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Section OnePages 1 to 6



Sec;:tion OnePage TW(}-f..OCal~. Northeast

Wakefield. Leslie.Page Three-Wakefield. Hos-

kins.Page FoUr-Editorials.Page Five-Society.Page Six-Southwest Wake­

field, Southeast Wflkefield.Logan Valley: '

Sect10n T\\--oPage One------\Write from' South

America. Do Much Building"Page 'lV.'o-Early Days. South·

east \Vayne.Pa....e Three-Rura,l Schools•

Congress. Southwest Waype.Page Four-\Vinside. Brenna.Page Five---Carroll, Con~onL'

Northeast Wayne,Page SLx.-Unusual. Brenna.'

Northwest Wayne. Writesfrom Hawaii. County BoanL

12---------r------NUMBER THIRTYFIVE

Three Hundred MarkReached in Factory

About 300 mattresses have been£omplet.ed In the local proJect.ApplicatIOns (or about 550 are onfile and materials are on hand forabout 475, Ai1J 'effort IS b,?lng madeto secure additional, supplIes. Theaim IS to let each applicant makeat least one mattress.

J\2 .HERA.Lb

AddltlOnal skilled worker!> arc

~~ae~:dil:~ 1~~~~nsl~ald~Ut~;r~e;~p~~~qualIfwd pe"~oT1s for employmentin these mdust r!es, aceo;-dmg to D,F Fellon, state admlnlstralor pfWPA In Nebraska the dcpatt­ment of vocational edueallOn ISc()nductin~ sehohls In wl~leh work­ers arc heing gIven preliminarytrammg 10 qualify them for jobs

Skilled W orke,.sNeeded for Def.ense

Have Vacancies,In School Staff

Board Hopes to Supply Two

Positions Before WorkResumes Monday. 1

To Reclassify MenCompleting Service

Wayne KIWam,'l club IS sponsor- Ml'SSl"ng Draft boards have bpen dJrectedmg a labblL hunt thJ~ wecl< for the to discontInue class IV~A clflsSJ-

benefit of the undcr-PrJvilcged.( flcaLlOn of regIstrants prf'dlClcdchildren's fund. The rahblts arC' to Murray P~nhollow's Letters on prevIOus milItary tralnmg' andbe turned mto the Seymour cream- Pk ~ to reclassify these men to deter-

--::::=====:;::::;:::';;:;:;;;::= ery any time thiS week. The l club Postmar ed A:f~er Date mme thelr availabIlity for add i--f- - *';- welcomes the cooperatIOn of .all Of Island Attack. tional service 10 the armed forces. G 00 IMPRO EMENT First Major Objective fa


CEomlecmteedrc·e by CHRISTMAS TURNS bUSIness men and farmers who ;;'ho~:ew~~~;C;:;;,'i'~~ed;~~~~ee ;~~;;:; SF 0RWyNEABYR 1~~WPOARyTNSE To Raise County Quota

WJUr~rtil:iLb~E :pO~~ltd ~t~t tZnJoa~s~n\l~gh~~)~ i~: coast guard or natIOnal guard or 1~· For Wat:' Relief.Boar on Monday. club In the drive to bendlt under~ those, who have beeR In the re~ EVIEW~'fili~ }ear's Im- Wrayne county Red Cross, at an

C' oJm'mFa'nMdecrDeorfmtoh~':' AOnm,earhlct'a'n'IL"leC. SNOW came m time to give a pnvIleged children. serve corps arc m thiS group be- provements In Wayne re- annual meetmg Hi the Woman s

'" toUch of thIS latitude's Idea ---~_.~---- I mg re~_aSSJf~_d,_____ flects gratlfymg 'communIty club rooms Monday evenmg, m-gion, state ~hairman of natIOnal of Chll'lstmas WIthout snow S k R grmvth Some nclN' bUlldmgs, stltufed plans to enlarge the ac-defense sa\imgs commIttee and Chllstlnas docs not measurC' up ee s to ecover A t""t St t d remade lings and ,extensions UVIUes of the chapter to meetVICe preSident of the First NatIOn- to thq exp('cted standard, and C IVI Y ar e I ddt 1 d \\arllmc demands Nommated toal bank, was chosen by directors until }he day ~H'fIVed thiS year, I D A· ~ ~O:'a t~,Or C~~I~~f'hltn~eCSC~\~c the hoard of directors are FrankMonday ('\'enmg to he speaker at the !exccpllOhal kln~ was n amage ctlon In Defense Gr'oup pnde l'xfJlesscd Lin substantial IPhl1liPS of Hoskms, Mrs Edt ile annual Chamber of Commerce tl'l",~"n[,d Christmas Oflwned, I TI'"ul'vc n f C II F J D

'c c IlmprO\f,mcnts h;:;* brought hct- > I 0 arro, Im-dmner January :29. Members and with a thm covermg of lce on t('r scr\ I(e to thc!cJtv's patrons mp! of Vo/lnsldp, Mrs R W LI? ...theil' Wl\es, <llso all others: IntC1- ever exposed surfacp, and the Motorcycle and Car Mir,hap Chairman and Allocation Both re~](lr'nC'c I;md buslnCss Prof K !': Parke, Prof () p~('sled arc urged to attend LegIOn Ilkrl hood 01 describing clrcles Near City School Leads sc<:llons hflw m,Jde ~allsfactory Rowen, D8,ve Theophdus, WmmCml)CIS throughout the drea wlll In ti,l' all wl1h onp's f(lel and Board Are Appointed to ,I I j h IBeckenhaupr, Ralph Berndt!<>, .JTo Suit Monday. wac \'I.'ay (llnng·'l e pHst :rear, u'-

be exlendecl ~pecH:i1 inVitation to skaling Oil nne s IH'dfl 01 on oth~ Serve in County. I k('('pmg st('p \\Jlh lis enlarged C Carhdrt Mrs Lawrence Ring.hear their leader. While In Wayne cr plllts of the andtomy was Ddm.lgl' ,tctJOns 10Lliing $4,675 I I rt d b th II Mr<.; Frank Heme, C M. Cra\f'Il,Mr. McDclmott \\lll also hold a gl'edlly lO('lcasN! DUrJn~ the \\('IC' flk'd Monday In dJslnct court RH.tlonmg of supplIes madC' I i;;:ud:~;~nl:~ ;~~~11$~ As ~nrla~ R('v VI A Gerdes, Mrs A Wmeetmg With defense and LegIOn afternoon <.;noW conlnbutcd Ilh· hy Sterltng St('\'u\l I ,lg,llost l"ntz scal'ce by til(> \'.ar C'mrrgency IS I tlon nldkc.. propr'l ty more de- IDolph and Mrs F W Nyberg Ifleaders lVIl McDermott IS wei! ('I'tlly to tilP ChrIstm'IS SPlllt f thf' fIrst malor consldelatlon of Iv"as d('clded that the board WIJ!mforn~~d and IS a capable speaker. an<d to th(' dangers ot" t':avel taT ~11~(~n~~;)tt;)~~-;c~~0:~;~t7('~~j;ud: the Nehra:-;ka ad\ ISOI y defense ~Il~i~bl;ot~~lZP~~(~?'h~1 ~~r~pt;~~~~~ fdl \ aC;:jm'If's. < ••

\"1. C. COlyell was eleetNI pn'sl- By nlgh1Jedl the \\leather hold usl 17 at the southrdst corner of committee, aC('ordlllg to J, T Ing y('ar \\IJI sec still greater The hoard meets Saturday If)dent, R. K. KIrkman Was chosen fashIOned a tYPICal northern lhp city school block In Wayne. Bressler, jr, regIOnal dIrector, who dc\elopmC'nt 111 the thing" that elcct chaIrman. \Ice chairman. seC-

d It nd H E Ley was Chl'l~tmas-~a little late in the f was In Lincoln Tuesday tor a con- k Iretary and treasurer. and thpVIce presl en , [ W day, but better late than not at Kenneth L. Johnson IS attorney or bHed In action In the PaCifIC war ference of leaders In the 13 regIOns ~~ ~)r~sp~~~u~unlty attractive chairman Will then apPQlnt leall~~ehe~~~~~ oftI' a~~;:;cr~ Mo~~~; alL Doubtless automobJie aCCI- plamtlff. Zone during the P¢arl Harbor at- of the Rtate ActlOn of the- state eroS for lIfp SR,VlI1g. productIon, rollby the board joc dIrectors. Mr. dents wcrc rcduced for the oc- Stewart, in the petitIOn, asserts tac;k of December 7, IS belie\!cd group was brought hack to county - --------~ ('all. home servlcc, jUlllor RedCoryell succeeps R. L. barson and caSLOn by reason of dlsugrce- that he waR dl'lvmg hiS 0\\ n motor- ahve and well, accptrling to R, let- leaders Wednesday when Mr. I II Off era"s, pt('

Mr. KirJ.~man Ifol1ows Earl Mer- able clements which kept p('o- cycle w('st on 3rd strept about 1'00 ter and cflrd J'pccl'1ed Tuesday by Bressler called a mC'cllng" of thIS nsta i1cers Mrs E W~HUS(" \\ho hasbeen

cHant. h L d ~~~a~~oscr to theIr homes than ~~C~~kfr~~g~~~ ~~u~h~~ ~~Idcnae:. ~:n~~r~~;'S~f~~rfo~~~A~~~~cr~~(. ~o~rn:.tDh~~o~~~I~lx~~n~r~h~~~t~)~ H N W k ~~I~e('dd t~r~~~tl~~~ ~~rc~~~ ~:~Mr·RKn'kra , He~~nC S~nt- ....~_~_~_~ -flStewart alleges 1h,\t hp was moY>- ter confirming 1he belief \'V'as re· and Vv'ayne countH's arc 111 Tturd ere ext ee cause of heavy respOnSJblhties In-

berg, Larson .<:j-n ' "-,11' Z ----~ 109 about 15 ml!('s ,In hour, was on celvcd by MIss Margaret Ann reglOn, headed by Mr, I3resslpr I cldent to the present war Whpnwere aPPOlnte!d a commIttee on dcommittees, tJ1elr .4uty bell1g to Funeral Serv'l"ce ' wthaC<, rlg!,'r,olceSe"dIClngOf tchaeref'U'lrleyet aTnje paTuhlSeenleO,ftcWracyonml',:nTgUetoSdalbYe Pe~' R. M Carhart IS Wayne county the chapter orgamzed m 1918 ff)

"I fl.' .(" .. chairman for Clvilian defpnse, and A. V. Teed Appoints Groups sC'rve In lthe first World war, A R,mal<c u;,commendaUons or t 1e f:

perSonnel of varIOus committees ~~a:~C~n~~l~~~ ~Ii~l~l~rs~~~~~tl~;tC~~ ~~~lol~Sa~t~h~)o~~~a~~eec~~~~l'~~thl"' local allocallOn board Includps To Promote Activities Dan!\ "as chamnan for SiX

in ~he organiza,tlOn. They WIll wel- Conducted Here failed to have adequfdc hrakmg, The lcttl'r to Mls$ Paulsen was ~u~' }~I(~:'d~ua~e~'ja7oe~\~~~('C~;~ For Kiwanis Club. ~O~~I~~t~~~a~:n\\:~dt~~~t~~~~~that he failed to have his car un- written December .h5 ami po~t- fense offICials Will he In a base- 1\. V Teed, prp"'HIc'nt, H r' SI- In thiS capacity since exceptmg for

Mrs. Charles Adcock Passes del' proper control, that he was on marked December 18 Telegram of m('jnn' ar~~Omrd~nn~~C :I~~t ~~~lc~edPI'rll m,tn, \ ICC' preslc1r'nt, 'Dcan CIar~ °hneelll'IPhacr oWffh,eene MM'::,' RHu~e' f.\.-ppel~, tlw wrong sHle of the s1rpct and the fm;t reporl came from the ('ncro McGinn, secTet,lry, Hnd Her- ." ., "

Away at Home in Wayne (lid not have prop0r lookout, and war dc>partmNit D~ccr'nb('r 16 °flfrf,~Cteac~,floPnr~~II!~~~~~ltl~~;);'tl~~: man Lundhprg treasurer v.rll be ,I,hpeaO'nd,"cWreO"r'lldngwadremacnad!;n'1boefst lhb~,'

Early Saturday. .. ~~l~t ~~ ~~I;~d to glvc ~Ignal or heMh~~a~e~~I~r~nh:ft~~el~,ti~~~t~~~to ~ommer(,Ial vehlcl('s and to pas~ :~~~~:~(~J ~~IXI\~~~~~a~h\anls dub served by placmg responslblhtH:~Funeral liteS Vo,NC conducter) Stewarl oSu(fef('d a wrenched U, S. S CaiJfornw to a tugboat. sf'nger cars of a nature n('cessary Mr Teed Monday this \... ('ck an. on younger leaders. Mrs. Huse Will

Tuesday morntng .at 9 at 8t. back brUlsc>s Clnd ('ontU"'lons and It IS thought that, thl~ fact may to:;~C~~a~~~lUo~t~r~~~~~r~~s~ nouncNI committees for the rom- conllnue to aS~lst the Red Cr~ In

Mary's Cal holic church for Mrs. a fr;ct>ure In I tit' lei I hand Hp have l£'d"to t he fal~,e report aftrr sue 'e'ertlflealne

" of purchase of mg ypar \V It h the flrst-namrod 111 the e~pe~gdcn\\~aYr' v-ll"t Fund.Charles Adcock, 69, who passed asks $1,500 for physlcdl lnJUrieS the CahfornJarwas struck 111 the L' I h h ,•• , •...., ~.away at her home In Wayne Sat· and $173 for damage to hIS motor- Decemher 7 attade tires on the baSIS of thiS procPdure ~~I~~\~)I~~g c ~~~dr~~~I~~r~p~reC~il~ The, JJrst major demand of the,l.~.rday mornll1g, December '27, at cycle Harley Hartung and RaY-I Murray IS spcont! class slgnal- DceerttcI~m,ca'"t~ ~~o a~~~~~a~~~~lt~ d1'('n, P L Mdrcn, R ~ Marek, F Red Cross organl7;ltlf)n IS to raISf!

3 o'clock follOWing a s1rokp Hev mond (' \Vl'ldenfleld. passcngers man Wit h the navy regulatIon" furnished from .\Vash- R Dpck(',r, W C Swalnson, boys' ~" lrc,8~tarOrr',n"garIOl't'le,eofmeColnntrlbbuultlofanr'Wm. KI'Hrn~ and 1he HISCOX sel'\~ on the motorcycle, were also JnJur~ Jack Penhollow, 2n, IS also wlth'-' d I k d t I '-'Cf 'w~r' I" charge and commll,al Ington', Issue a certificate to those an glr s wor an voca lon\;', grealer donallons are needed to

1 ' , ' c,l and plaintiff sf'Lks damages for lhe na'>y In the PIlClfl(', Since no I R I h Ca h t B "If I] G 1 t the hoard thinks elIglblc, kecp gUlf ance. a P, I' ~~ , fIll the quota, states Prof Parke.Q O\\C at reenwoo( ceme e thcm. Hartung had a cerebral word has come from him, It IS be- records of all applicant\:>. relectjons Wright. Dr L }< Perry, agrlcuJ~ \\ho heads the dt1ve.

Mr, Adcock's maiden name W lS conCUSSIOn, abraSIOns on hiS left hevcd that he IS sale, and all certificates Issued and tun', Chf'st('r Walters, H B Cra. Red Cross ChaIrman NonnanRose MonIca Ernest. She was a arm and elhow and body brUises. --- ~-- make perIOdiC reports to the state Iven. Dr J C Johnson; pubhc af-IDaVI!\ telegraphed Mrs Huse Mon-daughter of A10is and Bar ~ra For Hartung's lI1JurJe~ the sum of J h N I O. defense commIttee fairs, W A Cross!and, Dr ~ T day as follQws "The bombtn~ ofErnst and was born at Mw;c tme, $1,ood IS asked WeIdenfleld sus- 0 n ee y les About 50 per cent of crude ruh- Anderson, C. E: Carhart \\ H Pf'p.rl Harbor, Honolulu and MH-la., September 21, ]R75, She was Itamed InJurleS to hiS. pelVIS bone , her ('omes from areas now hplng Swett, bUSiness standCfrds. ~ '!" OIla, tl)E: In\';;LSlon .of t-h.e_ .PhlJi.p-marrH'd to Charles Adcock April and later~l SPin£' and the petItion ..... "O~ H t Att . k inva:ded by Jtrpaneac'nmr nnnthpr' Ll'Y Carl Nu~, R L U:u·Mm. -Ia.v" plJlcs. the ~ubrnarme attacks In ~£9. IH96, at Mvp!pton, 1<1 Th,e fQm- seeks $2,OOd for his mJuries. . Il ear ac '43 per cent from nearby Islands ami r('gulallons anri K!wams Nlu- the AtlantiC and Pacific have.Jly had In.cd 10 Wayne 14 years. ---~- being threatened, Smce 7:5 per calion. Prof 0 R Bowen, C M dramatically brought home to us

Mrs Adcock had been a faithful Ch I Efr t d -- - cent of the rubber used In the Cra\ pn Dr C. T Ingham, fmance, Ihe crueltIes of this war. Wherever ~member of the Catholic (hUJ ell an gc s ec e Native of This Vicinity United States IS for t In's, thIs IS E E, Gailey, Herman Lundberg, our heroIC soldiers, sallors an~ air""~:"jthroughout her life. I W G Had Been En~ineer in the fIrst commodlly tomtng under n J Kmgl:iton, cla<,;slf~catlOn and men <11'(' so ~alJantIy defendmg ~)::;:~

Tv.-o vaCdnCles remam In Wa)ne SurVIVing Mrs. Adcock arl' her 11 ayne rocery City Some Years. regulation. InH'mhe~shlp, R K Klrk;man, W, C. ,oJ!, there also you will find lfJe-ci1y school staff since the resIgna- husband. fnur daughkrs and two Aetlvitles of the hoard will he Coryell, :Vm B('ckenhauer. pubhc flag of fhe Red ,<;:ross unfurledtlOn last w('f'k of MISS Jamce Felt· sons The children Arc, Ethpl, now Chris Lueders I'urchases fohn Neely, ahnul :'iH, pl(lf'r son adjusted as demand anses. afJeur,,;;, _E W Huse. Dr, S A. Lut- along Side the Stars and Stripes.hauser of Lincoln, and MISS Flur- Mrs. 'Charle:-; Epley 01 Deshler, Interest of M. C, Russell ~~,;,ll'YI' 11,I"'b'"MII,,"pn,f,1 Mno"rlhWc,lcAt' lo'f Igf'n, H D Aadlson. Red Cross men are on e-v~I'Y fron~.ence Steutl',Jllp of Soulh SIOUX INeb' Helen, noW Mrs. Earl BeRch n ' ., W L d H t I Attendancro and rece~tlOn (' P Funds an' urgently needed to ke€'pCIty, who Wi1S malTlclJ. Christmas of \V(':-;! Pomt, Phl!omC'n. now In Busipess H~re. \\ lyfW dlf'd Saturday, D{'C('m!Jer ayne a y ltr I}larrison, Dave Theophllus.' L E mtact these front hnes of mercy.

day to Wm }o Itzglbl)on of LlI1coln MIS Roy Coy 01 Sidney, Ia. ndl'- Chn:-; L1J('til'rs lhls w('{'k bough.I ~"I(,:"lr',1 s.'lt",!'·':'I~ll<';l.!uonll~r"n'lngr·l,acc,uwdde:nc In Car Accident IB,o\\n, house, J G MIller, J J. The cnemy respects neither hoil-Both pOSitIOns are 111 the English barn at home. AlfrN] 01 W('sl , , .... 4 Th Ernest Alderson car. dn\en SteelC', Walter Dudle};,mter-c1ub days nor \... eek-ends. ~e Redbranch, POint, and ell'! us of (>klahoma t tle 101<'1 (':-;t of hiS Jldr... t nf'l'. M ( (ondUcll'd 8.1 St Lot.us, and Har- (' rson turned over about rl'1atwns, F L Blalr, t M Cra- Cross war funds should be pushed

The board <II ,I SPCCIoJ! llwpllDg ClI y Tiwi (' ,lIP 10 gr,IndrhJldrpn Ru:-;:-;ell, 111 1he ell y ,~roCC'1 y dnd 1\ Py Nel'ly 01 If,lIlelley, Texas, \'vas h8Y30MrS' Al~e m'ornin four miles \ cn, Clarence \Vnght ': .. program,Ito rapid over·subscriptlOns. Part·Monda)', elccl('d MISS MaxlD(' and twP greal glundchl\dren. Mr", took dULlg(' at on((' lhe 1\\0 h,!\e dmong thosp'Httendll1g. w'ce,t ofunWae;t POInt, bgrU'Sfng Mr", Supl J W Litherland, C L Pick· nershlp In thiS time of need gl\PS

h I b l- t b('('n a:-;socl,llp(\ In the IJUSllll'SS for 1111' Neely, ',I nall"c' of thl," \'i~·'" .-, .r':: II It'Tl'uucrnlcht, LaUlel leae er, to Adcock dlso eaves t ec sIS l'Tl:i ) j I' " Alderson qUIte severely Mr. and 'lett. H E Siman, Dr ,,~ctor West, a the p('op e an oppor uOIty ?and SIX brothers. ncar y lH' years (Inlty, studied engll1('('rmg and Mrs Alderson, Argean and Myra. Chester Walters; music, Lor-cnz partlcl,pate The Red Cross IS ,l

BeSides the children. those here Mr Lueder:-; plans ~ome 1111- \\-('nt to St LoUiS as a young man and C Nelson were dnvmg from RCISbIg, Wm BPckenh~uer, Dean I?cople s partne,:sh.Jp In a time' offrom a dlJ~tance lor the rite'S \\ere prO\cments 111 thc slol'c In the to follow thiS Ime of work. Wa e to West Pomt to take care Clarence McGmn. WI A. Cros.<;· need It 1:-; patrIotlS":, In actio". 10Mrs Vem Caslm of Oshkosh, Earl ncar future. f)pceas('d Ic'a\('s one hrother, yn W t P I lnnd achIevement rcpqrts B \\;'. gl\(' to the Red Cross MIH'rl{,~ ofBeach of West Pdmt, Mr and Mrs. Mr. Lueder~, \\ ho ll<ls heen In ITIal'\C'Y of Texas HIS Wife pr-c- of :::~I~~~Ss~~rlde~'jon ~~~ 'ICY road, WrJ~ht, R L Larson, pe;n CIaI'· war cannot be measured by quota~FranCIS Maher of Imogene, la, the grocery hU:-;lI1ess ror ahout :20 ceclpd l1Jlm In 'dl'ath m St, LoUIS \' on thp n ht SidC'. then ronce McGmn: Cltlz('n~hlp, F S I and mathernatlc;;,l yardstlck:-. notLeRoy Coy of SIdney, Ia, Mrs. years, Will continue to carryon and hiS parenls dlNl hPIe, ~~~~e~~t~rlh{' top, ~aJ1(hng In a Berry, C F: Wright, H E. slman,l personal convemenee. The presl-Frank Daniels, Mr and Mrs, WIth the best of merchandise, He -~-- - - ~ - -- ditch A passC'rby took lhe Wayne support of churches 10 their SpJrl- dent, the American people and our

~:~;rki;~~~o~~'dJ~~n~~\=;~':t~'i ';'In:)ctl~gfb,I:~(IISap~,:~(sl'C~,enl'~J,byD~~Cn~ i~~~:~~IReFceriov,enNwOaWkeorldsland fdlks to \V~t Pdomt. h\\ h~~eI Mrs' iU~ 1~~~'rs~:'C~~~I~~S;V~;~~~ ~~h~;;la~~~ee~r~i:'l~gUctO\~f:I~iSidux CIty. Mr. and Mrs Jess " Alderson entere a OSpl a or . , ' hel the Red Cross to deliver the

