compositions. lourdes & teresa

Download COMPOSITIONS. Lourdes & Teresa

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Post on 13-Aug-2015



Economy & Finance

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  1. 1. INTERNET PROFILE. 1.Friendgroup profile.1.Friendgroup profile. NameName AgeAge CountryCountry 2.About me.2.About me. Hi, I am...I am from...I am...I have...Hi, I am...I am from...I am...I have... 3.Likes and dislikes.3.Likes and dislikes. I like...I don't like...I like...I don't like... 4.My time and money.4.My time and money. I spend my money and time on...I spend my money and time on... 5.Requests.5.Requests. I really want to...I really want to...
  2. 2. MY HOME 1.My home is... It's got... There is / are... 2. My family... I have got... 3. My favourite room is... It's got... I like... especially / My favourite is...
  3. 3. MY CITY. 1.Hi. My name is... I live... I like the area... I want... 2. In my opinion... As a result... There's a lot of... 3. I think the council should... I'm sure... 4. Signature.
  4. 4. A MEMORABLE DAY. 1. I remember... It was a very memorable day 2. First, a lot of people... We went... We had... There was... I went to... 3. There were... I remember... It was a really... I felt...
  5. 5. FALLES. 1. Fallas is in March in Valencia. It's a tradition celebrated from DATE to DATE. 2. A lot of people walk around the Valencian cities. 3. In the afternoon of the last day, the falleros offer to the patrona a small bunch of flowers. 4. At night, the falleros burn the monument faller, later falleros follow the party at the CASALES.
  6. 6. A BRAVE RESCUE. 1.The rescue happened in + CITY AND COUNTRY on + DATE while... It was really... 2.I was with... We were... There was... 3. She/ He went... and was very brave.
  7. 7. BIOGRAPHY. 1.NAME was a... He / She was born in... and grew up... She / He lived... and died in + YEAR. 2. He / She started to...learnt to... 3. Her / His most famous films/books/programmes/songs/...