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June 13-14, 2015

Jesus Storybook Bible, Genesis 1-2

Creation: We are image-bearers

God made us special!

First 10 minutes of the service hour: Engage kids in cooperative play activities to help them connect to other kids Next 5 minutes: Connect Time Next 25 minutes: Large Group Last 25 minutes: Snack and Small Group

Kids are learning about physical body characteristics at this age, so use this time to connect those things to God! Instead of just observing that we have 10 fingers, talk about how God specially gave us 10 fingers!

Ask kids to show you their self-portrait, and ask how God them special from other people!

Today is a continuation of the creation story. Last week we talked about how God made everything, and it was GOOD. This week, we’re focusing on how God made US as unique creations that reflect his image!


GOAL: Connect time is all about engaging kids in a short, interactive game to prepare them for Large Group.

o Clean up! (10 minutes after the service start time, when you get the 5-minute warning from the presenter)

o Line Up o You’re going to list physical characteristics that kids will easily recognize in

themselves. If they have it, they have to give you a thumbs up. o Say it like this: “If you have a nose, give me a big thumbs up!” o Here’s a list of physical characteristics that kids will recognize in

themselves. Go through this list saying, “If you have then give me a big thumbs up!”

! A nose ! 2 eyes ! 2 ears ! A mouth ! Eyebrows ! Eyelashes ! 2 arms ! 2 legs ! A bellybutton ! Hair ! 2 feet

o As you walk into Large Group, encourage your kids to do a physical action as they walk in (like putting their finger on the nose, patting their head, putting their hands on their knees, etc.)


Goal: To help kids (1) understand that God made us special (2) recognize that God made us exactly how he wants us to be. Why? God made everything because he loves us. Creation is the beginning of God’s story and rescue plan for us! Tip: This is a great time to encourage kids, because we’re talking about how God made them exactly the way he wants them!  



1. Who were the first two people God made? (Adam and Eve) 2. How did God make Adam and Eve special? (He made them like himself, He made

them unique) 3. Why did God make Adam and Eve? (He wanted them to be in his family, He wanted

to make them special) 4. What is one special way that God made you?


• Set out markers and hand out a “God Made Me Special” handout to each kid. • Point out the shape on the paper. It’s a person! • Tell kids that we’re going to make a picture of ourselves! We’re going to decorate the

person on the paper so that they look just like us. • To clarify, you might need to say something like “Give the person your hair, your

clothes, etc.) • Encourage kids to decorate their paper with any details they want. They could add

their pet, their family, or their favorite toy! • Point out that the paper says, “God Made Me Special!”

*Pray together and thank God for making us special and unique!

Extra time?

Have kids do a coloring page. Then, play ‘follow the leader’! As you do each action for the kids to follow, say, “God made my arms!” and then wiggle your arms in the air, or “God made this leg!” and then try to walk on one leg.








There are a short video/audio clips in the beginning of the lesson today, and they’ll help illustrate God’s creation by helping kids focus on a tangible sight or sound as you talk.

Today’s lesson is a continuation of the creation story. Last week we focused on all of God’s creation, but this week we’re focusing specifically on how God made Adam and Eve, and US, different and special from all his other creation.


*Click to play intro music Hi Friends! Welcome to Kid’s Club. I'm _______________ and I'm really glad you're here today. Before we get started, I want you to meet my friend HOPS. She’s going to remind us of the kind of choices we can make today in Kids’ Club. Video: HOPS Obey Your Leaders (about 1 minute) Wow, can you all show me your listening ears too? (Let kids respond.) Great job! I bet you all are amazing listeners, and I can’t wait to have fun with you in Kids’ Club today! Raise your hand as high as you can if you’re ready to have fun with me? (Let kids respond.) All right! Now we’re ready to hear God’s Story. INTRO: CREATION (Hold up the Bible for kids to see.) This is where we can read about God’s story. Out of all the stories in the world, this is the most important. Do you know what it’s called? (Let kids respond, “The Bible.”) That’s right, the Bible! It’s God’s Rescue plan. This book shows us how he rescued us from all the wrong things in the world. Today, we’re going to talk about the beginning of his rescue plan! A long, long time ago, before you and I were here, God created the world. Everyone close your eyes. It was dark, and there was nothing there. Do you think God left the world like that? (Let kids respond “no”.) No, he filled it with amazing things! He filled the sky with clouds and a sun! (Click to show video loop of sky while you talk.) Give me a thumbs up if you like playing outside under the beautiful sky? (Let kids respond.) He also made trees and plants and flowers! (Click to show garden video loop while you talk.) Give me a thumbs up if you like to play out on the grass with trees and flowers in the spring? (Let kids respond.) He also made lots and lots of animals! Let’s see if you can guess what animal this sound is. (Click to play audio of



chirping birds and let kids respond.) That’s right, birds! GOD MAKES ADAM AND EVE God made all things good. That’s because God is good and perfect, and everything he made was good too. Do you know what God’s favorite thing to make was? US! Way back at the beginning, after God made everything in the world, he made two special people: Adam and Eve were different. They were special. Do you think Adam and Eve looked like trees? (No!) Did they look like flowers? (No!) Did they look like elephants? (No!) Did they look like lions? (No!) No, of course they didn’t! They were different from all of God’s other creations. He made them with extra special care. He makes us with extra special care too! Give me a big smile and thumbs up if you’re glad He made us special! (Let kids respond.) We’re going to watch a video about how God made Adam and Eve. As we watch, pay attention to how God specially designed them exactly as he wanted! VIDEO: JSB/A New Beginning Wow! God put a lot of care and love into making all his creation, but especially Adam and Eve! He loved them so much, that he made them to look like him! You know what else? God LOVED making us too. Does that mean that he made us all exactly the same though? (Let kids respond.) No way! We’re all different in our own ways. GOD LOVES US Remember Adam and Eve, the first people that God made? God LOVED making them. He was so excited, because they looked like him! And you know what the most special thing is about you and me? God made us to look like him too. He specially designed us to show how amazing he is. Can you believe it? God loves us so much, that he wants us to be like him! God made us because he had a special plan for us. He wanted to love us, and for us to love him back! PRAY (break the prayer up into smaller parts, and let kids repeat after you) God, we love you. Thank you for making us. Thank you for all the love you show us. Amen! WORSHIP You know what else God loves? When we worship him? We can do that by singing as loud as we can. He even loves it when we dance! Let’s sing about how much he loves us! Song: Jesus Loves Me Song: Deep and Wide Song: Thank You Lord (extra song if you have time left over) Dismiss kids to small groups. (Be creative as you dismiss them. Ask them to come give you a high five first, or maybe tiptoe or hop to their groups.)










Thumbs Up game – no supplies needed


Per kid: “God Made Me Special” handout Coloring page: Tree Per group: markers


What did God make? Did God make everything good?


Jesus Storybook Bible




1. Song slide: for when kids enter the room (All that You Need instrumental; mp3 only; can be downloaded on website)

2. Video: HOPS Obey Your Leaders (https://vimeo.com/67408011) 3. Video loop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcyoIBsZHTI 4. Video loop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNyMIBj3DYU 5. Audio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMWeQWGla0Y (0:00-0:10) 6. Video: The Beginning: A Perfect Home (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meTeQIQgDDY; please

BEGIN the video at 2:09 and play through the end) 7. Jesus Loves Me Music Video: https://vimeo.com/44164426 8. Song: Deep and Wide 9. Song: Thank You Lord


Daily Talk Starts – separate document

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