5 ways to drive roi for ecommerce sites

Post on 22-Jan-2015






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Drive ROI online for eCommerce sites. Gain new customers. Target buying audiences. Check out and understand the various methods of advertising and online marketing strategies that will help you raise awareness, drive engagement, and grow your business.


  • 1. 5 WAYSTO DRIVE ROIfor your ecommerce siteCreated by Mediakix The Influencer Agency www.mediakix.com

2. your ecommercewebsite is basedONLINE 3. so focus your marketing efforts onONLINEadvertising 4. "capture the peoplelooking for yourproduct" 5. Search AdsPurchase search engineads based on key termsto drive search traffic toyour website 6. "Hyper TargetYour Audience" 7. Facebook AdsTarget users based ondetailed demographicinformation providedby Facebook 8. "Provide ValuableOffers For YourCustomers" 9. Email MarketingUse smart email tacticsto increase subscribers,open rate, and click through,such as special offers, sales,and new releases 10. "Keep CustomersComing BackFor More" 11. RetargetingEntice customers whohave visited your site tocome back and continueshopping 12. "Endorse YourProduct With TrustedInfluencers" 13. Influencer MarketingCollaborate with influencerswho genuinely promote yourbrand to their loyal buyingaudiences through authenticmessaging 14. Benefits ofInfluencerMarketing 15. Build Brand AwarenessDrive ROI EffectivelyTarget Buying AudiencesGain Trusted EndorsementsCreate Social Conversation 16. contactMEDIAKIXTODAYthe influencer agency@mediakix www.mediakix.com

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