm across your body until you are pointing at his right ear.

4. Make a U shaped gesture in the air, as if you were moving your hand and fingers from the ear of the person who is in from if you, down around their jaw line, under the chin and back up to their right ear. As you do this breathe out, saying “THOO.”

5. Move your fingers across until they point between your visitor's eyes.

6. Swing your hand right down to waist-level,still breathing out and prolonging the “OO” sound of “THOO.”

7. At the lower end of the down sweep, wing your hand slightly left

8. Now draw a small circle in the air and close off the continuing “OO” sound by saying “TH.”

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II. Attack and Defense RitualsTHE NEW AVATAR POWER DEFENSIVE ARMOR RITUALFirst perform the Middle Pillar Ritual including the Circulation Ritual. Then perform the Kabbalistic Cross Ritual to banish any negative influences. Now as the power tingles and surges around you say the following three times:

“Thou Beings of vast strength and ultimate power,“MAH-HAH-SHE-AH(Mahashiah) and LAY-LAH-ELL(Lelahel), “I command Thee to surround me. Place Thy-selves by me such “that nothing can reach me, nothing can touch me, and nothing “can harm me. I command this with the Word of Power: “NET-ZAHK-EE-ODE. So mote it be.”

THE ASTRAL BOMB ATTACK RITUALThe astral bomb attack Ritual is extremely effective. It should be used when you know who your enemy is and where he/she is. Perform it daily until he is crushed. Carry out the Middle Pillar Ritual plus the Circulation Ritual. Now say this invocation:

“Know this, YAY-KOH-ELL(Yechoel) and LAY-HA-HE-AH(Lehahiah), Mine enemies shall be scattered and dumbfounded. Those who wish to harm me shall be conquered by the Might of Thy Material and Awesome Powers. Hear me and obey. I seal this command with the Word of Power: BEEN-AH-HEH. So mote it be.”

THE PSYCHIC GUIDED MISSILE RITUALThis Ritual should be used when you know who you enemy is, but not where they are. Carry out the Middle Pillar Ritual then say this invocation once:

“My enemy is hidden. Seek him/her out, KAY-VAY-KEY-AH(Keveqiah) and MAIN-DEE-AL(Mendial), no matter if he runs to the ends of the Earth or to the Inner Planes beyond. Scourge him with Thy rods of vengeance, conquer his mind. I command this of Thee in the authority of the Word of Power: KESS-SED-HEH. So mote it be.”

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THE ETHERIC SHRAPNEL RITUALUse this Ritual only again an enemy of the opposite sex. It is effective against lies,spite and slander.

Perform the Middle Pillar Ritual plus the Circulation Ritual then say:

“By the Power invested in me, I command Thee, AH-KNEE-ELL(Aniel) and KAH-AH-ME-AH(Chaamiah), to close the mouth and eyes of (name of enemy) who maligns me. Visit him/her while they sleep, and plant fright and dread, such that he/she no longer slanders me. Obey me with this Word of Power: GAY-BOO-RAH-VAHV. So mote it be.”

THE SPIRIT SENTRY RITUALThis Ritual, carried out each night, will repel thieves and physical attackers from your home by working on their minds if they try to intrude.

Perform the Middle Pillar Ritual plus the Circulation Ritual then say:

“Mighty ME-BAH-HE-YAH(Mibahia) and POO-EE-AL(Pooyal), Thou shalt guard me and repel those who come by stealth to take my goods and gold. Rout them, slash them, terrorize them. Enter into their minds to do Thy fearful deems, as they would make me fear. This command I seal with the Word of Power: GAY-BOO-RAH-HEH. So mote it be.”

THE OCCULT JUDO RITUALThis Ritual will return/reflect curses, evil eye Spells and other similar sorcery to the person sending them.

Perform the New Avatar Power Defensive Armor Ritual, but in place of the invocation say this incantation:

“Go forth DAM-BAH-YAH(Dambayah) and MAIN-CALL(Menqal). Seek out the one who torments me. Intercept the evil and return it whence it came, such that the vile parent of this sin shall writhe in agony, scream in dread, and trouble not the upright. Go with the Word of Power: MAL-COO-VAHV. So mote it be.”

THE THEUGIC BOBBY-TRAP RITUALThis Ritual works on the minds of your antagonists. If they attempt to torment you, your NAP will generate unrest in them, turning there attention away from you.

Perform the Middle Pillar Ritual. Then repeat the following invocation 3 times:

“Thou SAY-EAT-ELL(Saitel) and OLE-ME-AH(Olmiah). Lie in wait for mine enemies. Send fire and force into their minds when next they harass me. I seal this command with the Word of Power: TEE-FAR-ATE-YOD. So mote it be.”

EXORCISM TO REPEL EVIL SPIRITSIt is extremely unlikely to contact evil spirits while working with this book. Yet a small chance exists that some sinister adept of Magick my turn his attention your way this Ritual is good to protect yourself.

Perform the New Avatar Power Defensive Armor Ritual then perform the Dee-Hay-Thooth Evocation. Then say:

“I banish from me all influences of wickedness, be they spirit, fiend, or devil. Begone and return whence you came, thou foul beings, in the Names of Power: YOD-HAY-VAW-HAY, AH-DOH-NIGH, EH-HEH-YEH and AH-GAH-LAH. So mote it be.”

You will feel and immediate sense of mental and physical well-being as all evil influences are repulsed from you.

THE ATTACK CANCELATION RITUALSuch is the crushing power of the Ritual, but you will eventually need to cancel them, once your enemy is totally conquered and helpless. To withdraw the devastating effects of your attack Spell/Ritual first perform the central pillar Ritual and then say:

“These forces whom I command,Withdraw from the scene of battle.Stay with me, and heed my future calls.I command Thee with the Word of Power: NEAT-SAHK-HEH.So mote it be.”

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III. Incantations, Invocations, and ChantsINCANTATION FOR WINNING CONTESTSI call Thee, powerful LAH-BEES-EAR-EEN (Labezerin) who has the power to bring good fortune to those who demand.

I require Thee to be my mentor and to be by my side and guide me to success as I select the chances in the contest I shall enter.

Know, Thou Genius, that this is my stated desire. I command Thee to fulfill my will and I seal this command by saying: SKI-MA-AH-MA-THEE-UH which Joshua called and the sun stayed its course. So mote it be.

INVOCATION FOR MONEYIn the Power of the Names EH-HEH-YEH, YEH-HO-VO-EL-OH-HEEM and YEH-HO-VO-EL-OH-AH-VAY-DAH-ASS I place this Invocation with Thee, KNEE-TEA-KAH (Nitika), Genius of Wealth.

