7 awesome tips to improve your productivity

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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While we usually think of a stress as a bad thing, a manageable level of self-imposed stress can actually be helpful in terms of giving us focus and helping us being more productive.

Setting up deadlines, due dates and specific targets can provide just the required amount of pressure to help us sustain and avoid procrastination.

You may be surprised to discover just howfocused and productive you can be when you're watching the clock.

Despite all of it, one must remember that just setting deadlines is not enough. One must also complete the work targets to be actually productive.

Find the right time of your day when you are the most productive and do the most important chunk of work during that time period.

DO NOT confuse yourself between urgent and important tasks. Prioritize accordingly.

Always complete the most important tasks first and them focus on junk stuff later.

If used to an extent, social media is one of the biggest source of worldwide information. It is a very useful tool to learn about the latest and greatest trends around the world.

But, it doesn’t take that much effort to make social media your biggest distraction from being productive.

Limit your social media time and concentrate more time on your work or else before you know social media would become an addiction preventing you from being productive.

† Technology can be used in many ways in order to improve productivity. With the use of various softwares and applications it is possible to improve your efficiency and better your work time.

† A few of the popular utility tools and applications include- Dropbox, Pocket now, Evernote, Trello, Instapaper, etc. Each one of them have different uses and purposes

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