3 oct 2006 cogilvie@iastate.edu 1 cost and schedule update craig ogilvie, iowa state university...

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3 Oct 2006 cogilvie@iastate.edu 1

Cost and Schedule UpdateCraig Ogilvie, Iowa State University Analysis of system risks Update schedule

Critical path Quantitative milestones

Project completion requirements Manpower summary

MoUs Budget summary

3 Oct 2006 cogilvie@iastate.edu 2

System Risks Action item: “Complete a more comprehensive risk analysis and

update the cost and schedule contingency analysis as appropriate, prior to project initiation.”

“The overall understanding of the risks may be actually missing. It is also interesting to think about the project as a whole, and try to identify the risks [..snip..] and the consequences of these risks happening. Contingency plans can then be envisioned to control and mitigate the impact of these risks.

System managers were asked: “what keeps you awake at night” (about the VTX:)

10 areas identified Mitigation

Explicit planning, resources, milestones when passed

3 Oct 2006 cogilvie@iastate.edu 3

Identified system risks (I to V) Pixel/Strip performance in close proximity Two rounds combined pixel+strip ladders tests, winter 06, summer 07

Thermal stress of pixel and strip ladder assemblies Perform thermal cycle tests winter06/7

Mechanical design firm (HYTEC) Weekly with VTX mech. Engineer + monthly meetings with VTX office

VTX/PHENIX integration: slow control, monitoring, calibration, integration into DAQ

Develop/review operating plan with PHENIX managers, winter 06/07, winter 07/08

Ground loops Develop/review grounding plan with all stakeholders, winter 06/07,

winter 07/08

3 Oct 2006 cogilvie@iastate.edu 4

Identified system risks (VI to X ) Pixel bump-bonding

Increase contingency in schedule by approx 50% Pixel bus performance

Test using prototype ladder pixel bus + SPIRO + FEM + stave April 07 RCC and ROC development

Apply more R&D $ in FY06 to design/prototype of RCC ASIC Design/fabrication pre-production RCC, July 06 to winter 06/07

Decision to start item’s production Formal review process before any item’s production

VTX/FVTX integration Cross-meeting attendance esp. by engineers, updates at quarterly

3 Oct 2006 cogilvie@iastate.edu 5

Critical Path

Explicit float44 weeks(re-analysis =>increase from 20 weeks at time of review)

WBS Task Name ROC Pre-production ROC Design Pre-production ROC Design Review ROC Fab Pre-production Test pre-production ROC/RCC


1.1.3 Strip System test Strip system tests: Electronics ROC & Sensor strip system test with 2nd round roc strip system telescope tests

contingency Strip Ladder system test (roc, sensor, bus, pilot, stave) strip system test: assemble pre-production test ladder (using pre-production ROC) strip system test: test of pre-production ladder


Milestone - Pre-production strip ladder performs to spec

1.1.4 Assembly and Testing of Strip ladders ROC & sensor+pilot+ladder Mount sensor modules on stave and wire bonds between the ROC test assembled strip ladders


Milestone: 44 strip ladders + spare performs to spec, sufficient for full-VTX

1.4 Electronics System Integration

1.4.4 Tests before VTX is installed Testing of fully assembled barrel detector


1.5 Auxiliary Systems & Integration

1.5.2 Mechanical Structure barrel staves procure strip staves Tooling strip staves fabrication strip staves


1.5.3 Assembly of VTX mount strip Ladders on barrel mounts align + fix strip ladders onto barrel mounts test strip ladders on barrel

contingency mount barrel onto space frame


Milestone - all ladders on VTX

Milestone: project complete





Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

3 Oct 2006 cogilvie@iastate.edu 6

Quantitative+Risk Milestones (FY07) Milestone: pre-production ROC/RCC perform to spec FY07 3Q

Milestone: 123 strip sensor modules Q/A'd, sufficient for half-vtx FY07 3Q

Milestone: 246 + spare strip sensor modules Q/A'd FY07 4Q


Milestone: 60 pixel sensor modules performs to spec, sufficient for half vtx FY07 1Q

Milestone: 1st prototype pixel ladder performs to electrical, thermal spec FY07 3Q

Milestone: 120 + spare pixel sensor modules performs to spec FY07 3Q

Milestone: 60 pixel buses + spares fabricated FY07 4Q

Milestone: 60 pixel spiro modules + spare performs to spec FY07 4Q


Milestone: Design completed for DCMs FY07 4Q


Milestone : Completion of Mechanical Specifications FY07 1Q

Milestone: sign mechanical contract FY07 1Q

Milestone: prototype pixel staves delivered FY07 2Q

Milestone: prototype strip staves delivered FY07 4Q

3 Oct 2006 cogilvie@iastate.edu 7

Quantitative+Risk Milestones (FY08) Milestone - Pre-production strip ladder performs to spec FY08 1Q