Know that I require and command Thee to bring me gold. Thou hast dominion over wealth and Thou shalt begin this very instant to shape the future such that money shall come to me, enough and to spare , by the powers of these Words and Invocation.

Be Thou ruled by me in the Names SHAH-DYE-ELL-KIGH and AH-DOH-NIGH-HA-AH-RETZ. So mote it be.

CHANT TO BRING SUCCESSIn all my undertakings henceforward I conjure and command Thee, mighty ELL-YOU-BAIT-ELL (Elubatel), to protect me, bear me up and carry me forward to the pinnacle of success. Thou shalt give me clarity of mind to confound my opposers; Thou shalt bend the Laws of the Cosmos to my and Thy will, bringing each and every one of my desires to pass.

I shall be en-wrapped in Thy faultless Powers, and tread ever higher to that glittering peak which I covet.Here this, and obey me: AH-NAH-FAX-EE-TONE which Aaron heard and spoke. Thou shalt guide me to success. So mote it be.

WIN A LEGAL ACTION INVOCATIONMighty EYE-EEL-AH-HE-YAH (Ielahiah) who holds sway over the decisions of men, Thou shalt bring Thy power to bear on my behalf in the legal action which is pending.

I command that I shall be successful in this, my hour of need. Thou hast the ability to aid me in achieving this desire. Hear the Word and be obedient to It and me: NAB-RAT-AGLA-SURE-AN-AT. So mote it be.

INVOCATION FOR PROTECTION FROM EVILI invoke Thee, GAH-DEE-ELL (Gadiel), in Thy power and wisdom to place around me a shield against which evil shall be powerless. Those who would harm me shall be powerless, and their evil shall return to them a thousandfold. Be Thou ready and able to place this protection, as I seal it with Thee with the Words: EE-YOTE-EE-YAH-VAW-ARE-ZALL. I am within Thy protection now and my enemies cannot harm me. So mote it be.

CHANT TO EXCITE LOVEHere me, AH-NAY-ELL(Anael) and JAHZ-AIR(Jazar), Thou spirits of Venus and love. I desire to excite love and passion in the heart of(Name of person or if any person say “partner”). Stretch forth Thine hands and pluck the heart strings such that my desire is returned a hundredfold. I conjure and command thus: HOR-TA-ELL-RACK-AH-MAY. So mote it be.

REKINDLE A MATES INTEREST INCANTATIONI invoke Thee, PA-GEE-ELL(Pagiel), to light a flame in the heart of my mate-a flame that will burn ever higher, so that he/she turns to me in fervor and in love, blind to my faults, and desiring only to please me in whatever what he/she can.

I command that our companionship shall become perfect, each fulfilling every need and desire for the other. I also demand that any shortcoming, be they physical or mental, be swept aside such that our partnership shall be perfect.

Hear this word of Power, Thou PA-GEE-ELL(Pagiel) and obey me: VEDGE-EED-OR-AH-MEET-EYE. So mote it be.

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INVOCATION TO GIVE SECRET KNOWLEDGE Titanic KAH-DREE-ELL (Kadriel), I invoke Thee. I require Thee to transform me to one who can know things that are hidden from others.

I desire to know what will befall in the future. I wish to know the thoughts of others. I demand insight into the comings and goings of my fellow creatures. All this shalt Thou do for me, placing the knowledge within my mind during both waking and sleeping

I seal this command thus: EE-BAN-HER-EE-ON-AH-DOH-NIGH. So mote it be.

CHANT TO BRING HEALTHI call thee ZO-ROE-ELL (Zoroel) and SAH-BREE-ELL (Sabriel) who hath dominion over physical and mental health. At my command, banish from me all diseases, discomfort, sickness, and malfunction of body and mind.Send down Thy beneficial healing rays, for Thou art able to bring this to pass. During each passing hour Your powers will bring youthfulness and freedom from pain.

I say this command with the healing words EEM-AHN-YOU-ELL which Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego sang in the fiery furnace and were delivered. Thus shall Your powers dispel this sickness and disease. So mote it be.

INCANTATION TO GIVE POWER OVER OTHERSMightiest DAH-NAH-MISS(Dynamis)! There are those over whom I would have ultimate power so that they obey my every word and thought. Bring Thy mystic energy to bear on me, such that I radiate your power.Impress those that I command to bend my will at all times. I command Thee with the Words: AH-GAH-LAH-OH-TEE-MEE-TIE. So mote it be.

GENERAL PURPOSE INVOCATIONIn the powers vested in Thee, EE-AH-OAT (Iaoth), PATE-AH-YAH (Petahyah) and OH-PEA-ELL (Opiel), I command Thine aid. Bring Thy influences to bear on my affairs.My desire is….Thou hast heard, and in the Name of VEE-NOKE-OH-TEE-SEE-AWN, Thou shalt fulfill my will in all things which seem good unto me. So mote it be.

MAGICK MENTORTo contact your magick mentor follow the steps below.

Perform the Middle Pillar exercise.

Say “AUM” 3 times slowly with your eyes closed. Then say: “Enter magic mentor, You are welcome. You shall aid me in my work. So mote it be.”

Perform the Kabbalistic Cross.

Begin conversation with your mentor by closing your eyes and mentally asking a question then you meditate waiting for an answer to be returned. At first you can start off in your mind thinking “The answer to your problem is …” and then let your mind wander and answers should eventually begin to come to you. Keep it short, for the first conversation, then gradually work your way up into longer and longer conversations.

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IV. Spells

THE VITAL BRING-ME-WEALTH SPELLAs soon as possible after waking up in the morning write down on a piece of paper how much money you need and why. When you have written down your need then draw a circle around it, keep it with you for at least ten hours and occasionally look at it when you are alone and not observed. Once it is dark light a single candle in a room. If you wish you can burn a incense and have some music playing. Put out all the lights except the candle and read what you wrote down, Then say:

“Beyond this light the Powers come“To bring to me this needed sum,“Aided by a Cosmic Name“Because I burn this Magic Flame.”

Repeat the rhyme above 3 times and then extinguish the candle. Tear the piece of paper into tiny pieces and throw them away.

Repeat the Spell once a evening for a week or until the money comes.

THE ENTERPRISING ACE-KING SPELLBefore you join a table put your hands out of sight and cross the first two fingers of your right hand. Then say:

“High low black or red“Cards and luck to me are wed.“I know I'll pick up all the best“And Stay ahead of all the rest.”

Uncross your fingers and come around to the left side of your chair as you sit down, and play the cards close to your chest.Play a regular game! Do not take stupid chances!

