4th draft essay

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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4th draft essay advertising


Advertisers use different commercial and persuasive techniques to help show their products in a positive light to a wide range of target audiences. For example in the Guinness evolution commercial, at the start of the advert there is a close up of one of the men’s faces drinking the Guinness which is used to show that the advertised drink is enjoyable. A persuasive technique the commercial uses to sell its product is conformity. At the start of the ad there are 3 men who appear to be friends, all drinking the same drink in a pub, which gives the audience the idea that Guinness is a good drink to be social with and can be drunk with friends. Also, by seeing this in the commercial it could also make the viewer to conform to this image. From seeing this image at the start of the advert it could also suggest the target audience for the Guinness commercials, the main target audience for Guinness commercials is male mainstreamers between the ages of 25-50. This is because the majority of Guinness commercials use non-diegetic sound “background music” which continues throughout the actions of the advert. There is a certain type of people class which this advert and product would be aimed at, I believe that B/C class standard of people would be targeted at for this advert. This is because the drink is more of a higher quality drink compared to others on the market; it is also quite an expensive drink meaning that certain people will be priced out of buying Guinness. Also, the background music used starts off slowly but the faster the actions on screen become, the faster the rhythm of the music becomes. A lyric in the music includes “rhythm of life is a wonderful thing” which can link to the evolution of life, or de-evolution of the actors during the commercial. Another technique used in the advert is humour. Firstly, at the start of the advert the first shot shows three men standing at the bar drinking, which could link to the classic start up to the joke “three men walk into a bar”. Secondly, when the men turn from regular men to cavemen, then into different animals who walk along branches and start to fly as they de-evolve. Humour is used as the target audience may find it funny when they see the commercial. The commercial is a high budget one and as such, a wide range of camera shots and special effects are used. For example the advert uses extreme long shots with the intent to show the ever-changing surroundings in the advert clearly, this is created by creating special effects to give the men the effect of de-evolving. Also at the end of the advert a mid shot and a long shot are used to advertise the drink. This shot is used to zoom in slowly on the pint of Guinness, this can also link to previous Guinness adverts as the main catchphrase used on Guinness commercials is “good things come to those who wait” this can also link to the main theme of the advert, by using de-evolving, usually it takes many years to evolve, but in this advert, the evolving is done in seconds. Also in the advert the continuity has to be intact, to maintain the continuity the clothing matches the setting, for example in the pub the men are wearing modern clothing whereas one of the scenes the men are shown wearing clothes

from primitive times. The margin of difference between high and low budget adverts is that a high budget will be of a much higher quality, An example of a low budget advert is the Doritos "Tribal" advert. This advert uses humour as a persuasive technique. Once when the chips move out of the bag and start to dance around a pot of salsa, and then at the end of the advert when the man opens the pot of salsa, finds the chip, pulls a weird face then eats it. This is done to amuse the audience and to make it more memorable to the viewing audience. The target audience for this commercial would be for people who like Doritos and have eaten them before, also the S.O.C for this advert would be high C class people, this is because that Doritos are usually aimed at lower or working class people, also specifically the target audience age would be 16-30 and Doritos are usually aimed at males. This is because the actors used in the adverts have been predominantly male, and all of a certain age; also Doritos are a major brand around the world, meaning that the target audience for Doritos would also be mainstreamers. Even though the advert is a low budget advert it still uses a range of different camera shots. For example, in the advert when the chips start to move via stop motion, a long shot is used for a majority of the time, and this only changes when the chip jumps into the dip, where a close up is used for effect. The advert also uses a close up to show the facial expressions of the man eating the Doritos; this is done to show that Doritos are enjoyable to eat. The advert also uses non-diegetic sound, in the form of a tribal sound beat when the chips move and the man also makes diegetic sounds of enjoyment when he eats the chips, this is done to show the viewer that Doritos are enjoyable in two ways, by seeing the actor eat the chip, then the sounds he makes. The mise en scene for the advert is someone’s living room, as they leave the room, then come back to start eating the Doritos. The commercial also uses stop motion animation to bring the chips to life. Doritos adverts are very different to their rivals’ commercials as many of Doritos adverts are make by the consumers themselves, Doritos would run competitions for the chance for someone’s own ideas to become the next commercial made for television viewing, thus including the viewers and consumers in the marketing of their product. Another example of a high budget TV commercial is the Honda “Hate something, change something” commercial. This animated advert would be aimed at “reformers” as the advert is telling people that they should help to start looking after the world they live in and to stop pollution and polluting the

