~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/wayne herald (1888...carroll rite tu~r;rjqy.a~...

Carroll Rite . Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 WJ at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol under sponsorship or lh t American Legion and 1.0 glOn AuxdlUVY. Ler 0 'RIng' Jones, South Siou (Ity wlil be featury 'speaker, r I Jones IS well... ow t.hroughoul lhe area f:f hi ' work wllh veterans and hi Ispeaking abiilty. He ap the Memorial A Illan <lllljl),is wife ttited by tW( U!:I beingoU'tstandin,g in Poach Kermit (Jan {'Ilson, l!luet a(, El Ita-nehu, Five deserves a i apology .•n people dr,'w speciltl hOllors some Wfly tIle copy fur the \'ear. the r programgbl \'lrs, Marvin Young wus switched' ore it. 'nalllt'J I'Outstatlding- Mrs. /lerald and q'w .JaY'·c{'," lIer husband WtlS asterisk oe'idf' her nalflC' un;lOlIllced as' winner of t.he was omit!.e .1 An asterilsk (itle "Outstanding' Juycee." was supp.o:>rcf t.o bt, tlte're. ) OUllg tll{, nf'w pr6si- t.o denote high sehol· d{'nl.' of tll(, civic. group Hnd ars,'hip w, bad l\lrs. YOlll1g has be{'ll re- her \a l 'fi ono"of tilL' e!{'c\NI to another lerm as hon.or studer l' in thu' jHesident of the Mrs, Jay- uuting ICI/ISS' II C('('S. 11(\ Ken Dahl llpologize t.( 11l.'r' and I iii t.he -top Jaycee post. gratulute: he.r: I I' ])i<:k lIammer won I II, 'Gold Key award and the , I I prcsiu{'nUal :twa.rd for t.he , H" ., ,1<1\'C('(' , TnL'rnbor who has e ,8S: r,l'lied lIpon most often f I 'by the, president for sup- n or;/ port and action. Jerry Bose Ire ce i ved Gold I\ey lIward .:.1 j,l'P, . There was no Silvl'r !'i.e)' nwartl biit Ted Rahe re- ceived a I\UYhO,l1or',1 Illosl> also received the See MAN, WIFE, 1'1-:, Ii Wins Reuhi, WHIS The cenle hialtheme will be carried out and speclat /i7 ated 50 y 'ars The clas'ses of 1907,1927j 19,17,.i 1947 1 57 will also be 1 honored. wfll iu- cludl' nUQ1 ers bylh,eyoung peorle ,of tJle Winside schools difedet' by Mrs. Pele !\jrOfl J. A SlOCi,al hour I and da'nc e will follow the I dinner land1prog-ram;, 'are on sale at.!1 varioJis inWinside, I II,OlliS FrlanciS, i'.'orfOlk'l president.· of th,e Winside "ld all mittce rrl mber$ jSk·t18t,1 as many' 5 possIble p r- chase tic ets in advance so the ¢at ring s,ervice willi knOI\V how ;rnanr lo plan seirving , The a of t.he alumni f Winside ,High School w.ill held Motll.day, May 29,: at :00 p.m. in lhe City Audilor- ium. H L1H1 first major e'v('n i in lhe lorium e it. has 'uecn r(lmodcled, A' pr-df'es ' iOll:al the alumn' "till be the m,emben; f this year's' gradual:ipg lasis. Wayne {'aucer Socitt.y is' joining tht' e fort ,of 11. Rltatt> and nation 1 group in 11 gigantic effo t t.o ellt tl_e mounti g toll bf de' ,th and disabili y from cigal eUe smoking, ·t .l·uis !;Ieen 1nnounc,bd. "Ti e for on" is na e See TOiLL. pg. 6 Woman With Briefcase Not Sel'ling Anything Win!-:iidc's Memori<ll Day' services will be held Tues- day, May 30, lit 10:]0 a.m. in the Winside Cemetery, Z. L. Bouglm. Handolph,' will be the featured is nd ' t$ the Winside area, 11(' gave tbe lalk nig-hl fOr cornmenc elment at. WlIS. Hev. H. M. Hilpert, pus- tOr of St, Paul's Lutheran Church, will give the illvo- calion and benediction. Music will include a trum- pet solo hy 1'i.(Jitl! Krueg('r, Winside's firing squad \)'ill get a full workout. will P;O (0 "'iP "l'ltl'- opliilus and ."lpringbrall('h and two lIos- kins cemeLedes prior to the Winsid('" 'J'h£'\ are scheduled to visit lVariou:!> cemetcries for salutl's t.o dC'ad .... (arlinp: at 7::'lP, The ')merican I.t'p:io[1 ,Aux.ilillrv will :-;prv(' ,I smorgasbord 4inllef at til(' LeKioo fbI lowing t.hl' memorial Tfw IHJlJli( is invi(l'U to attend, ; ,give olar,ships a,l Ue ,"hould a dislinguislwd Mon, uYI I : t: '. ff'\\" w.ith what ap- "11, ta,lk -I' i',' pears La, be a. :-;111('8 kil, the \ bene{il of thl' gra s don't turn her UIl! i1 an rlmO"l ,GOO ,spectator ...... .vou'ru sure who, It's 1\ iLh son [, quiL(' possible it may bt, Mr. lnd J,ack I'ruege ,I flo{ the . ; Mrs. Julia Haas reports the highel',t foutyear gr'a e in the past when she took wd aliso receiv d, oSnhiln;o I zipl' or enc'Yl'lopedia sale-.;- his reeorr' , man, She is neilher but is . Salutat rian wasl, Lin a em!,iloyed by the dist.rict Goht ing , daughter ,of Mr. to lake the census retluind and IfVJrs"LaVnneGohrin . by state law befor1' .July She ,receiIVed a,scholarsh'p 1. to Norf'o'k Junior Colle \Vhat she will lVan( to on the brsis I'of her hi ' know is how (ill'!"e average,' , art' in eaeh hO!ll(' Don Longe, son of l {' tbe ag:t's of (l llnd :->he Alvin Ma y will cover thl' t'tlt if I' di,;- hnE' lIa sen daughler lof [rid, by personal Ilr Gur,,'Y,"bngens, re- by lelt'p!HlIH', ceivecl 'seho arships f,0 iOll of till' public C,'ollege on t le this infllrmation basis of grade avcrag s. ·a.,l ,ll (he 1.\ aou Bob Dan berg, son of l 'c Gilbert Dalllgbergs, e- P11."-, t;;, i F F ' i. S It d t for and schol r- una" a uray a (, ,ity i A, udit"orl',vm l .' I,n Wayne ' , 'I' 1, <hng:' ayYou Alwa ," I I and' t e rriifed ensem Ie. :,:' "Iith the II yne Jay"" I'" I Th d P• <\1 p lin Day ur$ or me '; 5 i:': - i "'cl seQ,ut C U , n Fair i, ,"bn," °l'l "mul"',"- along,'l' Total Stili $400 M ,.. togoSatur ayafternoon for \\ a.'one :;I( cntenl\lal Da.\ W I rea e arne at the \\ avn ('it\" Audi_ r\ug 11. :\t a I d. ' borium fra'm 5:30. commltttjEl rjleet'ng TU/:,S-I Someday go- j b I! d tOo bo th, S will be dav 'night. ml( re d9tails Wf>re ing ,to win S-tnO e rs, rrOU aI featured' wit Cubs and ironed: Dollar Night pr:ze In I t Scouts demonstrating what to; " ,Wayne. It ,could be rhur.s- J bhey can do what they Send" tu alll daji when another name will .. .1, p,e,rso 1 , roncor I., AI Bt e Name don, e', 'h,e bors will Chure, hes," and . be al S P',n:. (or n, west m.e ',- I be doing the, ark and tell. organizaCi(111" i \\ ,a y n {' some \\ a rea r eSldent; rs of tl!e oar .of Un.". ecretary , ing the stories and adults asking (or 1. leir partieipa_ Mrs. AI.lce Halleen, Car_ the \ yne. tate Fou ,_ wn,II be in ,t.ion,in the d. ti.on'1fhrdn.w, memb r II d "' I It f not. VlIl fBI' h Al ahe, secretary Q to :supervise n1)', para e an,! ing lhat conso a lOn or. \. - J!' .sper'! e, - open age", the e County Fair 22, Tlhreecomp titiveevents small o.rllzat'lb s may lllUg the ,$480 pnze. She I Si- be'en se 'up for Cubs sponspr ,f! 5, in onjunc- I not in \\ayne \\hen her \'al Pf't presHie t year, h s beennamedsea.l T w'ill ,'lion with' jt hJ r Ism a III " name, was. ann,ounced as .olfthe fdl',t nation anno,unc ,d of the be held for bo h. Tire roll. !groups, !' \ potentIal WIllner. (Ire, e'le ti n 0 .the. tr p Alss,ociatlOn of F lr in' I and balloon bust will I Include iI th rade a I, The fact that t.here was r\ SPf Cial me t- 'He will fil'l ut! be f . I held for ·add,log ,SPeCh.'ll', e, ·,t" il,on f<b,r 'hildren,I, ' no Win,ner g, ave, 'a to( ,'"n, g, Of, b,oar s held if. e .ct, te;;?i and knot t,;}1ingrelay and s fl.pa s, and- j the l'ese·rve fund. T?lS now t me renou's 0-), ,,'1 d I k fpr IScouts, 'I' , . rtte\[,s ,0 other!1 at and If there. 1aIUld n erne t. ." ton, ast wee _/I, I fllhen there I" ill be tl,1e I . unlti' -: in t I IS a.w, ',nn,e thIS,' week, "(, ar iss Of., , III s'erve as 5 .C_ i two big races, 01 1e among Invl1l1g th f part Ipahon,l, Week s be $3::.0. (.arhal t Lu&tbef d., retar'i1<'-t easurer tbro gh,1 Iithel 1 inners & he local int 1 parr eli. ' I If the,Toe p0,",:,lnner, ne-\t 'l'a,-ne, n haspee alo g., Janua(ty.19S8. He will Ipinew aU raci car I ther 1 Dan I S,' PrI2i, e wlili be", $4?0 ,lIne ',e of lh,e. Oll,eI e," b,ies n1the the,r am[ Tit e was e finance and the re$erve fund wdl ear so , WhOifar, ' d the wtnn r5 0tthe vari us ehalfrnan f r t e I also $400. I t e st of q n- the,' te national meet i I local sp ce de by rocke small IDay lebdt pn. Rob-I Anyone 1,'8 or olde!r who oIjd, I"is th ypung st; Chic' 0 t.nd take care 0 Tic et are 0lllsale by ert Boeck hauer <;i.ttended has' not r,egistered pre- tru, tee Ie er n med .to t"e otheJ:'laff S(iout nlll C the meet· r II may do sOlat parti. I 8 boa d. I , He'liha held .all offi e at;e eing aw to the thej\'{a!n 10 stan,,) Names of ' oelll he d 'I eli r i ?, 't,'i' f?ra,Sko, 'A,S,SO'i:J, 'II III sellUngl tIle mdst callS,clet I the firms, takmg pat can 0 ds,l, L d., one of:' hel bon, an Managers II I SI'O th thej e l::r. 'I a geSli P oducers of '1 ue, hai' the; state ai T / ITT', ,. C III Plu si l ' I II' \ III " . FO r ArlO pg & see, i" ,h B, E,' pg 1 6 : ,I . I I Il'I;' I [:It ' II :1' Iy I i AI' ',I - II, I, I . II j

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Page 1: ~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888...Carroll Rite Tu~r;rJQY.a~ Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 W J at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol

Carroll RiteTu~r;rJQY .a~Auditorium

Memorial Day serVlcUtik\\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1WJ at 2 30 p.m. In (arrolunder sponsorship or lh

tAmerican Legion and 1.0glOn AuxdlUVY. L e r 0

'RIng' Jones, South Siou(Ity wlil be featury

'speaker, rI Jones IS well... owt.hroughoul lhe area f:f hi 'work wllh veterans and hi

Ispeaking abiilty. He apthe Memorial

A Illan <lllljl),is wife W('rt~ttited by tW( organization~

U!:I beingoU'tstandin,g in Poach

da~:h~~r' ~l ~ir. ~~~~,~~;~: f~.~~~p~"~~~r~~'t~~ ~li~~ ~~~l:Kermit (Jan {'Ilson, \\-ayn~, l!luet a(, El Ita-nehu, Fivedeserves a i apology.•n people dr,'w speciltl hOllorssome Wfly tIle copy f~r fur the \'ear.the gradl~ati r programgbl \'lrs, Marvin Young wusswitched' b~ ore it. reuch~"d 'nalllt'J I'Outstatlding- Mrs.Th~ /lerald ~f{lce and q'w .JaY'·c{'," lIer husband WtlS

asterisk oe'idf' her nalflC' un;lOlIllced as' winner of t.hewas omit!.e .1 An asterilsk (itle "Outstanding' Juycee."was supp.o:>rcf t.o bt, tlte're. ) OUllg j~ tll{, nf'w pr6si-t.o denote l~el high sehol· d{'nl.' of tll(, civic. group Hndars,'hip w,,hi~b bad (~urri,,'ld l\lrs. YOlll1g has be{'ll re-her \al pl~cc 'fi ono"of tilL' e!{'c\NI to another lerm ashon.or studer l' in thu' grlld~ jHesident of the Mrs, Jay-uuting ICI/ISS' II cOntler~ed C('('S. 11(\ ~lIccceds Ken Dahlllpologize t.( 11l.'r' and CI~Jl'l" I iii t.he -top Jaycee post.gratulute: he.r: I I' ])i<:k lIammer won tlH~

I II, 'Gold Key award and the, I I prcsiu{'nUal :twa.rd for t.he, H" . , ,1<1\'C('(' , TnL'rnbor who hase ,8S: b{~'en r,l'lied lIpon most often

f I 'by the, president for sup-n or;/ port and action. Jerry BoseIrec e i v e d th(~ Gold I\ey

lu~n·1 lIward roroutstandin~scrv_.:.1 j,l'P, .