THE TERRIFIC WIN-IT-ALL SPELLMake sure you are in a private place. If possible perform the Spell during the day. Facing toward the sun, throw your hands and arms upward and outward, fingers straight and palms forward. Move your feet about 2 feet apart, so that you are standing in the shape of an X. If it is after dark, face west if you are performing the Spell before midnight and east after midnight. Say, (Or Read Mentally if you my be heard):

“Sun! Sun! The power that be,“The Gods of chance shall smile on me,“While Lady Luck shall steal away“The fortune from my rival's play.”

Lower your arms to your side, keep your eyes closed and touch your money, turning it over in your pocket or purse. Turn around three times to the right, stamp your right foot three times and open your eyes.

THE TANTALIZING NEW-STRENGHTH SPELLBefore you go to bed, place a piece of string around 6 inches under your pillow. Perform this Spell just before you fall asleep. As you relax in bed, turn on your back, straighten your body and slip your right hand under the pillow and touch the string. Say:

“Powers of Sun and Moon and Light“Come to me in the still of the night.”

Pull the string from under your pillow, and hold it in front of your chest as you tie a single know in it. Say:

“This knot shall raise me to a peak“Almighty strong—no longer weak.”

Replace the string under your pillow, turn over and go to sleep. Repeat this procedure on the following two nights. Then on the third morning, take the triple-knotted string from under your pillow and carry it with you for the next 28 days. This Spell works best when started on the night of the New Moon.

THE OCCULT SEDUCTION SPELLFor this Spell to work most efficiently you need something that has been in contact with the person you wish to seduce. A hair or fingernail clipping is best. Next best is a cigarette end or a tissue they have touched. This is called your contact object. On the night of the New Moon, wait until you are reasonably sure the object of your lust is sleeping. Then sit in a darkened room and hold the contact object in your cupped hands against your breast. Close your eyes, quietly say the name of the person you are lusting for, and say:

“Power of lust“Hear my sign

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“Naked feel“Your flesh to mine.”

Really throw your heart and soul into the rhyme. Then wrap your contact object in a tissue and hold it in your head as you retire for the night. Do this for the next 7 nights.

THE PSYCHIC SEX-APPEAL SPELLAfter dark,turn out the light in your bathroom and stand a single lighted candle in a saucer in the bath. Find a picture of the person of the same sex as yourself whom you admire most in the world. Fix that picture at eye level on your bathroom mirror, using sticky tape to secure it. Stand naked in front of the mirror, hands at your sides and feet together. Stare at the picture and say:

“By Powers and Forces from Above“I take from you the powers of love“Within myself I feel them grow“To overcome both friend and foe.”

Then look into your own eyes in the mirror. Be relaxed, and blink when you need to—but continue to look into your own eyes for a full two minutes. Then turn on the light, extinguish the candle, remove the picture from the mirror, and go about your business as usual. Repeat this Spell as often as you please. When ever you meet or greet anyone you with to impress, look at the bridge of his or her nose, between the eyes, for a few seconds. Don't make a big thing of it. If anyone notices you are overdoing it.

THE TREMENDOUS BEAUTY-IS-MINE SPELLDuring the day, every hour on the hour (provided it is convenient, and you will not attract attention to yourself), close your eyes and turn your face toward the sun. Say:

“Healing rays now begin, “To bring new beauty pouring in.”

Spend a few seconds considering how you would like to appear to others. Remember people you have admired, and think about what attributes of theirs would benefit you. Start this Spell on the say after the Full Moon and continue for 28 days.

THE STUPENDOUS YOUNG-AGAIN SPELLFind a photograph of yourself, taken when you were young and healthy. Fill a glass with water and cover it with a saucer. Before noon, stand the glass on a window-sill, preferably south-facing (or north-facing, if you live south of the equator). Choose a clear day when the sun is shining. At midnight (Full Moon is the best time) sit in a darkened room lit by a single candle on a table in front of you. Place your glass of water on the table to the right of the candle. Remove the saucer. Relax in your chair, holding the photograph of yourself in both hands in your lap. Lift the picture until it is illuminated by the light of the candle. Look steadily at the picture and say:

“Time reverse your steady flow,“In mind and body back I go“Far in the realms of space and plane“I drink at the Fountain of Youth again.”

Put the picture down to the left of the candle, pick up the glass of water in your right hand and drink the water. Repeat this Spell daily, as often as you wish.

THE EXCITING BRILLIANCE-FOR-ME SPELLThis Spell works best three days before the full moon, on a clear night when you can stand, either outside or at a window with the moonlight shinning on your face.

Stare at the silver disc of the Moon and solemnly say:

“Luna, Luna, polished bright“Clean my mind,my soul, my sight.“Let a flame of brilliance grow“All is clear. I see. I know.”

Move to a comfortable chair, sit down and relax with you eyes closed for a minute. Then open a non-fiction book at random and read for at least 10 minutes. Stand up,face the Moon, and say:

“Luna, I thank Thee.”

THE HAUNTING HORROR-PRODUCING SPELLThis Spell will strike unknown fears, anger and faulty judgment into whoever you aim it at. Do not use it on people you have to live with, or

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you may find their discord disturbing to your own peace of mind. Carry out this Magic-working a day or two after New Moon when you are aware that your target is sleeping. Lie down on your bed close your eyes and say:

“The troubles and forces I send to thee“Shall never return to trouble me.”

Now search in your mind for a memory of seeing or meeting the person you wish to work your magic on. As soon as the memory is clear, say:

“Stir in your sleep and feel the effects“Of all that I send thee in the Name of this Hex“From fiends of your mind shall your consciousness cover,“Stir in thy brain as I pour in my power.”

As you finish saying the rhyme, recall the most frightening movie you've ever seen, or the scariest TV show you've watched. Then say the name of your target three times. Follow that by saying:

“Seal with a Curse as sharp as a knife,“Doomed are your plans and damned is your life.”

Thing of wet slimy things, crawling horrors, weird creatures, skeletons and evil smells slipping, slithering and dancing over your target as he or she lies sleeping. Repeat his or her name three time more. Say:

“So shall it be.”

Raise your right arm, point your forefinger at the ceiling and sign your name in the air, as if you were writing on an imaginary blackboard. Turn over, thing happy thoughts for yourself and drift off to sleep.

THE UNSEEN INNER-PLANE-TRAVEL SPELLThis Spell takes you to wherever you wish to be, to find out secrets. Find a place and time where you can relax, lying comfortably full length. Decide where you wish to be or who you wish to spy on. Take six slow deep breaths and mentally repeat seven times:

“Distance, darkness, fade away“I seek the Mystic Traveling Ray.“Reveal before my mind's bright eye

“The secrets which I wish to spy.”

