3 simple steps to creating a powerful twitter profile that gets you more followers

Post on 14-Jul-2015



Social Media



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3 Simple Steps To Creating A Powerful Twitter

Profile That Gets You More Followers


Are you just getting started out with Twitter

and want to know how to create a profile that

people REALLY want to follow?

Well there are a few pitfalls to avoid.

Follow these 3 simple steps

and you will be well on your way to having a

Twitter profile

that your clients and customers will love to


To get started just head on over to Twitter.com

and sign up for a free twitter account if you do

not already have one.

Twitter is designed to be very quick by its nature

so setting up a new account should only take

you a few minutes.

When you pick your username

(your twitter handle)

try to pick something that relates to your industry or

your company name.

For Buildingsocialproof.com I picked @buildingsocial.

The very next thing to do is pick a custom Twitter


If you are not good with graphics you can create a Twitter background here:


You want a custom background for your

Twitter profile.

One that shows what you do.

For example:

If your company sells golf equipment

then you would want a Twitter background of

something related to golf.

Maybe a nice golf course would do.

Just make sure that you do not use the default Twitter background.

When you are getting started you will not have

any followers.

People will think your account looks spammy

if it just has the default Twitter background.

You need to change it to anything but the default

background image.

More people will follow you because of it.

Background Image Size: 1500px x 500px

When you are first getting started with Twitter

set up a profile image of yourself.

People want to follow other people on Twitter.

Not a faceless brand or logo.

Down the road after you have thousands of Twitter


you can change it if you want.

But for now just pick a nice picture of your


and use it for the Twitter profile image.

Some people recommend using your company logo

as a profile picture.

I have found that you will simply get a lot less

engagement and followers if you do this.

Using a profile picture of yourself will get you much faster results.

The recommended size for your profile picture is:

400px X 400px

Here is an example profile picture

that I use for the @Buildingsocial Twitter


Now that you have a custom background


and your own picture as your profile image

you are almost all set.

The only left to do is write a compelling description

about your business.

Think about the kind of people you want to attract

on Twitter.

In our golf equipment example you might want to write something like

"Check out the latest news in the Golf industry and get the latest golfing


Include your website URL since people will look you


and come to your site right from your Twitter


That's all there is to it.

Just follow these 3 steps

and you will have a Twitter profile

that gets you more followers, retweets, and


If you want more tips like this

Head on over to


where I show you

How To Create Your Own

Social Media Marketing Strategy

in 7 days or less

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