47265047 compositions+doc.x

Post on 26-May-2017






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Lidia Bouche

Air pollution is one of the biggest problems in our city. Several researches carry on - carried out by- to the local government has shown that one of the causes of this environmental issue is the increasing number of cars and motorcycles on the streets.

As a result, the emissions of fuel are causing a serious hazard health, therefore the mayor’s office has been looking into – which means “investigating”- different alternatives to reduce the pollution.

Even though there have been a lot of initiatives in order to encourage people to use “green transportation” like bicycles, these measures hasn’t – have not, do not use contractions in formal pieces of writing- been enough so far.

In fact, one of the main goals of the city hall is to increase the number of electric cars, which had been a success in other places.

As far as the citizens is concerned, last year they participated in an international eco-friendly cities congress that took place in London, there they all decided to take part in campaigns in favor of to create – creating- a better environment.

For this reason, the next step will be to fight so that the city hall installs the first electric train in our city.

Writing exercise 5 – Ana María Santorun Ardone

Last Friday, while reading a local newspaper, I found an interesting initiative that the government of the city is trying to carry on- implement, carry out- “ Carry on” means to continue doing- . The proposal consists in- of - inviting the citizens to contact the Environmental Bureau in order to share their ideas on what is to be done to improve our gardens, regarding its appearance and their sustainable management.

I have been trying to raise some reasonable ideas and I find out that it’s- do not use contractions in formal writing- not easy because there are too many factors to have into account. Of course, to grow nice gardens where we could play with our children or with our pets, and keep them green, it’s necessary to spend an immense quantity of water, as well as lots of- this word is too informal for this type of writing- chemical fertilizers and both are in conflict with eco-friendly environmental measures.

On the other side- on the other hand “on the other side” implies a pysichal position. “On the other side of the road you´ll see a supermarket”, for example- , the civil implication must not be limited to share ideas. Also the citizens – I assume you are refering to all the citizens no matter where- have to take care of the common spaces- the same here: all the common spaces every citizen share in the place they live- trying to keep them clean and cared- well preserved- . Though, it’s important to open the municipal services to their contribution. This exercise may also help the citizens to be more conscious of their role as “environment keepers”.

Your composition is really good, Ana María.

Our citizens have a big problem: The electric bill is very expensive and most of consumers are really angry with that situation. Three years ago, the company changed all the electric system. They put a modern energie- energy- efficient appliance for- to- reduce the environmental damage, but it wasn’t- was not- helpful to- for- the citizens economy.

For that reason, the council started to think about news ideas for- to - reduce the energy bill. Our city is sunny, with longs sunny days, so his- its- response was to propose to- no “to”- the- no “the”- citizens to install solar panels in all the houses. The citizens was – were- surprised for that idea, and in – on- the other hand, they was – were- scared and angry. How much was it? Three years ago, they had to pay for a new energie efficient appliance, and now, they don’t trust in- no “in”, trust takes no preposition- new changes.

But the council, involved with his- its- citizens, wrote up an announcement:

“Every house which has solar panels, will be aided from- by- the government. The bill will be reduce 50% over the total price, for be this action good – for this action to be good- for the environment”

Now, the citizens feel that this response is reliable, and they are more than two hundred people with solar panels and with a cheaper bill.

María Nazaret Serrano Alba.

María Nazaret, you have some basic mistakes such as the confussion with pronouns and the plural of verb to be. Please, remember that if in the real exam you make a few of them you may not pass. Go through my notes and review your weakest grammar points.


Our city can be more eco-friendly if all citizens do their part and they are determined to make some easy changes.

We have part of the solution in our own home. I suggest:

- The waste has to have a proper bin. Look for a place in the house. Sure you have it.

- Replace light bulbs with lower-consumption lights.

- If you want to change an electrical appliance, you will choose one energy-efficient- an energy efficient one-

- Plastic bags have to disappear. Use your own shopping bags.

- Save water by taking a shower instead of a bath. Fill the washing machine and the dishwasher, and don’t – no contractions- forget using – to use, the verb “forget” takes the infinitive- environmentally friendly cleaning products.

The government should regulate policies relating to the care and conservation of the environment, such as planting gardens, funding renewable energy systems, electric public transport, supporting community projects, etc.

I think that the first steep- step- could be form a civic organization in order to work for a more eco-friendly city.

M. Elena Domínguez Arija

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