50 questions you always wanted ask

Post on 01-Jul-2015






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What happened last night??

Why wont god heal amputees?

Why is the sky blue?

Where do babies come from?

How are you?

Where were you born?

Are you stuck in traffic??

Can I have your autograph??

What are you calling for?

Where are you?

Do you need this now??

Would you like fries with that??

Can I have some??

Can this wait till Monday??


Will you take this man to be your lawfully wedded wife??

What are you doing this weekend??

Why are you wearing those glasses??

What’s the difference between a midget and a dwarf??

Are you *&^%&^ joking??


Are you going to finish that??

Can you send me an email??

What’s the capital of Tunisia??

Which Golden Girl are you??

Do you want to go for a swim??

Can you turn around??

What the *&^% is that, and why is it in my bed??

Does my bum look big in this??

Can you please come and pick me up??

Why are The Smurfs blue??

Can I come??

How did you get in there??

Why are you whispering??

How many roads must a man walk down??

Can I put it in there??

Why did you do that??

Is that yours??

Would you like a drink??

How old are you??

Are you ^%$&#@ serious??

Can you remember what you said to me last night??

Got milk??

Can I have some sugar??

Did I leave my bra at your house last night??

Would you like some water??

Is that a monkey??

Would you like come upstairs??

Can you clean up my vomit??

What are these strawberries doing on my nipples??

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