Relax physically, breathe easily and normally and close your eyes if they're not already closed. Thing about where you wish to go. If you know the place, recall the last time you were there. If you're looking for a person, remember how that person was the last time you met. Let your mind float free, think about your destination, and be comfortable. Each time you breathe in say the word “Relax” in your mind, and as you breathe out think the word “Travel.” Let things happen, and do not resist the feelings of the lightness and swaying which drift through your mind and body. This Spell will take sever workings before you get the hang of it. But sooner or later you will be where you have been thinking. When you fond out what you wanted to know, you experience will slip into a natural sleep and you will awake refreshed, with clear memories of what you went seeking.

THE CRUSHING DISHARMONY-EXORCISING SPELLThis Spell is designed to produce harmony between people who are at odds with each other. It can be used to such ends as stopping married couples from quarreling, or promoting mutual admiration between a boss and a worker. It works best when performed unobtrusively in the presence of the people concerned. Seat yourself where you can see the disagreeing parties. Look between, not at them—with your gaze cutting across the emotional vibrations backward and forward between them. Then calmly thing the following words:

“In the Name above all other Names“I bring peace and harmonious aims“Replace war and strife“With cooperative life“Let the discord be burned up in the flames.”

As you are mentally reciting those words pretend that a clear white light is shining down, bathing the quarreling parties and yourself in its shaft of brilliance. Repeat the Spell whenever convenient, until they are harmonious.

THE STAGGERING RETURN-EVIL-TO-SOURCE SPELLThis ancient Spell must be used only to avenge injuries which have been done to you. That is the only reason to work this Spell. If you use it against people you are jealous of, or simply because you dislike them, you stray away from the purpose of this Spell. It is designed to send the

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effects of the evil eye, Black Magic and hexes straight back to the person who is aiming them at you. What is being wished upon you will then happen to the sender instead. Work it when the moon is full. Take an apple and a sharp knife and place them on a table on each sided of a candle. The knife should be on the right and the apple on the left. An ordinary white candle will do, but you can add greater power to the Spell if you use a brown one. Sit at the table and concentrate on the person who is hexing you ass you light the candle. Say:


Pick up the knife and cut the apple in half with one firm stroke, saying.

“As this fruit is cut in two, so shall your evil return to you.”

Say the name of your tormentor as you then extinguish the candle. Eat some of each piece of the apple, then bury the pieces of the core, either in your garden or in the earth of a potted plant. If you have neither, throw the core into the garbage. As you dispose of the core, say:

“The torments being sent to me shall now return to . . .(Name of tormentor)”

As the core rots away, your enemy will find that the evil magic is being directed straight back to him or her. May it be enjoyed!

THE NEW OPPOSITION-BEGONE SPELLOn the night of the New Moon, sweep under or around your bed and collect a little dust. Lay it carefully in the center of a piece of plain white paper on a table where one candle burns. Put out all the other lights. Sit at the table and look at the flame of the candle and say:

“As this candle burns“As this planet turns“As this dust is scattered“My oppositions shatter.”

Pick up the paper and blow the dust out of an open window. Close the window, return to your seat at the table, look into the flame again and say:

“Each day shall dawn

“With a trouble gone.“As fades this flame“My troubles the same.”

Blow the candle out. Sit for a minute in the dim before you switch on any light. Repeat this Spell whenever you feel inclined.

THE SHATTERING PARTNERSHIP-DISRUPTION SPELLObtain pictures of the parties you wish to separate. If they are together in one picture, even better. If you have two separate pictures, tape them together. If you can not get pictures sketch them on paper with the names of the people under them. Two days after the full moon, at sunset, sit facing west with the picture on a table in front of you, along with a pair of scissors. Hold the scissors closed, points upward, in front of your chest in your right hand. Say:

“These blades are together as are (Person One) and (Person Two)”

Open the scissors, still with the points upward, and say:

“These blades move apart, as shall (Person One) and (Person Two).”

Now cut the photograph(s) or sketch into two pieces, so that the people are broken apart. Spear one piece on each blade of the scissors. Hold the scissors with both hands, points upward and say:

“Cut apart. Cut asunder.“Cut apart above and under.“Broken shall these partners be“By reason of the Powers of Three.”

Take the pieces of the photo or sketch, slide them together and cut them 3 times. Drop some of the pieces on the floor to your left and the rest to your right. Say:

“Sun sunk down below the rim“Moon is waning back to dim,“Turn the Cosmic Wheels of thought,“The partnership shall fade to naught.”

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Stand up, pick up the pieces and throw them out. Repeat the Spell on any convenient evening while the Moon is waning from Full toward New.

THE MIGHTY ATTACKERS-CONFUSION SPELLTake a string a foot long. Hang it out in the open for a day. If it is within sight of your enemies, even better. At 8 pm. On a convenient evening, sit yourself down along, facing—as near as you can judge—toward your principle enemy's residence or room. Tie a knot near the end of the string and say:

“Bind and twist; twist and bind,“This knot shall enter in his/her mind.”

Repeat this at 9 and 10 pm, tying a new knot each time. Put the string outside again. Carry out the Spell the following evening at the same times. Your string will now have six knots in it. On the next evening, tie three more knots at the same hours reciting the rhyme as before. When you have tied the ninth knot, tie the two ends of the string together. Take the twisted loop to a window and throw it out, saying:

“Twined and tied; tied and twined,“Thoughts are twisted in his/her mind.“As this twister rots away,“Shall his/her reason lose its sway.”

THE INSTANT BUISNESS-SUCCESS SPELLTake three pennies and wrap them in a cloth, saying:

“Money,Money, let us see“Your Powers flow from you to me.”

Place the coins on a table and extend your writing hand above them, fingers together palm down. Close your eyes and then point the forefinger of the same hand and write a large dollar sign three times in the air in front of you. Say:

“Golden showers, see them clear.“They grow and never disappear.”

Open your eyes and unwrap the coins saying:

“These cents shall symbolize for me

“A growing trade. So shall it be.”

Mount the three counts on a triangular piece of cardboard or wood, place them unobtrusively near your desk or cash drawer. Never draw attention to them, but if someone asks what they are, you may say: “They're my good luck charm.”

THE ANCIENT FAME-AND-HONORS SPELLUse this Spell only if you are prepared to back it up with action! You will need a photo of yourself with your shoulders up to your face, preferably a picture where you are looking directly at the camera. As the new moon is rising, sit alone in a darkened room with your photograph on a table in front of you. Light two candles, one on each side of the photo. Stare are the picture and say:

“By the Power that govern“By the Force of the Name,“In the Sphere of AH-BRAX-AS (Abraxas)“I demand I find fame.”