d' treatments. Shro returned to her Lundberg, P A Theobald. Pd .. •

Emst of LeMars, la, Mr. an Mrs. Mr. Padron wlll C'onlJl1ue sel'\Jng I Th!' ,John LJnrl~a'ys have had no home In Waynp Monday evemng Pictur('s Are :"ih~wn. goo s, ~ __~_,_~Antone l'~rnst of Moville, la" Mrs, 111 the meat c!('partmpnt. \\(lrd from Ihf'lr son, \Vllford, who Thp Alderson car was not had- Ralph Ingham of Alhambra,

~~~~~C~~lt~)~~~~;o~f ~~~~~~~~: i:", 1:2~'('a~1I~~~11~~1t r~:<~I~nh;;'e~Yn~ I' ~r~~I\s~::~rl ml}~n~I~~ ~~~~:71~pdT~~ Iy damagpd ' ~dl, S\10W(,~\ motJ~:I~~c~u;I~~ ~~ ReWvil~leldBOerCdoinnas?dCee:edMr. and Mrs. Jacob Emst of ha~ not yet annoUlhcf'ct hl:-; future yOllng man W,jS nnp of th£> 0100 who TWO IN THOMPSON h(~;~e~1 f~rVAth~Y Cal~b last Monday.Cn'lghton, plans. hl,lVl'ly dl'fl'ndpd the l~land until FAMILY ARE SAFE Thpse are colored films. WhICh he \V::lyne Clty counc)1 Will mpet

Pallhl'<lrPI'S \'i"qrp N }I RruggC'l', __ _ ~ __ -....-. thro Japs, In much larger numbers, Ims taken, each evening beglnnmg January 5J Ii, Bruggl'l, ~i1r, Carl Nus:-;, John ~tllt{· Board 1\fe~tH. Itoo\{ o\('r the base shorUy before The Chelsea Thompson~ recel\'- A new quartet, L. G. ReIsblg, to pass revised ordinances, All or·

~u;>tr~' \ym. Andresen ahd ·Joe Slatl' board of education mcC'ts Chl'lstmas. L eJrtoh~~~~d~oh:~~:S,f~~~ ~~~j'fI~:Ot~~ Dr L F. Perry, R. K, 'KIrkman odft~~~cl~Sc~:p~~~t~~;;~~C;; ~~ntr:f.... rno s I, Jr. Monday, January 5, at Lmcoln, PHI~ EVl'tloh, wllh the air corps, and W. If Swett, sang,

DI J T Anderson and Dr Walter Cind Ed. l{ohlm['wr, carpenter, arc PaCifiC regIOn. Both tell 0 their Vised by George R. Mann. The

Farm 811r~all Party Bcnthad< will attend from hcre. rcporled on Mldw_a"-y_l_s~_a_nd_, s_"a_fc_'.:.y_, ~ Transfer Execlttive+ ~~~~~I~f':':~l a~;qs~~:blea:~a::~~

Is Scheduled Soon Second World War Year's MaJ·or Happening In Boy Scouting Tbcy'wIlI then'be complied Ib book,\Ndynr' cnunty [,urn bl(t'CdU pdI- Claude Wleger~. who has been forn

CI't'y offIcials met Tuesday eve.

ty and meet109 will he hel:d. at the.. h ut executive In this areacity auditorium .1anuar)l1 9, be~ I" Sh' A • h~; ~~~n appomt'('d a~sl~tant exe~ nmg for routine business.ginning at 7 30 F D Kell~n, chalr- Involvement of the UnIted Christmas Spirit Ines S Young men between the ages of culJve of thp SIOUX City scout "man of thp agronomy department State~ In the second World war I Ray of Promise Through 21 and ~5 had reglsb'red Oclo~ councIl. llro Will be- located in I-da Two Snows Cover'at the collpgp of HgTleulture at far ovcrshadows m Importance alii Troubled Universe.1 her 16, 1940, a~d draft boards \v~re Gro\'[~ ami Will hnndle about half Area Duru'10 WeekLmcoln, Will diSCUSS "New Thmgs other events of the year which IS' ~ct up tn make selections or the work In that area. Mr,In Agriculture" and show movmg now passmg mto history, ThiS funds to pro\lfie comforts for sel'V· traml~g. The j<;econ~hre11str~~1 Wiegers was In Omaha Monday se~;~~nc~~~'~~n:e~~n~~~a~~plcture~ eventuality, dreaded because of ICC' men was instituted was taken In ,une, IS or o~e and moved to Ida Grove Wednes.

Officers will be elected. and recollectIOn of the flI'st World war Perhaps remotely connected Iwho had attained the age of 1 Nebraska c;hristmas day after alhere wlll he a summary of exten- is so (rpsh m memory and because With nallOnal defense was the pro- smce the fm,t date. Quotas were dal.~adershlP traln10g fo'r Wtmade. mght when mist fe'll and ~t-roze,l';lon aC'tlvilics. An old time and a of horrlfY1Og reports from scenes motIOn of nl! development In hiked 10 September and have bcen Carroll, Randolph. Belden. Laurel coatJng the landscape With ice, ,Anew time dance, games and group of confbct In Europe, has Unified northeast Nebraska, thiS starting kept up SlOce, I and Wayne IS expected to start l~ light snow fell In this area agam~inging arC' oth('r entertainment all nationalIties and groups In this as early cUi Februat;Y Though not In July came the call to col ect Wayne ,Tanuary 8. Monday. ..,planned for the evening. • country with a determination 10 dm?-etly connectE"d with Wayne alummum for the natiOnal em('r- _

-- ----~~- prove that democracy can survive, lcounty, thiA movement IS still go- gency The Red Cro!'s drive In No~Several Attending Looking at 1he yc,w in' retro- mg forward WIth pl'omlse In the vember met With fme responsr.

spect, a number of events have area, and. Citizens \\ere anxlOUS to sewMeetings in Chicago pfc':lved to be steps in preparation The firemen's first aid InstrUc- and kOit for the needs they sawSeveral members of Wayne col- fov m'ltional defense. 'the period Hon in January, fIrst aid course a-t at hand d

lege faculty and students are a!t- stCljrted off with the registratIOn lhe college 1ft February, move~ So preparations moved fonvartending national conventions dur- of alllaliens.,Also it} January ca)lle ments to imph.e child health and for what seemed mevltable, ~ing the vacation. Prof. YaJe Kess- th4 approval of ttIJe civil pilot public first aid instruction now outbreak of hOSflhtl,es T,he . apler is attending a librarian conven tra.ini'ng at the college, and the under way may all have been in~ attack on PaCifIC Islands lim dtion at ChiC~gO. Miss 'Arlie Suth: cIo"$'inlg month of the year found spired by the realization that such all and as the year closes the pco­erland, Prof.! W. \A. Wollenhaupt, this course being designated as preparedness should be made. pIc look forward With one purpose,Melvin Everihgharn and Wm. Mc- preparation for e~trance into the Not directly defense measures that 9f preserving the AmerIcanKay are attf,nding a commercial air corps~ The -Am~rican Legion in but proving very important in de- order. HAS HAND BURNEDconvention t ere and MISS Verna February mstituted a plan to velopmg a bettcr and more health- \Veather Is FavorabIp,. BY GREASE StJNDAY IElefson is i Chicago. for, the register aJl mem~ers for civilian ful citizenship mIght be listed Jumping from war to wealher, Mrs. G. W. McClmtoch. \Vake-Amf:'-rican H storica1 aSSOCIation. defense, and thiS movement was "play day" at the coll¢ge in Febru- the period ~ust clOSing started out fIeld, burned her rIght h!ind se-

• 1 followed by other Iorganizations. ary, basketball tournament in the With a:' frIgid wave January 3.. In verely With grease' Sunday when 1TWO HOJj.D OFFICE ProVision for securing bIrth cer- same month, establishment of a February came floods [ro~ ~he she was takmg a ham out of the

IN VYOMEN'S GROUP lifieales, a need in emergencies, neW municipal park which started break·up of ice, Then April, WIth oven, ,Mrs, s: AJ Lut'g~n ha$' been ap- was I1na~e in Mart:h. . in March, .music and speech con- 5.44 inches of rain, gave th:o:~:~ Cars In Collision.

pointed poet laur~ato in the Ne· Speakmg at the college In July, t~stsJ spelling contest and such a goo.d start f~r,a return tObrou....ht Th~ Ear] Merchant and Dr. S. Ibraska Fef.l'rationr of Women's CarrveUr Wells warned of the 11ke, growmg conditIOns. June b Co d A Lutgen cars were slightly dam~Iclubs. andl'Mrs. E. J. !Juntemer has' Japanese threat A campealgn to Regi!fter Mart fower. a hard rain acco~panJed Y WIn aged M-onday noon in a collisionbben narnet:l: Third dl$trict Chair-ls~ve'L:rpbber was started that The selective:l~~i5e ::>ct_up be- and hail which did some dam.a.PK near the auditori\Un.man of coriservat:iqn. _ m0{lth, and the usa dr~ve for gan to fl.mC~.t0i~:rlrg the year. '(Continued on Page Two) fo -

,I: ,II:' I', I : I " " ,:.; I I I ", ,,' 'I -,I", ,I J 'I I " I I ' l . i

December 31



Lei Thi. Be You•.••. i/

r" No.1 Resolution

l~~ ,for 1942.,\ ,.,.

( I_" ~" '--- Help DeFiat thl!

Agsres50rs b:v pul­

ting your savings­

regularly-In U. s.Defense Bonds and I

,~·'Stan\pl.( . - -\\ ) •. \, "...J I

, GetYtJu,.Shll,,~oJ-

I '* * *1d~o's fllmLs stn"or ,.v, rbi, .4.~'fl' tOtlJ P'd/itic81 can4idatts follow.mg It aratlal invuligation, 01 tb,ENISilt.. nQI oil ItllJt .sund,,'. of th.ItJlJtflt(920s.

\ \'/ . \

GIVE people is­, Isues, and youllnotl have to sellyour souls for cam­paif'Ii funds.

William E. Bornh

As we start out a New Year,please accept our sincerethanks for your many favors

~~illIl!~!1of ~I\e past ... It will be our,;:' earnest endeavor to merit

your continued goodwill.~'


- Notice Ca . Owners . ..,

We wllt install ;your ne 1!)4,2 Ji('ense plate FREE.,It yOH l1eslrt", we will a so turn In your old licenseplates tQ the county trrasurerls office,! for defenseIltIrpolies. I '

~ --_.Resolve.t Use Skel'Y

For easiest and mo~t economical driving, useSkelly Gas line and Oils,



angeme er O~I CO.'ne 522W Wayre. Neb.

clk: 'I ~i I '. ,I i 1"1 " '" ~ ,

,' ......, , " ,,:,"L~.~~ , __,._,_, .:"~ '7' -,,;===.;.~~_="'::_Tg,I~IE~'~'~~~A~Y':N1J~';,]tE~,R~A~I~'D:f_~'W:=:::;A;:YN~E~,~,=N,;E:;,B~R~~~,:±~;';;:::':::=;::::===~==;;:"':~~F""''"''''''-''''~=''---=''--''--''--''--O''~~~-=----. ..~-_;8".'(~ 11 !tori--Ia'[~ •.: ,'iife1\hr~~ ;"ad'e special ,d,bservan~e 01 B.rn;er And':;::;; home a( Cole· CONCORD ( "\ and.fh\trilY. Mr.. and Mrs: Dave I\0..................................... I LOCAL NEWS I.~C·:I Jlu ,wor ,war I ? NelsonlandfamtlywereChnstmas:- ~ • I ../ "y its 50th year. rtdge. Ooncordia. Luthera.n Church.. day ,l.ue,sts at the L. J. Bressler ~ .4 , Wayne Cleaners.liPhone 41 Jl1f G .1l. I·· 'H . ;Farrrter~Manager day was fea~ ,D. H.' Cunhmgham a?d Bol? (Rev. Wm. T. Chell, pastor) ~ IA Thlr~ a)@rappenUlgluredmWayneiniJuIY. That Cunnin~ham of> SIOUX <':Jty•. and New Year's wa.teh 'ervices be; hO;:;~; ~nd Mrs. Albert Killion ~ . . !da~1':,r,i;~:':'o~~a~~'7 :t.e~;h~:';~'~~, ay e::JItre

I 'rc mtlmlP.d from Page 'One) month saW improverryent:s. at the Harry. ElllS F,I~ll~ ~rf'FC!;;lstmfl~ ginning at 9 o'clock this Wli!'6ncs:. Were Christmas' day VlSltorS at I ~ ~ I .§ I MISS Freda Sund will go to Bldlr U-~I ' fair grou.nds. Concord s mall route gU(':'>tS ?[ M~S." . IS C'f am day evenmg. The dram~Timc.s Newell ~IllOn's. ~ ~ "§ Saturday to resume her teachmg.malnl In Wayne and adjacent was retamed. and St. Paul church Mrs.. Clara Ell". M't' H Like Th~se." WIll be· given, Fel· 1\Ir a d Mrs. Henry Bareiman 1 # 1 Dwacn

eHenderson went to Ccn· WAYNE

terrlto y, As the summer heat at \Vinside observed its 50th year. MISS ~IeJen .Jt~~S and sd ~:~ ]owship 110ur and prayer seSSIOn as and fam ly were at \Vill Barel- ~ ~ tral City Wednesday to "pend NpwgrQW more- intense August County tax levy ' ....as fixed bYI ard FIR WI' oj lcago, ~n we watch in the NeW Year." me.n's Christmas night ¥d at ; :: Year's d3y

- brought the rains that '~made" the the CQunty board in 4.ugUStt at 3.1 B.ecke~.haJer wer~ Satut~ aYR:~h Ccmgreg-ational annual meeting Henry F'::'re\ert's IO Vo/aync Friday ~ Worthwhile Savings on Mrs. Ehzabeth Zutz ~f Dakotabounti ttl corn Crop, the amount mill~, .05 of a mill above the pre- Inlllg t mn'r gU('s s 10 C Frlday, January 2 at 2:00 p. m. All even,ihg. ~ ~ Desirable Merchandise! City, spent Christmas In lhe W A.varvirt frolfl 2 to 5 inches in ihis viow~ year. Th'e city etunCII


in that Be{lkenha~~~o~~. M 'cse and son books should be audited and turn~ Relatlvfs spent Tuesday evening g HISCOX home.V~cin'i~: . Fairs at Wayne and Con~ month decided to zo e Wayne to I' ~~e j rs. . ~ end with ed in to the pastor for editing In at the Gus Laase home In remC'm. g LADIES' COATS :::\lrs. (' P L<lpham. :\I1SS I':o]Jcorel p ovcd in their e~hibits that designate residence, I\J.siness ~nd ~~~t M('c~l~,:ml~ar~~~' ~ Mr' and the year book. brance of Ela1Oe's bJrthday and I~ Fox ,md Elza Kpll} \\ pre In SIOUX1941 h. d really been a banner crop manuf?ctufmg areas. Wakefwldl Mr~' \V A SIn1

IOnS <It 'Glidd~n 1a Sunday schoof and Blble classes Satuttday thf'y, celrbraled Mylet's ~ ~~~n{.~~P:~Y_~~~f"~:a~;ir~l~ City 110nday.

. pr01uc' 1\ This was wond:rfuI np.ws ~taked a th~ee-Qay Cfebra~i~>n, ofl.ThE'Y 1'(:1 ul'~r'd Sm;day. .' meet Sunday at 10:00 a. m. WC' ~e. eirtn(lay. ~ Prof. a~o Mrs 0 R BOWfin andu.fter Iseve~'a'l years m Whlch its BOth anmvPTsary, nd WmslClcl R It, 1 J h E' u g leave gm New lesson material. F<rHd\\j.lng the Chn"tmas eve g ~tr:~~I\):~f>~lrk. \\in(' and ?\Irs ,] \\ Jont':-; fl'lurnpd Sundaydl'O?th~ gr~sshoppers and hail hag entertained at t~e old scttlPI'S' Sat~r;~;y d~(:r' . ~t F';;'~s, Wis., Mornmg wors:hJp ~er.vices Sun- prog'ram dt--.,..St. Paul's Luth<>ran ~ from Lincolncau~E'd losse~. Most of the crop, piCnIC. t I whert' they all('nd prep hIgh day at ,11:00. L~t us ~egm the year church the relatives of Ihe John : $1 A 75 The JuliUS Hurqa~I f:1mlly ofavpragl g f~om 56 to 60 bushels to Start Improve euts. :,;choot Tllf'Y spent two w€'cks m Irlght h, begmnmg falt~fulJy to at- Grevc'.$ galhered at Ihelr home ; lJ:" OmAhR. Spf'nt Chn<.:lm.'l .... HII h ::\lr sthe :ac 0, had been harvested by September saw th start of 8 1 thp .J. N. l:;nung home. tend church Our pre~ldpnt urgf'S (or a ::j.ocw] time. ~ 6 ~f".hnjnf" Stf"rzeJharb TUf'.Rll P HurstadThanks iving and gave real reason nflW hospital bemg er ted by Dr.~. Mr' J \ Ray and MISS Helen all people to pray and worship. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dolph and ~ ('(jah in sif7.es 42 to ;'j'!. Choj(.f" ~Ir ::l.nd !'.Ir<; RQV Penho]lO\\'for ~~ralefulness. Walter Benthack an~ about t!l'(' R<lY ;il(~nt J Chl'l~'tmas wE'<,'k-end In Let us h?ve Christian patriOtism famlly, Mr and Mrs Geo Ha~ . tU'ef"d", and styles likf>d hy Norfolk, \\:('r" Chnstmas gut'sts of

Closp Y connected with the ctop same tIme Grace Luthl:':q,n C'ongre- Ow Donald Ray hOl1w JI1 Atlantic. to God and our country In tlmC's brock. Mr and Mrs Ht'nry BrlJ- thl' \\omf'.,J \\ho \\par thf''''~ W A. Str'\\ar'l\vas' th corn husking contest of gatJOn began a new ~nck .church.

1la, MISS Ray r('lurns n('xt Sunday lI~(> these. Welcome to our wor- dlgan WE'r(' Christmas rlay \Isitors si.. r>s. ),Ilss ::'Iary \\'alkpr JPlurncr]

Optdbe- And harvest brmgs to Federal appl'oval w3l'-llr.C'Cf'lVcd tori 10 IWI' Ip,!ctllng nt Vc'rdlgre. shiP,.. " at Hcr!mnn Baker's ::'1ond<JY from Alma :\"(fJ. \\heremhld t e husking 1.1e('S held all the proposed ~C"w stapiUm at 1h('1 Mr and 1\11 S Larry Brown and Dorcas wlll meet Thur*hoay, Jan· Mrs. Emma L'1f'cht and Herhf'rt. g LADIES' DRESSES '-hp had sppnt ChllstmH<;ovt'1' 1b, middle v.. csi. f1)r those college and also for 11h (" n('w City: ('hlldr('n Ir'IWl1cd 'fll('sday from uary 8, t>ntt>rlaJned at t (' Frank RJchard Utecht and daUghtersl~ -:'Ilr and Mr:i. J.:\1 Slrahan ::l.rpwho ha met with misfortune. A park, Carroll held jts~ annual fall Holdl'("Yt~ wlwr0 t!1f'y had been V15- Carlson home . "ere Fnday evenIng VIsltors at ~ ~l~~in;e~::rC'a1,~ah~~~\, t~:v~ 10\ It"c] to thro Dr L. P ::\ll1t01stant}1llsking bee exemplifIes the true rdt,val. Rev. Wm, jKparw:; wa~ Itlllg !'vIr' and J.lI·S T J. Baggett The Luthcr League w.1l1 not Fred U\('fhl's. Mrs. Utecht and ~ ChoiC'f" ~tyle .. in hlac'k. v.:inf' : homl' at Pl'nrlpr for 1\1'", Yp;Ir'sfri~ndshlp of the. mJddle west. honQred on hiS 35 yea~s' spn'icc H~ and Ml'> I: I: r~ own OWl' Chl'lst- m~e('tdt~l~tn'f';~i:au:,~~sn~:~~ ~~st- Arlene are VJSltIng 10 Iowa. ~ and military him'. Sp"erft! ~ Iday.Wl1ere cCHien(s, Illness or death Wayne. mas. po I • Id'k Mr. and Mrs HE'nry Korth enM ~ attradh'f> !oIb..es.--lO _ 4'~ _« ~ .John A1dl'n l.R\\h rpturnpd toI 1 d f'l J b Omaha's goodwill Ttribe of Y(>s~ R(,v. W. F Mosl llnd family and T1e pastors family wou 11 e tertau:INj all theIr chlldrpn and :: amnntr them. :: I hn; tPachIOg at RI<;mg Cily ~(>b.<;1~~1(~~~ ~7 ht in a~~Y·ma~o.;~~g1aO~3 sir came 'to Wayne In O('tobeI'. MJ'iS Huhv Dunl<lau ('dllpd Sunday to thank all for 1he many kmd- famliles, :\lrs. Anna Frey and ~ ;'\ow- ~ Sundd y <Jfl"r '-r('ndln~ <l v.epk~jVf~'('a ~> ~lC barner.·· r;o~lege fall homecomIng With lis afl('r'noon' III ill" lJ('nly Mau, Jr., n('sses or gIftS, greetIOg cards and Manon cHlrJ relatl\es from Lyons ; ~ h('r'.

. I~Xl.l'ade and game war a f";llu,e. horne 10 SI't' :\lls Mall \\110 IS III. f'xprf'SSlons of concerned good wrJl at supper ChrIstmas day and H!SO : $395. $595 ~ I \IJS" CI~rr' R('fJ;>hnrst of Colurn.He 'jew l"('riod Passfn~. ~::hstrict counCIl of d!C"fense was T1H"Y \\('n' :-.llPIl('1 gUf'sls a1 Mal'- which has been bestowed to us on Christmas evc. ~ hu<.: "pint fr'Jm 12. ... T \\pdn(><;(j;l,Y to

TIlE' olemng month of 1he year if~o;med w,'h Wayne the cen'er 01 VIl1 Dunklau's d.urcng the' hoiJdays. EspecIally are Mr. and Me< WJ11 KOl"h. Mr. "'uns;n~ j: 'Ionda, ,n ,h" Dr .J T. GdIesp,efound tl (' county CXPl'I1SC" eS1ima~e 'even counties. LeJa~d Iff'rIndn Mrs. 1· H Lovp, H.odnC"y and we mindful of your. prayprs for ~s and Mrs Lester Korth, Mr and.:~ ihO~~'iS Porothy &nd :\llss MarJoneseL at .173,90640 by the county ook grand cf1amplOrlship honors Pally l'('lllrlll'r! Sunday from a and thC" church whlch We know IS Mrs Hc'rhy IIanspn, Mr and Mrs. KNIT SI.IPShna}'(1. In ~h(' same. perlOd . t.he ~n his baby beef. at lomaha Ak- Chl'lsimas \ 10.;11 In Yankton. -Mr. t~(' .daily concern of sever~1 mem- lohn Brurhgan w('n" among tho<;e ;:;,;- ~ IP'1utn of ()mahfJ. Wf'T(' In thf"Chambe' 01 Commerce ryC"ld clInICS' ar-Ben f-or a I'l('cond tIme. St. and Mrs J[amid N.vb(~rg brought bErs, The Chrlstma.s season. has Ihelping G('o Fox cclchrale hiS A \\onderfu! nf'arjn~ and ~"I Hertx'rt JlpU!f'1' homp for ChrJS1-

b est h1 f'd n ur m dst hd S 1 comfortahlf' sUr) for \\ intf'rto disc ISS ways of Jmproving aul church ObSPrvt Its 60tl1 ttH'm MI ". Allg\Jsj Nylwrg went e n rno ess I 0 I . 'birt lly on , alUTe ay C"\.pnmg. \\('ar. Non-sa~ rayon knit : I mrtSWayne, The dun~age acllOn fJled cal'. The annual fall [}enJllg was JJ:O"m Y.Jll)nnn I,) Clwmberlain Wf' wanl 10 Wish Y?U?jall.a bl(,ssf'd Mr and Mrs Gpo1'g(' Dmklagf", matf"l'ial that will ~i\.f' with gI \lrs Tom Turhf'ck of Hpmmg-:!,~aillst he cily.becausc of sewage 'staged by the bU~Jn:':;5 dlstrlct. Mondd}' tOISjif'nd d month With a Npw Yf'ar of happlIlC'ss lO ChriSt. Mr. and Mrs. F.red Tarnow, Mr. every mOVf"mf'nt or thf" hod:o,r. g foul :\1r" Ed GI::J.s,,:ml'H'r \\prpdisposal northpo.st was spUled out The month brought t~lp ('lm:ln!~ of dHll,crhll'I', ~'Ils Fu.Ink Guptill. . .-, and Mrs EmJ11;l,rnow, Mrs Mary Pf'rrp,.dlv washahlf'. And at ~ S::J.ll~rrl;"Jy ~11('''ls :;\ F \\: V'lhl-1oj court, the city havmg thE" dram· IW'mslde CCC camp r' Gathe~ to (ofJ('ord Hansen dnd Llrnl!Jps and Mrs. thf> old r'rlC'e hp('au'W: 1,\f' had ;; Jwmtl S IdgP In11!,oved. The farm bureau (.(,t "hitp Chrl tmas IJ I " fer i d Thp pflstors f::J.mIlles of the dls- LE"na Tdrnow \\f'rf' Saturday {'\('M Ii ~o(Jd stoC'k cm hand. ~ Dr 1nrl \Tr'- T T .Tonr'" R{'f'Om- I;w]d ltS annual m('cUng, and the The dr(lil gots Its f1rst tr;u(!I of ea eJS 'IOnOle trlrt held 11 ChrIstmas gathermg nJng \lsJ1ors dl ]-{f'nry Tarnows Sizp<.; Sb:f'~ ~'p,lnl.d \J ........ ll,.!'n hnp .... ,js ldr 1<:1

Taxpaye s League wu!,; formed, \\mlcr In <l NovertJlwl 'ino\\o .At Wayne Dinner 'It Conf'Orcllcl Lutheran parsonage l\1r and Mrs Wdltcr HUCI('mdn


3'! to 40 4'! ttl5n ~ SlflllX CII' SlJnrll\ '\l'nln~ ()n hprl]o'"bl'u Jry saw tI", OU"lOg by lhe IWeather 'hen modf<rat"d and "dS las' Monday A roop;ra,lV" dlOnrr and W.llHI,. Mr anr! MIS Pe'r S,· $~ 00 $125 j" •'" n ,,, n ".c';

~tatc"l('tJJ;latur(' 01 the plannmg unS('d.sonahl warm much oj til(' IrlH"t p(!(Ic,un dJ'-dll(t man- waSs('Iv('ddtnoon fheaflcrnoon monspndndC<tthar1l1P .i\lls John 1 '1 \11' dnd-,T" r' L \~J'(h Jnrl:I d I I " 1 01'0"' '(1 radlc"1 I C~I I I D~"( I InJ l1H 1h K lib Agr Jcul! UI ,d was spf'nl In r('\ 11'\\ Ing" air! ChrIsl- Huercm<Jl1 ,ill of PI'oder and J\11" f.!l1lil,\ .... Pl nl : J' Tn J ,,,I \\ I'nnl ~di:i) I)oar w He 1 1,1( pr..,l '" 11Jmc. unll lrlsllnas (;J.y w IPn d II I I I h I


~'I t te "du"atlonal I dSSfj( 1.1 I j(Jfl \\ flOSl (j J( (. Is OCd1t'( mas customs of t 1(' chtlrC smg- Frt'd '1 U( ker of () NI'IIJ Vd'J'(' Sun. to FIlr!<Jy In t hI J F ,..\Iar(h home( l.in resr.;n 1(' sa s...~. blanket 01 snow (ovet{'( thl" pari, J Cl d f ~ _ Ladi ..... Spun Rayon ,

t g ton ot a noxJOUs I I I I 1n \\-,I\nf' "JIOII"-,Ol('( a ITlstmas mg" Chrlstmas songs, rpa Ing 0 day VISIIOt'!b at the Hl'nry J3drpJ- : DES E S Ht Vprmll1Jon, S n I~~~:~~·I.t:;~~nl~: IWayne count~ r~c~~~=, f'tate to cl (epl, olIve party,d lJ(Jul Stlatton, Tuesday, dl'vOllonals and prayer, antl shar~ man hom" § R S :\11":-; :.\Iar) E-:-;thl'l Prn1up l('fl i~Iart€d I hat month and was SUC- Decembpr found Wa, 'oe I.lblo 10 Df.,(pmhf'! L~ 10} northeasl Ne- 109 of ChrIstmas mpl'sagf's Gifts Henry Tarnm\ Arnold BIUdl- ; Styl~s and ("llnr... for hll~i- TU0Srl<1 y lor V..·a"h1nglon. DC, I(,1?SSdIII concluded later Gravel IIetam Its three rural ~aJl routf'S IJrtlsln dl ,ilf'IS dnd thflr Wl\eS werr also ('xchang'ed Thp follow- gan'JCH.r()1Jnp DmkldW' and Dpro-

I~ nt"~s. strpf":t ani) hnmf' \\f'ar. _ afl('r "p('ndlng C/1nslm<J" In lrw f

\\-'as r1 on the Ponder-WakefIeld ~hlCh It had bpen ro josed 10 (onw 'lilt' disilil I 11l('11ldpsllO ('ountles lI1g famJiIPs wprp prpspn1 Rf'v C thy ::iPOl'llng dro\ (l 10 Omaha Sun. ~ Mu('h hf'lo\\ r)rp~f'nt prif'po.;. ~ I\\ F PI'1 rju(' home' IlOad. ohaatl.' HearIn ::as

Ialso hpld on 111 norllH'ds l Nl'brasl<d' and five P Halls of Wakf'~lf'ld, R('~ Phi Ill· day takm,R Mlss Mildrpd Tarnow ~ $ $ 8 ~ -:'III' 8nd ::\lr-.; \1J!lard Tllltl" :md I rom once in

Ma c seemed to be 1he month , I t g ff 's 'n (' counll( '; III soul h( dsl ISouth Da- man SmIths of Wausa, R, v Pear~ hack 10 fwr \\ ark at tht' hospllal:: 188 and 2 8 ~ 1\lr and :\Jr<: UH.lp TU.fllp of Prn- I10 W lei the CIty emel gcd from proposa 0 cuth ON r~~ kg r kat d Thp dlnrwr \\ as g \ pn to hon- sons of Bristow. Rfl'v P Pearson Cd rollne and DOl ot hy \~ III <;pend ~ \< ~ dpr \\ I) I <;prnd :'-i ('\\: Y par" IId y In I"',mt rim rovements In the bus,· ram Sl?rVlCf! on : e 0: 0 - /oux 01 lh(' hi) (ff'dll'r'i \\110 h<l\f' attaJn~ and daughtf'rs of Waynp. tog-p1hpr a fpw dayS Ihprp ~ Turrpta and Satin ~ I tllf' Paul Zppli~tJ()m('

id' t Pt '~mpleted and Ity l~n~. AIr mt1l s~J\'1ce ,17s

pr! d S i1f" !~IJ.l1 01 220()(1 lJuslwls With IvaI' Amlprsons, Mrs r T Evprr1! Van C!eav{' and Sisler. ~ : ;'vIr<; .:\IIOn1P \Tl')f'r and ncn >

~~;s CIt r~~ld ~~:e SC rm 0 TIm 7 pplJe or ~rlVj eges :mt \Hr( ec· sold Carllson family, Rp\, B('rqul,,1 of Flora R()sp. of ()mdha, Mr and ~ LOUNGING ROBES :\T('\I I rllme flom Humholdl l.'i<:t *,4; The MERRY MA(Sp g pe g 1a yed by tht war 'f hos!' 1)J(r,l nl \\( IP Mr and Mrs, Hamill, S D, and Rev W T Mrs Ih'nry Grf"\r' <md Di'lorls Mr :: 8 . I' \\l f k \\ f dnf"sd l~ t{J "ppml Chrlsl~ ~J •

An 1m rtant Item came fI;O:{' ~h~ In many homes 1941 WIll stand Hpi man All PI S MI dnd Mr!'i Ray- Chl?1I Theologl("ul Stu(jpnt Carl and Mrs Bernard Koch and rdm- g hlll:f'~~;<.1 ~:;:('k~n~:m: Z~~)II~~; rn IS \\ I 11 '>IT \I, \1 r" l'lmll\ Leon ERROl-Mjscha AUERrollege here figures S~OWf.' t a ~ut because ot tragedl~s that have moml Dprnqalh Ml and Mrs Roy ILarson, a brothpr of Mrs Chpll. II)' \V,l)nf" \V::ltson, Lorraine and ~ (·Iused. Ahout half prii'e for \1J and ;\ir'> Gl('nn Gla~qUiq ( ~ ill~'~ern:ol,l~lent at Wayne. had reached een recorded ACCidents and C'wn Dwkey, Mr dnd MI s Thomas F 1'- Was also prpsent haVing- ('ome IMary Jdn(' Andorson WPT(' Sunday ~ df"aranc f'. \\ "f(' S;-lI Ul dety ('\I'nlng :-;u

0"1 ~ In -Jf )

the lat~estofc111teachersconegeS ar have taken a 10)1 01 m<Jn:r1, WTn Hury l'll.. 1 and MISS Ebel. from AlceRter. S D \\h("rf' h(' \lSllors Jt Joe Wilsons ~ $1.198

th( ..-'nlfll1 (-;llnqtJI~l hom. fnl VjAff r,III thel~ale and othe"" have lust ,lippeel "way ~11 and Nhs Alh"I' l!uP',g Mr s"r\eel I chureh a' Chmlm.. s I \lr "'HI Mrs Henry Gre'e "nd , II .. " ""h "rcldlO~ "mm. """ """" ,. •'Y~y ~,s new parl.;: sile Was pur~ ~o I("ave vacanCles In ldmlly rlr- ,Inl! Mrs Vvl~:!!() f <II son Mr d.nd I - - IDelofls \11' ami Mr'i JoP WIlson ~ ;0.,11 s \\ alter L Imt'l \\ III n turn I ~: VfrJiwa.'

("hus d April ThiS 48-acre tract !les In countless homes tile yf'ar Alre; Reubeh .Johnson, Mr and I Pro",rp"isl\f' Jlomf'makf'r.. and ~on Mr dnd Mr<; FrNI Tar- : B ..\RGAIXS IX to lIo'-'mpr S I) n(>xl Sund8) dlt- V\.' la rol. e rth of Wayne was bought as added new faces. and for thge Mrs F G Lmdahl Mr and Mrs ProgTf'SSI\(' Ilomf'makPTs cluh nov. dno daughlr>rs. Mr ,{nct 1\lrs ~ DRESS MATERIALS er "ppndlng I \\r, k \\ Ilh nf I' pdr- I, -X, I'll ~f.?"., ,7' 0 W,lth local SUbscflp1JOns, 941 WIll be r("cnlled wJlh f(-'('Iln S Lylr> NLH()\j,I' ~1r dnd rs R~ndaJ v.111 meet .J,lOuary :2:2 III Ihp Oscar r=mll (,revC', Mr and Mrs ~ John ~ Prf"1t\' ('(Jtton Illahl .. for ('hil- eht.... :\Tr .lnU Mr" :\1 \' c1'i:l.\\-/ .J~ '~t- l-'~SOil oni~vatiOn area was extend· f JOY, McLaughltn Jesse Ma,'key, rimer P('tprson home Inste~d of FrdnkIGrevE' ..lnd famIllC"s \\,p1'e (hllS1- § • I d kl t ford ~,ir- _

,,(} tp m Jude' 4,509 more acres. A As D0Ccmbpr draws'10 a close, Nelson. Mr anrl Mrs .John OIT, IIlcks .I::; <innounc('d {)pfO! ( mas day guesls of Mrs Mary g dr~n S I rf'SSf',. an, s r s. Hprhprt \V('lch lca\cs FrIdav for " .'~~,,;; _ 'raravan took 160 fanners to feed~ he • spirit of Christmas over- Mr and M:r~ Hor n OUeman, - - L<lase npar Wlsnp1' ~ 29¢ Yd. \VI1lldm~tO\\n Ma<.:,s \\h(,rE' he at- r 1 WIth

PI's' Ida In Lincoln The dlstMCt haqows all elsi?ll brl~gs comfort, Mr ann Mr~ Bl1gfl Pearson, Mr Mr ami Mr<; Milton Gustafson ~ _ tend" <;chooJ aflt'I ~p('ndtng the i Johnny DOWNS ~ ~muslF c ntcst brought 2,500 young melts all barriers of lhsCOl d and Iand MI'; J(/hn P('tersen, Mr and II II Mr and Mrs S('1 h Anderson and ~ Spun rayons in popular wine ~ ho1Jda~" \\ 11 h hIs mOl h('r 'Irs • :':i ~I Sunnie O'DEA l ~.-;o.\folks 1 Wayne The Methodtst ~merges as the shmmglray of hope MIS II,ms JFt lr'r<;pn, Mr and Mrs J ESJIE Llmlla'" Mr dnd Mrs Vietor ~ and him' shad~s. Either ~ CatTle Welch /'l'l M' MONT Z ~church bserved. Its 60th ~"ear. hat will fmally bring universal John RobNlls, Mr, and Mrs Peter ~ J ~. Johnson Mrs .Josq1hlne G4staf- ~ pJain or Ill'neil !',tripes. Ideal ~ I :\11"" Lpola ::\Turrav \\llO I" em- jr~ s aria E,~l;,ulIftrt Lumber company bought OOdWlU and brotherhood. IRonnfpJ111. l\~I. and Mrs Dan Bush, (By Mrs Grace Buskirk) <;on Mr and Mr<; Alfred Borg, § for \\ intPr drf'ssf's- ~ ploy n(\ In i-ln (lmnh.t lumhf r offj( l' ~~ f}~ ,_~nndlJco bined.theTheobald,Jmd Mr andM~g Alfrf'dSYdow,~Mr 11l and Mrs LestprRohpltsand ~ 39 ~ lInlf' \\{'dnr,q!lj-' til ~pt'nd 1111 1111 ~ "~r~ > ~,~1'f :itfvvrlf' ,jumber yards. C,ly hght LOCAL NEWS anil Mrs J,m Snodgr",s. F mil l\lh anel Mrs Alberl KIJI,on "rrf' 'ons of Washcng'on. "ere Sunday , ¢ Vd. , Sllnd." \\ "h her [hlrl'nl' "r .. nel ~ ~ ...:h".'r.rate v...~re cut about 10 per cent. . ..-l I ~ Schuttf'. i\Tl dnd Mrs Armrn WI1- $JOux City Monday dmnPI \JSltors al L J. Rr('ssler's. ~ ; ~lrs J l-I :\-lund\. :.; _\Va fl d deJeated a proposal to Miss VIrginia Stroh of Hoopcr'l gorki, 1\11 ,1I1d Mrs. Richard 111 M 'and Mrs F~ed 'Ulpchl I\lr and Mrs. W. C Ring and Rayon c'CV'duroys in uinf' and ~ Till' \\ m \ dhlkamp f lmlly of _~ ~ _lSSU n .000 In bonds for an audl· spent MondaY,and TUesday \vlth lltppht :Inrl MI' lind Mrs Ernest vvc,rer. Sunda" c·allv'IS at I'". S. l\Iprip ('ntNtellned dl lurkpy dln- army blue. A hancl~omp doth 1~. j\;f'lIl:~'h h:.ld Chl'lslmas dIO.ner \\lth I T.hursda • Friday • Saturday

,p IVJ Jean Jones MOl f '1 I fur ~klrh and '~-I)lf'('(' suits. :. 11,<, F \\. Vdhlkamn~ \\ m Vahl~ ytOl'19m . 1iA movement started for a ",dSS,.. Pf'1 p l'son ()1!tPI' gUl'<;ts w('rfO r. VI It', nPr Chflslmas (ay or ,\ r. ao( F'- I J 1 2 3new rur~1 fIre truck and thlS wasl Mr. and MI;". J. 1\1 Robel'ls Willi and ,\11'<; Arnuld Pctprson, Orleans., ~~lSS. KR! e;ppnt Sund'ly With Mrs. A W. Dolph, UII\'C"r Johmon, 69'" ~ kamp 1<; <?Ipl'k,mg I,", th., ('ounclr anuary _ _

lalel~rel Ii.ed be New Year s gues's In thl' l'" "I ... nd 'I"', I'dul Pr'e"on and Ihis'mo'her an;I oth"r rel';t lV," ,n Mr. and Mf' Geo Rllsk,r/<. MI'. i·d. ~ O~,~,;;or~~;o~,~ilg~,edtke lea' os '1alinee al 3,00 "en \ ear', n.". 'IJool Gets Jn~rease. {'reU RobertR ~ome J" II ]\1IS,> F,'1my T' If'drwksnn of ('on- \VaJ.wfwld. and ~Ir<; ('Jarf' nu"klrk and Gay- .:

' ~ I Mr. and M1S, Harry 1,<lIn;>1 ('onl M I MJ () I P I If !In 1 h{'lr son Mar'('C'l, who lS at Flnnnf'lf'ttf' ~ Saturd<ly t'\cmng for Den\eLM4I:Y tarted out \\lith news that were Christmas gW'Sls ill 111(' J;\~ :'IJSS Rllth DlnllllC MISS Mary w I' ~m s )'\3 .l~r{(' Fort l;I1J Uld;, \\dS unable to be NIGHT GOWNS ~ Colo" \\here "he attend" "chool I

llw 1?1l m~ ha? received a ~\\iO pt'r eretl Roberts !iomb. Ifwks (Inri \\"11';'('n N~aJ{('s, a 11'10, H~~:e~.~nday \ ISI!OIS dt (hr·..,I( r pr('~{'~t. . , \dlitf'. ~ire ~ Idfter spf"nctln£; three \~('f'k" 111 the('ent, In C'al'C In approprlatlOns for Mr, and Mrsl Harold BflY °t fur nlsl1l'd nLll"l('al nTlm!l"rs Group' IT Mr<: Henry Ruheck and Floyd Pp:lrh. pinl< or : O"car Llf'rlt kp homeI ·e CIt It r j)I' . MI' and Mrs ('hpslrr (lnsrn I .' \\f'i/.{ht f1anrH'ls. . 1'1 II T n"11C ~Ie lum on rac was e or Dctr011. Mlch, ~allc( In the I'nr sJll)..lng \\ l'i j, d h~ Al'nold p,.lr'I·- . " h Mr 'Ind Mrs Herman Hansen \11' :10( ~\ rs ('nn ,'mm,' a [j

hardiliur acmg tlw Lau~~l-C~lcridge Frcv('rt home $arurday son ~~l~;~~,~nday ('\,' \ lSI I01 S::It A1 ('It rvl'A;, ,E\ erell Ring-, Stanley ami 89C • 98c famd~, :\lr and l\ir" Emil Valli.lugh va . W.3

ync, Womans c.t

ubW, A. Lern~r. WI1~.' trilchrs at A slmlldr "vpnt WfI!'i hpld at Jo(' \Vdson IS a npw m("mbpr of Ronney \\Ne <~t Art Longe's kamp \11' <lnd ~Irs Arnold Vi-lhl-

nnn al floy.cr sllow drew 243 Broken Bow, IS l-ipendlhg the hoJI~ YanktolJ. !)r'r('ll1b('r :!2. for South h B C T I' h Chris1mas e\C' On Christmas day kamp and D,'lmal' \\,'!f' Sundaypntr es.' Roos1er day was staged, qays in the Anlonr L("j'11er hom€". Dakot,1 ilnd lJdlolnmg Nebraska j e 1A, 250' e tp one company the Longcs were at Mrs. Henry Childrpn'<;; rlmn('l' gu('"ts al F \\'. \' ..lhl-lIig{a IravC'1 counls were 1aken Mr. and Mrs. Ted F0ust lAere III dt'JJ('I<: onMlllc " WI Ch j Rubcck's and Fnday at the Hcr- Dr. Denton SLEEPERS k,lmps.. 'd f c' .. I' M . t1 ' . I and Mrs. a ter IOn am . I 1 'l\IfS C T 1:nghamm t e ('a to !-1prve as a gUi e or Omaha hrlstmas vlsl_ll~ng r. an f 1 t Ch 1 t M man Longe home Gene Lund 1S Slzf'S 3-4~5-6. Finf'st of 311 )1' an( . _. ,futu e 'oad work. The college Mrs. :mon Barber and Mr. and Mrs. natl~ Cnke ~ml y, Rpen d' rJS mas..., a rs, viSiting there a few day" sl('("pinJ{ rmja.lllas. nroll~<;('ltt ilno Ralph Ingham. 11](' l,l"t of AI-grad at d <l large class witl~ Gov- Ike Smith. 1 I ~ (liPS Sllgdl' SU~~SR~~~~ ~'arnow entertainf'{J NIl' and Mrs Clarence Thomson stylf'. \\Hh ff'f'f. ('Jo~i'-ollt h,llnhrd Cli and ;\I1sS f~stllf"r('rna' 19ht ~ns\.yold !,;ervmg as Eph and Am~s B('ckenh~ucr Idt 1,2 { ('up htll1 ('1' all of 'her children and t/lell' fam. and Merle drovc up from F,lIrbury I)ri('l'. ~ :\1 It' 1ngh 1m oJ \\ dtl\\ <itO<;,l \\ IS Ispea er and high schools turned Monday for Cf.unCll GroH" Kan, :d Pggs I eh 1 ' Tuesday of last wef'k The gas 98¢ ~ \\\ l'f' SUndil\ lllcaht 1--1 eU( ,je, In(jut u hers o( -umbltlOu-s young to spqJld th1s week \vith thpjr 1 cup sour milk I l~ on d ~s m~<; ~e'D I h' company for Wh1Ch Mr Thomson :: 1llP \' ... HH'OX !HlllW I~~~~~~:::~::~~~~folk~ '. . brother, Herman. . I, 1 teaspoon soda ues~sa~t JO~~ ·N..i()h~,,~n's\\~~~ works gave thE"lr employees tur- ~ \Vm -:\1d',~rhen \\pnt 10 Oma. =

Way p city levy was flxed at Joe Lutger arrIved from chll~ 1 cup wf.ilrrut meats, cut up ~h t keys so the Thornsons brought Ladies' Mun..in~ ~ Iha i\londay 01'/ busmeso; He Will Sunda' _ Monday _ Tuesda23)'t~an'increa:se of .7 mill t .in cago Decerntr 24 to \(iSl~ Dr. a~d 1 cup dales, ('ul up M

rIS ~asdl'Mve suPDPer. Dolph "n I them; 10 the Fred Jahde home for CO'TTON HOSE g go flom there to Lmcoln to spend JY 4 5 6;(,1 I th M ~ A L t ]' II lu I' an rs an " ( Th J I L ~, I:\.'e\\ Yf'(Jr'~ da'- In the James l\Ic-1 anuary _ •'.June:. aVlng star1ed n~ar I e .lV~rs. oiJi' gen."J..e WI re n 2 1A cups flour faml1' wph~ Tu~sda supper \ISI- CI~rislmas dmner. c om utts ..

(~at olI church. and a movem,ent either next atm'day or Sunday. vanilla] t Yt A W D I hr jOined them for the dmncr. A tinA \\f'llrin~, mf'dlum :: F:nC'hpn hon1f' ::\trs. A !\IcEachcn :\Ta!ilwP .\t :;:00 Sundaywas Is begun to vave J.1

ear,Bress. Mr., and Mrs. Ben ~¥~yer and CrE'am 11utlcr nnd sugar. Add o~r~ and M~s. ~1~r:'Buskirk Il.nd NOTICE TO CREDITORS \\f"lght ('oUon huse'in 0(.'\'" ~ Iand MISS Gl,rrUd(, \\lll nlso lw:

ler ar ,College alumm enJo:r:ed a Lorrame anq Mrs. Mm"Ie. MeYe~ cI:Igo"gu,sr.aCn.do 'rbl,lnk~ mSlx,ft',II',S'sOdaandwaldlhd Gay1m were ChrIstmas eve gUf"sts shndf's. ~ gtH'Sls 1h{',I'\"\1 T I '1 "::l.nd!reun on Carroll CongregailOnal spen1 SundaL~~~~~~_~~. . rt1 .... at the Ray Agler, Jr., home. Th(' state of Nphraska, Wayne 29c ;; I :\lr am " ec. orr! I

~ - -------~------_. , :~~I~:,~~n~,t~n;;~~!l~~~~. h~~~(P,~ t~~ Mr anct Mrs. 'Henry Barelman cO~~'til~SS;"atter of 'he estal0 of ~ I :;:~:~I:~,~' :,~,,;n,~,~;·r;I:,I,~7:;''t~·~,;;:~~ !

and mlx('el' w1th whipper] ('f('am It ~~~dd~~~~~~;,: ';~~~~ayV~::'~~~g~t Martha l\1elTlmll.ll, d('cea"cd. LADIES' GLOVES ~ : oj thl" \\0f'K IkhPY \\!II rel1Jrn to I

ma1<t'S excellent (]psscr). Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dolph and Creditors of .saId ('state are h("reM Popular bla('k sueden(' with !I :,~~., ~:lr~)1 ;~~:hg~~I~~~~<;t~~ home I

family spent the p\'pnmg of ~~u~~:lf~~~'rtthl~;O~\~1J \~~y~~.t7~ fa,;"H':\ Ipathf'r trun on hal'k'i. ~ Hp\ clncl :\11"" C L Lac],., !lnd !

CI h~~JSlmaS day at Aclolph Eng- saId counly, on the 16th dely of 59<- an,1 69r ~ I"on \\\'n1 1() Bt;'<l\r'l Crock. :\llndn: IIS s. January, 1942 j at 10 o'clock a. m., ~ IDC'c€'mlwr ~l jo \lslt Rl"\. Ea s .

:.....------1 Mr. and Mrs, Will Korth, Mr and on the 16th day of April, 1942, ~ folks JlI'\ E'ld~ rnmc h'l.('k Chr:st- I

and Mrs Henry Tarnow JOined at 10 o'clock am. each do) to rc- Part "001 \ ~,mas .'nl! 11K' olhers ,\('nl to \\ In~relatl.ves Chl'lslmas day at Al'\ld IcC'l\e and pxam!O(' all claims PLAID BLANKE~S ~ I dOIl1 to 'I'.' ::\-11 s. Edris II~ldtl\('S linLund s. agamst saId eSlate, with R vJew to ~ I til WpdnosdaY!lhlS we("k. I

Mrs. Mabel Dolph and family their adjustm('nt. and allowance. A wonderful huy! 6 ft. widp. ~ I l\T!s R,l\ ('I, nr(':. ;lnd fdmil~' pf.and a nephew, all of Laurf'l, and Tlw Imw Imlllp(J for lhe presenla~ :\':~;lIl.o~,,~~t'[,~li:.},{ill::.I;t~~a:;IIII~~ ~ SIOU:\ F:lll". SI n. :\It' ,Inri lI[iSMr. and Mrs. A. W Dolph spl'nt 110n of claims against :idld estate You ~a"I" $1.00 hN'au..,> of ~ I Frank f),1l,,'1' aid Ch·dC' \\1'1 (' Sl~I~- .Sunday at Dan Dolph's. . . Iis three months from 1he 16th day l'UKht d~reC'ts nhiC'h ar" : dav dmllPr g'B "t~ In Hl(' Herbftt

MI'. and Mrs. August KUI. Mr r J nu ry 1942 and thE" time hnrdly IIClth'enhlf', § P~'l'y homp • he Clanceys. ~\'hoand Mrs; Dan Dolph and faml!Jes ~mit~d For paYln~nt of debts IS one $ 45 ~ haH b('('n m th Baker home ~II1cewere Fr~day guests at Bernard year from sald 27th day of D[lrcC"m~ 3 ~ TuC'sday. left f r home In the aft-Habrock s near Emerson, b 1941 ; (>rnoon .

Mr. and Mrs, !ferman Utecht, e~ltne,,~ my hann and the Sl'a1 WOOL BATTS ~ :::\Ir and Mrsll\lyron Colson and¥r. and Mrs. Emil Ut~cht, Mr. and of sald county court, thlS 30th daYI ~ \VIlIls N,Oakt's ~tenued a Nebras-Mrs. E. O. Fenton enjoyed a goose f D be 1911 \\'e have a few fine wool g ka Ful' Bn"C"de " com'entwn atdinner at Fred Utecht's Christmas °rSeaie)em r, ~T. 1\1 CHERRY. hatts carriNI ovpr from last ~ r\'orfolk 1\Tond y !'Ifr and ~1l".d :\'ear nhkh ne \\iH splI 1.lt - d J f I" o\'

"MY·r. and Mrs. Milton Gustafson j1t3 Coun1y Judge. H . f" ~ Il\[f'rle pwrc(' a oan 0 \.c:r~.,~:~j~~d f~~i~::~I! ~re IS a lOP :: I\\I';e Sunday \'ernlght gue"ts of I

NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS ~ Cohon, and alst") 3ttt"nded thc ('on-

In complIance with SectIon 24~ pr~~~:~(>d \t~~~ II \P~~~on~nd 1I1r~ Erne:-;t Fre\'ert I213' of The Compiled Statutes of $275 $395 ~ and fA-nul\'. 111' and "Irs. HenrythlltState 'of Nebraska for the year . ' d

192"9. we, the undersigned presi- ~ ~ !~[~:~l~~n F~~~J::m~I~~ ~~~gh~;r,dent and maJorlly of the hoard oC BUY CURTAINS NOW 'I illr and ~lr>. !-krbert Frevert. ~I,..directors of the Coon Creek Val- Choose from th(' many styif's ~ and !\lJ:s. Hah'ey Larsen an(1ley Rural Tekphone company, a : h d t 70 ~,I,laugll("I..... v"ere Friday ('\'enll.1g~~~f~:~~~~'o~efie~m~~e27.P~~~~~ ~ I ~~e ~~.;~ h:~~ 0ynou'~ln m~ke a~ ~ Id10ner g~ests ~n the Henry FI eM

all the cXIstmg debts of thiS corpo· ! ~~~~~:~~~~~:i::."i~n~~s ~O~I: ~ I \'ert homE'. I .ration amounted to-NONE. .E Rtffnes .. _ Kitchen Sets. .. ~ Ian~1J~~I~lt~~utl~cS~~t~f ~rT~gkO~

Coon Creek Valley R~ral .: An fresh. desirabJe material!> - LTelephone com;.ny , I t I ; Forcst, 111., arrived IVlonday last:: ,am s y es. ~ h F d

Henry Tarnow, Pres ent :.'.' 79'" $125 § week to \"isit ~ntll t IS n ayAbe Dolph· 'Y , with Miss Le tie Scott. OtherJohl1 Kay , I ~ and g Christmas gue ts in Miss Scott'sOtto Test L ~ homp for a family reunion wefe

R. T. Utecht, Directors ~ Mr. and Mrs. C1H. Scott and fam-\ i~~iiiiiii~ii~~;;iiiBy w. A. Gerdes, Secretary of ~ IllY of Niobrafa1and Mr. and 111's.(Seal) I COl·poratlon. ~ John Scott ani family of Plam·

,I:I .II ' I ttl "....".......·.."....lli view. I, I


·lOe...... 25e




Morning Light


2 ~:;... 29c.

::\-la;y be had hi reg·ular or drip grind.Packed in" tin orglass. ~

Pound ..29c



DILL PICKLESJ:rar: : 20c

Macaroni and

SPAGHETTI2~~~~..... ,... 1Sc

Campbell's ,

TOMATO SOUP3 i~~ns 25c

Our EveryFriday Feature

Morning Light


2 ~~~ .... 19c

OOLE'S I~~~~~:!:~e~ ~~;:~:9 Ounce 9 ,.

Cans .... C .



Gelatine Dessert :';:~~:~":::....... 19c'---_..5

Honey \ Ginger CakeDipped in Marshmal­low and Cocoa Icing.

2 Pounds 29cfor ....

Morning Light

TEAGreen, 27Y2-lb. pkgc CBlack, 35Y2-lb. pkg. C

With this greeting we wish to express our appreciation of your many" favors dur.ing 1941. It has been a real pleasure to serve you and we hape that you havebeen pleased with our efforts. During 1942 we will strive to render.leven better '1.

service to our customers in price or quality if it is possible to do so..-----.

~ Council Oak


Exchange the emptybags for 22 ~ caratgold pattern dishes.

Lb., 28c, 813 lbs. .. C

Washed and \Vaxed ~

Carrots, Parsnips, Rutabagas 15cOne Kind or Assorted. ·f pounds .

Marsh Seedless 29Texas Grapefruit, Dozen ... C

Crisp Solid Cabbage, Pound ;k

}Jersey Sweet Spuds, 5 lbs. for 15c

A general favorite for eating out of hand. for salad. saoce,apple cobbler. dumplings and cspecially for apple pie.

"The Aristocrat of Apples" 29cNewtown Pippins, Dozen .


MorDin;:, Light . Il\IOrning Light

SLICED BEETS.'::'~ '.' 12e SPAGHETTI ~::;,'~';;';';';';';;';';';';--a

Lemon Cookies, pound



P & G rCamay Toilet Soap 3·:;,~'~~ : 19cSOAP {P & G Naphtha Soap, 6 ~;~~I ., 27c

PRODUCTS In EFTRegolar pkg 10¢ GianI . 62c'l U Large pkg. - .. ~ 24(; pkg. . ....•..........

in ~e John Pm~~ome.at ·Ban~\A::;musand da'~ghterweI' 6 o'clock :\.MIS Otto Eekert


::: ::h:e~cr~f i B' ~ I dmner g~ests In the Ge r Drevsen Mamw, 1\111'. and Mrs. Walter Eck~

o1~ ruse Icf~ Wednesday to home Frtday. 0;> ert and family and Mr. and Mrsspedd a few days In the Elmer Oh- Mrs. John Bruse and s n, ABen, Herman Koch of Stanlon M ilun , h.?m~ at ?~aha. fl-nct Mu;s Layern Weich '~re din- Mrs. Harry Eckert' and 'so:· :~~.

M1r. and Mrs. Henry Horn of ncr gUes1s m the Clar cc J.aHn Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Kue t dBurl<~, S. D.. were 6 o'clock di(Jne~ home at Wausa Christm s day. family of Wlsner. s er anguests m the Lyle Marotz horne MISS Florence Sehr 9cr of Dmner guests in 1hc HenryMonday.. Alhuquerque, N. IV[, W 0 spent AsmUf frome Sattlrday evcnm ~

.Mr. and Mrs. Ervl.n I-lank of Cllfls1mas \\llh her fa her, Gus were: ....Mr. and Mrs. Herberl.Bc:?h~Hlnto~, Ia., wer/J, 6 0 c!ock dmncr Schroed.er, left Fri.day ~o viSit mer and' family of Poh III., MIS;guests 1Il the L}le Marotz home fl'H'nds III ~ew York befo e return- Lydl;l Rehmer of Or:1aHa, and Mr.Saturday. mg to Alb.uque~que, and ::VIr'S. F:., O. Behmer and SOll.

Mr. and Mrs 1\rnold tIl Her ancl Mrs ErIC ·M('Il'rhenry. ent se\'- Vernon. EW'hing nslton; wen"son and. John Wllson wert' dllnt'r ('raJ day!:; last wcek \.\.ith hpr par- MI;. and Mrs L~oyd l3ehm<,'r andgU('~lS In the Gus Deck hJlme Ipnl:-. Mr. and Mrs. A. liller, at family, tIro and :\Irs. Ibns As'musChTlstmas, ~ Omaha. Mr. Meterh<;nry went to and daught~,T,' and Mr. and Mrs.

Mr. and MIS ~has. Ohlund andl()mah'l Wednesda.v and] Hccom- Alfred SV>elgani and famtly. _

Aug. Bellmer I'nJoycc! an oystC'r panlC'd Mrs. MClerhenry ~me. IJmtl('r' guesls in 1 e Mrssupf?cr in the Walter Ohlund home Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Ba man and '1\lathlldil \V({ntoch ho c Id~YChnstmas eve. son. Keilh, of Ellswort MHlIl, wen" :vir. and wIr". rbert Wan~

Mr. ~n.d Mrs. Henry Anderson \\('re ViSItors m the Her an Puis to("~ and family, :\1. and Mrs.and family were 6 o'clock dmner home Sunday and Mon ay. :\1rs \Valtpr \Vantoch and family, Mr.guests m thp Art Bossard hdm"e at Bauman and Kplth remalnf'cl in and :\lrs. 1"rl.:'d \Vantoc1T-a-ntl-Norfolk Sunday ~ the-Puis home for a \\cck!s n~lt. daughtrr. JulIus Wantoch of

Mr. an9 Mr~. Fred Jodwn" and I\-lr. and Mrs. Frank RVsell and I IutehInson. Mlnn, MISs Ardplfamily we're 6 o'clock dmner famJly of Uklahoma Ci). \\('re Damptlr£' of I--hlpkms. Mmn.. Arlogues~s In tl1(' RIChard Erodhagen vhltors 1I1 the \Vm. Rlgg rt horpc 1hur Wantoch of Thl{'n:;vIllc . .lVIS.,home at Pwrce Fnday. Thursd1:ly, They /-lad h(,l'~ \ISI.1.lngl and Mr. and :vIrs. Carl \Valhoch

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Bruggf'- \\lth Mr. RI:-Isc!rs parent1 at Cam- and famlly. -man and family wl're \'Isltors in hndgc, Mmn .. anci :Ylrs'i Andrew ;'\11'. and ::\-lrs, Ernest Fullmlanthe Mrs. Dora Bruggeman home Rissell returned \\Ith thrm for a <lnd famtly. ::\Ir. and I'Ilr!' AwalL---ncar Carroll Tuesday e\'('mng ~ISlt hen'. Walker and family. 1\11'. and Ivlrs.

Mr. and Mrs. GJlber1 Flelcher Dmnpr gUl'sts in the Er. 0St Pulsl H. R. :\'l<lrtm and daughter, Mr.and .son. Bobbie. v, ('re dinner Ihome Chrlstmcts \\ere: Xl" and al1d ::\Jr;-; Ed Fuhrman and fam~guest" m the Mrs. Charlot\(' To\.\- Mrs Enln Ulnch and b lly. Mr. rly. I\.lr and :-'1rs Allon Fuhm1an.ney I~omc at PIerce, Christmas. Hnd All's. Sam t;lnch Hn famiTy. ::VII' and ::\lr~ l\larvln Fuhrman,'

.!VIr all{~ Mr~. Adolph Brugge-, :\lr and :'olrs Reuh('n uis and :\11' and :\Ir". Andrew Andersonm .. n and family were Omni'r I f,amdy. ::'Ilr and ;\-lrs Fr~nk :\-Iar_ and b<-lhy and :"II~S Hulda CarstensgUf'l'ls Chrlslma:; day 111 Ihl' John 1 tm <:Ind "on. ~lr" Augusta,Brumcls \\('!'p dll1ner gupsts In the l\Irs.Vulk. .If'. home n(' Randolph. and :\lrs :!\-Ilnn;e Bruecknpr. rC .T Fuhrman home <'It Norfolk

MI$s Elaine A ersnn of Chi-\ Ho\\ arrJ Krau:,e of Lmcoln, came F!lrld) t'\ ('11mg-.cago. spent from W('rlnesday untIl \\'eonesda)- to ~p('nd a f('w da)sl .\11" :'\I.lttil' \·0" .... ~I!('nt Siltur­Sunday \\Ith h('r parents, Mr, and \\Ith hiS parents. 1'111'. ami Mrs I <1d)- and SunddY \\11h frIends andMr~ Gus Andrr on. and faml1y. ILout.... Kraus('. Iwfore h:,~\lI1:': for! ~('I:=ttl\l's at Norfolk Saturday

MISS Mab I chroeder and 1\llSfoi th0 army v.hpf(' , has cnll~tr>dl nIght ~hr 't.tcndert a tnrihdayAnd('~son of os :\n~e!L's, Cal., 1:Ir(' I~ the illr corps' a 1\Ilsr !\ala!tr I party ,II Ihe Fred N('lson home III

spendlllg th(' holidays \\Ith the Kr<tuse of a a.· alsb SPl'r)~honol' of ~lr<;. :'\elsol1's bIrthdayform('-r's fat her, Gus Sehl·oeder. ICh1'lstmas 1 IhI' Krause bome and on Sunda~ she \'l:o.ltl'd :\Ir~.-'Ed.

1\Ir. and ?lrs. l-h'rman Opf('r MI' and 1\11''<. Cha<::. Marts and B£'rnhardt \\ 110 IS ill Sunday 'lIghtand :>on. RIlly, and MIsS Jane ramIly, ·111'. anr:l ;\-11':: Ezra Joehens :VII'. anri :'III''' Fred :'\el~on and MrRohrbprg \\pr{' dml1l'r guests In Iand family. :'.11"" Jann..!Jt'1 \\'alker and :'\[r" Rd)mond Bernhardt and 'til(' Mrs. Mattlt' \'Ol'~ home Chn~t- I ;\Ir ;-lIleI :'Irs. v,.·J!bur Chf'ssheler 0 :'I1l'~ \-0'" \ ISltcd ;'<.[1' and Mrs.mas. , , I:'\orfolk. and :\-'11' and :'Ill'S, Gl1bert i H;lrr}- Bl'rnhardt at Pilger.

MI$S F.\elyn and Lf'Roy Walker I Jochens and daughter of Pierce. .:\11' dnd :\Irs. E () Behrner.hadof Berkley, C'al.~ came \\ednpsday \\pre dmner gue::ts JIl Ihe Carl (h dmner gU('sts Friday eH'nlng-:.to spend the Chnstmas holIdays Jo('hens home Thursday e...enlng. ;\11' and :\jr~ Ilerhert Bl'hmel' andwllh thplr parrnt". 1\11'. and :;'\lrs Rpv and l\.lr<;. F C Ebmger and L:lnllly nf Polo. Ill. 1\11"s LHI,aCasper \\·alk('r. . family. ~Ir. and 1\-Ir~ Llo}d Goellel Rchm(,l', of Umaha. :"tIl' and ~1rs.

Mr. and Mrs, \\ m. Langenberg and son of i\-lt \-e!'non, Ia. Harold nil:'> of DetrOl1. 1\-1 I['h. , Mr.anrI family and 1\Ir and ?lilrs R. D, 7\11'. and Mrs. Carl \VII!lPr and l and :Vlrs ('Iar-ence Carl.son amILangcnbC'rg and S(ln. a.nd MI". and family. "l\-Ir and i\1J~ George \\'lIt- :\lr and 7\lrs Fred Frp\ert ofI\ll's. Arnold \\-'Itller '\\1'1'(' dmner 1('1' and famtly. 1\-1rl'. Lena \\'Ittler Wa)ne .... :\lr. and ::\II'';; AlIwrl Beh_gu('sts l~ the \Valter Flcl'r home and son. Arnold. \\1'1'0 (hnner nwr ,IIHI daug-hIN. Mr. ({od Mrs.ChrIstmas. guests 1Il the Arnold WIttler home Llo)d Rehmer 'lnd (amdy, Mr. and

Mr.. and Mrs John Dr('\~C'n, Mr. Friday. .:\lrs. IIl'nr). Asmu" and famIly andand MIX LOUIS Bend me and Sunday dlnnC'I' gue~ts m the ;\11' and ;'\lr~, Leo Jonlan anddaughter and YIr and Mrs. Hans Harry Strate home were: Mr. and famrly.



•May we' serve you?

havin~ been able toserve you in t~e pastyear and will' makeevery effort to con­tinue in you!' goodwill. I

We Appreciat:e

Our aim is always toprovide' quality mer­chandise and best of

, , j.

service at economicalprices.

Sodll.1.ChU~('h Party 1J(~ld. '

(~hrlst Ian church congregH I ionhad r supper and program NewYeall's eve.

J\t Halt'm Parsonllge.T~c board of dcacon~ and 1heir

Wi\l;'p met Tuesday evenmg at theSalt~~ p~rsunag:.. T

For Mrs. IJaulsell.!\'II'S. Fred Paulspn was remcll1­

benld 011 11('1' bIrthday When nClgh­hoI'S .:.ipent Monday aflernoon withhe!'.

For Mrs. I~ulldahl.

Neighbors and friends sJlf'ntSnturda,y afternoon 'VII h Mrs. Os­Cilr Lunl!iabI in honor of her bIrth­day.

S)O IS Horn.A son \vas ho nto Mr. and Mrs.

~awrcncc E.I!s of Allen, Sunday.

. i CityOn h' ·istmas Day

Miss Dol' th ' Dutton. daughter, of Mr, .and I'. I Or\'J1I~ Dutton of

--,Waliefleld. n Glenn, Sund of. '::3plITh Siou 'tity, were- married. C;fniistmas d y I~lt 8 o'clock In the

cvrning atf In ,Dmaha parsonage.

;;:,e;: ;~:11' ~lll~~,mled uy fl'lel1ds, The co..upl a" spendlllg a w('ek

or 10 days in mah<:t and 8t1H'rplaces be fa cturrllng to SouthSlOUX CIty :<"h n' they will Jive.

Mrs.,'Sun "h s ueen lcaclllng mthe gl'adcs . t } DOleI' and v,'iIl fin~

ish this ye<JI I r. Sum! :s employ..ed in a prod c store'm SOUlhSioux Cit'y.

-"-- .]~iOll. d~i.lb Mpl'tS.

Lions club hJ~ a regular mcct--..Jng Tuesday C\· ning. .

in the Ed. Carlson and Lyle and Ernl'~t Eo' Hen~chkc were FTl­Church horne. ,daY dmner gup,sts In the Mrs. Max

Miss Nettie Ekeroth returned to Hcnschkc home. Mr. and Mrs-------;--tf-:-------IOmaha Monday after !ipending Eickhoff andl Elame, and Ernestcongregation will I e held next since Christmas day In the Ernest E. Hcnschke ~lso spent ChnstmasWednesday stq.r~ Il,tt ,10:30 a. m. Ekeroth home. there. I . .

I Miss ttuth Anderson leaves New. Mr',and(Mrr". M. F. Ekcrolh and('hrlstlan (Jmrch. Year's day for l1ammond, Ind., aft- MISS Clarice Il/t>turncd home Sat-

o ehapter meets n('xl (Rev. Harold BUC~CS' pastor) cr spending the! vacation with Mrs. urday ft'om * Paul,~mn., afterMonday evemng with Mrs. G. W. Please notice tha I the order and Eph Anderson. ." spendmg ChriMmas in the NormanHenton. time of fhe morni g meeHngs at MISS Edna !{oydar, who teaches Ekeroth home. Miss Clarice re-

~orthcast Nebmska Hairdrcss- ~~~e:~;~~tI~t~~d~~, 1a~~:~;e~: to :~l~:~~l~~~li;t~hel~l~\~c~a~:\~~~~~~nn;~~.to hel' wor~ at Lincoln

~~~~~~~O~~~~~gh:~'eW:Jth:n~etmg. GospJI preaching 9:45 a. m. "A F. J. Hoydar home. Mr. and Mr~. ClIfton Paul ofD. U. V. tent meets next Wed- New Creature" is t e l'iermon tiUe MISS Elinore Mathewson left I-~remont, Charles PaUl of SIOUX

ncsdi1Y afternoon for installation for the morning me, sage.' Saturday for Sayr!', Pa., after CIty, Mrs. Marvin Rohmson andf ofr MEl M 11 d Bible f'chool and ord's supper, spending Cht'lstmas m the Mrs. R. son of SIOUX City, and Mr. and

~rs.l~~r~·orgI~I[l·~~ve.le1' un 10:15 a. m. I II. Mathewson horne. Mrs. Harold Olson were Christ--- I Miss Marjorie Booth returned m,'ts e\'enmg guests in the E. W.

IJrf':shyterinn phur(·h. here Sunday evenmg aller spend- Paul home.(Rev. Allan McCtjllI, pastod ing since Christmas eVe In I-Iart- Mr. and Mts. Albert Echten-

Sunday: Church R~hool <\t 10:00 inglon With relatives. I<amp and famJly, Mrs. AIVma Ech-a. m. Mommg worsHip serV1ces at Miss Margaret Kohlmcier rc- tcnkamp, Mr. and Mrk. Ray Jen-11.00. A speCial ~e~mon Will be tu nco S d t S I flr" un ay 0 umm'r, a., a cr sen, Mr. and Mrs. Flicd LehmangyT~~~,~ for the .flrst lunday Of~the spending two w('eks in the Mrs. and daughters \vere I ChrIstmas

1 Anna Kohlmeier home. dinner gue~:s in the henry Ech-W~lat-so-ever S lNy m ts Mrs. 1':. E. Parl{ and son of Ma- tenkamp ho a. I

Tue'iJjay, ,January 6. 1Il the ChU!' h. son C ty I d M foi H B WMrS". Clarence Hellrickson nd I, a., an 1'.. arc Mr. and l;i. Mc1\ in Baker andMrs. 41. Dwtchlel' Will be host- h~~~da:

nirl,:~n~e~~r~a; Paddock family of H mboldt, Ia., came

esses. Mr. and Mt,f'. C. G..Jordan re- 6~r~~te~~:YI~'~~le~\~~('~. ,)/1 J[:I~~'~~i';nlt'm Lutheran ('hunh. turned home Monday from Esther- hom('. Mr. Baker returned home

(Rev. Clal'l'ncc P. Hall, nast6r) \'ille, lao" where they had VIsIted Fl'lday and the others remainedl' their daughter since Cht'lstmu..;. unlll New Year·s.

th~C~e~~~:da;V~ig~n~~9~~~~ice' \\'e~:·ina~~U~r~lo:I~}~II~.Iii~~~:~ 1\11'. anc! Mr". Byron Busby andPlease note change 111 tllne for to attt'na thl' funel'al of Mr~. John family, Mr 'and Mrs. ClIff Busby

the confIrmatIOn class: During the Klnney's fath('r, Jamc..; L Naylor. and famIly, Dr. and Mrs. Man'lnwmler months they Will meet at Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Franz and Busby and sort. Mr. and Mrs. B£'r­1.30 p. m. on Saturday instead of Mrs. Charolenl' Olson ret umed to nard Rusby, the lust of Souththe forenoon haul'. We hope thiS Stu3r·t Sunday aftf'r spendmg the SIOUX City, had a Christmas dmnerWill save our rural people some hoiJdays In the T. M, Gustafson together In the Chas. Busby homC'.

I';asterJl ,Star IJarty. driving, so we can help III the dc- horne. Mrl';. J, D. Haskell spent Chrrst-Eustbm Star lodge had a party fense program. Cllffonl Lrnden of Pasadf'na, mas -at Laurel In the C. D. Haskell

Mondabr c\,('Illng for the 1amIlies. Sunday, January 4: Sunday Cal., called hIS sl..;jcr. Mrs. Law- home. F'rom there she goes toA1tel'd eovered dish dmner, a 1)1'0- school at 1() qa. WorshIp at 11.00. renct' Johnson, ChrJstl11<-ls day. It Caldwell, K J., to \IS-lt her daugh­gram ",t

3S,' gn1en. At 7:30 p. m tIWl'(1 will be shown took two hours 10 get the ("all tel', Mrs. Se\'crn MIller. and fam~

l1C\V 1110\ ing pictures of the 1m- through. Illy. Mr.s. Mll~er'~ younger son IS inlTndE'pol" Ol)eration.... l"or Ir~\.iti Stronherg-. manuel Deaconess institute. 'fhi:-; Mr and Mrs. Clal'encl' Thomp- a hos[Jltal \""Ith mfantJle paralYSIS.

Mr:-, Be."~iJta ,hlman l1~derwcnt Mrs. H. S. Collins and family IS the first showmg outside of son anq Merle of Fairbury. came MISS E\angelme Patterson ofa!l oper~~Idlnffoll,appendICILJSIyl0n- Supt. f'nd Ml's. G. B Childs and Omaha, and from here the pictures Tuesday last \\('ek to \ISlt untrl Mmnpapolls, r<lturncd Sunday aft-day In \ova { Ie fl. , IDICk, rs. Wm. IIoskml'cm were go to Chicago and the many other after N('w Year's In the Fred er spcmltng Chnstmas With Mrs.c" h !FrIdilYevening guests in the LoUIS points In our synod. No adnllssion. Jahde home. Ella Patterson. Mn; Ruth Lmden

nUll t r Is norn, .Johnso and Irwin Stronberg Wf> 111\11(' all to sec thiS wonderful Mr. and Mr». Dan O'('onnf'll an;] of F'ort Dodge.' also returned home,~, dauJ:,t-ft-lt>- ~~l ~ born ~? ,Mr.. and home or Mr. Stl'On,berg's birth- institutIOn of mercy at work In its Mrs. Nl'lll(' Wllhl'lm of Omniia. Sunday 1\-llss VIOla Patterson of

~h.s. L. S. I (l I of .nca·r Wdkc- cloy. M " and Mrs. Stronbl'rg and many departmenls. spent Chn:-ltma~ day in HlP Paul Cllflon. N J., i:lrn\'ed Tuesday lastfJeld, ChrlstllHS morning. Mr. an Mrs, Harry Wendel were 'The annual bUSiness meeting of Stronb('r~ home. Mrs. Wllhclm re· week for the hoiJdays.

. ~-' Sunda (hnner gue'~ts in the' Max Ow Salem e-ongregatIon WIll be mainecl longer Mr.. dnd Mrs. Clarence Thomp-St'110 I ) Resume. Gl'eene home for jh(~ hirthdays of held on Tuesday afternoon, Janu- Mrs. Eph And('r~on and MisS son and Merle of Fairbury. Mr.

CI:S<~~c~;~~~ sc ~~a;J1~ft~~s~~~~ Mr. St 'ortberg a~d Mr. Greene. ari;;;('as society will ha\e its ~~~~'n~~da~~ln~~~~~I~O~l~~~~c~r~~ ~~rd ,'~~~l~ ;vi~~ed~aa:;1~ ~~~t~~a~~'~~\\ct..'k~ \ J(~dt on f TtlC 1J Is!<r>lh 111 ~~- nl'xl m{'ctmg ,January R {'\'(> clmnc'r gll(>sh In the II D and l;llllil). Mr. and ;\Jr·s Ray Jpn-10dm pld')s \ Ist'Ihelc ;lext F';I-ICH URClillJHES Luthcran r:rolherhood mevls lJollebon homf'. sell, Ill(' 1,lsl of Enll'lson. and 1\-ll'sd,lY C\t'lllllg Monday /lIght, Janlldr-y 1:2. at ]\11' and 1\11" Cporg!' Prdnger 1\1\lna Eclltenkamp 01 \Va)ne,

Chlll'<_:h.J went 1n Clmtnn. 1;1. l.lst \V('dnl's- W('I(' CllllstrndS ('\('l1lng guc:-;t~ in'It'mll radlrt' Is J 0\\. 4tt5ti1&"fiiD ,Ynlll~ \\'flIl]rn's MIs'>JOnill v '-;() d;ry ilnd \JSltf>(j unlil ~,ltllrddY tllf' F[l d L('hlllan honw

fhe thel (llUr-tlll dlolJp(\ In I l\ll'lhndls1 (hlll"'l. elf Iy IJwet~ ,1\ tlw [ldl~{)n!lgl' :'11(111 With ]\11". dlHI :\-1[,;. (;('(JIgl' Stonc Ml d[](l i\h" A (', H)('Il('1 dlHIzero durlllg hell n)!..';ht Satllrd,l} .Inet {«('IH rldton. P<lstUl) dd:, .nJght, ",lnll,ll} I:! . ,lnd l\1f" I\lo(lt'(' , [,.Imil;. i\Ir '111d :\I!~. lll'r!)('rtand \Vas (Jn~ 11ilC dpgll'(' llbO\c SI'!'VI,('('s,d 1()Of)iLnI W(>pxpn'''sourg-I'illltlldi'!O or! 1\11' ,mel l\Ir~ \plm;1J /\ndrl'son (.n'cll. 1\Il"s })('tld hilY. l\11~~

zero Sunday lllth!' accordJlJg Iu \\'. S. (' S Jll{'('l~ ,lallu<-try R for I fflr 11l(' bh'sslngs of i1w }(lal' that and f<lllllly. ?\lrs 1.\11' Churt hand Ann.\ dnl! LOUIS. Fnlnc'ls F('nlon,tbe g,Hlgc at Lq1g·S. la cO\'L'I!ec! dIsh Junl'/1L'On. 1<; cloSll1L;. OUr h('s! WJslws tn nlll'II Bl1I1('. ;Ind Ed (';11"'011 Wf'I'(' TIlf>S- ttl!' II"t of \Vortillngtnn, 1\11110..

