24 quotes for the email marketer

Post on 19-Nov-2014






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At the beginning of every section of "Email Marketing Rules," I lead off with a quote that’s profoundly relevant or poignant. Beyond pointing readers to other resources, it is my way of tipping my hat to some of the folks that have inspired me. I hope their words inspire you, too.


QUOTES EMAIL MARKETERThe Epigraphs from Email Marketing Rules

24 for the


At the beginning of every section of Email Marketing Rules, I lead off with a quote that’s profoundly relevant or poignant.

Beyond pointing readers

to other resources, it is my

way of tipping my hat to

some of the folks that

have inspired me.

I hope their words inspire

you, too.

“Wondering if ‘best practices’ were called ‘profit practices’ whether we’d be more likely to follow them. Words have power.”

—Mark Brownlow, Publisher of EmailMarketingReports.com

“Permission Marketing…offers the consumer an opportunity to volunteer to be marketed to. By talking only to volunteers, Permission Marketing guarantees that consumers pay more attention to the marketing messages.”

—Seth Godin, Author of Permission Marketing

“Einstein knew what was inside the box before he thought outside of it. Creativity without knowledge can be an extremely dangerous thing.”

—Walter Isaacson, Author of Jobs

“Data-driven marketing is the engine behind improved marketing results, and it creates measurable internal accountability as marketers become more effective in planning, executing, and proving the value of their work.”

—Lisa Arthur, Author of Big Data Marketing

“If your reputation sucks, none of it matters. People with lousy products, crummy business practices, and shady backgrounds get found out. And word spreads with frightening speed.”

—Sonia Simone, Chief Marketing Officer of Copyblogger

“[A welcome email] sets the stage—the tone—for the rest of the email you will send. More importantly, a welcome email can increase your business and help you better understand your new subscribers.”

—DJ Waldow and Jason Falls, Coauthors of The Rebel’s Guide to Email Marketing

“Far from the waterfalls of social media feeds, email and SMS inboxes are more akin to ‘to-do’ lists that consumers check off, one message at a time. Your email and SMS messages tend to have far greater reach than social media, because every message the user receives creates an impression from its ‘from’ and subject lines—even if they never open it.”

—Jeff Rohrs, Author of AUDIENCE

“Marketers need to take a customer-centric approach to their holiday strategy, leveraging the data they have about their customers to individualize the customer journey.”

—Wacarra Yeomans, Senior Director of Creative Services, Oracle

Marketing Cloud

“Mass marketers develop a product and try to find customers for that product. But 1:1 marketers develop a customer and try to find products for that customer.”

—Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, Coauthors of The One to One Future

“That email you’re going to send next week? If you didn’t send it, how many people would complain and wonder where it is? Because if they’re not complaining when you don’t show up, then you don’t really have permission.”

—Seth Godin, Author of Permission Marketing

“When you neglect the landing page, the money you spend on acquisition and retention is largely wasted, flushed down the proverbial toilet.”

—Tim Ash, Maura Ginty, and Rich Page, Coauthors of Landing Page Optimization

“Requiring subscribers to jump through hoops to be removed from your mailing list will either result in them clicking the Report Spam button instead or finishing the process but leaving with a negative opinion of your company or brand.”

—Simms Jenkins, Author of The Truth about Email Marketing

“For marketers, testing is at the heart of improving conversion, measuring is at the heart of holding these conversion improvements to an increasing standard, and optimization is at the heart of persuasion.”

—Bryan Eisenberg, Author of Always Be Testing

“While the power of permission is what makes email a true powerhouse in the digital world (without permission, email is a mere mortal form of direct marketing), the ‘what about this’ scenarios that many ask show a big divide.”

—Simms Jenkins, Author of The New Inbox

“Having a large list sounds ideal, but it guarantees nothing—except, perhaps, potential deliverability challenges. It certainly doesn’t ensure the high ROI for which email is famous.”

—Loren McDonald, VP of Industry Relations at Silverpop, An IBM Company

“Reaching the inbox is not your goal—engaging people is.”

—Matt Blumberg, Chairman & CEO of Return Path

“Being useful and interesting and relevant needs to be the least of what your brand is known for, now and in the future.”

—Jay Baer, Author of Youtility

“Building great emails that perform across the myriad of clients and devices is difficult and, oftentimes, extraordinarily frustrating. It involves working with markup at which most designers would cringe and hacking your way to success.”

—Jason Rodriguez, Author of Modern HTML Email

“The key to establishing the right email frequency with your customers, as in every aspect of email marketing, is to plan, test, adapt, analyze, and refine. Each marketer will find that different rules apply to different customers.”

—Simms Jenkins, Author of The Truth about Email Marketing

“As a company, you need to get to the future first, ahead of your customers, and be ready to greet them when they arrive.”

—Marc Benioff, Founder, Chairman, & CEO of salesforce.com

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CLICK TO TWEET: Check out @chadswhite’s 24 Quotes for Email Marketers: http://rules.ws/1qTkIPi

“Once again the best book ever

written about email marketing. A

massive amount of new


—Jay Baer, New York Times

bestselling Author of Youtility

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Chad White is the author of Email Marketing Rules and thousands of articles and posts about email marketing trends and best practices. His research and commentary have appeared in more than 100 publications, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, U.S. News & World Report, Advertising Age, Adweek, MarketWatch, and SmartMoney. Chad is currently Lead Research Analyst at the Salesforce ExactTarget Marketing Cloud.

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