Continue to stare at the yes in the photo until it seems to float in a gray mist. Say: AH-BRAX-AS 3 times. Extinguish the candles. Lift your head, close your eyes, and start through your eyelids. Sit perfectly still and feel a tingling being in your fingers and hands, which should be resting in your lap. Raise your hands in front of you, fingers spread, palms turned toward your face. Say:

“These hands, this mind and this body shall, in the name of“AH-BRAX-AS (Abraxas), attract honors and fame. So shall it be.”

Replace your hands on your lap and relax for a minute. Then stand and announce what fame and honors you are seeking, just as if you were introducing yourself to an audience of thousands. Repeat this Spell each evening and during your regular schedule. Be prepared to accept opportunities that fate offers you.

THE FANTASTIC WIN-AT-LAW-SPELLPerform this Spell at midnight before any court appearance. Place the papers associated with your legal battle on a table. Place a candle to the right of them. Exactly at midnight light the candle. Sit at the table and as the candle burns up brightly, study the flame closely. When it is burning clearly and steadily, stare into the flame. Lay your writing hand

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on the papers and thing about whatever result you are hoping for. Then say:

“Rash of Mithra hear me!“My cause is right and true,“Influence the powers that judge,“I ask this boon of you.”

Stand up and walk three times round your chair, to the right. Sit down again, lay your hand on the papers and stare into the candle flame. The flame will be moving now: sit still until it steadies, then say: “Rash of Mithra, I thank Thee for Thy aid against (Name your opponents)” Extinguish the candle, turn on the lights and before the candle cools, carefully power a little of the wax onto a piece of plain paper. Fold the paper and let it cool before putting it under your pillow for the night.

In the morning write the name 'RASH OF MITHRA' on the paper and keep it with you during the day. Keep it out of site. Destroy it after the case is settled.

THE GLORIOUS MOVE-UP-IN-LIFE SPELLVisualize where/what you would like to be. Collect 3 to 4 photographs of people enjoying the conditions which you're aiming to reach. On any night when the Moon is between New and Full—that is, waxing—lay your photographs on a table. Place a large pinch of salt on a piece of paper to the left of the pictures, and a candle to the right. Arrange things so that as you sit before the table you are facing the east. Light the candle, extinguish all the other lights. And sit down at the table. Look toward the eastern horizon there will probably be a wail of the room in the way, but stare through it as if you were watching a scene far away from you. Say:

“O Spiritual Sun whose visible symbol“Rises from this place,“Witness my desire to rise and shine“On those below, as does your face.”

Look down at the pictures. Examine them, lean forward and breathe on them. Pick up a pinch of salt and sprinkle it over all the pictures, saying:

“Creature of Earth, adore these beings.“Link my destiny with theirs.

“Offer chances to me—which I promise to take,“To move forward and up ward toward my desires.”

Continue to study the pictures closely. Take in every detail, then sit back and close your eyes. Stand up slowly and raise your arms to their fullest extent above your head, fingers apart and your palms facing forward. Say:

“I call on the Lords of Karma“To hear my demand.“Give me the chances“And I'll take command.”

Sit down again, put your hands in your lap. Open your eyes and extinguish the candle. Sit quietly in the dark for a few minutes pretending that you have already moved up in life as you requested. Plan what you will do with your life when your desires have been granted. Repeat the Spell three times more before the moon is full.

THE WONDERFUL MONEY-AID SPELLObtain the largest denomination dollar bill you can afford. Take an envelope, fold the bill once and seal it in the envelope. Keep it in the same room with you for 7 days. As often as you wish, place the envelope against your forehead and say:

“Occult powers to me shall bring“The way to double this sum.“Hear me, thou Cherubim which sing,“Quickly and softly come.”

As you move the envelope away from your head, pretend that it is heavier. Think about what you need the extra money for and how much you want, then forget about the Spell until you are ready to repeat it. At the end of 7 days open the envelope spend the money on essentials or put it back in the bank. If you need to repeat the Spell, use a different bill.

THE STARTLING COME-FROM-ABOVE SPELLThe best time to work this Spell is on the night of the full moon, between midnight and 1 am. You will also get satisfactory results between 9pm and midnight on Sundays. Preparations are simple, but you need to ensure silence with no interruptions. How you manage that is up to you:

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if you find yourself constantly interrupted when you attempt this Spell, you should recognize that mystic reasons are the cause(Try another Spell or Ritual).

Memorize the following invocation.

“I seek the good spirits of the Inner PlansThe information I receive will be used only for good.I ask that honest spirits communicate with me.Grant that I shall gain truth and understanding from them.”

Lie down on your bed with your head to the north if possible. Close your eyes. Breath deeply for several minutes. As you inhale, think the work “Relax” and each time you exhale think “Deeper”. Keep this going until the tingling which will begin in your hand goes away. Let your breathing return to normal, and then say the above invocation that you memorized three times, in your mind, not aloud. Then quietly, say the Angelic name HA-HA-EE-YAH(HAHAIAH) with emphasis on the second syllable about 10 times, then lie quietly for a few minutes. Let your brain idle. Stay relaxed and listen to the silence. Particularly listen for the faint whispers or rustling which may reach you. Then in your mind ask a question. One question, briefly and concisely. Make it a serious question. So state the question in your mind, and then let your brain go quiet again. Pay attention to the tiniest sounds voices or murmurs. If you cannot distinguish words, quietly thing: “Can you repeat that?” Then lie still and listen. If no sounds reach you, try listening to your mind. This Spell opens a channel of communication that has likely been closed off for years so it may take a few times practicing this Spell to build a firm connection.

THE EXPANSIVE BRING-ME-EXCITEMENT SPELLFirst you need to collect some object(s) that you associate with excitement. Carry out this Spell at anytime. Arrange your objects in a two foot circle on the floor. Dress yourself in clothes appropriate to the entertainment you seek and try to include at least one piece of clothing that is red or orange. Stand in the circle of objects facing east. Stand up straight with your hands loose at your sides. Say:

“In the names of KAH-SEE-ALE(Cassiel) and “SHAH-TEE-ALE(Shatiel), bring excitement into my life.”

Turn around to your right so you now facing west. Raise your right hand and point your fore finger up. Say:

“Hear me call, hear my plea,“Stimulation come to me.”

Turn to your right again until you are facing east. Lower your hand to your side. Say:

“I ask this in the names of KAH-SEE-ALE(Cassiel), who knows of solitude,

“and SHAH-TEE-ALE(Shatiel), who knows of silence.”

Pick up the objects and put them on a shelf where you can see them. Repeat this Spell for the next 6 days, or until life has become stimulating enough for you.

THE CERTAIN DANGER-STAY-AWAY SPELLWhen danger threatens, surround yourself with powerful protective influences by saying 3 times:

“PAY-DAH-ALE(Pedael), protect me.”