-...j,- - - f'nlll'(>('omJll1Jmtylnrahll'sscr!;lnd rid;' c!mll('I' ~llr'"ls In tl1l' Allhu!' and Mrs J. C. Johnson andPas ('s at Allt'n. EI1~...... t..John'.,. LlIth. ("hurdl. !l;-lPPY )\I'\\' Y"ar. dUI'ltli-{ whIch And('r>;on Iwnw I,ll)" 01 StlClh;.-. 1;1, Hnd l\llss Nrttle

Fr,lllJ\ CIOlgl1 77, [at!wr of \H.l'\·.\V. \.Gcr(h's,p<l"toj·j sal('mChurChllOP(,SIOSLol\L'\~l1('n_1 .:\lrs. Ro"I\' iVIJll{'l. All Illflnch Jk(')l,tll o! (Imdha, \\('n' SunddyFloyd Cloug 1 (,t Wal\dleld, dlcd l-:nglbh 1\1 \\ YCdr's C\ l' Sci \ H."e:, e\'cl' posslblc. <Inri Ed \Vhlt Ill' or ;\-1.I"k('IJ. MI'". (.\ l' 11 lTlg guests of MIsS Nellte Fors-SUnddy la<..;l W~~'k ;It Allt'n [l!lp!' at S ()(J. ---- ErnC'''l Ekrmth ;Inrl MI"S !':"ttIC' IH'rg"'~-'-\'£'ral mon ]],>' I lI\n~"". Funt'I'al (;ITll),'.ll :\1 \\' Yc,u's (1.1'>- stl \ ICes WAKEFIELD LOCALS slwrli Sundrlj \\ JIll Mrs Lllllly! ]\)1: oint! :-"It s Walcl' :'olnl!l'l' \\C'I"C

ntes :wcrc D 'cemher J'l Decea!o;cd al} 1:3rl a. III !\-lr and 1\lrs. IT .1. L('nzen lind Hlnn('11 at Pl'nder. In f'.;n! folk f)('ccmlwl' 1:2 for thelea\.cs illS Wl C' <ll1d SL'\cn children. ~~nd'j).. ,l,ngllsh ScrVICi'S a1 family \,\,('Ie In SIOUX Cit Sunda Mr. :-lnd Mr~ Ar! Bon: ,111(\ tJ]dr:l'lge of MISS Dad>ara. Jane

~j~ -- 11 .,!) 011. JlJ ;';lIllClay schoul at 10.'15 MIs' I'mill' Mil / At I y. daughter. l\lrs Jl.lm LfhlH'r~t['dt j\jc{ d\\' and Manon ,J Sml\h.WAK~ IErD LOCALS il. rn. IU', I~\ 1~ltJn~t I~ ~h~I~.1~rk \~/l::~~ <l,nd fi1nllly \\'Pl'{' tn ()m;!l1a from Bnuldl'r. at tlw Congregational

VUl'1e Min r 1~'lt FI~lday c\'pnll1g I home. (hnslmas day until Saturday l'\e- ,hulch. 1\11" 1\Io!!PI' sl'r\'ccI as anfoJ' Tacoma, \VIsh., all(,l~ spl'l1d, :--it. rallr~ l.utlH'ran ChlllTIl. FlancIs Fenton o[ \VurthlllgllJll nIng wlth.n'];I!I\('" • II"!W!' ,inri Mr!i;. 1\'101Il'r ha,d chargeing Chnstnrl> i the]I J. hlll1cr fIlp\', \V /\ C('nl('!', pa"tor) Mlllll, cam(' ('hnslm,ls t'\t' lu \I'-It Mr. lind MIS, L('()nflr~~ S('lll~lz (,.t liI(' guc'sl, ~)()ok at the S. 11 1\'1c-1homo. ,I !\('\\'IY~'al'~ ('\l' S('nICl'S at (l.Of) OV('1' thl' ho!tdays. <lnd LOl('n,: !l'lt Sunday fur FOlt (d\\ Iwnw. IIII..' couple wJlIll\c In

lDr. anel II s'l II. 1". QllHd .. (II I P Ill. l).'('W 1'(',1 I 's d;I~', Gl'l tlldl1 MISs F{'! 11 I );~\ 1<';0l1 \\ ('Ill t () ] )1;.;_ L('onnrd \\ ouc!, Mn, <1ft ('1 "[H'nd- Boulder. ."Umaha, sperlt 111um List \V( dlli'S- ."i'I';-Il'l':i <it Iii 1)1) d tll on thiS \-Vecln('sddy 10 I,ike O\lr 1Il~~ it \:·,'"l{ III tIll' l'l! l'"lll"llll ,I1lcl! ;\]1: '.Inrl :':I·S. ,\"n.1., ~'1(,1l1. 8.~d'(lily to 1\-1ondlY illl lhe \JVm l!lI~,,·I· ,<:;:lllnday: 1,:tlgll'>lJ l';(']\iCf'S at !wr sl',lr'I's ])('dilly p,trlol. L~II' (hurch horll(' II)oUgl,tS of B<lttlt ll~lk, IIelm<tnlllan honw. I to:IJ(J a. III. SUllddY sdluol ut 11 U() Mq,..JDlln Sct;lo('del Wt'nt tn ]\fr ,lncl :\,lr" ('liltol1 1),Ill! I'I'_ HlH'lllg- and I\lrs. l\-Lws of Hoc;1<ln~,

MI'. ami 1r~ l)an Dolph illH! d I.n, , Sl()u:>J r'lly !VIOIl(\;lY !n \Isll_r !Umc:l to. Frrmnnt Sunday C'\('-I ;11' ;,l~d ]\1r:s Clar~·nc.e\Volted ~ll1d1 fallllly 'W(~I (-' II'upsday SUPJI('!" I \ 1)11'1 S llJl'(-'llng ,Lllluar)':2 at s!sler lVII's. I n'ne El'IClJ '} Jew days nIng" dll (I \ IS11lllg I ('Id ll\ ('S Ill'! i"I"Ob( I t~ ~II s. Anna l,ohlnwler andl~llesls last 'ell{ III the J\. W. 1 flU p. nl. Mrj' anel Mrs. Andels'Jor C'ns(,l~ ~lr. Paul lea\('s Saturday for \-lISS ~lal'a anu l\llss l\largaret'Dolph hOIl;'e. and I')l"e\·'1'l. \\('rp Saturday e~'eIllng (I1mp ClaIborne, La. \\('n' (hllstmas. day guesls In the


1 ~lrs.• Eliz the h L'\llsing 'and ('0\,('11::\111 Mission ('hun·h. gUl'st~ in the Fred R()\~'le). homE'. '. ~IVJll Dutton, ~lan I~ BJehl'!, ;vIt:~ \~~l. \:'oltel's h~~('. ,~h·. a~dI IVhs~ faye ' un ahl were among (Ile\ ('. A TurnqUISt, pastor) Mrl and Mrs. A. L. PospIsil C~II ncn;on: Donald ~StIPP and,).It ~ h.I.~I~ and pouglds Icm(ll,md


1h<.> guesb ('I tel' alnPtl m tht~ \o\Cn'l. New Ypar's ('W" a program \\as we're Tuc'sday ('\'plllng dinner' ~Ithur Hanson Il'ft }<rlday fol' unlll Flld<!y af!crnoon. I\ Hugelman h)m lor Christmas Igl\"rn at 9 o'clock, a socml hour gu('st~ last week of J, J. DeLay at (dmr~Clalbornt', La,. after spend- l\lrs. Irene I'"nc~ a.nd fdmrly,

,\ dinner. ' ,lnd rl'frpsllTnel1ts at'lO o'('lo(:k, Norfcjlk. mg 1.) days \\Ilh 1t'Ii-ltlH'S here. Detty i1nd Delor('~ Glt"sman. Mr'l1 • Mr. and IV rs. Herbert Green, ,lIle! ,I r11ghl~nWat~,h started at n,uo, MI' and :1\11';;. Al't Borg and An- He\'. amI MI.'; CI,ll'f'nce P. Hall B.nd 1\11'> Lf>O ~dey and .llmm~(' of

I' Mrs: Delld a, Mi~,> Ann~ and Sunday: Sunday school at 10:00 neUelMac \Vcrc Sunday dmn<;t' <1n~J fa~ltly \Vf'r~ rlmong gl~c~ts at SI~lUX City, Mr. .and ~rs. CI~U.sI LOUIS .of Wa .ef ~ld. FranCIS FE'n~ <I., m. Servlc('s at n·oo a m. and guC'sts in tile·Mrs. Anna Kohlmei- t,tH, Rc\. \~. T. C.h~'ll home at ,con- ~LI.I~b('.r~ ~nd f~nlllY and ,Clal­Ifion ol WOJ,'p m on, Mmn., CaTI 7::-';0 p. m. The Lord's sUPI!cr Will er hOl'11('. «H,d Mo~ddY .noon f~r;1 rllnn('r for (nc~ GIi~sm,m ;fIP~~de.r. 1\11. a~d

!,Kay of Mllld>n, Iu., Mr. ano Mrs. be celchlatl'd at the clo:;c of the Mr:). Franl'\: Durr and daughter lhl dlstllct pastors ano faolllles: ;\!:~. N.0ah. ~1J~qullc ,a~d H~l~n,1. C. ,Johnso a d LOlS of Shelby, nIOI'nmg set'\'!('('. of Qni:n"'i1, Ia., cam(' Sunday to Mr. a~d Mr~..!Im Mitchell Will \\1 rc Chnstmas dlllnel guests In

\ la .. MISS Mat' "al', ,t l?lchcl and MISS .l\"cxt Sunday begms a \\!cek of IVI:;lt a few days In the I\lrs. W. E. s!)t'lld N,,\V YC'(l! s day In t he I!W John Schroe<kr hom('. J-k>l1y

I()1l\'('~CaJ'l."ol ,r f rWayne, \'I,('rc prayer With ser\!lces on Tuesday, MineD home. Ic.rnl'st :vIltC'hl'll home at AIl('n. Mr. (~iJss.man retnall1ed o\el' New

-guesls of M (~d Mes. A. C. Ri'- Thur~day and Friday. (?v('nmgs. Mr. 1 nnrl Mrs. Ln\\,('11 Church and and l\1r~, EJm('1' Kcegan and .fam- '1:(',11' shere. .

1':~~~_~"~I~~~[o_:-~~~:~.d~I~~!." .~nnual bU~Jness meetmg of the family w('rc Sundily supper guests JlYl\-~:~ ~~~t~~'I'S"\WO~~'~: ~~~' ~~~~\~~ i-{(';ll~tngh~l~~s~~~lf~;~I~u:~:'~:~;;dson C1nd larnlly, Mr. and Mrs. H, D. l<lst Friday to \1!4it until JanuaryDonC'lson I-md family and MISS :! III the H. J. Nuernbprger horne.Ruth An(\('l'son \\.ere Chnstmas ;\Lllor amI Mr~. 0 K. BI't anddmner guc"ts of Mrs. 1';ph Ander-I Joan of Ch('ycnm'. \-Vyo, arrivedson. SCiturday. Major Brl IC'ft the' same

Mr. and Mrs l\tlurton H¥dp Rnd arlnnoon for Camp Murray, Ta­f~mllY. Mr. and Mrs. Morns Hyde Icoma, V.,ra~h., wherf' he has been

b~(~a~~lhr,'aS1~~,cl~~;;r:::~ro~n~~~ ~\I';;~~~::~I~ ~~~;il~~~~lya~:reJ~;Christmas day 10 the Fred Hyde and Mrs. Eldon Nuernberger ofhomC'. ('1('\ f'land, and Mr. anrt Mrs. Geo.

Mr. and MI'~ A. \V Dolph wel'e Unr!prlllll of Eigm. 111., arn\'edSunday dllllll'l' gu('st~ In the Dan (,Imstmas eve and VISIted untJlDolph h(~mC' r-..l1·:.l. Mabpl Dolph Sunday here.and family ot LaUl'('I, and hpr --- -_._-nephew of SIOUX City, were also ~~--_~--=-----===-----~.- ­th('re.

Mr. and Mr;;. F. E. Henricksonreturned to Kansas City. Kan.,Sa1urday after visiting In the byClarence Henrickson home and Mrs. W. J. Ohlundwith oth!'r relatIves since last &\Vednt>sday. I~-~--~-~-~~~~~~~~~~

Mr. and M!~, Wm. Klein and I':DougI<1-::; of HatLIe Creek, Mrs. Lloyd Rohrke of Chicago, spent\Vm. Wolter!:'. Mr. and Mrs. Clal'- :;everal days last week with friendsence \Volters nnd Robert were here.Frlda~dinner guests in the Mrs. Louis Games« Elkhorn, cameAnna Kohlmeier home. Monday for a few days' visit in the

Miss Jennie and MISS Edith Bix- E. E. Potter home.by returned to Hartington Satur- . Clyde Wilson attended funeraldflY after visiting since the Wed- services for his nephew, HO\.....ardnesday before with Mrs. Jennie Hopkins, at Omaha Tue!'iday.Mitchell. Mrs. Mitchell is improv- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller ofiog from her recent illness. ,-,Vaterbury, arc VIsiting at the

anW~Jr:n~~~~S~n~~~~.:~geel:~~ Fr~~~a~~lJ~r~o~~st~~d~vr~~~' and.Nnderson and Verna, Mr. and Mrs. (anuly were dinner guests in theAndrew Johnson Iand family were Cha.:.. Fuhrman home Christmas,Christmas day guests in the Louis Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jochens andJ<?hnson I and Irwin Stronberg family were dinner guests Christ·homo." mas day in Ihe Lester Roker home.

Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Henschke Miss Evelyn SpenglJr of Lin-,and Eldor, Mr, ~n~ 1\1rs. Adolph coIn, spe'nt the holidays with herHenschke and family, Mr. ai\d parent;;:; 1\11' ~md Mrs Aug Speng

"\j~i!liii!f~~i;mill~ijiii~mii~i1;;jflhil;mirrT?~31;;rR';mm;rm;~Tim~nmITI:§~~il;E{~:~~:~e;;i*£~~H~:~Iia~~::~~tiy~~~r~~~~£~~~:o~~d~;}I~ ::"'lj,~1, ~:I'l _11 I ~, ~," ~ !' l "J' ~



, ,

D-X Lubricatinll Motor Fuel

Diamond 760 Oil.

Phone 99 for ServiceAny.time , Any place

All at the station pause to expresssincere wishes that the New Yearmay bring penee tO,all 'lnd healthand happiness to you I



To all whom we have been pri,'ileged sof"'el've, we wiHh to eXpl~eSg sincere 'alilueci­

ation. It will be our earnest endeav,or-'to,

merit your continued confidence. , • Andwe extend a cordial invitation to others to,use our ~eT\'ice~.





Xf. 'fury'!,> CathoJil' Chorl·b.I B.r'\·! Wm. K0arns, pastor)

Sund!I[\-', .January 4, rna."><; inWa)-nf' ~I q Oil o'clock. In Carrollat 10 ,'In.

('nnr(,~slon<:: Saturday at 7:~O.

Thur~day, January 1. holy dayof obllgaliOn, ma:-;s In \Vaynp'at

o'clock.F1rJrlay\ flrst~ Friday \ 10 1he

nlon.lh, mass Ih v...'nynl' (II R ~O.

:O;;aleffl Chore·h.I Rf'\'. A. Hofcrcr, pastor)

No scrvlc"s.LadlPs' ·Aid mepts wIlh

I Hf'nry l'''rf'\'prt January 6.


Ml'thodif;t {'hurl·h.(R("'\. Vlclor 'l\i'('st, pa",tor)

Sunday school at 10:00 a m,,SeJ'\'lcP<,; al 1] '00 a. m. The ~prmon

I;;uh)i'('( 1<,; "Th(' VRlu(' of Praymg,"


~EFENSE, ~ - - - .,

AF1'F;R 1'1IF; WAR,\\'nting 101' <I cUl'Il'nj maga­

ZIn(', Cllal'll''' 1·: \\'1I:-;on, prpsl­d('nl 01 til(' G('lwnll EJl~clrJc

company, urgp" st('P" now tocushion thr post-Will' crISIS lIt'_;.;ays a nallnn lhnl c<ln bUild fOl,)war can huIld for pea('''. I fethmks 1hI' frC'C' ('n1 (,{'pt 1,(' "ys­1("'m will fac(' Hw grPillpsl ehal·lr'ng" In lh history. IIp \)("']H'\/'S

that \\hJlp thiS syslt'm hasf1m",,,. It IS sl111 thr> hr',"" :-;yslf'1TI10 rn~urp high standards of Il\·109 ilnd In promo'tp plospenly~1'ld I1I-1PP1OP~,<';. 1\111('11 gO\(,ln­ml'nl 1I1 blls!nPSS rl!s('()lIrilg0s 111­dl\'Hlual ('ffort. I II' suggP~I~

thaI' 100("'nllons ma) dll<.;ol'l) Ih('idlt' In PP1!c('-tInW <lnd modifya post-\\ar tli'pru"<,lon. "11 IS theduty III tIl(' AnWrlt'an Jrf'1' ('n­1('1'1'1'1,-:(' sy"lr-nl," :;dyS :\1r. \\"J1~

son, "to n'G'(lgTjIZ(' til\, ad\pnt ofa nf'\\, rlllngerou .. f'rol (lur pC'o­ph' (J('Olil,nd ('conomlC' I r('coomand <.:('('un!y If \\(' ill) 110t gn'('t Ilf'nl lllt'll' hll'thnght, '-'JlIlt' 01 h­r'!' <.;:.<,;tpm \\r11 nl1C'nlpt 1111' lob.11 I" my ('OIl\'lclI011 that mtelli­g0111 m;'n III llldu<.;try, Id!Jor andagrJ('llllltr/1 \\111 '-;l'I/P till' C'hRI­]pngmg l1]lpol'tunlty to "I\f' our

;~~r(~~~ i!~~l Jl;~~~~';l(~:, '1;:11'1; l'~;frIPn<lly, Ilnlll'd Pf'Opll', to, con­struct ~I n r'\ ('r~gl (';1 If'l' Anwr·


later, the date to.be announce~- ~~S~.-;iSS Elinor-·GUs~t~-f!>on'l-c~;;~a~-~~~-an-~'-;~sO~hOir Tucsda~ at r::30. ~I~~e ~~~~J Hansen a~d MIs!':. r;:;:('~l~~:r;: to Oakland Co Chri:-;,

~ouncilmen ~eerl Friday c\,pnrng The Irwin Bartels family spentI Mrs. Mmme -M1Jlpr and Ern;tthis yveek at 8.00. Sunday aftC'"I"tloon in the Fred Vic- pntcrtamprt on Chns1rnas daY for

Saturday schoo! at:.. 2:00., tor home and were supper guests the' Emil MilicI', Paul 'Lessman.Adult catechetlcal class Satur_ in the Roy Holm homf'. as were and Otto Sahs family Theron Cul-

day at 8:00 at the parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bartels. ' Iton and BObby.' _,Teacher'S and.workers.'meet next Mr. and Mrs, Emil Walters.en- Mr. and :\lrs. Ernpst PackC'r aC4

Monday at 8 with Sophie Dammc. tertainC'd their daughters ·andIcompanif'd th(' uvinus Packf'r"-- Ifamilies at supper Friday efe-ning, family 10 Pender Christmas eVr>

Gra£'e Lutheran <:hur£'h, the Irwin and Harry Bartels, Roy and werC' supper gU(',,"ls In thfl(Rev. WaltC'r Bra~kenslck. pastor) Holms and Martin Echtenkamp·s. HC'nry Krleger hom£'W~dnesday (t.hls) ~venmg, New Mr. and Mrs. Emil Miller e,ntcr- The Lp\l Dahlg';fn' and Erick

!ear s 7e.~~ sen'lce with ('ommun· tam€'d at Sunday supper. Mrs. Johnson famllif;s spent Chm;tma"IOn at . . , Minnu:' MillC'r, Erna and Arnold, evp at C'. A. LunrlbC'rg's and were. Thursday, New Y~~r s day Eng- Mr. and Mrs Paul Lf'ssman and also ChrIstmas' dmnf'r gUPSt-.:.h~~ ~f>rvlc(>: Our presld"nt has pro- Bonnie Ann, Mr. and Mrs (lllo i ~hf'r(>. ThIll'" John<.:on was also .l

claimed t,hlS day as a day of pray- Sahs and sons. IguC'sl

~:t:~icvlc~~er~~:n PC':~~, ~~ry Mrs Emma L('\'C'n, Bernard and Mr and Mrs B('~ Lund, !\Ir, andChristian ought to h" found ~ LeRoy droV(~ 10 SiOUX City f'arly Mr<.; Vprrkl Lunc1 find Gar;., 1\11-,church on thiS day The service Ja~t Wedn('sdFly mormng to \. isit Iand ?\Ir') HJHlmpr Lunrt amtWill hegm at 10:00 o'clock. Please her sister, Mrs Henry Olson, and dnughwr" ....·"rp among Ihf' rp\(J~nol" the change of time. Ron, Carl Elho1t, hC'twC'f'n trams. Itl\f's f'ntt';1a lrt('d al Lf'o~nl'd

Friday, bUildmg" committee Thry were rpturnmg from Anna- Frprlnck<::on ~ Christmas (,Vf'mf'eting at ~:OO o'clock. pohs Where the latt0r had justI Thp ~orl. ~r\"l and Paul Dahl.

Sunday. Sunday,:,chool al 10'00 bepn graduated and wlil rrport at ~rC',n f<:lmJlIf's \\'f'rp C'ntcrtam(>d :ll

o'clock_ The English SflrV1Cf' at San Francisco January 4 as an :) () C]O( k rl!nnf'r Christmas day I):.]1:00o'rlock. f'nslgn m Ihe navy TheJl' hom ... IS )'lls~ bJr.:1 DahlgTpn..Mr ~nd Mr<,.

Hear Dr WaltC'r MaiH at 3:00 In ldaho. Mr, and Mrs.' JOf' H. W. Adolph L('rg and childrC'n of IIa~

o'clock on Sunday aett-rnoon ovC'r Johnson accompa.nied 1hf' L(,Vf'np~ warof'n, Ta, \verp also gU...sL<.;KFAB or WNAX r 10 SIOUX Clfy 1\1r hnd ?vII'S. Rohprt L. Andpr-

Monday, L L.' L. mpetmg at son "nd \'C'rna ~f'nt C'hristm,l";7:30 p. m, Commrl1f'C': ll<:ms Hol- Have Chris1mas Gupsts. f'Vf' i'lt j hf' pi'lrC'ntal LoUiS Hel~('4

dorf and Frnn~ Longp. Chm;tmas rnJe and Chri:.;tmas ~:~ (~~J;n:'f~~p ~~~~'I~n1r~('~~~~:Tuesday, ('holr rrhf'<lrsnl at ~·OO Iday :-,,'erC' observp-d as follows: son-Str~niJf'r~ home <:I.'; werf' Mr,

p. m. , I MISS Edna ?ahlgrr"n was <lt and :\11" I I, t'lr, T- ',\ndr'r",m an(1W('dn('srt~y, Sunday ~chool .Top[ Dahlgrpn s Chrlslm,<Js P\C'. Hpl"n -

tcachf'rs will mC'f't ;11 I hr' p:J.rson·1

Thn Aaron }1plgrf'n family spC'nt :\1 I :'1 " P. I, F H

age Ilt R:OO p, m. ., Chnstmas day In' the Levene ('n;p~aal~~c1' ~~. Cr~;rl~ttmw,:; (fl~~~~homf!_ and <''Upppr for !\'lr and 'he: Gu~t I

Al •• " • :;"'lr. and Mrs. R('uhf'n Johnc:on Flf'f't\\'ood, Mr l'1nrl Mr..; Arthul'J~~-- -~ .----------'--- r..n.'ll~tial!dCIlIfe~ sllPnl Chnslm8s ('\(' In Ihp S\\an Fi']! <lnd \rnon. ),11' nnd :\11". j

~ ~1'iplson home. Iilmf'r Het;no:::on and Manorll'.

, AtlL1·hA~ . ,I\lr, and Mrs. Hf'nry Barl"ls '\!ar\ III Ff'll "rcnt 11ll' rlay \'"HIt ....... ~~., spent Ihp day \\llh 11r <mel 11rs·1 Pf'hdpr fnf'nds.

"God" I~ thp suhJC'ct of thp le~- Harry Bartf'ls. Ison~s('rmon w.hich will be rC'acl In Mr. and Mrs. F.rnf'st Ander<:;on I LOC AL NEWSChurchf's of Christ, S('Jf'ntlst, and chl1drrn W(>re Christmas I ~ 1 ~throughout thf' \\'orld, on Sunday, gu('sts in thf' John R Annerson I BObqll' Bathk" -:sIWnt fromJanuary 4. homp, I ("hrJ~lmas day 10 !\1:onrlcly in th(~

Mrs, The Goldf'n Tf'xt IS ''To tnf' only On Christma<.; day. th(' LC'VIOUS IBpn :\'nrman homr at nJoomfieldWISe' God our Sa\"lOur. he glory and and Kpnneth Packf'~ famlll(,s "vpre ;\II~s Jackl(' Chnstoplll'rson (Jr

~o~tst~'owdm;~~lOn,,\,;~rl r:~:r;: ~~~;r gues1s In the Ern"sl Packf'r I~~~~<;t~~~y;n ~~~s D~. fu~~t M~~;:::'/Judf' 25). Mr. ann Mrs OscFlr BloomCJul<;t Ihamp

Among thf' CItations which com- and thp Paul Dahlgrpn famJiy :\IISS E~lhf'r ~lae Ingham If'.I\f'sprise 1hf' lesson·s('rmon IS 1hf' fol- Weri' nt Kenn('lh Slutz'" Chnst- Sunday for Wauw~tosa, \Vis-.. afr('I'lowmg from the Blhlp "And God mas ev('. I<;fWmllOg 1\\0 w('ek .. m the nr.spake all thcsf' word<;, saymg, I Mr. and ::VIl'S Anhur F,,!t ;"lat-I C T Ingham hom('.am 1h("' Lord thy God, which ha\'(' vm and Myron sp('nt Chn,tmas I i\Tr :pJd Mr<,;. Ernof>.st AlcJl'Y"on.brought thf'C out of the land of eve with Mrg;, Mary F.kerolh and :\lyra and Argean went to Omah"Egypt. out of the' hous(' of hond· MIl'S Florf'ncel. ,Thur"r!.a" to:'i('P Cha~ Alderson o(

agf', ThOll shalt ha1.:(' no o1hf'r gods MIl'S G\\f'ntlolj-T1 Lund (>xp('els Lincnln,-""ho IS In an Omaha ho".hf'fort> m("'" (Exodus 20:1-3J. 10 comp hOm(' Saturday for a pnal hN';\U<,;'" of pnl."'umonla.

th;:h~~lll~~~~;se~~~g~~<';°frl~~IU~~; ;h~:~:'i~i~s~~~~ h{'r dUl1P~ m an IC;I~~P ~f'\:~~~;'s ;;(' t~u~~~r~~~ChrlstJan SCience tf'xthool" "SCl- The Ernest AndC'"rson famIly ann I\\ Iff' <lnr! rlai'Jght('r home New I('nce and Health With Kf'Y to the Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson \\pr(' IY,.ar's d.l\' :"¥1rs. Tprnus M1d baby iScnptures" by Mary Bakpr Eddy: Christmas f'V(' guests at :\Irs. h<l\'P I'f'l'~ 10 lh(' E..J. Hunt pmf' I'"Qu('stlon.-- What IS God'> An- Amanda Lindbf'Tg's. I hom" "1O('f' Christmas. 1swer. God is meor-poreal, dl"mf', The Joseph Erickson family ('n- I ~Ir <:Inri :\lrs ;\jf'rrill \Vhitm:m

Th('ol)hlhlS ('hurt"h. suprem(', mflOllc Mmd. SpJrll. joyed coopera~ive ~nn('r at tJleIand son of BaThoa ·ll(,lghts. Can,.t!~(~:.\Vy~~)}Of;.~~r, ~;~;~~I~'~~ Soul. Principle, Llff', Truth, Lo\(' G. A. Sundell home Chhstmas day Zonf'. 2\1r and 1\11'<,; V/m Kmgston

QuestH~n, - - ArC' th~~e t e r m s \vlth othf>r relatives. of Chicago, and H_ B. Craven wei'£'Em;li"h at 7 ~n, synonymous? Ans\Vf'r.- - ThC'y are. Mr. and Mrs. Bf'n Lund, ~!Jr. and II TUf'o:::day e't"t>ning dinnf'r guf'"ts In

Np\\' Yuar':-; day, Thur!';c!ay, Sf'rv- They rf>f~r 10 onp absnlutC' God. !vIz:;;. Ver(]el tund and Gary wl'r(' 'th(> Hpn~- Reynolds home. 'I1('('0:: In G(lI'man at lO·no a m. Question ~ Is thf're more than one Christmas didner guests in the :\lld"hlpman Jpan Huntpmf'r

Sunday Sunday ~chool at 9.30 God or Principle? Answt:>r-Thf're Mrs. C. John Am!prson home. II"<.I\('S Thursday for 1h(' t; ·S.English sen.'IC(' at 10:30. IS not. Prin"ip!t> and It::- idea is ::\lr. and Mrp Ivan Johnson ami na''f<lI acadcmy Ht AnnHpohs aftC'l'

LarlJl's' AId plans an all·day on("' and this on£' I~ God, ommpo- Ivalyn wen' a~ John N Johnson'~ "!>t'nclll1l.: Ihe holidays to the E, J.qUilling al 1hQ church January 71 tent. omnrscient, and ommprC's- Christmas evd and at Mrs. VIOla Huntt'nlt'l' hom£'. Mr. and ~lrs.and hHs no-host mf'f'tlOg at the enl B('in~, and HIS fpflpct!on is Rub(lck's in Wlayn(' Chrl"1mas day. Hunlf'n1C'r Will accompa.ny him asI ()(' AI NEWS l'IHJr('h p~lrl/)r.., January 22. man and til(' uni\'('rs(''' (P, 46;i), Mr. Hnd Mrs. Rolx>rt L. An/lN. fal' as Omaha.

:\tr. ~lnd j\~rs AJ

nt()Il(' ~~("'rn~'l' nnrI Fir.. l Trinity Luthrran (·hl1r<>h. ro~~:'~\'i~~~d~~ ~~('l1~g~~n~. club ~~~rl~~~ V~:~:~;~: M;~~~~a~'Irs~u~~~,~ - '\"a~~'-np~~~la--r-k-.t-s-,-n-""-p-n-..-,,,-.-3-0-,Will \\l'l(' Chll"tmd<'; dllln('l' gll""!s Altona gu('sls in th(' IT, E AndcT:-ion \ IPrices subject 10 change I:it FI,tnk I1plnp'". 0 (Rf'v. TI".odor" Wlf'1ing, pastor) homc~. Corn 6:c

]\11"'" Wilmd'4f':;Jid('J"h'('\r' n 111111- \\"p(jn0sdHY, Df'('C'lllbr'l' :n, Eng-I . II Mr and MJ; Emil C).rlson and BarIcy _ .41Cf'd In ()mal1.l SunrJ:lv nll"l' "Ih'nd- h!'l!1~11Sl""~:~"I'~~/~' JR","n)',),,,Pr,yml , Gorman Northwest Wakefleld :\_[a_1'119n were' With .:\Jrs. Oak Oats ~o~JC_.In~; thr' \\('I'){-,'nr.! :1\ '!lom!' .~ "'J." , _

EI\\'HVPI' II )HI !p'lrll(,s '-;('r'\']('f'<'; 10 OIl;1 m English SP1"'\·· (By Mrs \V C Rmg) ,In Np\\:(',l"tJ('. ....Jlf'llt 'llll' icps, 11 :00 fl, m,

Imild"\,, ,11 J' I' 1'!I\"lld'" m(~:',~II~~~'1 (~/)1~)1.1<~~ 2, quartf'r1y \Ir and Mr<; Reuh('n Johnson _-Flat-II., (;dnrl,l(, \\,1" 111 II' frllm ~unday, JanuHry 4, GC'rman pt11f>rtam('d rplatn'p<; Fnrlay..

::II:'l~~;)\\~:'I~Jl~~\I: 1;,1.( tl):I;\<;l\I~II\,~llll ConWHlnlon. :J ~O n m. Engl1sh I :\11'. and Mrs L('o Schullz <;~('ntCoach ,1nrl \11" ,J II l\\ulrJsnn <';C'l'\Il'(,<';, 11 O() a ITj. ~S:llurctHY ('\·("'om!.:; III th(' Lmll

mul ~nns \\('It' III ('lIulled Blulh tIIDII",ell~ hAo~;r;r<::on \\'a, :l Sumby!rom 1(J Flll!n;, ];.. "t SI. Paul's E .... Luth. ('lmrC'h. "\\I,t'k \\'Ilh :Vll' 11~l)n'< hrotlwl, (Rc'\ (;. GIl'~('hpn, pastor) clmnf'r guest of :\11' <lml :\Trs ll-,-

John l\Iol'rIson. 1 Npw Year's day v...'orshlp and calM'JrOhann~O~rs R('ubcn John~onMr. <lnd Mrs, \Vill NI~Sf"n of prayer ~('rVlce at 10:00 a, rn. .

St"rling, i\1r and Mr's 0 J. Olson, Sunday; Church school at 10:00 spent Thursday {'\'C'mng with Er-Bf'n ~ls<;('n family, Robert: Baker a. m. Worship serV1CP at 11:00 8. nQst Andersons,and Ardal h Johnson \\'e'rr> Cllrhl- m, Annual m(,f'lmg of thf' congre- The Henry Bartlmg family weremas gu(>.sts al .T, Alhert' John:-;on's, gation at 2:00 p, m. A covered dish Tuesday supper guests of Mr. and

MI'~. Marje BrIttain and Ml's. M. luncheon will he served at noon, Mrs. Emil Carlson.Gdtmfln Wl'!]t to Omaha to s[JPllcl and the mC'('1ing will b(' hel~ after Mrs, Reuben Johnson w('nt toChrj~tmas. TI1l'Y l'pturnl."d Sunday. the meal. All membeNi invited. Wausa Saturday to assist in cat-MI'S, Brillilln's hrother, H. C. Cllolr rch<:'ar::;al Saturday at ing tor an uncle who is quite ill.Pl'ttman of Old Brldgf', N ..J., who 7:00 p. m. Mr, and Mrs. Robert F, Hanson,\\'as In 1hr' clly, cam(' with th('m Confirmation c1asst:>s Saturday Mi!-is Helen and Bobby w(ore Mon-and is srwncling a fp\\, days )Wlf'. (at 1 nn <ltld 2:30 p~ m. day supp£>r ,r:uests m the Jack G · F dMiss Fayl' Brlt!illr'l who 1<'achf's 10 Soderhf>rg homf'. Farmers rain eeOmaha, '11'0 "am" "'Ih "wm l" First Baptbt Chur\"h, ~larvJn and Elmer Kamer"d of ,\'ISi! ovrr Npw Year'~. (R('\'. C. L. Eads, pastor) Ponca. cam(' down Saturday 10 d S d C

---- -~~------ - Church'school a1 10 a. m. sppnd thf' \\'C'E'k-f'nd WIth 1h(' an ee o.NEW YEAR. ,,;~;r~;(,~'l;~~~s~~I1~~,~~'i~~~sat'f,(~S\~;egef~~c~r~~~e:~~n~were Sun~ Swanson & Lally

It secms almost IIkp mockpry ""'arid." day evening guests in the Lt>vi Phone 339 Wayne, Neb.

~o(,<l\~i~~ f~~P~ld:tl~~P~y\\~~~ ~~'~~l~g ~'oar~"~I:Oa~' ~,10. Mes. Dahlgren home followmg the sun-Il~;;:;;:;;:;;::;:;::=:;:;~;:;;::::q~::;:::;:::~:;~;:::;:;;;~;war and th(> res(J+i1.lnts and lJur- age. "The \Vorkc'r VISitS a dil~;c~~oJ ~~;m~rm<ln NeurOnd('ns it· ImpoScS. Joyful sil]ulil- Frlpnd" 'to Itwns ,rf' followed hy gloom) In recognition of til£> Week of and two daughters of Nt w~as:hc~foreboUings. ' We shake hanHf' Prayer, the Wayne Mint~tt>rial as. were Sunday dr~n('r gues S In

WIth the ni'W yPi,r felicitously social Ion is sponsoring a series of St~'I~s5~~~r~~ M~~:~ sprnt Wl'd-"d',~ai~~yO~O~~J~~twat~H,tof:~:~ ~;, mectmgs \vhlch are 10 be hcld on nf'sday in SIOUX City wllh h('r

- '1 the follOWing dates: January 4, tl, 'I' B nn 'st'r who \V'iSp\'il dire-ciNl at tlIP cltadf'l of 7 and 8, The first S(>.l'\'ICC Will be COU5::.m. I'Vln u PI: l , '.

~e~l!t~~;~;:~::~~I~;;:~~~~~:~ ~~I~~r:n,~~~oB~;l~~d'~thurch, the ::~r:~~:'i~:~~?:~,~:~~:~~il~:':~~They know they must and Monday afternoon guesl.s of Mrs.should sacrific,e in.divldual g'ains Chnrch of Christ. ) Hjalmer Lund and daughters.and individual spcurity in ordl'r (Rev. HRrold Buckles, pastor b Monday. th(' Miller family wer(>to presC'1've the fundamen1al'i of Please not icC' that there is to he dinner guest:; of M~ Lizzi£> Bur·a fl'ce country. They know, they a changC' of time, or order in t e melstC'r 10 Lyons and Marian leftmust surrender a consiUerable services beginning Lord's day, from there by bus for Omaha.measure of present s("'curity in ,fnuary 4, M k Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Derschorder 10 reinforQc and perpetu- Bible school, 10:00 a, mCl ar and Vivian, Mr. and Mrs. Ivanate future security. Fundamen- .Stringer, supermtendent. asses Johnson and Ivalyn were Fridaytal.s, enjoyed for more than 150 for all. Bring your Bible with you evening gues;ts. at_Paul. D~-h~gren's.years, transcend in real value as you come. 00 Mr. and Mrs. Hjalrner Lund and1,he' passing experiC'nce of easy. Gospel· preaching, llt: b~' t~' daughters, Mr. and Mrs. <?scar

