5 th grade open house 2015 – 2016 ms. reid and mrs. williams

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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5th Grade Open House

2015 – 2016

Ms. Reid


Mrs. Williams

About Ms. Reid

18 years teaching experience (preschool & elementary)

B.A. – Psychology

M.Ed. – Early Childhood Education

About Mrs. Williams 20 years teaching experience (elementary)

B.A. – Music

Certificates in Early Childhood Education and Special Education

Daily Schedule

7:15 – 7:50 – Arrivals/Zero Period

8:00 – 9:00 – Social Studies/Literacy

9:05 – 9:50 – Enrichment

9:55 – 10:25 – Science

10:30 – 11:25 – Math

11:30 – 12:05 – Reading/Language Arts

12:10 – 12:40 – Lunch

12:45 – 1:40 – Reading/Language Arts

1:40– 2:00 – Recess

2:00-2:20 – Pack up/Dismissal

Attendance Required

Reflects on the school

More than 7 absences negates child’s test scores from school data

Doctor appointments and vacations


• Keep up to date with assignments and class news

• Shares information which may help you help your student with homework and studying

Classroom Management, Rewards, and Auction

Math compacting

• Research based instruction

• On level instruction• Changes quarterly

• You can subscribe to math teacher’s blog to keep up with her class

Grades, Grade Recovery, and Parent Vue

A = 90-100B = 80-89C = 75-79D = 70-74F = < 70

Agendas and Homework

Reading Requirements

Weekly reading log and response – signed by parent

5 books each 9 weeks Must be appropriate reading level for your child

Must pass AR test with a 70% or more

Only one non-AR allowed per 9 weeks

Book Report each 9 weeks

Enrichment – 6 day rotation


Day 1 – STEM LabDay 2 – PEDay 3 – MusicDay 4 – ArtDay 5 – PEDay 6 – Math Lab

Field trips

Rock Eagle 4H Center, Eatonton, Georgia

University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Wednesday – Thursday,

April 27 - 28, 2016


From parent to teacher… Email is the best way to reach us throughout the day



A note in your child’s agenda also works if they remember to show us

From teacher to parent… Check Ms Reid’s blog

Remind 101 allows me to send texts to parents

Emails and notes in agendas when needed

Before you leave today…

Please complete the transportation and PTA information on the table by the door.

Please subscribe to Ms. Reid’s blog on the computers in the back of class.

Complete papers in your packet today or send back to school on Monday.

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