THE BRILLIANT TRAVEL-SAFELY SPELLTo ensure a safe journey, or turn bad travel influences to less harmful ones, say 3 times:

“SOO-SAH-BO(Susabo), stay with me on my journey.”

If, while invoking this protection you also have a piece of blue cloth or paper in your hand you will reinforce the protection.

THE PROTECTIVE MAGIC-AWAY SPELLCut out a circular piece of white paper about three inches in diameter. Write your attacker's name on the paper in red ink and draw a circle around it. Say, with force:

“Evil return to source“Impelled by incredible force.“In the name of Tobiit“I'm protected. So be it.”

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Point your right forefinger at the paper as you say that. Carry the paper with you at all time, and your attacker's attempts to harm you will fly right back to him/her.

THE RELIABLE KNOW-THE-UNKNOWN SPELLJust as you are drifting off to sleep, say three times:

“RAH-FAY-ALE(Raphael), bring me secret knowledge.”

Keep a notebook and pencil beside your bed and make a brief record of your dreams as soon as you wake up. You will find that facts which may assist you in improving your life will become known to you in your dreams. Use the knowledge to your own advantage.


The following 27 Rituals use a similar formula which utilizes a set of 12 talismans, 4 elemental symbols, and a thaumaturgic triplet for your altar. You use the numbered talisman on a string around your neck, lay out the altar according to the diagram in the preparation instructions, and follow the Basic Ceremony in the Introduction chapter.

THE REWARDING TICKET-COME-TO-ME RITUALImagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:

“AH-BAH-LIMB”(ABALIM) Then say 3 times:

“My purpose is to win a prize in...(name what lotto)”Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:

”I represent Jupiter and Mercury during this ritual.”“Admit me AH-TAR-FEE-ALE(ATAPHIEL)[emphasis on Tar] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to win a large prize in the contest I have named. I will use the prize you benefit myself and my family by buying the luxuries we need.”

Chant, “ME-SAH-BOO” for ½ minute or moreBest time to work ritual: Monday, 8 pm -11 pm one week after New MoonUse mystic talisman: No. 9

THE OVERWHELMING GOOD-LUCK-IS-MINE RITUALImagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:

“BAR-BAH-TOES”(BARBATOS) Then say 3 times:

“My purpose is to seek aid in changing my luck to good.”Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:

”I represent Neptune and Jupiter during this ritual.”“Admit me BO-DEE-ALE(BODIEL)[emphasis on Dee] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish any bad luck I may have be banished forever.”

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“I ask for good fortune at all times.”Chant, “BAY-ZAH-LEE-ALE” for ½ minute or moreBest time to work ritual: Tuesday, between sunset and dawn 3 days before the Full Moon.Use mystic talisman: No. 1

THE GREAT MONEY-SPINNING RITUALImagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:

“COE-RAH-ALE”(CORAEL) Then say 3 times:

“My purpose is to be helped to increase my personal assets.”Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:

”I represent Mars and Jupiter during this ritual.”“Admit me CAR-MAY-ZAR(CAMAYSAR)”[emphasis on MAY] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to receive abundant cash which I shall use to pay off ““my debts, buy a home and enjoy an opulent life.”

Chant, “CAR-RAH-CAR-SAW” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Tuesday, anytime, preferably just after the New Moon.Use mystic talisman: No. 8

THE MIRACULOUS GOLD-CREATING RITUALImagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:

“DAR-KEY-ALE”(DARQUIEL)[emphasis on DAR] Then say 3 times:

“My purpose is to receive great wealth.”Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:

”I represent the Sun and Jupiter during this ritual.”“Admit me DAY-LUKE-KEY-ALE(DELUKIEL)”[emphasis on LUKE] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to be blessed with enough money and material wealth to” “last me for the rest of my days. I shall buy myself an island in”

“the Bahamas and retire to a life of ease and enjoyment.”Chant, “DO-MA-REE-ALE” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Friday, 11pm-midnight, near the Full Moon.Use mystic talisman: No. 12

THE TITILLATING NATURE RITUALThis Ritual is used to recreate physical abilities which have lessened or become weak due to illness or advancing age.

Imagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:“APE-PEA-TEA-TEA-OAK”(EPITITIOKH)[emphasis on second Tea]

Then say 3 times:“My purpose is to increase my physical powers.”

Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say: ”I represent Mars and the Sun during this ritual.”“Admit me ALE-AH-DALE(ELADEL)”[emphasis on DALE] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“(Use your own words to describe exactly what you want to

happen to your physical self)”Chant, “ABE-BOO-HOO-ALE” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Saturday, anytime after 4pm, a few days before the Full Moon.Use mystic talisman: No. 9

THE IRRESISTIBLE BRING-A-LOVER RITUALImagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:


Then say 3 times:“My purpose is to bring a lover to me.”

Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say: ”I represent Venus and Pluto during this ritual.”“Admit me “FURLAC”[rhymes with “poor jack”]] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:

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“I wish to meet a lover who is exactly suited to my needs, who “will be delighted with me and will satisfy my every desire.”

Chant, “FAR-VAR-DEEN” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Wednesday, at 11pm, within 3 days of the Full Moon.Use mystic talisman: No. 8

THE STIMULATING PARTNER-ENSLAING RITUALThis is primarily a love Ritual, but it can also be used with success in influencing the behavior and decisions of a business partner.

Imagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:“GOO-AH-BAR-ALE”(GUABAREL)[emphasis on AH]

Then say 3 times:“My purpose is to enslave a partner.”

Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say: ”I represent Venus and Jupiter during this ritual.”“Admit me GAM-BEE-ALE(GAMBIEL)”[emphasis on ALE] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to make. . .(name of person) a slave to my commands, obedient to my wishes, and willing to submit to all my

requirements.”Chant, “GAR-FEE-ALL” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Sunday, any-hour, at or just after the Full Moon.Use mystic talisman: No. 5

THE SUPREME BACK-TO-HEALTH RITUALThis Ritual banishes general indispositions and brings glowing health and strength. If you have a specific disease, use the Secret Disease-Banishing Ritual.

Imagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:“EE-AHH-OAT”(IAOTH)[emphasis on second OAT]

Then say 3 times:“My purpose is to regain a healthy state.”

Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:

”I represent Saturn and Mercury during this ritual.”“Admit me MOO-ME-AH(MUMIAH)”[emphasis on MOO] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to regain my health and be free of. . .”