"For Christ's Sake" is 0 e e BloomqUist were Sunday dmnerluxurious living. People look se~n stlbject for the morning 51 hahqad uncertainly, but resolute-, message. The Lord's supper is also gU~~:, ~u~~:1~1~~:~on~~d ~:e~ly. ,They are ready to deff'nd to observed Rf the I!10rning hour each children of Oakland, Mr. and MTS".~~s~a~~a~:t~~t ~~~~ t~~~U~I~;'~ Lord's day mornmg, A. J. Erickson were Monday din-large and inevi1ahl~ ]o~ses. At ~~~~i~:1'1:~~f:;,o~:J~~~lriw: ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph

~~~p~:g~~tflr~~oi~~ r:jOi~e~~ New" is to be the sermon Subijct Et~~,s~~·d Mrs. Phillip Wickstromov~rwhelming the enemy and for the c}rnin~ of Oakland, and StanJey W~ck~hastening the end of the con- , Our Re~lEmer's Loth. Churclt. strom of Chicago, were Satu ayfli~t. The sooner the struggle is F M t) dinner guests. of Mr, and Mrs.ov~r, the easier wilJ reeonstrue- <R<;v,:t Ii 00ost, pass'::'nday Emil Carlson.tion folloW on a sound founda- ~er~le~srg 00 a: m a, m, Mrs, Emil Miller entertained the E' I M h t:tion. That accomplished, with SCT~oe :nnU~1 me~tl~g wIll be held following young ladies at. sup~er a,r ere an,freedom to subjugated pea es dIrectly after serVIces Sunday. Re- Friday ~venil1g com:lJme~~r~stored, then.wishes for a H' ports from aU aUXiliary orp:roza- MISS ManaJl, who ,vas orne MiSs

py :Ne\v Year will :have a . - tion trensJrers shOUld. be given. Omaha. Those pre_s:n~e.re J Pl---l;------:-:__---:-:OO;-~ii~~;,:_Jcome ring-a genuml!' meamng'. L&dies' Aid does not meet until Phyllis Kinney. M15t norma ean"

!>;~jl" ." J,!i .: 1,

" \THE WAl'NtJ IIF:RALn, WA\'N.;, NlmRASK'A,,1'

vVe may ha\'c a long war, as sometimesgloomily predicted, but we doubt it. WhenAmerican Pl'O(~u('Uon geL...; to ,goin9" ~lt Lnp. -Rpeed, we bf.'iJe\'{' OUl' Pl1pmll'S will :-;oon r-----~-~----"-~fold up, and quit.


l ._

Thp value of .xehraska's farm crop~ for'1941 is reported the greate,t, in eleven:vean... It was a good agricllltllra~ ,vear inthe state, and normal yields in comingyear~ arc anticipated and needcd.

A, to ,J;,'llars, i;,-i~-n-;'t--~(~ im~JOrtant tomake much or aCl'lmiulate murh, but it i:-lRupremely important to mCf't ohligatiol1Rpromptly and keep ",fel,' out of the reel.

-~--'~1----- ---With the holida,\' rltsh over, we may ex-

pect, in thE' ah~ence of hlilckading :,.now~,.

to get back to schedule in thl' (Ijler:<tJOn oftrain;:: and circulation of the daily mail:->,

--- - -- --·I-------~--

It is not eal"\' to is:->ue a IlPw:;;papcr ahea(lof schedule, ,;nd we '(J'e I'l'li,'vecl to knowthe experience or hL\l'l'Y-llp and ahridgl'­ment 'Will end thil-' \VE1ck.

--'---~- -----Difference in Diet.

(Omaha Jourrlal~Slockmanl

A ~oldiel'~r Rnilor's ration in Japan i:-iquite a 'impl, matteI', mel'ely a pocketfulof rice ai1d ricd fi~ll. On such a modeRtdiet a Japanese fighting man can 'carryonfor many months and ther(' is no neces~it:v

for tl1(~ big qUHltprmal"tel"s departmentthat constitutes a vilal rartor in Americanand EUl'opean armie.s, Ae the War develops.ho'wever. it will bc found that l'ornfedRolrliel's h:l\'e it oyer fil"h soldh>1'R in pvcry ""~_~ ~ ~_J

Program for Victory.rlnduslt'ial I'n'''" SP]"\Jl'l')

Fair play 'lj~ the only way to nationalunity; if~ the onb' way to bring p!!lplo:verand employee into more \\'holE'~()me undcl'­Rtanding; it's the only way to <:Jpnr thedebris of misundpl'l"tanding and classcleavage,"

.such is thp opinioll or \\'illiam P. \YitherfO\V, 11('\\ I,v elpct(>d pn'l"ic!l'llt of thc Na­tional A:-:sociation oj' Manufacturers, as ex­pl'(:,s~ed ill a rcrcnt ~Iwech pledging' thE' rf­fort.e; of industry to "approHeh all relatioIl­shirR and proIJJt'rn~ in ;J 1'('<11 spirit or fairpia\'.

';If we can get off the basis of hate,suspicion and tli,trust and get back to thebasis of fair' play in this land, we'll getsomewhere. With fair play between em­ployen and employee, between governmentand itldu~try, between farm and city, be~tween all the ,'Iement, of 'OClety, we willcome nearer to reuniting the )l~

fine spun economic

,1 I I

r-;;-~~fid~~i;b;;lieV~d-'th~- allies b~f~re Ion; ~r~-----Lwillrollt tile Japs and free the wo~ld [rom "threats to freedom;' ,

---~,-~-- iWade R. Martin, Rtate hanking director.

repo,'t" no bank fllilures during the pastyear,' due largely to improved cr'!p. 'andlives~()ck conditions and to more effICiencyin hatldling the banking business. Then he,hangs up a strip of, crepe by wamingagaInst poRt-war shocks. He urges debtpaYments and avoidance of inflated landvalues. Thus it is hoped to escape a calamI­tous aftermath simihn, to the one that fol­lfHvecl ill the wake"of the other war.


Herod was a bad actor-about as bad asa fellow could get in his day. lIe orcfBredall little children destroyed in the hope ofdestroying the Christ child whom he ignor­antly suspected as a prosp~ct for his placeas king. Modern cruelty as practiced bydictators, notably of late IjY the emperor ofJapan, i:-:: made faster and more l'uthlesR byreason of impro\'('d ~ll1d carefllll;\' cultivat-

ed means:...- 'k------ _It i~ en1inently proper to ke@p one's head

Up. hi~ vision set' ahead and his courageRteeled to recurring tafikH. ,It i:'i also pruperto fortify spirits by avoiding prediction ofevils which are as likeily to be ImagJllaryas to become real. Ri~H'e the light i:-; aspl'OmiRing Hs th(' dark \\'h.v not :-;tl'es:-) theformer?

Ihree WE HAVE lived to see what may

he termed thr e major wars-Urs the Spanish- merican, World

w~r 1)10, 1 and the pre~en one, PrevIOus tot e time the United Stat s ha~ to sep~rate

S ain from its insular pI ssesSlOns whIch Ith d mistreated, we figu,r d in aur youthful,f ney that war as a meitns of sett,lin,g dis­p Ites was over, We tho ~ht the CIVil warh ld drawn down the cur aln 011 armpcl hos­tiiities. Thl'n we C~Jl1r1td('d lhe Spanish­Almerican fight, whICh ~lS cflimparal1velympId, would be followed forever by peace-f91 Ilrbitration, I

,I But we W(ll'e mlstakei1. A nation is nos' fer than ,its neighbo,l'* are disposHd to

, p .rm't-it-to be, If othellS hecome mlhtantin 'a f verish queHt for p< wer and terl'ltory,t e p aceful nation must keep in shar,. tod fe d itself. Late years have' proved thatt e S '!age spirit of military eonq(1est stIlllilt l'vi es.' ,

W hope the p(l'sent war will be the last,; 'e f r us and for everybody. But the onlyw y 0 keep lit s'! is to develbp sufficientsi en h to command the respect of peopleswore persua,led oy nothing short off',o c€'. t one time WE were uneasy leHt thern He niun1 would ('om-e before \ve werere dy for it. We hllve been quitedisllbu'Cdof th, t idea. We learn some th)lngs If weli e I ng enough.


For Tn 0 Birthdays.Mr and 1\1r.c; Jamps :McIntosh

and Harry and C;rol, 1\11' and M~s.Frpd Bq:kman and faml1y spentFnday. D{'('pmhpr 26, In tl10 LloydDunklau homp for the hlrthdays ofLoren Dunklau ;mrl :\frs. Beck­man.

FaT Mrs. BJp<"ke.Mr. and Mrs Wlliard Ble~e and

son!', Mr nod Mrs. I}ucloJph Lor­enzpn and family were' Saturdaydlllner guosis III the \,\,Tm. Bh-"cke~om(' for !\irs BJeckp's birthday.

SOUTHWEST, WAYNE:rVlr. and Mrs. Chas. Heikes and

daughters vIsIted Sunday eveningin the Harry McMillan home.

Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Haas and\Veldon and Jacquclinp were Sun·day evemng callers in the JohnGoshorn home.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goshornand family.of Dixon, and Mr. andMrs. John Goshorn we're Christ­mas guests in the 'H. F. Kraemerhome at Concord. (, Mr. and Mrs. I John Goshorn

spent Sunday afternoon in the Os­car Peterson - hotpc aU('ndmg ashower for Helen who was marriedFriday to Abner Pearson.


_10~, ,


~allta Clara




IPancake Flour2 ~~~~:s 27¢

Q1I4'('n QU~Pty. rr1\Iotl1l'r~:i IBl'st'


FRESH MEAT SPECIALSSee Us for Your Beef Quarters

Pork Neck Bones ~;;::::'v 2 Lbs, l'kPork Chops g::;~r('nts' ::;:~nd z~'(Bacon No.1 Lcan, ,\rmOllr', 1 -u:' 17'"

Star, Hull.., SIi"I'd I . 2 P}{~. ~ I

Choice Beef Steak ,~~~;'~t ::~~nd 1ScMI'nce Meat Rnll" For Frnit 2' .,~~

Calu's or·Pi('s ,I' I ..hs. ~x



Sligar:\INlium Ern\\ n

(irent :Sorth~rn

(.rll,nulu.ted RoalJ


I Uu1ter-Nut


·1 I))rill or R(,~llar

.. 30¢

2';';;', 16c:~:;~ 3c

2 Pk~,,25c

3 (an,25c2'~~~, 19c.t~;_ 21c:;::~. 27c



For t:heNew Year

' ..',',

Fitch ~17oduce

Cig~reltes .~~I;~~:'~I~~~~~I;i~'~tTI('1

TOMATO SOUP ~~~'~':tell"


VINEGAR ~::~:r

,It i~ our ~incere wi...;h that your fonde::it d'c.,;ire:; rna;,'

'be realized in 1~)J2 .•. \\"c deeply appreciate YlHlr

fa\'Uf:i of the pa....:t year and will do uui' utmf)~l, to

C Mayflower, No, 2 8orn Cream Style Can". C

Pork & Beans' ;~~:l. i:lfCan 8eL FI k Large 19ux a es Package... c.Gelatine ~~~~1prat 4 Pkg•..•17C

C k- Kama, 2 25. 00 les Sandwich. Lbs.. C

Salad Dressing ~ihi;Ie ~~~rt39C

Spry ..... ...3-~~n, ... 59cFlour ~;der 48-~b~g1. 7.0FI Mary Ann, A8-Lb• 167our -']Ihe Be.t.. .... 'd: Bag a

J I Per 7cBananas Pound'

Grapefr,it r::dl~ss " .... 6 for· 15c2 Lh,. 35c::;:~Jntl 23c::;~~lHl 35c:::;~lIId 17c['{'r ~8cpound III'f'r c. 9cround /1

'T:r.~~1ll1 f24cI




-;- "




l\laX\H'1l lIou~{' orBuU('r·:"ut

.Jad{ Sprat







2 ~o.2


Start: ,the New Year Right: wH:h

~~ •.~·U ill WJCRACKERS ~;~,~~~

CANDY BARS ('he"" 'I",h,p()\\{'~ lIou~e

PerPound _.


.OLEO ;~:~~ht. (



Men and WomenOffice WOl'kel's

~ Ul'gentlly Needed /'

Competenl sed 'etaric:;, t y pis t s,clerk.mac~in operators and ac­countants ':are urgently needed incivil service, i every ann of 'mili­tary service, i Federal Bureau ofInvestigation, in industry and inbusiness.

~rf;li~'rj'l]1'i;j~:r~'ri:J!'i':r!~";W'f'~i':'!'l'i:'!l'li:J'1"'I:'rr"·"J'i'IIV'TI:::"r[F,.. II,'"," "ll: ,.OJ , , " " . ",I, .;HE WA~E~RALD,WAVNE, N~RASKA,' THURSDAY,_ lMlUARY 1.:to~2 'I'i _


No Brokerage Charge

Farln Loans14%INTEREST

" This is for loans that. will not exceed 500/0, of value

Martin L. Ri__ger": .~~y,ne, N,e,,?ra~ka I I

. I I " I . . . /U..:.., . ' I M"~ilyn were -evening dinner N~son,:Mr: and ~:rs. Lenus Ring,IWcndpl hom~ after the program lendcd midnight services at n:J Frank remained <Jhd wore over~". '., · I'-'Iare Bus"\"r!> and Gay);n were " L d A tAL M t Su d L 'r,"1 ""I-,I! ! '!" , !,.: ' . ", ' I II ti 1,1' ", ' ". ~, ,g"ti~'sts' there. gUE!fts in the 'Russell Harrisob enora 'an us In, • ." or en- n ay evenmg. utheran church at Concord. ! night guests. Frank \Va:) also as,~~~'~~e8t "W~k~~~eld r at!: y~)tmg 'fO,lk~ from l1ere ho~e' Christmas day: • son, MI". and Mrs. Marvin Morten- , Th~YfOUt' relatives were cnter- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Henning-! Thursday night gur~sl. Mr.' - and

, ' : ~~~ ~rs~ Lawren~e R;~~~~ nan<1$~a;'q:~I~; tained, la tur~e,y dinner Christmas Jor~':;r~i:~~fS~thQ~::~C~~~ .M~rt~:~~~I~iS:ntta~~~~;'R~.;:;~n~~?~e:O~~~I~~~':c~S~~r;:::.r at the ~:~ :~~st~hil~~enth:er~Ifr.~~iS~~~~ill ~';~~e~;I::;s~~~:;~Nt ;~~~?s~r~d.a~~'" " . '" J: ". was enjoYed day: M and1:Mrs. Geo. Buskirk, were Christmas eve guests in the and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Gold ~r. and Mrs. Pa~l Bengtson a,nd home at Laurel. • Saturday dirlner .and supper-

';, . ,Ge,,~,e Lpn~' is spendin'g :!~' fe,W 0,BOWingi, "'" s~cial 'ev~njng. The Mr, ari4 rs. A;·W.,poIph, Mr. and Bert Harrison home. berg. chi.Idren were Chrls~m,as day dm- Mr. and Mrs. Herman Muller guests at Oscar ~jorkJunrl's were', ,:daYl3: In the Art Longe home " arne' grdJp' went for a' bob sled Mrs. Cnaie Buskirk· and son and Dickey McCorkindaJe ,of Laurel, . ner guests at Olaf Nelson's. and Norman, l\1r. and ~1rs. Fred Mr. lind... Mrs. Arthur T. Andf'rson'II M~. 'and' .Mrs. Wm. Victor v.:ere 'ide Friday evening.' Oliver iJohnson. . is spending his Christmas vacation LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Art,hur JIo.lIman, MUllcr,',EI:'I". Mal'.'in and Franci~ and family. ,

in SIOUX CIty last Wednesd, y. Mr, Bod Mrs. Rutherford Nim- Christmas day the RU~If Kay with his grandparents, Mr. and Archie' McPherran, who teaches Rol)ert and Carol were Chrlstm'LS ami Mr. and Mrs. Emil MUller and Mr. an? Mrs. Ert:JcC'l And('I'sO-I!I",' Bud Boeckenh.a.uer of E~~rson od a,nct fa,',mi~Y ~ere Satu~day eVe- fa.mily Jfined the Melvin Longes Mrs. John McCorkindale.· 'at Pierce, was home for holiday eve. and sUPP£'. r guests at the 1.:. M.· !laughters were Satu"day eve~ing nnd famJly, Mr. and ;\It":~. .'\.11JeTtspent 'Monday With Donny:trnam- ing guests,In the Lawrehce CaH- of Wis~ r at dinner in th Frank, Mr. and Mrs, Albert F. Longe vacation, Gustafson home. supper gUpsts at Walter Grose s. I Amler~,on and (bllghll'l·:':. \1 r ilnd'Qer~~:l :', \, son home.'Mr. and Mrs. Claire An- Longe h me and the follo~ing day and Beverly, with the other Longe Mr. and Mrs. Ben Meyer and Sunday ?tnner guests at Clar- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bengtson and Mrs. ClaiT1:' AnrJcr;'(.Jn and ~on~,

' .' Dean Lubberstept and Tormy terSbn and sons were there for were wit Johnnie Kays I in the children, gathered in the home of Lorraine, are spending this week ence Holm s were Mr. and Mrs. children, Mt. and. Mrs. Weldon Mr. and 1\lrs. lI<u·old An~.li"l" ....on,Swenson,spcnt"iMonday ~n tt~e Art ~pper \.\1~dnesday -eveni.ng and Aug. Ka home. . I. Mrs. Frank Longe ChrJstmas eve.. at. Humboldt. Mrs. Minnie Meyer Herbert JohnS?n a~d.Mr. and Mrs. Mo:t('n~on. and Chtldren,. Mr. and Mr. an~ Mrs. ;\Ielv1n, Anrl(:)'"onrBO,rg: home. elcomedl in tHe New Year. . Mr. an MrS. Lawrence Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Anderson ~eturne'd to Humboldt with them. Reuben Holm, flnd chlldrcn: Mrs. Martrn Holmberg and !\Ir. Clemcns An~er~on dn'l \ l'.lan

The Walter Herman family, ,erc £'Mr. and Mrs. Wm Victor, Es- were Ch~istmas eve supper guests were in the WaIter Miller .hom~ , Mr. and "Mrs. Oscar BJorklund and .Mrs: AI. Rakow an(.! son of Lundm .....cle Umstmas {j,ly rlHIIII'r

d!nne,i' g~ests SU1)lday of ,{.iSS t, er al1;d Kenneth wJre at Ernest iIi th¢ P·IN, Oberg home. the fol- at Dakota City Saturday evening J. and daughfers were lunchc0n Ponca, .... erc Sunrlay dmner. and imct luncheon guests at- John It.Edna DatilgreJ1' rone's Sunday afternoon cele- lowirl~ .day they and p,aUI [Fisch.er to help Mrs. Miller observe here If""" I guests at the E. Kastl·up home luncheon gU<'sts at Fred Lundin's. Anderson's:

Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Olson ere ilrating'Mar'ilyn's 4t.11 birthday. were1dJn%cr guests10f Mrs, ChrlS~ natal day. L g Valley after the program Sunday cve- Mr. and .!\fr:;. John Hengt~on, Sunday e\.'enlnl-': visitors :1t 1[;11"-

, Sunday dinner guest~ of Mr. ~nd They were luncheon guests. That tine-Jf1sc er and family, f Mi;s Norma rIean Harrison and 0 an ning. ::'vIr. ~nd Mrs~ r-re.d Muller. Elsll:'. \'cy Hcnningsen'~, twlping ShdlT,il¥:rs, BilJ Park. - evening they were at Fred Meyers' Mri a I Mrs. A.Ibert unden Miss Phyllis Kinney were enter- (By Mrs. Albert Anderson) 1 M.r. and Mrs. James .Jo.ncs_ and Mar~:ln and ~. ra~cI;';." 1'v~r. ~~d Mrs. e(;>lebrate her birlhrlH.y WlT.'-' :'11'.~r. and Mrs. Harry Wert find attending his birthday party. and tons, and Mr. and ¥IS, Carl tained at a turkey dinner in the fam~Jy of Emerson, IAho spe~t Mel\m LU~d1O <lnd famJl}, CC'd and ::\lrs. John Dahl ,lnr] :-;O]"Jl1il

Joann spent FridaY-_evening..jl1-lt.l].-~c-_-'i--..M-I'S"--"Lawrence Ring------a-nd-~e ~un~ U---4-Uended, a farml _..!~- oFfle---of Miss Mari&n Miller Fri- ~h:lstmas .day at Georgfl Borgs, S\1/anson, Ca,1 Pc-arson. and Ano~a Jean, ;\lr. and Mrs. Clan'nc!' R:lk-C. A. Bard horn~. ,b'ys, also their guests, went for a' IOn I t~e G. A. SU?dell home day evening. Oscar Karlberg was a Satul1day VISited until Saturday at the Borg Anderson \\'C'rp Chnstmas day dm- er and children, ;\lr. ;lnll :'111'0..;.

Ardath Ann Victor accompanied b b sled ride, Friday afternoon and wher~ drtmer was enJOyed~and a Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harrison supper guest at John R..Ander- home , ' ner a,nd luncheon guests at Fred Anders Jorgpo.sf'n and i\"P\',l, :\11'.the Alvin Rastede's home' to spend ere luncheon guests in, the C. L. pleas~nt Chris~mas ~ay sp nt. visited in the Mrs. Ella Pattersqn son's. Elsie, M?r":Jn and Franci:; Mull- Lundm's. and !\lrs. Alfred Cook <lnd Llflljl."part of her vacation. . B rd home. Dale accompanied Mr.; and Mr~. Rollie LoEa~d home Friday evening with Miss Henry Bartling and family were er W2re Christmas day supper Mr. and Mrs. ,John £3f'rgerson LOUIe Hanspn and famli... .!\Ir ~Jl1r1"M·ildred Agler returne~_i~Qma-,'_~rnJ:!g1!!.~~!1dMr.:...an~__Mrs. Bard sons tere ChrIstmas eve g ests 10 yiola, who is spending the holidays Tuesday evening 'supper guests at guC'sts at the home of their grand- a~d children We're Chri:.:tmas day Mrs. UCrTni-ln Mullrr anfP'x..ol.man.h~ Su~day aft~rn08J1 to res1lnrl! and Gordon joineatnem at din~er the,~Ibert Long~ .-tlome. T e. ~ol- -with her mother. Emil Carlson's. mother, Mrs. G. Havekost, at dmner guesh at Anton Ander- Mr. Hnrl Mr:-;. Emil MuJln ;mdschool 'duties Monday. Saturday. lowll~t day th~y Jomed the Illion Mr. and Mrs. Walter Qtte and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bartling Sc,·jbner. bery's. Mr. and ;VIrs"('I~lJre Ander- daughters and :\11'. and :VIrc" Lu's

Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sandahl of The Emil 'Lund family visited r:lat.ltes at dl~ner .a~d sp nt the Sandy joi,ned. :Mr. Ottc's. brothers and son were- Christmas day guests Mr. and Mrs. George 0nderson son and mns. Mr. a~.9 Mrs. Har- !':is.sen and :,on.Hoskins spent ~ few days in the with Mrs. Ericson and childl'en and day H~,the Je~(;11 KIlhon home. and sisters at a coopera,tive Christ- at Henry Bartling's. and Marva l.:ce werl' Christmas old Anderson and Mr. and Mrs'parental Ed. S<fndahl home. th,e Lawrence J;tings Friday ev~- Mr.!and Mrs. C. R. Ash had Mrs. mas dinner in the Will Evans Mr. and Mrs. Gust Wenstrand (lVQ and ChrIstmas da.y guests at :\oldvin And('rson jOlnC'd them and Daught!?r h Born.~ The Henry Nelson family were nipg. Saturd~y evening they, al~o CMhrasrlftteJ LLuUnnddaahhl1 aanndd faMmr':lyanads home at Carroll'Sunday. were Christmas eve supper guests the parent,a!. Oscar Becker home spent the p\,C'ning·thpre. I A daughter \\"8.'; horn to :.1r' ::Jnd6 o'clock dinner guests in the Aug, M1.and Mrs. Fred Utecht werle t Russell Wenstrand's M t u

S d ' supp'e 'gLJ'cets Christmas eve, The Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hollman, a , , '. n(,ar ,ar inS .urg . I,. Mr. and Mrs. Eln1f'r Holm and M~. Lawrf'n('o !IC'rfl,j rm l'hnst-Slahn home un ay,evenmg. en ertained at WaIfer Hennanlls '" . Robert and Carol were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Dean Frye and Mr. and Mrs. Seth i\t'1dlrson and fi-umly of Lincoln "'ere a[<;o mils rhy -:\11'" ~ IlC'rfC']"" mrlher

Florence. Suber came from Oma- a d Sunday evening were lun(:h~ fwoellroew;nng'l~cvelna'sn,gntahmeeSd'amhoemgerofuoPrevening visitors in the Roy Sun- children were Christmas day din_ dClU,g. h.t~rs· ~'ere Chns.tm~.s day Chn.'" mas C\'(' and ~upp('r gues'ts :-'1~. Cla~'a' ()I ... on'. of :-';o'rfnll/ is atha Tuesday ev~p.ing .. and vi~ited caE' guests at Mrs: Rubeck's. ~. ner guests 'It Warner Erlandson's gu st . t VIctor John a s Mrhome folks until ChrIstmas nJ~r.t. rs. OrVille Erickson and chil- suppe1 dell home after attending the Sun- ' , C • • L. S i:l . :,; n.: '1 Cil Clan'nce Holm·s. Patty. and the Herfel hot!1" ("aring for ,llt'l11.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sundell en- dt' n .y.rere over Saturday night Mr. ~nd Mrs.. Henry Nelson and day s<lhool Christmas program. ~t::~ aann~ ~~~~y K~~~~thsu':~~; ~~d ~'~rs. ~.~~~~o~ J\(~{.', ~u~~ay -- ----- -- ---~- -"--- _._~ -----~-tertained Mr. and Mrs. Chaurlce'Y gu, sts .in the C. L. Bard home. sons "'~ere supper guests in the R. ~)3 and

lMrs. Albert F. Longe dinner guests at Gust Wenstrand's. J~~~:i;l~~~~S~ and JO;~(~:\~~;~'an ,--

A.gler at supper last Tuesday ev~, Suhday, togelher 'with Mr. and C. Iialltlbeck home Christmas e\·e. an ever y we,re among those Mr. and Mrs. Charlie F!C'etwood J I I' 'ht . f 1\1 ' c d:VI 'mng. Mi~. John Barden and other rela- The' r<!>llowing day they and the entertained at dinner and lunch d 0 1n:;on, (aug ers () T" I. an. ~. r:- I

Mr. and Mrs. Levi Helgren and tl'ves, they en,j'oyed coopen-ttive Russell Johnson family from hcre Sunday in the Raymond Larsen and Donald were Fri ay evening Henry ,JohO:-;,on ,of '\:rd) 11(' .. \l..,ltl:l!- .. 'I Ii .. ,. ·t d' . th home [or their wedding annivcr- supper guesls at Elmer Fleet- from Snndd) e\('nln", until Tucs- ,family were Friday dinner guests dinnN in tlle Mrs. Florence John- ~ll,n(-:..r ,.rc fit:\f.;S a Inner in e sary. wood·s. day c\"('ning at \\'111 Borg's. I,

in the Aaron 'Helgren home-...ne·~E .on--home in Wakefield. The Bards ~ ~S~?Ml0~lJ:. CI b' d Miss Jean Sundell came from Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnson Mr. anel i\lr.". Charh(· Flee!\"\'ood IWayne, were dinner guests and spent Sun- Don~id~\n.a(o~rs~'~ha~~~a~~~r~~n Omaha Saturday for an over-Sun_ were luncheon guests at the Harry ;md Donald we.re. Sunday dinn,.'r

an~~r~~'A~~nnd~h~n~~~t~¥:~:J1!~ ~I~ i;n~h~i:'~~U~V~i~~ h~~~gaSad~~ were dinn~r guests Christmas day day \'isit in the Roy Sundell home. WA'NTS and s~.P)~(:I' g~('st,; ;-11 Tllr.". ::\1;11;.',ncr guests Frid?y 'in the J. C. Merle. in the I'~16Yd" Mikkelson home at Dale Tln1sman of Lincoln, was a ·()bon~. Ill!';" \\('IT' al.'i(: ;Jllcrrwl)nBf.es·sJcl' home. ' Margaret ~orlg('rs, teachpr at Lvons. Thlr Chambers had Mr. and Sunday visitor in the Sundell cal:!'l':; at B.c'ul}('n ()J:.:on .'i. ,

Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey A.gler the Bell, arranged a IO\'ely Chl'ist- ]\iiI'S. Bop F:\';ms and Bobby as SUfJ- home. S~Dllay afl('rnour~ ;Ind, ~upp('r!'and Priscilla S.andahl left Frlda~) mas party last we,,1\: Munday e\'C'- pel" gU('sts' Chrislmas eve. MI'. and Mrs. Albert F. Longe gU(':.:h at, j{r:rn'J1 d Pork 'i ,\\ :'1'(' I

m.orni~f! [or C~lifor~ja v.:h~te Owy ning for patrons \vhkh \\/a5 at. Mr. and l\Irs. LeVern Frederick- and Beverly Were among those I'vlr. and I\ll"s. l;.;'[J{! Park of :\l:1sonwJlI VISlt relatives mdefJmtely. tended by 60. Christmas vacation son' and Leun ~Ycre Christmas evc atlending the 6 o'clock rpcepUon CIty. la.: Mr. Hnd l\:Irs. HO:\'ard

Miss Twila Herman attef1ded a began Christmas eve. A short mu- supper guests in the Leonard for Mr. and Mrs. Abner Pearson FOR SALE Fleolwodd of Omaha, and veldaCh9.~tmas party in. ~he Whitm?re sical program was presented by Frederickson hOrl)e. Christmas day in U\e Oscar Peterson home Fri- Park.'home in Wayne Fflday 'evenmg the 'pupils. Games and contests they entertained at dinner the El- day evening. FOR SAL-!.'.:: __ Young Hereford Iinnw CIrcle \\IJl not hold it~,and spent the night with Beryl were enjoyed. Santa Claus appear- win and Leonard Frederickson Miss Phyllis Kinney and Miss bull. Ced Swanson, Wayne. j1t1 meeting O('xt wel'k hut will waltNelson. _.. . ed with gifts for all pupils, the families, Emil Hallstrom and chil- Clarice Ekeroth accompanied soma ~ until tile' follo\'v'mg week and h;Ive

Mr. and ~rs. Lawrence Rmg teacHer and parents. CoctperaU\,e dren. folks as far as Fremont by car FOR SALE:-- :roland Chma male lIs mPl'tln~ at the !I.[('I\ln Anc!or.and Larry '~ were luncheon lunch following visiting broughl Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lundahl and Sunday a'nd from there took the hog. Will F. Meyer, phone son 11On1(' Thursday afternoon,guests of Mr. agd Mrs, Art Flor- the very enjoyable eycning to a Jonathan of Carroll, were Christ- bus to Lincorn to their respective 11Fl:21. j1tlp January],).

1~~a:::~i~~~ church program Sun- close, ~~~s~~~;:~I~P~~I~~J.r~;~eint~~)ef~~l~, pl~~~ ~~(t~~~. ~~rX. ~~~(;,;~~. and FOR SAI:,E:---Ho,usehold f,u:~i.- an~II~ia(~I~\~I~I:~'i~Vl~I~~~C~~~ri.~~·~!~~II~~.~IFriday evening the Rudolf Kay Christmas gatherings reported !ics, ~lso th~ E. W..L.undahlS were fa. mily werp C'ntertainC'd at dinner t~~('. Mrs.. Perry rheo~~ld.' 6'(,I~ _: guests :J, t 1hI' (), P. Lund:.:! rom . . L. B. FIT~H

family visited in the Ar:nold Ham- are as follows: Christmas eve, Mr, In SIOUX City Chl'lstmas day as Saturday ('vening in the Lawrence Lmcoln. At home Wcdl)esdaj, !lome at Concord. Thc\' also 81-1mer home and Saturday evening and Mrs. F'red R. Utecht were sup- dinner gueJ.;ts in the Lester Lun- Cnrlsan home. Eunice and Faith Thursdi-l,\, ?aturrlay aftern(Jon~, --~~--~-":~---------o--r----~----= . _the Louis Test family were guests per guests 10 the parf'nUll Emil dahl home~ Gustafson spent the evening in the fro~ 3 untJi 5, Other tJm('s b~) IMMJin the Kay home. Lund home. All joined reJatl\'es at Mr. and ,Mrs. EddIe Longe and Nimrod home with Mrs. Ander!'ion. _~~<~~pomtml'nt. Jlt~

Miss WiJma Gemmell and her cooperative dinner the following chJldren qf Sioux City .spent Mr. and Mrs. Jewel! Killion. Mr. Fbn SALE:-One Intprnationalpupils als~elcomed Sant~ Claus day with Mrs. Henry Ruh0ck. Christmas ('Ve and'the day follow- and Mrs. Allen Keagle and Mrs. No, I() eyllnd('I: corn shel!('r', 10who bJ'ougl1t gifts for all as well Mr. and Mrs.' Lawrence Carlson ing in 1he TH1J'('nlal Wm. VJ(.-tor Tillie Slaughler were entertained good conditIOn. Good used Farm-as parents. School closed Wednes- went to Sioux City fo,' Christns home. Joining them at Chri8tmas at dinner Friday everting- in the all tr;lctors. l'cconcIilion('d. Alsoday and will reopen January 5. dinner in the L. D. Gable Qome. dinnel' \\:el'(': Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Aistropf'-Larnb 119me. They W('re a [ew good hCH.llng stove.,;. II. II.

Mr. and Mrs. LeVern Frederick- Mr. ancl Mrs. J. M. Roberts' d A. M{'y('!' of \Mayne, <,md Mr. and Salurday dinner guests In lJ1e G. Hachm('Jer, Wayne. .itt!,son were among a few couples ('n- Delberl WNC Chri~tmi-1s dinner MI's. Al\in Ra.,;tedp. Alfred and E1Jb Johnson home. ~ 1

tertained at .supper in lhe Oscar guest:; in the Hay Roherls home. Mr. and IVlr~. Lm\Te.ncc Illng Mr. and Mrs. R. A. NImrod FOn SALE: _ Two farrn,... andPeterson home Friday ~cvening at The, E. 'VV. Lundahl family WNC (lnd SOll:-. Wl'llt to SIOUX CIty Fcm and Darwin, MI'. ant) NIrs: three town llt"opertlCs, SW I~ ofa recep(ion for A'll'. and Mrs. All- \..vit.h I'clall\'eS at a family supper Cl1rbtmas ~\'(~ and wele :.:upper' .rohn N. Johnson and Ruth \'I~ltC'd 3-27-1, }.l!} acres, and Nl~ ofncr Pearson. in thq LaWf'f'llCC Hanson home guests in ~hc Orville E~ICks{~n in the \Valter Fredrickson home SEl;.;, and \V~4 of SEI/4 and Ell:"

Mr. and Mrs. Abner Pearson who Christ1mas ~v~. home. They attended se~vlees In Sunday evening after attendin~ of N~!;) of SWI'4 of 8-27-1, ]60were married Friday and Mr. and Christmas ('vc 1\11'. and 1\11':-;. Ru~ ,both church(,s_ and remaIned for tIl{' Sunday school program al the acres, -Wayne county, Nebr. LotsMrs. Oscar Peterson, Florence and dolf Kay had as supper guc:;ts: Jdl.nncr. l\'lr,s. f~nckson, Helen and church. 7 and 8, block 4, Lake's ad(!llion,Bernice were supper guests Mon- Mr. and Mr:=;. Aug. Kay and WII- Dlcky aecoryl~anled lhcm home for Mrs. Ed. Kinncy, Richard and lot 11, hlock 6, North additIon,day evening in the Paul' 'Olson he, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Longe. a week-pndll\'ISlt. Dean came from Long Pine Sun- lots 10, 11 and 12, block 7, Lake'shome. '. The Jack Soderberg far:nily and TOgPt!Wf, In the C:. F. Sa~dahl day to the C. A. Kinney home for addition, Wayne, Nebr. \"'..Trite or

Friday the Albert Kill.ions were also Marjol'ie' 01 Sioux CIty were home for ~,llPP(,I' Ch'.'lstmas eve 11 \'Jsil. Tho)' WIll spend the week phone Wm. Wmgett, executor of,dinner guests at Rollie Longe·s. guests at a family dinnt'r !n lhe ,:,,'cT'e: M,:: an,d ~I,rs. ~Ick. Mathl:- vlsitJllg re!atfves Ilerp and \vith John Krei cstate, \Valthill, N('hr.'All went to \Visner in the after- C. A. Sodt'I'berg home Chnstma:-; sC'n of Well ~I hur j, MI. <ind M! s, I\lrs. l{innpy's siSler, Mrs. Elwood sI81fnoon where the men altended the day. Bud S<~ndal]l and daug_!i\lpr of D01- Dudley, and fi-lmily at Wisner.sale and the ladies visited' in the Ml'S. Effle Luncl, and I\II~. a~d kola 01}, l\{lr. and Mrs. DIck SHn- Mr. and Mr~. Roy Pierson ilnd LOST and FOUNDJohn Zicht home. Mrs, J .. K. ',Johnson an~1 tanlily dahl and S(HlS, and Ml'. and. ~rs. Miss Lois of Wayne, Mrs. Wilham :::::::::::::-::-:====~===

Guests in the Lawrence and wefe With till' Ray Rollinsons for Lloyd I-IUg('.lm,~n. At. Ilc',I~{eS .10lfl~ Peterson and Patty of Kparncy, STRAYED:-()nc steer. Lawrence

~,~~~:F~~~~~c71~~~i:~ri;~:C~(:;~:~~i:;istmas (linnel and to spend the ed~:w::~,:o~;;:(':'.ttl~(;o::~(~~I;lgAn,~er~:I~,~,ter;;~~~~~~~~tdi~)~~:nsu~~~~ Hing, phooe ~:!GF]3, Wakdij(;~i.family: Mr. and Mr~. John Fischer Paul Ulmll nnd jan~lly l'n!.('r- nrlte \\:ere ,Chnstmns P\'(! supp"r home with UH'm for a fl'\\' days' _and family. Mr. and Mn:i. Ron UJinecl a'! Chn~tmas dll1n('r': Rpu- gw'st::.; In qlC Han.s LllbbC'rs~edt visit but was obliged to r('turn ~ =":"':==::---_Harding and family. 'ben ()~.!.;o.n and Darryl, ~r. and home. They! rcmatncd overnight home Monday morning, being ill WANTED

Mr, and Mrs. E. \V. Lundahl en- Mr!'i. Elvu; Ulson, Mrs. 'Wilson and and fol' an 'lfter church breakfast. with the mumps. -:::=======~===tertained at Sunday dinner and Velda Park. Mrs. LUbl~et~~tcdt and the cJ)~ldrc:'n Mr. and Mrs. Nels t Bjorklund - W ted at Oncef~upper: Frank Hanson. the Law- Mr. and ~r.s. C. L. Bard ~nd accompa':lJe4 fhe Borg family to Eunicc and Dwaine \\'er~ amon'l ann~nce Han:-;on family, G. Alfred sons c,ntertamcd at !'Uppet' Christ· Omaha Chriistmas day where they [ I 1"" t t. d g DISTRICT Manager to take overJohnso'n, Mr. and Mrs, Ellis John· mas e\'e: Mr and Mrs. W. C. Ring visited relatives until Saturday ~.grouPCoh :('t a Ives en.ert~m~ at our direct tp farmer feed busi-

_son, MI'. and Mrs. Melvin Larsen. <iwl Merle. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. et;ening. i lOner rls mas eve me. eu~ ness in this ¢ommunity. Our Hne.Faye Sandahl left by bus from Bard and Belty Jane. Mr pnd -n..'Ir:.; Fd Sandahl and ~end GO~d~rg. home. Mr~. BJ~rf- advertised all farm paper.s, ove~

Norfolk Saturday evening to re- The.L~\~l.;H'elgl'en fami,ly joined child;en eniell';~i;ed at supper un an. 'UDlce ,were vermglt 13 radio stations in,middlewest.·turn,to school du.ties at Powell, relativeS"at.'Christmas l've supper Chtistmas ~c: Mr:-;. John Fred- guest~.10 th,e ~~s ~~h~~~n ;~me.1 F.eeel btlSinP.~.s h('st In 20 Ye.ars.Wyo. Her folks took her that fdr:. in the Swan Nelsbn home. The day erickson, M '. and Mrs. AI. Fred- ncar. IX?~ .W( r., ~o un am No invest~Qnt. Must have car,Her cousi'n, Ralph Ring, accompa· following thcy were ilinner guests Cl'ickson an family Mr and Mrs. Dwa1l1e .Joln:~ fh~m In ~~e John4 know farml~ and be capable ofnied her to Powell for an indefinite in the Eyron Heydon home. J. 'c, Bressl r and 'sons', Mr. aptl son home fa hrlstmas lOner. handling oHter men. Contract ..stay. The JO.(, C. Johns?n family wel'e ~rs. Ben II'cdericksoi'r;--M-F,--:{nd ?:J\'c.s .0verrJ~ing on all bUSiness

Mr. and MI's. Jack Soderbet'g' at a famlly'supper In the Kenneth rs. Mortis IRalston, Mr. and Mrs. Chrh;tmuM Ilrogram. III thiS terrlJory. A real oppor-h ( d h Miss Norma Jean Harrison Hnd f ho w' n1 's-arid daughters entertained at' sup· Slutz orne :hris1mas eve a.~ j e A'!lan Sand~hl, Roy Frederickson tUDlty 01' a nan \\. ,.J S ,1;)-

per Monday evening: Mr. and Mrs. folJo\ving day were guests 01 Mrs. amd Myron IIenry. pupils presented an enjoyahle sUl'ed perma wnt work III 194-.Elmer Lundberg, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sundell and daughters: !At a gdOS~ dinner in the Art Chri~tmas program to a large Can be w.or h up to .$~,OO~ ~erRobert F, Hans'on and family, Mr. Mr. ~nd Mrs. ~arr:v W~rt and Mjunson honhe on Chri:=;tmas day audience Tuesday, ('vening-. Santa year. f.or ~Igh~ man. WrIte .gl\·l~gand Mrs. Cliff Munson and Harry Joann attendcd a :famlly dJn,~er in tile follOWing relatives wQre en- Claus distributed gifts. The rc- qUaliflcatlOmtl P.O. Box . l l,Munson. the Harry KaYI, tjome Chl'l.st~a~ teirtained: Mr. and MrS. Gus ceipts from the lunch were donat- Wayne, ,Ncb. J111

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bard and eve. Th~ followll1g day they \vcre Swanson and sons of Allen, Emil ed Ily Miss Harrison and pupils to _.~ .._- -~I .Dale were at C. F. Sandahl's after guests 10 the Geo. Wert home. Carlson, Mr.iand Mrs. Virgil Carl. the RQd Cross. I-:.;-;:--:::-;:;:--:::--:::-=--=..::=:::::::::::===~=

the program Sunday evening to Fr~~ef:~[17:;;'~:en~~~s~sn~?~~\~ sMo~. :~(dl Mdr':,'I,d~~~ ~~er;;'i~~~b:~~~ Party itl Distrkt. MISCEtLANEOUS _celebrate Kathryn's 7th Ibirthday d M S S d b CI' ~ Miss Eunice Gustafson enter- ~_._- J' ---:-of Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hu- an l'S. wan _p er erg _,lr~st- drFn of HubQard, the Dick Sandahl 1ained her pupils and the mothers "'fOU WANT tjXPERT ~nd cffl-gelman and Bill were supper guest~ mas eve. The Fryes spent Chnst- family, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Munson at a Christmas party Tuesday cient handling of you~ .In'cs1ock,there that ev~ning. mas day in t~e Erlandson homf;. and Harry Munson. i afternoon, December 23, at the ins u red ~sponslblhty a n, ~

terMtarl:naenddMM,:,"a'Rnd'ay MAgrl,e.r, Dsra:,-~.n"n- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ramsey ~ school hou:=;('. The schot;:llro,om \\':15. prompt ~~u,!'ns of.., pro:el?edsE;

LV>' had as guests at cooperativc din- decorated in keeping wlth the Thpn conslg~ to FRAl'\... .

~:i:~ :~~u~~~:~::;~~~~~~~~e: ~~t~~~~~~a:n~a~ot:i:sof ~~~ I00lttherl.st wakef,iel,dl holiday season, the ce~ter of <1t-. S.COTT C?M I ',.CO., Sio~x Ci?,;SatJ.lI:day evening Mr. and Mrs, side, Mr. a!~d Mrs. Wm, Rahe and, Cf I traction being the Christmas tree' la., t~cf fU~ 1;~~~~bifil\,_9 ~le6tf

jjiiiiiii.iiiiii-'-iill-li-ii'~ii-·Ii-~ii-ii'~ii~i'ii'''ii-i-- (By Mrs. Ellis Johnson) with all the prcsenls. The hostp:-;s n:'cor or e , .'served a two·course luncheon.I-= -=-j:-:-::-~=:_::__:::-I:.

~l----+L------~IMiss Gustafson presented a gifl to WE AR A'l' WARMrs, C. L. !Hard visited in the each of the mothers. .

Ed, Gustafson home Monday 'after~ _ . '1noon. Attend \V{'ddillg". Iaf,~~~;~al':~so~hesP~~~'t ~~~~:~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mortenson,home'. MardeJle and Karen, and Miss

,I Mrs. ,J()sephihe Gustafson was a ~~.rj~~~ ~or~~r~il~~~Ql~l;,~~~~~ ~, Spmlay dinner gue.-;t in the L. J. Allen, drove to Council Bluffs Fri-

Bressler hQme. I C

l MisS Genevieve Meyer of Wayne, day. morning to visit re a Ives.as a Sunday evening visitor in Saturday evening they attended

the Bert Harrison home, the wedding of a son of WilberMr. and Mrs. Walter Otte and Roberts and brother of the ladies,

andy were Saturday dinner Claude Roberts, whose marriage~ruests in the C. A. Kinney home. to Miss Lois Fairley was solem­g nized a t the M. E. church. Miss

tMr, and Mrs. Walter Carlson Marjorie Roberst assisted at the~~s~e~drhe~e:c~ ~~~r;i~~~a~O~ve~ reception. Mr. and Mrs. 'Roberts

, ]\.11'. and Mr~. Bert Harrison and 'will reside at Cheyenne, Wyo.

Marilyn were Sunday dinner Christmas Dinner.guests in the Fred Harrison home.

Mr. and' Mrs. Russell Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Nelson enter-Billy and Tommy wore Friday tained at dinher Christmas day We Wish You Allevening visilors in the Fred Harri· for Mrs, A.. Holmberg,_' Vietor AVERY H"4PPYson hom'e, Holmberg ,of, Gregory, S., D., Mr.

Mr, and Mrs. Roy Sundell and and Mrs, Emil ErICkson and fam- Cilmer Nin eent~ and Douglas NEW .YEARDorothy were Christmas day' ilY,of Mead, Carl Holmberg, M~. ,Entrance 207 South 19th IIL••••••,••••••III•••,~•••••••••••~~~==~~...gu'" ests, of Mrs. Helen Sundell and arid Mrs: Anton, HolmrsbergMaratn,dnMiss Helen. " Joanne, Mr. and ¥ . maha j1t2

Mr. and. +VIrs. Bert Harrh;on and Holmb~rg, Mr" and IYIrs. ElmerI--''T"---j--:-,~---- (;I ,',1'1'.:

r, -

Pages 1 to 6Section Two



Every Buildiflg Supply

With our New Year's greeting toeach of you, we express a sincerewish that i942 may bring peaoe

to a troubled world. Individual

effort united will do much toward

attaining this &oal.

Zolonil:e for Insulat:ion

-" -----~-.-------NUMBER THIRTIFIVr:

Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes'

Resolve in 1942to furnish you family gre~test warmth at asaving, , , Let us help you pick the coal that

gives best service in your furnace or heater.

Phone 78

Fulleri:~n Lblt. CO.

lHo\'lc Stur t,n "·("d.I,ylp 'l'alhot. 1ll0\'J(' ..... t:ll· \\ 110

\Vas \\'Ith 111(' \Valt(,l" Sa\ld,;;('players uul o[ Waynl' ~{)n1L' y('arsago, Will malTY I\l1~S Tommy~

::~~:~~~·i:(e)~~a~~r~il~t~::~~~I~'.I ';\~I~ I

i.i'l~, '. '




l\t.?ve Hcad'luarlers.REA ~onf{'rencc planned in

Wilshlng{on, D. C, has bCf'n called011 <IS rural electric headquartersare being Dloved from that city toS1. LOUI!', Henl'Y Moeding hadpl:tnned. to at tend the conference,

Service (or All Makes of Cars

Food Market

May i:he New ~ear BringYou l:he Bes~ of Luck

To each of you whom we have been privileged to

serve the past yeat:, we wish to take thi$ opportunityof expressing our sincere appreciation. ~t will be oursincere endeavor in the New Year to merit the con·tinued favor of present customers and to j.dd othersto our list of satisfied patrons.


Central GaraI



best of ,service in 1942.


We join in wishing you a very Happy New 7(~ar

and in thanking you for your faith~ul patronlige

which made 1941 s~ch a bright year for us! ~e

ai"C determined to give you quality foods ~nd

Ford Sale.s and Service

It has always been QUl'aim to provide the utmost in car service

THE WAY·" . II" '

Johnson's--~----'---~,-'-------_.~-,------------~--~---- -------

LOCAL NEWSPhilip Briggs, student a t Lin·

coin, was here for the holida;ys,The families of Harry Kay, Wm,

Meyer and Percy Cadwalladprspent Christmas with Mrs, F. II.Kay, \

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Armstmhgof Lusk, Wyo., were Tllf'Sdny pVC'·

niflg dmner gU('SlS last week m theHenry Rr'ynolds home'.

Prof. and Mrs. o. R BnwC'n [lndMrs. J. \V.•Jones went tn LIncolnWcdnesday last weC'k to spendChristmas wt'L'k-enri In t h(' .J.Knox Jones and G. (), ::::;nlltiJhOIll('s.

I MI'. and Mrs. Wi~l 1\1('y('r- an.dfamily. 1\11'. and 1\11-S. AII)(',·t Bl­chel, Mr. and Mrs, C:lrl noose, Mr.and Mrs. Marvin Kar('1 \\"('l'e

~~;~~a~~;~r's~mner guests at

Mr. and Mrs. Her'hert Kai andRhea Fern ·of Pender, Mrs. H;-lII"nah Moore, Mr. :-Jnd l\1r~. OllipMoore and 'Neil Moore of Creigh­ton, were Christmas guests of M1'.and Mrs. Clarence Conger,

August and Mbs Alice Lars('nof Newman Grove, came Christ­mas day and visited untl1 Sund~yin the Fritz·Lueders home, MISSEllen"Larsen accompamed themhome after being here a couple ofweeks,

G, W. Fortner entcrtainNl. atdinner Christmas day at the Boydhotel for Mr. and Mrs. B. H, Mose­ly, Lucille and Harrison of Belden,Mr. and Mrs, Frank Roe 01 Beres·ford. S.· D., Mr_ and Mrs. Cyrus

Wayne, Neb. Smith of Laurel. Mr, and Mrs. L,"----T;----:"'"7....'-:'"..,.~--:-;-_;:~:::::::;=~:::=5~:=:Ei:':"'=:.":"~:.":":.":"=:±1 :::==:::","\'V::,Rr,~o,:ec,a(~n~:d' 'M~r'i:S'S Harriet Fortner.l, IL.....;,--..;..-....-- '7'-:-"----:'~,('

w~'H appreciate the

opportu~ily of serv­

ing you.

Mobilgas - Mobiloils

Farmers &Merchants Oil Co.

n.~ H. FlJELBltlt'l'H

!lhOlW 486 \\'ayne, Neb.

for a

Ila,ppyand -

To the large nUlnber wborn we have been

privilcgea to serve and to all oth~t:' ~riend!i,

~e take this m~:~ns of expressing apprecia..

ti.>n, 'In 1942 we'll make every effort to

merit your continued goodw~ll.

1;'01' nearly 30 years it has been our policy

,to provide you with highest qual-ity iner­

chandise' and best possible service.





Best Wishes

,Let Us Resolve That 1942 May Hl'ingPeace to a War-torn World and Save'Democracy for Coming Gmtemtions!

Carhart Lbr.Co.

Rites: for Mrs: Lucinda, Cli,ne. ~ondlloted friday 'at

Wisner' Church;

~~DJ[~~~~~~:t>E~~;:i;,J~BU,I,,I· a','t·ng ~-£i'h-o---~-~w~~--~''''-cs--, W"ay: Pr'og'r..-.. e------s--~--,S~-~-l.;'v-,--e-- c,etyIJeCenlbel' 23, at the home of a ~ a

' grandson, Robert Cline, in Wi;;l1er..she had been bcdfa::;t since suffer- ~ ~___ ________. ~ ___. _

ing a l"all two year's ago. isLer who is at present ~tudying M.anr Are" Served, IWayne IUlSlruclor- Churches, Hospital, Stores the interior of the ban~ and mad~Until 1936 lVII'S. Cline could have h A· in the states. . A -:h Included with Reaidence <changes in arrang-cmcnt. The First

~rl~~~a~~~,:~~rbi~I;~d~rda~~l~~~~ in Soul: m~mca I si~"~~a ~h~f ~~I~~:iI;~il~o~~':s %':!t The 25\h:'~mts!~~k~sl~~ h Wed Chrilo;tmas Improvements Made. ~~ti?r'::~\ ~~~~ ~1d~~le ~~n'l:fiec '0"when she! wilS boI'll. In that year Interesting to Wayne Sttudents that does not.l}lcan it wiiJ'buy l'iix nished by local lubs and other That Wayne is a progressive. Carl rtnd Miss HC'len Nu;.;s ('n-

~:~rf~~~'dt~:tel~eh~h:~~Qt:r:d ,l~ 'l -L1 +- -------------' and a half times a1; much in pr.od- groups brought hofidi-ly cheer to Miss Florence Steuteville Is g(hr~Wni~~ hCoom"'nmsUannidtYbui".ldp,rnOg'S'eCd"obcY.I]Ba::ng(l(Fl,:"nndkPIIUn( ,actnoc"we

f:~n..tlyon Ita~",et-. A UCL'. Import(>d goods aro high. And 152 necdy and s ut-ms. This is In Bride of W. E. Fitzgibbon ,- "...... <:- "" ,n " <:-.... "Ma1'io~, Va". F'ebrua,ry'_ ~%2:..~~::._!~_-_~.,Li.f.{!"".i-n...P..Jir.u,._.S.Qu.lh_A.J11c.rica. [s and nice hedge, It is the cllsto~ by tho by--pleasC' do nol send us addition to has ets .suI1fJllcd by -ted. al~o by remodelmg Hnd 1'('-1 !-:p,rlO

g. Alb~rt i!racler had a small

t.hat tlllll' rallroad~ WL're IV£' years. vastly 1ditfer'('nt from', that in the to-ri.'ti:\;·e !,;'R[irt-{il'S-"-~"6n··tln'p1'S nnd- .l.gjtt."'.'(,"---wrapped·-·-ttf'Hi-·"--f-trr--ough the some individuals ~t ·South Sioux City. pairing done the past year. stonE' bulldmg e!~cted at 112 west.old, And ,'e,:, ,Jackson was ~he United States but it proves most windows to be clos~d a~d locked mails, as we will probably. have to Miss Florencc StcutcvllJljl., Eng- New houses built in Vv'aync this 1st. o. S. Roberts movP.d fro~ .1n~eventh prc:'31~)ent and th~ UlUon. interesting, according to Mr. and al night. We don't 'Worry much or pay more duty than the gifts are A PI lish instructor in Waync high year indude those of Phil l\'Iarch pa~t 3rd to occupy thiS .bUilding,Included, only A stutes beSIdes her Mrs. .Tam('s Car('~! who arc tcach~ lock much, therdort', we arc difR worth in malerial valuc'. Strange rrange e\v all school la::lt ycar and this,. resigned at 910 Douglas, Miss Nina Thomp- Phil March complet.ed Imprg\.c-

o,~)~a~~vJi~t;~,; cars aro, two of ~';~d~~.~~:,~~i ;'~:;~I<:~';:::::'~;:~~ :,c;;,:' A~~'~;?;;': ;';l;~ ~e:~:~' a~~ bU,~ ,~~~cp~,oU~I~l~:e~~~I~' ~~~~ (0 To Raise Standard her position here last week and ~~IS~~~;::oa~~u~~~~;~~s~~~;t~~ ~~;t~po~ 1':,~eC~:';~"~~;~t;~d~y~: 'til? modern'lI1ventlOos wmch.Ml's" their many friends, Ttley \\THC as it is out -on the edge of trwn. We expect a Hale ear;thquako no~' and ~~~~art~C~~~ri~~~~<';rdd~{lt~~[1~Catholic church and J. N. r:lfiung Ishmg the front m meJdernlstlc de.,"CS'I,hen?"a~~~<'.',ng"n"'la,~:\I,'~lende,~~,>\:('rl·':"ldWahn~-.ny'fOllOWS,; "are between Lima alld C~llao but then (evpry few·wppks in 1a('t), Ob· t· f B" b f T b' Th dd' npar Rlh and Sherman E J J-lun- sIgn,

"« '" .~ "" '" closer to Callao. The s reet out. The dilfL'ront food. I~,nguago, Jec lye 0 rogram elhg Isg~{'jd~·'Vv?as °p~~~rmed{;:~ ;~~ !pmpr rpmod('l(ld the f~nn,·0r-Thl'o- LlOyd. Fllell had one Theob:lldnotion that such "c~niraptions" "It IS hot here as tlll.S IS ?ur this way is called the A cnur. of thought and all IwVo1 l)('l'n gradu- Launched Is BeHered I f th b.d'. < '1. bald lumher company office into a lumhrr shrd rC'modC'led to he u:;pr!would e\·L'I' be made. sumnWI'. WI' ha\'{' be(>n In s\vun- tllC'.Palms as there are two rows ally h('coming<l par'! of the natur- Living ondition. ,1O;~,/~_:Jv ~,t e~ ~)ar~~:r: +~r. house:lf 212 cast Rfh as a produce house to which h"

Mrs, C~itle often credited her ming sev(,l'H,l limes al.ready. Soon of lOI.'t'ly palm~ ot!! each: sid(\. In al environment fOI" us. ;j,n I~. • ;. - iLut.LVI L" at ' '. moved from his old location at t 11longevity to her habit of going to the mpl{~ wdl ",,".ear off o~r shoes th(' background Jittting urI to the "\Vht do W(' do in, (lUI" spare Fa,rm and hon e improvement to ISouth SU)l,JX CIty. by Re\". L S. H:-spltal and (;hur~'h, .. west :inti. Dick Pinkham moVt'r1bed at 8 and Orbing at 6. She had al1~ Ih~ moss \V~ll dro~p oJf. of our !-;kies arc tl1(' high Andes.'IOne can time"? Wlwt )o;parc tinw·: Wilen wc US~lst dbtressed farm operators fangburn m the IJrCS~~cc of mcm-I Dr. ~_aIJtl..'r,Bet~ha~k,~ ~a\m~ onf' of tho Theobald lumber shed;smoked a pipe .smce she was 1~. I h<:llr:. I"o, really I~ ne\~'r m.lI1s, but stand hen' at sea,,1 lev.el rnd look take it we s\vim, play Imll"lcnniS, who still retain an uwm>rshlp in- 1('rs of ~hc two familIes, Ia hospJl,a .. (TCC c at r an to 2nd and Logan and his Wayne

Robcl't H.iplpy in\·jtpd I"91rs"Cline in Wlrjl,lt'~ there .1.:::1 m~Ch lug .and up to 10,000 fee't,1 and qf course crocl<;el or arch, rOII<:'r\~kate (our terest In their ftr,'ms is the oh- MISS Mary ::::;teuteVl]J(' of Chlca· Pc.arl. lhls IS ~ l,argc s~onc. and Produce statIon is now locatedto go to N('\'v YOI k anel broadcast damv.rwss on thiS, CO~~1. In SU~- there are many places V>jhere thl;' own skate~), go to th(' nOVles, PJ(:' fcctiw.' of a n(' program b(,m/;I go. alte~ded her Sister, and Ken-I bnck m~d~rnlstlc hUJI~lI1g, \.'.h.lch there.on his "Beliew' It or Not·' pro- mer l~ ~ttll never rains, but \\e Andes rl?8ch up to' the ~O,OOO feet nic~ and attend some ,slate occa- iaunched.by 11h(' epartmpnt of 'Ig- neth lIelsc of GcnC\,·a, was be~t IWill hc. flnlshed sometime dunng Gamhle and Coast-to-Coastgl'~m but ~he dpclinecl. get a f!cW ~nd plenty 01 :-;unn~ rangC'. The valley here I between .'lions. There is an Arn(l'Ican .'loci. rlcullure. accordIng to word ~'c- man. "th(' sprlng~ C:rac~ Luth:-ra,n ch,urch stores ch:mged locations dUring-

Mrc,'. ('111)(> """"(' I,) \\',',"n,'" '06 d,,',ys. 1\' ....'('n In the hot s,"urnmer,days 1 q'. j l R L V I f I Both 1'.1.l'~ and Mrs Flt.z.g.ihbonlnwmbers tin' hUlldmg a church at Ih C' « C., -.... " L "" I Lima. am~ C.allao i~ ?T~e,n ~nd pret- ety \....hich usually Cel(pH'ates th.e celWf Jy ~y . (TZa rom Ca, • '. - - - -- . , c summer, oas _ o~ oast Ii

years ago with four orphaned It is coql 111. the eventn9~' ty With 1rl'lgatpd ,fields and flow- important north Amq.lcan holt- A. Ward, rp iona director of FSA j ~('hgra~Uales of ~I,l(, Unt\'7~:,:~y, (~119th a~d r:gan. ~ brick ~r~cture now located at :217 Main and Gflm-grandctllldl'{'n, children of her only "We I.h·c .Ju~t tl1r('(' blocks from ers, Can you see the Pict~re'?' day~. Our worst mix IlJ) in a show in Nehraska Ka~sas and the Da- ,c ras a .. The ormer a I late, p;('ctP a a cos somc\\· a o\er hie iit :!tR Main. Both stores madedaughter. Sun·lving an' three sons, the Pac1fif:, One can al'f\'ays ,hear I . . p kotas. 1 \\llh Alpha Chl ,Slgma [raternJt~, $JJ,()OO. intprlOr chaDge~ at the time ofThomas, Rt, 'Dallas, 76," and Wi!- the oc(~an and 1 supposelwe are so "People here afe mainl df the came after we hac be~'n m crll Eligibility, wil'] he restricted and the Ja~~e.r ~:lth Alph.it XI Dcl- w~rl Baker added a rhnmg room movmg.liam, 69, accusto,mad to the rolllatld b~~m mC's{iso group, t~at js pa t Euro- only a short time and \~'e went to largely to j;\\:nC1r.operators and pla

h. M

l3rs. rKltzglbbhon. also earned ~o hIS ~~[,~I laIL,' !~"tk"umdmr'r. Th,OJ Langemf'(er ser,vice sl,Btian, ell-

d f h f h t (') ld I pean and part ~ndian. owcver, a French-sIJC'akmg pkiturc \\-·";th [ ... leta appa onors. ,")t"le nR. lOna uan re ecora C{ I d h f 'I t b ddFUI1C'nil l·i1<'s \Vel'e eonducte 0 t e:su'i' t a. \\'~ W U m ss there an' only a f(·w of t~e neoplc Spanish sub-titles." armel'S .Wh_I, have tm eqUily 111 the M 1". .ht . , I f - arg(' t ('lr aCll 1('5 ya mg Ii

Friday at Wbner Congregational havingl i1,Ioll us 10 sleep. The' s,ca one' rne('ts in Lima 0" C<~l1ao who __ . ~_ land they oncral1. A limit of $3,- .. r. IlZ~1 Jon IS CI Jrlem)('1" 0 hulldmg to be used for washingchurch. is vi.si~l(' 1from our bedroom Wll1~ 500 has bC'er) set and the average the 134th mfantry n's('r~·cs and l' V' 't' H' and serYicmg cars,I " " [I th I I When would e\·en admit a drop Qf Indian Youth Transferred loan IS' "xpe~ If' he conc,','dO"ably recently returned from ,,,.ctl\e dUly WO lSl ln,g, el e , Plan N'e'" S.'ad,'um,- ~--". ----,,- uO\V or' 'om e)a cony, . blood ran in their veins. Mpst of "" ~-. t L ttl R k A k 11 I T B S I7'etms Are Fixed ships ~r.(' 'in port we see them and the Pf'ru\'ians are very proud. In Marine. Corps below this < ,unt. Loans. wlll be ~.'II '~l"s,.:ln 10ncL',neorl~. 1C coup C 0 e in erViCe The s~adJUm at Wayne" Stale

. ' then th,ere IS a dash down to the I 40 31. nt (t u" T('ach~r;.; college has been canI D ' t . t 'C t Spanish influpnce in 'Lima, is \'pry P,'t, L,,>Roy .ounrl, '''hr' I'S lo"alod or YC'Hrs,' (!r ce In ere,s. Cla,lre ThpOfJhilus of Long\Jew, r ' , , , _n lS IjlC ,Olll' po,st oflice to gct, Ihe mail. ',For " .., L c Th bl I I I k lcactcd for and plans for th"11 strong. Spanish culture is Imuch in h h S e vana pa men p an leD lEt. Wa"h, and Lieul. Donald K. ,e

Rt-gular tt'rms of dIstrict court some Qf you th:lt lS a broad hm!.) ('videncf'. Poor people (and most at t e marIne corps ibe at an that of .thC'},'lk.nant purchas£' pro- e ay ,X enSlOnS TlwoJlhilus of Fnrt RObin,,,r,n, h;n.c actual b~tl(j,l~g arc ?emg, fanned.\\',11 he I\'Ial'cl1 ]6 Hnd SelJtember "Our house IS II bIg nine-room Diego, Cal., 'Wnl('s thft he has \\ II h . v Jl bl 10 b W F RIP Thc old stadium IS dlsmantled and

of lh(' peruvians arc poor) feel boen pUl in 1111' orrlnan 'C (JI;itoon. gram '] ii a a e orro - or UJ"a Olver bf'en h£'re \ISllmg m 1il(' Da\(' '. ' ,"21 in WHVn{' county. Equity ReS- 'deal' (nol counting two hath· that it I hi wrong for m('~o mow h fT· th ers. The pI' gram is not an ('x- , . Thl'ophilus home. Claln' \.'.ho IS the new one \.'.111 probably be com-

V~~'~m~~I')"I'~'~;~4~1,:1,ln~~c:j ~I),~lc:~;,dI"n'",)Jl~~~c.aa2c~coNrld~: .<,aal'~n~ctl~),S)~~c,'llkl:n;ct\',JI~aAh~c~!a1~~dT~g~~,at~Il~,~a'ntI~~~ ~:::;,:;:::n t~ ~oC~:) ~~ssi '~n;~i;~ ~~~~eE:;~i!::~h~l~::~~I':~fJ"~~;~~i:;~n~iO~n~1 li~~' ~e~an"er:~~~~?~~ ~u;a~n~~:~~I~~e~llw~r~~~,:r;~~/~~~,~::~i~d~i~O? ~:~;~;o~~~~:~'~~,I;~ Iplli;;~e~:'~~n,(~~eS~cx~r~;;"lcr.... ,,- < 0 "J 1 helps a,lt school she has a maid to . I measure. I I, . :1 ~tan.ds;111 untl ~ IN ~,l{', \\'l~, h(' \..-IIJ completr' tht, flr~l 01 Febru- ,park <=Inri n:ar the athletl\Jark

ing 10 "asslgnnwnt made by Judges is really something dIfferent here. cook and to rio the wOI,k! around youlh has heen helping· {Ialnl tle Loans,mar 1)(' 1llilfle to Improve (Jccordtng ~o. ~-h~ry, .,loc~tng. <011" . lfp wrll tlwn g-o into SPJ"\.Wl'.lhan.. hf'f'n paved.,A. E. \\'l'nl,e and Lyle Jack·iOn. In front o.~_~..:.:._~~_.~ fence home. 'rlwre are at our place, as 10Ckl'r-I~~~~('s. H(' !lll~(~ l2:(.)l'~ ~o hOU~lng,7 ilnd f~lrrry llUllCiln,g". to 1,Iool~-~p!j,.md~ bl' fnadl' along the Ht han h{'l'n rlpferll'd unll,! he .Joh.n Rosacker r,£'mOdPI(' anrl

al mo~l all p!<lces, SCjl'vants' qu~r~ ~~i~rl::n:O~;I';:~·~rY\\"I~::l) \(l'r(' );~~~ purchas(' or·! hire land Improve- loute already In, CfJuirl fll1ish th(' fJYlIlg work Ill' mild(' g('neral Improvements , hIS