There was no Silvl'r !'i.e)'nwartl biit Ted Rahe re­ceived a Bror;z~ I\U YhO,l1or',1Illosl> also received theSee MAN, WIFE, 1'1-:, Ii


The cenle hialtheme willbe carried out and speclat

f~\tae;;iojf'~ /i7 bUw~iv:rna~~~ated 50 y 'ars ag~,~ Theclas'ses of 1907,1927j 19,17,.i1947 an~ 1 57 will also be 1honored.

Ent!'ftai~lrmunt wfll iu­cludl' nUQ1 ers bylh,eyoungpeorle ,of tJle Winsideschools difedet' by Mrs.Pele !\jrOfl J. A SlOCi,al hour Iand da'nc e will follow the Idinner land1prog-ram;,

Tit.:kc~ts 'are on sale at.!1varioJis st.~ries inWinside, III,OlliS FrlanciS, i'.'orfOlk'lpresident.· of th,e Winside

~IIlmni, "ld all ~Iher c~m­mittce rrl mber$ jSk·t18t,1as many' 5 possIble p r­chase tic ets in advanceso the ¢at ring s,ervice williknOI\V how ;rnanr lo plano~ seirving ,

The ~nn a r('unio~ oft.he alumni f Winside ,HighSchool w.ill held Motll.day,May 29,: at :00 p.m. inlhe Win~id{ City Audilor­ium. H will~rbe L1H1 firstmajor e'v('n i in lhe audi~lorium ~in e it. has 'uecnr(lmodcled,

A' pr-df'es ' iOll:al ca{.l'e~~ng-

;~~~~ce lh\~i lrn~~~~p~}~~ I:!~:~

;~~~~:~.l I~~: :~~:\d :~::t: "e~fthe alumn' "till be them,emben; f this year's'gradual:ipg lasis.

Wayne ~'ounty {'aucerSocitt.y is' joining tht' e ~fort ,of 11. Rltatt> and nation 1group in 11 gigantic effo tt.o ellt do~n tl_e mounti gtoll bf de' ,th and disabili yfrom cigal eUe smoking, ·t.l·uis !;Ieen 1nnounc,bd. "Ti efor ~('cis on" is ~he na e

See ~EA"11L TOiLL. pg. 6

Woman With Briefcase

Not Sel'ling Anything

Win!-:iidc's Memori<ll Day'services will be held Tues­day, May 30, lit 10:]0 a.m.in the Winside Cemetery,Z. L. Bouglm. Handolph,'will be the featured

SP~~~~~·n is nd' ~lranger

t$ the Winside area, 11('gave tbe lalk Mond~lY nig-hlfOr cornmenc elment at. WlIS.

Hev. H. M. Hilpert, pus­tOr of St, Paul's LutheranChurch, will give the illvo­calion and benediction.Music will include a trum­pet solo hy 1'i.(Jitl! Krueg('r,

Winside's firing squad\)'ill get a full workout.'nH~y will P;O (0 "'iP "l'ltl'­opliilus and ."lpringbrall('hCemcb~rib and two lIos­kins cemeLedes prior tothe Winsid('" servicl~. 'J'h£'\are scheduled to visit lh~'lVariou:!> cemetcries forsalutl's t.o ~h(, dC'ad .... (arlinp:at 7::'lP,

The ')merican I.t'p:io[1,Aux.ilillrv will :-;prv(' ,Ismorgasbord 4inllef at til('LeKioo r~all fbI lowing t.hl'memorial rih"~, Tfw IHJlJli(is invi(l'U to attend,

~t~~:~t:,~~i~,;,give ~cl olar,ships a,l U e

,"hould a dislinguislwd Mon, uYI i~hl cdmmen~ ,~~ I

'~'~~II~i~~orn\:o~r:jar~llgat~;):~~~\~ :,;~~~ h~1~~~~~~~r:h7~~~~:~~ t: '.ff'\\" weeJ{~ w.ith what ap- '0';_ga~~"" "11, ~nspir-iilg ta,lk -I' i','pears La, be a. :-;111('8 kil, the \ bene{il of thl' gra sdon't turn her UIl! i1 an rlmO"l ,GOO ,spectator .......vou'ru sure who, It's 1\ iLh (rueg~'r. son [,quiL(' possible it may bt, Mr. lnd ;V~rs. J,ack I'ruege ,I:ch~~r:~~ O\,~I~;;c1 flo{ the . ~~~tt:i:dnfl~ef ~l~po~l~~;al ;

Mrs. Julia Haas reports the highel',t foutyear gr'a ein the past when she took ave~age wd aliso receiv d,

~~~Ug~~h~~~ ~ean:u; ~;:;:~ ~;orlre1~a oSnhiln;o b~;11a ~ I

zipl' or enc'Yl'lopedia sale-.;- his reeorr' ,man, She is neilher but is . Salutat rian wasl, Lin aem!,iloyed by the dist.rict Goht ing , daughter ,of Mr.to lake the census retluind and IfVJrs"LaVnneGohrin .by state law befor1' .July She ,receiIVed a,scholarsh'p1. to Norf'o'k Junior Colle ~e

\Vhat she will lVan( to on the brsis I'of her hi ~h 'know is how (ill'!"e average,' ,art' in eaeh hO!ll(' Don Longe, son of l {'tbe ag:t's of (l llnd ~l. :->he Alvin L~n<el' ~i.nd Ma ywill cover thl' t'tlt if I' di,;- hnE' lIa sen daughler lof[rid, by personal (~tlt" Ilr tl~{" Gur,,'Y,"bngens, re-by lelt'p!HlIH', ceivecl 'seho arships f,0

iOll of till' public waYn~,' ~St,~te C,'ollege on t lethis infllrmation basis of grade avcrag s.

·a.,l ,ll (he 1.\ aou Bob Dan berg, son of l 'c't.ar~pangled Gilbert Dalllgbergs, e-

~~'!::!.~~~M~Oe.,R~I~A'.':",-,P11."-,';G-'.~~.'.'.:-:;~~:':::'''.:...-_-:--~~~~::'::::''____ ~~il~:~e~~h[~~~r~~;~~ \;?a~l t;;, i

F F' i. S It d t for lepdtshi~ and schol r-una" a uray a ~~~~h\·~otlt ~~~h~l::i

(,,ity i A,udit"orl',vml

.' I,n Wayne ~~tfr~:1::~I,:::f~:::::;I.' , 'I' 1, <hng:' ayYou Alwa ," I


and' t e rriifed ensem Ie. :,:'"Iith the II yne Jay"" I'" I Th d P • <\1

~~~~';l\~\~i~ Z't\~~~ f6~:~ p lin (e"t~nnia Day ur$ or me ~:~g '; 5 i:': ~~~~s~;:.e - i

"'cl seQ,ut CU, n Fair i, ,"bn," °l'l "mul"',"- along,'l' Total Stili $400 ~ ~ M ,..~et togoSatur ayafternoon for \\ a.'one :;I( cntenl\lal Da.\ W I rea e arne

at the \\ avn ('it\" Audi_ Ob~en:lllCe r\ug 11. :\t a I d. 'borium fra'm ~1 t~ 5:30. commltttjEl rjleet'ng TU/:,S-I Someday someone!~ go- j b • I! d tOo

..\ct~on bo th, S will be dav 'night. ml( re d9tails Wf>re ing ,to win t~1at S-tnO ,Sd\'~r e rs, rrOU a Ifeatured' wit Cubs and ironed: OUl'l;;.it\\'fi~planned Dollar Night pr:ze In I tScouts demonstrating what to; " ,Wayne. It ,could be rhur.s- J9hnC<~rharl.\\a\ne,a? J

bhey can do ~rld what they Send" lbttL'~S tu alll daji when another name will l~.. .1, p,e,rso

1,roncor I., AI Bte Name

ha.;,~,' don, e', 'h,e bors will Chure, hes," ',II,~ISin,>sses and . be ann,?~nced al S P',n:. (or :.~re, ",m,~~,gthen, west m.e ',- Ibe doing the, ark and tell. organizaCi(111" i \\ ,a y n {' some \\ ay~e a rea r eSldent; i:;>~ rs of tl!e oar .of .truste~, Un.". ecretary ,ing the stories and adults asking (or 1. leir partieipa_ Mrs. AI.lce Halleen, Car_ (~f. the \ yne. tate Fou ,_

wn,II be in th~badkgrOtmd ,t.ion,in the ~'enl6,n~ialDa)' rOIl',reC,elv~.d$101a,stwe,ek d. ti.on'1fhrdn.w, memb r lB~ IId "' I I t f not. VlIl fBI' h Al ~ ahe, secretary Qto :supervise n1)', para e an,! ~gg~s ing lhat a~ conso a lOn or. \. - J!' .sper'! e, -open age", the \~ay e County Fair 22,Tlhreecomp titiveevents small o.rllzat'lb s may lllUg the ,$480 pnze. She t,enmar~. I Si-

hav~ be'en se 'up for Cubs sponspr ,f! ~ 5, in onjunc- I w~s not in \\ayne \\hen her \'al Pf't .r,son~ presHie t year, h s beennamedsea.l~dl,Seouts'-1T g~of,.war w'ill ,'lion with' jt hJ r Ism a III "name, was. ann,ounced as .olfthe fdl',t nation anno,unc ,d ';letaF>~:-tf',ea,sure:of the '~_I..be held for bo h. Tire roll. !groups, !' \potentIal WIllner. (Ire, e'le ti n 0 .the. tr p hras~ Alss,ociatlOn of F lr

in' I and balloon bust will I Include i I th rade a I, The fact that t.here was ij~is we~k. r\ SPfCial me t- ~Ianager~~ 'He will fil'l ut!

bef. I

heldfor Cr,u9,~. ·add,log ,SPeCh.'ll', e, ·,t" il,on f<b,r 'hildren,I, ' no Win,ner g,ave, 'a b~osl to( ,'"n, g, Of, tfu~e b,oar w~, s held if.e .ct,~<f~611:1\~:, te;;?i ;~'11sa'~ing and knot t,;}1ingrelay and 'childr~ s fl.pa s, and-

jthe l'ese·rve fund. T?lS now ,,~~horll t me renou's 0-), ,,'1 d I k

fpr IScouts, 'I' , . Tn!Writ~, rtte\[,s ,0 other!1 ~tands. at .$15~ and If there.t~h1aIUld n erne t. ." ton, tho~,die ast wee _/I,

I fllhen there I" ill be tl,1e I~Qn,l . unlti' -: in t ~ a~'ea I IS a.w, ',nn,e ~ thIS,' week, n~xt "(, ar h~trt, iss ~cr€\tar'yl Of., ~a~.~e , III s'erve as 5 .C_ itwo big races, 011e

among Invl1l1g th fpart Ipahon,l, Week s p~I~e,wl.ll be $3::.0. (.arhal t Lu&tbef d., retar'i1<'-t easurer tbro gh,1Iithel 1inners &he local int 1parr eli. ' I If the,Toe l~ p0,",:,lnner, ne-\t 'l'a,-ne, n haspee alo g., Janua(ty.19S8. He will y.,~:

