3 front, dps and contents2

Post on 11-Nov-2015






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PowerPoint Presentation

3 Front Covers3 Double-Page Spread3 Contents PageA simple analysis of various components within a magazine.

The Masthead- VIBE is large and in the centre, to catch the audiences attention. Also the fact the colour is blue coincides with Kanyes jacket colour showing some sort of uniformity and revealing the house style. Main headline Kanye West that reveals his name to the audience and suggest that the main article within the magazine would be surrounding him and his current lifestyle. Kanye West is very famous within the hip-hop culture, which links to the genre of Vibe magazine.Barcode- is a typical conventions used in all magazines, it usually shows the price of the magazine and not too far from the magazines website. Barcode is typically situated on the bottom left hand side.Subheadings/straplines- are the other articles that will be included in the magazine that just arent as important as the main headline, but the colours would be similar to the house style of the magazine.The strapline- are names of other rap/hip artists that would reflect Vibes target audience of hip hop listeners, whod know and appreciate the names. As most of the4 artists mentioned are male it could be interpreted to mean that with this issue of Vibe that they are targeted a predominately male audience. But that can be contradicted as the colour scheme consists of pink and blue which is associated with males and females.

One main image thats larger than the rest and reflects the feature article which the front page reflects through the headline. This shows how the main image is the main focus of this issue of Vibe.The colours would be the same as the one used on the front cover to show unity within the magazine. Making the magazine look professional.All the page numbers and subheadings are aligned together in a column to the left and have the same colour scheme. This shows professionalism and structure, which can be seen in a lot of magazine, so it can be classed as a convention.The logo to show its a Vibe magazine. This shows a common theme within the magazine, highlighting the same colour scheme and format throughout this issue of Vibe.

Issue number and dateUsually on the top banner of the magazine not too far from the logo or name of the magazine. Which is a convention of magazines.The main image is the feature story and gives reflects the front cover and shows where the audience can find the page by giving a page reference, making it bold and eye catching. The text is situated around the image showing how its the most important out of the rest.Subheadings which show what other articles would be featured in the article, on occasions even a whole section of the magazine devoted to the main feature of that issue. All the subheadings have page numbers linked to them which is a convention of contents page, in magazines, also with a brief description of what the reader should expect when those articles.The heading CONTENTS is a lot bigger and bolder than any other text on the page, which makes sure the audience is aware that this is the contents page. All the articles are in chronological order to make the magazine user friendly and locating articles are a lot easier. This could link to Q magazines audience liking a more simple layout.

The pale blue V in the background is the logo of Vibe. Its placed in the background to not take attention away from the main image.Small piece of text next to the main image, gives recognition to the designer who styled the Kanye and the page. Again very small and discreet so it doesnt take anything away from the main image, who should be the audiences main focus.The colour scheme is very simple but effects as it uses very pale and plain colours. Expect from the red heart which is the only big of bright colour on the page which draws the audiences attention to it; it reflects his fourth hip hop rap album 808s & heartbreaks which the audience would be aware of due to their interest of Hip-hop music.Not the typically way for a magazines title to be laid out but it reflects that Vibe is unique and individual. Underneath the contents it shows 1/3 which is a reference to the number of pages the contents page takes up.Subheadings are in a different font to the rest of the text and slightly bigger than the description of the article underneath which makes it stand out Colour scheme gives quite a masculine feel to the magazine. This could be to reinforces Kanye Wests masculinity.

The Masthead is partially hidden by the main images face. The colour of the masthead matched the main image (Katy Perry) lips, shows a form of unity and uniformity between the magazine and main image. It also targets a female audience as pink is stereotypically associated with females.Headline is significantly bigger than the rest of the text which is a convention of magazines. Also on a white background the black colour of the headline makes it stand out more to ensure it catches the audiences eye; gives them a clear indication of who the feature artist is going to be about. The subheading Summer Music special gives an insight into what other articles would be included in the magazine. The names in Black would probably be the ones who would be mentioned more compared to the ones in grey which are harder to see on the white background.Even though very small, date, issue number and website given, which shows Rolling Stone conforming to the conventions of magazines.Barcode, a convention every magazine front cover has.

The masthead billboard has been hidden by the main image as its a well-established brand so its target market already recognised the logo. It could be interpreted to mean that the main image Beyonc is more important and powerful than the magazine itself, which would link with women empowerment.The strapline women music which targets a female audience making it clear the content is going to be focused around female interests. Also as the main image is a female in a arguably powerful position the audience could see that the focus of this issue could be on female empowerment.Main image of Beyonc with hands of her hips showing her in a position of authority, suggesting women empowerment. Her dress also works well with the house scheme of the front cover and the white brings attention to her in a dark background, as she is the main image all focus should be on her.Beyonc is the biggest piece of text on the page other than the masthead revealing that the main article is going to be about Beyonc. Also the colours from white (the colours of the dress) into the blue makes it stand out a lot more compared to the other texts.

The headline is the biggest thing on the page to catch the readers attention. Also its a direct quote from the interviewee Justin Bieber. girls would target a female audience as it specifically mentions them.Exclusive interview makes it seem special making the reader what to read it more as it can possible reveal crucial information about Justin Bieber.Main image of Justin Bieber gives a clear shot of his facial expression and what he is wearing. His trousers are red which link to the house colours of the article. The image gets a whole page to its self as it highlights how the artist Justin Bieber is the main focus of the article.A sectioned off piece of the interview clearly highlighted in a box, to give extra information to its readers.Banner at the bottom which gives credit to the photographer and stylist, a common convention used in magazines.Banner across the page which links to the headline, giving the audience more information about the main image.

Strapline America at her feet reflects her position standing on an American flag, showing her dominance of USA and her high status.USA faintly in the background reflects the article is going to have reference to America. Or possibly about how the main image is making a move to the USA.Text is in column form which is a convention of a magazine. Showing professionalism and structure.Her name is name is put into blue whilst the rest of the text is in black makes it stand out and catch the audiences eyes, so they know the name of the artist is Florence Welch.The hair of the main image is bright ginger, making her stand out against a dull background. So the audience are focusing on her.As there is little colour scheme, it can be said that this article is targeted at both male and females, who enjoy Florence Welchs music.

Bold text used to reveal artist name, making it eye catching, the use of pink represents females and also Nicki Minaj (main image) her favourite colour (pink), which is used throughout this double page spread.Central image of the artist Nicki Minaj showing how she is the centre of the article and all attention is on her. Her outfit is also very eye catching due to it be absurd, this could reflect Nicki Minajs relationship.Mid shot showing off her upper features. Mid Shot enables the audience to get a clear view of her facial expressions, make up and little details like her jewellery and nails.Different font used for the strapline to reflect the different sides to Nicki Minaj and it also makes the double page spread look more feminine so reinforcing the article is targeted at females.The bold text are written as if they were from the bible which relate to the strapline The Gospel also tells the reader what the paragraph is going to be based on. Also that Nicki Minaj is so successful that she could be considered a God.

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