If'rs. garage, showers and the llke ment equll'm('nl ahd materials and I ---~---:-- I,UTl\l,d Sunday lil~! \\cck and Ipla('(' on s~)Uth . MaJn, AI. Kc'."n.oUlsiflr'. Most [woplc'. cw'n th(' :~:d~~ i~"lo/i~~ :1~{lt;7li:ll'r;I~: ~~;.'~(~~ 10, ~J{Xj1!ir(' ~£'adq~wrtl'rs unlls [rlr Is lleported Kllied "tay" 0'."('1' :\r'\': Y('i1r's. Lwul. Hurr. IJa.\ .IS. Wilbur., _Hall, ~ssyery poor, hll\'p some kmd of er is pkasant. Jfr- s('nd~ ho)i~y utl1l,Z rt llOn or ad;Jac{'nt lanel n'~' . A t Pearl Ha,.bo,. TJH'()ptlllus whu llild beell focatpd i ~tar} ,!\bSO,n. ~ir.'i, T:.sthe~ n:S<Tvant around. Now you ask greNmgs to hi" friends ,in Wayne, source" whNp po:!;slbl(, tn :nTange B II S II f 1\1 d M at Fort :\IC'ade. ~ 1\-1e!.. anel Whr)j\ I,arlso\ and

bGeol'g7. dh~r •

where do they get .servants for all for continued US(j of such re- > I y. (' on. ~on 0 1. r'. an rs. pn,vLOusl y, spenl two, I1lfmths on. lomr'S :1\e een repalre unng

hut we don·t know, yet it is a fact sourLT". These l(j~ns arE' 10 asslst Glenn Sellon of Mlsso~.la. Mon!., maneuver" 111 South Carolma. WilS 1hr'. }t'<:lr.that the servants have their Word Is Receiv1ed low-inmme farl'j1 ~H.mllJr'.s 111 [(Jrmcr~y of)~andoIP.h. l~,re[~fJrted ,lIso h('n' la"l w('pk. HIS \vi[p H.nd 1," :J: J,!)untpmer ~em~eled "~esel'van~s. That Youth Alive d('signatf'do'}H'as tlo ral"C theIr 1l\'- killed at I Lar.1 Harbor, ~nd a son ha\e h('en WIth rrl:ltl\eS at hou,,; <it .~nd a,nd Pea:' so t.hat It

"We' have a 13~year-old boy liv- '.... .., .. .!, ing ('ondilion~, 1 brother. Bob; IS rcportN! n;ISSJn~. Smlthlrtnd, Irl.. The' fan.;ily \.Islt('d can _br' u,;C'd as an office bUildmg,ing wilh us all of the lime. He "a(s,loHn"r'r,m"<~sl:-,a,,,'n("1 Mmo".,~t!,,,h,amPJ,)'\,,.OC,n·~ No Ivans cmd{'r thIS plflgram can Both were sailors on tht~ y. S. S. !If'T'(' D('('rmlwr 14 10 16 last wr'ck ThIs Will soon be read,Y to be ()(>

h h .... " l~ l " ;W hc' mitd(' to rdlnance dl'hts O\ved Oklahoma, reportr'd CilPSIZf'tL Mr. :lnd Lieu1. T1H'pplulus rcturnpd cuplcd. Ou.r Redeemer s Lutheran~~~;;~~tt~li~Yu~fS~tl~:n~71~g a~(?h~of Slyke 01 1101h(:11. WH.sh.! f?rml':ly to fprieral HgenclCk. and Mrs. W, W. Sellon of Ran- Sl dav last wCE'k to stav > until church has been remodeled. pn-Abo;;(half of the children of school 1of Randolph, 1.01' lhpy .f(,(,l'l\ cd -------- dolph, are grandparents Of the ~Iln da~ wh('n he v,:ent .t~ Fort ]ijr?"mg II..; basempnl. Pr~sb)~agc in Peru do not have that OJl- word lhat lh['lr son, J)f'·lg~l. rl'- Market Is 'lopped YOuthS~ p~~~ins~n. HJS family ~.:lH rematn ~~~a~~'~~~~~o~~~~~~~~e~~;;:I~;~.portunil Octavio is a bright- portC'fl killed Dc-c('mlwr 7 In the • kl .. In Smlthland temporanly, redecorated and'new carpels.1aHLeverl. sh~;'P lilll .. Pc'ruvian and he Jap allack on 1'(',," Harbor, ;", By Henry Dln age Sustalns Brulsesl~ps us.b~Y watchu:g him, ". a~l~'~i~~(~":~~';~; ;,t\\~~"l:~,lh\V~~(:,:~:;~ , Hp·nry Din~d':lg(' of ncar \'/lsner, In Car Accident Train and 'Truck chal'Ic~Snl~~~e~~~~jt~Way~f',

"School work here IS much C11[- b~'·ght w,e rr; ()·t ~I m!i~slng but Itopped thl' SIOUX CIty market last !I..Irs. G. n, Dunning of Broken Collide at Norfolk Harris Sorenson. east of Waynf',f(~r<:nt from that in the ~t<-tlf'S. ".1 I' , as TO J :f'~ for·:· 1\\'('C'k wlwn his steers sold for Bow, formerly of Wayne. suff('red and I'~d. Webber. south of Wayne,Many lhings must wail for 'lo- \\,1.'; at( r a( lI,n; ~1:·U·i~. Among others from this VI- Tt p :\-1 & () tram ordinarily hilH' hijd new houses built, ;:.;;morrow' ilnd time movps at a slow- "-, --; I ~-- \- --:---- cinlly markf'ting stock last wcck ~~r~~e~!~~~?~c~h~~ll~~~~~~,l~·~~i~~ n'ilc~in~ \VH.yne ilhout' :1.31) a. m., Otlll'r farm improvments in7"t,.,'....

I~('~~~l~~ ~~~~~n/i~{';rch.~([~yy~:~n~;~ I \V,JI!Ja]\[~.r:-:;:ICJOnm ~;"S;;.m.[11IOn'I~~-~~~it,h~ti~~1l21\~:'~~:a~\~i~.~\:B~~~l coin Friday ('wning. Wm. Burk('. nnd a Walson Bros, transport ~Ir~e~.~~:~;,~ rU{tH~~:~I"(a:~~lh(')/ 10\·(' you ancl 111('11' f{'C'IJng~ S. D .. anrl :\'lls.,; Mary J j Lo.,;lle o[ Wantoch, hogs lit $11: Alb"rt 5~~~~1 h~~u~~,,;. ~.~I;~~tya st~~~~et~ ~~~~lk(.lr~~~~ld:~~ ~~n~~(,;,,·(-'~;~c~i new barn: Burr Da\.'s farm, newdlf-inge rapidly .. All th(' schools of IM(),\·~}I(', I,a., w~,~p marn?d. D,(~('('m-ICIl'cht; \\~ith h()~ at $JO.75; ~r· ahead slow('d 10 make a turn. Rf'\ .. 0)nrfnlk Fnday morning about ham; :\lark Simpson, doubfe cnhPl'ru, p\"pn forelgn one~. are c!OSl'-l

bel.... 1 b) .Jurlg( ,I. M.,eh(r!). 11hllr I'lonnf'. "'lth !logs at $lO,(~; A. U'ntz, Louis\ilk. struck the i:3fl whcn the trUf'k skidded on an anrl ~heds; :\-Irs, 1\1. Rogers ....'chiek-

Iy l'('gll~atl'd ~y th<' natIOnal mmis- .. '. ~-, -. ,- - Bpn FrPdrlck"on'I' WIth. slC'f'r~ at rear of Burke's car. sho\.ing It inl0 lCy ~pot. :Mr. James "uffpr('d cuts, en house; Carl :Samuelson. doubletry 01 ~'dUC:-tfIOIl, We [('('l thOit ObiI' 1·lIl1~hf'''' (our~~, I~J:) 1(1: Fn'd Ro('!ler. With hogs at lhe car of R('\", Dunning, Mr". hruhes and shock. The tram had corn-crib; Howard Beckenhauer.school gels a good lype 01 slud('nt 1'\·1. (·laron II. MHrls~n, "on of 1$1,1: Ahlll r'r"dri(ksnn, wilhst('l'l's . d h('cn delayerl by snow and heavy chicken hou.-;e; Jim Grier. chickenfrom lhc economically poor 'fam· 1\1r. ;111(\ 1\-1r:-;. ;'\I;lrtln .Mad~t'n of ,ll ~1;{5:i; Gus AUwrs. \vilh ste('r's Dunning \~~~e only one JnJUl'(' . holiday mail. : hou.<;e: Gf'orge Saur. cattle sheds;IIH'S lind 1twt \V(,· truly haw a Shole's, was gr:HlU,l1N! (mm Clla- 1-11 $B.:Fi; \Vm, Jj}eck, with steers Enlists at Xorfolk. ---, ---- lOtto Saul. machine sheds: .Jake

7,.:;:(;::r~,. ~);~i;)J;~~\7:~,rl ~~'r::l,li~dC~~~~::;~ ~i~.t~.{~;,~'}.~l !l;:;:~~~~/:<:;I ~(~~;)~/I· ~; }~~.~~~ Ial $lUiS.---.1 .__ Paul Plppitt, \Vayne, enlisted in ".<."')~aeslk):raf'S('enm'apt';o"~~m(-'(n,m, t':,'r\ Ice ~~~~;~,n·r~~~:r~ou~~;u~~ed I~~~)~the air corps. lIe left Norfolk Fn- '''L' J I

IS II hlt!t· onl' With a nHtuHlal mlll- null' FH'Jd, Ill. _ ~Preference, Ratings day to rcport for duty, wll! have a repre~entali\·e at lhe rencc Thompson, general impro\f>-

A 'N t Pitt d' cIty hall in Wayne [ro~ !l to U m('nts. ..-,- re 0 erm e I -~~--;old ~~-f';~i~g~ alternate Fridays to intpr.\·IPW :\Iany houses In \\-aYIH:' <:In(I«C,Sf ,¥,S1fe,o Priorlti~s dh'ision points out \Vayne county Farmers Union those who wish to fllc unemploy- farm hOI1lf's in the country ha\c

~~... ": q that relal] consumers cannot and holds ~ts quarterly mcdmg Thurs.: men! compensation claims for I(-'('('l\·('(1 fresh coats uf paUll

O 'N E must noL be ~xpect('(.l .to produce Iday e\·ening, January R, aL l henefits and lhos(' who wl!->h work. throughout the year." I,. prC'ference ratmg certlflcat('~ ~'hen o·clock at Wayne cIty hall. All 10· The> dat('s arc January :2. 16 and --~---.

placing normal orders for fInIshed cals will furnIsh entertamment. He- 30. Ff'hnfary 13 and :27. March 13 Jo~eph George. ~r., 8,t du:,d at'

ALL Id ~~~"':"d goods, accordmg- 10 T, P, Roberts, cording to Sccretilry Herbert Bar- and :27. !':lObrara Sunday last_\~~at"._ chairman of WayIle' county US~A elman. • __ _ _ __ -- ---- -dl'fC'nse board. In the case of lIll-portant civilian items such asf<lrm machine'ry, span'· parh for<lllIOll1obil('~ Hnd truck~ and hand1001.'1, t h[' prIOri t I('S dlvl~lon hasgl\"('n assistanf'(' 10 manufartur('rs

iSO that. they may continue' their

Iproducl JOn. Thl' goods manufac­llJl"£'d as a l'e"uJ( M t.lllS assistance will be Talbot's sf'cond marnage

!~\~.:: ~~~al~<~~.I'~'d:\~~~:~nLJ~~ls~h~~\I~~~ I and M~:_"~~~_~ls:_~ir~t._!hlJ.yprs in genE'ral do not need and·11;\\ e not b('r'n Issuer! preferenceIrittmg- certificates, according to

1\11" Roberts,

Way'ne, Neb.

Dents R~,,!~ved- Refinishing

We'I'e Tootin'Olll' Own Hom!

. , . and hprp'.. what \\"(' wantto ..a .... - \\'f' !<tin{'pr("I~' thank

you for your patronal'W of the Il:1.,t anclhopf> \\f' ('an hp of !urtllPr 'i("r\-jt·p in 19-1'!.

We sincerely appreciate the privilege

of ha,ving served you in the, past and

will make every effort to merit your

ccntinued favor.




Fisher's Garage



Glasses Repla~ed

Washifig PolishIng

Please accept our hearty greetinll's for 1942.We are deeply grateful for past favors and

will make every effort to merit your con·

tinued good will,

Wayne Body ShopPhone 289-W

Phone 110

To Each of YOli We Wish to ExtendOlll' Hearty Best ffiishes for 1942!

219·So. Pearl

\ (',II,

Thanks to All Whoet Us ServeThem D,lring 1941t May .1~42.Bring YOli All YQuDeszr'l!.,

In !extendlnk the -;;;;Js~n's'greetings \"~Ialso wish to prom­is~ to do our\utmost to please you dnr~ 19 the ('oming- yvar.

1 ." '-I<


, -I< , I

PbL Eolle~e Bea~tY\ Sh°?zl Main

"I ,,' . l' ,

" , .\, TJ~SD~V, ,JANU~RV I, 19{t ,~ ,I

:tbii~tm-·--~~ rn='~"g'~'-~'e:;'='~d~'-'~:::,y":::·-=~'';''',='=:;~~~~~~i~:e;th~J'~;~~:"~'1~:~I:~:k~~n~ht:07:r~:~;;tT~:~~~Csk:d:~ry~' ~~I=B~~u::=t=~I;Jt~'~s~=1 ~~;;~:r=;u~~e=~_=~_~==~~=, ~~~~_:_:~,~.::~~~-:-:-~!~~"""'~,~:-~~·t~~~~~~:m~~,:~ J~:a~n~~lo~:~~~,n~t~I~~}~:~~'k~o-:~I-:~f,~~-~~~:~~~I~C~::~e-~~~-~~i~-n~;-t~in=~~:::~-!:::ea-s:::l::=~~=E~~~,-:~5:Ee~i ~I ' " I I,. , , , I' I~ morning to Thursday afternoon .-===-=:..:::....--,~~--"'~~""'~~~-'-_-- "-__-'-__=:....:=::...::...J first r~~l. name unknown. Mary said real estate. or any part there- .

: ··II',!·I ;; :',ITak"e','s' "F"1-ve', ,t,'1- VilliIe' 's 1I,"o"nt,,',w,rek ih ~h(~ A. 1.. rr~land I" ~ Haag, first real. name unknown, of. and th(> <:;aid Hiram A. \Vilson~ 'f )I,il< ~ \~'if0 of E. HOHg, F: T. ~uqueer, plaintiff. hf'rpin. furthf:'r prays fo;.

Mr. nnd Mr:,;, Al'thur Longe and W.?Lr;toM5' I,'~ :::J'f;'1"" f1rst real name unkno\'.'n, Mary general equitable relief· and for

"'~jiighi.n,g Is Favo~d ZOde$KL J~ek~On of Winside, !Deeem. ~~:~le~u;,Ct~e i;;h~il~~m;;d,c~~~;~ TADPOLl!S" '~~::~~r?~,\:e~:~~:r:n:~~:%~ :~~:;I~~~~'e~:::fa:O-~_a_~:-'p_I:-:_q~:: '

lor Travel After Win e'i- ber 26. 19213. , Mr. and Mr!=l. Emil Otte and.. ARE' WORTH ' dev~s('es, Ipgatf'f's. personal repre- eJt to answer said petillon on or', f m'ly Sl I Chrl'stmas afternoon TEN CENTS ' I I",.p-11tatives. and all olher p('rsons hpforp the 26Jh day of .l"anunrv," ,Settles Ove~ Area* J:o-:lJ,rly \Vayn,e Events. a 1 ·'1 cn , d ¥

.I in the Mrs, George OUc home a APIECe T@DAY mtere:;;te In the estate of f'i'lch of 194~. or til(' allegations of saJel pe-!.,,' I" From W~Yhe Herald for Decem~ t II IN SyDNEV, 1 Ithe f.olloWIng rT~mf'd persons, re- tltlOn wlll he t::l.ken as 1rw' jl.nd a

Early Days from' the ayne ber :~O, 18.a1: J. B. Emch and Miss a{{~ ~tnd Mrs. Frank Hicks and NEW SOUTH WRU) Ispectn'ely, to-WJl: Mathf'\\' Jones. r!f'crcp rC'ndcrrf'd against each andHcr~ld. for De....sember 31", :]:~ 5: De~la Cook

lwere married Dccem~ Tvliss Mary visited in the Leonard deceased. ~ary Jon('~. first real all of you a" praypd 111 s!nd pl'li-

.. A Chrl.stltffis day train-carr acci- bl~r 29, lR97 .. , S. E. AukC!' went L,'"l, I,on,o ",I Carroll Saturday , name unknrmn r](lC'f'ased DavJ(f tion.1 ~1erit~~ .tragic death tb-=frve--to IGordon 10 huy calt1c for ship- ('\'('n~ng. t',' IC. HardN'. dC'c·p8.s('d, . A~nie F. . JI!RA:\.t A. WILS()~,

--E~:~~~~~~~~i.;=~~7~~:~Ef ~~t:l~£f.~li~'~'~~~~ ~~o~:~~1:~:S~~; ~:,;;~;~lt;~~:~;i;~~~';:;:(;:~;';:ii~n;~~~~ : ~~t~;~%::~r~~:'~:~l:~:';~'~,~fi;~; dIS,l Dy l.'''liO\;;;, I;;':\I~~~:~I:,18. and Gustave, 17. FI't'd vonseg-, Hn~l Miss Dollip H}intt Wen.' mHl'~ nome i-ll Tilden, I rC"l! nCimr> lJnluHJ\' n dp('eas('d F,~prn. jr.. 19, \Vas the only 011(' of ril'O" Deccmbel' 29, 1Rm .. ,1\1rs. IVTr. ill1d i\Ir~. ()s('ar ;\IHnn and !.J '\\. Trr:nll. flr-.;l· l:('al naml' 'u~~ XOTICE OF :\lnlI:S-I~TR.\-

~;::;£~;lt;:£~~'~~~~W"I~r~rr:;:rJ'~~~;~~~:£f~~~:?~~J~~~\:~~':;:I':;P::~:? .\,'11,,1,' ~,\lI',,',I'(lln~'I'lt,;:;;L:~,~!:!(~:~I::)I.nlnW;'lJ;;~ I ~ ~(~,~)lwn~l1m(' .J J. Il~~J.~~;;~~~t. In thp 1)~2:~~~ ;'~1~:'~ "f \\',i\IWn"I'ill nf, \"1",11"" to tho 1'""1" of l"ll,lrriNl D('cC'mlw!" 20, lRD7 .. , - ,\ I SCir;:th.J Hf)a~. dr'('l a<;E·rl. 1·. Hoag-, ~f hra><ki'l. .

'\... '''' " q :\11'. lind ,\IIS. Cl'(jt'W' Fox ~lnd I I flt'sl n'!ll nanlf' unk.nown. dr>('(l;Js- In :\J."111('r (If Ihp Appilr;llionnnolh('r son north ()f P,lger" for:J Fr!lnk Fulkr delivCfC'(j Ow nddl'('ss .TlnlrnJ(' \\ (']'i' af1 PI 11('IOn r'd, ~\1ary JIoHg. flr"/ j'(.;Jl nanw un- of 1\011H' \\. fA'\.-. Admlnls1 r a)())'

lJolidny family gathl'f'ing. BCCilUS(' rot' the hanqu0t }wld by M<lsons ,inti :-'UP!J(']' gur'Hs \\('('1-;: in the known, (]('(·('.'ls('d. F T. Luqu('('r, of 0](' Est:-lll' 01 ~IRt'g;jl'('t :\If'rnll.

":df !fn"10\,'j'r·II')vl~('tkoectwrolasdn~:rih';YllddetCI',i~n. B',;),n:·"~\!t:C'~'~~'(em~:~r:~~;~ i~(~~~n~)~C'I' IIl'I'!)y l!anson home, flr<:t 1'('8.1 naml' un!{nown, rl.'cpas- Dr'cpa:-;('d, for LlcC'n,w to St'l! R(',IIl... ""~ 0.; '" '1'.11' 'lnd Mrs Fr'lnk Hicks Hnd pd. ~1ary Luqu('('r, first 1'(',,1 name E,..1 A. l-$'. '

]~i1g('r. They failed to s('(' an ap- 29.1897. M;:-;s 'MaI'Y \\:C:I'l' 'Chri~tma~<; eve unknown, dpl'('asf'n. El'"lwrt H08.g. :"Jotl('(' 1<: llC'rC'by gin'n th.'ll ih{ll"oaching 1rain as they crossed the Dixon County lJaill)cnings. find Chnstmlls dOlY dlnncl· guests dpf'Nl<:f'(l, :\hry E. Hoag. r1('C('flS- pursuanc f d f Ih \I1r;'1C'1<s west of Wisner. niles. for From Ponca .Tournal for .Janu- jn till' Hoy Day home. . ('rI. Ad~fph I~~. \\~~;f.~, ('SU~g(' ;;f I(~~:1f~0. five were eonaurtP~l at the Lu- :try 22, 188;): Robert Bennr'l was Mr. and -:\11':';,' EJ'\\in 10']('01' WP1Y' 1h(' norlh half of 1h(' north- })lslrJet Cour1 of \V~)-n C Ith~ranch~l.rCh .\(',ve~ mlks nortl~ of frozen 10 {I('ath at Coleridge ... in SIOUX Cltv Monday last w('ok 10 \\Pst fjUflrt 0r of "r'('tion 2, :"ir:hf·a..,krl marie (j~ "~'Ug~:~n~~::YIsnCl', bl,ght. ,{;'hlld~'('n .. surv.lv('. S)E~tghJng loS \f'ry good and wood, \ISJt MiS }'I('(:I s I1n('JI', N T township :!:;. nnrlh .. rClng0 1. ]911. for th!' saIl"' of thl' n',il ('S1<III'rlwy are Hemlan, DIC'trlch, Lma, hay, hogs 'lnd (orn cliP ]WJl'lg Thomas, In a hospital. P;lst of til(' filtl P. :\1. in h('r01n::ifIIT dC'scnb('d. thrn' will

,~I'S,"",G~·o. Bruns, Bernhard, Frt'd, b'lught In ('very dcly bv thIS MJ and Mrs. Marlin Holsl and \\'aynr' counfy. :'\rhra,kCl, \](' '-old al jllJhltc \('ndup to !hp.11'., hnlll and Mrs. Clara Claussen, mans of tl"l\pl. Y:t'IO IS \\rum Elm(] and Mard('lle il\'lr'Yl'r Wl'I'(' and all hrt',jn~ or claiming highrst t)J(ld"I' e~sh at th\., rp"l-

Till' y(,<!1' closing has brought' these' c11)S \,\htn 20 (0 '~R helm\< h :1!ll'I"lHlOn gl1('sls last \\l'l'k of <lny kInd JO "aid dencr on th(' Iwrp;lflr'r('{)Hsitlf'l'l\blc building imprm't'- no UnCommon H, d "klns 1!l11l1 111(' (;1'1'\(' lWIlH'. f'~t;;llr'. (d'" !tn:-. {l<lt'f t!J(lrpof, drl..;('nh('ri on Ihr' ~"7lh dij\ I)f .);{tlU-

111('~1!. to \VtlYlle, Till' IWW, ~'olll-'ge Ihl \\lnIH l'lgO ]l'''(j\,tlJ()Jl h 1\1 ;\11 ;Ind ~I)'s 'j':l'llfrtc] AIl\ln and dro[pnrIi1nts· 1942, ;11 Iii (ll jl'd<: ,; m. Lnl"11'tJJnJllg ~('hoo!, costmg $120,O(){), bl~(n ,dfll(l(d \\ltl1 lh( ml IslI's In i\11'. ;Inll :'.'11". Eov Spain' Yr'll Clnrl ('rwh r)f l)jri r·ttl,·, Jl

l~ til;, rna.i~"H' struclql'L' lWlng, ('r('c-, S('v{'lt 101m." fhlS m,uk, t i.lil(] \\'I'J'(' . guc'"t" no1lfwl] 1ha1 on 1(,111 rld\.- 1(13 14 :-Jnrl }")! In hI, 11)'1 In

:~;~;1}1~1(y' ~~~ ~ ,.p~~~/;.,~)I~;\~r~/;;~'(:'~: ~~:~d/l(~:;! ~:;;.~.or~~~~~~l If7'0l(;ln~3.~;i/l~i In ~};:' '~~ld ;~';.'~~I n;\nwl' J farnson ;/:'f/:'lr;~l\~';~'ff~r~:111:dIII\II'~ nl~r:t\ 11;~nl!~I(~~1 I ; )~(ll( /,n\ ~~o~~,;~n~.rl~, b~(,:':~ ~"l~ 1\';

the only Iww.busin"'E'.':;S hUIlding. A . 'fA Inrllll'r n'll1l'ning honw !an,1 :\11".., .\I,ll'!OI·)(' \\f'f"(' Chl'lstmlls I'ommr Il(('r! :In ,I('llon In 1111' 01<:- '-:llp \\111 I"r'm<lln (jp,\n on(' hllilr., lIUIlIIJ(T of nc\v houses ahd oll1('r marketing hogs had rIll' ll1i'~-1 dl!1ll1'I' f!1j(''-,j:., In IllI' Rolll'l't F. Incl ('0l)11 r,f \Yllynro county, Nf'- Jbl('r! Ihl' ~ritll d:ly qf IJ('cl'm-imprd\'l~ml'nts mark tIl(' ypal'. 101"llni' () Ilil\"C till' tong:J(" of IllS 1j,tl1<:()Jl j\(lll\(' w'nr \V"kt'fH·j(J. L IJI';I"k.1, ;,~,tln ... t 't(lll .'lnd ('ach of 1),'1'. '1:111.

Nl'ls Crimm [lnd Ml~s Meta Pr- slt'igh lJ eak as hc' was gOing down I\II".C; 1.LIrl"li'tt I\('lIpkl'. \\110 : you 'IS dl'fr·nd;lTlt~. th(l nhj('cf. pur- 1 n.f1LLIE \\. U·;·Y,

~g~~~n WN'{' mnrl'jp(J DC'cprnller 30, :~~~g;~I.~·II~~CI~o~~<~)r'~o~'~~sl~:~~r~;~;:; 1.~1~:~'~~~1 ;\~'f\;,;~I~lr~lr~:;f'~'C~~~(,'I~~l~~ , ~);;~~nH7~1 r~':1j~ :;:'/'fq~~~irl;l~~~ p~~ ~~:\n;:~~"~~:~\~~;~a~11,~F'ire Ihnught to have slarted thtfl almost unmanageahlc hUl1h(' Idays Itl till' Ilt'nry hellp,kC' home. ------~ I \\"i1snn adJudgr'r\ ;Jnr! (jn('rr-erl Ihe Jltl , l\l('rnl.l. Df'('l'aSl'd .

.from a hearth damaged the Paul rna \>"0'18 a~)I('. to stopllll'nl hf'fo)'(' ,l\1t' ilnd 1\Tr.,;. Augus:1 Wittler, O'Neill, anrl DI·. and Mrs. L. B. Mo~~ay .('\('ning gu('st..;. Dl'cpm- said cdunty" on the .:!nd d~y of <t"h,:()lnl~l":tIIO"h'n,oclf" ,',Of "I,e,= n'IOmrIPh'~",pO,cft "-/;, "!.-o·re O--ld-p-'e-'opleHal·ririgton home in Omaha. da agerf'sulled... lSI .. ]\,[1'<: LOlll"O Drunp and Mrs. Young \\'('J'C C'hnslmas C'venmg ber 22. m the Ray Nlchol~ home January, 194:!. at 10 o clock a. m" .-" " ." ......., I' 11',

Frank Mills. W;ync county pio- I --- .. - .-.- .•._--. _.- 'I Lula Fn(}ll~ w('re Christmas dinner gue"ts in tl1(' Wm. Barelman home. for LaVonnl"s :;t h bIrthday. ! and on the 2nd day of April. 191:2, qU<:Irl'T of <:p('t Jon :D. tl)\\ nshlp 25, \\ould u"(' ADLERIKA 1hc\" would"J1('p1' died CI;I~isl"lllas day utn in - g-llr's1<; In 1h(' Curl is Foolc·home. Mrs. Martha Blummer visited - Iat 10 o'clock a.m., to j'{'CCI\·P :-JnrJ norlh, rrmgl' 1. ea"t of th(' 61h P. f('el bet!rr. I'm 7fJ and h3\& had ItNf'k~ma Kan, , . "" II $ J 'W ' II Christtl1aS'('\'P~rs.EmilBarg-lfrOm Wednesday to Saturday in 'For Ruth Dnmmf'. lexamine all cl8.lms against ~,ild 7\1.. in Wa:-.n(' county, :\".'hra:;;ka, onhanrifor14Yf'ar!'."IL 1\1.-So.

As 'b CI' t d 1(25 ~ 01111Ca~L ayne holz. Chl'ls and Emm~, a~d Mrs, the EmJl Bargholz hom(l. Lois I Mr. and .\lJt~. Alvin Vogf'l, Mr'lestate, WJth a \"1('W 10 thf'ir ad- and to ha\(l tIl(' tltlf' tn 'HId rC'ul, Dak I For QUICK how!'1 actIon

~on orn ~rls 'l'as .ay, ~ • Mar1lJ:J Blummer were wlth the Mf'yer Wll~ a 'Friday la:-;I wf'C'k and Mr:-:. AlIwI'1 Damnw (-Ind Bcn Iju~tmf'nl, and allowance. The timp eslClte for('\(or CjUI('tPrt in him and: and rp]IPf from bloB.tlll~ "illS. II'V~ ~~f' ~~d ~~~'a 'jm. .:Ichtf\ of (By Staff Corresponaent) .Jacob and \\,l)lter Rccg f~mjlies. guest. Mrs. 0110 FIPld and Donna Damme \\('l'(' Thursd<lY (,vpnlllg limitf'd ifor the presenla1ion of In bar and fnn'\'C'r ('njoin (';.}ch and ~ ADLERII<A Ipdar. AT YOt'l~

n e Ie ,,~{e ('ways a cr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hpnry Br:mkman LeC' sppnt W(>nnC'!;day night In the guests m the f<~d. lJammf' home for claims +gainst said e~tale j!; thn'e all of you ff'(,m f'\f'r ('Iaiming 01" 1DRUG STORE.~ d~Ug.htCtWaSborn to,Mr..and Billie Heine spf'nt 1hc \\'('('k-f'nrl ,:nd Ehinro wC'n~ Sunday ('\'cning Bargholz home. Ruth'~ hlrthdny. months',from lhe 2n,d da~ o.f Janu-

Ml!>., Clal:nc L?ngc of Wak('fIPld , in t~e Georgf' Fox homp. s~PfJ(>rTgUl'S1S lc.lst \\'('('k In.lhC' Mr. and Mrs. John Burns of . _,_.., _ _ ary, 19~, and theyme llml\cd forJ)(lCf.mbel 24

p192:i.. Mr. anc! Mrs, John Kay and I~ !'t'f! t t(,I;r'Hrk h6mC' at \VakefH:,ld. Sioux CllY, ,.Joe Smith of South LIf\('AI NVWS pa.yrnen of debts IS one year from

,?:I'over Ca tra.d€!rl hIS meat son~ spC'nl l"ridR.Y in tile August I Chn" hfll'g!~ol.f. !'('turned Mon- Sioux City, Ntr. and Mrs. William U 4 J I"'.J ~ald .12t day of December, 1941., madH't at aKC'flPJd for an 80~ Ka~ homp. I ~lay 10 ~Il(' ,t,mll. B~rgholz ~?me Andl'esC'n and two sons, Mr. and Dr. L. F. Perry, dentist, 'phone' \VI.tnf1~s my hand an.d t,h(' ,<;('al

iI~H' tract of ltJ. nd ncar Ottawa,· Mrs. Katherine Fox was :-l Inst Idft.rr b('l~g In ~Iltno.ls. He Vl:-;It~~ Mrs. Ed. "Veber aneL FranCIS 18S-W. n17tf of saJd ¢ounty court, thiS ]21h day:' K,l~. . ,_ " • Wednesday overnight gU(lst lTl 1111' Fflr:Yr (l\i('n,Jn~ at WI.II ~',~f'y~r s. Smith w('r(' Christmas guC'sts in Ml~s fikul8.h Rundl(' is spC'ndillg of DN'f:'flh('r, 1941. .!

· Charles M~IS and MISS Gla~ys George Fa>.; homC'. , :0.11. nnd ::'III'S. AlbeIt Nc.lson ancI the Frank WC'bcr home. 1he holl\lay \\"f't'ks w11h an uncle (S('a;) I J, 1\I. CIILRRY, IJ~;rmer' Of, ar~o~l, wpre·marned . Mr.. and Mr:,;. G(~org(' Fo:: l-ln<l}~l)I~~~ ~~'~,"r~n~l~r~l.;t:!i~! ~I~:~ :~~ Mr. and Mrs. 0110 Fl('ld ,ann at L'sas Vegas. !\{'Y. d18LJ _.! __ ('ounty ,Judge.J tcember 29,192,')" . Jlmmle spent Chr1s1mns In Ill(' .. , " Donna Lee, Mrs. Johanna FIC'ld, Mr. and Mrs. Ray .Ion('!'; of t-, A daught" was born Chm;tmas Chas. Meyer J1.ome. suppel gupsls HI Ihe Jf'ns fhomp- Mr. and Mrs, Ralph PIerce ,qnd EI- Sioux City, !'p('nt Cht'l~tmas In the ;o.:()TI(,~ OF SETTLEl\fEST OFJlay, 1925, t Mr. and Mrs. Roy Donald and Roherl Ot t (. of son hom('. ""' . hert of Vll.<;ncr. Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Da\'!' Th£'ophilus bornC'. I A('COliXT IN~~on OfB~o cord, d' 'd t C _ Madiso~, spent th(' \\,('C'k.('n.rl In f;J,~i~' ;;1n~~ ii~~' HIl~~~' ~1~~~Jl"'J~~~ ler RC'eg, Gerald and MelVin, Mr. Mr. and Mrs Ot!" D('ck0r of In .1hJ .county court of Wayn(' i

, €'nI'Y, .• Ie a.m,an I~ ~ . on the Eml1 Cltte hom£'. . Gatl1 y,'P 11J(' lH"i of lIubi~ard WNe and .1\11';';. JHcoh Rf'C'g, Mrs. Marlha Kennan~ \'I"('rr' Christmas gU('"ls county.tPbraSkA..('Old Chllstm s day, 1925, dgl'd 91 Mr. and Mrs, HerschC'1 Baird .' . : Blummer werC' Chnstmas supppr in the . n. D('('kp1" Iwnl('. The sate o[ Nl'bra-.;ka Waync~'(lars • I Ch . . I JI' I S ('hl'lstmas dinner gupsls In the , . ~ .

. , 1 W hi" 16 f 11· spent ~ rls1mas III 11e ..... ).. ur-


;\'1" ' ('I . t' G' tl j 1 ' gu('"ts In the I',mll Bargholz home. Dr anI1 Mrs R f. Cuff and DT. county, 1s, l· ursu"a e~",-r, ,was ata y 10- bel' ~ome a1 Belden\. ' ;~r. ,~~~~ ~~'~", ~J:l('~~V l~~i~kman Mr"l and Mrs. \\FJllard Hammer and 1\1.rs Victor \\'('sI W('I"(' Chri~t- Tn all~ persons in1en'st('d in the l Lerner's Sho'e & Harness Shop",lUred \ hen ·t1C and 1hree o!h<.'l" ~11SS DI'l'nlia Ottt~ was a Thur<:~, . I B -h' J' T\1' I \1 ' mas dll1l1('I' gu('"lS of Dr. Hnd Mrs (''''all' oj Adam Saul. decea,ed' _~~~~~~ ~:;;e1 :-~r~lr;~ing as]t>d day. oVC'l'njgl~t gU('st 18,',1 \\c('k in ~,I~(~~~~;~1r~~:~1·fc~~~~\:r~~~r~:~~~~rs\~~~~Old'lIH~~m('~d~~d~i~~~~, ~\'c ~ Frank Gracey. , You are h~rby nOIIfled Ihat on ', ...

'1' . the Frank I-IIck') home. t . th \\' Chri"tma~ {'VI' "upper gu('~!s in 1(' Dr. and Mr!'i. Frank Gracpy 8.nd the 13thl day of December, 1941, ~;:;;;:;;:;;;::========:::;::~;::~;:;;:;===~;::~, A young bllffalo brought from Mr. and I\Trs. George Pattprson i ~Ias ('\"(' ~;IPpc'r ~u~~ SkJ~, 1; m. F C· Hammrr home Mr ·.l~ Irs daughtpr and Mr". V. A. Sentcr Georgf' ~aul and Otto Saul. exC'cu- -- - - --~~-----"- ..",. ~-~-1h(' Bla(:k Hi~ls by Martin Collins were Chnstmas dmner "llcsls inl lnm<:('n lomC' 8 a C'IP. IJ·h· B I l'El . c M'" \\'pre Wednesday last w('ek dInner I tors, Ille(l his fmal account nndof \Vynot, w~s.' ~l~ughte~ed ~nd the Han'('y Beck homc. t-> If 1'\'1.1~. 'lIr~t:r~·l~I. ~: ?~~n':':t and ';:r.

nan~ll(~~s~ ~~~u;/a ~~dlg:~ 1gu('sis of Dr. <Inn I\1rs. Vic!orV\'est.1 petition jar distribution of Ilw

~~ofJI!-" ~ 1~e\\lCllllty ha\e cnJoy- M.r. and Mrs. ~rt Meycl' a~d (l~;;~('~ o£.';u(',,~~!,;I;n·t\~~r( B. rl~:~; and )"1arcplla. Mr. and rs. John I .RC'v. Wm. r""'ischpr \w'nl to Sioux rp~idu(, 0 Raici est ale. a drt('rmln-,c 1e <J

ea , i . famIly wrrC' ChrIstmas. gu('~ts m 'hnmp ''I'll(' Frn('<\{ Grone fami!' Test, Delor('s and AI' alp \\.:cre I,CJ1Y TUf'snay Inst w/'C'k lind \:Isllr{] latlon of the IWlrs ann for a dls-:h~~l;1h t:e liJas been blmd,for,10 1hp M~rlin Holst hom(l. \ISltNl 111('1("ln th(' .lf1p!'noon ) abo e\,('nlng guests. \ luntil Christma<: af1C'l'noon wI1h charge. -Ipuring \\lill 1)(' had on

ye<!rs, C. F.. lGrC'E'ne manages a Frank Perkms W!1S a SunrlA.Y . ," M rl 1\1 . 1'/ G mhI d Mr. and ivlr". Arthur BrunI!' ,Ind ISflid ace un! and p('1illon a1 thePlainview hoti{'l and i~ a pra,cticing nig!~t ::Iud Monday gll('s1 laq w('pk I NIl'. Ilnd ,",Irs. F rC'd Vtctor, Vpr- f 1 ~', a~l' , r~ l\/ ~e H,a, ,~~n Bel tv .Jant', Icount\ cc llrl room In \\·,'1\11(,. 0('-

dliropr..actor. \ . in ttlf' Gf'orge Fox 11Onl('. ~,I,(,t"1 <~;rl t \ :i1nl~C'c;:.tn:~r~1\nd E Mrs. q:~~~ ~;n~ ~a~~IY' iV~; 'I~~: ~~Irs r}'~-I CI~nstmas dlll!l('r gUt'"t" in til(' bra~k~, dn 111(' !"lth nay ;'f .Jiltlll-,?:::bc,rt Ca1;le,ns ,of PII?"N?C', ~~ho, .John SrJ1olotfold of (Jak!and. \:I~~jnr 1(~\111,11>S' (,h'rist~1<1~~s ~I~I~~' Grl;n(;U1,,1 Hnd ·C.am;I.~. ~'Ir.· Il~d I Alll!'!'l .lOlli'S l1Omi' \\('1'(' :\Il'. lind <lry. 1QI:2., al ]1) o'clock am.. \\ IWll,

\\dS III a carrlccldfnt, undct'\'cnt WJS a SumlJy dJnlwr glli'st laSll " ~'l' Al ('.. 'I" I :'Ill",. I\'oah I\Tat',11 oj ()n<l\\a. 1:1. alll)('l',IH1<: Illtpl't's1f'd mi1:-' a/J[l('ar· 'k II tl t I·" ... , ~ gllr"... t" III 1111' (!ll'i 1\1e)'(,I' homp i\ IS. n on ~I,\nqLJIst. ,I. ,Ill< ,d S U oppra on 0 lavQ plessUiC w('('k at l':tYlil B1HC'Iman'~ . M'. CI," B. k . I L' 1 i\Ir. and Mrs. \\'m Ah('J'n Clnd'io show taus(' nh\' the pravl'!" oflI'(lmoVed from his brain. Will Nis~en of SI0rlmc-, Colo.. ~ll~, ~1I~;1, \~~~. ,J~n~r ?'l~~mh~mn \\!~;~ Chc~~.:tnn~:s (lJ~~['r ,~l~~ SU;)~C(,~ daughtC'l's of Omaha..:\tr..; Art: til(> pdit oner hC' ~ot grant~d. :

(r~ .+~ _~_o~_.~~~ ~~~~o.~~.. !:~~~ .~~~2 and Bus John:-:on ~pl'n1, '!'1tC;sday ~;~:yc,;~l:~~~, .:()~: ~~l~. an~' Mr~. ~: gU('.<;1s III thp· Mr'-' E. GranqUl:,;t Prall and thn>f.' :-:ons of SIOUX CIty. i Daled 1his 20th day of DccC'm- iI•••••••••; ••••••••••••• last wcpk al Ben NI~";C'n.,,., [\\in ]\'"('l~pn \\'('re Chri~tmas PVC homf'. l\lr. and :\11'''. GI{'nn Gnn- 1\'11'. and Mrs, Brad!'n Cal'harl.,ber. 1~41.1 I: M..IA = Mr, and. Mrs. R~b('rt . :i\;l'~S(:n gup<.;ls III till' F('to Nf'lsen homC', qUlst.. and Don" GranqUl;.;t \\('rc 1\lrs,. Mar:<;h h~d, 1Jt'l'n. hC'l"r since (~.:a.)), J ~r. CI.I"F:RRcrY.:.. .tl.. ~rJ('nt Tuesday ('\COlng ,Inst \\Pck Mr nnd Mrs. ;Ei:J~TI:lffirru~ '"and e'\C'ning gU0s1s. ::\londay la~t \\:~!:'·.l ~!1l' 'i'AlH'rns!d:bt3 1 loUnl} .]urlClf'·.. C '5 hi 'I In lhe Paul Amkrsen honw. I f' 1'!\-I·· rl M \\l'll S h Mr. and Mrs. Hrnry Brinkmnn also \ lSlt('d at A. \\, Ahern,... ' -----+~ .------: GUot: y C DO Mr, and Mrs. Otto Saul and fam- im,ll)-, I' /' dl~ .. r~. M

IcrJ°e- and Elaine Mr. and Mrs. La~Tenc(' I :"\OTICE OF REFEREE'S S.\J.E

1, = '!Iy were Christma~ dinne'r gUf'sts ~~~I'I~~( \\'~1~~1,) C;;~'i~tma~s. din~~ Thomsen ~nd sons, Mr. and Mrs, Or.fi('e in Hospital.. . I 1'\ottCP ~s herehy gh'cn thai by.j.. an~ Dance 10 the Mrs. Adam Saul home. "t" II All e t D 'h Cad Thom"en and daughters, Mr. Dr. S, A. Lutgen has hiS office \'irlth' of Ian QCder of sah' 1"..,uC'd= d". Miss ~ernita..Otte amI. Miss gU;:;r:" ,~~cl ~r.s. ~'~m ~~~i~soonm~i and Mrs. Art Dranselka and fam- in the \Vayne hospi~aL Phone 6~ Ihy the d~strict court of \\'aynp

• School ,~u ttorlum Mar~ HICks \"Isited dls~rtct 48 l\'la!'kell, ('am(' Wednesday last i1y, Mr. and ~rs. Bill.Wieland and NOT! :E TO-CREmiilRS--- !COUnl y , ~l'bra~ka. in an fiction:: wak41eld, Neb. Tuesday afternoon ~ast ",:"eek. w('ek to th0 Ms. M. c.' Lower daughters. MIs~ Sophle and Oscar The s1a~e of Nebraskn \V<-lynC' Ipendmg I~ ~ald cO~lrl. wh('r('m• Sutltr ay Tan 3 Mr. an,,9:1 Nffs'i v.till ~Issen and home 10 take Mt·~ Mary JVfartin- Wieland, Mrs. Bertha Chichester t'y" .. Donald D.IGtlderslf'eve and others: ','. ~lr;cl~~ wN ssen '.\1ere C?hrtstmas eve son homE' 10 rpm, in until Sunday. and Miss Eslher, the last y.~o o~ co~~ t.h~<;sJ"atter of th.. estate of arC' plait;lt ffs ~nd Harry Dale GIl-.:\. .8:10 p, m. I ••' .@ests 1m the ,B~n NIssen home., Mr, find Mrs. Emil Bare]man Omaha, werC' Christmas. dmner Grace A. Cavanall Yh, df'ce8.sed. {]prslpe\·e.lan lllcnmpet('nt p~rson,= ::New Shon a.ml N~\v Fll('P,S • Mr, atld Mrs. Herbert Barelm<ln and family Mrs. red Tuckpr the gueslS in the A. H. Brmkman I C d't f 'dg't t '(' her and otherS arc defendants. dlrf'ct¥-". "" I. and family spent. Sunday ('v~'ning 1as1' of O'Nl'ill, 'I'1,nd MrR. H~nr~ home.' re ~f~rs °lh~~1 I f'~~'j~1 ~<;ft' at t~~ in~ .me a.s[ rC'.ferf'f' 10 s{'11 the fnl-= pune theJn".1 In, lIsten 10 • last week at EmIl Barelman s. B' , CH.·.t. . Mr and MI'~ Ernest Frc\'crt and hy noU c~: \v· In\\"lllg d{,~f'nbed rI.'al ('"1aft,, 10-1• them, . .I th('n come out .: Bernice Meyer of Randolph, was rus".. \\'('1'(' }IS mcls '1' fami!' werr>' Christmas' dinnl'r co~nty co~rt room In ayne. In wlI:= to sec a?d meet 1~qm. : a Satm'day o\'ernight guest last rU~1S m tlw Dr, L. n. Young g'uest~ in the Art Brummond said coun1y. on the 9~hh ~ilY o~ TIl(' we t on(l-half (WI~) ofi: {Tuller auspices of Nort~ea~t • week in the F. C, HammC'f ho~m'. lOM~.· and Mrs. Rolwrt Nelson homC" al Wln:-;idC'. Other gu('"ts ;\a~~la;~4~~~O~~c;il~~ a~~ pX:~li~e' out 101, ix I.G!, Crawford and• Nebraska (tamp," of 1\!~dern: Mr. an~ Mrs. Herbert F~re\e~t spent Christmas CVe' and the day in w<'re Mr. and Ml"s. Wm. Brum- aIr cl~ims a ainst said estate. with B~own sladdltJon to the city ,of /III Woodmen of Ameru'a _ Were Cl'lrlstn:>as supper guests m the R C HahlbN'k home M1' and mond and Mr, and Mrs. T('d Brum- " hg · d' 't ,t 1 I \\aynf', [Waync county. ::'\t'- ,

':'= I • =the Henry Gilster hoo:e At Pen~l('r. MI:S, il~~va;d SchroC'dC'r ~f TilUrs- mond and fRmily of Norfolk. Mr. ;~~~~~~~~(I~ll'li~n~Uri;~~~d';o~~ 1~1~ b~aska.! . I'• '~ • MI". and Mrs. Erwll1 Fleer and , .. 1' Tf'd ,and Ml"s Vern Rehensdorf and '!n' . I I Will seUlsald rf',ql·('state at the,= R~~ Smith, )lstrlC't Malla'i'~r =family visited in'thc Olp G. N('lson l~I~'st~(I(l,a so lUI'S ay cvenmg family o'f Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. present~tlO of cIalm\~g~~nstsal~:' residence on 1he premises ah(J\"f' I= rSce Rex erore W!'ccks I: homp Sunday after~oon last we~k. g E·v~iyn Niss('n of Sterling, Colo.• Faye Johnson, Miss Lois Sl('ckPl- ~;~a~:~soft~rae~u;~.ni9·42,~~ ~he described ~t public auc.tion') on..,·h(' i

• A(lm. 15e &: 3Ge plus tn.x • Mr, an~. M~S. ,Emmett Baird arrivrtl Monday las1 wC'pk to visit berg. Mr. and .Mrs. Otlo Brum- lIme lirr'titetl for paym('nt of df'1l1<; 5~h day ot January. 1?~_, ... t 311~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i!~~_~!.i!..._~ •••, •••_~~~~~.~_~!):..~t_~hrl~t,~~~~~!~ew('eK-(lnd over the holidrl.J's,in the Ben Nls. mond and famll)~, Mr. a~d Mrs. I.' one year from ~;]in 19th da~' of ocloc~ p. rp" of s:ld da.~ .. rcrms,o~

. I, -j~ I . :,;pn home. She aqcompanied Mr. Clarence Kahil:': and family, r"/lr. ~ember, 1941. sale. flftC'E'r per cent c':lsh O~l del)g."ret,.,oll! .. ••• yeA ~r:'d lV,trs. \iViIl Nissen ",:~o are vis- ~~~y.Mrs. MelVin Samuelson and Wi.tness m~ han,d CIn~ 1}l(' I'ea1. ~;]~~1(", hal~n("(' on ~onflrm~tlOnof..0 11 nSr .,1""" .. II !lmg ,II Allwrt Jol!tnson s. J ;" . ., of saId couot~ ('OUtI, thl"; 1:1111 dn)- IT \nRY r.~ SDT \:'\.., Mr. and lVII'S. Alfrcd -!ugcl of l\hss Clara MadsC'n and 1\11.s. of DecC'mber, El·Jl. " .. I-ll:fl:]"I:r"

vVinsl(le, 1\11'. A.nd Mrs. Henry Bush John Ro.ckwcl,1 ~nd Jane of ~l. ~Seal) J. T\t. CIH~RRY, lIlt:) .lof'CarI'o]] W(,I'P Chrislmas ('ve Paul. Mmn., arrl\,pd TUPsflay last P~t~ . County ,Tudrq,. -1---- --- -I supper gU~sts in til(' Jolin Kay week to visit in the EriC' Thomp. ~~' . ~ ,- n L}~(-;AL :"\oTI<'E

[lOnw. Th(' s,l.me gtoup had Christ- son and Mrs .. Esther Thomp,<;o~ I· NOTICE TO CREDITORS I To ::Vil1:lh{:>w ,lones, Mary .Jon('.,,:mas dmnC'r at IT('~ry Bush's: homeR. Thf' first .1\\'0 sta~ed untIl The state 01 Nl'llrllskn. Wayne I fil',1 1'('1\1 I~amf' Unl{~lO\\·~l. \\'If(' (II

1 Mr. and l\'lrs, ll'!ing DOl'tng, MI". Salurday. 'Jane WIll remam a cou· county, ss. l\la!l1~'\V .1onC'", D;1\'ln ( I.Ianl(·i~.and Mrs. Wilbur ydow, Mr. and pIc of weeks. ,~e St. ~aul folks, In th~ matter of the estate of who JS thel s~n'Je person as D. (Mrs. Carl Damme and Warren, Byron James, MISS ~orls Mad.sen, Henry Lage, deceased. Hardee, Anlt1le F. Hard('C'. Robf't'lMrs. Rehecclil J Syd. wand Werner th~ la:::t of Bloomfield. aryd th~ Creditors of said estate are hnrc- H. Bradforf" .Rt:;Jsa ~rattlda Brad-

I wC're Sunday supph gues1s in the ErlC '!hompsons ~ere Christmas by notified, that I will sit at the ford, R. W. Tln'lll. flrs~ r,:,al na.me

~Albert Damme home last week. eve dlhner guests In the Mrs, Es· county court room in Waynfl, in unknown, 1. J. '~..:.--~I~~. flr:-:t

I MI'. and Mrs. Will Nissen and ther Thompson h~me. The ,~ame . 1n !tarting a .flew year, we extend E:vf'l~'n Nissen ()f Sterling, Colo.. group were. ChrIstmas, dmner fiOMt!he 8ea~ort's ~reetinl'<OS and res()l~e Ben ~isseri and family and Mr, and guests at EriC Thompson s. 1942 /'

1 5 Mrs. O. J. Olson }Vere Christmas ~~,:" ..;' ,,hat it- will be our ~incere effort dns gucsls in 1hl~ Albert Johnson For Emil Bargholz. ~,.~,: I' h Gue~ts who helped Emil Barg~ ~ - -~o serve you alway~ in the ,:ery O~(i!, I 1\1 r t G d holz Cjlebrate his birthday Decem- I •~hi"est way 'PO$~,ible., I ,famS~.a~r. a~~' ~~~e~eor~~n~~~e her 21were Mr. and Mrs, Otto f4 ."'7:&I' ' and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred FRiem nd Donna LdeEe'I:\aMnd~.I 'Reeg 'and RaymQnd were ellri.t. alpb, I:!jierce an ,er ,~rlon,~!. I ic - 'mas e.\Te guests in the B. Grone Mr, arid Mrs, Fred Brahmer, Ber-

M C J 'k D' I' F h. 'home, nadine, Dorothy and IvadeI, all of' C 0, ImlC ,j eerzny arm Equzpment 'M,l, and'Mrs, Donald H;cks of wisner, Mr, and Mrs, Walt'r Reeg,

REPAjIRS FOR'kL~MAKtS OF MACHI""ES Rocklon"m" came for the Christ- Melvin and Gerald, Mr, anct Mrs,l' :,mas vacation. Th~lvisited .in the i.'~;~~IJ~eg, Mr. and Mrs. I John

, ; 'ie '~[t~~~oO~iCI~~t '~:ei an,;e::~~~~

M-.: - I ~ I , 'to Clem Baker's lfi.t Tilden for 1For Lavonne Niehrls.,' ," & B· "h 1 !=hristmas, , , Mr, and Mrs, John Lutt and Ar·, ie'yer I, ," ,II 'lll', e I' Mr,andMrS,,E'llfllBarelmanalld dycd,e'MII'l~, awndllll'lTrs, BtUd-fUrllat, 'aMnrd''i-i amily, Mr, and Mr "Bernard Bar- an rs, 1 es ,

. 1 elman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. Ru sell LuttPhone 398 , II i" Ii fayne, Neb. Herbert Barelman pd family, ~r. and Dwaine, Ben Nissen, IMarY EJ-

J.!;~~~~;;;OO\"';;-'~-_--~=__~';"~~~="",-i--:-====.!JI~nd Mrs. H, C, Bar.1man and faIll~ len, Evelyn and Jim, Mr'jand Mrs.!I ,i:~~ ~~rs~ Frcd ,Tucrr thelast:f Kenneth Baker and ,B Illie Iwere

,II' "I, , ,

Wayne.. Neb.




• 122 Enst Second StreetWaY'l1!!, Nebr.

Day Ph. 75 - Night Ph. 488 .

Real Estate and-Is-U Kinds 01Insurance Exeept Life

Wayne, Nebr.

Please accept our thinks

- for your favors in the

past, We'n make every

effort to merit your con"

tinued goodwill.

Benthack HospitalPhone 20


Hennan IItrchert, 69, died last\\('ek at Laurel In the home of an0phew Herman Obcrnx'yer. HISWife a daughter and son surVl\ e.

MiSS Vera Kalal, Pendel teacher\\ho was graduated j!'C)I1jl Waynecoll(ge, went to Boulder. Colo, toaddl ess the na tlonal "lsual educa­tion conventIOn. .

, +-mann and famlly, the last of Wm.side; Mr and Mrs. Chfford Ander­son and famlly of Norfolk, Mr. andMIS Will Peters and family, Mr.and Mrs. ;I-lilbert .Llbengood andson and Frank Roggenbach WereChrIstmas guests In the Fred AITn­burst home at PIlger.

,Mr. and Mrs Earl Bennett andsons wei e ChrIstmas guests 10 theAden Austin home.

Mr. and Mrs Freeman Lubber·stedt and family ~pcnt Christmase'e In lhe Oscar BIO\.\-n homeThey were Christmas afternoon Iguests at En\ to Longe·s.

1\11'. and Mrs George Peters andfilmlly, Mr and Mr<::'~F'liIO)Tr""enn.:z,!:N~le":-~~~~~~;,,.-""~~~~~~~_~~~~"'-~~_

BIll McGeachin of Lincoln, usedto fight agamst the Flhpll10s v.henhe \\as in the PhJ1Jppme consta­bulary He ",rIles Washmgton tKathe wants to t;:o back to the Islandsto jOin the Fihplnos In their fightagamst the Japanese, McGeachmlearned some copper and brassartcraft when he ....... as In the lS­lands Recently he completed sev­eral hundred VIctory "V s" whichhave been dlstnbuted amongpatriotic OlgamzatlOns m Wash­mgton

Chal11~r of Co~merce busmess.

;~es~e~~~c~et~ra~~~~~~e~C;SrN~~~~cause he IS 44 years old. He hasalready offered hIS sen Ices toUncle Sam. Motter IS promlhentIn Nebraska LeglOn Circles.

The wmdo\\'s of the s!ta te de­partment are 1Jghtecl up everynIght. But the dlplomat~ thereha\e I,ud aSide much 0t their"talks " They are now \VO mg onthe prosecution of the \\ I' Thevictory no longer depe~ds onmere \\'ord~ The sol{hers and sail­ors-the fighting men -art nowmost Imporlant In thf'lr handsrathe!" than m the mmds Iof thediplomats now rests our futureThe diplomats ~dY llw) h<J.\ e both\\on"'and lost In some od theirgames.

All nofl-cltlZe~are npt ~'~enemYalIens" although techntcall manyof them are gOing to be call d thatnow because we are m \\ail' Vvlthcertalll governments. Som~ offi­CIals here say perhaps It wduld bemore kll1dly to call some o~ themunon-cltlzens from enemy 1coun­tries," In many cases persbns IIIthis country who are tech~lcanysubjects of Ge.J;lTl.any, Italy br Ja­pan are In no sense enemlCsflOf theUmted States. but hope, I ther,for defeat of the aXIs. Depa mentof JustIce and lmmlgratl0rt Offl­cials 'have figures showing[ thatabout one-third of all non-cIf.11ZCns

in the United States ha\'e a phedfor United States citizenshi andthus have renounced allegia ce tothe countries from ,\hIChl theycame.

C \V. "Red" M~tter of FI cinon ,

h~S ~~en in town sevri dt on

"Hum' te legrnphrrs suggest tothe Third clistrlct offJt.:e thdl somegl'niUS 1Il\ ent d e;lmlJle gddgnwhich \\ould audibly clIck of[ aMorse "V for \ IdOl ~ rhey sug­gest ('\ cry bo)- clnd gIrl ha\ coneas a toy 111 order to spread themagic letter over the natiOnSome such gadget IS now 111 themak1l1g A "V" 111 Morse IS )J1ree Idot~ and a dash.

Ed v.cstcncl;-"ho " 'ccrelal"} I Beckenhauer Serviceto Congressman Copeland of L1I1-coIn \\as \\oundcd In the first I-- - -- -------World ",ar \\hJie be \\as With Col I mTheodorr' ROO~e\elt S OUtflt The Dr. .I. T. Jonesother day he ,,-BIked 1I1tO the \\ ardepartment and a.sked them to let I Osteopathic Physician

him sene aga1l1 1 I ..~}es Exammed _ Glasses FlUed

Blue 1I0\\-cll "'ho \-\as one of ~e- Wayne, Nebraskabraska s fool ball hprop", ('HIllI' mto . _the Thud dl~ttjcl offJ(e lllt' ulhel Iday He announced that hI' \HIS G. A. Lalnbe-Fson~~;n;ee~ou~: ~~ \~~;:~~~ ~~ l~~~~ I

ser\lce \\Ith some ]\;ebra~ka 01-1gamzatlon Ho\'.ell has been coach­Ing at Yale.

------~ I -;:::-::::=:;-;:::-;:::--::=-::=-::=--;::=-;;;;;

I southwe~t waynelll(By Staff Correspondent) INSURANCE AGENCY

'------------~I All Kinds of In.suranceMrs Henry \Vlttler :;pent TU(,"i-1 Phone 84 Wa)ne Neb

d:'ly aftprnoon l<lsl \\eek "11h Mrs ' .Albert Relbold ---- ---

Mr and Mr" Fred Ellcke;on Iwere Chn'itmas dinner guesh 111 Dr. E. II.1Dotsonthe Albert Milliken hon"l('

Mr. and :l1rs Hem, \\ ,(1 !<or 'EYESIGHT SPECIALISTcalled III the Fred WIttler home '--.j

at WillS Ide I'~llday aftel noon I Wayne, NebraskaMr and :vIr'" Hflnrv \\'J!llpr

\-\'('1'(' U(l y dlnn('r g~('<;lS lrlst --- - -_.,. ,-_ .weC'k 111 e Adolph I}nnkmanhom

M and Mrs Donald Carl"onan family were Chllstmas dinnerguests In the Alex Stamm home Wntes p\ ery kmd of msurance

at Randolph ~~~ta~~eA;~:~~il~t~:~~n:Mr and Mr~ Dnnil1f1 CBrl"on: ----....;._

:~~p~~m~~('s~\eremC~~:tn;~~lf~~~: ---_._-.__-_- -_---

c."!>on home DI". E. L. Hal"veyMr and Mrs TIdIlY BakC'r ~lnrl Veterinarian

son \\('re Sunday afternoon andluncheon guesls lclst \\cl'k In IheGust KI aemer home at Concm d

Mr. and Mrs Otto Gerleman andHank Dudley \.\ ho used lo he m f<J.mlly and Mr and Mrs Fr('d

the '.eterdllS heddqu,ll t~1 s at LlI1- Wacker and family "'ere Chl'JSf-coIn has one of the mo~l-\ Importolnt d t' th ()llosltlons 1I1 Washmgton so far as r;~:m~~n~~~~esS 111 e scar\eterans m CI\lltan dcfE'hse IS con- M I M II \V \V t tcerned He IS the chIef br the \et- r. an< 1''' 111 ers ell1,crans diviSIOn and wII~ contact I\-1r and Mrs Bert Surber and Mrse\ery ex-servIce man 1111 the coun- IllIte Sv.anson ,~er;, ~h~,stmas 320 Lincoln St.

try 111 order to make ch "Jan de- mner guests 111 t e Jter- ~~;;:;:;~~;;:;:;;;;;;;~;;:;:;~;;:;;;::[ense effect1\£' Ma\or LaGuardIa Istem home at Carroll.of New York IS hi; bost, Ci\lhan 1\11' and Mrs Franklm FI and D L . & L .defense, accordtng to mtl~tary men, E~I('en spent Chnstma" ('\P 111 tht- rs. e\VIS T e\¥ISWill be more Important (unng thiS \\ llbur Baker home They \\('Ie CHIROPRACTORSwar than dunng the f.i st World Chnstmas day guests 111 the Gust (Est. 1914)war, Kraemer home at Concord, Neurocalometer Service

1\11' and Mrs L F Thomsen and Phone 49 Wayne. Neb.Labor chIefs !la\ e been 111 t~wn famJiy were ChrIstmas e\ e supper 112 East 4th St.

se\eral da~s. Some of tht-m admit guests in the \Vm 1'hom,<pn homethat stnkes In natIOnal rlbfen<;e 1n- at WakefIeld They "'pent ('hrt<::t~dustfles would bc unpopplar no\\. mas day 1I1 the Adolph BrmkmanThe guess IS that there \t'llI he no home.more strikes m war Irdustrles Mr and Mrs. Harry S'\ lnne)

~~I~ ~~~~rml~:~c~~ ~~~e ~~at a~~~~I~~~'C~a:~'f~llyan~n~Ir~lr C~l~l~trlke legislatIon The S~lth bill Mrs Ed Chestel \\Ne,hllstmdsthat pal'sed the house, lit's dormant dmner guests In the J, D. Boycem the senate. II horne-. .

_ MI'. and Mrs. Edgar Blodget t ofThe pubhcatlOn formerllY known Y\lta11. Mr and Mrs Donald MIIII~

as "Defense" and got teo out by ken and famIly Mr and !\II''' carllthe offIce of emergency ~anage- Sundell, l\1r and Mrs.. Fred Enck­ment each week, has chalnged Its son \\'111 be New Year'i da> dmnertitle to "VlctOl',)i " ThIS pU~hcatlon guests In the Albert Milliken home Igives weekly reports on produc-tIOn, labor, prlOntles, hou~mg, ag- ALTONAnculture, etc

I December 19 ma~ked the 60thconsecuti\ e year of bervlce to con­Jtr~1iS. by. \VJ!ltam T1tle-r Page. theauthor of "The Am6rlcait~Creed"Mr. Page had teall'S 111 hiS eyes asmembers eulogized him on thefloor of the house. IHls health IS!;lot good. He IS s~fferll1g fromheart trouble BelIe,ve It or not,Mr. Page started work as a page.

- I

Speaker Rayburn ~old membersthat they could gp home forChrIstmas, but must be back byJanuary 5 They mw;t remam "oncall" Members of the approprla­

I tlons committee wetre told theyImay ha'.e to be baC\SOOner An­other huge' \ lefor} ppropnatlonbill IS 111 the makmg a IS anotherbig tax bill. I

:More than 10.000 emplOyeE'S 111

non-defense bureausl arc being

~~I~~~oOU~tOf t~~~" PJ~: ~~r~~PIttsburgh Phlladt'lpttJa and other

~~a~~s~I~e;t~~S n~;aofemI~o~et:%~for varlOUS "ar comtrlsslons andactual war ...... or k The {eCentraliza­tlOn plan IS an old on As long asthere \\ as no clefpnse ,,"ark \\'a<;h­II1gtol11ans had enou~h power tostop any decentrailzatlOn mo\ e­ment They do not qbJect nowThey will try to get the busJllessbaek after Ihe \\ar About 50000more employees for dhfense workarc expected m to....... n 1m the nextfew months Our Inqlan bureaugoes to Chlcagu Many febras~ans

........ ho VvOlk hele, \\ill belclffecteu. bythe decentralizatIOn p~rn.

Sam K1I1g. the dCltate fro1nlIa"all. has a hard tim \\Ith tele­phone censor'i Forclg[ lan~uage

IS not permitted m t lks to Ha­\\ all Sam's family ltve In a dlstnctof HawaiI which ha~ ~ HawaIIanname. He was talkmgll to hiS boythe other day "'Was I Kameohebombed?" he asked hir- son. ThellIle went dead Now SC\rn IS trymgto fIgure out an EnglIsh name forhIS reSidential dlstnct.


Uistri·t 2!.(Dernlce Me er, Tc,Icher)

A Idlge ero\\ attended Ithe~~~)g~~m 'lfld pi socw.1 NO\ em-

GlJ Is wore ex 'hanged Decem­her' 21

Pupils made Ifts for theirlllt/tlll'IS.

file 1st glad IS, IlcJllnJe .1I1dIlelll' Hdll('l, al ' able to wnte<!wl count 10 10) They arc able10 !llml and WII e the smal.llet­tc'r s o[ the alp labet, and onlyhd\{, ,1 few ca Ita I lettcrs lefttu learn I

Ju Ann McJc \\-as a \Isitor.

Distri ·t 6'~.

(Ruhy Ftednc son teacher)C'hll",tJTf¥S glf S \\ere made

and \\ l"lpprd for parentsJ,H k Brockma treatpd ,tIl to

l,IIll!',' for t)lS blr hday of Decem­lH r :21

(~J1 Is \\e~e' ex hanged Dceem·})PI 11 I

Sl \f'n {lllpils ldd p0rfect at~

ten{]dnce for the month.Pllpils spld $ 37 \\01th of

ClllJ",jmHs seal'i}\llractl\e C T1stmas cards

\\lIC made m al WOlk.

Distri,t 18.(Ethel FredriC son, teacher)A Christmas 1Iee '.\as on the

sanel table and other hebdaydecoratIons In t e room

Gifts were ma e for parentsA Th,tnksgl\ III Y program was

prescnl('r! NO\c ber 26Marlene Bro ker \\-on the

spellmg conlest for the month.Sh(l hdd 10 perf ct ~cores.

Lnn'n Sto1t('n erg won the<llllhmetle conll' t fOI IdiS-JOghiS a\f'lage nlll pomts abovethe prc\ JOUS mo th ~

Db;tr ct 3.t Bcny Rola d; -Tca-cher)­Ilss Roland t eated pupils to

Cdn ly fOI' her rthday Decem­ber 10.

he ChrJstma program WclSgl\en Decembe 18 LuncheonVvas ser\ed

P<lll'nis atten cd a tChnstma~

party at school ecenlber 19.1Iollday '.a atron exlends

fI am Decembe':24 to Janu­ary 5.

Laurence Fal repor ted thenC\\iS.

I I ', QIstrl t 53. contests, a musIC I progFam was(Fdnces.Ma ill, teacher) given by pupIls, Santa Claus

~ MarvlO Asmu and Vernon distributed gifts and stockmgsMillcr have perf ct attendance filled With CandY.! Luncheon wasfor the Year. served. I

,The Chrtstma~ program Dc- School was clodt.d for the holl-cembel 19 was Iwell attended days and Will reimc January 5.

~~:hZ~~e' su:n rf $17.50 was·

A Chn'lmas parly was hclr! IIONG ESS@I)ccem!::i('1 ~4. G<lmes WqI e CV1- ~ - rJoyed $anta arrlvec;l a!Jd dlS- ~ AI all If =l-Ji11buled gIftS all treats School , ~L.T I·


dI5mlss~d(un111 anuary~. ~.

D~ri ·t l~ ~e~ r:,~~~0~'4,Di9ii:(Lillian Kab's, Teacher) The compromise on the draft

"Scrooge and the Chrlstmas age was not unexp~cted. All malesFairy" was the lay featured for from 18 to 64 Will ~ve to register,the Chnstmas ro~nam Deeem- but those under 20 will not beuel' 18 1 subject to comhati servIce Im-

Rlchald Koll, Ma;ry Jean Koll medlatQJy Congrdss figured mIlnd AlVin Nlels~n each sold $1 case of emergency I these yo~ng

. WOI th oj Christ as seals. men could be bropght mto theMary .Jean K ii, Rlchald KoJl ser\lce In qUlek time Local draft

and Leota Mayall had perfect boards Will ha\e mL\ch work to ciaattendance 101 ovembcr. The old rules on ~xemptlOns he­

Robert Koll a d Donna Faye cause of dependency stIll standI\:olt \'"ere Nove bel' V1S'ltOI'S.

Distric't. 7!J.(Mildrcd Wlt te, Tt.:ucheI)

Dc,}n, Rldld!d .J,H'k ,tntl Mal Y("ustens had fl(,l!Lct att<'nd~

ancf' for tile yC'drNcw \\ork 4)Ooks dlC bClng

llSl'l! 111 1st gl adeGilts were c:'(c!1dng('(1 !ll'ccm­

bel ]9 <HHl Santa \r'lt tlcats loralL

Santa CI"us and Supt F. n.Decker '.Islted school to gl\Ctlckelts for the "ho\\s _

WIlma Jcn~l'n, "\Ht h grader,car1n('d 100 In !';I)el~lng lor the

m~al~~a hroyght--l Chr lstmastnrc und children tlilnmed thlS,GiftS \h.-CI C made for {liHen\:;.

Dh:itrict 31.(Adeline Pohlman, Teacher)Perfect attem;lance r~cords for

the month were earned byUeonard Janke, Everett Schuetz,I.;eRoy Barner, Hubert McClary,Duane McClary, Kathaleen Mc­Clary, Virgil Schuetz, LaVbnBarner, Shirley Barner. ,

Everett Schuetz had an avel­dge 01 100 In spellll1g for themonth.

The 2nd gradl'l s fll1lshed tJlclr2nd grade readers and recct.\ednew books.

A progtam was held Decem­ber 19. Tcacher lind pupilsthanl{ all who ag'l'lsted.

Distrkt 25.(Kathlecn Maybel ry, teaehprAnna Westel hold, 1\lar y W s·

tcrhold, FreddJe BII d <lnd LI aBll'r1 had pClied attendance forl<lst monlh I

Annfl- \\'e:-;tel hold Mph In S\ 0­hoc;la, MdIJOIIC' Mohr had perfectspcllmg grddl'" thIs month

NOll11d 1\lohr 11('"lec! pupIlsand lcacllcr to {,mdy bars De­cember In on hel bltlhduy

Each flUpJI has a !1( dlth ch,lrtand \\orlcs hdrd to (tim goldsLlrs fOi thIS

\Vealhflr condltlon<.; al0 p1:lc0dIn symbols on a ell 11'1 kf'ptdell!) ThIS \\ ill he done fourmonl hs and C'nmpellIS{)n~ made

A ClhnQmds plogr,lm "asgl\en Vecembel 23 A g,uly ckc­oldtecl lrt(, clnd nlll('1 symbols\\('rp used Ealh llldclr gill'.; forIWi lIlolih('1'

Pupll!r; thdnl{ ttl(' \Vd)-ncC'hdnlhcl of Cormncf( (' lor 1hetrl'C mO\J('s 11wy dlsn ('nJoyedthe' \Islt oj S.lntd Till:" dlso1h,lnk PI'nl!f'1 CheHllh( I of COn:1­Inl'r( l' lUI tllLdtlC IH.:IH~I~ andttCdt

DI.,trll t ;),;.rftulh Smllh 'lCdCII('r)

I'lllJlb \\1111 1ll'IJl'( l dtl1 nddncelllUI(\-; lor Ikumbcl <lll' Mdl­(('lid IJdlJlm J,h'dnol .Jonson,Mdnl»n :.'\lldas ('!lalit's Stamm,nldMld lIdmlll Donell(1 S\\,I11­~()n, P,tlI'H!'J,1 Mad'" \ ('Icla !{Ol'IJ­K( , h.('I11].(_' 111 dtHI \\ lslcy I-!dn1mPuled I'ccOids Jot till YCdr

~;le~~lr:;(;( ln~l(~::~~{~t( d,J 1::~'.;(,~la~~~~I;~I»n and l'lltll(l,l MeldS, ('IMlles~l,J1nm, 1:1(/l.lt([ dntl KCll11cLhll<lmm

PupJls ((~ok tldns III dC(Oldt­JIll-;" t!lt' (1tllstlTllS lIef" Gdt::.\\lll! Il1d(ne [UI IdllH'IS dlH1lllul!lll' Ale hll~lmils }l<tlly \\oIS

~ ~~\;~; ,~)~~!~~n~i~(;th(~l~etIIIS .~l()~rng

P,1111l'J,( M.ld~ dl1(l Veld,l~ l(OI pk(' 1W ,le; II ddl IS 1I1 thl! ht

and 2nd I~ ddlllg 1,1( I'

TIll' 3lt! dlld lill gJ,lll(IS l1lddcd Bc 1hlcllcm ~(L'ne III I Ill.' s"ndtahl{'

The hI gl oIdeJ s ell lay ,I \\(H k­hook In Il'H<ltng dud :2nd g[adelsha\c 011(' 111 numbcls

Chcllle<.; Stamm tl('aled all todpples .mel cookl('s December 110! hIS birthday.

Nc\\s \\<IS gdthclcd by Elca­nOl Jonson.

Dilstr ('t 57.(Ueanor Patt rson, Tcachel)

) The program )lanned for FrI­(\;IY was PItpo d until Monday1u:-.t wcek ecau e of illness.

Gifts we e ex hanged from a

~j;~~~I~a~ed~~~~ te~::lt~h~h~~t~mas scenesland Icturcs were onthe bulletm bo rd.

J)l:-.trkt 81. ,Junior .J..mds ly lecened a(Ik/,th,\ Cull', "f('d~ hel ) pi ogress pm for achievement In

~s elltel t,-undd December l){'nmanshl~.12 \\llh 1l111' lollo\\lllg program: Betty Jean T1Uh IS the only\\(·!cullle. :JCdn (;IOOC, Oh, Come pupil WIth I perf'ct attendanceAll Yl' F,uthlul, all, Chl'lstmas lOl' the mohth('l1e( I d pldy, smiting, accom- Teacher and 1 uplls \H;h all a1ldnl('d hy GIl'nnd Bklrd; Chnst- merry ChrI~tma .mdS l\llt dcles, SJX gIrls, Hark, Ithe lIqlctld Angels SlOg, group; Distri·t 61'\\0 Boys' ('hr Islmas Gifts. (Malgarc~ Rod ers, Teacher)WJllJe l)dOlmc and Alfred Smith, Dean an-d raId Nimrod,The } usl Chnstma~ Eve, Joan Suber' and Raymond Rob-Murldn Damn1l' , It Came <-'Il~ had perfect attendance forUpon tl1(' l\lldOight Cleal, gr.oup, the month.Helping S \I1ta, gills With Santa, Joan SUQt1r an Jeanme Lun-Jlrlclry Chlls1m<:J:i 1'ov.n, VIOla <1dhl treate(( all n theIr blrth-rrahm, H.lngmg Up the Stock- (I.tys.'ings, fOUl 1Jo)-s, You Ie My Dal- All gradcfS pa tlclpated III almg, aU, THO Little Stoc!ungs, Sill llmg con~est hiS month, In-Phylhs RlIld, A Child s Mls- ell\ Ielual Chl~lstm' s trees y.,.eret.lkc, LeRoy SLilUlz; Just Like dl<lwn orr <\olore constructIOnPapd, d plu), A Dlflelcnt Way, IJdJlI'L EilC~ tl e a :;ludentI~a Smith, Chr L~lma:; Shopping, Co11 neef 100, ~e w's permItted toGlenna BoUld, Silent Nlght, all, make a free~hall( drawll1g of aaccompanied by DorIs, Baird; toy or candle fo the tree. At\\ /1<'11 Sanld \\ dS a Boy, DaI- tlll' close of he ntest all WithIell Troutman, Nlght Before l)el leet gl'adcs ea ned a gold starChristmas, JCdn Grone; ChI'lst- at the top of th Ir trees DeanmdS Eve, a Jlldy In two palts, and Delald Nlml d, Jeamne andWhy They Smile, NeJi Donng, Glenn Lundahl, J an Suber andCleo Smah dlld Dalrcll Trout- Raymond Robel t' tled In theman; What Would You Say, contest. JRonald Gront' Chl'lstmas Song, The 1st. 2nd, 3 d and 4th lan-Doris Baird, () LIttle Town of guage classes co pleted studyBethlehem, group; Christmas of poems. Favor te ones werethe Year Round, Alice Bmrd; memorized and r.IIi led 10 a book-