Ipinew aU raci car de~_ I ther ~tiP& 1 ~rs. Dan I wee~ S,' PrI2i, e wlili be", $4?0 ~ ,lIne h,~,',e of lh,e. Oll,eI e," ~~,r~~,~,e~o.d, ~~~t:i~:-a, ~~:~ ,~Ib,ies n1the the,r am[ Tit e was pa~: e finance and the re$erve fund wdl ear so , WhOifar, ' • dthe wtnn r5 0tthe vari us ehalfrnan f r t e Centen~ I also stian~ ~t $400. I ~eds t ~e e st of q n- the,' te national meet i I

local sp ce de by rocke small IDay lebdt pn. Rob-I Anyone 1,'8 or olde!r who oIjd, I"is th ypung st; Chic' 0 t.nd take care 0

Tic et are 0lllsale by ert Boeck hauer <;i.ttended has' not r,egistered pre- tru, tee Ie er n med .to t"e otheJ:'laff ~.l"s.S(iout nlll C bSI.~priZ\eS the meet· r enti~ II v~ous,ly may do sOlat parti. I 8 ew~.e boa d. I ~ , He'liha held .all offi e

at;e eing aw rd~ to the thej\'{a!n 10 stan,,) cIPa~IHg stGlre~. Names of ' oelll he d o£ 'I eli ri ?, 't,'i' f?ra,Sko, 'A,S,SO'i:J,'IIIII OD~S sellUngl tIle mdst callS,clet I the firms, takmg pat can 0 ds,l, L d., one of:' hel bon, an Managers II

I t~~tt SI'O th se~PI.nnil)g thejel::r. 'I :~~~ 'It:o:~~~II. gebal=i,:~e~l ~:~ e;~: a geSli P oducers of '1 ue, hai' ,~nt:on the; state aiT/

ITT', ~,FA',' ,. C III Plu si

l're~I'III' \ III ofli~,e., " . FO rArlO • pg & see,i" ,h B, E,' pg 1


. I I Il'I;' I [:It' II :1' Iy I i AI' ',I - II,I, I . II


Page 2: ~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888...Carroll Rite Tu~r;rJQY.a~ Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 W J at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol



t' MEN and WO I '

RODUCTION WOi 'ERSWe are now Interviewing for 1111 ti/ll'

! ~Iodu.tion work.er. a. t our Oak ta City,!I Nebraska ~Iant , I' ,

I ' !i *. Excellent Startmg Wag-el iI *Gu.arallteed Work Week I

I*P<tid Vftca.tions !

* 8 Paid Holidays I I

* Outst'anding' Company pL 'Insur,mce Benefits I

"* New ,Plant., Excellent Wdr irRConditions ~. I I

* Jab Secunty !

" St.OCk Purchase Plan I :



WayneNortheast Nebraska's Gre

il 'iHoward 'Mc.~Lin, MrS'jJar­rell . Hessel]' Mrs. ,WitberHath -and Mrs. Ralph De-long.. . .

Mr. a nd Mrs. FjrJdPflanz spent the Wee ~e-hdin the. home of Mrs. Mil_dred Cuncc I, Bellevu:, toatt.end't.he J.6th birlhd~y ofhe,r f),on, (on y • Otlhcrguests' werp M,r. and Mrs.Vance POI,nz ilnd l,ona.Sioux Cit.y~ and Mr," andMrs. Neil Pflanz and t' ar/{,Omaha, and Ed Hall.

Mr.' and :vIrs. F oydHool allended Lhe TulipF e::>t,i va I at, Orange 'it}',hi, "hu.rsUa). I

Churches 1-M"e,lhodist ('flUTe]l

(Hicharu Burge~s,' P' slorJSunday, iv)ay 28: ,c' urch,

10 a,m,; Sunday sch~))1.11.

Presoy(eri,an ('hu ell{1'i.eiLh Cook, [Jast r)

:-lundaYl May nL Church,'} a.m.; ,"junda!) II!,

sT Mar,)"" (':d!holiC

~L~(1:r~, ,r: l~/J~,'lOa.ln.

, iENGLISH CLASS visi,tors from Wayne H ~h in~

eluded thIS group of sophomores.•The ro~ps


Page 3: ~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888...Carroll Rite Tu~r;rJQY.a~ Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 W J at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol

'I:" ':;1"


, ! ~,II ':

Boyce 'Re~~ion- eld

Boyce ReunJol1 Hel~AI1 the children::of Mrs.

Alice Boyce-, g~ll1:ered inthe home. this weoltend and I

attended graduatioln ex'cr'.t:i s e~I' Monday fpf LindaBoyce. ComLng the far­t.hest dislance w.ere LarryBoyce, David and KaUl')'jBrunswick, jMe~ Olher!';were Mr. and Mts. Don IBoyce and fumil)', Smth'!Cenle"r, han., ~1r. and.MrS'11Dick Boyce and -family,Prophctslm,:'u, ilL, ahd Mr., Iand ~1rs. VernoJ.1 Miller i

1 p.m, ami fal1lily~ Hoskins. '

I. I

(;~',lce I.\lt~j(~ran ('burch I(L• .J. Iler\ll.hal, pa:-'(lJr)\\' (; " n (~ c; d a .v, ~1 a y ~,I:

(-hoir g;rolll of/!,unil.aLiull,\\'alther l.eaglll' birlh­

o!ls:)r\ltluce parcn(s', K:JIi' jl.IJl.; po(,w!ucl,

, Hoir Styling Iii ot I 'Club Meeting ,ursdoy

; .,II'I/!fjy Homen JI\.:en; C .llb.I wel :-VIa)' 111 Ii h :VIrs.

Ii r llll () SJlliUg' d cr. 11\11\\ ('rt., .leuClne r 1I1


dau <.1tl1..1Cheri :Vlar:-,Ii l ok part. in

I detlll!llst.raJ in.g air st.y (J'!5

lind t:ar(~ <lUU ~IC(:Li()IlI'()fI '

were'f C:l!ll.:

Page 4: ~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888...Carroll Rite Tu~r;rJQY.a~ Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 W J at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol

a tractor moved' the wagon 'from th,ome ncar West' Elementary $cho~1 t ,a ,porary lac tion near Seventh and M~in. Nowwhot to d with it? Maybe h'ove pot~ol ee't~ings in it nd store t~oop equlp~ent. 't'h teverthe use, T oop 174:mby be AmeriCa's only scoutunit with c'ircus wogan,

('lass ,\.

It, is a tpambo\ s from t!lt'a< well a ....;so itR,lme for \VaHle IL{~gion.

OYt'fin h <l s IJ r':J c!l i [" I:'

;~'{~\~ldu11:;d t a :2;) fJ;ltll~l;'MidgeLs and frofTl' ~J' to ~)for lhl'l .Juniors, :Furtherschedult~ ,of practic s forvaripL.l::' lE'am::. wjll (' an­nourice-dj Monday. '

burg, nubbard. Newca~tle

and Paoca. ~ ~flo~.i~.:t foarmte.h:

tb~~esn ~ n~~

12 yea fS' of age mana edby r-l:'n Linafelter. T eyplay at. 1 p.m.' Sun ayagainst Jackson.

Second game afl..heafjec_noon double - header is forI)o\'" l~-l and dver oh' a(E'a[ll managed by Metlin)Oll\':>, C;a ml' time at. I the\llpn JunctioTl diamon4 isapproximately 2:30. i

(;ames: will be pI yed

~~cJ~/'~~~a_~'l';l~~).u~~\ ~~

<l I II:r~~~ni:ii[thWoil~~hbt'lt~~et~::-'l'filio.;' ~dH'du[ed ,Jul.\­

t:l whichcquldiucludenig-hltilt:-. at S()r~l' puints.

.Baseball'Teams Gel

Three Games EarlyThrpp W'al-"IW t('arn'~ will

Sl'!' acpan ...~ithin the rextweek. toach Hank Ov~rin

~,;~u~;r\/ ~ ~~l:dl~ :~d<l1~fJ~ \~~the agenda. . ! 1

Ponca will be hereiun­day. May 2R, for a'f B .m.game in Northeasl Ne "ras.ka L(~ague play, Oal ata Cibwill bp hert> to meu


Wayne Ll'~i?Tl \\<,~"q.n(~.d<lY,11 at 1:,HJ.Mldlgt'I~·and

:2 for rz:~;r~~ 'I: ~. Nt(;l:,r 11\1~'~Jt,ll~

5 Boysinside

Allen Bas b~1I Teams

O~en ,Sea o~ $~nday'~itl.k Ll:rJ rut'

underway Sl11day forj l·~jrns. l1alw Itutl! afld [JonyLp<ll.!;uP arl' set. from,Ia '!<;son, Martins ~

\V i tl :s i II e ha 0. a bout b 5boys who h~ VP iodiCllt.edi nt. t' r (' s t irr Midget and

Little M.idP:dj:b.'Js.'el.JaII t..hiSsurnmPf. Thn program gets"underwa\-· Th r..,rJav, ,juneK.

J'l'ac!icps, nd garnl·..,afl''>Lh(:duJed a( ,,:,JII p.lTl..'-;un_

//ll~V.t ;:'I~t:~;~~{;I~l:I.I: ~J~I:~1 rl~l~~~aged by I\pnny illker. Pet,pI-\ropp haYl' clungI:' oftill' o[dpr will! IHac-I icE·.... for


rni':(:~j,hrough I1)/1 TLl!'"d~j \aflt~rn()(Jrll ..,. and"Jolm

p i ~l~I::~ (. \~'li)~. I: '~'()(lrHl 1~11\'\~{7\l'~irulic:ll in (jl('.\1iugel amI J:) ill thl'

~'lor{' bo\::;of Illw Wl·!cO[llP .

AroundOut at

SCOUTS GET CIRCUS WAGO»l-. Waynel,Scout, Troop 174

1'has on unusual ~istinction. jt

now possesses a genuine circus wogan - pr~­

s~nted by Mert n Hilton. He formerly hous,dhis· rock col/ecti n in it, but now is building agarage for the purpose. Would the troop Ii~efa hove it? You ct. Monday night several troqpcommitteemen, he scouts and Jack Niles wi h

.Not 00

K~arey .

1 2.Qu." $259Sh:e

ay e ins Practice:

II' a.Y..'LIIIowo ,.e.,."n won111-,1 ~II'"' Wakefield inprac!:i l' lay Sunday after-noon ~ I e local diamond.Dotl Qf.€ h, ·Jim Mau andLarry]' . eck 'pitc.jhed for

waYn1~ JGreg Spma",and C i ardan forWake-field. Ifcorebooks werekepl, l I ferry Kinnan hada uou?l ~ with two on forwaynti ,1I W "Jordan had at.riple V1t 1 twu on [or Wake_.field, t ~ csenting the besthits 0, II d y.

Wayne ·1 "1 inFinals· fo 1 Nebras. aThe~wa ~e 'l-lig~ golf

team ""as e of 12 ,earnscon\pot'ng i the (in Is ofthe ,sta 1 1 gh seho I golftournamqn at PiolneerCourse,' I Li coIn, Fltiduy.The IOdlJ e'am, mqde up

~~:\Fa!ll.'. 2~?~:.~~~.:;i~~1~\ aens~6 J.~~~I;l~l~~ S~f~l~~SLurm,p(rS' u a t;S and Jun.ior Mike (Ison <:l 9f1. Onlythe fidt t h r e e s~ares"

counted'i . Ccor din g to

CoaCh. Hal' Id MaCiCjC.WSk. i,.Wayne, v,ound up with atotal of 2 " The meet waswon by Holdrege with a~'37 [0110\' d by Yarl{ wit""-,231'1. The edalist shot a

;eSIP! nt Wins 8-2 .In the I l prae-ticegame

twfore re Iar season playgels und way, West Pointdefealed, a y n e in townteam baseball 8-2 Tuesdaynight on the 'Wayne dia·manu. TIe locals werefH'Vl'r in I hp game as they"blew" ~~vl'fal c1mncps on

;\t;r~nj~Vri' plt/;~R~~ri~~sLh:;

~:fin~.~tn ! f;~ ~~U~t::~1S~;j~~;) \~11tli ita ~i;;~ t~~t;;::~

~1~~,1 1;;;~I~ ;1 1~~I:al~il ~1~E~:'7~~locals.l" I, nea will IW,here

~l;r~~ay~1:1 gr td~\n~ f~~ ::~~



Surnm.~r Couples ,j, \Jeag~e81!rt-L~tt : 1OIson_jIill : IIJaughtierty-Hedric:k 1Reb€n~dorf"Lentz; 1 I\Iaben! D('~k ! :1Tralrtman-Willers 3Libengaod-Luschep I 3ROE'bt'l"·l\:ixon ,~ ,3

II i g h score>:, Ll'diCS­:Vlar'ion Hill' 177!a d 447;1~1t'n-~"ld'yd Burt! 2 7 and::iSS; :"1aben-Deck~1 ~Burt-Lutt'1883. '

Flo1'd Burt ha:s Hered

~ll('Pfl~~;U~~r tht, ~ViI ner 'of

, I"Almqst 700 C~ilrren 1

Gel, ~ealth Chec ups ,'-Q:uart $1'98 Ami Illasebroock, school:::.'$2.39 I nursell ~n District l l?, wound I II



I , " ~hetkl11pro~g:~emmf~~h;}~~~~ H'1 D II N't' PLA.YTEX HIGH FA'S'ION .iuni~~.higl.l pupilf ~Wayne ".. '

, 'I ver., 0 or I e H and' q: fraU thi~ eekl In ~I,

I Drawing Thurs., I SWI CAP; all ',sl'f choct<ed;68' young ,,1.1

, 8 p.m. i".l aur $)' 29 $4' 5' pe0f.I"I. ,. i i"tare far$~OO.OO ..' . . Thl' youngst.ers are in ."U, I I I :,: to the three eletn ntary ".1 1

~ t-:-t-"'i'"+;;,;,-!;;......~TLo+~::::l'":':~:l-=---i-,..oJ~+- ..'-ooo!:.:._.:.l---I sCho.oll.s, Carroll, North.~..'~ IN~EWA'I\,~E·IRE~1[,A " east and West, an in the" ~'

" ':~J. ~ :1( way~~' ~unior Hig.h. Che,ck...! ,': '.1ing ha's' been under ay for ~:

_by jistman seve allweeks ,I !Ii

o/e~~·:: i':~ i':&$~O'"· ~i s IfIa~eb~o0t. check..1 'Iii i

i 1$ 95' ': :~~n~ aJ~;L ~~~. t~r e~~c~ ~ i

Ic~e!c e eyd's "for ~ uitY,and; ,

H....,*-fi";;,;,,.................!---#!40..:;4""'"!~-...JLi.o,~..i-.:.....i---I-..I._-J [.oc.~ iU.• SJ,e als.· h.ck.~,,"jl

I ~t~1;~:~f~:;~;.J~[i,"II!

