2016 term 2 week 05.pdf - catholic college term 2 week 05.pdf · while these do require a lot of...

Post on 18-Apr-2018






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THE PRINCIPAL REVIEW AND ACCOUNTABILITY are very much part of the modern educational world, as it is in many workplaces, and this year is a particularly ‘heavy’ year for us in relation to this. While these do require a lot of work, the output is extremely valuable as it gives both affirmation of what is being done well and directions for future growth and improvement.

Currently we have four reviews occurring:

Our five INTERNAL SCHOOL REVIEW TEAMS met this week to plan for the review of the five components on this year’s schedule of Cyclical Review:

1.3 Prayer and Worship

1.5 Learning and Teaching of Religion

2.2 Responding to the Diverse Needs of Learners

3.2 Work of Culture

4.3 Finance and Facilities

These teams consist of teachers who have nominated that as their area of interest and are responsible for gathering data so judgements can be made on how we are performing in each of these components. This includes gathering survey data from students, parents and staff.

Planning for our five-yearly EXTERNAL REVIEW began this week with discussions with Paul Blundell and Ann McKenny from BCE. Our review day scheduled for 9 August.

Our RELIGIOUS EDUCATION VALIDATION day is 9 June and Catharine Hannan has been busy putting this submission together.

We are meeting with Simon Mahaffey from BCE on 16 May to discuss the ENHANCING CATHOLIC SCHOOL IDENTITY survey results.

Parent involvement part of three of these; those elected to our formal parent groups will be part of a panel for the External Review; the Catholic School identity survey having been completed some time ago; and as noted above, parents (and students) will be asked to complete the Internal School Review survey which will be available later this term.

As a whole school, we are currently engaged with the goal of improving STUDENT LITERACY as part of our commitment to BCE’s Delivering Excellent Learning and Teaching project – DELT. This was the focus of the staff professional development twilight session last Thursday as we reviewed BCE’s Model of Pedagogy, re-acquainted ourselves with the three ‘high yield strategies’ to improve literacy in our students – Data Walls, Review and Response meetings and Learning Walks and Talks and collectively analysed some student literacy tasks to familiarise ourselves with the eight criteria against which some tasks should be marked. It certainly created lively discussion among staff about effective teaching and learning.

As part of this project, we have engaged Cathy Dance for a minimum of six hours per week to assist us in the role of Literacy Coach/Mentor to work with staff as part of this process. Cathy has much experience in this area and has already received much praise from staff for her work.

We have had two members of our SIENA SCHOOLS’ BOARD resign this year due to family and work commitments – Leah McCabe and more recently Adam Brown and we thank them very much for their significant input to discussions and decisions. We are still very much within guidelines in terms of the number of Board members and as we are halfway through the cycle of member tenure, we will not replace Leah and Adam.

60 Sippy Downs Drive, Sippy Downs 4556



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Uniform Shop: 5456 4397

16 May 2016

Term 2, Week 05 16-16

Catholic College

CONGRATULATIONS to the members of our two DANCE ENSEMBLES – 22 girls and 10 boys, with some featuring in both - who performed at the Sunshine Coast Dance Eisteddfod at Caloundra last Friday night. In a marathon four hour session, almost 50 routines representing at least 20 schools presented polished and creative performances and our sharing 4th and 5th placings with other schools reflects well on our group performances. This was very much a student-lead project, and our thanks go to Year 12 students Mason Berry and Lauren Kruger for leading this and to staff members Natalie Wight, Rachel Bonato and Annette Rasmussen for their ensuring all was progressing well, a role they claim they had to do very little with such was the focus and organisation of the group.

Years 7 and 9 have approached NAPLAN very positively this week. Today is the last day of the scheduled testing with tomorrow being a catch-up day for students absent for tests earlier in the week. Thank you students for being so focused and the Curriculum leader Brenden Tucker and Pastoral Leaders Sue Webb and Paul Pennisi for all the organisation behind this testing program. As you can imagine, being a national test, the process is quite exacting in its requirements.

BEST WISHES to Year 12 students Liam Hulsman-Benson, Brayden Munro and Daniel Walsh who are finalists in the Mayor’s Telstra Technology Awards. With these awards, council is looking for a new and creative use of technology or the next technological idea - it could be a new app, new concepts in social media, gaming technology or robotics. It could be the application of existing technology in a novel way to solve a community, environmental or business challenge. Our team present their plan to establish an on-line hub for youth of the Sunshine Coast to the judging panel next Wednesday night. There is more information further in the newsletter.