~~~hO~~u~~Ikpalk;;lod~dC~II:~~ leti-Ire on the f rm IS beingAmerica, all, cloSlllg plcce, Nell studied m 3rd a d 4th geo-Dormg. Evelyn Baird accom- graphy. Four km s of soil werepanled the ~mgmg groups at the brought and oat planted inplano. . _ these to see whlc SOlI IS best.

A Christmas party was held The Isegrade1" an count, readDecember 21 and gifts were pre- and wrIte to 50. S e fll11shed hersented to parents. pre-primer and I ready for her

The 15 WIth perfect attend- 1st reader.ance for the month are Dons The 6th grade completed a

. BaIrd, Allee BaIrd, Marian Dam- ~ stUdy of central and westernme, VIola Frahm, Edith Reeg, states The 7th a d 8th gradersStanley Soden, Drlbert Smith, studied the lowe untries,

:::;~e ~~l~l;~~IE~~~~i~a~~,ri~~~, ab~~n~h~esI~~~~lde ~rag~~:~~e::~~~~~ul~~~;li ~~~tl~:1~~~O ~~;;t~~~ ;~~r,l~~~I~ u~:~es, ells, wreaths,

All f!'Om the 3rd to 8th grade About 60 patro sand frrendshave learned to spell names of attended the C l'lstmas p,artystates and their capitals. December 21 Aft r games and

~ I !f\'1 . !, .. ·.;:.. ;,: ..'\,.. ·.:,'.\.":: •. ;";:~il !c'" ,l~ 1",11<" " r,

1 I .I, I


District 21.(LOlene Langenberg, teacher:)Pupils made gifts for pUlents.

Vv:hat -not spclves, let tel' holdel 5,

bread boarels and tIC holdcI swere among these.

PUPIJS Wltti perfect attend·ance records are Duane Neary,Hazel and DWight Ulrlch, Mar­Jan and MarvlIl Schroeder;--Bar­lene and MelVin MelCrhpnry.

For the health contest of 1hemonth: eacl'l pupil made a treefJlld decolaled It. Those WithlnO~t decoratIons on thPII' tr('esarc Duane Neary, LeHoy McMJI­Idn, M,uldn and Mdl \ In Schroe·del, Hazel and DWlghl Ulnch

Pupils decorclted the ChrJst­mas tll>e for the pally g1\cn De­('ember 24 fm pallons Conteslsand games WCI'C' enlcltauttncnt.GiftS wei e exchanged Hnd IC~

freshment:; served.

Distrh't 29.~H('nrl('tta Val1ikamp, teacher)'

Pdtrons' day NO'ember 27 wasobs('rvcd WIth a program andlunch.

Supt F B Decker and SantaClaus maclc a bnef VlSlt De­cember 2

"Uncle Tom's Cabin' IS beingrcad for opening exerCIses.

The 2nd gradCl's decorated theC'hrl~lmas 1rf'f' in spE'lhng For{'ach 100, a glfl or ornam('nt ...... asadded.

Net proceC'ds from Ihe Chi lst­mas program Decemher 16 were;>;2427

Gifts \\Iere ('xcllangcd Deccm~

bel' 24 and hO)ld,IY '.acatlOn be­gHn that day and extends untilJanuary :5

Christmas cald~ \\0re madeby puplls, and a large eln Istmfls j

tree \\as tile' center of mtercstTcach01' and puptls extend

New Year grqetmgs to all. ...

Distrkt 64.d"conl' J\nc1crSOri. {caehel)PupIls \\lth !lprJpct attcnddncc

the fll "t four monlhs are LOienHansen .JllnJOl' Grc\p. LOiS

~~~'l~~II{I~I,~~~(~I~ Hanse~l and

VllitOl s la~l month \\('1 C Supt.F B Dec-kel, Sanf,1 CI,tlls,l-'rdnk PClkll1s dnd Betly Tal­now.

A('lljllY cluh ('le('II'(1 Les1pr'lVIl;.'nke preSident, JdnlCS Fox\I('l' p Jdf'nt and Mylct n<l1el­mdn ~eeret<uy

Elall1l' JIansl'n .lnt! DOllSSlonrkmg \\on till' Iledllh ~on-

~~~~~d~r~l~o~t~~s~Jdd{'ts '\Oll the

Mylet Raretmcln .,nd 1.1<1111('

Ilamlen leCCI\N! lOQ <Ill month111 spell mg.

T!l~' ploglalll DI'(l'm}wl' 18\\dS well <il1C'nd('d I'Iw sum of$l~ 42 \\dS de,ll('d

Nev.s \\,lS wlillen by EldllJCHansen.

Ihstru_t 'l~.

(llI1lTI,l Bro\\-n, Tedchpl)Tom llal'l'ISOn held p{,l'!cct <It·

tt'nddnCI' for J]ecemhelMcll'cele Barclm,mn IS Jll1Isl1­

mg heI fll'lmelCandles dnd WI'('dths ...... elQ

m,Hjc lot '\In<lo\\S, .Inti Cllllsl­mas tlce~, S,tnl<l IHcturcs, POIO­set Ilos, camels, stoelongs andchalk c1rawulgs \\'ele made lUIthe loom,

Iu connectIOn \\I\h th~ ChrJst­mas stor)- the 6th grade madc a

/lalge postCl showll1g the WIsemen tla\elmg to Bethlehem.

MagaZine lacks "ell' made fOlmothers and '\CIC presentedwhen all ladlcs of the dlSLllctenjoyed a party at school.

Tom Hdttl'Son hil,.d the mo~t

Chllstmas treC's m t he healthcontest.

Mel lyn Kay dnd Tom Hdl r1­son lied 111 a Idce III 6th gludemultlphcatlOll and dlV1SIOn ofdeCImals.

PupiLs made dec0l111lOns [orthe Chl'lstmas tree.

DlscusslOn of the ptcsent warIS a part of each day's hl.stOlYperIOd.

District 49.(Arlene Walker, teaC~H?r)

Puplb WIth perfect attendancethe past monlh a,re Robert­MIll'shall, Myron Mar~haJJ, DaleWendt.

Gifts were made for parents,and a ploglam given the day be­fore ChrIstmas vacatIOn

In the spelllllg contest. DaleWendt was winner WJth the mostlOCI's for the month.

The 6th and 71h grades ha\cIlMde molps 01 Nellla~ku und Eu­I'011c.

District 3;).(MIss Blanchc Johnson led('hel)

A ploglam was gl\pn the e\c­Illllg of Dccc'mbel' 11 :Ind Ie­f!'cshmcnts were selved aftel­wa,rd

Chllstm~ls ~ac'ltlOn extendsflam Decpmber 24 to J<lnual y 3.

John Suehl, D1Ck SuchI, Ar­lene .md Rom~ Goc,bbert trea!-­('(I .Iil to candy for their bll th­days.

MISS Johnson treated pupilsLo popcorn at noon December 24

The 7th and 8t h grades arecompleting the coliectlOn of ma­tcr131 for a booklet on explor­('rs Materml on booklets of Eu­rope 11as been completcd by 7tharid 8t h grades

Supt. F B Decker and Sanla\ ISlt('d to dlstnbutc. tickets 1 1

mO'.lCS m WHyne, The.sc ,\ e IecnJoJed by pupils.

Hbtrh't 19.n"('ln NIITlIod tP.1ch('l)

N('w hl)lar)- books enloyed nrcDusty by Thnm,ls 11lnkll' Yam­rny Bu~s d BIcycle, by BplnlcPBlyant, Ail About }),l\I(I, b}Lllzabelh Boyd, ,md BlllZZYBeal, hy Sh('lla Jr~nvkll1s.

Mothers dnd pupIls, also Mrs]'Ied A('\l'llllan and Mcl\1I1FranzcIjI dt\('ndl'd a Chl'Ll'lmasrJclrty Jj)('u'mbl'l' 23 Plcus,mtHill club 11I('senll'[1 a program"fter ...... hlt.:h glfl~ Well' ('xc'hang­cd ,md luncheon sCI\'ed by

, nIOlhl' lS fJIolly diU! ('Ill Jstmds Ill'lS

\\ere us('cl <IS hi,\( !{llOard dec-,llratlon A fllppl,w{' Ilnd tiel:'nwde t t\{' mom cheery

Dal't'clll)edn F'rclnz('n won thpcontest which dwardc·d a prizeto the pupl! WIth best gwd(lS fol'the past week

Al t classes made Chnstmasglfts and cards for paJents,

ThiJ 7th and 8th health classmadt' posters to cJ:;frclatc Witha st udy of jkihq chgcstl\'e system.

The lst dhd 2nd gladers leall1­cd short Christmas poems

Bonl'lle SOl ensen celebratedher 7tll blrthday December 17when het· m01l1('r brought treatso[ Ice cream, cal{e and candybars.

School was chsmissed at noonDecember, 24 and work resumesJanuary 5.

Distril't 44.(Zlta Wurdeman, Teacher)VIsltors wCle Patty Cook,

Lowell, Haycln and MIlton(l)w('ns.

A pI'Ogl am .md plC' SOCialwcre' held December 11 at theCongregatIOnal chuleh WIth a~ood attendance. Proceeds h0n;J.sale of pies amounted to $19 75

Chr l,stmHs gifts ,\cre madefor parents.

A Chnstmds party was heldDecember 24 and glfls v.ere ex­changed.

VaCalJon extends flom De­cember :24 until JanU<lI y 5

TIl(' nature dub. Krughts ofjNalure, IS l1leelmg agelll1 41 lht.:li:lst sqsslOn Dons Junck y.,.d~

plected pn'sldE'nt, Rondld Recs'.ICC p~esldcnt, Kelth.Owens ~ec­

Jelary clnel Marlene WillIamssong Iradcr KCIlh Ov. cns 1c~vorl cd on the how,p wll'n

Rhythm hand has ICdl ncd SC\­eml new selectIOns, "The BlucJ)dnube WaltL:' and "Undt.:1 tllCDouble Eagle"

Distrilf:t K,rLl'nlJ.t Roberts, tc,lchel)

PupIls \', ltll per(c 't attendancel'elOlc1:-; for the rn th are De­10lt'.... Donnnbell wd DorothyRosd( kcr, Herbert and Leslerlldnscn, Do101 es 'wei GeolgeOlte Da\ld Harner, Jfl.l1Ice Vahl­kamp, Cylll Hanse dnd LOI~

Lal ~onA }dl gi: (I m\d ,141l'nded thfl

lllngl,lnl lh'u'mbel 18 Vvhen $15WdS 1.'1p,11 ('(I Ne\\ Irlgp eurtatnsW~lt' pUlchuseti \\1 h IMtt o[ lheJ1lOnc)-

DOlotlly Ilo:-'d<-l,1 I 1 CCCI\ cd100 III spellmg JOI Ill(' month.

Lpsfci IIi:lnsen IS new presl·dent 01 the (\Ill) I Ill' groUlJ lldSnew olflecrs dm\ COllllTllt tees

VI~llor" \\(>l(' MellY IIlcks ,ltmlBel Olla Otte

A pal t)- \\'l~ h£'ld DCePlllbl'124 and glf ts \\ C'I t.: px{'hang('dSchooJ then dl~mls::;l'd until ,J(1I1.ualY 13.

. Dates to Itcm!(,lIlbt'r.

Jan 12 to 17-Ntltwnal l'IlIlftweek

.Tan. J6 - Special mUSIC tCdelt­ers' examlllatlOllS.

Jan. :N '-Teachers' CXdlluna­tions

Jan 27-2R -County superm­1endents' 3nnual conference In


j Teacher Is E cctc<l.. Mr:s. Ida Pestcl of ,slnulon,

was elel'lcd to lcak:h III lhstncL7. She su(:ceeds MI~S MtU Y l\1c~Clellan who re~agncd. I

I New Books to JISchools.Co Sup1, JF. B. Dcc;ker has

Just reccl\.cd DrIve's Manuals"Contammg the m tor VchIcielaws, rules of road iand dl'l\'mgregula tIOns Each school m thecounty WIll rCCCI\!C 1jUlC. ,

Distrid 60.(Iolcnc Townsend, tcacher)The anllual Chuslmas pro­

gram December 12 was follow.cd by luncheon,

A pal ty and Christmas tree

.we;~~;r!{~Y~~~II~~;d~~~~~'l'C~~'bt,1t-cel he I' 6th lJll thd~LY by treatmgall to cake nnd J~,ljo j.

Chrl1":tmds \ elcflOn extends

f~:;I~~:e;~;~~;3~~;:~::C~::1~.PeTleel attpnda ce lecords for

ihc month ,\ere c rned by Her­bert and MarVin I lcensang, My­IOn Rlggert and C rroll Welch

PlOcecds from he Chnstmasprogram Decemb r 16 amollnl'-cd to $lH50 "

Pupl1s made gl1lt~ f()l' tllfll'I pap'nls.

Wmners of the J1CUlih contestwelc M)-rpn HIggell, DennISBuss and I leI bel t and Mar\ InKlec:n~ang

A [Ully \\IIS g1\l':'n for patrons\V('dncsd,,» last v,tcck Contestsand garTH's v. el e dhypd Lunch­eon \\ <:ts sel\ ed, d d gifts werecxc hdngcd, '

Mrs FIl'd Bud cndahl and.,,]ednettc "lSI ted,

Distrh·t 23.«('celia ChrJ~tensen, teachedPupils ...... Ith pelfect attendance Distri(,t 59.

for December aI'(' Jack and L01S n-;unlce Gustafson. t(',lchel)nl!-ttrid mJ. LangemeH'l, DelvlI1 Mikkelsen, PupIls With perfect attend-

(Leona Granqlllst. teac!wl') Gary, Dick and Pat"y \oVert. nnce for tbe month Hie NormaGerald Grone LOiS SlmOnll1, DIck and Patsy Wert ha'e per· Jean Chmn, Joann Wert, Bctty

III ~~~el~~ia~~I~:~11 pe~;~~~~ttc~~ fe'~u~~c~~~~ff~~r ;~:~ y:~~ .. auto t;~(¥. Bard and EUnlce BJork~ance for'December.1 raee 111 the arIthmetIC contest Art cldsscs made Christmas

Prizes m health were ealnec] The 1st graders ale nearly decoratIOns. Cllldies and .stalsby Lowen Mann, Adclyn and ready [or thcH Book Onc read- formed the blackboard border.Marlfyn Claussen, 'Billy Gamble, crs Large pomsettlds decorated theGerald Gronp and LOIS Slmonm. Supt F' B De('].;,('}' and Santd wmdows. Hand-colored pIctures

Pupils Pdrnlllg fHlzes III spell- Claus \ ISllpd "nei ga\l' ta:l{('ls Wt'le on the bulletm po,ud Aing, are G(>l'ald Grone, BIlly Gam- for mmlCS \"hlch were dIS- deeorated tree and fIreplacehie, LOIS SlmoIllll, Marilyn Gam- tl'lbutcd. completed the settmg.

? ~~~(:~?~\(lll Mqnn and Bobby CI~~~~~~: \~)~r~ygU~:~~~ay~.LIG::~~ \Ve~~r~;.ft~~~fl~~':;~t~~~JI~~mael~Chllrlrpn' .sold $433 worth of were exchanged, classes The poem, ~""rwas the

I Christmas seals. It:! 1he health contest, perfect Night Before Christmas,:' wasThe Chl'lsll111:ls plOgl'am De~ seol'es w{'re earned by Palsy learned and Illustrated.

cember HI was attended by 60. Wl"rt, LOIS Lungemewl', Nadine A large crowd attended the"Teacher unct pupils exthang('d :Lage, Jack LangemeICr, Delvin community play and program.

'gIftS, and luncheon \\Il1S sClved. MII<kclspn and Esther Reeg who Teacher and pupIls thank allMarIlyn Gamble gave candy had theIr trees covered With who cooperated Proceeds

treats De('cmb01 :5 for her hirth- toys amounted 10 $17 76 and a hotI " day. Patsy Wert celebrated her plate was purcha6ed With part\ Candles, bells \\"ll'alhs, Santa 10th birthday November 8 and of lhe money_ With this, hot1 Claus pwtures, ChrlstmaH trees, !:icrvcd treats. lunches Will be served.

poster~ and Jed and green crepe Kmghthood of Youth club A manger scene was on the;!2apei deeOlated thl' ),oom A ehose new offIcers Ruth Pfclf- sand table in December.Chl1istmas tree and fIreplace fer IS preSident, Lots Langemcter LIttle CitIzens of Amenca IS

we:~~~stl~a~~n~hristmals tlel>S ~~~;el~~~:denl and ~atsy Welt ~~e~n~~~e~~I;I~e ~1~~y O~~~ll:~in pcmmanl:ihlp With ovab and Grades of 90 or abo\'c were BJor lund IS preSIdent, Betty

PU~~·i~~~~~;deChr1stmas gIfts ~~~~~n~~ eX~~I~~~~~t~~,by ~~~~ ~:~~ B~I~;~ces~~~~i1~el~~' !j~~~~for par,'nt, from plywood whICh Langemeier, Patsy Wert, DIck Wert and Lal'!'Y Gene Carlsonthc'y painted. I ;W~rt! Nadine L~ge; reading, Na- pt'ogfqm a.nd pOfter committee

New Istormlr wmdow~ v.:elC dine Lage; language, Norman for a month. Mothers were m-cl'd last wl'f'k and ale great- \VIllers, Nadine Lag!'; spellmg, vlted to the last meetmg Games

ted Patsy Wert, Nadme Lage. Ruth were played, gifts dIstributedwere Supt F. B PfeIffer's records are not 10- and luncheon served.

nta Claus, Mrs. Lyle eluded as she: ,vas- 111 and unable Joann Wert won the month'sIe "Imd Jamce. to take the trst::>. spe111pg contest.

:I',~ ,I'I~ '"L;i[lilii~iimli!,i'IIIIIIJli, :11 :11,1 il'/::'II,1I I ~III 1111

..., ., •..II:", ..~I"II'.I:rl' I,I:'I! ,11"j

])isi rh't 73.(("lml'lene HaIgh!. tpadu'r)Pupils Iw{'sc'nll'd t hell ChI JsI~

111~:~~~b~~orka~h~)~~~;l ~)~lb~:~CI~~~ed mdl\ Idual numbcrs, lourdialogues and group song~

Doughnuts und coHee ,\eICsCl\cd. Nl'dlby {hstllcts \\\.'1('well leprescntpd

The 7th and 81h graders dlew:,IH'lChcs oj thp chgesllve ol'gansaild syst{'m for health

Mabel J lansen. 5th gl,Hlpr. lSfitartlng dddllJOn dnd subtlac­tlOn of Jl"<lctlOns

.11\:~~~~,;Sl I:~~~ndl;~~~l~~~ m~~~~le<1l'nl'd the rhyme~.

ChrJ~tmH~ gifts \\ere complet~

cd tor 1)81('n Is and gil ts weI ecxchangefl DecembeI' 23

Bob IJdnsen IS preSident ,tndLeRoy GI0S(' Sl'el ctary for the'HIghlandcl cluh




Lunch VVagon on Grounds


-Head Cattle

Aboul 800 bu.hel. ~f ear corn in crib. Three hundredbushels medium oats, good for seed., .


Roan milch cow, fresh thirty days; roan cow to befresh Febr. 1; cow eiving milk; heifer to be freshFebf. 20; Shorthorn bull calf;: Holstein heifer calf;small calf. '

Four Dozen Buff OJ'pington ClzickellS

" I

FOlli" Bred Ewes

Cash or make arrangements with your banker. All pr-':'perly to be settled for before bemg removed

arl:A. Swan.on, Owner,ROBERTSON ·A t' VVAKEFIELD NATIONAL BANK, Clwk'I uc loneers. t, ~

Thursday, January 8, ' -


As I lam quitting the farm, I will sell the following property at public auction at my pla'c, eight miles weat,

five miles no~th and one-fourth mile west of Pender, five miles south and one-fourth mile west of Wakefield,

and three miles so~th '~nd seven and one-half miles east of Wayne, on-

Team of gray geldings, smooth mouth, weight 2,800;team of black geldings, 3 yr>. old, wt. 2,500, broke.


Commencing at 12 o'clock noon

4 Head Horses 4

P~GSTwenty-seven fall pigs; twenty-five stock hogs. --"Allvaccinated for cholera.

~'ffl\mil'""\,""'''i'''~'' I :.,'

:1",: '.,,"j 1\,',)'d~o 'It , \ ',,' ilJE WAYNE IIEIIAI.D"W ,TJlUI~Sl)AY. ,JANtAIIY J. HJ<2

I II'--r-I~-n"~"'"-I--'d''e'll --D--'ep''a1r,

t','Im- -'en''t" __ -'I'w-'-·-'-a'·----~--e"--"r--''a..'-·"~..d----~~~~~i~,~. ~JI~t~;~~~~s~v£ ~~~:~~~H;~iitt~~~~; w~~;~ ll' ~0~u~0;~~~;~~~~ d~~~e~eIdcnenator HU~h Butler.. to the city for them Sunday. Mrs. Julia Perdue ;;;pcnt \V~dncs~'

I V MriiILeS,1J~ ~,n~e;man of Sulli- 1\'11'.' and Mrs. John Fleer and Iday last week with Mrs Jahh' . ~;diso~: ~~me I~rid~n a te~o~~ son of J:!60peT, ~r.. 'and Mrs. Hu- Finn. MC'n were shelling eo~n.

_.,.,.-_-'- I BY MIRIAM :HUSE WITT "I from Madison to visit in t Glenn bert Fleer and !\on of Laure!, Mr. M~, and Mrs. Henry Bush, Mis£;< " l-~ . I J Allen home a few days. Mr.. un- a~d Mrs. ~Y Ebemeyer of Clark- Lottla ~ush, Mrs. Julia Perdue and'

'MaJ'TJ'.lU'eed'SdaatyH,Momo"e:ning ,SO'",~,!',·c?al'!';'F;'.rU'ec'a~,t.p'~'ef!.~·,!,gs, O,'~ _."', J,~,~~_' wi ? other relalives, 'and friends in the (to Niemann andI' .John dennan was fonnerly Stella v'lle. Mo,. Mr. and Mr,. carll Allan ""I[ed Mrs, Ad"laide Bushn,~ 1'''' I untIl next Sunday, Newrna ~omes until next riday. Robbins Who taught in the hig :raosutgum~S,~[San"nd ftah"'e tl ;, [wr;re "elha, rrt"ht- Saturday lasl .week.

Mr. and Mrs.: Vernon Courtier Mr. an Mps. Fred Nieman were school. She is recovering from Fleer h~m'e at Wins~l'd ". Thv C ~ Th~ Jol;m r:mn famHy, Mr. and,.. lliW.a:~ Jq;!,'!es of Winside, and , I an~ Donna'of ~orlh Platte, spent 0.150 C rislmas dil1Iler gU('~tR at back injury of sCV('ral weeks ago. Troutmans Vi~ited';ne'1h e ct\ M:s..Hen:y Iiush, CIiI!ton Perrin,Daniel Hoffman of Stanton, were Cente: qrc~e cl~b m.eets ~jnu- Arrives in California. ChHstmas and r: few dE:\Ys with MOt,t,oCheJ aicnmdaEnS".,,'sa'X fboelk'si.~es the Miss P~arl SewC'lJ. who teacties Troutman: hom~ in the af~crn~~~ ~.s,shLohtf['fa B~lsh and th(' Herbertmarrip.d TlJesday.1morning, Decem- arYM8. BW,'tc~J.:'lbrsm:·e~:~OFKral·dnaty', J nu-I_ Hollis Francjs, who was injur~d Ml1'. Nettie Pa..,lk. -'...... Ia1 Walthill and hr>r ne h('w' Ar~' "1 L'iC 0 ami y were S.unday lasth h. O· I k' h C 1 u ..l..". Mr. and Mrs,' Ted Sladsky and ~t ' v,',1 Da""s' ''''ho ,"."CheePat 'c' M.r. and Mrs..Carl PfeIl and wC'ek guC'sl'i m t.he hllan Perdueer .1:::'1:, at 1 0 c oc In t el ar ay 9, w,'th Mr.'. Be'n ,rew,',s, m tbe Japanese attack at P.earl , ... v "" "X n ;ectal' fam I f Si 1 I E I h ?

~.., -.1..1 Son of Lflxing1on, and Burt LC'wis I BI ff ' J' k' I Y a gC', camp .0 t It' e - oml' fo.r '.1.1(' b1rthdays of \Tiss

. Lamhrecht .home. Rev. 1-. G. Social Circle club mee1s J. nu- ,Harbor sC'ycra! weeks ago, arrIved Called in the G. A. Lowis home ~ F' u kS' D~I)(',~~ h<Jl-;l w('e IT I~. the win Lindsay e Christmas pve Lottia Bush and Lois Finn.... ~Knaub horre performed the 'ingle aJ~y 7 with Mrs. H. S. MOS;{lR. I 'in San Francisco, Cal., Friday wit.h Christmas morning. Prof. .ran a\l~ o~(' at .arrlson-, and W('re Chris mas dinner gu('sts I __ . _ring ceremony in the prese ce of Coterie club meets Friday, J~nu~ t.he ,?~her w~und~. G. C. F~ancls M' 'r..: d M' E h . and Da ('ne were in \Vaus,}j with nlle, Mo. MISS Spwpll rpturnpd to' therf'. Mr. and frs. MauricE' Mont~ EXCIIthe immediate family. I ary 2, with Mrs, Cora Bradd. 1 r(,c~l\ied a ,1tleg~am from hIS son A1Vi~<';San~eti.:s~~ Nie~:nn's~::~ relatives f.or Christmas. I ~~~~~~~t~~dn~Ya,ya,n;:r~tdnrtehmaae,kn~do Cgohmr"osrtmYae,"nd'!,nn~armgiluYe'tWs'eart0 L""nbdO, _ ANGES

M. r. and Mrs. 'Ii)ew~w Joncjs a.t- Neighboring Circle club mllets teo ~hn.g Of, hIS arrIval. The message M j M CHI j B I <.-.-, ~' .d d I B h j d 1 d I It ld f II Friday suppc.>r gU(,"r-its in the Ar- r. a ( rs. . agf' ane 0) another wl"ek. MISS SC'well and Ar- .,ay's' The Pfe,'ls' "''''r'e '~hr"s"mas I JOh~..L1.un.:>, [0rmC'rly Of C,_ar~1en e the coup e. ct a I~S January 8 with Mrs, George Ccouh sal d ( er wou a ow. I I B k' h Conrad pf'nt Chris;tmLls in Schuy - - V>,.... - mil - J t£1d f h d

wore street-length dresses. ter. -i no ( ronzyns lome. IeI', the" IFlgC'!s with t11('11' ;luugh: vid stopped <'it, ?1('~,WOOd". I.a;, Dn I~upper gu~sl'!'; ,at Alfrf'd Sydow's tor~ ~fl.S ~l:~m'I(-'~~~e~h{~ (' m:>e-A dinner followed',at ~pOh if'. the Sunshinf> Corner colmmu~'ty Home from City. Dr. and Mrs. N. L. Ditmari. Bob th(' way 10 MlSSOUll, 10 \ISlt Mr. and O\'('fOlght gUf'sts in the 'H0r~', mbC'I' of

1 M W J M' flit ] and Billie> Ray, and Mrs. Pauline tel'. and Mrs. Slanlr'y J):l\·js. ' I'"rt ['e't·,·s' home, 'rhe Pfo,'Je,' HI""n! I(omm< rC'P. ,.,.,Lambrecht home for th~ famtlles. club m(,f'ts Friday ('\'C"ning, .Tn u- rs;, m. . Ii'; e ( anr son, Hoffman were Christmas guC'sts in Mr. a d Mrs. Honry RO).1nollIs _ _ ._ __ tJ~- Nor.folk Friday aftC'~:n60';;<'-to L1J7Yd ]\I~I...,ughlm, fO,r~C'rh' ~fi~~~t ~~~ ~c!~. c~~~"::.t~~ee~~; a~'~":~r Four's cluh mf'ets with ~~:I~)m[l~~~U:~:('~'f'11~)~~al:ri~:~ tJ1(' Mrs. HpjC'n Weible home. ~~~i~tU~a,S~~~\~~~~SW~1~.('I~~1~~~ Sno\\" Is ReJno\·~.tI. visit frl{'rds 1)('[orC' r('turnmg home ppnd(>r, \\as rC'ported mls;.;mg afl-of.Winside where hc..j""-~_'F!fit.QID.!!n.:..__ t1f;os.~Nm:ri..s._"W.cihJ.c ...1:rj(la,)o" ...Janu:"_ undf'rgone an operatlon on hiS Mi". and Mrs. I Carl RilzC' .and home a1 adi~on. Snow wns .remo\'(o(~· 1 Salurday Sajurd_~_~~ 1 Z'C'~~~i~;:;.) ~1.l1;j('k em Pc;]rl Had.lrll·, A.ft~r 'the' wc.>dding Rev,-Knau l'y 9. I rig'rn {;""yP aoom -a-fi'i75mn ~fg(J:·1tl!' ~~t~~, a~;:C'n~r Ch~~stm~~s JnW\l~:~ Mr. [I rt Mrs. Brad<'n Calthart, Sram lhfl busmess dIstrIct and I A \ \. .., .baptized Hichard Rees, small son Juniolt F'ederatC'd 'Vomen's club is improvmg from the operation. R h d Rt h t W MISS Arlr> Su!bC'rl-and and :rp IjHkfr! hj lru(ks tQ I1It's,,}!'[ park. I I'L 1'31.)]1 hunt \\<lS stagr>d a~of Mr. and Mrs. Alber.t Lambrecht. meets Januanr 12 with Mrs. Fred ~~~'i~fl~,~~~ldla~~nll;l~Ol~~~icitrh~~ 1~I~rand

l~rs o~~r~ncC" I;~~~son Da\J('s he d Cht Istmcls cllnneT \\ Ilh - - -- - ~ . "WILBUR so~~r;~~r~\J;~~<~~o~~~/~~~Iil~~ \~~~~

· Mr. and Mrs. Danlol Hoffman Trampe. Thc lesson on "Fabrics home', of St PLlul Mnm, Cdme W('dncs- Mr<; A Carhnrt II to th(' RN! Croo;swere the sponsors. and How to tow Them." will he day I"sl \Ye"k and "sotod unt" M'" V, '",ce S[r:,en, a;orllIow'l BRENNA I (By Staff" Correspondent) Thl' ('ngag('m~~t of ~1iss Caro-

WINSIDE LOCALS ~~~s~~~~~,~~/i.~s~~i~~s R('ichert ~on b Born. ~UndHY In 1h(' RoIH'lt Tohnson ~~~I ;~l~ff 1':~ ~f ~IOU~o~~:~mnr;;; (B 5t ffe I lin Kortman of Marlison,'\\'aynl'r A ~on w('ig-hing R pounds, 5 omf> P(>nd0~ ('re Chn lmas u ,~t y ~ a orrespone pnt) Mr. and Alrs._ Hf'nry Arp f'ntE'r- gradllalP. and Ralph Bn"fol. jr., 'of

Mr. and'Mrs. Henry WittlC',' of ounces was born Chri~tmas morn_ Mrs ElmC'r GJll.(,spl~ and Donald hc'V M H f s g { S In tainf'd ;!f,l rpIHtl\'(>s and fripnds BaY.'--lrd. Iw,; b('(?'n artnounccd. 'near Wayne. spent Friday in the f'~to;O('ial. ing to Mr. ;mrl Mrs. Alfrcel Miller of Norfolk, f).nd Norma Jean GiI- 1 .' . ulman homf'. ,.

. Fr~~s~~~~r,J~~~~~<;('n spent all R40:~~:~~l11~~~:~~:('M~:t(~. a rC'.gular of Wintiid('. ~~~li~c~~~:ijtoi~~~l~,iC~{)~"~"r')c:~~;'~ na~:tl~~ ;~r \;~~~~o~~~t~~PC(,~~0~/~~ pa~/;:;.n~('~~(~~~Y~~i~:.B~~r~.a~~.7:~ T. J. HUGHES, AU'CTIONEER \"day WednpsddY last \\edc m the meotmg Frlday C'\.(mng Covered -_.--:- hOIllC' f]'()91 Lo" \ng:('jC's Th(' form('I' \\';IS Ito !)Wlr' .homf' at JIoop0r Thurs-Maurice Hansen home dH,h luncl1('on followed EI1I1!'its in Air CorpR. 1\1 'd MOil RId thC'r(' a f '\V Jlays and till' 1<1111('1' day ('\,('nmg to spC'nrlth(' vacation.

