a managed approach to delivering sales enablement for b2b technology vendors

Post on 17-Nov-2014






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The Internet the Internet has changed the way customers interact with and buy from B2B technology vendors. Buyers need more than generic sales pitches, they expect sales people to understand their business, their needs and objectives. They want to understand how you’re going to help them achieve their objectives. Learn how a managed approach to delivering sales enablement helps increase sales productivity, improve operating efficiencies and deliver customer value.


Declare Communications Ltd

Declare Communications


Clar issa Fernandez

clar issa. fernandez@declare.co.uk

A Managed Approach to DeliveringSales Enablement

forB2B Technology Vendors

Declare Communications Ltd

.... the Internet has changed the way customers

interact with and buy from B2B technology


.... buyers need more than generic sales pitches,

they expect sales people to understand their

business, their needs and objectives. They want

to understand how you’re going to help them

achieve their objectives.

Declare Communications Ltd

Let’s look at the factors driving the need to

deliver more effective sales enablement

Current Landscape

Declare Communications Ltd

Average cost of sales outstripping average

revenue growth as vendors are being forced to

pursue new growth opportunities from new


Declare Communications Ltd

Current Landscape

Declare Communications Ltd

Vendors need to control operating costs

without eroding revenue growth

Declare Communications Ltd

Current Landscape

Declare Communications Ltd

Informed, budget conscious B2B technology

buyers are looking for advice, best practice,

reference points and tangible business impacts

ahead of product pitches or standalone solutions

Declare Communications Ltd

Current Landscape

Declare Communications Ltd

Buyers disappointed with vendors’ sales


Almost 60% indicate that sales people are poorly prepared for

meetings / engagements

(Source: IDC)

Declare Communications Ltd

Current Landscape

Declare Communications Ltd

On average, 50% of sales people are

missing quota(Source: IDC)

Declare Communications Ltd

Current Landscape

Declare Communications Ltd

Over 65% of vendor switching is due to sales

relationship problems(Source: IDC)

Declare Communications Ltd

Current Landscape

Declare Communications Ltd

Vendors expect to quantify returns from their

investments in CRM, sales automation & sales

enablement systems

Declare Communications Ltd

Current Landscape

Declare Communications Ltd

Sales leaders are under pressure to improve the

productivity of their sales organisations in terms

of sales effectiveness and sales efficiency

Declare Communications Ltd

Declare Communications Ltd

So, how can these issues be addressed?

It’s time for a rethink ....

Time for a Rethink

If the average cost of engaging with customers as

a percentage of revenue is not only outstripping

revenue growth but also eroding profit margins,

how can vendors enable their customer-facing

teams to ... Declare Communications Ltd Declare Communications Ltd

Time for a Rethink

Declare Communications Ltd

Become more insightful & responsive to the

current needs and expectations of their


Declare Communications Ltd

Time for a Rethink

Declare Communications Ltd

Increase their productivity & output?

Declare Communications Ltd

Time for a Rethink

Declare Communications Ltd

Deliver customer value in line with their

company’s capabilities and offerings?

Declare Communications Ltd

Time for a Rethink

Declare Communications Ltd

Extend their capabilities beyond ‘product sellers’

or ‘order takers’ to become ‘trusted advisors’ or

‘partners’ and sit alongside their customers

throughout the buying process?

Declare Communications Ltd

Time for a Rethink

Declare Communications Ltd

Step up to meet the needs of new growth

opportunities afforded by entering new markets

with new product offerings?

Declare Communications Ltd

The Need for a Managed Approach

Declare Communications Ltd

To redress the balance between the investment in selling and

revenue growth, B2B technology vendors are making the transition

from ad-hoc, random, fragmented product and sales training to a

managed sales enablement approach where the

start point is solving the customer’s problem rather

than selling the company’s products or solutions.

Declare Communications Ltd

Declare Communications Ltd

I understand all that ....

but where does Declare come in?

Declare & Sales Enablement

Declare Communications Ltd

Declare’s managed approach to sales enablement helps B2B

technology vendors equip customer-facing employees and partners

with the ability to engage in valuable customer interactions

aimed at solving customer problems consistently and

systematically at each stage of the buying cycle.

