6. planning for research impact

Post on 19-Feb-2017






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Planning for research impact

Rosamund Chester Buxton

Research Associate

School of Business and Economics

Loughborough University



The impact of research is becoming increasingly important …

• Research impact included as an assessment criteria for the first time in the REF2014

• REF2104 defines impact as:

‘an effect on, change or benefit to: the activity, attitude, awareness, behaviour, capacity,

opportunity, performance, policy, practice process or understanding of an audiences,

beneficiary, community, constituency, organisation individuals in any geographic location

whether locally, regionally, nationally or internationally.’ (REF 02.2011, p. 26).



So what does research impact involve?

• REF2014 gives three dimensions to research impact.

Source: REF 02.2011, p. 26



How can we assess research impact?

• Through reach of the impact …



How can we assess research impact?

• and significance of the impact.



It is therefore important to plan your research impact at the start of your project …

• When planning think about:

– The audiences of the impact (including ways to engage throughout the project).

– Impact evidence (quantitative or qualitative data).

– Significance of the impact (e.g. evaluation data, critical external reviews, user feedback).

• Some examples of research impact (from REF2014 guidance):

– Citation in a public discussion, consultation document or judgement.

– Evidence of debate among practitioners, leading to developments in attitudes or behaviours.

– Public debate in the media.

– Visitor or audience numbers, or number of participants (for example, in the uptake of CPD).



Have a go at planning research impact yourself …

• In small groups discuss for five minutes the possible ways you could plan for impact in your


• During your discussion write down the main points on flipchart paper.

• We will then feedback a few points from each group.

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