Mr and Mrs HC'rman S1uC'be Alfr('{! n'H,Ir>n l'llll~lc'd I~ 1he all' GJ~nrn <~oJan;s MIS:v~I~la ~l\\~'r' had hC'C'n n. 111(' Wf'st longl'!". ~ MI'S. Mo.nta Bomr'r and. 1'frs. LIVE STOCK and FARM SALES, cO! ps and J( fl N01 folk I'llday tc , , ~.. , l1ul'r 1); \"IS and John KyJ <!c('om_1 J',rnf>st SpIr11gf'rhf'r <lncl childrC'n CARROll d W:\,YSF. (ARROLI PHOSE

and Albett sppnt F !'l.clay e\pnmg For n,frs••Jensen. l'C'por1 for nu1 y [MISS F,lsle LeI and II,trry Hornby panicd M . and Mrs. Don, Wight~ wc'nt to Omaha Saturday last ~ .. an .... ' .. ~ 8-4

ol~rmallBru~ga~s MISFrl'(IJenscn,MIs; SC'nn -- ~prpChrlstmdS(llnn('rgucstSlnllm~.n~.~n~rl~.~~~,e~'~~~I~in~p~'~O~I~J~n~m~l~n~'~"~~~~~"'~'rl~~~'~i'~N~1~in~'h~0~~~I~lk~r~G~,~m~.~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tMr dnd l\1rs Russel! Pnor and .TdlwuSl'll and Nels Andl'IS('n \\('f(' Rf'snme R('honl !\fondnv. thl' Iklt llmnhy home 1{laugh1f'I' spi'nl Chll~tm.lS (1\(,ning1Tlll'''day dftplnonn gl1('sts lht \VIJl~..;jcll Jllgh s(hool \\jll liP rc- 1\JI' ,mrl Mrc; Adolph Tanke' <melIII tlw T J PryOi hOlllP II,I"P('k l!l 1hp C!lll !en;<'tl hon1(' [01 <:umc'd Mnncl,lY dftrr a It'n-daYI Llmlly ]\JI And .:\11" \VPln('r

Mr and Mrs Max Ash and Jerry Mi's N P Jen<:f'n s !Hrd. hll t hday 1\ d{ ,tt Ion Jan]{r>/ i\lr and Mr~ Alfr('r] Jnnkc 1\'('Il' Chnstma:,; C"'\-{' SUPIWl gU('sts - j __ ~ lnd Idmll, \\('T(' C!lTIStlndS suppC'r

lln thc .Tnn HdnS(ll!lOnw Fol' Jlm\ard 4.lHlprSf'n. r 1 gw 0.;10.; In lh(' \\m !;-Jnk(' honH IMI' nnd MIS H~'lmlO Bludlgam Ahotl1 4(l !1l'lghbr.lls dnd frlC'mls ~INSI~E LOCALS "J\,.lJs" fkf)lIfC JloflmCln lC'lurnC'd:

and LOIS spent ('J1ristmas cia) ini,sp('l1t Mondfly('\'('nlllg lils! \\('('k -:\lal"\ll1 ,Jc'"n_('Il "twnl ],10.;1 \\'('r'k!to \\'l.slwr ThtlJ'sd:J\, ('\I'ning aftrrl1hr Rudolph Longe: home, . in .Ow Andr~'w AnrlC'rs('n hOJlle' <lo; in . .' l.sr)('l1.ding Chl'htlllil; in the G~ISj

'. Mr. and Mrs. IIerman Bl'uc1!gam a lal'('\~'f'1l lor j-J()w;\rd Andl'l's('n, I'<Ol'lllil was ill l<lstl Hoflmall hOrtH' l\11>';S V('I'llit Ifnlf-Iilnd Lois ~p('nt F,ri<lay af1('rnooll in \~h() I{'f~ til(' IH':\t flay 1m' Vlll! wl'd", .\\ II h qlllllSy . .' 1111!1ll l'('tllr'nr>d tn (1~:lhn Fr.ld<iY. ith~;'.I~l~ll\~J~~~(~~~~n~-I~~:~~~?~id and Knox, Ky. \11.". 1;1"1 (1!ll,]('rm~~:~~ngl.n an~T,li;\I~~~(,II,~~(J:~ n ~~'l:lll'AI(~;l;~lr/;l:i~ I

sons spent. Christma¥: day, -4n th('IV'nr .TanH's X(·lsoll. ~Itl(~ 1\lJos. L~;onal'rl NOl'lin~lll<1rn, S. D" (,<\'1111' FridHY ('vrninglMrs. Emma Baker hom(~ at :\11'. and l\II's. Rasmus Ra.smu<;. ;.;e[mt ('hn"ltnas \\'-'ljll 1"('lalives <:ltlto vlsil 10 th,r' Otl0 Sl('lldl't' and I'

\Vaync. sell, 1\-11'. amI lVII'S, IIan'r'y Pr!c'rsnn S1i-lntnn ~ , I'~(')"dinilnd Vn",s llnmr.<.;.Rex MiJler,:who \\:a~ cmplo~('d ~u'ld SOilS, 1\-lr. and ::\1r:,;. Dave N('I~ l~ol'('lti:l \lOC.S i,S ,o.;ppnding thel :\-1.1', and I\lrs, Harold Frese' nndl

at. t1,'.C Carl Ni('man Lilhng st¥.tlOn, son "and Mr. and MI'S, Carl Ehh'rs hOllC,lays 111 t, Jll' .John Rohlff home IJa,lllce, Mr. and Mrs, MarVIn, Dun­has gone to Kansas City' lo be werE:' Friday oinneT' guests in thl' fit \Vayne. klau arid Phyllis Ann,.Mr. ,lncl Mrs,]employed. Jam('s Npl:mn home for 1\11', Nel- MI', and i\ll's, C. E, Carlson spC'nt WNn('1' Jankp \\'C'rC' Chnstmas

, Mr. and' Mrs. Vern JC'nstn and son's bil'lhday. C'hnstmas \\lll1 i\ll's. A, C. Carlson (hnnC'l" ~1lC'.<.;1s III tIl(' }ic'mlan Fn'sc1daughter were> . Christmas :dinner at Sholf'<;. IllOllW' ' I

' guests in the I-Tarry Nelsotl home At FrNI 'Witt's. Mr'. and I\11X R. II. MOl'row wC're Mr, and Mrs. Chris Weible nndat Pierce. In honor of MI'. and Mr<;, FrC'rl Sunday dinn01' g'1l1's1s in 01(' Ed. familv, 1'vTr and Mrs. Allwrt .]:-11'-

Mrs. Joy Podhll and sons, Har- WHt's w~dding, anniwrs'ary Sun- Lindberg 110111(', gf'r, iTr. and 1\.lrs. Gotthilf JaC'gcr\,Py and Billy, W('n' Chrislmas day, dinrl('r gU('~ls 1n 111('11' l'IOnw :\,'~I' rind "\fn;. TIllss('1l 7\falmhrrg, and and l'vlt·<;. Fnlnk l)ang4guests in t!1(' 1)on,lId P()(10111101lH'lw('r('~~larem~e\\'illand.~1issSh~l'_WC'I'(' ct~l'l":nl;ls L;\\("'';\''; in thClllll'l'g Fl"lcby ('\'(,nlll'--:, In the'at Omaha. [ICY vv illi' 01 Den\,('I', Colo., i\II.S:-; Ralph F'l'ltlCI' 11OllH'. }krman Jacgrr hOl1w. I

Private Kenneth WC'I'ner left Helen Witt of Wakefield, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. HC'nry Carstf'n and :1\lrs, f3C'rt lIornl1y, Mi;.;s ElsieFriday for Fort K~ox, Ky., after ~rs. Ho\Vhr~I Viit t of Waj"TH', "and ~lmi,l'y spC'n~ Chr:i.stmas (~vC' in the IHomby ami, L','nniC', M,at' Doring I,

.r.;plmding ten day~ m the \"'1. B. 1hC'odoro ~Vllt. Fr>rdmanr! \OSS hO!llf', \\'1'1"(' In Norfolk Sa1urdny lastlWe-rtu"l' homC'. '" ~ Mr. anei Mrs. Martin \VC'yC'rts of WI'('\{ 10 ml'l'1 MISS ;\-'!C'I'na Hornhy

MI'. and Mrs. P. C. Jcnsen andl \\'Insidp \\'ompn's Cluh. Norlolk, \\'f'rC' Christm~s guc'sls in who camp from Sto('kh~m, Ncb" Ifamily were Monday ('vening \VinsidC' WomC'n's cluh mr1 Mon~ 01(' 0110 Gr:l.r'f )lOn1l'. for 1\\'1) \\'('C'ks' \":'lCatlon ~

g~{'S1S last wC'ek in the' Andrew (~~y nl!I'nDoon \\:,1111. Mrs II. E. ;\'T.I'. Ullil ~r]'~, 1\1: 8, P,nllwr !Jnd 1\1,1" '<lml \1r,,;. n110 Kall~ anrl!And('rsen homC'. . Slnlan. Mrs. C'. J<•. !\;('{'dh8m hau family sj1(\nl (hl'l~tmas the fHnlll), \11'_ a,ntl .\11":-;. F .I. J)llllIlW],!

Miss Clara Bronzynski r6'turns the I('s;son on Shakf'speare's "Ho- B. Gram' homp ,It Wayno. Mr.: and Mrs. E\'C'rf'tt \Vittp, andto Lincoln SunduiY next week after meo and Julie1." Mrs. NC'Nlham Mr. anll Mrs. FrC'd Erickson Mary, 1\11', and Mr:-;. Emil D;lng-1spending .two, 'wet'ks in 1hE' A.lhert read a synopsi~ of the jilay. Mr.';. \\'E'rf' Chl'i<:tmns (iinne-r guests in berg ~1l',1 PU1l1 \\"I'rr' Chri~tmas C\C

Rronzynski homC'. Nef'dham ami Mrs V. C ;Vlr('ain 1!lf' A111(' 1"1 ~\]il!ik{'n hn!1W glll'.C,ts i]l \\1(' \\'rn. Eant hOl11e. I1'...1r. and l''1rs, \V01. Swanson, read 1/1(' balcony S('(']lC'. The hnst- -:\11'. !lnd :\II'''; Chri.s \\'C"ih]e alld J\lr. and I\l]'-;, ;\lfn'rl Koplin ~ndl

Bonnie ancl Viola, and CI,~r('nce,res.s '<;~>r\cd. .'-:pl'lll <Itternoon in!Llnlll Y 01 Wtljnl', Mr. !1m] ::\Jr>,1lVIorrj~ \\'('1'(' Friday gUC'S1S.",l tll.el' --!--- . 111(', tlll,ll, _ IJnnnld C<ll'ls()n~lnd Llllllly, 1\11'.:

W. 0, Smilh honlf', l!2i1CR' 10..R'~UfiDP1USI :lJr; "ne! :-1", t-:. :"p"11I1.lIn:"nd :II",; [(",,,,ll 1'ry(,r "nd'Ml'. Hnl} Mrc;. Tfld Foot0 and' sPC'llt ('hJ'l.'-,IIll;l~· llay Jt1 11](' 1Jypr'lduut:illl'l' \\'('l'i'

fa'mily, Georgc, Brssi(' and Di:·lhel:t l!i'nry honw :It. SII)\IX .' I gW'"t" 1!l<.;1 WI''']' lJ1

FootC' w('rf' Chl'btmas cllnner I [('tll'j. Hill hl1lHIl w('nl PJ1g('}'i \VitllrT ImllH'. ..gUC'sts in tl1(' W. B. v,.'erncr honH"[ , C'ln·lslm:ls ('V(' to ;-;»r'nd C'hn:<lll1a"I])()/liJJd \\'('lhl,' l~'fl Fli<!il} jlt)

ClarcncC' \i\litt of De,ow'r, Co]o" Im~u,an~jl>" .n,l'f(:I'n,I~>~1 ('~I.,l~r(',J,). in tll(' ('I:llIo.; Ibihman, !Jnm('. 1\1<Inll<Jtlnn, !-\:;In,. 1n :\11"'"arr!\"pd las1 WNlnC'srlay afternoon (nt \. (~ld~: n.ll C1£Sl I, jlcl.<;tOI) :\ll-s nl'i'jh;1 ;llvl Miss Waldron \\'('llll!' ll1'rl'. 1\11'.10 visil abou1 a wl'('k III 11l(> ,home, }'IC'w Y~-'ar;, (lily srT\I('PS al !':lIlm:1 :-'])('tlt FI'H!:ly ('\'c'nil1i~ \VhFI 11:ls 1'('l'l1 ),latl()IWd -i.!.U F01lof his 11')]'('[110.;" Mr, <Inti Mrs, Fr('(~1 :t:,~O a, m, , 111 t!JI' }o'1'l'dlllClnrl VO",'S hOllle'. I:J]('Y, j{,Hl .. 11,:t\('S on ',lrlllY m;l-Witt, Sunday 10:"1,) 1\11'. ;IIHl ?\11'~. It. S. 1\10.<'('" wI'n! ]]"\I\'C'I'''. :\ll'S. \\'I'lhll' \\111 c.l:I\· III

Mr. nnd Mrs. L('OIwrcl N"lson ii, Ill. ,11 11:1:i tn. to B('c' Sfltun1ay to \'l"it i1111H' AI· til<' S\C'\'I' Porlc'r !lorni'. "nnd family of Picrce, WC'!'CO Sunday Iwt't E\ ans hO!lle <l few days. :\lrs. Be]"1 ha \Vendt i1l1d I lC'l'hr]'j,dinner and SUpper gUests last Rt. })anl's J~~ltheran Churdl. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Koll and John and El'vin Voss of PHair,week in 1h(' \Valdon Bruggnr (Rev. H. M·IHilpprt, pastor) family spent Christmas in the Mrs. s;pC'nt Saturday C'\'f'ning and. Sun4home. December 3(1, New Year's pve l\lary Ileiser hom!' at l\1onowi. day last \\"cC!'k in the Ferdinand,Mrs, Artie "Fishcr.. Gordon. Lor~ se~~~~Syi;I~:~~)~,n~:~:.\~~~~i~ ~~g_ Mr. <lOfI Mrs. Robert Boulting Voss homp. Mrs, G('orge Wif's,e and

etta Mae and Bonnie Were in Nor- cj. and lamily spent Clll'istmas in 1he Arnold WCI'f' al~o Saturd<ly evellingfolk Saturday last weE'k. They ~iS~a~~~~~:y3~;~!~~turdayschool. Charlps Mi1c!wll home at vv'ausa. guests,in the Voss home.werC' sUI1I)('r gu('sts in th(' (!;uy Re\~. anrl Mrs. H. A, I-liIpC'rt of Mr. Hnd Mrs. vv'aldron v.,'C'ihlf'Simmerman homC'. : SundaY:j1,~ngHsh servicPs, at 9:20 Pier~c, called in the Rev. II, M. of Manhattan, Kan., were here

Mr. and 1\11'.>.;. Mauricr- Hansen, a. m" S~nloay school at 10:25 a. m Hilpcl't home Saturday morning. Chri.>.;lma.s day in 1Iw SleW' Portl'l'Larry and Dennis, Mis~ Ann Jor- Gprmnn SC'~ViCC~ at 10:40 a. m. Mr, and Mrs. Emil SiC'ffon and and I\Il's. 11('1('11 \Vellllp homes. 1\'11'.g('m:en, Peter Hansen, Miss Carrie The pas or wishes to tal{e this family o( Wayne, visited I e and Mrs. WPIl)iC' and Mr, and Mr!':.Hans01l and Emil Synovec were means of (xprf'ssing sinCE'rp, gTati- Henry ('Hr~h'n hOlTIP ('hri~1 mas I-I,\rry fihuc1y LInd Clark LC'e wen'Christmas eve supper gues1s in the tude for t c hundreds of Chri!o':t~ day.' also Christmas dinner guests ,ItH. C.'-Hansen home. 'mas ,cards1 and other ]ovply girts Mis.s Talitha .Tanke of Omaha, Pot'tn's.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lorenz and ,~ent to hill l· came Sunday la:-.t wepk to visit III Dr, and Mrs, G. D{Jvid Koch oftwo daughters; of Smithla:nd, la., TrinitJ J~lIt~ran Chllr('h. tile' \Vm. Janke home until Janll~ T('rrC' Il11l1!e, Inri .. hrought David

~!~~t~:~n;~~a~' ~~h~yan~~r~lO~~ (Rev. TjI. G. :Knauh, pastOl') ar~'l~{: Gl/org., Logan and Clyde ~~~rhW~~k.fa~:.I!':K~~~(,o~~m~ohn~~~~:their way _,to visit relatives at New Ye I"S morning services at Ev-('rett fami!i('s of Beatric(', visit- 11 If'ThE

'Madison lH'ld Randolph. 9:,30. pd Christmas in ttl(> Harry Evans Tt~~i~~l:~lC'nCr~Ya~dtC'~rs~'I;~~~~ r~~IF'M· f:,Herman SchoC'nf01d of Hubbard, nil;gl~Oil' rl'len!'::al Thursday ('Vl'- !JornC'. l1lainl'rl in Lincoln' un1il Fl'lrlll\" i arm. ac Inery,' C.

sp~nt ri'om Saturday to TUl~sday Mrs, Bert l10mby <lml Tvli;;s 1\1('1"- w1l<'n 11H'Y ('am(' lll'rc for a visit .. I

l<ist .wel"k in the Art Hergcheid a. S~~d~~~Vi~~nt~y1;C~~l()~.a1T~~ na, and O!'villp Roland "'et'e in Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Ulr~~-::n1iJ J ~ \IF~or~~k' FI7~Oa~it?(:rr\J01~;Vae~\.Ito~k;hnq annUal congr-egation mecting will :('a!k~(' TueS,cla

y ~~~~~n~~nI la~~ Ja-mil-J;,- Mr. --and Mrs.-Samuel UJ- .- -' • . B bid10 Visi1.""Mr. Sehoenff~]d is an ll,nel: foTIOW--fne--servTcc:s----:--All· OI'R"Efr'liztt.;,- -Mr.---and Mr~. L(>land \Vallh and rich and da-.ughf"i"r:-<,-M-r-.--a-nd'·"I\'f-r:::;:', AUi.a..ChaJmers-traetor on steel. JohcnuDlte,vearteor2'_row "o-devil. T~oS:ag'ons, comp-lete with

t ' 1 I' h h R' bPI d M M' Allis-Chalmers cultivator.' •of t.hC' men. IOns s lOU III ave a report t en. family 1)1:In to ~Y\C'nd Nfl\\' Yo::!r's f'U ('n us an son,s, r,s, mOle I J hOb' t' f 26' b .. Mr. and Mr£:. Waldon Brlligger Ladies' Aid mf'els January 14. day in 1hC' A. M.

vWallC'r home at Bfucckner. Mrs. Augusta Brumels Woods Bros. single-row corn a ~pe::;ea~~r:o:.:a;~annt::t'ow Swee;I:;ind~~:'trip]e &ear.

· and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. l-I. League Illects the evening of B"I,]en,' ancI Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martlll PiC~ r on rubber, new. , J h D d' . 'I I F 'd J h 14 • I Moline corn planter. 0 n eere manure'sprea er.· Br,ugger and Miss Eula1ie, Mr. and January 14 for election of officers. Mr. ;inti Mr~, Ed. Lindberg, Mrs. <11,.,( SOil were • 1'.1 ay gue"",ts ,in the\ 0 n eere -10. gang pow. b d

Mrs. N. ,H. ,Brugger and Marcella, Cat{'ehetical instruction will be B, M, MclntYI'e find John were in Emf-1st Puis home for a Chrlstmas 16-in. alking plow. John Deere single-row lister. Two scoop oar s.d J 10 d 'l d I f 'ft J ~ 10 ft d' Harrow cart. Posts, lumber and wire cribbing.Mr. and'Mrs'1 John Brugger of re:;;l,lmc anuary . Norfolk Chri~tmas eve for mid~ Ir ,ner an exc lange 0 gl S. 0 eere _. ISC.

Wayne, we-re Christmas eve guest~ The pastor wishes to thank night mass. 'Miss Shirley Wille of Denver, JoH: eere 20-ft. flexible McCormick-Deering grass mOwer. Two set of harnessi.n the Dale Brugger ,home. 1 everyone w~16 sent him grbeVingS Miss Paul1jne and Miss Adeline came Wednesday afternoon last har ow. Endgate seeder. Two sets of ,flynets" ,l'.1"r. ~nd ·Mrs. Ted ~ladsky, an~ and gifts. ' 'Pohlman went to their home at wC'E'k 10 visit in the Mrs. Mildred McCor ick 8-ft, binder. Hand corn sheller. Sev~ral horse collars,o,n,."Michael, ~f LCPdn~ton,' ~.p('n~ Stanton Christmas eve 10 spend Wi11e homt". Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baylor -row cultivator. Deering grass mower, 5-ft. cut.Christmas eve and Christmas day, WINSIDE l.OCALS the holidays. HC'{'nan of Sioux City, spent last B8YIOr

tingle-row cultivator. Two IO-ft. hay rakes. Numerous small tools.

ill ~'h~ ~urt Lewis home. Mr. and FrC'(] Darhm~ vj;;)tcd at W. B. MI', and Mrs. Hrrman Schneider Wednesday evening and Thursday New C ntury single-row Hay rack, good as new. Many other' art~cles not listed.

M~.'~~rt~n~kOfSjOOXICi~:We~e~sFridayaftrrnoon. andlWoChiIO~nofNo~k,s~nth~.MffiWitleandwn8,Mi~ ,--4-~-~---~-----------------------------------Lav~rna Lewi., Jeanne.' Jimmie:\ Mr. and J)Ilrs. G. A. 'Lewis wore Christmas eve In .the lfranlc Bran- S~irley. Mr. and Mrs. Heenan. Roy J IMa,'rilyn nnd Bah W£>re nl~o C11rist· Chri..tmas ~~inn('r guC'sts in the zyn~ki hOlW'. , . Witte and Mr. amI Mrs, R. II. "JIr",I, . 'cH'0 USEH0 LO G,0'0 OS Jma~ 'gu~!:lt~. Bpl1 Ll'\Vis homC'. Ml'. and Mrs. Carl Ritze und Ml'. Morrow were Chrislmas dinner I "'

Mr. and Mrs. M. Jorgensel'} and M'l'. ,and Mrs. Henry Moecling and Mrs. Willis Ritze spent gue~ls a~ F. E. Bright's. \,"'1'et'l!';, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Paulson,! and 'daught~r of Wayne; spent Thursdayevening in the Chris Mr. mid Mrs. Carl Ritz~ and b I'b bl 11 I-d'

Julit[!; Jorgenl,en, Peter Hansen, Christmas deY in the lu,nry Moe, Weible home. John, ·Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ritze, 'LlVIN ROOM: Leather-coveted davenport, two leat~er-cover~drockers to ma!c , 1 rary ta e, a so 1 oak.Mi$S Carrie Hansen, ;Mrs. Wm. ding, sr" horne, . Miss Lore "V~ib16 of Omaha, Mr..and lVIr~. Martin Pfeif~~r and I DININ ROOM: Dining table, six leather-covered chairs, buffet, al! solIsJ oak; CirculatIng heater, good as nell{.Bowles, Emil Synovcc; Mr. al,1 1\1)'. and Mrs. Ray Ebmeier of came last \Vedncsday evening to family, Mr, and Mrs. NorrIS Wei- KITCH N: Dro .leaf table'; four chairs; Copper Clad cook stove; .~CTe bo~; DeLaval cr~~m sepa,:alor, No~ ,15;

, ¥rs·. Mi!ul'ic~ Hansen; Larry an' Clarkville, ~1"0., and Mrs. Martha \fisit until Sunday in the' Chris ble and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. 'Emil tubs, fr it jars !'nd other articles. BED RO,?MS: Bed complete wl~h spring and new Inner spring mattress;Ibcnh~.s were Christmas. d Fleer were I,in Norfolk Tuesday \Veible home. Rineh1art ~nd family, Mr. and Mrs. bed. wit springs; dresser,; sanitary cot; writing desk; two small tables; small rocker.gUests in t'he H. C,' Hansen home.. '.e,vening lastl wee]<. ,: Harold Hornby of Indianapoli~. Ad9lph RllIhlff and family. Mr. andMr~ aqd Mrs. Wm.. Brpmmon~ Mil'. at,ld ¥rs. James Troutman c'ftme Christmas eve to .visit until Mrs. Carl Rohlff, Mr. and Mrs.

and Mr. p:hd Mrs. T~d. Brummond and, faJ;mly and Mr. and Mrs. Carl the first of this week in the Bert John Rohifr and family and Mr.an~, Ia!tl~l:y of Norf.oJk, Mr. ~nd ~ro~tman a d family ~ere Christ- Ifornpy hom~., ' ' and. ¥rs. NQr~an Svenson hadMr.,.: Cl~:r~nc('!_ Kahler and, fam.i1.¥'jlri.as gU.ests.. t G,Hnt .'1'.. routman,'so '. M,iS,S Esth,er ..N.ielsen of Chicago, th~"ir Christmas dinner Sunday

: :Mr. ,and,;Mrs. Ernest Fr~vert; a.~~' :'I~I'A~Vi~ ,J'~~ nio~e of, Frc~ont, i~ll~'5p~nding t~e ~~lidays wi~h her ev:~ni?g, in th~ Edgar, Marotz;fan).l)y, Mr, and Mrs. MelvlI1 spent Chrls1 as day in the Gene mot her, Mrs. ,TurgC'n Nielsen, and home.SamuelsoQ, 'aM SOn of Wayne, Mr, Cal'r home, iss Ruth Schmodc of brol her, Soren. Miss Lisetta anc! Miss Esther

, u.ml Mrs: Faye Johnson. 1'41', and Lincoln, is 11 re over 1he hOlidays, Mi'. and Mi's. Robei't lloulting Niemann o"r Mitchell. ari'ived~..rs',Ver,nr~ RebenSdO~f, ~!'.d '. Mf- ..~n4 .. rs .. Lyle. Wade .a,nd a'ldJa~Jpy.and Mrs.. George Gab- Chr~'smas eV,e to visit in the 0((0

"Jy, Mis., Ii<1's Stecllelberg ,91,', ~haK~~ Lee" k Wm. Wade, nar- let were, in ,!'lorfolk Tuesday eve- N,e nn,. home. Mi.. ,Lisetta"re-ha, Mr. 3l)d Mrs. 0 old wade. BJ 1 Suehl and John, Mr. ning last week, turne Monday and Mlss"\Esther isand. M}~~: .~t,Jn Jorgensep. yvere "a:t?-d,Mrs.·T-e Foot~ ~nd Virgil and IMr. and Mrs. Lee Morris of stayilW longer. Mr. and Mrs. Gar­Ch1"lst~as dinner and supper, G'tbert. we Friday, evening Scottsbluff, came Christmas eve to field Newma.n and son of Essex,guests m the Art B1'U~ondh~~~.: guc~~~ m th W. B. Werner home. ".jsit \Vitl~ Mrs. Julia Overman ard la., came Christmas eve to visit

'" ':i·':i,'''I,' I:.'i '" ,,' 'j", I 'I PI:"ii.\I::·;:,!;!·;', "I'

('onrord Phone 43


('oxroRD and WAV:<E

Thanksto All!

OLD.STYLE round-topreadmg segment!; make

o~jects "Jump" when the eyepasses from distance to near\ iSlOn sectionsIf the lens But,there IS no "Jump" with the •Umvls Straight·Top ReadingSegment. You see clearly, inboth vision fields, with UnivisBifocals.



:=::9L-/ ~



We appredale your many favors of

the past year and wilJ do all possible

10 meri! your continued patronaie.

We ho~e th'at 1942 will bring realization

of your most cherish~d wishes.



Kirkman's Drug StoreI Wayne, Nebraska \

±~-,'-=.....,....:."~;~l :~ 11___ ___~ _ ..__~_~.~~. Ij~a'l rro~ II 'A~pa. r't'm'ent --- 'Wayne H.e' aldl¥l:'~~~~~ltFd~~;~?'E~ :~t~rr~;~&7;j§~~:;s;~ ~i~~;~~;~E~:~~Fa~;r.:j¥r~.. ~ U tJ Charm and Mr and Mrs Ernest Hale Were Christmas dinner guests vey Eehtenkamp and daughters.'I 'Carlsonand Vera. in the Harry Beckner home. Mr. and Mrs: Albert ~chfenkampI 'BYDOROTHY HUSE NYBERG' The children of Mr and Mrs. C Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brudlgam, and daughters, Mr. and Mrs Her.I I -- ---- J. Magnuson and their families Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Brudlgarn and bert Echtenkamp and MarvIn.j' St' t ,r.I,1 t' SO'~Il'af Uap',penl'ngs of U'eek and Lyle, and MiRS Sadie Moore to VISll rr']atlvcs t11l'rro for two spent Christmas eVe wIth them. sons wen? Christmas <;upper guests IMr. and Mrs. Martm EchtenkampaI- 'eJxcava lon llj 1"1" l o[ Rapdolph. Mrs. Wm. Frahm and week>. • Those present Were Mr. and Mrs. m the Fred Aevermann home. and Henry Echlenkamp ca\led

For In,lProvelll.ellt Wanda of Laurel, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Carl~o of WaynC', Ed- Oscar John~on and family, Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Max Holdorf and Tuesday evemng. Mr. p.nd Mrs.SociAl "·orecnst., ~---------. ----- Paul Pedersen and c1augl,ters of \\'ard Lmn a'lld Clifford Carlson Mrs. Arthur John~on and family, family and Mr. and Mrs Fred Herman Echtenkamp were Chrlst-

Sf.. Paul Lutheran church will B tI A' C ill t me t fo d Avoca, la, Ronald Baker of Ran- left Monday mol' 109 for Wichita, Mr and Mrs Kenneth Olson and Flege were Christmas dlOner mas afternoon callers find Mr and·have a m'w basemcnt beneath the few a~l'; s. l( w no era School Is Resume dolph, AI. Goodman. Kan. to .'nter a aircraft school daughter, Mr. and Mrs. An'ld Pe- guests m the Ernest ~tenkamp Mrs Fred RuseI' and Adelaide e\c.entIre >II'UCllIre this sprmg., Ex- 'T O'hIe II M d Mr and Mrs Carl Paulsen were Mr and Ylrs rthur Anderson terson and family and Mr and home mng gue'tscavatlOn has starled and men of MDelk' /I} meets, anuary" w" n arl'o on ay Christmas dmner gues's at H C. and fam'l~ and F,ank'Carl,on and Mrf. Evon Peterson and family. Mr' and Mrs Clarence Powers _the congl-ega'lOn dl'e doing tbe ;:;;-. ,e'helt· t t t· School I"'sumed In Carroll Mon- Han,Jn's at Wmside Mr and Mrs daugh'er<; "Ve nnel' gue,t, m Mt1 and Mrs. George Magnuson and fomdy. Mrs Faye Strahan and EXCH4NGESwork. Tho n('\V ha.'>cmcnl will he ". rs. r\'l 'T )er s pn cr am~ dlly followmg a weck's holiday re- 1\1 Jo~g('n~en, Jcns and Juhu!l Jor- the Vcrn<' ellIson home ChrJstmfls and family and Mr and Mrs Glen Don had a no-hmt dmner Chnst- <

hum a~ !-loon as lhp dir1 IS moved. I\ncJttmgi,clUh, 'I;Ja~uapy 6T 8 c{"s~ Mrs F. B. Dr-ckf'r of Wayne, day. 'Ll ............ ., mas day In th.. Lloyd Powers _

-- ~athohc A'j meet s • anuary "eont Inumg on t he high school ~~~e:SU~~~:kC,~~rl';.;~;;,~~~nw~~~ Mr and Mrs I'm Wall and :~~;~,s~~t~~~e~r:~~m~~'::s'';:~~ home o/~~':c~'~~~do£~~:'::;: f~':';i~~"ufrers nal'k Injur~'. wl~·I~r.. ~u kBrocker t T staff unld d '~aelH'r ,s se('ured. also uhere. Roger "en' to Jl mp'on. Neil, '0 day for 'hnner. Mr. and Mrs AnIon SchmIdt of' age of 56, ,

~1II's Fred H"llweg of Laurel, 22 ~,thni.1rs o~-::~ ;~~~s • anual'y - - Mr and Mtts Harold Bnnla and spend the holiday wl'h Mr Wall's Dixon, Mr and Mrs. Glenn Rice Mr anq Mrs J B. Co<sard ofsu[[el"<! b"ck iOJury whon tIlC car MI") C 'W~~ds l'nterlams 1.,,- CARROLL LOCALS [am,ly. James Claybrock nf Nor- paronts, Mr. an Mrs. ChrlSlJan Mr and Mrs Clarence Eng,'edt and Stella were Chmlmas dmner Bloomfll'l,/,-obsened th"'e goldendriven hy Mr JIeJlwog Went ./nto glon J\.U~d"J(·y January 1,1. Th""P.JJ11 Br~ek"rs wero at Mar· '[nlk, iTames BoSiedel', ElIon Jen- Wall of Wausa, and Mr and Mrs Floyd gues's m 'he W J f:chtonkamp weddmg anmversary January J.:' dI1cll noar L.1\1l',,1 D.'eemb"I',19. Womah's eluh meels January R lin P,Jul'''n', I' "da~ ev('nmg. klns. Mr and MI" Fred Fenske, Mr and Mrs AI erl Nygren and Reynold' and family were djnner home Mrs Hdey Holmes, once a resl-nH' 11'0 \\er<' on tIll'II' \\ay to Car- wlf! M ' Fd If U'W'IO Mr' W The Roy Lamlangel" were at Mr. and Mrs Herman Bruggeman famdy and M,· an Mrs John Ny- gu"sts m the W. A. ErWin Rome Arthur Carl'on of WIch,'a. Kan, dent near Beemer, died a' herroll to at!pnH flln(ll'tll l'l1(,~'ror 1I 'F' Jlon(l::;;l~ ica{:~"' 'IGPO W""ker, FI'J(I"y evening. and fam,ly were Chl'J<'ma, gue>!s gren and lam"y pent Chnstmas ChrIStmas day. came Chmlmas eve and v",ted home In Sterling, Colo., recently.C.B",lel,. • Rebekl,h, me~t Januarv 13 The 1I.lIn <I'd no' run nn lhe at Wdl Bonta's. e\<' In 'h<' Ray on<l j·.nek,on _ un'd Sa'urday afternoon with hIS Joseph Maule, Bloomfield. With

• --- whC'n ofhcprs will bl' In"t 111('11 IBlonmfl('ld brdn('h Chrl~tmas day. Mr. and Mt!'l E L P('arHon Irft home' F.ntprtaln!i TUf~sday. slstf'r and husband, Mr and Mrs the U S na\y. was rpportpd nTiss.' ]\fU\'~s 'J'bis. Spring. Mr~ H L l~< rmrr, MISS Anna Jot' Uulfy of SIOUX ClIY, was In Sunday by bus for Blanchard'i Mr and i\Irs J hn S\\anson of Misf.; Gall Hughes pntertam('d a VlrgJI Kardell 109 after the Jap attack Decem-

• Rwha"j \lllanck,.. wilo held a Fr<<lrlel"on a d Me< John G.rs- 'he l' A. TIenn"ssy h0010 for Mich .• '0 Vtslt a f,'w weeks '\Ith Omaha, came We. nes<lay 10 spend group o[ cia" O1ale" and [l'Iellds Mr an~ Mr~_ Fred Acsermann, ber 7.f"rm sal,- 'J'ue,da" IS movmg I\'- ktlt''W111~!,t''i,ostc~s' - Chm1mas. ......_==~. ol.-.mer',,-mol-her,-Mrs_ lL..L M'L"l~U!LV!e Mrs, ~ (L~n- ,honor o[ Mrs. ,Wm. tlask<'Tl 1Ifr and Mrs Frank Bruillgam. Bob Chdds :-lor[olk, student atApl'],·lon. ~Imn, tillS spring - -- .. -- .:--:: _-c. - - --il-lisd",'n" RlaeR'W~1irijT; carson. 1'I'T1':<!nlI1Im:-f,Im - erson-non=- TC'"rnf'rl-Mm lR"Cdny<lfternoorr. -" .. __ M"" Wdl Brudlgam and sons were Wayne S'ale Teachers college last

•. - --~ J~ "o~ral. Waynl' lor Chns'm"" "n - the- ns-are slaymg at rhe Ji'('1II',on Sunday _ -- Fnday I'Senmg guests last "cck year, en],s,_d In the.a" corps andhlt"s!, at :<"rl"lk.. At Peterson 110m.. ',,'eIHnd. home whde they are gone MI" Syhla Pea son who 'ea~h- .Jolly Doo.n Club. m Ihe Herman Geewe home I left Norfolk Fnday.

Arnold .llIncI< cnlis",.1 In lhe 1:, () T l11emb"r, and 1Iwir f"l11- ~h an<l M" 1.,h"n Ttl hards Mr. and Mrs. Geo L,nn "ere e' ncar Hal·tmgto , and ~11Ss }.u- The Jolly Dozen eluh Wl're l'n- Mr and Mrs Bert JUhl~n o[ Oh-


}ttl'lfi,l) to }f'jlOrt for dUly. Pl~I' Tl1(>~<lIlY ('\rlllng III 111(' J\lhlll C;('I) \\',lCkrT'" amj Mrs Hugh Linn <11 LdU!e] 1\11' sprndmg l1H'11 eh IslOldS \,\UllJOll homf' nt Dixon Saturda) In honor I\k~l!lan anel Mrs Anna Juhlin- P'I' I" 1\Irs C;('O Pm trr and I ward and Mrs Donald Morn'i \\01'(' IhC'l'C' at homf' of Mrf.;. Irwlnl Blllttpr of Mmnc- \\,('re Christmas dinner guests In

IJolls ,nil ;\I(·/"t. ( f'lson lOIllt. _ I PorI PI' "[Jl'n! Chl'lslmil'i In 111 Carl for Suppf'r AV0ry Lmn or N('w- MI' .anrl Mrs I A PolUl and apcnlls.' the George Juhlin home at DixonLiml .. cluh n1l'('t~ .Jallwll'Y 11 Ail111l}~ l\ff'f'tin~. ,.Llcobs(lll hnmC' ... cast]£" And Donald Lmn of BOUI-


Glf'nn ami 1'111' and Mrs Paul Hart 1\11' and M~ Paul L('ssman andMNhodJsl Aid mC'1 \V('(lnr~(ln\' I Mr dnd Mrs .John (~ttman dcI', Colo, \-\('re also ItH'rc' \\('1'(' dllm~' gtl\''lh, In OW:J M I[omf' from I[o~pital. BonnJe Dale LP-.f.;man, th(' last of

T ;~~e~~:; ~~~~~~ll for ~;e"II;~R~:''':'~::I ~~;:OJ;":;IIW,,~~r,~ ~II':'~' ~i,~I;:;,'~'~~' "Ilh M .md an~~:~~~ ~~r;;,,~~~'~';. ;~~;';:;~~ :;;;,'~':;,~~ 110nw al (." I 011, (hns'· ,o;;:r;e'~~~~~ ~~~ego';~dw:;~~ ~:~c~OJ~;':~o T~n:;;;;~~,e'~I~~~; , Live Stock Farm Sale.

SP\('f'<l1 dins hIN!('<.:f.;('R f'lH' \\ P Thomas fa lly of Anton drrmqulst and Dons of Ml<.:S PornO,) S IIp]('lon, a stu- hMpl1al Saturday .:\1r~ Ruth gu('!;ts In the' :.\ rs Mmnle' 1 II er I Auctt'oneerMrs \VIll Pi rtrh,lrd, ~lldJ1 and Wdynp "prortl Chn"tm,ls In the W'lyn(' \\('1'(' guests at oys!rr sup- df'nl I1l1rs(' from thf' Mf'1lwdlsf John~on IS s1aymg m thp Kardell homC'

1'0111 W('II' III 11ll' 1 d\\lll J0I1I'S H:l'\f' ~O-nf)st DillON". ]);1\(' 'f),lOmas 110111(' p('~ Ch;'lstmas ('\('nJng 10' thl' John hospl1al In SIOUX Ily. spl'nt the homo to help carC' for them. Mr Hnd Mrs Bel'l Juhlm of Ob-hOhif' F'Ilrlay 'Ve-Pu nwmh('I's and thr'll' hus- L{'nnard lIallp('n and rlu Gellman home The Blame GC'1t- w('{'k-('nd m the' h mC' of h('r falh- ('rhn, Kan, arrl\ed Tu('sday last

G{'r<lld S"'lhdr1 1('lllrn0d SlInrlHy bHnd~, dlso Ml'. ~nd J\1r-. (jll0 spf'nl CI1l'Jstmas \\llh 1\1r manf.; "pC'nt Clirls1m~ls day al An- cr, HarlY Sfapl('\o St. Paul's F.\. J,lIth. Chur('h. \\f'(>k to \lsH 0\('1' Christmas In lh("10 qrawfOld dllr'! slwnrhng-1l \\cek vVagnpI' had no·host dlOnC'\' Sntur- Ifpn" Ju]ks 81 W<lII"1l ton GranqtHst's I, Mr and 1\11'<": .T: mf'S Hank nncll '1 mlks horthea:';\ of Concord !\.!r<.; Anna .1uhlm home and \\Ith<11::\1 1 S\\ lh Hl " , day C'\(,Il,mg In tlw PI'ITy Jollmon 1\11 ,Inri ;\Iis PH\I' SY1I~'llnus M s S S Glhson and [<ln1Jly- of IfflmJiy I·.rl\\ard LIth :mel Mr!-i I Rp\ L l\1 Doctor paslorl olh('r n'latl\('<'; Mrs Juhlm and

;\11' dtHl i\fr,<'; LI'on,lro PrIlchard home \\I1,h Mrs Johnson dllrl Mrs \\C'rt' .II Andtp\\ Pdn~('I"S m an;o >h ~lr And MiS (;f'O AHr~ \Vm Sehro('dc'r Inc! (L1Ugh;c'IS ).'('\'\ YPdl's {\(' "1'1'\1((' 7 ~O h0

r g:11('''1'' \~(r" Fl'1rhy

rllnnp)'sPPAi H COliI'll' oj ddYs l<\sl \\ppl< In N A \Vnllh In rhnl'l.;(, BJld (. \\ 1<'; \\'1\n(' Jill (hrl"lm,l" n I I 1'1 B" t W, M \\f 11' Sll]J!)('1 glll'<.:l In lhl' 1· I{,d I'\P\\ Y("lr'<.; dliv !-;(>r\lel' 10 nn An- gUPsts 10 Ihp Iran} McMillan

th~I;;,";~,:~:';'lj''''I~~:'~:;1S,pen' l'I"" d,v"rSIQt1. h,:\,~;1tS,: "::;nl:: ,,\~~.' ,~~~~n~~'~~~ ~;' ;.~I~OlJt'I~~:;I?O~"'"~~\r~ \~;: RI~~': ~~:;,eM~;Ifl;; ;,' 7',~;k "nd ~:"~ ~!)u~"n;-;;smoe,,n!, .January 2 hO~~ and ~Irs BJlgl'r Mo~er a~dYl''''' "'" ,;, tt", \\"Il,-r Fre<lrl'ck· For DNlemhor RrItT.. "n ."'" I;"''' ll1e 1"1<' ofllc"1 ~n~~,t ~';'~lStm:"~:"h ~,;~e~?~ daughter< All. an I MIS. I·, J a Sunda~' after Kow Year',. Sun- fo;t1lly \lr '"n'd ~t", Dear! Me~er.,:-;on home at \VH1{('flPld St Paul AIr! Il!lfl \Vnllhf>r 1 hI' (dJ I1urllJptl Illtmly and P, 1\1' Hr('rlpmp (']' r('lurnpd lrughps dnrl (,,<lll Inri Mt-. (h,l<;. d<-l school .It 10 ()(J Gf'rman s('r\- I\lr and .:\1P.' WI11. A l\1('~('r and

1\1r and AIrs K('nnelh EddlP, LNlgU(' entprl<lJnl'rl Sunrlay ('\('- "1r' <1m! :\11S Elmo Jl>~n~dnl W('I'I:' Bdlt'I'; J IS mla. } CI:nk ,\\('1',(' dlnn!'1 gt,lpsts In 1h(' 1('{'Ydt

]0 n DwaLnP :'vTr dnd :vIr:; GlpnnR (hrl<.:lrn,I<.;.r;upstsdl r·. L,Pc>ar- to .. lIlCOll,lI :\- hHnCl.llklwnw hnstmasdHy Samp

sonl'lnrlfamlly:'lr.'lnd:\lr<;r~=;":~;tnll;./l~H~~~~~~~a~:V:~~'ll~~.Ht elY I:~~:~~('~Ja~~1('I~h~~;~~1 kft\I"ls~~~ ~~(~I son" I I __~__ i\lr and :'III" A ('I l"r('(JII(kson F:\anRPIic'al Frpt' Churl.h, Otlo Hmnerl('hs nnd Ruby "\\pr('

?\Ir dn/l ;'\lJ" Ll~):'od lIallJda~y and formf'rlv . MIS" E\{'lyn JI,Jns('n HI'\ dl1(] ;\II's (' E F'lr('rIr~ek~C'n , - ~ Rnd famrly 1\11 rm l\Ir" I',IU] p('- 1f{1'\ ()nl.ll \V S\\at)arkl Christmas sU[JPf'r gu('"ls; In 1he~on "1i1'llt CllIl<.;tll1d" \\Jl/1 !III'S. Lunc!il'on [ollow(>d ~ f.;o('f;ll tll1W. Dnd f 1ll111.> \~('I'I' ChllSljl'lS t~nner CONCORD JjI(,r"On :Inr! )\fr <I d ,Mrs Arnold ThC" Young Ppoplp's society "ill Gf'org(' M('j'('r home.H"II," 'v, ",II "n" a' Lau,,,1 The hll<l,' Jrwt\,,<l ma", g,It, gill"" "I II", ft", 1: II 'mst " 1'1"""'"'' ''''Jr' h,,!,} I''r"nlng ml'e' at the pal',onage thIS Fnday Mr and M" Ted Le«man and

MI"" Hub} Sehluns \\ho had - hom!' , I I I gUf'~ts In thl' 'l\ar

1jll( rrson 10mI' 1'.anho(' of Fldg<.;fafL Anz ,urn.

plann, d to ,'onw 110m C""forn,,, Gnlld in Meetill~. i\11 .11,,1 :\1" ('1,11"1,, Ha,ley and Mrs r; ~y Hughes FI"ni< 1<,",,,,I<ls "nd '''n, Harold, nl~~~\~~e~ ~~r Sunday as [ollow", cd Sunday evening '0 "Sit a weekfOl-lhl llllllljd\;; \\dS llnall!<' tu do \VPSllllltlsl('r GUIld nlC'f FllfJilYitlH' .II'"'' 11('llIlck"on !<ltrllIYl had J;:lck Lr\\ln, Ml'lx ,1'\\('11 and 110- her(' ThPY Mr and Mrs Ernest

so. ('V{'lllllg 1Il the church p.ll'!nrs 'I'll(' Chllslma<.; dllH1f'l' \\llh tfhp"f~cach __~ ~_ __ halt Arnolcllpft fo _""whI1a, Kan. ~huen~~vs~hp~Orl.l~Ot~·r~:~t~;~A~: Brammer and famdy, :\It andAIr ,11,,1 \I" Geo Erld'" re'urn- Grnl~' 'ang ".Tov to 'he World' H",.I1"·,,s ~. S,uurrl,,} lIlgh' 'l'e, ~n~ POSl'IO"" atll'ndmg Sunday school each Mrs Henry W,etlng ,'nd famdy

",I FI"I'I\ '" \\'''111'''' S D, nt'er and "Hnl!< thp 'H,'ral,1 Angel, ""lg".lnt Theo Fredn,ks9n le[l Mr' Wm Schroedl'rand daugh- m 'hI' g'""rnmen'" e I'n'e "Or< Lord', da~ Mornmg WOrshIP, were ChrJ"ma' dinner guest< In

"[)('n(hll~ (1111"lnlils lit'!'l' \\lIh Smg," am] MIRS (1;('11('\1('\(" ;"10111S I TlJ('<.;c!1l1Id

<.;t \\c'r'k 101' (+ahmPC'~<l- t{'IS of Lyons, l'p0nt 1,1<.;1 \\(,0k m pro 1('( 1<.; :\1 V I~I I KIll DO Prayer groups meet at 7 30 tl1P Gf'org(' Rr:HlltlWI hom('II)d1n(, INl d!ovolI0n<; RC'pot'1" \\'('1(' If'tlrl \1'" N ' d1(11 Vl<.;11lng 1 ('I ItS thQ James Ilank hom(' r-...lt dllll. r<.: ',( 'arc Ir('\npr M. and 11rs Theo Lcs~man

\It 11111 'II' Lunl's St('phplls 11) 11isR 1';1\<1 FIsl1l'r, <.;('('rrhlr\ l'll~lll{k"(In'i ~ I Mr dnd Mr" F' l\1 nl'lth <.;p('nl and Ll/l1Ji\ i\ll d d 1\11'<; Ju IUS l'.\rnmg S('l'\ICP 800 and 1\anhO{-' of Flagstaff, AriZ,

"nd I,,, ,11I<1 "\I,,, ]1onnad,'11 and Mrs T. PRobeI''' ''''''''u,,:, \\';~';~<I,'\,:nd,;~"';~,n~~~~:~':,e:l:~~,~Chl'l,rmas d"y m, the Ch", Jef-I ;~~;;;':.':' :;n~I!~II"::I~I~\~I,.r::n,~,P~~'~; ha~~g~n~~ne~,~"~~~,~ ~f W~:~~~I Mr and 1IIr< Fr,,>! Lessman. Mr.

S\\ tn"IlJl ",)('nl ehl h1mas ('\.(' at Orfl(!I'l's \\('1(' mslrIllcd J\{I<.;S Bon- s"~ '" I p" tr l\f frey homp n('al' 'Aliyn(' 'I(' lUll' II ('hnr'1' home Th('sc SPl'\le('s will be held In s('v- _and Mrs Ernest BraJ1lIlH~r andj{, no, 'h I d<l,c', . nlo Lou O"on, IS pre,,<lent, M", n1\ln".'.I,'\ '" 10" or d\ I. Mr ,Ind Mr< Iv"r Anderson g.",.,,, '" ';h .0 eral o[ the home' All are we fam,ly, Mr. and "TI'~ George Roe.

Stlfd .\ 11 J('ll'-'0n ~lnd Limlly Elp3nor Edwards \1('(' J)l'p<;ld0nl I Ir'):r~ ;;t hn, IsSJlI,\p " at rl fa 11 ami LWllly had ('hnslmlls (hnner (1~/!';tnlll~t;~ ~if~ Adflt

hnloom rind come 10 -attend _ Ibel' and family, 1\.11' and Mr.- Mar-

\\r'II'1I1 NOllblk. Monday last Ml'~ \VaylH'Imrl S('P)'('tdIV dnd (\ (, \( n '1 my at flc\ l' Pearsons In Wayne. I I I lour anT ho (' for 1m Mf')-f'r I1nrl Norman and DI'lI(',,,,,j, 1'1"" "'<',,' 111 tIlP .Jo<' (;,,,. M,., l' Ii Rober" trea'llrel: M,·, ",II 'I,,'nd N,'\\ Y".lI' \\Jtht

1;; Mr and ~I" C,.,,,g,. ",.hrol"!I'r ["m,I\ \II' '~~" ,I,. ~1rJ(' ~In~ 'hR~~I,~::.:g,:~~ Ihe hel:fro:;' the L""man \\ere Friday dinner

\Ill ''''11''':'' ])"on F"day O\\en·.)onl<ms·and l1<'r ':001111111",' 7,~~~::;',,:oi:~::,;~~',,;~:~<1 M" ~ and famd, ''''I'; F,,<loy "s,.nlng ~.n,',II}::I~",:~;I'/"r~~'f' . "r~d i~~'" AI:-l1Jgh'y God, our preSident re- guests m 'he Snnon Les<m"n

l'rvl)\11 1tl;:n~11~11 ~('~~:~~;~s I~ll(Tt/,h:;~:i ~~~h~~~(~W~ (~IZ~ln18~)I',;,)f\~,~~I~~~ Gr',) , I lot (mdn \11 dnrl Mrs I\I~;~"~,~~; ~~~.\ ~:re~,'a{j~:;"~~f;1 e" I"m ""II' "'PI"'I glll"" In the eentIy announced ~hat the ?allOn home _' DR. J .. T. GILLESPIE

dllld,,'n 1111<1 !lan .)OIg"I1'<'n ""I'<' h·""de/t1". ,.l'I"",hmenl O'"nmll· If"n" 1I0Ilnl.,n "2" i\l,~"n~ of Rodney ""r,. Fllda~ "f'ernonn \'''- I <I" "d I'" ,,"e'g I nl1W ('1"1<1- 'hOUI~a;e~[a;~~~e~~;;-;' ~~:rn:t~:'; 1I0l11e from Hospital. I Phone- 305-,J 213

1 1

~lainJJl :\Ul'folk rU(,Sf~,(} ('\('nHH~ l,l<.;t 1e(' \\a}t1l' \\('1(',[1 ('0 'Ie l'rsjllors III tht' G('org(' Voll('l's home 1ll,IS I as a f h t j' Mrs Fd Meyer ],I'lurned home\\l'( k . Sundd~ I"(,!llng llst \W'C'k. Mr. and Mrs Rabprt D,ly and '\11' and ?II"S Elm r N('lc:o~ and ~ lire lhankful or IS trus n Mondav -'ta<:t \\('('k from a SIOUX ,

"\{h.., 111111' J lhn ;md \\T 1.11'('11 I CH ES IVIr" :\nl1,[ S( hlun" and 1V~f'rl{'. Rohrrt I \\l'If' rlmn('r gtH'sts In famll\ \11' dnd Mrs Thn<.; J rv.ln .or! ]\:ay,c0d hi""" Amf'rl('H and _ _ _

~id~~, \ \'~'d ~l\t~ul ~l\\ll~:n~~;)kl:t~t~~: \I1CH UR :~ ;:,;~~;I;,',I"I"::;'~';':h'':I;:,:~~~,''~~I,:,,:I,~I:~ ;t,~ GU''! (',,,bon home Chn,tmas ~':,',',I"~;~~~I',,n~lc,~r~~.~~~ ~;~: ~,;s~":'~~::'~~an: throughou, the tSd, "" d 'h", ,11"lnnon ""h ~ • ~g ,,,,,,uP"'<I ,!<s ~I" 1'",111 I,uhllhenn T V S'esens of SIOUX (",ty IL"'''d'' ,\nd ,\1' "",on 'flen' -~-- ... --... -- -- ~~Y..~'~tf~,' ~)dYI(' \\ lill~lTn~ j(lmJl~p 1he ,D+UI,fiIi.ion,' Of I \11 .llHI III<.: TIOhf',! ./on('s 'Inri ('n1l1~n\Vf:dnl'sdHY f'\I'nJng to "p('nd Chrlo,tmas ('\ (' III I hr' ('1:1)'('11('(' G~" .'~~ ~ _~1\1('1]1' Ho(' Ilflll1( I (R('~)N~h~f";II~:;t~~~lI;~~IOr) I ~;I,I):;;III~11 ~\(",1111 "\";'1< n(;~~ ~JI'~~' ~ilr' Chrl<.;lmd" In llll' ,Jm. M.ll suk(':-. TI~~~ll('d~l(:lm~rs 1'\nn Pl'tl'l<.;on ,md IN;)rth~ast Wayne Hap pin ess and :? ~'iiSllpt ;ml1 1\ll's Dayle' \Vdli,lln<.; home d C h tf. ,,_and 'on, If,,"n llal" 01 \\,11"'- SI'ISIel'S ," ,",,,,,I S""day "11,,,· J"n," \"'" TI"y lelurn,'d Sollur· M;, I: .) Hugh"s and Gad "p,e 'on- MI "nd M" I,'nn M"gnu· my.S'a[f('orrespondent) Goo eet _~'.;,'%

I "UI, "',,' 'p"n' a' fe" <lHl' la' I noon and 1''' nll1g _ d IV . ' lunclwon guost< '" 1111' Ax,,1 Frpd- 'nn "nd A, "'n ~!f ,,,<I ~I" \\ ,II , '{~ii ~\\'1'1'1< 10 Ih" Jol1n WJlI,a01' hon1<' Ladle, A,,, nwels" ,Llnt""l' \Jr' ,lI1d M," .)a"k Sl'ooh an<1 1I1';""n 1"111'" T""SlI,ly" 01 I"" Seh""I".r and 1.1111,1, and ,tr "nd Throughout the Year1l0al Randolph, {"1l1W til Ml'}'le w!l('n Mr<.: r Imr)' 1'1<.;111'1" ,illd !,II',1I101' Ann ot IJl'S N101nIf'S, <.;prnl \\('pk ~Jl'" (il'!'dlr! ,11'\\1'11 \\('1(' dlllnpr 1\11". and :\11':-. Lou Baler sp£'nt

'RoC"s Cl1I1s1m:l<'; d,ly fo1' a fE'W Mrs. Jolln (1\I,('n<.; C'onml1tll'I'" (,hll"l~lflf.; olnd \lw \\I'I'k-pnd ;~11~1 Mr amt Mrs Lf'J.lnd .Jnhn!-;on gIH''''1s of N!r and tIS GI'orge 9unday ('\e~Jng Ia"t wf'(,k at Her- j{!,lYS' ~la\ sPI'\<.'d dInn!'l. MI'<': Spoons mol hI 1', Mrs ,(. I, nn<1IIarotd\\('nl t(J(Jmdh,l.TilUt~- 'l:H~nu"'onSI'lI11rda~ mdn Get''''('''

Supl A II Jf'Il"C'n and fdlllily ,JmH' da lor d fl'\\ dd " \1<';11 \\lth 1('la- lllllnpr gu('sl<.; In Op Ax-C'I F"pd- Mr and ;\11':3 Herman G('('\""C'I.lnd'V,·l1kl JI nSl'1l \\C'/(' 'It ,1 p, 1\[f·thollist Churl'll, :'ill' d~rll\rr', Lrslr>1' BrdrIctnrv0r Y ) Tlckv)fi homp Christ R,;; nay \\£'1'£' \\ere FIlday supp('r guests III theJ('l-ls('n c; d1 \\'IIlSH1I" Cfm<.;lmlls IRf'\ C ri. SIp, (ns P<l<.:tOl) 01 COltJT~lhllS, spf'nl Chl'lsfrna!' \\-11h 11\~:~ H f Gr('go.y S D R('\ ,md Mrs W Chell and John Geewe home 'f'\ (' \Vol 11('1' ,J"rl'-'l'll, \\ hn 1'( 1urn" 'I'hl' Chr l~tmds progralll \\ d;; d t- j hr la! 1(rr!-; folks, Ml' and Mrf.; W is s'\~~~n ...at~l:ol~\ ~ \\('pks' V~("~'1 10~ Samuel, Mr and J\1 s. W)mor:- Mr and Mr<l; VirgIl Kardell we're<.;oon 10 CnlilorrlJd, \\flS III lIw Ie'ndpcl by (lH.paclly ilou<.;(' H Thoma" T1WY also \'lsltN! II L In fhC hO~(, of hiS father, Paul J \V<1111O and fRmll). II' anrl Mrs Chnstmas eve guesls.in til(' OscarSupt ,1el1'l'n honw TU

