25 unanswered questions regarding

Post on 27-Apr-2017






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25 Unanswered Questions Regarding The Phoenix Lights & The Norfolk Incidents

1. On March 13, 1997 at 11:19pm EST - the evening after The Norfolk Incident - Special Operations Flight, “Troubleshooter 615,” crashed suddenly and without cause or reason into the water off the coast of Norfolk, Virginia.

a. This incident was not reported in any media until nearly 6 months after the event on December 7, 1997.

b. Simultaneously, (11:19pm EST = 9:19pm MST) while Troubleshooter 615 was crashing into the ocean, thousands of people in Phoenix, AZ were witnessing the same type of enormous Boomerang shaped UFO’s witnessed the night before in The Norfolk Incident. Is there a connection?

2. Why did NORAD go to DEFCON 2 on the evening of March 13, 1997 after an Air Force MISTI-3 Satellite covering North America was disabled and had its batteries drained as a space borne object was observed passing over the satellite?

3. What did “mysterious” optical images (NASA quote) taken by Hubble telescope of Gamma Ray Burst 970228 on March 13, 1997 reveal?

4. What happened in Norfolk, VA during the 1952 UFO wave and how are these sightings related to The Norfolk Incident?

a. Is there a connection between the infamous Philadelphia Experiment which took place in Norfolk Harbor and these UFO sightings?

5. Just hours after these events, around 2 am on March 14, 1997 President Clinton was rushed to the hospital after suffering from a knee injury.

a. Did the secret service - fearing that the country was under attack, rush President Clinton too quickly and severely injure his knee just hours after Troubleshooter 615 crashed into the Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people began reporting seeing UFO’s?

6. Why did so many planes crash so suddenly and apparently without cause in 1997 – prompting the US Air Force - for the first time in history - "stand down" all non combat air operations for 48 hours?

a. Why were all 5 US Navy Atlantic Fleet Carriers berthed in Norfolk Naval Station in Norfolk, Virginia for the first time since Pearl Harbor - during July of 1997?

7. Why did Captain Craig Button break formation from his squadron and fly over 800 miles from his home base near Phoenix, Arizona and crash his A-10 into Craig’s Peak near New York Mountain on April 2, 1997 just 2 weeks after the UFO waves in Norfolk and Phoenix? Is there a connection?

a. What happened to the four live and still missing MK-500 lb "dumb" bombs that Craig Button’s A-10 Warthog carried but were never recovered from the crash site or anywhere else?

b. How did Amy Lynn Svoboda - the 1st female pilot in the USAF and Craig Buttons trainer die during a routine training mission on May 27, 1997 - just weeks after her student allegedly committed suicide by crashing into a mountain?

c. When originally questioned about the Phoenix Lights, the military said they didn’t know that A-10’s were dropping flares in March 13, 1997, then how can they be so sure - 6 months later, that the UFO's seen in Phoenix on March 13, 1997 were definitely caused by A-10's dropping flares?

d. Did these Amy and Craig become unwitting participants in a cover-up and did they know something that got them killed?

8. The HAARP facility in Gakona, Alaska became operational on February 28, 1997 for prototype testing and ended this testing phase on March 14, 1997.

a. Could HAARP technology be used to power our own fleet of Anti-Gravity Stealth Reconnaissance Craft?

b. Is there a connection between some types of "Gamma Ray Bursts" and UFO waves?

i. Could some GRB’s be the evidence of Faster Than Light UFO technology and did the US government know that we were going to be “visited” on February 28, 1997 and put our own anti-gravity craft up to “meet,” them?

9. Do the lights seen in Phoenix match the ones seen in Fatima, Portugal on October 13, 1917 during the First “Miracle of the Sun,” which many now believe was a mass UFO sighting?

a. Is there a connection between Edgar Cayce the Virgin Mary Apparitions and the Return of the Descendants of Jesus Christ?

i. What kind of treasure was Edgar Cayce referring to in his White Hill Mystery/Prophecy?

10. What is the purpose and meaning of the Sigui – a sacred dance performed by the shamans of the Dogon tribe in Mali, Africa once every 60 years, the last time being 1937 and most recently in 1997?

11. Why would UFO’s frequent Norfolk, Virginia and Phoenix area?

12. What happened in Norfolk, VA during the 1952 UFO wave?

13. Why did Captain Craig Button break formation from his squadron and fly over 800 miles from his home base near Phoenix, Arizona and crash his A-10 into Craig’s Peak near New York Mountain on April 2, 1997 just 2 weeks after the UFO waves in Norfolk and Phoenix? Is there a connection?

14. Why and who was sworn in as the new DOE secretary sworn in on the morning of March 13, 1997?

15. What if The Heaven’s Gate cult followers were right and there really was a fleet of Spacecraft traveling with comet Hale Bopp?

16. Why did Art Bell’s Radio broadcast station suddenly go dead on March 13, 1998 and March 13, 1999 at exactly 2am?

17. Why did ancient cultures worship the Constellations of Orion and Sirius? If the craft seen in Phoenix and Norfolk are not from earth, where could they be from?

18. Why did the world renowned Psychic and Healer - Edgar Cayce move from Dayton, Ohio to a deserted sand dune in Virginia Beach, VA in 1925?