'"":'i7~fli:rr;:,;;.~~f7fffifr-+rm-T~~~ffm~-1.;r~=r;.;:,:,,.1 A~' Tl.t Do th IBIGJob ]111 -:]T:hhH0JT1TitE:lai;m;""]TIt;7f-:---t:-T"7"~t-~~~~" i I II I ill

i ii ' i I!j IJ I!

'JI _'iSlxteen Couples i

lG:~:,.~,: ~::'I~~:~' ~'i-f

ated lin 1I t' Two...bllli F ur­'ome I Leo gue ~l Ule \\'. yne

. ,:pullilry '( lull su. '.lda y a, le:­-. il~on. A pol. luck Pi nlc~vas held HflE~r t,he ra ndsJvere com leLed.~ Th~ i" Winnerl' inpunday's ,cor~p~lit'jon ... ,ere


rs. Willli'arn Mc alt,red Arl:nb~u~lerl rs:~',arr.y Ste"lepson Kenpahl, .Mr~. DaIle Joh; sen,:f\nd Mtlt a~an.



.J, ,

No.·rt.~1 as ,Nebr 5 a~h~.wiG~od :iin tate ,r ck Meet

N " r 'Ih.• a '~N. bra s~~I'S sHpwin ~ i the stat·track 1eet t I oarney th J

past w 'ek Iwa none 'to

.ifnpr.s iv~., N n. Of~I.ear:ea. tc~ms lfin ,shed in t ~t~p,t~p,tn ul1f.Y c ass. ,

". .In Giln5s A two tea s

'.fl.om •.i.J. st 0 tsi i.e this ar ascoredl po~ ts . and that sabout .it. Columbus ha~ 8and'f.-remb t ) as,Oma aWc's,tside c pturdd 1,1"cro~n.

.. Cla'ss,B srI' :Waync g~t., one I?oinllll d F loolI!field 2., Froro j\.l:sl ut ide the ar a

'COIU.[:' bus. Sc t.us had 12'Sed ner 4 F nmont I3 r~

t,"trtl ,DIN ill 2 and Sehl y­ler . Cot en urg with 38wo:n h~ ere wn

. In Cllass C lho,?reaJ,dIts ckt record Newr anGro'\\e an (fa'rton C' ellgetting 7, 'is er S, Cia k_son 2 an Laos, \ViOl'C­

. bag a d inside 1 apic P..

!'rOf j"~.OUl ide. the acaHoo e hal 4 and Leig:' 2.Hobl o~ hu 2 t.o' Lake lhtlitle , 1 I I

, H"rr!phr~y Ihad H, fr-, ?har,d '1'<1 I~nd,' N.iobra~ 1

In C la,ss n kelton. I' omoutsidEI th~ ar.ea Snyder lad

. il, PI*Ur, Cenler 3 "rmd, lJpaldirlg ca~emy l.

,: DaV'l" ) rown uf Walvne

~' co. re.d .lh .onty

point. forj.l.'helur I evils with a 5.2a'~k in- h'e I igh hurd es,

~ood . f r fift l place. - I in~

fidl:j's si Igle point C' me,pn ~ift lac e in the i30~

yar~ rei y at 1:3<1., el:dWac-k r Bob Danp;b"rg;,lIa~old,' j eyer and' H· nd)'Ja,l:iobsen tan ori that team.





Page 5: ~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888...Carroll Rite Tu~r;rJQY.a~ Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 W J at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol


T~~ Wayne fN.~r.l Herold. ThulJ day,

ntS lCOt hirt,hdny.·D~1rH. I)unklu't III return'~~ 11o\vl'.r grade tl.1l\chcr In

! ~'~P~tl'~I;~1 rn:~~ilgl~ 1~lrl~ o~1J:;!, 10 I tlPllChl in I) st.rict 80,.

" 'I '. i

C~rro" ICouplHomeFrpm Ttip to urope

~1r. al~d Mr~ GeorgeSt~dz rl'tprnetl "uesduy orla~t WIW!'- from .l'crmllnv,WljE:.rt1 tin')' had i->I~clll s(J~.er,ll weel~s vis ling. f(da_ti\~'S' The,if trip Was Illllr~fl' bv the death of hisIlw!h"f "ill (;erm lUy a shorttil~lC b('f():rc the f.lriP wuslie ItJduled.

'tol.,; left 0 rmnny 53)'1' fS ago. lie oWld" lotof' chllnges i, the UftlU

(HI~tlnd' tsc'hena ,where heused to livl', all( ill i':uern.berg.

"'\('1',\'\ gHJhl'l"ill~" Wt'rl'11I'.ld in h(lll(Jr of Ill' ('arl"oll

III hOIl~r of t1wjr, \' "I s 1'l"\·"enll't1

tll'lll ;1 pit lurl' of hi ~

hUIlHI [OWl! of I',:~chetlall.

\ bro! he r, ;I' ~ isler ·in-

E sy to 'nstall i-

~F~ $12495!

o Iv $7.00 P.! Month. ' :

In)I'~1I it yoUU.l'l-IOOlg~HW"ig s iull 62 Ibs. yet cool,'up to 00 sq, ft. H-.)O;,1

IDuth st' 7,000 aTUSI59.~5

Page 6: ~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888...Carroll Rite Tu~r;rJQY.a~ Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 W J at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol

· nl'mllel" outtha( elimin;[liollo(S,nlO!\ingl will save morelIves, cut down more on;;il:kl\ess a lU. reduce

lalizalioll irnorl~ anI'other s ngle hejIthn~eaSlire. H is '[1 qUE". l:ionfor sociel' t.o answer l noti1eC~sS'.a~i.Y each IJl'rs~nasan mdlvld aI, membersfeel.

AI «(~~~~d :rn pg.1)

cumm;ille,¢ lie had

~.)~~r.:.i ~\.\~~\J:... ?b~l~. decI. jn..~'~ :)~.:...:cepllng: the secf\'~ar\'-

lreq~Llrel' post orily aftt:rthe death f :vlcClellan.

At the. present.. Lime Ill'is servi' g as secrel:.ary_t~easurer of the Great.erNortheast l\ebraska FairCircuit. his Igroup servesco~nly failT organizations ina l$,-coul}~Y ;a~ea.

Page 7: ~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888...Carroll Rite Tu~r;rJQY.a~ Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 W J at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol

: Sp re.Time In2d~e"ii; ~o.lIc lhl,}i,ollky B,nd ,rI-'SI"IO{'~':

mg EW, 'l'Yl1fo~ hl~lt 111.l'llltr

.•... ('Olll pera.".""t. di..SpC.n.'.'r.'.... '.".'¥.our rell. N~l .ellin/ot. ,TIJI<itilit.ICy Y II ijl,;lsll PVc ('Dr., refer·

I enees $600 to $1.000 'ca*hlsc­'EurCd by .ill~e Ilory, SCVjC'.I, ,It'..

,t clv hours -cekly CIITII n~t

: e cel~l!lIt ill It/rhe. "Mor~.1 filII, tIme. ~ f<'OT 8'r~onDI inte .lvluw

"n~lNI};·~ .. 1~~I~ ..D~~ '~:l~~I blrd, ~uUe I 0 .0111111, 'CXllS'


71'14. InChld!: \eICPho~. ,nu01'ber. : m~, ,It I~8, 2,~

ThiS position ~taVaiiableimmediately. ,I e-rmancntclllp1qym·ent. Soda week In­clud~ $a~urday" and onec-vening per WC(!kl Apply in.person to Miss H nsley.

Lorson Dep rtmentStore

FOR RENT, Fiun;sh~dt,,:,o-room, apartment .. ~2Q

East 5th, mmFOil IIENT, Two, two.bdd.room apartments. Phone375.1B3~, n\lBt3

For R nt,r () H HEIr-; '1': Fur"i,:,od

ur1artrn{"nt. lwo rooms,'shower Lalh, privale cn~

t ran C c, gas and' waterfurnished. 37S-24-GG. m251,3



,! " I1I~. Waynlll t!~ebr,) Herold. Thufl y, M,

~NTEq: 'd,dce manager, ijtu;:count.an~~ Apply in per ..

~:. t;aI~e:JdWci'::~:i,\y~~:ner. Ne~r. m18t3-~-"I •..----,.WANTED, JIloq<! reliable

doaler lOI Up~y ,pustom..ers witb n.a ;Ioig l.ProdUC.toIn Woyno Count I or city oCWayne. Writ. R.I¥I.lg~

'~:~:,: l~n:j~~~:F7.;,:;~e25

'M N~W MEN. OR part-'time o'k. E·~celleDt.

earningSt World Book En­Fyc\opedla, fOhn Erey,'Dist. M~r. Box 212. Nor­lold, 371.0088.' m4t9...,HELP WANl'EO: Permn.

nent s~leslad~, to workfull time. Appl~\ in person.at (hiess Hex 11", 'Wayne.1

I m25


I Nt' raska'-s : targest ;


Can 'gnm ~l ~ale

~ SAT RDi1\Y,: JIUN~ 10

11 a '. l.,;Onllea. Nebr.

Co signmcnts opC'n

jUl ,sal- Day

Corn eo A ctlon Co..orljlea, Nebr

.:~.o~,~ J umphre '4008 or 2893,

"PEO L1r. 110 KNOW'"buy i ~ e 1 wI Quality

Carpet t Lar on's.


II OR E ~f.'t; ~n "' st~~,Outstan in c tHng bOf$e"

breedin T , ua anleed fOQ.l.Phone 635-2 0 Allert Rf,_r'lNISH T H as E OLDNebr 'a13t8 floors. It's easy jlnd,in~ .

'I I __ / expensive when you rent.'our floor sande·r and edgerand refinish wilh our quuli.ty seals', varnishes and

·wnxes. Brighlen your rugs,jjy renting our ca,rpel sha m..pooer, Coasl-ta-CoastStores, Wayne. my5U

I 'WISH! TC~ E\pnr:S~ n~

lon~e;h~~,~,:t:~~~:e\~l~~;~fl'owers ,an11 gifls, and w lJhelped· ~.111 i~n'y other w· ywhll,e ti ·"YRls hospjt~liz 1


a.od ..s.in~E', n~y returl\l tjoOlE:uOlce GI~.ss I rn

~lAI I TAI~E this rrjca s !


of e\ipre!SISing owl s.i("ere tha1nkos ~,o all w!ha se lflowers', ~ fit,s and l;un::; ,ant! vi~ited tne durio~ n y i


·';laJ in [IJle h(Jspita~ aid:;incc my ~turn horrjle. A,,,,,,,.1 th. 'h to lho. dl',It-on, lhe'hQ~pital sta~f ad


HE'V. Bf'rnt.l>t.1. ~1rs'IAI aHolst: ! In 5-'--_._-_._,.....j----"-~_.--

'II r II ACil1 'ro lha1n IIrplllt IVPS~ pelghb(j)T • a ld


rrlt'rlds for~ lhe man I t-

~~':~'IV~,I~d bl:ltor:b~\li :: :was inlheho pllalal ay t'


and MPlh.od/s .~IOSPlt.a s. 1.. Iso ;)l! \ISJ a IOns ma e yfrH'lHls and Hev. H lpertuf \\ lnSld{ a Ld ({tv. I\f'lU {'


Of SIOU"\ ( JlJ for lheJr co n­forLlng wqr s of p ay ralso Illl the dodor ahdnu"rsps ,who.' wcn' sj kirHIlo ber; A~l shall Ilr'll ('


fO,gotlCIl. 10 d HIes' you iall). Il p nry a d' Dor<-J v-..!~ r-nernundp. m2G

; ! I

Misc. 5, rvic:el5 :

,: ,. I I '~I'f IIJ II I


ProPEjrt1 Excho ~~e 1

' R,_~. F ELBERT12 w. 2nd !~ Ph. 3

1'5 213<

.' . JOR RENT;I INew two be~ oom apa t 'ent 'Carpeted: ,and air ieondl, ned I\V~th !lewl eIe:.c -:ic 8toV~,.~ re 1

f~~era~ol: CUf \lsl:led.;~'1a ablIm:medla~cIYI' : i

Two ~F~~ ~~;E.lit .,.1tached ft rag . Fenced In bileyard. I eal for small (·hi,. Idren or pets'. ,Also has tin she Iroom in baserfient.