0sd,ly Jor H('guJar :-jC'n lei'S nexi SunlLl) Bt'ec!c'mq)'('rs IH P:rn('st Pf'1ersol'1 an Ward, Mr. KarctC'1l home at Laurpl, ~UPI)['I Th(' sonf; of <Mr. and MI''I ll1l Thl' Ff'C"r! Thlm" of W:-ly,nf', \\pre ~~son. I 1\1 C 1 Uttprback and Mrs Arnold P('I rsnn l\Jr Hnd MIS Rpn Jtollman and

('Iu Istlnrl<'; g1ll'f.;1 S in Mrs \Vm, Jncohs('Tl Iln(i ;\.11' and 1\11 c; LJ()~ d ;11 Jt('rman Th\ln s Sunday aftel'- and ;;r~n\~'C'reI:llPPf'~1 gursts In th(' Mr and Mrs Don Jd.l\1auer of family we1'(' Chnstmas e\ e guestsPrltch,lI'd'~ hom(' \\PH' 1110 John H.tliJdRy WIll h(' iJap1Iz('d .11 thai noon las1 "'f'1'1<;: Tlw ]fl-' nT1:r Haase Ed Trub homc a'L AlJc'n last SIOUX Clly, camp \ C'dnC'~day to In th€' EmIl Roeber hom/:'Rohlf[ family and l\1J!-;~ Lnrl'{ta (Jme. <1nd Haljl'\- Holptell f8mllks Wf'rc Th d y It' sppnd Chrlstmds C'V(' 1n 1he Frpd Mr and Mrl': Henry Haa!;e,Vos<.; of Wil ..... n". lh" lamdH'-. of p\pnlng" r~(,sls. ~~:s a1\a~~71C'arlson 01 Omaha Wessman home 1\11' and Mrs, Gary and Larry were Chnstmas

AXI'I Smllll, 'Al])rr1 ,Jpnkin~" LO~IS Congrl'gatiollu1 ~hurch. Ml' al~d I\Irs. C l-I MorriS and came Wednesday ('\('mng to spend \\!('s<;man aeeompanl d 1hcm to gu('sts at August Haase·s. I~;;:;;;:;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;5;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;::;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;~~~:':-:;;~~~~~J,'nkJns and Low" .Tohnson, F,anl, tR.,\'. C G. St\:.yens, pa,tor) I1arold Mr aJ1(1 Mrs Don~ld Mor- Chrrs'mas a' home She returned SIOUX C,ly ThUiSda} \\hen they Mr. and Mrs qus M Johnson I'Smilh 0111(1 Clao'{' SWflnSOn, ·.•.ChPO'Oel"Calf'.'I,vcgI..../a.',l/) 4;-) and Sunday rJ~, ~lr land Mrs HaIry Ghfflth to Omaha Friday, had Chrlstmds dlllnc tagcthcI and Ruth were Fn~ay, dmner

l\I1' and Mrs Harold Harmel' ~'e " U had (hnslmas dlnn('r 111 the pher- 1I'Ir n,] Mr!'l Verne Carlson anel MJ' ~Jl1d Mr~ Hans Johnson and guC'st~ a1 Fred Aevermahn s,tu~n~d Chr"'m,,s '" enJng to Ne: Ladles' Aid h" no mel'tmg tim' I,n, ~Iorrls home. I , ",:nk Carlson and daugh'er, were M'''';e.. M,'. and M" Em" S"an. Mel and Mrs. B"n ~oIlman andllgh rlf!"r \1<';ltmg m 1h(' MI's EIil1- wl'l\k a~ tl1(' wom('n ~f'1'\" N(,\\ • -,,11:->:-> l~ma ..nd Mlf.;s VaI(ltta umnf'1' guesls of MI'. and Mrs. BJ!- f.;on and family, MI' a ld Mrs Cpo. famll~ \\'(>1'(' Chrl~1mas supperma Edclip and II L Irarm('rhom¢s. YC'HI"!-; dtnnf'r at thp Chll1ch p,ll'- Fr('dnd{~('n wpn' hom.{' IrtthC get Pparson Fllday. :.\1.1gnusan and sons, /11'. and Mrs gue<l;ts III Ihe Art V,,r('H'!"<.;lwuserBanl1lf' LI~I' Pclt1-" nnd Donald lors. \~~'('l;\.-(',n~l. MIS,s ~(,!cl I'.['ed':1 :sl'n Wall('!' and Margaret Vollers Of Alhlll P('ter~on and fa Ily and Mr home. .TIam"'I' "'m."m'd "i1h 1I,e,\ Od~o:.u;~'::n~~~\~';~~';'I~~gR'o~·r~~:,:~;,: II 'uII'ul 'n SItIt!X C,'y Frida dft- P"nder, and M", Alma VoIl"rs of an<l Mr'. Nelse RlnJklund spent Dale Lcssma~ of Des I Moine~

" gr~.1",<l."par:::"',',',,s O\lelo,rn:'e"n'\ YrE':l,ru",·."l d ('I' l)(,lng~hOrn(' II 1('\\ E1ays D('s MOIll!'s cam(' home to 'spend IChllslmaf.; {'H' U1 HlP 1 t'ul)('n Gold. la.. came Chns mas evl' aspen

.\.., \l ., .., ,,- r and up, I Ml' a rl Mrs Wllll\lon'ls ad as th('lr Chns1'ma~ \aeatlOn I b(,l~ home. fhe holidays In 1he Paul LessmanT'llrsday lac;1 \\('('k Jrom: AI'1s~ I - Chrlstml f.; rlmnrr gUPsl:.; Mrs. w~m. Mr and Mrs Arthur Anderson :\11' and Mrs GpOI' e Oman and homE',wor'h, la, "h"r.' 'hI' hdd "1"II'd "I. 1'~1I1 1,1Itltetnn ('Inm-b. R:"s, Sam Ro:s, M". CI,·~ffl'. I·.d- and fdOllly and Mr and Mrs NOIman Lea'herhy 0 .Wakefleld, Mr. and Mrs Emil Baier ~n~"-r,·,, """I" '\ltI, h"r daugh'Jr, IRI'V C F: Fredl'leksen, ",,,'orl \\drd', NI"s Sdr~h r.tl\\ald~, Mr. Verne Carlson ,pent Chmtmas ''''II' overnlgh' gue,1 JO the Carl [am,ly were I"t We~lJesday e eMrs Glell\liooc! Hall, anel family. New 1lrar's day S('!'\I('('S at llnd Mrs lJav(' Edwardf.; C\C In Ihl' Frank Carlson JlOnw lTllpl'lJack homp \\rf!n0sday of nmg gues1, In tl1f' \\ J Echten-Eleano]' Ann JLlns('n, \.\'110 I1fld 10 3~ "V{ar 1\ Cnll 10 f{rop('nl· Ronald Lage f.;j)ell't (,hrl~1ma~ M 1 M 'Ch' A 1'J I la"\ wt'ek Thursday t cy With the 'kamp hom(>been 'he", " I,'" d,,}s, also I"" ancey ,,'tho ,ul"ocl. nlghl a' 1,-:.I,Kenny ', He wa, also and \I~n'an~d r~r, ~s~ed Johen~~~ t:lterhaeks\\\'ent '0 S oux City to Mr. and Mrs George Waek~r

-turned SapJrdny at 9 '{(J mslrllcllOn for "I I'f'nnys FIJ(-{ay as wf'relKjPMmt verc dmner, Uf'st~ of Mr and eA.I ChllstfiA1aS dmner n th(' K C and Marian were Chrlst,mas; e\e \1. • Th(' Gpo (Ja~kllls and J.ohn Ga~- confIrmatIOn. ... and Lorraine Andrc'ws, PattI P('- rs Thos E~'m ChrIstmas day D.n IS home. guests at ~ar\'Jn Victor s aftel"1'-:, kills pntcltamf'd Chl'lslma~forMr SU~day: Church schonl at 10 00 1(,1'~(}n Clnd Mal'\Jn Paulsen Mr and Mr<l; Oscar N('lwn and ),11' ann 1rrs .John lcIlra1h ('n- church 5er\'JCps

and Mrs John R .lanf'S', MI' and WIth fPol'ganl7.a1lon of CI,IS':;O'<;: 1hr Geo Log,tn !amJJYI'jf BC'- famlt and Mr<.; Kate Rf'wmklt' tl'tLllllrd dl1urkey din el'Sunday Mrs R T \Vhorlo\V and ~frs11MI', Ed Shulel', ~II' and M" mmmunlOn <e1'\'lc<,s at 10 ,IS All alne...IIHI ('Iydl' L"'re't, am,ly and iamdy "ere VISitors In tbe Th" gue,ts Werl' Mr . nd Mrs. J George Barnhall were Friday af~-

'"I W11I Shufp]l ,wd' 1\1('1\ In, Mr and chlldr('n shOUld bp PI'C's('n! R('~i<.;- oj LJncoln <:ppnl C'llIl:;lI11]a~ an,d Ceo Voller» home Christmas day M P{'ll'lson and famil of C,lrroll, ('I'noon calJcr~ last \\eek In the EMI'!'l Virgil R~lslon Hnd Millard, tl'atulh for communion willlw Sat- t!H' \\p('k+{'ml \\Ith 1.he \yomen S Mr nnd Mrs Vprn(' Carl"on and Mr and Mrs D A Pall and Glenn, F. Shi('Jd~ homeHellry Sehm"" SJ' M,· and Mrs lIr"a~ aflernoon and e"'n,ng motlll'r, ~Mrs. A I. E,von" I M" 'IBob Anderson and doughter MI and Mrs. Wm T a,l<el', Mr. Mrs. Rom.ame Corbit GillaspeyTJen1'Y SchmItz, jt', and famUy, Mr. , Mr<.;. L J Den IS rntertaln}d the were su per ueRLs In the Henry IanrI Mrs. Paul I,lart. rthul' and of Columbus, spent from Chrlst-Hnd !I~rs. Ed Ohnsl(",ld and Arno~d, CARROLL LOCALS ,Joh~ OWli'nS, O\\,('n, Owens ~nd Anderso~ hO~c Tuesday evenmg. AlIl('J't And('rson and r allcl Mrs, mas e\e to Fndny afternoon III theand Mi<:" L('nna Olm,'::itead of Thd Roy Landangers \\ pre Fll- 1~ T'. Jcnlmls familws at C lrlst- M d M Ed All n d M~ John Taylor and (ami] C. K. Corblt homC',Wayne, MI>S LtI" Westerholl'" and day guest' at Wm Sundahl's maS <llOner F:d""rd JI'l1km was and ';i.r~~ Ha;~~ . Raste~e :~d Pa: "'!I'mber> o[ 'he 01 f Nelson Mrs. Effie M. Lund, i\k andDick ,TonI'S of Omaha Bonna Rae Brlpk VI <.;J! ptl fmm home from MISSOUri for the h01l- t t CI ~ 1 tI famJiy hild 111<'11' annua Clll'lstmas Mrs J I\. Johnson .wd Lmlily I

7'lIr ,mel MI's John IIamC'r ('nt('l'- Thllr.sddY 10 $und%' rn nos,Ill(' day. I ~~~~~saL~m~'I~~~l~" ~t~~~~~stl~~ ('<\(' part'y in tile Nt.' son hom~ were Christmas dlOner guest:; 1111a1l1l'd at C'lmstmas dinner for Me Tlw Lloyd MIll('r family of Ml', ant) l\Ir~ Albert Troutman Mr, and Mrs. Laverne Peterson Wedne~day--8

vrmng. hose pre~- the Ray RoblOson homp. Ia

anrl ,!'virs M L SWihart, Mr, and Wayne, spentlChristma~ \\1111 Mrs, and J',l<.lmf of SIOUX City, M~. ~nd and Norman left for Mar uettel cnt \vere Mrs. Carl elson and SYl~ster Haase of Paton, ..,Mrs Da\(' Hamer of Wayne, Mr, Ralpr

lMiller ful'rc, Mr~ JOhnjPaul:;:;0t) {)f DakotalClty, N b M nday m "lOg ThC~ plan family, l\'fr an.Mrs R h0ft Ken. and MISS Ir;na P<IguP of SIOUX{ and Mrs Fr<lnk Glll'ffllt11 MfR, Mr, <Inri Mr:-;, Ivor MOiTIS had cat!pd Su ltIay last \\'Cl-it on the C'" a or.

MrIrif'!tn Morns of Belden, Mr, amI Chrlstmas dmner With 1\1\'. and Carl Paulsens and o1h('t' rclntives

~;;~:~;~~nGII~'~~(';p~~~ln~a~~~v'fr~~ M~~~ir~~~r~r;V~~~~~~nThU~ nnd he~~,t Fh!~t Class 'Villis Fr('d~i1y, G('1',11d ;;.;\\ thal'l of Crawford, <.;on V,.1('I'(' \Nedllf'sday last \\ ('pI\: rl('ksfln rt'lUrlwcl Monday to I F'or1Mlsf.; lIa ,Jl~dn Ilnilpils Tl1£' SWt- dllllWl' glkPS\S ,11 AlIg Thun's. Robmson, Nl'b. ,lft0}' bemg IWIthfMI1 and ,h'nlons f.mlllu>~ spent Ml' anf MIS 11\('11 Gra\('s ,md 1hc Re\' C' E Frcorlcksl'ns on1/1(' cvrmlllg ,<11 1'\ ,In Ilame! s K('nnt'lh, 11nd Ted Jancf.; Wl'l(' ll1


Chrl~lmds fUl'lough He IS ,1 rhat -Chrl"tmas dmn('t' gursts m tIl!' SIOUX C'11,Y TuesddY last \\'('ck \ mney tcchmcuH1 1Il camp

~fr;~ f~~~I(~S ~~~~~ \\~~I:' ~;ll~i ~~] an~tl~ob~:lr ~i :In;ro~~d(~~:~7~1\\J~~t'm~l~~~I~~~~t:c~,('Ys cr~~fi~~'Harvey Echtenkamp Hnd three Chrlstma!': gU0sb m the L!o:>d cenlIy, h,:t\"\:.~ returned Mr Orlf­(laughters of Wayne, Mr and Mrs. Morris home, t (Jih lS employed 10 th... Johnson

/ Gilmore Sahs and two d<lughter!; The Adolph Rohlf and Gustav servlcc statIOn Thpy are livmg In

. of Nf'w Raymer, Colo, MiSS 11 enl? Kol~ lamJ11f's of Wmsldu, and Mr th(' resldC'nce they formerly occu-S;j'h~ of Cm::<td, Warren Sdhs 01'\ and !III'S \Vm Knolll \\l'I(' Chll<.;t- pleri hpr(' ILmcoln, MI' and MIS AlthUIj mas guests m the " R IIcltl Mr dnd Mrs L('onard Moore ('n


Cook Mr and Mrs: John Bu~, home, t('rtaIfl('d t~t Chm,1mas dIhner forJoe, Joy(> and JImmie were ('vening Miss Eva PaUlsen, of Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest McK!ee andca]]cr~. The Gilmore Sahs family l\flss Lucile Paul~wn of Osmond, daughters, Ml'. and Mrs. Chas,rotumed Sunday to Colorado. and and MIS' M~rgarel IAnn Paul,en Wbitnoy alld famIly, Mr. and Mrs.Miss Irene Sahs went back to Co- of Wayne, sd~nt Chl'lstmac; at Gus M. S. \Vht-tncy, Mr. and Mrs. Ed.

d the same day. Warren Sahs Paulsen's The fIrst two return Moore, Mr, and Mrs. WiUard111 be hoTI'w the rest of this w('c)( New Year's. Moore, Mr.

I,and Mrs, ElmerlSchuIz

I, "I,ll .l, 'I II I I' I I

,,11 11 1 '[ 1'1 I




.) UO

I:! 61)

21 l:l4371)


1;)", )

261ljl:.!flfJ7 :2i11 ~u

10 40



6.UO10 :~o

:m :inJ7 ~o










Z21 Lo~8n

To Each and Every One­A Happy and ProsperousNew Year!

With the beginning of a new year,

we wish to take this opportunity to

express sincere appreciation for be­

inll able to serve you in the past. U;'Will be our sincere endeavor. to

me~i~ your continued favor.

lueders' Beauty Shop

In extendin2' the season's 2'r{'('tin~s. I also nish to ex­I)ress apprl'<'iatlon for :\,ollr I)atrona~c durin~ the pasty£'ur. It will bf" my earnest end£'a'\or to give ~;ou

UI)-to-thc-mlnute hair sf;) Iin~ durin~ the (corning .)·C1ar.

Ra'y ~.Surl?-erFURNITURE'

Phone 87

Phone 2:1..W

$17.30 ~218Gpneral Road Fund.

Comml:-sloncr District NO.1 Erxleben:2365 for $40.61

jlt1 \Vheretlpon Board adourncd to January 6i..1~~·NEEDHAM,Clcr~:'


A' 47-year-old man SUffered :onlyb-ruises when he fell fronr-th6 7thto the 2nd floor of a building.

Oceans today are the greatestrepositories of wealth on earth. Acubic mile of sea wa ter conlain~lsamong othe~ \ very valuable e-l ­ments, 40 million dollars worth fgold. I

An entire police force startcdlihpursuit of a car in which two menwere seen in striped clothes. Theycaught up with the car and foundthe two weating striped jerseys en~

route to referee a football game.

K' •i : C ,i J". :: . Confidence Shown.' I COUNTY ROARD 2735 Wes Hansen. Bridge wAlrk and work,.. county yard

t · a~so "OIDS ~ I Wayne, Nebras!<a, December 23 1941 2736 H. Assenheimer, Operatmg tractor ...l' ... ' INor~hwest Wayne By Residenls of' aard met as per adjournment. All members present. .' . '2737. Leon Iial>sen" Repairing equipment. r :....... .. .,:." . '" ,:,' . "I' , .' I (By \>;taff Corres~onde~t) Hawa~ia,d81and8 I~U~~~~:y~~~~s~r~~\~sD~~~~~e~~e~;d\~e:r~:~~rar~;o~~~ of ~~~~ ~~i::~:'~Z~~~:~~stat~P;~~:;r; '..'. i iF' .",' hf Nj,a"tl0"In ' Utmost ·confIdence ~s felt. by $170. from the County General Fund to the Jury Fund. :J.740 J. N. Emung, Gravel.. ... . .. orees I George' Hoffman called at Fr~d residents of .Honolulu, a,ccording, :r e Contin!lation Cert~fic~te of bond of George A. Lamberson as 2741 Frank Erxleben, Cash ad\:'. eXIJ. Comm. lhst. No.1.

, .' I 'Reeg's Mbnday evening last week. to a letter WrItten December 14 by JUStlC of the Peace of the CIty of Wayne, Nebraska, to be In force CommIssIOner Dlstnct No. :2- -SWihart

I~ 1 • M . . '''ctor spent last Wed- Mrs. Robert F. 'Fishbach to Mrs. from an. 9, 1942, to Jan. 9, 19::13, was approyed by the County Board. 2705 EddIe 011 Co., Gasohne and 011 .,. . --1-. I dO I I" I n ·d~rJorJe . I 'in the Carl Victor Gus Wendt and Miss Louise R port of Frank F. Korff, Clerk Dist. ~ourt, showing amount of :J.734 Fullerton Lumber Co., Posts, Wire, cement ~~d c~herts

W:rller In Ho,oo u Un Icater two ~pt~m~qcpencils, ~ fJasJilig~lt,..res ha:m~vemng , Wendt. Mrs. p:ishbacll is the form- tees i ceIv{'d by hIm for the month of September, 1941, for $lb6~OO; 4744 M. 1. SWlhart,.Overseemg road work-Nov

That Rain Caqsed Jap a drl,:el's i.lcense, a SOCIal se~urIty J ., . . . . er Evelyn Wendt. Dr. Fishb~ch Octob 1', 1~41j- for $142.95; November, 1941, for $44.75, was examined 2743 'John Voss, Repair on WPA truck. r . . ..., To Disa ea.. IThere.. card and two books. M.J'. and Mrs. Fra~~ ~onge weI~ went to the islands this fall to a,nd 0 mOUon duly approve(:l. 2745 Tefl Wmterstem, Cash adv. for truck rewur.

r . PP -' '. < Christmas eve g~ests 10 the Ru ser~e in the health department. Resolution Commissioner DistrIct No. 3----'"MIsfcldt.K~t carSon ,is n9w in the servic A y,oung woman, haa. a theory dolph Kay home. '~lt seems ages sin~ 'I've heard . hereas, application I51made by the U. S. National Bank, Omaha, 2734 Meyer & Blchel, Repair.''; . 16.74

of the United States, The Colora~ tlu~t she couJd expenence' sUCh, M.r. and Mrs. ~rt Hagema~ were- from you," wrote the 'former J:'lebra 'ka, that It be designated a Legal Depo1;ltory of County Funds :J.746 Wm. J. MIsfeldt, ~verscemg -Nov. '... 5U.UOdQ youth, great grandson of thf SOlIt~ae on a bUs~ €hJCago street ChrIstmas evenmg guests In the Wayne gIrl. "I wro~e a letter to tor th ~ar 1942 pursuant 'to the laws now in force in the State of 2747' Nieman Oil Co, GasolIne $~O.OO, Anti-freeze $J.65, Trac~famous army scout by th~ sam~ 1ha~ fhe could SlOg and be un- Ed. Longe home. you last Monqay but I heard that "'Nebra ka, and I tor wash $1.00 .name, who succe::isfully led ,early ~ot1ce:d. ~he began the ,t~n~: Mr. a:nd Mrs. Arthur Carlson ma~l wasn't going out as yet, so I hereas, in Ii~u of a 'surety, bond for the protection of such Automobile or Motor Vehicle Fund:day rn~vements to establish ordel;' When IrIsh Eyes Are SmIhng visited in the Ernfrid Allvin home didn't even mall It. I do hope deposi s, said banl< has previously d~posited With the County of Wayne Road Draggmg Dlstnct No. 1--Erxlet.€nin the west, has volunteered to and h,~r solo swelled to a chorus last Wednesday evening. things will start running regUlarlY, and n w offers a:;) security therefor the followmg deSCribed securIties 2748 Leslie Swmney, Operatmg patrol .he.II? hiS cQuntry in thq present ~s ~p~ltce~e~, ~a~ drIvers an? pe~, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Baier were ag~in. I to be eposJted in Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, in escrow as :J.749 Lonnie Henegar, Operatmg patrol . .crISIS. estr ans Jome m. Sunday dmner guests lakt week in I know you must have been provid d by law, t@-Wlt: . • Road Draggmg DIstrIct No. :2--Swlhart

I AlJ Illinois filling station Christ~ the George Reuter home. worrl~d Sick about us. T~e whole T easury Notes B-1942 2'j;;, due 9~15-42, 4 at $10,..000, tot11 $40,000, 2705 Eddie 011 Co., Gasoline and 011 4643

ce~o!eerttgerrcWardi.tt·~Rn~~;~opn~~~~~~fy- mas SIgn proved more effective Mr. and Mrs. Lavcrh Harder :~[a~:pwp~~J~~~ ~~ ~~~1~ l~h~~I~~ Nqs.; 2-43 (JoBint ;u;t904d4Y-4R6ee3~~p(~ NdO. J 84°0


)46 2 t <10000 I ;,770,?,~ United Wholesalers, Defroster fan 3:2:JUN than runy stop sign in the CIty. In were ChrIstmas supper guests in asury on s ' 14 If, ue ~ - '. a tp, ,tota '" '" FUllerton Lumber Co., Posts, wire. cement and c~1:'erts. : :2:4 33

all day yesterday, so mama did hot neon 1 ghts, Santa Claus was klCk- the Nelse Granquist home. the Whole world----;-most of all to $20,00 , Nos. 556-7 (Jomt Custody Receipt No. J 1:J.885) :J.75Q Beach Hurlbert, Operatmg motor grade)" and repatr work' 16:40

.~fJ ~"o"t ",;~~~n~;u~~~::nl~~~'i':::.~ tng Hi, ler in the pants. sul);~~:",?v~~~gE~~s~stel~:~:::;~ ~~~~~~e~~eO:~~'n~~sa~e~~r~I~'I~ef~~ Neb:' k~, ::~~~:~;~::I~::~~dt~:~ ~:g~'DS~P~~tt~~a~f~~~~'t~;::%~ ~~~~ ~~;y;C~~:~ss~;:.t~:p::;~,t~~f::,,;,,r lasl halt Dec . i~~;,haps becaUh of ram." In a mock parachute attaok on i~, the George Harder home. us as for those. who were unfor- for W yne ~ounty, Nebraska, for the perIod beginmng January 5,1942, 2753 Socony-Vacuwn Uil Co., MobilOlI and grease... 77.70

tl'OOPSIIn I<ansas, men were order- tdr. and Mrs. Robert Schwindt tunate, losmg lives and property. and e ding January 4, 1943, aJnd that the depOSit of said seCUritIes as Road Draggmg Dlstnct No. 3- MI~feldtcd to; dpfend them~elves WIth hand and family were Chrlstma~guests I'll admit" the good old plainS of a pled e to s~cure depOSits of the pubhc moneys of thiS county be 2754 Uliver Re.ichert, Gradmg and repaIr work :21.60grenaQes. No ammunitIOn was in the PaUl SchWindt hom '. - - Nebraska-wpuld hay.c. _been· the-- appro d- as now held under lJomt Custody Reeetpts No-. J 8007 and 2755 Russell Malmberg, Grac.img and repair \\ork S3:L.80, Cdsh

~Jable so they u ed mocl< hand Mr. and Mrs. James Ma en and most welcome spot In the world J 1288 . -_._- ---_. ' adv. for freight 50c 1~ 30ava; S r family were Christmas dinner: la~,t ',,;cek at thi~ time. . . D' ted Dec. 23, 1941. Frank Erxleben ~~

:IJb.iJlof 5c believed the smallest grenades-eggs. guest~ at George Dinklage's. . Its really \yonderful how C1VII~ M. 1. Swihart b> ~:add '6i~t::~tt ~~n~~:ever set in' a court case in New A deer in Pennsylvania is' car- Mr. ,and Mrs. Art Hageman were lans have reacted ,to the Whole Wm. J. Misfclcft :J.736 Village of \Vmslde, Road fundYork, Was fixed for a 21-year~0Id rying a gun which a deputy !'l~erIff Sunday dinner guests last week in setu~:, All ~re open~~g t~lr h.ome~ County Board. Road District No. ]8

girl acc_u_se_d _o{ Jorg~~_ ~~r e~- _~!:!..C:~.eL~h~t. ~~~its .!.~_.~J~: _1?~p.~_!X, ...~.~e H~:'bert Ecl~~e~kamp h9m,e. ~o evac~~~s n~~~e ~e~rh~o~1 s~~~~ T e fol'lowing claIms arc on molion audited and allowed and war- 2737 August r~ Thun Road w~rkployer's name on-~r'~5 cfieeK;Bm SlaVIn Iflre{f at a·"12·pomt OUCR ana, :Patt~ BacK--'Of Vtn-t6fi';' -l-a:~:spe:JT b ~L.a_Wl!' _ tt g h ~ ) rants rdcr~d drawn on-th£'- r--e:.pcctJ.v-e f1.\.nds as her~1n shown. Warrants " Road rh~tr·;ct ;";0. :21the weeping girl did" not have the it tOJ:l~led over. Thmking It, was fro.m la.st Wednes?ay everyl ng to t~eo~l· ck ar: ~~~r yo:ue el~eon~~~ to be vailEtjble and ready for delivery on saturday, JAnuary 3, 1942. 2758 Frank Griffith. Road workmoney Her mother put up the dead the hunter stacked hi$. gun Friday In the W. E. Back h me.. 0 y G al Fund' :2759 Lyle PIerson, Road worknickeL' on thh animal's ~tlers whi"le he Mr. and Mrs. Frad Va kamp, 7vacu~ted. I haven't wanted, to. I No. N m ener Wh~t for Amount 2760 Roy Pierson, Road work. .

tagged' hiS prize. As though I that jr., spent Thursday aftern on in J~st want to be at home. It sour 2649 \V N dh a . eS I . Co Clerk~D $166.67 2761 RIchard Baler, Road work, takmg up 5nm-.... f('nce' A Kansas ·family finally corner- . Itit th '1 b k· the Herman Vahlkamp sr home lIrst Home, our own furnIture and ., ee am, a ary as. ec. "76" E ·1 B R d k

::fti~u~ f::'l~he aeDl~a~ 5 u::an w~~ Mr. and Mrs. Kenne'th ., amse; I'm g9ing to sUck with it. We 2650 2o~a L~ughhn, De~uty Co, Clerk-Dec. . 104.17 .:; '" mI aler, oa wor, puttmg up :,now fence.~~e~sg::~taj~e~h~~or~.::~·p~:~~ hI fec~ and fl d carr in Pthc g un and Janet were Christma eve were j;hwnlOg to be ;-Vllh Stearns 2651 Usan E. Wert, Ass t t~, Co. Clerk-Dec. 83.34 2763 Roy Spahr, Road work

i'ilr1 h . Sh·s antlers ~ , y g g guests m the Oscar Ramseyihorne. for Christmas but it s ImpOSSIble 2652 my Pearl Barnes, Ass t to Co. Clerk-Dec. 60.00 2764 Ernest Spahr, Road workon the. hOUS\ih,~d,;pcverhs~ce ~ en In I. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ree' and to get there now. 2653 anama Carbon Co" Supph~s-Co. Clerk ~:§g 2732 Road Dlstnct No. :23;;'eYaSr~.rJTahuse· fam~ry ~erv;~ r~ach~~ Th I... r "W·t Raymond were Friday ening "The blackout every night has 2654 lapp Pnntlng Co., Suppl~e~-C~. Clerk .)76'" FUllherton Lumber Co., Posts, \\Ire, cement and CUIW.'ltstl,e break,'ng pal·nt so a hole ,vas e IHUes lOn, eren you guests In the George H ffman some real advantages," Mrs. Fish- 2655 lopp PrlOtiOg Co., SUPIHws-Co. Clerk 6.90 '" ... Art ur Larsen, Road \\'ork

T young ~rce, judge?" won a sus'- home. bach notes. "If you can rest, you 2656 . W. Needham, Co. elk., Postage. 6.00 2766 Roy Granfleld,.Road workcbopped in the neW roof. b

he~~~~~~;~~~=~c:ti~~etf~:~a;~~~ Mr. an(1 Ml's. Clarence Gr quist hav(' every opportunity to be in 2657 . J. Steele, Salary as Co. Treas.-Dec. . 166.67 2767 Robert Jones, Road work

~:~~~n had"imprisoned an p- two hours and a half. The youth and Ga,'y Lee were Christmas din- bed at 6a'elock for It IS dark then. ~~~~ teon \ B~d~i DtP'1Y .~~. ;:;ea~--Dee D l~:g ~~: .~~~::; i.a~':l~~:o;~a;·o:~rkl New York pUblishing firm re- '~~:~~i~~dhf~~tir~.ewas saylOg good ~~~e~uests in the W. R. French ~~ ~~~b~b~~i~tte~~~o~~ ~~ed i~~~ 26~0 G~;~~ ~te~le, ~s~:t t~S Co.

oTr~·as :~~--;;. ec 65.00 2770 Henry A. Kelson. Road work.

ceived an order for a book tOI be Mr. and Mr,y Henry Hoffman bachs) ready for bed. He runs 2661 Norfolk Daily News, Suppl1e~-Co. Tn·as. 213.25 2771 Tum Sylvanus, Road \vork .mailed to the International Peace 1 Th > NIl C I "1 y "y r and Marlene wcre Christmas dm- around m the dark until about 7, 2662 J. J. Steele, Co. Treas., Express adv. for. Co. Treas. 1.59 2772 Ray ~Jer, ROCid \\ork ..Hostel located a' Battlc, England. can ~ro~ ~n~;thl~g' I~ °t~~' are:~ ncr guests In the Gerhard Wacker like a little kitten. We haven't f!l"- 2663 U. S Nat lonal Bank, Omaha, Safekeeping secuntles for Road District 'No. 26

has people of the ncmity worned. home. ed any blackout room but we re Co. Tre~s. for 1941.. 50.00 2744 Chns Jorgensen. DrJ\mg_ truck.An Illinois woman has moved 24 A man decided to prove It and Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Vahlkamp gOI,ng .to In a day or so. ~o far 2664 Frank r. Korff, Sala:,y as Clerk of DI~t. Court-~De~. 166.67 2773 Damond Kenny, DrIvmg truck

times in 19 years. planted three acres of garlic. Now and daughters Were FrJday dinner we ve Just laid around listC'nlng to 2665 Mildr~d Soehner, Ass t to Clerk of DIS: Court,---Dec. 50.00 ~774 EmIl TJetgen, Uperatmg tractor and repaIr work.1 the citifens are eyeing the crop gu('sts In the Fred Heier, jr., our radlO. The first few days all 2666 Frank F. Korff. Clerk DISt. Court, Postage. . 6.50 Road Dist nct No. ~8

Brilliant outdJr scenes de9or- warily tp see that it doesn't o\'er home. y-re could get Were polJce calls .a.nd 2667 Frank \. Korff, Clerk DI.';;1. Court, Court costs . 12.00 2775 Harry Samuelson, Road norkate the walls of a Brooklyn hosw ripen. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vahlkamp, Instructions from army authonties :J.668 Frank F. Korff, Clerk DI~t. Court, Court costs-State \s. 66.45 2776 Road Dlstnct No.:29pitat Doctors find that S~Ch _---1------.-.-----~ Jr., were Sunclay dmner guests last but now we arc gettmg coast 5ta- m Mattmgly . John Morns, Road workscenes help· patients recuperate. Ir--'---.,----- ... I·wcek in the Herman Vahlkamp, lions, news reports and all anyone 2669 Frank F. Korff, Clerk D1S1. Court. Court costs-I,nsamty Road Dlstnct No. 30

jr., home. would want. We lIstened to WOW f l\Iel\:'m Tletgen < 37.21 2i77 John Greunke, Road work and t:;.now fenCIng9If you wf:int to make a million Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Claussen last Tuesday night and It made us 2670 co. A. Lamberson. Balllf1 fees --Dec. 15-16, '41 . 6.00 2778 Raymond Greunke, Road \...·ork and snm\' fencmgdQllars, you might try to invlimt ' and family were Christmas eve a little homeSick. It came 10 ex- :2671 . M Cherry, Salary as C~. Judge- Dec.. . 158.37 2779 Otto Franzen, Snow fencmg . . .one of these much-needed articles: ' luncheon guests in the George actly the same place that a Hono- ~6n . 1\1. Cherry, Co. Judge, Cash adv. for supplies-Co. 2780 Clarence Hamm, Road \\ork and :-no\\ fenclOgUmbrellas' with windows, so ;wei Reuter horne. lulU station comes in, and smce udge $4.65. Postage $18.i13 • 23.38 Road Dlstnct !';o. 33could see where vve'relgoing; POP- . Mrs. -.lames Baird spcnt~st George Hoffman, jr.. and Ml.ss they were off the all' temporanly 2673 . M. Cherry, CO~Udgc, StateflK'nt of costs-State \'s. 2781 John Davis, I\oad workless, easy-to-move corks, nan-s!<id 'Week'm the Charles BaiJ:d ha e. Faune,1 Thompson ;"'ere ChrISt- we managed to get it. No lights lcadlce . . ..' 166 :178:1 Clarence R. Nelson. Road workfootstools; heated lounging robes Mr an;d Mrs Lyl Wad d mas dmner guests at,George Hoff- were allm\-ed except flashlights 2674 UIT R. Davls, Sa ry as Co. Atty.--4th quarter 1941 275.00 Road Dlstn<:t No. 39for insomniacs; pint-size de~k in th·c Jbhn Meycrehome eC~lri~et_ man, sr.. hornC'. With se\'eral thicknesses 01 blue 21173 UlT R DaVIS, All ancp for office use - 4th quat. 1941 100.00 ~783 Stanfey Hanson, Road work .lamps,' 01' featherweight compacts mas 3. Mr. and Mrs. 0110 MillcT and cellophane cO\ermg them. PolIce 2676 un R. DaVIS. Co. Atty., Phone calls $11 20. MJieage , . Road DI~tnct 1'\0. 45for handbags. Delor's Baird was a Thursday Elaine were Sunday evC'ning are on patrol. constantly- and for 1:2 95, MH;Cl. exp. $16.16, claimed $40.31, allowed at 35.31 2784 Gordon Jorgensen. Road work

overnig t guest in the Charles gue~ts in the Amos Echtenkamp people who faJ! to obey IS a mce :2677 ~. 13 Deckt'r. Salary as Co Supt.-Dec. . 166.74 2785 Petc Jorgensen, Road work.Baird home. home last week big fine or a sudden gun 1;hot and :J.G78 '. B. Decker, Co. Supt., Postage and post cards, $7.00, Road DIstrict No. 4D

Patsy \oVert is .spending the Mr. and Mrs. Mar·vm Thomas of you find your light out. Cars go at ·;xprcsl:i adv, :Ji~.09 9.-09- 2786 l1etman Gathje, ROR.d workChrlstma~ vacation In the Albert Val·ina, la., and Mr. and Mrs. John SOCtll':-; pace WIth no !Ig!;lts. Now 2679 tudents Supply & Vanety Store, Supplies-Co. Supt. 10,61 Road DI:-t/'lct No S~Gamble home. Surber were Sunday dmner guests they're pamtmg headlights black 2680 -B prlntmg Co" Supphes~Co. SupL 8333 2740 J. N Eznung. Gnt\t,j

Mr. an(1 Mrs. E. W. Damme of last week at Ed. Surber's. With a small center ot blue and 2681 'laude L. Wl'lght. Salary as Co. Assessor-Dec. 50.00 :n48 Lcsli~ SWinney, Up~'ratmg p"troJSioux City, spent Chnstmas In the GeorgI' 11. Reuter of Laurel, and they get around pretty well. No 2682 ampl'j 'ft. Pile. Salary as Co. Sheriff-Dec. .. 100.00 . Road Dr"! /'Ict +'/0. 53F. I. Moses home. ' Henry Bartlmg of Wakefield, were cars except those absolutely In 2683 ames H Pile, Co Sheriff. Mileage oh investigations 12.00 :J.787 \Vm, Spliltgerbcr. Road ,\\ ork •

Mr. andl Mrs. Alvin Vogel wel'e Tu('sday dlOnel' guests last week defense are allowed out anyway. :2684 ames II. Pile, Co. Sheriff, Board and jailor feC's o'f l' Road District No. 59Christmas dlnfi(~1' guests In the in the George Reuter home. OUf c-ar has the lights paInted, a nsoners 43.30 2735 Ohver ReiChert, Grading and repair \\ork .Ora Martin home. Mr. and Mrs Harry Evan~ and blg red cros~on the Windshield and 2683 . B Nelson. Rf'paa'lOg light fixtures at Co. Jail. 4.00 Road Distnct No. 61

Ernest and Hans Krieger were famdy, :Mr. and Mrs. Carl NC'lson a sticker \\Ith letters ~tX lnches ~6R6 , S. Roherts, Rf'pall"S at Co. jail.. .. 6040 2751 Olher ReIchert. Gradmg and repair work . 3.~OChr,stmas dinn~r guests in the and famIly spent S,JnQay e\'pnmg high, 'Docto~·.' We'd take a picture :J.687 . B. Nel!:'on. Salary as Co. Janitor- Dec. 6500 Old Age ASSistance, Child Welfare ;:~d Blmd ASSIstance e1alnGGeot"ge Frahm home. lasl W('Ck·lll the James Mahe-n of Il bUI we l:e not allowed to bUy 2688 copies Natural Gas Co., Gas at courthouse 11-6 to have been approved for the month of Dec.. 1911.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bronzynski homC'. photography ~uppllCs. 2-4-41... 74.96 Laid Oyer Claims:A traffic law violator read that ;were Christmas dlOner guests In Mr. and Mrs: Harry Hofeldt and Food Is Plentiful. 2689. W. Bell Telephone Co., Rentals at courth~se 11-15 The following claims are on file with the County Clerk Lut ha\"e

the judge had been givlOg each de~. the Ray Gamble' home. Virgil, Mr. and Mrs. Lesldr Ho- "Fortunately there IS enough to 12-15-41. Tolls at courthouse 10_15 to 11-15-41 75.85 not been passed on or allowed at thiS time:fendant $5.65 and costs. So whbo Mr. an~ Mrs. RussplI Ltndsay feld1. Vlnan and Larry were food for.pve!'yone. We re only buy- 2690 Ity of Wayne. Light at courthouse 11~17 to 12-16-41 33.00 . General Fund:taken before the magistrate, th~1 visited in the Ernest Splittgerber Christmas supper guests in the lng lfi Ilmlted amount!o;. so ('\',e~y- 2691 Ines Jewelry Store, Repairing clock at courthouse. 1.25 1940judge asked "What do you thinU I home Thursday eveOl,ng. Mrs. G(>or'ge Hofeldt home. one WIll ha\.e some~hmg \\.e re ~692 uctlle Reeg, Salary as Ass't in FSA office-Dec. . 65.00 1333 forshould give you?" "You've bepn Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ba1rd and Mrs. Chns Hansen and family, asked tt? USP Island lood and con- 2693 rl-State TypeWriteI' Co, MalOtenance of adding mach.giving the others $5.65 and I don't family were Christmas dmner MI'. and Mrs Kai Thompson and serve our canned goods and to use j SA 12-2-41 to 12.2.42 12.00sec why you can't give me tHat guests in ~he Charles Baird home, Norman Nelson were Chnstmas fresh Island pork and fh~ckens 2694 . 1. Walters, Bal. of salary as Co. Agent-Nov. 30.00much dough too," was the dc- Mr. an Mrs. Fred Hurd and dinner guests in the Mrs. Minnie mstead. of beef. T~at SUits me. 2695 Lucille Schroeder. Ass't to Co. Agent-Dec. 65.00fendant's reply. family we e Christmas dinner and Graverholl home at Laurel. There. lS a lot o! Island, food I 2696 Agn. Extension Service, Supplies-Co. Agent. 10.83

luncheon guests in the Albert Kai Mr. and Mrs. MarVin Thomas of haven t been usmg but 1m gomg 2697 Standard Office EqUIp. Co, Supplies-Co. Agent. 5.07Venus, the planet which shines home. Vanna. Ia., Mr. and Mrs. RIchard to.~earn to. ,. 2698 \\'ayne Book Store, Supplies-Co. Agent 1.53

so brightly m the southwe:h Mr. and! Mrs. Edgar Roe and Hollman and Colleen and Mr, and. Despl.te a few bumps,. I m ~tJll 2699 1. Walters, Co. Agent, Cash adv.-Postage $2.00.heavens. at this ,time, may hare Junior Hab'na were Sunday guests Mrs. Sam Noyes were Christmas m one piece. I kf,loW I lost weight reight 61c 2.61been 1he star of Bethlehem. This last wc~k"!in the Jacob Waggoner dmner guests m the Ed. Surber t~e first t~f day~:~r ~ JeUStt ~~~~~- 2700 . I. Walters, Co. Agent. Mileage for No\'. . 22.88planet is ~o bright from GliB ~orn~/' + home. ~ t gtt ha t

k<~~ do . elf: k '2701 inside Tribune, Prmtmg proceedmgs and mIscellaneous

that its light casts a wake on the MI', and Mrs. Alonzo Soden and ..Walfred Carbo.n, )1'.: of F9-rt u.~, t m a\c .It a seac sc~~Wi rinting '1. 14.72water, _ mesiJ

t:' lasWtf..,r,eeekSIUnntdhaCYROyeVDena',n.,gs Riley, Kan" came C~eve Nancy .( the Japane, . 0 27.02 \ ayne News Prmtmg proceedmgs and miscellaneous'" ;1'1 and VISltpd until Christmas after-I girl who assistcd In the hamel Just r { , ~ 13,81

Did you ever see a 'fire riding? !homc. I noon In the Walfred Carlson, sr., disappeared. Where, w~en,01' how 4103 ~~~~gu AUd·~tJ·~g· C~··":ind s.e~I~~~~U~l· i·ris·t~lJment··i941Answering an alarm, San Diego I Mr. and 'Mrs. AlvlO'·Vogel Were home. He will be transferred to we don't know. She dldn t take '" ".' .. . 125.00firemen had to chase two mile$. Ito among gu~sts in the Ed. Damme Louisia·na soon, anything so' I don't know if she'll S Irv!ce .contract . . 50.00

' h Th d MI'. and MI·s·. Wm. Rabe and Ar- be back or not. I'm. glad she's gone 2704 I. Eo•• SIr.nan, Atlotney fees--State vs. Wm. Mattmglycatch up to a car which was On lome urs ay evening for .Ruth's 0 I CPt 21.]3fire, the driver being unaware lof \birthday. Ihur, Mrs. Chris Laulenbough and though for It'S given me everything 2705 1< ddle I 0" res one. 29.46this. While firemen extinguish~d Mr. ,and Mrs. Alonzo Soden and Alta, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ramsey to do and I'm happier busy. After 2706 . (\. Pope ad Co., Trans. grease. 2.82the blaze, the driver fainted. family wdre Christmas dmner and ;Mrs Effw Brown had a no- all I had her to be here in the eve~ 2707 mted Wholesalers, Repairs

guests in the H A Soden horne host di~~er Christmas day in the nings when we went out. And . Bridge .Fund: .Citizens of Hlll'vey, Ill.; have at wisner. I •• Kenneth Ramsey home. since we're not going out the'se 270R \ heeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co., Lumbel

been placed "on their honor" so ; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Florine Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pryor and cvenmgs there's really no necd for :2709 P e~ce \ountJ-', One-half brIdge on \Vayne & PlCrce 148.84that<, the city's 13 officers might md ,son wete Christmas di~ner daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald her. , , c unty 1m~go on dutS/to guard defense ihdus~ rUests in the Arthur Florine h~me Carlson and family, Mr. a·nd Mrs. ~~tabllsh First Ald. J Mothers Pension Fund:tries. • at Wakefield. Gilbert Da~gberg were <fhristmas ;'Bob has e\'~~uated llis OfflCl' at J. l\t. Cherry, Co. JUdge, orde:s_ th~t Mothers PensIOns be allowed

I Mr. and 'Mrs. Carl Pfeil and eve guests m the \Valfr~ Carlson Pearl Harbor,as they are n~ long- ~t amou ts a~ Iist'Cd In Claim No. :l.11O.Hereafter doors of a New Jer- rmi1Y of Page, were Thursday home. Mr. and Mrs, Pryor and er holdmg school on the [Island. M s. Lyle Asay, Mothers pensIOn for Dec. 20.00

. sey court house will be lOCked fternoon dallers in the Everett 'daughter and Walfred Carlson, jr., He's been at the board of health as Administrative EXIMmse Fund: ~I '0nights since- drunks have been indsay home. were Christmas (hnner guests they're keeping a 24~hour first aid 2689 N. W. Bell Tele. Co., Rentals and tolls-Co. Relief office oJ

found dsleeping on th~ .third floor. I Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mpyor and there, station there. He was on d4ty aH 2711 M s. Esther Thompson, Dir. III, Bal. of salary-Dec. 934sian went 10 Atkinson to spend Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Reith of night so Bobby, a nurse and I kept 2712 M rlle D. Johnson, ViSItor, Salary as V1sltot'--Dec. 90.00

When Richard Simmons app((ar- Cchristma::; with rel~tives. Th~y re~ Concord, Mr. and Mrs. Blair Jefw down the 'fort' at home. We !oiaw 2718 B tty M. Wright, Jr. Steno., Salary for Dec. ,18.00ed at an army recruiting station in turned Frid~y. frey and" Patty of Wayne, and R. Dr. and Mrs. Linson this mornmg. 2714 M rtle D. Johnson, VIsitor, Mileage on relief cases 3.53Oklahoma to enlist. officers took Miss Lozein and Kennelh Baird T. ,Jeffrey of Marshalltown, Ia., They are moving from their home :.:!715 L. C. SmIth & Corona T~'pewnter, Inc., Typewriter-Co.

.-\>nUeddllOOe.kTaneyd l~I.erned waerneta

inhteoar\a. spent last Wpdnesday afternoon in were Christmas dinner guests in on Sand Island and are gomg to R lief office 10:2.06h ~I W t~e ,1. C. and Mrs. T. M. Woods the C. H. Jeffrey home. Mr. and live m HonolUlU. Tel,l Mrs. Ida T16 N rfolk TypeWriter Co.. EqUipment for Co RelIef oJflce 10 L2~

'quarters i~ San Antonio and the homp~ at Carroll. Mrs PaUl SodeI'bel',!! and Charles Reynolds (Dr..Lmson s brother) ~7 L. W. McNatt Hdwc., Supplies for Co. Relief otflce 1.30latter wirio Washington. "Okay:" I The FtI'Cd~('cg, Henry Rp('g Hnd of WakefIeld, were afternoon that they are fme. Unemplo;yment Relief Fund:Was the r ply. Simmons is 6 feet, I-fcrman ceg families I. were guests. . "W~ want you,to kno~ we're all 2718 Al owance for support forjDec., 1941;1 ,inches all and weighs 240 Christmas. inner guests in the Mr. aod Mrs. George Bartels Just /mel-~ave our chms up and ttEl er Johnson . " ,........ .. 20.00pounds. But he's in the army nbW A!dam Reeg om('l. were Christmas dinher gue_sts in are~ t afraid any ~ore. Pl.ease Le nard M. Pickering ..... ..../..... . 10.00even if }lei is an inch taller thah Mr. and r~. Leo Holt, Mr. and the Mrs. H. C. Bartels home at don t worry. ,It ,;,on t do a bIt of T' bitha Home, Care of poor children 11-27-41 to 12.27-41" 20.00regulations

lr . Mrs. Mike unhette and Nil&h Carroll. Other guests were Mrs. goodrnd. we r~ Just as safe here 7219 W yne Hospital, Room and care of poor-Dec.. . < 30.00

I d I - J~rifl: Mh~s Wauneita Bomer bf O. F. Smith of Powell, Wyo.) Mrs. as an place) I m sure. As long as 2720 11' ne McBane, Care of two children 12~16-41 to 1-16-4:J. 15.00IAn OVE'rdoeted man walked IntlO" JOmaha, Mr. 1 and Mrs. Ernest Ruth Gibson and children of RB;n- we're, happr, have a home, plenty 2721 M s. Willard Fletcher, Care of poor-Dec. 20.00

a' western, ~njon office in Ohip, Sblittgerber and family Were dolph, Miss Jean Anderson of Lm~ of: fo~d, we II not complam. I O~Iy 2722 Es her Thompson, Issuing Agent, Stamps Issued forscribbled two mes~ages which hie Christmas dinner guests in the boln, and I\1r. and Mrs. Walter wlsh;ve could be horne for ChrIst- di eet relief. 84.00discarded ~nd handed a third tb Monta Bomer homC'. Mr. and Mrs. Bredemeyer mas though. 2 23 P Ch h Rtf Nov & Dec 14.00"the clerk. It read "All your',cash ~ussell Lindsay caH~d in the dt-' lIrllkeep writing but 'in case 7 ! e e urc. en or poor- " . ... 1000

. and lie quiet." The clerk hahdetl ernoon. I Goldenrml Club. there hould be a lapse of time be- 2724 KI us Kuhl, ~ent tor poor-No\. & Dec. .. 16.00over the' money and the rObbe'r Mr. and Mrs. Herbert. Barelman Goldenrod club meets Friday, tween letters don't worry 'cause 2725 Ca uwe ServIce, F el otl for poor .... . .. 26.0Q

' • " d M . , , no n-c' 's' w'o'I" be good news and 2726 S. A.. Lutgen.. R.00D'l and dlre of poor 13 da~s. .'.. fled. The djscara~d messages 'reau an arcclle and Junior, Mr. and fa;nuary 2, with Mrs. James Ma- t'" CI C h f h talIzabon of"B(! calm, this is a stickup"! anij Mrs. Ray Nichols and daughters, ~ perha s there may have been a 2727 Ja leson mlC, Wayne o. s are 0 OSPI 1::000"Holaup, all your cash." I .Mr~ and Mrs. Clarence Baker, Ger- en. f tieup in the mail someWhere. r ~5:00

' I I ala Ia.nd Jeannette. Mr. and Mrs. :Central Social Circle. Please bel happy." 2728 S" A. Lutgen, M. D., Care for poor. 21.00K(mneth~Baker and Billie Mr and Central Social Circle meets I 2729 D. L. J. KiVan, Care of poor. 2 13 d 1300Mrs IEmil Lutt M d M G-' t uesday, Janua~Y 6) with Mrs. EI- Fire~dJstrOYed abarn Ont the 2730 Ja Drake, WPA forEiman Project 701 - a~'~Test Were Ch~isb~a~n din~~ a~d ardt Pospishi~ for a covered dish Wm, usch farm neal: Pender. 2731 T d Win~et'jstein, Operating tractof and repaIr \\~~.~ 36.73lunchedn guqsts in the Will Test inner. ' $3 .75, MIleage to Omaha $3.00 ..hOme, ',; I " Mr~n~ Mrs. J. M. Buey, known 2732 F Herton L6r. Co.. Posts, wire, cement and culverts .... ;;:~, " :1 1

1 ,II 'Hqme :trom Hospital. , as II ndolph's sweethearts." ob- 2733 H skins Oil :Co., Gaso. Freezone and repalrs . 21.l,IOI i.J. (). BjCIUb Meeting. W. J. Kieper who returned home served thleir 61st wedding anniver~ 2734 M yer & ~iqhel, Repairs WPA .......

J. r(!j B. ~lu Willi have an all day I st week from a Norfolk hospital sary ecember 26. m. Huey is 871.> General Road Fund: /'rneetmg .Jan ary 8 10 the Russell here he received medical ca're, is and Mlrs.1 Huey is 83. They have Commissioner Dlstrict No. l-Erx~ben. ~-4 3.15

$lidmg bladellfnife, a fountain pen, Lintlsa:y hom. i pro\'ing. r~sided at Randolph for 50 years. 2690 Ci Y of \Vayne, Light at co~nt~' garage 11-1( to 12- -41.

I, I '1': I ' " I 1,:·: '"' iii: :/i I 1:11 Iii I ,

top related