Parents who are attending/waiting for children who are playing/training on our oval or back courts are asked not to park in the areas adjacent to them but to PARK IN THE MAIN CARPARK area. The exception to this is coaches who may have to deliver training gear to these facilities. The entry gate to the oval being open should not be seen as permission to park there but more to give access to those who do. I will be writing to Siena Soccer and Siena Netball requesting the same.

Now that our PARENT PORTAL is online, we are asking all families to access the portal to check their FAMILY DETAILS are correct. Communication with families for eg emergencies and reporting can only occur if we have the correct contact details. An explanation of how to do this is available here. Please ensure that you acknowledge that you have done the check once finished as we will need to contact families who haven’t checked by the end of next week. The irony here is that we may not be able to contact you because the details are incorrect. Excusable in a reminder situation but very concerning if there is an emergency.

We are hosting students and staff from our sister school in Cesena, Italy from July 15 until August 2 and we are still in need of A FAMILY TO HOST A 16/17 YEAR OLD BOY. The students are with host families for six nights after which they travel north for four nights and then return to families for a further nine nights. Please consider this and if interested, please contact our Curriculum Leader – Italian, DeLynne Wight for more information.

As outlined in an email yesterday, BCE are holding a parent consultation session next Thursday which gives parents the opportunity to put forward the vision/qualities/skills they would like to see in their new principal. Please give this your consideration – there is no need to register. Your input can be open and honest – I won’t be there! There is a similar session for staff earlier that afternoon.

Mr Graeme Hight

THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost Sunday, the day on which we commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit to the early followers of Jesus. Pentecost is from the Greek word 'Pentekostos', which means 'fifty'. It's the 50th day after the Sabbath of Passover week and in Judaism is called the Feast of Weeks.

After Jesus’ ascension, the disciples returned to Jerusalem and joined together in prayer in an upper room. On the day of Pentecost, the sound of a wind filled the house and tongues of fire came to rest on each of them and all were filled with the Holy Spirit. They were given the power of the Spirit, which they used to begin the ministry for which they had been prepared - it was the beginning of the church as we know it.

At its heart, Pentecost is the Church's celebration of the gift of the Holy Spirit. It comes from the realisation that God's life, breath and energy lives in, with and among us. When we allow this Spirit to energise us, our lives will express the fruits of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Pentecost imparts faith, hope, a sharing of community, and an awareness of a purpose much greater than ourselves.

As Pope Francis reminds us ‘the gift of the Holy Spirit has been bestowed upon the Church and upon each one of us, so that we may live lives of genuine faith and active charity, that we may sow the seeds of reconciliation and peace. Strengthened by the Spirit, who guides us into the truth, who renews us and the whole earth and who gives us his fruits, may we be able to battle uncompromisingly against sin and corruption by devoting ourselves with patient perseverance to the works of justice and peace’.

Mrs Catharine Hannan

THE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Dear Parents/Carers, Students, Staff and Friends

Queensland Health School VACCINATION Program – Round 2 Vaccinations

As part of Queensland Health’s School Based Vaccination Program, Round 2 vaccinations (HPV dose 2 & dTpa) will occur on Tuesday 17 May (Term 2, Week 5) for all Year 7 and Year 8 students whose parents/carers have previously granted permission.

Vaccinations are administered by a team of specially trained registered nurses and/or a medical practitioner.

The day’s Vaccination Schedule is detailed below:

Vaccinations will be administered in Library Seminar Room.

Round 3 vaccinations (HPV dose 3 & VZV [Varicella – chickenpox]) will take place on Friday 21 October (Term 4, Week 3).

Parents/carers can find more information about diseases, vaccines or the School Immunisation Program here or call 13 Health on 13 43 25 84.

Blessings for a safe, restful and joy-filled weekend.

Mr Paul Ford

THE CURRICULUM PROGRAM LEADER This week, the Year 7 and 9 students took part in NAPLAN testing. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank them all for their efforts in completing the five tests over the past three days. I am sure that many parents and carers would have had some very tired young people at home! Tomorrow, I will be endeavouring to catch up with those students who missed out on some of the tests. Mr Brenden Tucker

Period/Time Core Class

Year 08 9.05 – 10.50 am

9.05 – 9.40 am 08VAR6 & 08DRA5

9.40 – 10.10 am 08DRA2 & 08ITL1

10.10 – 10.50 am 08DTG4 & 08FTT3

Year 07 11.00 am-12.30 pm

11.00 – 11.30 am 07VAR6 & 07DRA5

11.30 am – 12.00 pm 07MUS2 & 07ITL1

12.00 – 12.35 pm 07DTG4 & 07FTT3


As mentioned earlier in the newsletter, three of our Year 12 students, Brayden Munro, Liam Hulsman-Benson and Daniel Walsh entered the inaugural SUNSHINE COAST MAYOR’S TELSTRA TECHNOLOGY AWARDS, submitting the concept of the Sunshine Coast Youth Hub: a one-stop shop for youth on the coast, containing information and links regarding employment, education, accommodation, social activities and much more.