Milestone: RCCs delivered and perform to spec FY08 3Q

Milestone: 123 ROCs performs to spec, sufficient ROCs for half-VTX FY08 3Q

Milestone: 246 + spare ROC performs to spec FY08 4Q


Milestone: 30 pixel FEMs + spare performs to spec FY08 1Q

Milestone: Pixel trigger modules performs to spec FY08 2Q

Milestone: 60 pixel bus extenders + spares fabricated FY08 3Q


Milestone: 77 DCMs + spare completed FY08 3Q


Milestone: grounding plan finalized FY08 2Q

Milestone: pixel/strip test ladders perform to spec when in realistic proximity FY08 2Q

Milestone: VTX operations plan finalized FY08 2Q

Milestone: Environment Safety & compliance granted FY08 3Q

Milestone: electrical services completed FY08 4Q


Milestone: 30 + spare pixel staves delivered FY08 3Q

3 Oct 2006 cogilvie@iastate.edu 8

Quantitative+Risk Milestones (FY09)

Milestone: 30 pixel ladders assembled + spare FY09 1Q

Milestone: 44 + spare FEMs + PM performs to spec FY09 1Q

Milestone: infrastructure ready for installation FY09 2Q

Milestone: 22 strip ladders performs to spec, sufficient for half-VTX FY09 4Q

Milestone: 44 strip ladders + spare performs to spec FY09 4Q


Milestone: 12 barrel mounts delivered FY09 1Q

Milestone: 44 + spare strip staves delivered FY09 1Q

Milestone: assembly fixtures delivered FY09 2Q

Milestone: cooling system delivered FY09 3Q

Milestone: dry gas system delivered FY10 1Q

Milestone: space frame delivered FY10 1Q

Milestone: mechanical isolation system mounts delivered FY10 1Q


Milestone - all ladders on VTX FY10 1Q

Milestone: project complete FY10 2Q

3 Oct 2006 cogilvie@iastate.edu 9

Project Completion Requirement VTX barrel assembled, ready to install in PHENIX IR.

Infrastructure in the PHENIX IR is installed and ready to accept the VTX barrel.

cooling system, LV/HV power supplies, slow control systems, safety systems, cables, and data fibers.

FEMs and DCMs for the VTX system are ready VTX satisfies the following functional requirements:

Average live area of the ladders within the PHENIX central arm acceptance is more than 90%

The fully assembled detector can be cooled down to 0 degree C. Noise hit rate <0.1% of the pixels in the pixel detector after hot channels

are masked. Clear separation of measured MIP peak from pedestal for strip detector. DCA resolution better than 100 m in r.m.s.

3 Oct 2006 cogilvie@iastate.edu 10

Manpower Summary (need to check)

WBS TaskFY07 Total

FY08 Total

FY09 Total

1.1.1 Strip FEE 4.1 4.45 3.9

1.1.2 to 1.1.4 Strip sensors, test, assembly 4.85 4.85 4.95

1.2 Pixel 12.2 11.8 10.2

1.3 + 1.4 DAQ + Electronic Systems 2.6 2.5 1.5

1.5.2 Mechanical Structure 2.3 2.65 0.25

1.5.3 + 1.5.4 Infrastructure+Assembly ladders onto barrel 1 2.5 3

1.6 Management 0.55 0.55 0.55

  software 2.25 3.25 4.25

Total DOE   17.65 20.75 18.4


Total Project   29.85 32.55 28.6

3 Oct 2006 cogilvie@iastate.edu 11


MoU’s being drafted between BNL and institutions In place Fall 06

3 Oct 2006 cogilvie@iastate.edu 12

Overall Cost (DOE)

WBS Name TPC k$ FY07

1 VTX project 4,463

1.1 Strip 1,576

1.3 DAQ 190

1.4 Electronics System Integration 664

1.5 Auxiliary Systems & Integration 1,888

1.6 Management 79

1.7 Installation & preops 67

3 Oct 2006 cogilvie@iastate.edu 13

Breakdown of costs (FY07 k$)

WBS NameMaterial



BNLtransfer k$


Conting. k$

TEC k$



1 VTX project 1,390 1,920 204 25.4 893 4,406 57 4,463


1.1 Strip 634 607 2 27.0 334 1,576 1,576


1.2 DAQ 99 30 23 25.0 38 190 190


1.4Electronics System

Integration141 348 59 21.2 116 664 664


1.5Auxiliary Systems

& Integration515 870 110 26.2 391 1,888 1,888


1.6 Management 0 57 10 17.6 12 79 79

1.7 Installation 0 0 0 0 0 67 57

3 Oct 2006 cogilvie@iastate.edu 14

At Year Dollars2% material, 4% personnel

WBS NameTPCFY07 k$  

FY07 AY k$

FY08 AY k$

FY09 AY k$


1 VTX project 4,463 1,464 2,052 1,085 4,600

1.1 Strip 1,576 693 639 178 1,611

1.3 DAQ 190 0 195 0 195

1.4Electronics System

Integration664 145 375 166 687

1.5Auxiliary Systems &

Integration1,888 500 813 643 1957

1.6 Management 79 26 29 27 82

1.7 Installation 67 0 0 71 71

3 Oct 2006 cogilvie@iastate.edu 15

Summary Re-analysis and mitigation of system risks Re-analysis of risk on+near critical path items

increase of schedule contingency Project complete

Ready for installation early 2010 TPC $4.6M AY

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