R".iden~~.·~t'.tsS~·~:!lhiU'!' SPITtE~B ~t~'ER'S3chool ''Wd ' est Elcrne tar II MOBI1E MES~~~; tUhe:,~h'.,;r:~~ '~I' , .'NOrfG.llk ~@broskoMOL,LE~ AGEI}J Y I Up "I 7 ""1'0 P'Y

12 Wpst Jrd~ I Phnnj,35..2145 We t~d~... fOTI.:fljlmiture


In \/'foy e Ior~ contocl

(ard~ ;~, Tho k. HJ1h~tE;'.£Nn125IW

I,REDue • SAF ,8im'ple ukl

Ifa.t lvitt Bese I tab-

~~~8·D~ ~ 8¢. fiessC;;r;


' •• I •

We service all makes of R io

Ilnd TV~ Why n l enjoYI bot to:the fullfst. j

i Me ott's 1

Ra~io & Setvj: Phone 175.1533 !

. OLE:1EN'S"Expert Is oe Repair

j Formerly BO~ ~en~k '910lh 19

1302 MAJN WAKE1IE. ~


HOT 'I' A R FED ROO f1 :steep Il'0 fs. qmtll~t


Casey Roofin Co., L*Uf •Nobr. 256.34 9, im3'lf



Don', l.~e l'h.rl'''jWil Iyour v~luabl ~'el,?n ing

JMove With! Ae 0 MayO we .America's ost r co _mended move '


!.blerTro sfer. line 'No'folk,~'br' Ph,ne ;71.. 5

WE I!I.A 'Y E su ething very

fl:(:~:1 f~:lIvei; ,kJ~nld ~~~:~ac ryJi,e fini.s. McNallIInrdvhuc, WI yn:e, r-.;cbr.

COM $Get your Equ p~ent at


Fender, Kustom, G~Ud, Vox.

~~~~eCrhtand~d~~O ~'~, LM~k;~:Stands <;om. bo o[gars and allAct·eas nes. 'I

2014 So. Sl. ub n St.,. Sioux City p: oJ1e jn6·7831 !

open until 8 p ,~~eekdaYFi.·, m25l4


For that L'O-N-G,.

Mem'oriol Day Weekendi'Jenic ~tovt'. tC~' (,~le.q. ther­m(j~, PlcntC..b~i;kelt. Jl~hiJlg.Nj-lllpnTen t , life presirvers.

~~~,~~c~!~~III~~S~t~~~foar~Jb~j~ut'tl>, Ice In ,an!i. lawn furnJtlJl"~" flower~, t't~'i I

r.\'t.'rythmg t() nplkc lh,lllong w('{'kend il (leltli:htfuJ On('


Coost-to-CoPSI Stores;'AYNE.INE/lil

R~clThJFt~==r"OB"AU: oRIIiI::r-;T' Fh,'

room h()lJs(~ with bath,nutural gas, I ht)L wal l'r.Illr('(' lOIS. C,lvl'!, g-ardpn,h"lj ring- :JpPl" I rl'!"S. (>I hel"uuiltling, uppr:o\.iwaf ,,1, 1(1\21) ..... ith c,~mcnl :floor. DofOI" >lhUIJ JWU~ 3tr{'(·t. ('allLdilh L. Swan~'()Il!~tH;-'l~}(J.1,

\\' il\~idl'. rn~;)



PIYlOfood Top Solid ~e~woodwith 21x 10 Seots Seole.d trop

F$269tt with$2q~~eots

. ,





fullerton lumber' Co,11:1 :So, Majn St.

W"Yllt'. Nt'br. ~1n22,2J

--~r----+- '--- ,~--~-

Hent, Hlq~' luslre LlprLriccarp~·t , for

only $' ipt'r McNattIlardw:in', W(J,'y'n~', ~cbr.


-""·-·rc··-----·Read IIljtd, Use The Wayn.

H~d!d'i::~tD~d:h;-!:tG ~~:Ie




HY" aboutOver Gon

ska (armerseld Bins., En_

For'$ale I

. I

4'x 4"1GrasJ Ed~:ing


. ,

Creo'te 0 ~tio with ·enclosing fence' fof privocy ond

'wi~d protek~ion: It provides the id~oll etting f r flowers

.!IGAR~~N Ho,SE ;

SO·' "Length

wu $8.'~5 $19NOW ONL I......

ANTTQU1': IV A:LNUT Iln/).IW()M SE'I!. %3 Ply.'

rnoulli S l.)1 till n r,\V a g (j n,16 cyt, /\ticl~, ~ith rr conai~

ioning. _J 0 h 1: crgql.li~t, i

I C~r~~l. :' n~22l3 I

POR SALE,. 2;" ut lIiding. HUSH r. PPIES ILawn Mpw r, '$150,t 6

',I). motor. r: xo el.1I 0.nl C 11.: BREATHIN'~JRUSHEDIn PIGSKlN'" ASUALSditior' C,onta t D'avid C roO

'I only LbAY~$ IvNonSnotw.rt 37,5.2119 or .37G~2 38 ~

after 6. m18l.J

WE AIIRY A CO l'L8T8 -.-O-f(~'-A-L-L-~ 'l55 (':~~~y,I1n of the famdb!i Barl I

M G d S" soujJl'd-up ngulC. $ 00. I' .

aY"I... ar en. oe. ~JUr~·I' M,lrH'Skoka1n, Phone 75~ 6 fo t _ 8 1,foo.antecf-l to grow. :P in \and pick up 11 our',;~ar.. 15S l. m 51.3 ~ ,denlrjg' and I wn nee $ at ~---++---..--. ompl. tely assembledCoast to Coa54 Stb.~es" LIVEST()(,'K"lEN.-lJo'youWayne. ~ 6tf: wa,nl ycarl', IOUtJ(.l worrr L

" ,_...-_.+ .._ I fre~ feed 8~iD age? Grain or, '" ocked down

PRESCRI, 'tlqNS ,J ·1 ;l[rfef;(~~cg:: 'II·! Ilir;::k~r~' t~~ as I was $1 ~,50TheJmost im :orta~t UULg d ' h b l

k~ 1~~\tguflll >,oUr!dodoPs i~~; ~Jl~~:~ it~f t~~~(;u;l.Ye(~; I~{;RIESS REX LL $TORiE ar(HUld reCdl"" g, nol _jusl Frle¢ Delivery

Phone 35-2922 during winte ; r ooths. (;on-

,_~ .+ 03_tf__ \'~Crl~:;~I~oIj~o~jl~,hl:ZJ;~~(~r~~ )'J().'NE ;J75.10351- '-1 ka~ Sal;.~ J.,;prpsentaliv(' ~

'PICTUHE 10'1 ;AMli:S ma fOl" I'\eurf'lsk!u Harvest,ore

Pl~~el ~~teec~li~,~ef2~~,',~~::;; ~,~.~:..m~, ~~(" NO(:lf;~;,::types nnd h ng!lW hard­wan.,Carhart Lurtlber Co.~_ ': 1-:._, d2tf~

Page 8: ~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888...Carroll Rite Tu~r;rJQY.a~ Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 W J at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol

,z: 1~~ie~:~u~h:J; hOt~~ ,Logkn Crhek f!.~d lto'o&evelt

:i~~~ ~:,~~af'O;r~~~ I~~ ~c~~;;and others for ¢ampiogandother tictivities. jl,Brulsh isbeing cleared' an'fl wi~h theinstallation of wiater: out..lets the city w-il~ hate. an-othE}f nice p.ark. I

Residents of Ithe areafrom Fifth to Jeve

1lh on

Sherman appear d r gard~

iog I a storm s wer - Thema~te,r has bee re~erred

to Ithe water od fewercommittee for clr.rififationandlwill be brou~ht up againat he next eQulneil Imeet-ing, I

Bids were orenld ~,onsib,le Jf-r the council ~9 ~~ate.r Di,strid. .. lPG7_1. T~ismake I C riC rate thanges IS to extend waler mainsWithout \'II itwg an w ord~ i~b? .WriC?t's Sf-,con ~ub-inance fpr each ch~ ge, en~ diVISion. S & S ,I rpnc~lng,abhng air solution omakc ?maha, had:, ,'l?w bId ofthe cha9g wlthadv rtJslOg $17,7~U, al,mostl.$7.0~O be~1Il lhe J.la e rand post-mg low the englOeerl s eS~IlT~ate

nobee if he cb"'an e being of -$24,600. ~the r, bid 5all that is reqUired in place ranged from $lI7'.88G.I.50 byof lhe dan-out pr cess of a noLhe r Oma~a filrm toordinan e Iwriting. $24,436 by a \\jlsne~_ firm.

Anot er delegat on was The bids are bElling referreq. ,present r garding he pro~ to the commitfee ~nd at-· nalist, preke ted hl"r'silYe •••q. G' d i enough to be valedictorianposed sdewalk ~strlcl. t?rn~y to se1 ~{~lllspeci- hy awardllo tht, ... choo, ": yne r . -I Illoslycar')~Howeve since t e pe.,·- hcp.bons and r.'tjqUlTjments George J.', cran, scho I I f I Miss W'IlL also received:t\'ons h v' '. not been hec.l. . are being met.' '. . I (J'continued ro pg 1) , ~". 1 tJOud preri([ent, award(Jp the Headeris Digest sub-:-for va 1 i~ signat res no . Represen~atives f ~ur~ diplomas. hc 10iarshiJls a.nfl cap'a Ie in her ,d ties. ,ihb scription. q one-year Re~

acUoli a ,Idbe Lak.'nallhe r.ough.S BuslnessM chillesl awards w£'r' I.fanu{'d Ollt Wiltf-elgreatlr '*is ed..1bf ge.n .. 5S.. Cj~..'larShiP,lO'.Lhemeetin a ywaS' so he mat- explailled modern ethods by SupL "l'lnoo,': Christf'l_ all a have wOfke wit Un s· of Nebraska andler was p ssed over.- ~,f billing and l acc ~nting. sen. her'~<" a' s.hip Lo WaynE!

Roy 'oryell wa, n,amed I hey showed. eqL\lpmenl \VilJSidC. ,U'\CC<JIIUUrea~e Iiar,en Wills, d ug te~~f Stat (01 ~ge. Jones- re':'lto the ayne H sRital used,toldhowli Lw4sused excrcisec,lvJetI .., ihclu Ilc Dr. ndMrs.Sb leYWil} ceive a scholarsh-ip'toBoard 0 complel We UTI- and expl.ained fhe time and p~evious' c'l'ening in tI {' wa~ val{'dietorian, it WSC" !

expire I'rm of J hn Car~ cO'st savlOg facIL~)fs fls well \VIIS gym. A large no d grad}, average f LO. " negentl~" blternate schol ..harl, hJ ha,s r signed. as t.he"' more. accurl~lt' cit} W'ol.., pre'-;I'n~ to Ill'ar tll(' Salu, l torianwas en JOl.lieS, ., arshi,Js It sually good., evel.l:'The.le~'m. runs I:IOLI April, recordspos:>lb~eforaround s;~rrnun,u),-Rl'v~ L..J.he,;s, son If Mr. and, r. E 111 though Ii'ted "alternate")1:)(;8. [<li'abethGfJesls,Ed_ $7,000. ThIS Imattr,: was of Ith'il \1dhodi.'J;1 Jow's with a"gr de aver ure: Lind,ICuvnet,daugh..

M (:as c ,flenry Ldya~ refe~red Lo thelflnunce I~~~~~'~~~~~'~:.g:'~i'!l~i~,~,r~I"~"~~~r~a:·~e~h~~~h~-~t~e~'~O~(~l~he~l:'~il~"~.~n~,c~·.~v:o:e~"~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\V<lucrl oller a .,e .!other C()~mlttee fori <;tud,". 'members of the boartL I he park CljImml tee re-

The, el ginecT teJPorted ported a sma11 bui~ding. ison twolpr@jeds. F'ir$t, the La beputupatt~esWlmrTlln,gr\Jnwi~y, plving proj~et at p~)ol ror stor<l,g.o~ c!lc fIl 1-

Ull' ,uriPO 'I is prugressing ~a]s ,and. ~thlcr u,'..,es. :\<;atisfa :tori(y and fil!I sand h by f) buJldln~ nor~l~ ,of the.flJr hi se is mow being pool lock"r qOO!l1! IS pro-IWlll('r] Spcond, th'e OtJc pused. I

('0. wdl have Th,': storm i.{,w"~IPruil'CIplant build- Ull (Hell' [)~1V(' 10, ('Ofll_

30 days, p[el('(L This'lr"p[,lcp,,-; ,HIh,IS b'len reo opl'n ditch willi l.H1d('r

and pi;)ing f{rolilld tub!' fqrand a large ur<-linage.

belm installed. ,lUll{· !:1'was sd udal.l',re lrieted parking for a Jlublic hearill*, On Dr.

".reaS.lp." selup.Nopark'~ Ciordoll?hupe!~ rp(lu('_,;1 foring wili b' allowed on t.he change 1fl Z?11~g 0rl L01 .3,

~~S\(]Sif:: O~o~:~?rl!~::~~; :~lr~~k A~d~;~t.a ~~~r~~~::;int.er.',lecti n with Seventh seeks changi g frOr' zonedand no, pa, king wiltl be a[_ fo.r s.ingte fa1ily 0 duplex

I.ow.' cd !n:'h.e west. side of hO.U.~l-n.g Co ap~rt.lllf'lnt how:;pLogan Sf ,ed for t~O feet zoning, R-l t H.::!,no:rth fr its in ersec· ~

tioo wi h, eventh, ''I', is was S"out Fn'lr'sel to en bIe vehicles to '" imake he turn Oft~eventh I (WBtinue


onto it os _ stre t$ more

CO~~~II'i:f ~. will J! pul up ~~eT~ f:~~r~~ ~~~i t. I sl1pportat two m re Site;;. One is Mrs. Jay ees fill takl~at the "al ey" th tis us'ed part by op raLin~ a can-as a s ree . The si n.would cession sta d lhf,0ughouL

i stop tralffic corhingfrom t.he afterqoon ,hours.

tlw norU.'~'at Te.n~hl.street. scoutP.'.S.'. ISx:p.I.orrr,;; andThe ",ley is betleen WSC olhero ,otef,estpd! '11 tlwcampl~ a d WaIn 1Street. Sco~t prog am will hplp

The 6th r stop s gnswill out, III manylwa\-s.

b. e Pia. e.'d on Win dm atthe Units l,',i

1.1. start s.. etun.gintersleetion wit ; Fourth. up booths a ,10 a.m. ~efore

T r f f i C1 going rllOrth and noon the ,oaths I will bewi I be st pped and checked an at 1 grand

Fourth will ecome a openingwil be(hrOU~h s rect. The derbJl!s ar,l:JO

Th clity engineer was followed b){ till' ~i\. com-

"'.Itho lzef.to drawuPP.la.ns pelitive e:¢.,nt~ .. /\jl, 3andsre ifica~ions for thcbooLhJ~dglflgw111paving tilt' anef" between a~d at 5:$(1 thl' awardsThir1 an - Fourt south of wIll be pr~t('nt('d.\.... 02St f<~l menta ,}f School. Cubs a~t Scouts fl'omThis wo~ld pnable the one~ 23 comnlunities insixcoun_

raf ic on t,he strco:'t. ties ar(' expectO'd to parti-~cho llundlto procet'd cipate. Vis~tor"ar'eauvised

straiuhl 'oulh to Third or Lhat the_v will be welcometo tlJ~n left onto Fourlh. La partici att' by wil.lking,

-===F===P:h~1:37±:5':2922=:.._~\\~'a~llle:,+r:",~i~li:t1~e:s..:.a,~,_'~t~o snooping, oking, sam~lingr and askin. I-:vervone isON I Y ONE. WEEK LEFT welcome r ~gardlP:ss oragt'.

Man In urej':"(C111tiO\. l'd from pg" 1)

mainddr of the ro teoDr. ~--'e rgo:' John was

called Ito care for N'oonanat the I Wa 'ne Hospital. It\-bs the f rst rUN for theambulance und!'r Ic ount\'operal ion, 'harled; ,Thoma~

I ~nd Claud Ilard~r goingto the seE' e.

Accordil g to the doctor I

Woonan wi 1 be ho pi,talizeduntil late r in the "leel~. Hesaid the in 'uc ed O1an had no

I broken b~nes a d no in­ternal' inj rie'::; as far asha? been ascertai ed.

of "grOWi~g out" calves inthe Pender session aflerWe tour. :ilbur Paasch ofScribner, IWal~ BCCTrdnianHof D'ako ,a (,ity, Ilo ert(!.aft of Fosler !IOU , ar~

~'~l\ ti~~let~~~'~-~~~~e t;l~l

:b~~"h(~~S grr(:\"l i';I~a ~~:~~c(~~~~'~u~fore <-l :feedlot finisclillgIlrogram. jI j,bckgr(unding rnakes

'lSI' of fa~nJ -grlJ\'VlIand II vailuu[e

andwilh t.J1('

cal( Ie inlargl'llw rush

Dr.NUinp;s as 1() rat ion,,,;of growing caU]('.(1ytte, ()rnaha. >"ill tell ()j

litH' IfHl rltel demand ror suvhciatlie. Tolman lllotfler-ate lhe palwl irill !askf~r quesltions 4nd ex­Pieriences I from caU.le~lenin Ow crowd.

The panel closes Lhefl'('dlol tOllf <;ponsored tJ\

:~~~~I·~~+-I -.:-..i+""iII----+--

;1'0 talk i~ .lhe ~orln Infpanerdiscu sian Viil'ill <:9u­elude the, ,eedlot ,tour ,inThurston Clounty ~he e~e­ning of Th

rSdaY!.,IJUI1t! j2,

according t Wall iTolmlnnof Northea, t. Station, -C01l-

CO~~'. 'Paul Guyer, Ubi~v~rsity oflNebraHka lite­stoCk. spedalist, "1Iill !t1kep~rl in 11 'anel discus:s on

Page 9: ~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888...Carroll Rite Tu~r;rJQY.a~ Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 W J at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol



[ ]I I

i I

f I

, I

i '

, !

I IiI'. II

Page 10: ~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888...Carroll Rite Tu~r;rJQY.a~ Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 W J at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol

Il I· i. +1 I

,. . I ,I.:' 'I __ ' li:1


The. i I oyne (Ne r 1 ~erold, Th rs

gasma'k 5patio livi~He f n

)~~Ob ht


I "

'II I J. I. II ,cIa "sl ~pon ,Drs, '~r.,~~f!l ~i~!:d.t -t and Mrs.

Mrsr ,J ahn toqlff ,f'C·

ceiv dl the d Of prize, aI.lor 1 Fcnterpilece. This be­ing cert~.nnialif ar I pi nts8:r

Ik~i~.~:~I~d a~~. ~~:~Ug c ~~t~e~h~ ~~:tS~ i~~be-r o~ years. "her pes­ent ti. os we:n to f8.Rei h rt, Mrs'. • F.D ng­ber I ;Mrs. H. . Hilp rt,

~~ : IJR~~~ f f' ~~~te~ ~~~Ste e~s.

Plfnts Wr!C givel .toMr • Al£red 1\'lller. t5.Alb rlt Nelson and fS.

F r ik' Brodk oller 0', Incha e o[ the 'P ogram andtea a range,men were t5.

Z ° ~k a. chair an, fS.Ge:~-r e Gaht', fS. len-vill~ Frevert, ts. Walter