The group (Wired In Technologies) were short listed and have spent the last few weeks fine tuning their concept ready for a final sales pitch. This involved attending four mentoring sessions, each of two hours and then applying the concepts learned there to the final product. This week they are filming and editing their three minute video which will be submitted to the judging panel this Friday.

Meanwhile, there is another component – the People’s Choice Awards – open for judging and this one is voted on by the public. If you wish to do so, the instructions to vote for the tam and support them are below. Please do not feel obligated by any sense of loyalty, but if you wish to support the boys they would certainly appreciate it. The competition closes Friday afternoon.

To enter and be eligible to win, eligible entrants must:

A) Visit the Telstra Caloundra and Kawana Waters Facebook page located at https://www.facebook.com/TelstraStoreCaloundra and

B) Like the “Telstra Caloundra and Kawana Waters” Facebook page;

C) Navigate to any of the Telstra People Choice Award post (in Conjunction with the Mayor’s Telstra Technology Awards); and

D) Comment “Siena Catholic College – Sunshine Coast Youth Hub”

We wish the boys all the very best of luck for the upcoming awards night and I know that, whatever the decision, they have gained some wonderful experiences and knowledge from the process they have gone through. Good luck! Mrs Anne Fenwick

LEGAL STUDIES On Wednesday morning, the Year 11 and 12 Legal Studies students set out for the event of the Legal Studies year; a trip to the SUPREME COURT of Queensland in Brisbane. Indeed, the excursion to the Supreme Court proved to be worth the early wake-up call and extreme lack of caffeine.

Whilst many students found themselves indicted for crimes against fashion by the 'Honourable Gatey' and Supreme Court Judge Bowskill, the Year 12 students particularly found that they needed a map to navigate the court's immense library when researching for their independent inquiry. However, the Year 11 students proved and expertly demonstrated they could in fact keep silent for an extended period of time when viewing the variety of criminal and civil cases the court provided for the day, gaining valuable experience as to the structure and format of our justice system. Even the lunch break proved interesting, with some of the young men of Year 12 proceeding to browse formal stores in preparation for either the upcoming Benefit Ball or looking for the best law suits (excuse the pun!).

However, none of this insightful experience could have been possible without the supreme guidance of our own Siena judges - Mrs Kerr, Mrs Denny and Mr Davies. We all thank you for such an amazing time, and while our Year 11s will find themselves back at court next year (hopefully escaping with no charges), the Year 12s will greatly miss these amazing experiences that have been offered to us! Cambria Egan, Legal Studies Student

MODERN HISTORY The SENIOR MODERN HISTORY class enjoyed an excursion last Thursday to Immanuel Lutheran College for a series of seminars delivered by Dr Andrew Bonnell of The University of Queensland and their textbook’s author, Dr Brian Hoepper.

I thought that both topics were quite interesting especially the terrorism talk by Dr Hoepper as it had a lot of relevance to our work.

Patrick McIndoe, Year 11.

Associate Professor Bonnell’s speech was very interesting as the particular topics he discussed on Nazi Germany and the dictatorships at the time enhanced and furthered my knowledge. Alex Freer, Year 12.

Thank you to Mr Damien Murphy, (pre-service teacher, USC) for accompanying us in his own time. Our students were beautifully behaved, a fact noted by our bus driver. The highlight for many of them was having their textbooks autographed by Brian Hoepper. As he wrote in Joseph’s O’Brien’s copy: History Lives! Miss Pamela Chetwyn, Senior Modern History Teacher

THE INSTRUMENT MUSIC CO-ORDINATOR QUOTE OF THE WEEK “Life is like Music; it must be composed by ear, feeling, and instinct, not by rule.” Samuel Butler


To all students who have completed AMEB Music exams over the last week and to those who will complete them in coming weeks

Your courage, commitment, effort and resilience to realise these goals is commendable

MUSIC FACTS The following are four interesting facts about music for you to consider:

1. Listening to music while working out measurably improves physical performance

2. You don’t like the original version of the song because it’s better. You like it because it’s the one you heard first.

