25th february 2019 term 1 week 5...the hut, gripping tight his sword. he entered. the room was pitch...

Post on 04-Oct-2020






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Year 6 Shirts: Order forms need to be returned

for the Year 6 Shirts by this Thursday 28th


Bookfest is close at hand and each year we, as a community, have helped to set up and pack away this event! In return Rotary has donated generously to our school. This year the setup will start on Tuesday 26

th of

March and continue all week until it is done. Set up will start with table unpacking first on the Tuesday morning and book box moving after lunch. Unpacking of books will continue from there through the week. Pack away will happen on Sunday 7

th of April,

starting early and finishing when done. Rotary has also invited us to help sort books. This happens on Thursday evenings 4pm to around 5pm and Sunday afternoon from 2pm. Please if you have any time to spare, put these dates on your calendar. All help even, for an hr or two, is greatly appreciated. If you want more information or have times you know you can help and are happy to be added to the roster please send me a message.

Rina Chodkiewicz 0401392480.

Canteen: Family meal orders are now available from the canteen on Fridays. Please fill in the bottom of the weekly meal deal order form if you would like to order a delicious family meal. The cost is $5 per serve.

25th February 2019 Term 1 Week 5

Dates for your diary:

Monday 25th Feb - 1/2M library.

Tuesday 26th Feb - K/1N library.

Wednesday 27th Feb - 3/4MH & 2/3B library. MNC PSSA

Swimming Carnival.

Thursday 28th Feb - 5/6G library, Kinder Bus Safety.

Friday 1st Mar -

Mr Burkitt’s Message

Congratulations to all of the swimmers who competed at the District PSSA carnival last Tuesday. Every student gave it his or her best and represented our school extremely well. A very special congratulations to Indiana Bell who managed a clean sweep in all of her events at the carnival and was awarded Senior girls Champion - A great result for all of her hard work and dedication to training.

During assembly I explained to all of our students that Indiana wasn’t just lucky because she is a gifted athlete. She didn't just wake up one morning and become a district champion. No, she had to put in hours and hours of training and effort. Now as she advances, the completion will become more intense and she'll need to work even harder. If we want to achieve or learn something we must put in the effort and like Year 5&6's assembly suggested, we need to set goals and milestones for achievement. Sometimes we won't succeed the first time and that's okay too. The power of YET! "I just haven't got there/learnt it YET."

Bonville Public School's P & C for 2019 has been elected at last week's meeting. Thank you to all those who turned up to this important meeting. Congratulations and thank you to Keyarn Hammond - President, Rebecca Young - Vice President, Oliver Gee - Secretary and Catherine Stokes - Treasurer. The next meeting will be held on 11th March and the P&C will be discussing fundraising plans for 2019. We hope to see you there.

Students’ writing will continue to be a focus for all students in 2019. One strategy that we are implementing in Term One is the Talented Writers Program that Mrs Batten conducts each Thursday. Some of the students’ work is also being printed in this week’s newsletter.

Dean Burkitt

Congratulations: It is always great to see ex

Bonville students succeeding. Mitchell Karrasch

who was the Bonville PS Dux in 2012 has been

accepted to Newcastle University to study Bio

Medical Chemistry. Great things begin at


Don’t forget your meal deal by


Yummy meals every Friday

Talented Writers Program- Hooking the audience

Behind the oak tree, past the stone warriors was the abandoned tavern. Once the tavern had

been treasured and honoured by all types of creatures but now nobody went there anymore.

Under the rocks that no one knew about slept Corridor, the giant creature, in a deep slumber. He

was thin and red and smooth and shone like a piece of ruby. Jacob Billing Year 5/6

Past the ancient stones, under the forest canopy was a place once filled with light, but now seen

as a place of mystery and fear.

A young adventurer wandered. His eyes searched the world with wonderful curiosity. He didn’t

notice the creatures in the shadows. He didn’t notice the trees turn towards him. He didn’t even

see the pink spotted yellow hippopotamus just under the water…

The adventurer stumbled up the stone steps. Keira Sjoberg Year 5/6

In the middle of the dark forest there was an old dark hideaway. A young adventurer approached

the hut, gripping tight his sword. He entered. The room was pitch black and the door slammed

behind him. Stella Dodd Year 5/6

Under the rotten straw roof, in a shack far away, a glassy case stood that held a swamp rose.

The rose was spikey and slimy and foul-smelling and rustled like the leaves in the trees.

Amelia McNally Year 3/4

Under the broken rocks, through the rusty old cave lived the Lord of Death. He was evil and

monstrous and feared. Charlie Taylor Year 3/4

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