~~~1:1~1. M~~~.L~natd ~~:Cain'and Mrs. on Lar on.

Sodal Circle M' et.sMrs. Adolf iller w

guest when Mrs. Kent.J ck~

son was hostess to SQcialCircle Wcdn sday. ~rs.Larry LindSaY~ pres·ded.Roll call was currentevents. Mrs. (' ~rle~~Far­ran and Mrs. Carl I ron­zynski were W~lcomel asnew memb~rs. Prizes r.ent10 Mrs. Llnds' y :Jnd fIrS ..JUl'ksOTl. ,

P,ojeeVClub Mle"" j'Sc a tt e r cd 0Jeig;1 bor's

Project, Club m~t .Wit.h[r."l'Dean Janke \\' ('dnes lay.

Guests WerE! r11fS' mlyMann, Mr~. :'-J Jrris Jankeand Mr~. AI ~pd J'/I1k('.Mrs. Marvin ittler ~[Jre­

sided. Hall cal was "'rourdef'init,ion of Q :-;\I~C(~ 'sfulwornatl." Mrsl \\ aI"' r e nMarotz report 'd on 'Tonl­man ('old",." Iv'lE' m II (. r s

voled 10 bU"'f"11 °1' ;nIrw Old Sdt! ~rs pa 'ade.

Mrs. Lyle I\ru 'g(~r !Ia.l thelesson ~Jll fashions .."';e ('ralmembers WOI'" ct'ntehnialdresses. M[:S. ChesterI'v'larotz and Mrs. Charles.rackson received priz'es in

~~nl~~:~~t ~:~t.;~CtP~~ntt/;~!uck Krueger!]onl(·.

Center Circle Club MeetsMrs. Mary 'ahler, Kan­

sas Cit.y, ;Mo, and Mrs.Elmer Mohk were gtests

:l~~nw~~~n~;s (',;~f/.~~s ~~~c~ert Thursday. Eleven I em~

bEth were p ese-nL Mrs.Otto Field c nducLl'd therneeLing. Roll call wa::; anpxchange of a)' ba::::keh.The birthday ong honqff-'dMrs. Roy Davis. Mrs. 1..,('.Walde and rs. HarrySuehl, sr., w r0 in chargf'of entertainmrnt,. OU.oField will bf in.JUIlP. I ,.

Lew Sewing ~Gr()up 1\1eE't.,;L.eW ~ewi g group met

Thursday at Trinity Lulh­('rao C h u r h wilh eightmembers pr sent. The aft­ernoon was p{'wl quilt.io~.

F.inaI t'ft•.~" 10,. : ,I;' ;~::~'~'l,i ,;lit'S' lv- ' most 0.,£ their n;ta.l:r ie~ }if,y 10 In erson 'in the, Laurel Me . lA r .IAnder'~~ becam~' a tesr.

Held ,., ~aurel den.t. ati.. ,colerii!lge, u'iSin

Fun e rl.l s rvices :€or, Hosr:e/:~~ %~~r~n~ ~d'. her'~. Sylv' An erson, 6'~'1 ;husband, Eatl of at nd~PHr'~.e~,.held ay' 2atLau:rel :three daughter'" r~.Metnodist: J h r c h. Mrs. ' '. Jac~ (Li,la Mae) M rq a~dAndersonded ay20•. ,Mrs. John (Va d'a.IIY!)l)

Rev. Hi ha d Burgess,' Junek, Sioux City,. ndiJVir!,officiated th .rites. Mrs."I' Lawrence (Gayle <L1'be­Harold Wa d a2d Mrs. Vir_ I meyer, HartingtoD al,'s.° .~i~gg~~I~r ss~~"a~~~'~~s?~~: ~t/s~Y ;~c~arH~l~J s~~t: ;I Am.,:' Mr,". K~nne.thWack. b r ot her, Merle RuQ., sell'er was aq am anist. Pall.1 both of La u reI, an,d 4bearers w~re arreII J~hn.: grandchildren. ,

I:~:~s~~,nH( ;~~~ \\~itt:~~~;l' ,

Y.ooker all .qlen L;ngen1 Navy N'eeding ~m~n:~~I;~rCe~~e.i:;y!~as in Con, bonald Hopkins n, naty

."'Ylvia f~ ss¢ll, daughte,j recruiter at Nor olk~ r~.of Mr. ani Mrs. RaymO

fports women ar need¢d

. Russell" W lS blOrn Dl!c. 1 m fJ r e than eve i~~ qlC1903 at C"qleriljige. She \,!' nu".y.. There a:re 4 d~ff~,r.

m.arried Oct. 23,1925' ehfJ51ffieldsiqtheWr\V(J""A x e I An~erslon at Siol~ An~, aiea women ... ho W~lCity. The,' co~ple live'd i;\ to know more a 0llt t e

·.the LaurejI and Con{'o oplnings should c!, nta'ctt eareas unlit MIl. Anderson ~;:~...u:~:,~gt~fff\~l~ H~J~f~~~1de$~: ;'\~J\ur~~~d .~~~~~Ii reCruiter. will be nWilY e.!,


~~15~,. ... s;Ag(1

MJs. 'IE il G ut.man,1Ho.skins II h s s bmitted aeard telIin ab ut, Wayne'State Colle e P blisllbd'in1904 •. i~ .1 ,cd rates ae$3LpO lor te vi eks, ,

The r' te n ·Iu (ld tU,ition,bo.a~d atd En. lli'jl.1Cd JOOm!"St~tlent:s a f r tho timethey attfnd 0, ty," the c~r4went on. .