3. Warner Music collected over US $2 million in royalties in 2008 for public usage of the ‘Happy Birthday’ song.

4. Your favourite song is probably your favourite because you associate it with an emotional event in your life.

LESSON CHANGES Tutors have re-scheduled lessons around NAPLAN test times for students in Years 7 and 9. These changes may also have affected other student lessons times. Where lessons are not able to happen this week, please rest assured tutors will get to them during the term. If you have enquiries about lesson numbers, please contact tutors directly.

ATTENDANCE Parents are reminded to contact tutors when they are not able to attend scheduled lessons – this includes due to being absent from school. There have been many school events in recent weeks and the weeks ahead and rescheduling times can be very difficult. Missed lessons without an email, letter, phone call or text cannot be rescheduled. Your support with this is much appreciated.


Monday 16 May – String Recital in Benincasa from 6.30pm (students of Mrs Salmon, Mr Goh, Miss S Durrer and Mr Newcomb)

PARENT PORTAL Please click HERE to view the following documents:

2016 Calendar of Siena College Music Events

Instrumental and Singing Tuition Timetables

Instrumental Music Program Information and Enrolment Form

Enquiries - for all music related enquiries, please email us on SienaMusic@bne.catholic.edu.au Mr Todd Wynyard


Daniel Lee, a past Siena student who graduated in 2014, is now a cadet officer, training and studying at the Australian Defence Force Academy. Yesterday he returned to the College, eager to share his experiences with Siena students who are keen to learn more about the career and university opportunities available in the ADF. Daniel was able to offer insight as to how applicants can prepare and enhance their selection process. He also outlined the energetic and stimulating lifestyle available to cadets. We thank him for his thoughtful gesture.

Some parents may be interested in PATERSON’S COOKING SCHOOL at Warana (2/3 Machinery Avenue) which has arranged a ‘Moving On Out’ class aimed at students who may be anxious about moving out and having to cook for themselves, especially when on a budget. More information about the class can be found here: Alternatively, you can contact Jase Murray directly on 5493 5006 for any further information you may require. email: jase@patersonscookingschool.com.au Web: http://patersonscookingschool.com.au

Mr Peter Cook and Mrs Marie Cansick


Students who finished in the top six places of their age group at our Interhouse Cross Country are eligible to represent Siena at the District Cross Country Carnival next Wednesday 18 May. All permission forms and completed Project Consent Forms must be returned to Student Access immediately.


Year 8 and 9:

Yesterday we played Maleny State High School with the following results:


Year 8 Year 8

Netball A won 39-5, Netball B won 38-2 AFL no game

Soccer won 11-0 Rugby League won 40-12

Touch won 11-2 Soccer won 10-3

Volleyball A won 2-0, Volleyball B won 2-0 Volleyball A won 2-0, Volleyball B no game

Year 9 Year 9

Netball A won 26-1, Netball B won 15-9 AFL lost 44-76

Soccer lost 0-2 Rugby League no game

Touch won 11-0 Soccer won 4-2

Volleyball A won 2-0, Volleyball B won 45-42 Volleyball A won 2-1, Volleyball B no game

Due to the District Cross Country there are no games next Wednesday 18 May. All teams will be training.

The school sport activities for students not playing in an Interschool team also continue with students enjoying Ju Jitsu, Yoga and Lacrosse.

All students are required to wear their sports uniform each Wednesday (including their sports hat and water bottle) and must bring a note from a parent/guardian if they are not able to participate due to injury/illness.

The local Sunshine Coast LACROSSE Association, who coach our school sport students each Wednesday, are looking for interested students to attend some Junior Competition Days. The first one is this Saturday 14 May from 10:00am – 12:00pm at Mt Gravatt and the local one will be held on Saturday June 11 from 10:00am – 12:00pm at Meridan Sporting Complex. All students are welcome. Click here for more information.


Year 10 Sport activities for next Wednesday 18 May are as follows:

Group A – Canoeing, Group B – Community Assistance, Group C students swap between Tennis and Gym.


