8 silent, but deadly, wealth killers! · the richest man in babylon –george s. clason debt is the...

Post on 20-Jan-2020






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Knowing them and avoiding them is the key to financial freedom!

8 Silent, But Deadly, Wealth Killers!


Rules that govern wealth are simple.

They can be used by anyone who knows them and applies them.

The Laws of Money don’t discriminate. Money is not to be feared or

revered. It is an inanimate object that is neither good nor bad.

Money is a willing and obedient servant that awaits your orders

and objectives. It follows those commands without deviation,

without question. Breaking these 8 Silent, but Deadly, Wealth

Killers are a result of you listening to money…when it should be

listening to you!


Brandon L ClayStrategist. Storyteller. Coach.


The Inspiration

The Richest Man In Babylon – George S. Clason

Published in 1926, this simple and entertaining guide is the “Bible” of personal finance.

Priceless and enduring lessons of wealth are relayed through an inspirational parable set in ancient Babylon.

This is a true classic, selling millions of copies! One of my favorites!

Buy a copy for you (and a friend!) and put these time tested principles to work in your life!



#1 Not Paying Yourself First!

The Richest Man In Babylon – George S. Clason

It’s not what you earn, but what you keep!

Your income is important, but it’s only the money you hold onto that counts.

Most people put themselves at the end of the line struggling to make sure everyone else gets paid…except themselves!

How would the quality of your life change if you started saving 10% of your income today?



#2 Not Controlling Your Debt & Expenses!

The Richest Man In Babylon – George S. Clason

Debt is the single greatest enemy of wealth!

Debt has become the American way of life. It is how we finance our “enjoy it today” lifestyle, but kill our secure tomorrow.

Debt is the lowest form of prosperity – it allows for the acquisition of things desired (and deserved) without delaying gratification.

It is time to get control of your debt before it gets control of you!



#3 Not Investing Your Money For Growth!

The Richest Man In Babylon – George S. Clason

Every Penny invested builds wealth!

Compound interest is the “Miracle Grow” that helps ordinary people build extraordinary wealth!

Einstein’s Rule of 72 – Divide the interest you receive into 72 to determine how long it will take before your money doubles;

72 ÷ 6% interest = 12 years for money to double

Did you know that a “Magic Penny” that doubles everyday for a month grows to over $5,000,000!



#4 Not Guarding Your Money Against Loss!

The Richest Man In Babylon – George S. Clason

A fool and his money are soon parted!

In an effort to get rich quick or make their money grow at unrealistic rates, many invest in unfamiliar investments.

The result is excessive risk in vehicles not understand… loss of precious wealth is the consequence!

Your hard earned savings should be invested in safe (to the level of your understanding), time-tested investments.



#5 Not Owning Real Estate!

The Richest Man In Babylon – George S. Clason

Today’s environment has created an excellent buying and investing opportunity!

Nothing helps ordinary people build extraordinary wealth like owning a home(s).

Tax savings, value appreciation (yes, over time!) expand your wealth in a “forced savings” vehicle. Enjoyment of use, a sense of home, community involvement are all fringe benefits of home ownership.

If you do not own a home, make it a top priority of your wealth building program!



#6 Not Insuring A Future Income!

The Richest Man In Babylon – George S. Clason

Don’t be Pennywise and Pound Foolish!

Most families are ill-prepared for unexpected losses to income, property, and life.

Most people are not ready for financial emergencies.

The subject of insurance or protecting the future is taboo, or people are prone to procrastination.

Do a full review of your financial needs and commit the necessary funds to create a comprehensive insurance strategy!



#7 Not Increasing Your Ability To Earn!

The Richest Man In Babylon – George S. Clason

Do what you love and the money will follow!

The wealthiest people are engaged in work that utilize their best gifts and talents.

Many waste the best years of their life doing work they hate and it is reflected in their wealth…or lack of it!

Create a second income based on your hobbies, interests and passion. As that income increases, transition fully into your new business, or career to maximize your income earning…and wealth building!



#8 Not Using Spiritual Laws of Wealth!

The Richest Man In Babylon – George S. Clason

True wealth is based on Spiritual Laws – trusting a higher power to deliver your to ideas, opportunities and guide your steps toward achieving wealth!

A way of life that places high value on “golden rule” virtues, mental/moral character and principles that obliterate fear and mal-intent.

It is the key to reconciling the great paradox of “wealth and worthiness”. A duality that sabotages many people that believe wealth is ‘evil’… yet they desire it.

The creator has endowed you with the power to get wealth!

The wealth that is available to others is available to you!



Building wealth is possible if you follow therules of money!


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