5 changes that your website needs for better online performance

Post on 10-May-2015






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Every webmaster today understands the importance of making consistent efforts on promoting their websites and they do work hard to realize their search engine ranking goals.


5 Changes That Your Website Needs For Better Online Performance

Every webmaster today understands the importance of making consistent efforts on promoting their websites and they do work hard to realize their search engine ranking goals. However at times, search engine promotion can prove to be a very frustrating experience. If all the efforts you are taking is not enabling you to make that breakthrough, then you will have to probably look closer and that is your website itself. Your website is the basis or the foundation and all the efforts that you are taking have to be built on this foundation. However, if the foundational element is itself not aligned with your goals then all the other efforts that you take will not prove to be helpful.

Nevertheless, you will be surprised to note that in most cases, all that webmasters need to do to turn things around for the better are some minor changes to their websites or to their web pages. Here are five such important changes that will help your website put its best foot forward.

#1 Create Fresh Content

Content is the all time King as far as search engine ranking is concerned. If your website’s content is going to be very similar to that of your competitors’ sites then the search engines do not find any special reason to promote your website over the other websites. Create fresh content keeping in mind your human visitors and not just the search engines. Give something new and interesting to your customers and the search engines will notice you.

#2 Work On Your Websites Page Titles

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of creating good titles for your pages. Google’s ranking algorithm has come a long way and it has become one of the world’s most sophisticated algorithms. However, certain things have never changed with Google’s algorithm and one such factor is the importance of good page titles. Never take your page titles for granted because if you do so it only be your own peril and no one else’s. Check the existing title on each page of your website. Does it meet the Google’s guidelines for page titles? Cross check. Every page of your website should have a well thought out search engine friendly content. This single factor alone can do amazing good to your website.

#3 Revisit Your Heading Tags

This is another content-based factor; make the best use of the H1, H2 and H3 tags. These tags gives the search engines with adequate clues regarding the content of your web page. Search engines can understand words and the meanings but they cannot interpret the text like human beings. Therefore, the search engines need clues to correctly understand what is said in your web pages. The heading tags helps the search engines here; what you put within the H1, H2 or H3 tags will be considered the area of focus by the search engines and your web pages will score a point for keywords that are relevant to those areas. Create keyword rich heading tags and get a search engine boost for the relevant keywords.

#4 Cleanup Those Java Scripts

If possible get rid of the Java Scripts from your web pages because you really do not know how much damage it is causing your website. Even the most advanced search engine, Google struggles with Java script. There are number of other ways to impress your visitors and you are really not limited just to the Java scripts as far as enhancing the user experience is concerned. Work with your web design company in conjunction with your SEO service provider so that you can design websites that are not only visually appealing and user friendly but also search engine friendly.

#5 Make Your Web Pages Lighter

If your web pages are going to be heavy, it will take a long time for each page to load. Poor page speed score can result in poor ranking. Try to improve the page speed score of your web pages and it will improve the user experience and it will also enhance your search engine ranking. You can get help from page speed optimization service providers to boost your website’s page speed score and to shed those factors that pull your website down.

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