world, by buying Honda’s new diesel engine. This also uses nostalgia as a persuasive technique as the advert uses views of forests are rivers, which are animated to show the somewhat beauty of the world before pollution in the world ruined it, the animation is also used to resemble old Disney films, this is done to remind the viewer fondly of childhood and how much it needs protecting the world. Another persuasive technique strategy used in the commercial is humour. By watching the barley running, old diesel engine being destroyed by all the different animals, it is supposed to be funny and make the viewer remember the product. The animals destroying the tired and old diesel engines are a reformers way of trying to help save the planet and to also create a more ideal world. The S.O.C would be B class people, this is because usually a higher class of people will care more about trying to save the environment, compared to other class’s (E.G. working class) this will also mean aspirers will also want to try and save the environment due to it being the latest “trend”. It also appeals to paternal and maternal love, as people do not want their children to grow up in a world full of pollution and be living on an unhealthy planet. The adverts uses diegetic sounds effectively with the joyful and happy song playing in the background throughout, plus the animals dancing to it whilst the male voiceover sings and encourages the viewer to join in. the advert is an animation and is full of bright colours to try and draw the viewers attention and to also show a sense of idealism and positively. Another animated advert, which uses different techniues, is the Cresta advert, from the 1970s,which is a basic hand drawn animation. The advert uses the persuasive strategy humour as a technique and has created a character, the Cresta bear to represent the brand. In the advert the bear becomes crazy after drinking a bottle of Cresta, this could come across as being funny and this is done to make the advert more memorable. The advert appeals to the human weakness of gluttony because the drink is something that people would want, but not need. It also appeals to our sense of greed because some people would want to drink it everyday and to also try all the flavors. The only props that have been used in this advert is the bear’s sunglasses and a bottle of Cresta. The sunglasses are used to go with the voice and show the bear character as someone who is cool. The bear was used in many Cresta adverts during the 1970s by creating a series of commercials. The bears voice is aimed on the famous actor Jack Nicholson's voice, and by linking the character to a famous actor,and uses celebrity endorsement it could give off the idea that he is cool himself and the consumer is also "cool" The advert is aimed at young mainstreamy people who have drunk Cresta, the brand before and is also trying to gain more consumers by making a more memorable advert. The sounds in the advert are all diegetic with the voice of the bear and the sound effects he makes. There is also a range of shots from a close up on the polar bear when he drinks from the bottle, to show of the bear's facial expression after drinking, to an extreme close up on the Blackcurrent flavoured bottle and a medium shot on the polar bear's upper body. This can

also show a close up on the Bear's sunglasses, which could be described as being cool. Also as the voice is aimed to replicate Jack Nicholson it could also be aimed at people that enjoy seeing him act, it could also be aimed at children due to an animation be used to advertise the brand. The Iceland Christmas advert also uses celebrity endorsement. In the advert the actors are Kerry Katona, Coleen Nolan and Jason Donovan. The two female actors are famously known as single mums which can link to Iceland and their slogan "that's why mum's go to Iceland". As such, this advert would be aimed at S.O.C D-E class as the advert is advertising very cheap frozen foods as its aimed at families on a budget. The advert is mostly diegetic sound, the actors are singing throughout to a popular song and the effects and purpose of this is to persuade the target audience and to make it more memorable. The advert is a high budget one with the cast of the celebrities hired and uses a variety of shots, but the most common is the close up, mostly when the food is shown and to show people trying to grab the food. The target audience for the advert is families as it advertises how to have higher class food on a working class budget. Another advert that has a high budget is the Ariel "purer then pure" advert. This advert appeals to the senses of the viewer, this is done by hearing the squeezing of lemons,sees all, and billowing touch of the sheets. The advert would be aimed at Maternal love and also paternal love. This is because of just one family being shown during the advert, and also the family showing togetherness at the end of the advert, this also links to the target audience which I believe to be aspirers, this is due to "perfect life" meant to be shown during the advert. This Ariel advert is different compared to the other adverts I have analysed, this is due to the Ariel advert having slight racist undertones. For example, only white people have been casted in this advert, this has been done to link to product itself, this is because only white people are used in order to give the idea of being pure and clean, and Ariel use this a selling point by saying using their product will make you pure and clean. The advert uses a Close up of woman’s face showing blue eyes and blonde hair, thus linking to the main theme of the advert which is being pure/clean This advert also shows Unacknowledged racism in society by only using one certain race of person intentionally. The S.O.C for this advert would be B/C housewives, This is because for example, in the advert is shows the woman with the clothes being washed, as a large majority of women would be housewives. Also it would be aimed at a certain higher class due to the massive house setting in a rural upper class environment, the environment in which the advert is set can also show aspects of personal success. The advert also uses pride/envy, this is because the advert is meant to show a happy/perfect life that people would want.

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