Declare Communications Ltd

Declare Communications Ltd

Hmm ..... this sounds like it could be interesting.

But how does Declare deliver a ‘managed

approach’ to sales enablement?

I’d like to understand more ...

Declare Communications Ltd

Managed Approach to Sales Training,

Enablement & Readiness

Introducing MASTERS

Declare Communications Ltd

Executing Business Strategies in the Field

With a focus on customers, MASTERS is an integrated

services approach to the development and delivery of sales

enablement programmes for B2B technology vendors

that connects business strategy with sales execution.

Declare Communications Ltd

Focus on Customers

Expectations, Needs, Objectives, Results Experience Satisfaction Relationship Value Interaction Perception Awareness


Declare Communications Ltd

Focus on Customers

Expectations, Needs, Objectives, Results Experience Satisfaction Relationship Value Interaction Perception Awareness

Assets Processes Methodologies Tools Knowledge Content Systems

Sales OrganisationBusiness Priorities, Desired Outcomes


Declare Communications Ltd

Focus on Customers

Expectations, Needs, Objectives, Results

Stakeholder FunctionsX-function, Collaboration, Orchestration

Experience Satisfaction Relationship Value Interaction

Corporate Marketing Operations Talent Management Product Management

Perception Awareness

Assets Processes Methodologies Tools Knowledge Content Systems

Sales OrganisationBusiness Priorities, Desired Outcomes


IT Service & Support

Declare Communications Ltd

Focus on Customers

Expectations, Needs, Objectives, Results

Stakeholder FunctionsX-function, Collaboration, Orchestration

Experience Satisfaction Relationship Value Interaction

Corporate Marketing Operations Talent Management Product Management

Perception Awareness

Assets Processes Methodologies Tools Knowledge Content Systems


RolloutOutcomes &


MASTERSContent &

CommunicationMetrics &Scorecard

Continuous Reinforcement & Refresh

Sales OrganisationBusiness Priorities, Desired Outcomes


IT Service & Support

Declare Communications Ltd

OK I get it!

Declare offers a managed approach to sales

enablement delivered through a combination of

consulting, programme development and

implementation services.

Spot on!

Declare Communications Ltd

But without content, sales enablement is still just

product and sales training isn’t it?

You’re right – and that’s why we’ve built out what

we call the Sales Enablement Content Model.

This draws on content from right across your

business and brings it together in a way that’s

right for your customer-facing teams.

Declare Communications Ltd Declare Communications Ltd

Sales Enablement Content Model

Comprehensive,co-ordinated, current content

delivering a ‘consistent voice of customer value’ to the field at each stage of the

buying cycle

Sales Enablement Content Model

Declare Communications Ltd

Draw on content from across the business

Assess value, relevance & currency

Develop new or re-purposed content as needed

Determine optimum format, delivery &

communication methods

Align content to buying process

Declare Communications Ltd

Declare Communications Ltd

Right, I get the picture.

But how do you communicate all this content to

sales people?

What are the points I need to consider?

What’s the best approach?

Declare Communications Ltd

Communications Approach

Understand & use the language of sales

Avoid randomising the field

Focus on quality vs quantity

Personalised to meet individual needs; roles, industry sectors, territories

Reflect local market requirements

Make content held in sales portals or content management systems more appealing, valuable & easily accessible

Draw on integrated, digital communications techniques

Recognise that sales enablement is not enterprise content management

Stimulate interest & demand for sales enablement programmes by being:




Declare Communications Ltd

These are all really useful pointers.

This is really making me think about how we’re

currently managing and delivering our sales

enablement – not just for our own sales people

but for our partners too.

Another question.....

Declare Communications Ltd

We have to make sure we get our sales people

and partners up and running from the minute

they join us in whatever role or sector they’re in.

Can the Declare MASTERS approach help?

No problem. Let us show you ....

