3.1.3 – making informed decisions: international and other factors

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3.1.3 – Making informed decisions: International and other factors. Learning objectives. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


3.1.3 – Making informed decisions: International and other factors

Learning objectives

To understand the advantages and disadvantages of the London 2012 games.

To understand the political, financial and environmental issues surrounding the London 2012 games.

To describe how tournaments are run and the formats they may take.

To explain the impact of role models and high profile events.

To describe the use of appropriate footwear and clothing in sport.

There are many different levels of competition. These can depend on age or experience of the performer.



These are competitions for the young beginners who are still developing their skills. This can involve adapted rules and the use of modified equipment.

TASK: Can you think of any examples?



Novice Competitions:

These competitions tend to use the correct equipment and involve performers from the age of 11 through to 16. Official rules and structure are used to prepare individuals for the next step up.

TournamentsThe FIFA World Cup is an example of a tournament that teams qualify for. 32 teams are involved in the finals drawn in 8 groups. It begins with a round-robin format and extends into a knock-out to produce 2 finalists.

TASK: Can you think of any other examples of tournaments?

TASK: How are the following competitions structured and how do teams qualify/porgress?

• Champions League•The Europa League• The Ryder Cup• The Olympics


International sport and events

TASK: What are the advantages and disadvantages

of hosting a major event like the LONDON 2012 Olympics?


-Promote national status

- Generates a sense of nationalism/patriotism

-Improve transport or city infra-structure.

-Economic benefits as a country – TOURISM boost. -Health and fitness of a nation

-Poorer areas improve

-Increase in jobs

International sport and events

What about disadvantages?

International sport and events

Disadvantages:-Relocation of homes/businesses to make facilities.

-Diversion of other tax payer funds to the games Costs. i.e. NHS & schooling funds directed towards a brand new stadium.

- Threat of terrorists

- Use of facilities after the event.

-Overcrowding, disruption, increase in crime.

-Natural habitats are lost.

International sport and events

London 2012 games will hopefully be a massive success. Spectators will expect a well-organised, entertaining and memorable games.

As well as the prestige of hosting such an event there are POLITICAL issues as well.

• To make the UK a leading sporting nation• To transform EAST London• To inspire the young generation

London 2012 Olympics Games

Political disadvantages of hosting London


Major events require much

planning and it may distract from other ongoing projects.

Pressure of having to complete on


Pressure to put on a ‘good show’

The country may be left with un-used stadium after the


If badly managed the world will be

watching and London will lose

global credibility.

Disruption to everyday life.

London 2012 Olympics GamesTASK: What are the political disadvantages of hosting a major event like the LONDON 2012 Olympics?

Political advantages of hosting London 2012

Gets young people involved and excited about the games.

Creates homes and business opportunities

Use of stadia for community use after

the games.

Increases tourism

Regenerates clubs and coaching.

London 2012 Olympics GamesTASK: What are the political advantages of hosting a major event like the LONDON 2012 Olympics?

Financial Issues:The cost of staging the Olympic Games is huge. Money for stadiums, buildings and facilities comes from a number of sources.

London 2012 Olympics Games

Major brands will contribute to the cost of hosting the games through sponsorship. i.e. VISA, COCA-COLA

Some 2012 Funding sources

Public finance (TAX) 9,325 billion

National Lottery 2,175 billion

London development agency

250 billion

Environmental Issues:When new buildings are put together there is often an environmental impact. Consideration will have to be given to:- Pollution- Impact on wildlife habitats- Waste

London 2012 Olympics Games

During the games traffic and noise will increase and therefore pollution levels will rise.

How could the organisers avoid excess pollution being created?

The setup and running of the Olympic games in 2012 has 3 main issues to address.

London 2012 Olympics Games

Features of hosting LONDON 2012

Environmental issues:• Increased population• Pollutions problems

Financial issues:• T.V. Rights

• Sponsorship• Local businesses• Tourism increase

Political issues:• Making the bid

• Facilities and accommodation • Policing the event

High Profile Events

High profile events attract spectators from all over the world. Television broadcasts these events all over the world.