Congratulations to the following students who have recently been selected in Central District Teams and will compete at the Regional Trial Day next Tuesday 17 May:

15 Years Girls Basketball – Neve Hulsman-Benson

15 Years Boys Basketball – Manu Wilde

15 Years Boys Football – Tom Whittaker

15 Years Boys Rugby Union – Luke Battle, Jack Buckley, Daniel Gibson, Jake Krigovsky, Mitch Lowrie

Junior Girls Surfing – Anna Toohey, Sammy Lee, Alyssa King

Junior Boys Surfing – Alister Reginato, Will Muskins, Will Carter, Noah Jeffs

Senior Boys Surfing – Bowen King


Congratulations to Will Pugsley (Year 12) who recently refereed at the Under 18 Rugby Union State Championships where he was awarded the STUDENT MATCH OFFICIAL OF THE CHAMPIONSHIPS. He is now off to Lismore in NSW next week for the U13-14 State Championships from Friday to Sunday.


12 & U Boys & Girls Tennis – Wednesday 18 May

12 & U Rugby Union – Monday 23 May

Students interested in attending these trials must collect a permission form from the sports office asap.

SPORTS RESULTS The TENNIS season is in full swing with both the A and B teams taking on Immanuel last night. The A team recovered from a 4 sets to 1 deficit to tie the match at 4 sets and 35 games all. It came down to a match tiebreaker with Siena going down 7-5. So close, but a great effort from the boys. The B team defeated Immanuel 5 sets to 3 with our exchange student, Hannah Binder, claiming two of the sets. Well done to Hannah and the rest of the team.

A Team: Michael Baillie, Aidan Brighouse, Ethan McGahan, James Anstey. Manager - Julie Rawlings

B Team: Paul Grewar, Shaun McAnally, Hannah Binder, Tamara Phillips, Serena Weaver, Sophie Johannsen. Manager - Catherine Flynn.

Mrs Catherine Flynn

RUGBY The 13s started off well against James Nash, scoring two tries in the first six minutes. After that, the excitement of the bus trip wore off and the boys realised they had a tough game ahead. The backs had a field day with the space that James Nash left and Oska Boyd, Willem Johnstone, Noah Cheatham, Cooper Green and Tom McClure worked their magic to make some very exciting breaks and put points on the board. The forwards had a tough game against some very big opposition. We made things very hard for ourselves in the break down and it sometimes lead to costly mistakes. We are learning to always play our game and not drop to the level of our opposition. We kept James Nash scoreless in the second half to end up winners 24-5, looking well on track for a grand final berth. We are very thankful to the people who support us, particularly our Siena Rugby captain Dom Chamberlain. Dom spent the entire game on the side line, ensuring the boy’s water bottles were filled and some inspirational words were spoken. The boys look up to you and we are thankful of your time and effort you put in to ensure these boys have good role models in rugby. Miss Joanna Kerr, Coach

U14s With a rematch against Grammar it was always going to be a difficult task to win for the boys (final score 17-57). So as a team we focused on three goals; to score points, fast line speed in defence and utilise key defensive strategies around the break downs. After letting in a few early tries the boys finally switched on to achieve the first and foremost goal, cross the line. Superb tries were scored by David Bagshaw, Aiden McComisky and Harry Liebke. Also a massive effort to the boys for taking on Grammar in defence. With lightning fast line speed (2nd goal) lead by the Knight brothers, Cooper and Connor, Cooper Deny and Josh Smith it caused plenty of headaches for Grammar. When pressure was applied around the breakdowns, Grammar mistakes were made and our boys started to fire up and get hungry for the ball. With Mathew Tarrant, Paddy Dougherty, Mitchell John and Jarrod Young making crucial tackles, the team maintained great ball security and it would see Siena complete multiple phases of play, a feat we have not achieved often this season.

Well done on a superb effort last night boys. Nathan Clohesy, Luke Parnemann, Damien Murphy (Coaches)

Michele Akers, John Rowell (Managers)

The U15s played with renewed energy and enthusiasm in defeating James Nash 45 – 7. Down seven nil early on, the team attacked as a unit with Chris Webb’s running a feature of the match. Danny Gibson scored another length of the field try with his blinding speed but it was very much a team win where all players made a worthwhile contribution. Mitch Lowrie secured multiple turnovers. Sam Reid and Jake Krigovsky ran straight and hard as did Ashton Bougore. Grayson Casley made a switch to the forwards and provided some strong defence to earn one point. Luke Battle showed us all his character with a try saving tackle in the dying minutes after a long range break from the opposition and Max Craven continues to defend with vigour. Jack Buckley earned the coach’s three points after providing excellent service and organization for the team. It was a much improved performance from the side but this team will need to continue their improvement if they are going to be genuine title contenders. On a sad note, we extend our best wishes to Riley Craven who had surgery on his knee during the week after injuring himself the week before. Riley will be out for the season and we wish him all the best. Mr Shane Buckley, Coach