Declare Communications Ltd

3 Integrated Delivery Elements

Meeting individual & role needs

Onboarding New to company

New to role

New to team / division / region

Blended self-service, online, & instructor-led delivery

Drive behaviour, actions & outcomes

Declare Communications Ltd

3 Integrated Delivery Elements

Meeting individual & role needs

Onboarding New to company

New to role

New to team / division / region

In Role Role-based




Local market needs

Customer segments

Blended self-service, online, & instructor-led delivery

Drive behaviour, actions & outcomes

Declare Communications Ltd

3 Integrated Delivery Elements

Meeting individual & role needs

Onboarding New to company

New to role

New to team / division / region

In Role Role-based




Local market needs

Customer segments

Reinforcement Application

Knowledge sharing


Community building



Blended self-service, online, & instructor-led delivery

Drive behaviour, actions & outcomes

Declare Communications Ltd

So what Declare offers is a complete consultative

approach by taking what we need to do

strategically with our customer-facing teams and

turning this into the practical delivery of sales

enablement programmes.


Declare Communications Ltd

.... but how would you define the value of a

managed approach to sales enablement?

The Value of a Managed Approach

Declare Communications Ltd

Enhances sales ability to meet buyers’ needs & expectations

Aligns sales enablement to business strategies & sales priorities

Integrates with Go-to-Market strategies

Aligns marketing activities, process & output to sales process & needs

Optimises resources, content & tools

Increases the impact & relevance of messaging & value propositions

Improves sales access to knowledge & information; internally & externally

Ensures sales methodologies, processes & systems are consistently applied

Drives sales team communications & collaboration

Builds on best practices

Increases sales productivity ..... over time!

Declare Communications Ltd

Declare Communications Ltd

Also Addresses Operational Issues

Ability to deliver consistent customer value

Customer satisfaction (NPS)

Applying capabilities to customer needs

Sales & marketing alignment

Cost & operating efficiencies

Employee motivation, knowledge retention, satisfaction

Internal communications

Collaboration & teamwork

Community building, social networking

Applying systems, tools, processes

MASTERS – A Platform for Growth

Customer-facing Teams

Business Outcomes


Sales Enablement

Right content, right person,right time, right format

Declare Communications Ltd

Priorities, needs

Revenue growth

Customer satisfaction

Sales performance

Declare Communications Ltd

So in value terms, through our managed

approach to sales enablement, we’re working to

help our clients achieve 3 things ...

Sales productivity

Operating efficiencies

Ability to demonstrate & communicate customer value

Achieve these and returns on investment in the

selling system and revenue growth will follow.

Declare Communications Ltd

Sounds like a sound approach and makes good

business sense.

But where’s the proof?

Declare Communications Ltd

Read full case study - http://www.declare.co.uk/sales-alignment-and-enablement/

“Declare recognises that it takes a whole team to ensure an excellent customer experience. They were a great partner in our efforts at Microsoft to provide targeted sales enablement for our enterprise sales people globally.”Global Director World Class Selling

“Declare are professional business leaders with a great track record of transformational success from their time in the IT industry. If you are looking for fresh ideas to re-energise your business, getting the most of your sales people, with clear focus and goals, Declare is a company who can help you achieve this.”Business Manager, Enterprise & Partner Group

“The success of Declare’s MASTERS approach to sales enablement in the UK led to the Declare team working in other EMEA countries for Microsoft.”Sales Excellence & Operations Lead, Enterprise & Partner Group Declare Communications Ltd

Declare Communications Ltd

Read full case study - http://www.declare.co.uk/building-a-customer-ready-business/

“Declare invests significant time in appreciating all aspects of the company’s offerings, culture, key sales messages, customer expectations, competitors, USPs, and value propositions. They design and execute extremely professional and effective Sales Enablement programmes that deliver (in all cases) improved staff morale, focused and clear sales methodologies, improved ‘solution-sell’ attitude, and an ongoing sales enablement model that ensures sales success and staff retainment.”Executive Vice President EMEA

“Declare combines a deep understanding of technology with an inspirational capability through their communication skills to drive and bring value in a company.”Sales Director EMEA

Declare Communications Ltd

I’m liking this.

One more thing – who are Declare?

Declare Communications Ltd

About Declare

• IT industry professionals providing demand generation, sales enablement, communications & content and customer reference services to B2B technology vendors

• Experienced, passionate people with the necessary

business expertise coupled with sales & marketing skills to bring value to clients

• Join us online at:• Declare Blog• LinkedIn• @Declare_Comms

Declare Communications Ltd

Take a look ... watch the video

MASTERS in Action

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