~n one i~e i'l n p~ct,ur1of. J. M. l~e, fPreSldent.iIDforma!iO ?s. also given!.that 1, 67 Iff 'rent, stu~

dents luid et,lll'd the pre­vious Year' r~ndiiterms nu"the nex~ t w.~ I e monthswould opel' !10V' 14, 1904,Jan. 2.1

rL 0$: i, pro 3 and

June 121 I, I 'T tu ie i Iere listed

alp£ 'c nt,a! fon&w;ng,

",Ar; ec;c!,al,ebU, 'as-. tr:onolmy agri 'til~ure 'Boo -keeping, b tan'y", busi­':"'---ness ,ari IH~etic

~iv}.I-g(!lve njle .l., Cpesur"(Iecto, h( m stry

Dra'('ling, dirl.ildics, dc-baH,ng, I~el~a tf.' .

\ ,

II ,

Elocution, English liter ..ture, othicil

Fre~ hand' 'drawing, U !Itgrade courso

Grammar,' German, .&:00 •etJ?" geography!"

Hi~orY, halmon,Y'. hi'!lt.O .,Y..o educat on, " ' J

Illu trating course indraw..:i g, ,', ' '.,

Ki ergart-en, in the p 0-

fusional course ~Lal~~. lile.r:ature, logic." 1 t-. I ,.

. t~r, writingMatbematics" m.us ',c,

n etho~s' j

Nat, ral sci¢nce, nor m al'~"ethOds, "nature stud

Or an, orchestra, brUl, g-aphy, oratory! 'r I

Pitno, phYBiOlo.gy, poli,ti rl~conomy

I R~'etoric., readi.ng• rC.llilI ~p-ook-keeping , d

.. Sbale certHici\le :Cour e,

ihorthand i r

T 'a c he r s t profess,io ato~rs,e" typewritiJ;1g

U'~S. history, ,U. s. civ esVo al mu.sic. voice cultu c,

iolin, Virgil '"~?Jrd ana'lysis, wholes' Ie

qook.-kecping'I1o?logy, and_ many o~,1 (;r

~I.udips nol h'erl;' mentjl Il­

{jd can. b{-' :-;!.lldit·d he e.n'ollowing t.his t.he (1 :-.t.

pa~agraph had first lpll('rsspe.lling ou.t his nllllle and

Page 11: ~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888...Carroll Rite Tu~r;rJQY.a~ Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 W J at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol

'\fllOld{ '!In:

. 1!J!J4William' Noonan, \\' llynl'.

('hl'v FllupI 1~:JO

B.obl'rt f·;. Dempster,~ \\' aynl', Ford Pkup


Ws Your Move

. :1 I!·L~·'J hnlt~n~ Mr.;s, ."j~ar S ftnII n, ,n,vfjg~~ J;~n5 n t rII Mr~. ~'lieat '" a sori'3. d [iii. ily. Mr. n' rs~:'OftHll~ai uson:fid [ In'

i y and .~ntity Tnylo'J: K th}\\(15 an! ov(!rnighl Lgu;est

Mr•. and"'" Mrs. ]NiJaroldor[i al1d Hand er(es!.! .\'Aoqday in the H

iretmCf h(jme in ~bf' ~rvanee o~ Uw host's bi:rthd y. ' ,

.LMr•.,0",1. M"'IG'tO!~itler', /ollnswoit 1 er .1

gfucsts in the J cur A lvil1,0m e SrndF'

Guestls S~:turday bvej,ni the, Cla,rence I~ca ~o

h me Wert.j Mr •. and IrsI arvey; M!~gouson, W kef eld, Mr. l~nd Mrs.1 Melvi

I,"ar,dt·"r.I.llllomer.. "";M. rand !V1 ~, Roscoe IS ith.. lien. !" •

iek Jammer S'~ff rsrake Arm Satur a

'I'Ji'ch. I Hammer 'W a ne

'tHere(" U brokc,J: left' r'''illllrda~..- when he fell ofu hors~ while ridin attl (' home of his pare t.s.\ r. and Mrs. Arnold 1/ mn er, WJl:k~field.

~The- ffIh wa s broke 1 a

I e wdsl. iJoetor,s ert nable .to put a r,ll1 -as

n at Hr.,! hut llllt <.n'lalf-ca~t for tlH' under'id(f tht, arm and Wer ~ l

; ~Ji\ \~:~jk:~ full ra~t l~te

i flammpr is g-()in~ lolJu'

~pair, of "lip~on s oe

h~'<Ius~ ()f the br'tlak. Un,blp to tie 'his shops be(<llIS(' Ill' canllot dost:' hi'1 ft hand, h(' will be witnout f' hf'lp of hi<; wife sla tin,unday when ~IH' 1f'IVe

or Ml'xicowithaWake ipliI upil accompanyin!-': 11 \'is_[ef cbs.'!.

•.RS. JAYCEES initiate oHicers at the Frid~Y ig~t meetin~

~.th t~e Jaycees. Mrs. Dick ~iJrensen has her bo~k .to theameral Fr0lm there rna jng right the women a e Mrs. Lorry'tevenspn, Mrs. Evon Be nett, Mrs. Jerry B~e, rs. Ken Dahl,

IMts. S~eve Bros~~ and rs. Dote Dolph.


Ovet 1,00'0 oyne Countyl R~sidents MI~,~t;~u Korn, to 4U~Y,R I S

IW f \\','sl: 7lh. Wayne Farm

I ~~~~v~punt~oc:i ec:urity I B~ne its (~::,,:~~',~~nt. to 1171


r";-id("nls !receiving Has New S~cretary Darr,·I) FU"lberth, from

li~I:'J'~;~t\-L Mr~. FJ dhJ['j(' i~ lhl' ;~I;:"'~\~~~lrlth, to (yUk llil!jIrid' rnanpp;er. lII'W sperl'lHry ill tIl(' ofrit I' .\-lov('d Oul

Ipaidl: alma",t a of ('OllIlfy L\~t~;n;,i.o[l '-,1.;,'\'"' J)('\\ itt, frolll 'J2rJ%;!lar., <I.\".<1I;, Ibrulcl Ingau..,~r. Sill' \\jnt!orn, 10 Jefferstln.

1'.II'['·'III~'I'r!r,Iln~'Il,CT'" ;h~"~~~~'~"~\~lr~'~'~(~"~r1~~II~)W:"S·~'\:'·:"~'~I~'-<I~r:n~(:I£.:(~IUiir~(-~.!~!!~!~~~!!~.h~ whp IJ "fc:"ign(:d. Ilwnt, frurtI 117,"*,ut.hMuin.Imonth in'payment 5,

I In :.Jddil ion,\county residl'llhlInd"r 'the Illl'dic:lfC, pro-

,Hid ,:I'lr; ;l fP f.n.



plan coverin dn(­tors' [,et's.

Mo~lhl, ,,,,,melt' toWayq'ie ("ounty rc's delltsire brrkcndownas fo lows:,1.37 Wives, $~J,3().s: I' 8 j"­tir.ed.,.vorker,,;,.~. 51,887; 118widow,s, $7 ,9~)CJ; 112 cl il_dren, $5,493; and 3) dl'­flb1edf;' orkers, $2,41. i

In t'le 13 counties en1edby the, Norfolk office of tJhe

oJl ,'; 0 c 'i ~ J Secu;'rity dmin-III istl;,a'tjon, checks, n w Jx:-,I.

II! ~eo~t~~~·:is ~~~leisOt ~!~,;I $18 million for the ar.lea!each j.ear. ' !

I Thelre' are 31,937 r~"1

Idents insured unde he'me.diqJ.re hospital pi n nd I20,27\'L under the 5 pple- i

l-mentat~ pla~. Pelk:e said.

Irhe t~als repre'sent anJ.·n­

I creas~' of 10 per c;e o~er

I::~l~:~::~t er~ .:I Tht4e i Nebraska s f.,re,,1candi~~tes for degre s Nfa;y!'.H a~I~RutgerS Univ rsH;y.1r.

New Ilrunswlck, N, "IWO! 'are rom this area. Li dalCathe~ine Kessler ill re-'ceivel~a ~ rna.ster 0 rtsi

::~~Jl, ::/tcal~'ina : ;liiNeIS~, Laurel. WI.ll. re_1¢,eivql,master ot arts de.,' .

"rroollm [rM.uaw :(0 0011"-'ll1ll1 ~jWuatQ ~efimol (or u.

~rt.~..,I'I ...d.~~f;.;:~r.sff~I1~,. ~.O.lt.·.~.. ~..II,,'"~. i

, ,I· I

('ontardia LutheranChurch(John ( .... Erlandson, pastor)

Sllhday, Ma I' LH: .sunda v'J:l(J a'.m., worship',

"()n~ '-;amJ .\1rs, M'fv'n'J'b,,·hl<,,I lidla.\Juhnson and Mrs\rvid pt1tt,rSf'O[l, .

'\lvill<l An :Icf'-Utl was ,Iof .foar 1 '\llvin \-lan_

il [I ('II sdH)()} to obc.crv('

lH'r ],idJidal IlJinrll·r g-u 'c.h Sunday I,n

lilt' 1'.\t'[·1 .JUIUISOIl to hUIIOTl. v Il t· 1 t e' 'i cunflrmation\\1('[(' .\--lr. ~!ml ..M.~s . .Jim

,Ind I' lllliv 'l:---'Ir. and.\larl .. 1 .lohl son and

t'ilrnil.\, \'lr. and M s. Dean

i'. ~::; llf~l r~; il~rl;~~~ .~ ~~1fa llli 1\, 'Ir. alld \llrs. Art

St, Paul's Lutheran('hu,rch

(I[.f\. :'Jeirman,pa"tor),'-;unday, .\1~)' ~K: Sunday

"c!lool, 'J:](j a'.Ill"worship,111:4,c,.

J-:vangdicul [,'rd' ('!lurch(.\1ur\'in('. l.i!orja, pastor)

.,-ttl,.v ~H: ·.'-,llfldaya.rn., morning

I,: v (~I\ing s (' r-



i : Ifil:E~win nnd" so~~ ~n~ Mr.aIld, Mn. Qecalgc, Magnu­son)

;Giucsts \~. edln~Sl~ay eve·nilnIt in the ~liHbr{ Stallinghqn~e to_ obser'ye the hos­te,s$' birt-hday I were ,Mr.aqd! Mrs. Eric ~elson, Mr.

-.Arid' Mrs. Hill H:ta ling,' Al­bert and Elrnil~1 R 'ith, Mr.andl~Mrs. ,Jim, Ne,l!Jon andfaHli y and Mir. ',lIld Mr~.

LM y Creamerl.B ad l-Iardcl1 al~d Janice

K ra,e mer e"ler~ained 0',gr1o\J!p of yout! rslprs . al a

r<!>lIer 'skatinlgparty'\'ednesduy e\l'HIiJ~g in ob·~el'vancc rJf Weir irthday,_~, I

l3tidge (,'Jub rv1 etBon Tcmpo Jrldge club

met Tue. '""YW'li,t". Ar­nold Witt. ['u'e'.t, ~lrs. Bobrrlitschen and thel hoste:5shald high sc()re~, -'hs. AldenSelrven wilL 1". next lios­~q;s.



\ r I (~ III i s I,. \ I I'll " i (j II ( II If)rtll'1 in t 11(' !l'JIII" ')1 \1 f"\,

.\Jarvill -"Lolli' I.,..,r

Society ~~

!lu Bol''' \JI('dlIefnita .lollll~'!/l'Wd·'; )IU~­

!.p"" \-la,1 I c, I (J ])0 H,,\,,,4·11 { lliU. '1'111' \ g:irlo;juugt·dco(}l~i('

(Jld"l,iTldwilllwwith (:'\anc)

How Big a Bite Db Iiels Take~Out _of Your Pa~tur Profit? I,

Bi~ng, stinging, gain-robbing,~es 'colJld be costin.g you nearly apoundof ~ainperheadper dl,1-Y by rnidBJrn­m+r! But you can ,control ,'thesee~pensi,ve,:,aggravating pests if·you. start NOW. An ingredient inSweet Lasay Pasture Mineral haltsthe life oycle of horn me. and faceflies right where it starts, in thepasture droppings!

