5 things legal publishers can't afford to forget

Post on 19-Jun-2015






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The definitive review and analysis of the legal information suppliers markets in the UK. From the well known listed players such as Lexis and Thomson, to the black letter law specialists, tax and accountancy specialists, know-how and advertising based publishers, alongside legal IT and on-line document sectors - all of the core issues for this market are analysed in detail. The core coverage - from any correlation between spend on this £1.2bn UK market with the sales of the legal profession overall, to the average employee cost within each niche over 15 years - the statistical approach is unrivalled. Challenging findings are explored in detail, from the impact of GCs and in-house legal teams, to the impact of Web 2.0 and disruptive events within the profession. This is the only analysis to take such a definitive and comparative long term approach. It projects potential performance based on the financial character of every player in the market - this is the core data on which all professional plans are built. Designed and used as a practical and authoritative strategic planning and budgeting tool, the precision, benchmarks and insights are used by many leading players in the market to test their plans and aspirations.

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