19. Is there a connection between Edgar Cayce and the US Navy’s infamous Philadelphia Experiment?

20. Is there a biological mechanism that allows humans to sense future and past events and other “psychic” phenomena?

21. Is there a connection between Edgar Cayce the Virgin Mary Apparitions and the Return of the Descendants of Jesus Christ?

22. Do the lights seen in Phoenix match the ones seen in Fatima, Portugal on October 13, 1917? The Miracle of the Sun.

23. What kind of treasure was Edgar Cayce referring to in his White Hill Mystery/Prophecy?

24. Did Religious documents and prophecies predict the UFO wave of 1997?

25. What scientist might have invented the flying “Orb",” shaped UFO’s seen by thousands around the world?

Table of Important Events RegardingThe Phoenix Lights & The Norfolk Incidents

Date Time Event Description Source2/28/1997   HAARP "DP"(High Altitude Auroral Research Project) The

Developmental Prototype (The DP is about 1/4 size of proposed full size project) goes “online” and conducts testing for first time.


2/28/1997 AM - PM First sightings of small round UFO’s called “orbs.” Mufon, Nuforc2/28/1997   GRB 970228 The largest and most “Mysterious” gamma

ray burst ever recorded up to that time, comes from the area of Orion’s Belt. On 3/13/97 Hubble Telescope takes first ever optical wavelength picture of the optical (visible with human eye) transient (remnant) of Gamma Ray Bursts 970228. It shows a “mysterious” oblong object. "Scientific American Quoting"

Scientific American - July 1997

2/28/1997   Strange dream about UFO's - Beware of Government The Norfolk Incident

3/10/1997 AM - PM UFO Sightings Flap in Phoenix Arizona and surrounding areas begin in earnest. Video and multiple witness confirmations.

Mufon, Nuforc,CNN

3/11/1997 11:00:00 AM EST

MUFON Investigator Dennis Hawley sees an “orb” fly over a hospital in broad daylight in the middle of Virginia Beach.

Mufon, Nuforc,CNN

3/11/1997 6:30:00 PM EST

At 6:30 p.m., which was the second night of the UFO flap in Phoenix, three orange spheres in a Boomerang or Delta configuration appeared over the south bank of the Kanawha River, in the South Hills section of Charleston, West Virginia. C-130 gun ships supposedly chased them later that night.

Filer Files, UFO Roundup

3/12/1997 Noon Federico F. Peña is swiftly sworn into office as the 8th US Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary, following confirmation by the U.S. Senate.


3/12/1997 9:08:00 PM EST

Former Civil Air Patrol Spotter and Senior Member, experienced with search and rescue operations of downed aircraft using visual and ELT (Emergency Location Transmitters) - former member of JAFROTC and son of Former Delta Force member - witnesses a huge boomerang shaped UFO coming from the direction of Orion’s Belt. It floats silently over his head while he was visiting a friend who lived near (rather a civilian neighborhood inside the Norfolk Naval Base complex off of Hampton Blvd. in Norfolk - Virginia. 9:08:00 or so EST

MUFON, Virginia Pilot-Ledger, Filer's Files,

Date Time Event Description Source

3/13/1997 10-11 AM EST

New DOE Secretary Pena gives closed circuit speech to all DOE Employees Across Country

DOE Website

3/13/1997 8PM-9PM EST

“Troubleshooter 615” goes down in “mysterious” accident off the coast of Norfolk, VA at around 8pm EST.

Virginia Pilot-Ledger

3/13/1997 10-12PM EST Adj.

Hundreds, if not thousands of people from all walks of life report seeing various boomerang and triangular shaped objects of huge proportions that floated silently above them. The majority of these sightings were of Boomerang shaped craft with the same characteristics as the craft seen in Norfolk, VA the previous night. 8-10 pm AZ time = 10-12 PM EST

CNN, Discovery Channel, Mufon, Skywatch, Too many to list.

3/13/1997 Unknown On 3/13/97 Hubble Telescope takes first ever picture of optical transient of Gamma Ray Burst # 970228. It showed a “mysterious” oblong object. ("NASA") The source of the Gamma Ray Burst is very near the Third star of Orion’s Belt.

Scientific American July 1997, NASA

3/14/1997 1:30-2 AM EST

At Approximately 2:30 am President Clinton is reported to have hurt his knee after falling down a flight of stairs at PGA Golfer - Greg Normans house near Hobe Sound in Florida. (AKA - Jupiter Island)


3/14/1997   HAARP facility goes “off-line.” Official HAARP Website, DOE

3/14/1997   UFO "Flap" dies as quickly as it began. Personal Observation

3/22/1997   Hale Bopp reaches earth perigee (closest physical approach to Earth)


3/27/1997   Heaven’s Gate Suicides – Believed a UFO was traveling behind Comet Hale-Bopp.


4/1/1997   Hale Bopp Reaches Sun Perigee (closest approach to the Sun)


4/2/1997 Noon USAF A-10 “warthog” pilot allegedly breaks formation, from his home base near Phoenix, AZ and fly’s his plane all the way to Colorado….to commit suicide?


1/6 -1/141998

  Earth reaches closest point to Comet Hale-Bopp’s closest orbit.

Planetarium Program

1/10/1998   Another UFO wave takes place in Phoenix, AZ Internet

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