Chant, “ISH-LEE-AH” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Friday, during daylight hours or at 10 pm, Moon waning from full toward New.Use mystic talisman: No. 6

THE SECRET DISEASE-BANISHING RITUALImagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:

“HARRY-ALE”(HARIEL)[emphasis on ALE] Then say 3 times:

“My purpose is to banish my disease.”Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:

”I represent Mercury and the Moon during this ritual.”“Admit me HAY-LAY-LATE(ELADEL)”[emphasis on LATE] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to be cured of the following diseases...(list them)...I wish these diseases and their effects to be taken from me forever so that I may enjoy good health.”

Chant, “HEE-BALE-SEE-WAH” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Anytime.Use mystic talisman: No. 4

THE FAST UNWINDING RITUALThis Ritual although apparently minor in it application is a good way of ridding yourself of physical tensions and nervousness. Over all happiness and well-being are reported after working it. If you can, lie down flat on your bed for ½ hour after the ritual, quietly repeating the Mantra. When ever you feel stress again remember that Mantra.

Imagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:“YO-SAH-TAR”(JOSATA)[emphasis on SAH]

Then say 3 times:

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“My purpose is to physically relax.”Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:

”I represent Uranus and the Moon during this ritual.”“Admit me YEA-SOU-BEE-LEAN(JESUBILIN)”[emphasis on SOU] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to be relieved of all tensions and their negative results so “that I may be relaxed, harmonious and free.”

Chant, “YAY-DO-TUN” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Monday, any-hour, can be used at any day.Use mystic talisman: No. 3

THE EXPLOSIVE EYE-GLANCE RITUALThis Ritual is produces and inner power which radiates from your eyes. When speaking to anyone, look between his or her eyes at the bridge of the nose. However, make this glance only occasionally. Do not stare the person down. Used in conjunction with hypnotic techniques,this Ritual amplifies hypnotic powers by an infinite amount.

Imagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:“CATS-FEE-ALE”(KATZFIEL)[emphasis on CATS]

Then say 3 times:“My purpose is to overwhelm others with my glance.”

Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say: ”I represent Mars and the Sun during this ritual.”“Admit me KAY-VAY-KALE(KEVEQEL)”[emphasis on Vay] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to gain a powerful personality which will overcome the

wills of others by means of a level gaze. When I acquire this ability I will use it to. . .”Chant, “KAFF-KAFF-EE-ALE” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Most powerful on the Full Moon but effective at all times.Use mystic talisman: No. 7

THE MAGICAL WIN-IN-BATTLE RITUALThis Ritual is used as a means of overcoming all oppositions in life. Use if before being confronted by anyone whom you need to reach an agreement or before you enter any kind of competitive situation.

Imagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:“LOW-KALE”(LOQUEL)[emphasis on first syllable]

Then say 3 times:“My purpose is to be victorious in all I attempt.”

Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say: ”I represent Mars and the Saturn during this ritual.”“Admit me LEE-BAH-BREEZE(LIBABRIS)”[emphasis on BAH] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to acquire the power to win the coming contest, when I

shall be in conflict with. . .”Chant, “LA-MA” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Wednesday, midnight, near New Moon.Use mystic talisman: No. 1

THE VOLCANIC YOU-WILL-SUBMIT RITUALUse this Ritual to make a person obey your wishes. If the situation requires you to overcome more then more person or your not sure use the Eye-Glance Ritual or the Win-In-Battle Ritual.

Imagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:“MAY-HOO-MAN”(MEHUMAN)[emphasis on HOO]

Then say 3 times:“My purpose is to impose my will on others.”

Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say: ”I represent Neptune and Pluto during this ritual.”“Admit me MALE-HA(MELHA)”[emphasis on HA] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to overcome. . .”

Chant, “MAY-MOON-EYE” for ½ minute.

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Best time to work ritual: Saturday, between sunset and midnight, close to Full Moon.Use mystic talisman: No. 11

THE TITANIC ENEMIES-VANQUISHED RITUALBefore you work this Ritual, you must be absolutely sure you have enemies. If you are just in a cycle of ill-luck use the Genuine-Bad-Luck Banishing Ritual.

Imagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:“NOO-REE-ALE”(NURIEL)[emphasis on second Tea]

Then say 3 times:“My purpose is to vanquish my enemies.”

Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say: ”I represent Uranus and Venus during this ritual.”“Admit me NAH-RUE-DEE(NARUDI)”[emphasis on DEE] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to be victorious over. . . .”

Chant, “NAY-REE-ALE” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Tuesday, noon or midnight, close to Full Moon.Use mystic talisman: No. 10

THE ASTOUNDING CHANGE-OPINIONS-OF-OTHERS RITUALCarefully review your main goal in life before working this Ritual. Onafiel works most efficiently when He can focus on a specific target.

Imagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:“OAK-TEA-NO-MOAN”(OCTINOMON)[emphasis on TEA]

Then say 3 times:“My purpose is to influence the opinions of others.”

Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say: ”I represent Neptune and the Moon during this ritual.”“Admit me OWN-AH-FEE-ALE(ONAFIEL)”[emphasis on AH] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:

“I wish to acquire the ability to change the thoughts of others to my advantage. When I have this talent I will use it to. . .”Chant, “OH-ROE-MA-SEEM” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Thursday, 10pm – 11pm, 3 days after New MoonUse mystic talisman: No. 2

THE POWERFUL TAKE-ME-TO-THE-TOP RITUALDecide exactly what you wish to become in what field. The most more precise your commands the more accurately Umeroz can execute them.

Imagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:“OOZE-EE-FEE-ALE”(UZIPHIEL)[emphasis on EE]

Then say 3 times:“My purpose is to rise to the top of my chosen field.”

Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say: ”I represent Uranus and Pluto during this ritual.”“Admit me OO-MAY-ROSE(UMEROZ)”[emphasis on OO] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to reach the pinnacle of success as. . .(chosen career)”

Chant, “OO-VAH-YAH” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Monday, after sunset, within 7 days of New Moon.Use mystic talisman: No. 12

THE FORCEFUL BUY-SELL RITUALClearly specify what “thing” it is you want to buy or sell.

Imagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:“KAY-LAMB-ME-YAH”(QUELAMIA)[emphasis on ME]

Then say 3 times:“My purpose is to achieve success in my dealings.”

Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say: ”I represent Uranus and Saturn during this ritual.”“Admit me KNEE-ALE(QANIEL)”[emphasis on ALE] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:

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“I wish to become powerful in buying and selling. My chief reason for wishing to acquire this power is to. . .”(State the reason and what you will do with your life when the power is yours. Qaniel has a interest in those he assists)Chant, “KAFF-SEE-ALE” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Friday, anytime.Use mystic talisman: No. 4

THE AUTOMATIC TEST-SUCCESS RITUALImagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:

“Rempha”Then say 3 times: “My purpose is to pass a test successfully.”Knock on your altar 7 times. Then say:

”I represent the Moon and Pluto during this ritual.”“Admit me RAHM-AH-VAH-TAR (emphasis on Vah) and “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“ I wish to be supremely successful in the future test which will

take place…”Chant, “RAH-HA-BEE-ALE” for ½ minute or moreUse mystic talisman: No. 3

THE DELIGHTFUL TELL-ME-MY-POWERS RITUALImagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:

“SANG-ARE-REE-ALE”(SANGARIEL)[emphasis on ARE] Then say 3 times:

“My purpose is to learn my inner powers and talents.”Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:

”I represent the Sun and Venus during this ritual.”“Admit me SHAT-KNEE-ALE(SHATHNIEL)”[emphasis on SHAT] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to known what my inner powers are, to enable me to find

greater success, freedom and harmony in the world.”Chant, “SAM-HE-ALE” for ½ minute.

Best time to work ritual: Sunday, early morning or late evening near Full Moon.Use mystic talisman: No. 9

THE THRILLING I CAN-WOW-THEM RITUALUse this ritual before a persona appearance in front of an audience.

Imagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:“TEA-CAR-ARE-TEEN”(TIKARATHIN)[emphasis on TEEN]

Then say 3 times:“My purpose is to be able to project my personality.”

Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say: ”I represent Pluto and the Sun during this ritual.”“Admit me TALK-ARE-ATE(TORQUARET)”[emphasis on ATE] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to achieve acclaim and applause from audiences. In

particular, I wish to be a special success. . .(Add details)”Chant, “TOUR-ME-ALE” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Saturday, any hour.Use mystic talisman: No. 6

THE UNIQUE KNOW-WHAT-COMES RITUALAfter working this Ritual, listen for and obey all the hunches and intuitions which reach you, note what information about the future is given to you in your dreams.

Imagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:“VAH-RUNE-ARE”(VARUNA)[emphasis on ARE]

Then say 3 times:“My purpose is to foresee the future.”

Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say: ”I represent Saturn and Jupiter during this ritual.”“Admit me VOKE-CAR-SEA-ALE(VOCASIEL)”[emphasis on CAR] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:

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“I wish to have the doors of time opened for me, so that I may see the future I shall use this ability. . .”

Chant, “VO-WHO-MA-NAH” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Wednesday, after dark, Moon between New and Full(Waxing)Use mystic talisman: No. 1

THE MARVELOUS SEE-WHERE RITUALImagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:

“WALL-EEM”(WALLIM)[emphasis on EEM] Then say 3 times:

“My purpose is to find that which is lost.”Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:

”I represent the Moon and Venus during this ritual.”“Admit me WAY-AH-TAR(WEATTA)”[emphasis on AH] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to be granted the power of knowing the exact location of.

. .”Chant, “OH-MOE-FOR-US” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Wednesday, after dark, Moon axing from New toward Full.Use mystic talisman: No. 10

THE IDEAL CHANGE-MY-HOME RITUALImagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:

“FAR-TEA-ALE”(PHATIAL)[emphasis on FAR] Then say 3 times:

“My purpose is to move to a different home.”Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:

”I represent Mercury and Mars during this ritual.”“Admit me POOR-AH(PURAH)”[emphasis on AH] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:

“I wish to leave my present home and find happiness in another one.”

Chant, “POO-ROO-SHAH” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Sunday, 9pm-11pm or daylight close to New MoonUse mystic talisman: No. 8

THE FLASHING CAUSE-DISCORD RITUALMake sure you know people are deliberately harming or opposing you before you lay Xomoy on them.

Imagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:“ZAT-ANN-AH-YALE”(XATHANAEL)[emphasis on ANN]

Then say 3 times:“My purpose is to cause discord among my enemies.”

Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say: ”I represent Mars and Venus during this ritual.”“Admit me ZO-MOY(XOMOY)”[rhymes with Oh, Boy!] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to see turmoil break out between. . .”

Chant, “ZONE-OR” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Tuesday, any hour.Use mystic talisman: No. 5

THE ARCANE INISIBILITY RITUALBe careful with this Ritual. It is very ancient and it has ramifications which a beginner might not consider. The best way to perform this ritual is to sit quietly in a chair. Close your eyes and pretend that you are in a place where you wish to discover secrets. As you make progress in your cooperating with Yeshayah, you will find you are carried, in your mind, to your destination, where you my clearly know what is going on. People will stop noticing you and you will seem to be a deja-vu. True invisibility comes when you have total faith in Yeshayah.

Imagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:

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“YAY-BAY-MALE”(YEBEMEL)[emphasis on BAY] Then say 3 times:

“My purpose is to travel invisibly to discover secrets.”Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:

”I represent Uranus and Neptune during this ritual.”“Admit me YAY-SHAH-YAH(YESHAYAH)”[emphasis on SHAH] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to move unseen, taking my eyes and ears invisibly to...”

Chant, “YAH-HA-LA” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Friday, 6pm – midnight, New Moon or close to it.Use mystic talisman: No. 11

THE GENUINE BAD-LUCK-BANISHING RITUALWork this Ritual when your life is at its worst. Simple bad luck Is for the Overwhelming Good-Luck-Is-Mine Ritual, and for hexing use the Titanic Enemies-Vanquished Ritual.

Imagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:“ZAY-BOOR-EE-ALE”(ZEBURIAL)[emphasis on BOOR]

Then say 3 times:“My purpose is to banish my bad luck.”

Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say: ”I represent Jupiter and the Moon during this ritual.”“Admit me ZAY-FAR(ZEFFAR)”[emphasis on FAR] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to totally banish my bad luck and replace it with harmony

and happiness. In particular, I wish to banish. . .”Chant, “ZOO-RAY-ALE” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Thursday, any hour.Use mystic talisman: No. 2

THE MYSTERIOUS ENEMY-REPULSION RITUALTurmiel is an adept at turning away turmoil cause by enemies. You should be able to name them, and be sure they are attacking you. This Ritual will protect you form their negative actions. If you wish you attack them use the Titanic Enemies-Vanquished Ritual.

Imagine doors opening and white light flooding out of it while saying:“TISHBASH”

Then say 3 times:“My purpose is to hurl my enemies from me.”

Knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say: ”I represent Mars and Neptune during this ritual.”“Admit me TOUR-ME-ALE(TURMIEL)”[emphasis on TOUR] “Do my bidding as I command.”

Again knock on your altar 7 times. Then Say:“I wish to protect myself from. . . and send confusion and pain.”

Chant, “TAR-SHE-SHEEM” for ½ minute.Best time to work ritual: Saturday, midnight, at New MoonUse mystic talisman: No. 7