1st XV It has been a busy week for the 1sts rugby team with our catch-up match against Mountain Creek SHS being played on Monday evening and then our bus trek to Gympie last evening to meet James Nash. Both matches resulted in outstanding wins of 29-7 against Creek and 43-5 against James Nash. Monday evening's success came from an all-round team effort due to the commitment of the forwards at the breakdown and Siena's overwhelming dominance in set pieces. In last night’s match, John McLaughlin and James Mason combined beautifully all evening. This was supported by Jack Wright's electric pace proving way too strong for the opposition on several occasion. Next week we have our final round match against Unity at home. Mrs Kerri Buckley, Manager

What a great night for Siena NETBALL. We won 14 out of our 17 games, and with some amazing scores. Our junior teams lead the way with wins by all our teams and three of our teams: A Reserve, B Blue and C Blue are all still undefeated at the top of their respective divisions. In the Intermediate division, the A team gave an amazing display of netball and defeated Caloundra 58 -19. Well done girls! The Open Division also saw wins to all our teams. Our Firsts had a return to form and had a comprehensive win over PLC 52 – 8.

The only disappointing part of the night was the number of girls who did not turn up, and did not let their coaches know. It is not enough to tell other team members, the coach should always be notified. Thank you to Lana Goodman-Tomsett and Danielle Bayne (playing a second game for the night) who stepped up to play for another team who would otherwise have had to forfeit.

Next week Siena will be taking three teams to compete in the annual QUEENSLAND CATHOLIC CUP competition. Our Firsts, Intermediate A and Junior A teams will competing, so we wish them all the best for the day. Mrs Margaret Doherty



Time Team

4:15 Jnr A Crt 3 Jnr A Res Crt 7 Jnr C Black Crt 15 Jnr B Blue Crt 15

5:05 Int A Crt 4 Jnr C Blue Crt 9 Jnr C White Crt 11

5:55 Firsts Crt 1 Open A Res Crt 10 Int A Res Crt 12 Int B Black Crt 13 Int B Blue Crt 15

6:45 Open B Black Crt 1 Int C Crt 3 Open B White Crt 16 Open B Blue BYE

7:35 Open C Crt 3 Open C Crt 9

THE UNIFORM SHOP SCHOOL FORMAL JUMPERS have arrived at the Uniform Shop and all sizes are now available. WHITE FORMAL HATS have also arrived. Students who placed an order for the hat have been advised of their availability via homeroom. Please collect your order promptly.



N/A N/A Media – Advertising critique

Film – music video critique

Business - exam

Drama – presenting Australian drama

Physics – extended response task

Graphics – folio

Art – Body of work 1

SOR – task 1

DIARY NOTES Friday 13 Commedia performance, Periods 3 & 4. All Year 8, Years 9 – 12 Italian and Year 11 Drama classes

Monday 16 College String Recital, Benincasa, 6.30pm

Tuesday 17 Year 7 and 8 Immunisations, HPV2 & dTpa

QC Cup, Brisbane. Bus departs 5.30am, return by 6.00pm

Wednesday 18 Assembly, Period 1.

Thursday 19 Year 11 Shake and Stir presentation, 9.00am

Year 12 Shake and Stir presentation, 11.30am

Year 8 Sticks and Stones presentation, 1.30pm

Friday 20 Year 7 Geography and Science excursion, all day. Bus depart 9.00am

Senior Fitness class Crossfit excursion, 10.30am – 12.30pm

MOTHER’S DAY RAFFLE WINNERS 1st prize Hayley Newport

2nd prize Janelle Donahoe

3rd prize Faith Della Sabina

A huge thank you to all the Dads and College students who helped make the MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFAST special. Your help was really appreciated.


JNR A Won 24 -15 MCSHS 8 INT B BLACK Lost 7 - 13 PLC 3

JNR A RES Won 38 - 6 NCC Jnr Blue INT C Won 12 - 11 Grammar Int 4

JNR B BLUE Won 30 -3 STCC Sage FIRSTS Won 52 - 8 PLC 1

JNR C BLACK Won 23 -19 STCC Black OPEN A RES Won 24 -13 GSLC Open


Won 29 -27



JNR C WHITE Won 25 -3 Grammar Jnr 4 OPEN B WHITE Won MFAC Snr 3

INT A Won 58 -19 Caloundra OPEN B BLACK Won 24 -14 MFAC Snr 3 Navy

INT A RES Lost 19 -23 MCSHS 6 OPEN C Kawana Snr

INT B BLUE Lost 14 -18 ILC 4

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