5 tech voices you should be following on linkedin

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5 Tech Voices You Should Be Following on LinkedIn (List

Includes Chuck Brooks) Meghan Brockmeyer

September 29, 2016


When you’re looking for inspiring and informative professional perspective online,

where do you go? Are there experts that keep meaningful tabs on your industry?

Or executives whose insights you turn to for fresh insights and new ideas? If so,

you already recognize the huge opportunity to engage with, and learn from peers


One of the most valuable aspects of LinkedIn is that every member has an

opportunity to share their voice in a communal and communicative space — one

that goes beyond the routine personal blog, op-ed, or press release. In turn, this

enables imaginative and diverse thought leadership to thrive — with over 4.1

million members of the technology community engaging with, and contributing to,

on-platform content and conversations. 

So when it comes to all things tech, voices on LinkedIn are flourishing.

Technology is one of the most popular topics engaged with on LinkedIn; there’s

no shortage of posts covering all aspects of how technology has forever changed

the world landscape – in vertical industries like finance or healthcare, and on

topics from IoT, to cloud to security, and more. Below, we’ve called out five

professionals whose conversation-provoking posts are worth a read for any tech


1) Ahmed Banafa – IoT Voice and “Faculty, Author and Keynote Speaker”

Ahmed posts content concentrating on the Internet of Things (IoT) as a central

theme, but also highlights technology topics closely tied to IoT (e.g. security,

cloud, big data, and mobility).  He takes a unique, demonstrative point of view

with posts often addressing the questions of “how to?”, “what is?” and “why?”

His stance is very much one of empowerment and education for the reader as he

ventures into IoT-centric topics spanning container technology, cloud and future

IoT predictions. He tackles challenges, myths, and predications, making his take

on IoT unique in that it addresses both what is and what might be.

Tech marketer takeaways: Ahmed takes his time in his approach to content. His

posts typically run longer, giving him room to explain each topic and help connect

the dots, both with his words and the visuals he uses to support his message.

2) Chuck Brooks – Security Voice and “Government Relations and Marketing Executive, Thought Leader”

Chuck’s varied security experience is evident in what he publishes. From aviation

to public sector, government to science, his posts take on the multifaceted

aspects of cyber security as it relates to industries/verticals, homeland issues

and next-gen technology. Since he’s keen on variety, with formats ranging from

expert Q&As to content roundups, to non-tech posts associated with

topics/verticals he’s covered, his perspective truly stands out.

Tech marketer takeaways: Chuck focuses core content on security, but isn’t

afraid to include content tangentially related to core subject matter (e.g. a post

focused on mastering the art of influence in Washington, D.C.) which

incorporates fresh/unexpected content to help keep readers interested and foster


3) Peter Nichol – Healthcare Voice and “CIO, Health Business & Technology Executive”

Peter has created his own niche with healthcare content focused primarily on IT

topics, but also other of-the-moment industry issues. So while blockchain is one

of his more frequent subjects, readers can also glean learnings about MACRA,

telehealth, mHealth and more. His healthcare-specific concentration allows him

to become the voice of industry and paint a holistic picture of the tech challenges

and issues providers face.

Tech marketer takeaways: Peter is able to take the “tech temperature” within the

healthcare industry by letting each post both stand alone and become part of an

ongoing “tech storyline.” Storytelling in marketing is crucial to connecting with –

and relating to – a specific audience. And by focusing your story on the unique

tech challenges if a specific industry or vertical, you’re able to tell a more

complete story.

4) Jesus Rodriguez – IoT Voice and “Managing Partner, Tellago, Inc., Author, Angel Investor, Board Member, Startup Advisor”

Jesus posts regularly on the topic of IoT, but that’s just the beginning. His tech

content spans the topics of edge computing, machine learning, bots, and beyond.

His perspective is inquisitive and informative, with a mix of post formats varying

in length and tone, based on subject matter and whether he’s trying to inform or

spark curiosity in readers (he does both!). The effect is a totality of content that

conveys his interest in tech and his drive to share that with readers.

Tech marketer takeaways: Jesus is able to dive deeply into many IT topics to

portray the depth of technology’s reach within industries and enterprise. Just as

concentrating on one niche can serve marketers well (knowing a lot about a

little), so can knowing a lot about a lot. Especially if your audience is multi-

faceted and has a broad base of expertise. Rich content demonstrating a wide

net of knowledge can build credibility with even the most discriminating audience.

5) Joy Tan – Huawei Technologies Voice and “President of Global Media and Communications”

Unlike others on this list, Joy crafts technology-specific content on behalf of a

specific enterprise – Huawei technologies. However, instead of being

constrictive, this positioning gives Joy free reign to create posts on an array of

topics spanning global impact, innovation and digital inclusion. Her first-person

perspective and unique tech voice lends authenticity to both local and global IT


Tech marketer takeaways: In many posts, Joy shares a personal perspective on

her topic of choice, giving a rich, real-life application to each story. She

personifies the idea that the more relatable the content, the greater the

connection to be made with the reader.

While these five leaders may differ in what they write about and how they deliver

their message, they all have one thing in common: posting meaningful content often enough to inspire interest, and sustain valuable conversations with

their followers, and within the LinkedIn technology community. Each is a great

example of how anyone can share their knowledge effectively to harness the

power of the LinkedIn platform, and become a tech thought leader.

So be sure to check out these professionals on LinkedIn. And while you're there,

take some time to peruse other tech topics and see who else is sharing

interesting thoughts on rapidly changing industry dynamics.

Subscribe to the LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Blog for more tips and tools for tech marketers.

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