TASK: Can you name any high profile events that are watched worldwide?

e.g. Superbowl, Wimbledon, FA Cup final.

High Profile EventsTASK: What are the advantages and disadvantages of having these high-profile events?

Advantages Disadvantages

Focal point for the end of the season

Tickets are very expensive

Keeps sporting tradition T.V. deals for the rights to the event can put restrictions on

some viewers.

Fans can look forward to the event

Rich clubs dominate

T.V. broadcast means many countries around the world can

view it

Role models

Sportspeople who are in the media often can create trends. Fans can be influenced by the performer and imitate the behaviour they display.

TASK: Can you name some role models in sport and their influence?

Role models

The influence of role models

People see them perform and want to

do the same. The media and

sponsors put them in the spotlight for

all to see.

People like the way they behave

People can copy their behaviour.

They strive to copy their achievements.

Popularity of activities

Popularity of an activity can be influenced by seasonal tournaments. i.e. During Wimbledon lots of people play tennis in local parks

When minority sports receive T.V. coverage, the number of performers taking it up will increase.

This was true after Micheal Phelps broke 8 world records in 8 days during the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Health, safety and the well being of others

Any involvement in sport carries some risk. Following the correct guidelines, rules and using the correct skills and equipment can help prevent this.

Safety in sport can be affected by:• Unpredictability of the sport• Attitude of the performers•Officials and their implementing of the rules• Poor equipment and facilities

Health and safety regulations

The national governing body:They create policies, provide laws and regulation for all involved to follow. They give guidance on risk assessment as well as run programmes of induction to train officials and coaches.

Safety in sport has 4 elements to it:

Clubs and societies:They create and implement risk assessments. They provide competent instructors/coaches. They will ensure club members comply with rules and regulations.

Participants:Performers will ensure they are fit and capable for the activity/sport. They agree to comply with the laws of the game and bring personal protective equipment.

Health and safety regulations

Officials:Officials will ensure their knowledge and understanding of the game is good. They will ensure a fair game and be fit and capable for their duties.

They will protect participants from being caused injury due to unsafe play.

Appropriate footwear:

Wearing the correct footwear is essential to all sports. The right footwear will PROTECT and ASSIST PERFORMANCE.

Activity Footwear needs

Football Stability – studs

Basketball Support – high ankle

Endurance runner Cushioning – soft sole

Discuss Low friction – smooth sole

Rock climber High friction – rubber grip sole

Correct clothing:

Players in most sports wear protective equipment to prevent injury (SAFETY). In some sports it is compulsory to wear protective equipment. e.g. shin pads for football.




What clothing is required for the following:

Rules relating to sport and equipment:

Each sport has its own safety considerations. Some sports need more rules than others. Tennis will not need as many rules as an invasion game like rugby or basketball.

Rules for the condition of the equipment:

• Studs should be smooth and not sharp.

• Goal posts should be in tact and sturdy.

• Corner flags must be the appropriate height.

Rules and the performers actions:

Each set of rules keeps the performers safe and the competition fair. Some sports have a limit on the number of fouls allowed to stop excessive fouling.

TASK: What are the rules regarding the following:

• Tackling

• Tripping

• Dressing safely

• Performer not being a hazard.

Rules and the performers actions:

TASK: What are the rules regarding the following:

• Tackling: No 2 footed tackles, from behind and no high tackles in rugby.

• Tripping: in most sport deliberate tripping is a foul.

• Dressing safely: Loose clothing is a hazard in sports like gymnastics and trampolining.

• Performer not being a hazard: Length of nails and wearing jewellery.

Rules and using the correct technique:

Performing the techniques correctly will ensure safety for all performers.

In dance the correct technique involves:

• Bending the knees on lifts.

• Back straight.

• Keeping back upright.

In Rugby:

• Tackling correctly at the waist.

Summary Questions:

Describe the advantages of London hosting the Olympics in 2012.

Why are rules important in sport?

Name a high profile event and the drawbacks of such events?

Role models are vital to sport. Explain why?

Why is appropriate footwear important for a sport?

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