Just put it out, and Sweet Lasay- Pasture Mineral guards the peace­

ful, profitable gx;¢n~Of your cattleday- and nitsbt, day- ~ day out. Aquality p~uct of 5plreib'er Mills,Inc., 5t. Joaeph, Mi550uri. ~.

R9BERTS SEED a~d!EEDlOti J1~'''1 ~._ ~ .."" :H!i-H14

• 'III'1~m'~viM -MII'IWIII,,1 , . I

'I I' ,

Page 12: ~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888...Carroll Rite Tu~r;rJQY.a~ Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 W J at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol

r,Trinity 1::van'geJil:al

Lutheran .ChurchWisconsin Synod

(.I. Edward Lindquisl,pastor)

Sunday" May 28: worship,Serv,icf', ~J:30 a.m.

Kollath. rending lender,gave a contest nal'l'lingthc'counties. Mrs. Arthur'Beh­mer I health leader, IlndMrs. ,Lyle Marotz, citizen­ship 1eader~ read drticles.Mrs. Wayne Thomas pre­sented the 1esson "Musicof Pione'er Days." Nextrl1eeting ·-w.il1 b.e -Jttnc 22 atthe Mr s. IAdolph mrugge-p1an home. '

, -1-

Y F Meeting HeldYouth F' e II 0 w s hip


I " ,

·1;:~ girl wus .sick mosllofllhelrlp bul 81i1l'eli>imod,IlOlfave fun. Sponsors woregql erOlla irl praising thewe I-behaved group (repro ..s~ ling MIS. :

ChurchesPeace United" Churell

'of Christ("John E. Saxton, pastor)Saturday, May 27: ('WI·

firmation instruction, ~J:30­

11:30 a,m,Sunday, May 2H: Sunda,)

school, ~J:.10 a\n;l.; worshi,pservices, 10:30.

Thursday, .Tune 1: Dor~.

~~ Society, 2 p,m.

Evangelic'll Unite{lBrelhren Church

(.John E. -Saxton, pastor)Saturday, May 2=7: Con­

firmalion inslrYrllun, 9:~O-,11:30 •. m, .

Sunday I May LR: Wor_ship servin', 9 a,m.; Sun­day school, 10.

Birtflda\ Club rvll'rts

te ~:i~;'p{~~\rii;t \I~ ~~n\~ r(, ~~l~jFridtlY, Mrs. Hoiland Menkand Marnd'la 1I0efer we·regU('l'>ts. PrizeswentloMrs. ~

\\aller F('nske, Mrs.,tiporge l.angE'nbprg, MrslHas Nielsl'n, Mrs. Jiraplt

,Marll'n, fIrs. Elphia Selle Ilenberg, Mrs. Ed \Vinte'und Mrs. H. MC'n!<,..



i I

LIKE TO STOP WORRYING abo~t money-matter,? ,Come in any time, Besides checking accounts, ~~h "interest on savings and Iow-c~st loan~, W,'t!",:Off:,'.e, f"" ,rer

I, bank service there is. We're:a full serV~c~ }jank'i_,

~iistNatiumffl . ME':fBEh.

I? j 1Imtk.1 301 Main St.

,Sunda.\ ..\latince -+- 2 0(1 pm. . ,

{)Ilt' shoi\ Eaeh EH:,n~ng ~- H QOip m.

First' Showi~g in Northe'




, Y.-N6rlh VJll e Club Meel.

Mrs. r~ou s Dendin en..lerlainedll N rth Valley Ex­tension c ub Thursday·withnine: m m crs present.Guesls .. er Mrs. Cliiford

:r<' . Penlico, i Pierc,e, Janellc

• ,c ~"t'~.."'" B,endin, IN~1[cilk, Mrs. J.

, ;:;ih~; ~~rF . ;:~d~~~W. a~~S~~~~I~t~~~:L],:~'~,:-~ ..:.. ..:,~I""t.:r . ii~' ner.con1UC[d,thcmcet.illg,

' ~ .- i -~II and rea ' PQlem, ,:l('or·.I. c,l l' , sage fo ather's'.oay."

ARNIE'S QUEEN FOR A DA winner 01 Soturda/, drt';'iW9 Roll calli, was." [or, each:was Mrs !Kurt IOtt~ of w.a ne. Mrs. Otte 'is sho n el'19 member t br:ing a .bulblcongratulated by owner Arnie Re~g. I! or plan~_ fran exc.hangc I

K gift. Mr*. Blendin presented

,lllrl \1r.". H,II!I!: (Jlsl1tflllnd cornnil'ncemcnt i Emet- a .plant i.tOie3c.h guest. A_,I h .J re'ading Iwa uiver'l' b)' Mrs.!sanl; (;lrrllJI, ;lnd \Ir. UIllIl son dlUrsday ev1el ina at)d, ~

\1 rs. (; l' () r 1-':1(' L. !\lonk. we rEt gue sls -in the ~phria In Louis . ~en in. Mrs.· Hans!111.llr~dL\ \i"I'tors' w{'rc' JohnisonhomeliJho or,Jane Hanse,n1read an.arlicleonl,\11('(' I rankd ,lfIr! Mrs. Johnson, one of t. e graaM "Safety"" he .club picnici,Hosr' 1\('1~l'rlllrlfl, Bouhll'r, ualps. will bel Ju e '6 at 'fa-lIa ..'

( oil!. !>vIr. and Mrs. aynard ~i~~J~~<;srJr~~r:~g~~te~;i~~'\lr, .llld !\1rf",. Dick lIa'nsen and so s, Sioux

"'tllOolr'\ I\('rn gll,es(s .'-illn~. ('ity" fere dinne guesrts day J~ly 11 nl Hoskins,

d j ~ III 1)]( H. IJ. :--'choolp} Slinda in the Ea I Evers and th1 ttur to Mindl>n

e,r h)IOuJ)11 ·"cO'1I ,lr


'''sJU'i: (Il): ho~·}('. in. Sept,' L ,~s~,n "Musi.c Qfi1\hs."' Vernon G qsvendr, JllOneer D ys' was gfvl"nl

l\'ewcastle, wal> visitlor by Mrsl. H~ ns Hansen and

fFriday afternooni theWil- Iher dalug·ter, Mrs. Clif-mer IlPdel home. ford Penti 0, Pierce. This

\1\ClIIl)dls! (Ilurlh I th Ir. I ,c I'\'isitors Wedn sday n was ~ na mel' '}fig 0

':i1:nd11, (\11\ ~H \\oTl lUll' 1\1. P. Kava.na gh home lhe sleason. Seplember,>JI:P, ) f) U~nl. Sunday 'werp Fr. Halph 0 ermeier me...eting vyill be held al,>ch;J(II, l( 1()'1 ,and Mrs. I':flfie 0 ermeier, lhe Mlrs., John Drevsen

\10fllll \, Ma) 2'J Blhlit" 110me "ortolk Mrs Lou,'sLeJ,g,er, lora, 'TId Mr~. ,i"ol'.., ~.... ('h(){~'1 !wkillS., ') tl.!Jl., 'I Ed Kl'ssler. Bendinl was in charge of• ~\ l.' l! 11'1' s d;1 \, ~1 ,I' :{ 1 mus,'c JanelLe nd M ..Supper 'guests' rhursday . a r",.\1) j ~ I in the' Donald Pet rs horne Harry I Dtevsen assisted-- f. j wpre Mrs. ea herine Mrs. ~endin in ~ervii1'g.St·

I,\tll11,r. ;l<.'llhulit ('hurlcl ~P(l'rs, Seattle, ~Ji. ~nd

(. olm {. 1:1(0, "tor I Mrs. Charles Mi ler,Si(lux Helpinq; Hand Club Mel'ls"'a~ljrd,.\, '\.. <IV (u9- City, and Mrs. M ryWood, Help~ng Hand club mel

rr's.<;il'OJl'>'II:>\I)~K:.W p.m. South Sioux City. at the !Le~L('r Acklie homeSUflfb\I' \1<111 :'::"1: I\LI"~, Tue.s.day Pau Th.omas Wednerdaf' Mrs. Lesler

\('1 ;lJlll. ' ,I wus admitted to .'L, Luke's Ack,lie w selected prpsi-. ": i Medical ('enler, .. iouxCity, dent; Mr$. Edwin SCrat.e,

\Ir. <ll(d \lr:-.. \\ ,}Vne Bei~ for surgery to set broken vice presfdent; Mrs.Harry, l' ,r 'J I I"aw bones. SchweJie, secretary-treas-l:lllll,n an ,IfIll ':I, \('arnE' ,wpr' flil n'er !l!:uosl '> 'iuIld~y Mr. and Mrs. 'oren Han- urer, iMrls • .John Thietjc,. tl J I :--; 'I' I I sen "';"ere "ues s Friday sending aards and I{'florl-III ('" '.' :~UIl( PfS ,10m}". 'evOn('ng l'n th'e H rvey flen- er. Prlize6 went to Mr. and

. \ftl"rtlOO~J v,isitors wertc '- h J\1r. <Jlld

ll Mrsl. Gar" Whi e ningsen home, Allen. to Mrs. rtaJjry Schwede, .Iohn

:.1l1d 'famih, El1khorn. I m:!lp the host 0 serve hiS' Thietjf ~nd Mrs. Robert_ (;'~l{'sli la~(,s:::JttlrdaYel~ 'birthdaY.~ Marsryalli. This was lhe

, ~' II II' d Matt Dir,mer guest ,saturday final me~t;.ing oftheseas~n.;~lf:ll(,IJllw:'C'r(.'r~'_avon ': in'the-Ead Peterson home -- I (M<Jt "'s, !l\.ansl<..lS ('it)', Mr·s. 11 were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Highlq.nd,s Club Mepts

, I 'B t d ~I Duff)·, Yvonne nd Jerry Mr$. Wayne Thomas n-'• ,or Ill' PO Oil an C ,l.1. MeC',aw, Ma"eng' ,Ia"Mrs. terlainedl Highland's Wom~rlrl' ,South ,,-, nux. ('ity, r... dand ;-"Ir . .Jaj \;1:lllps apd Mabel McCaw, aurel, and en's flu~ at a esseTt l':ln-l[arll'11, i\Jr. ,Illd ~1rs. rp_ Mrs. MerleHa mandchil- cheon, Thursday. Mrs. Ar_rrH'~ ,loll1'-':(l! <lnd famif' dren, Norfolk. I the after- nold' Wittler, president,.\lr',all,d, r-....lr!'.\\illisSchutz noon Mr. and rs. Tom openejd tr. e busines~~meel:..;llldl fallil) ;J.nd Ntr. :1 d Pa'rk and daugh ers, Sioux ing lJy ,reading a poem,\l1r$. I:, rf:Vl "OIl ;lIId M n- City, Mrs. Lore Bark and· ~A ~hOIlghL for Motherl:r;Ii,' II hp c!'OUfr ()b~('rv('d L~(' children, Wayn ,ahd Mrs. lay. 'afh member all~f ~I! r ~1 H ~ • Dean Rilcketl a d childr¢n, swer¢d rpH call, "Wliat'1);1~11 ;l,,:\~{;nt1:. ,:-..t;l{I~:S. I'nl~m p .. d th I did 0 !Molher's Day."

Cl~Cr~'~ I ~~~~~ld B~ai~~o~~d The gro p,discuss,ed' plans~I L ;ljtld :\11 s. Ea r I Pel*' r- to ~ak1 i a 1 float for the

,>or,' ,"" H()" ~,Ir'" ,'Ia el Du"ne flarkso ~I"'d Mrs J,y ,.... , • ,aJU • Cent nniu " July 1.,' Ea'ch

!\Id .1\\'1 \Ir. and r-.Irs. 'f!pm Earl E ers we e visitorsI~ ;1 II! Ha~lghll'rS, .-';idux p'r i.d~Y after oon in the memper I brought baked{ 1 \ 1 d Mt Mrs, C. D. Haskell home, foods fa 4heDonaldM"j'pr-I,', ,tll cr. "n 1 s,. h fal"1 M F c1,01'('11 !'ark and fam~'ly and the Harold "George enry -1IT!1 y •. rs. '~wm·

\\ I'j'r' llilln('~ gu('sls S~n~ home.' ,d'I'i illl 1he '[)('all HiC]1ett T~da)! Mr aIlld Mrs.honj,·' I M. P. Kavan' ugh were

IJillllq'r l g-uJ'c;(~ sundu1 in guesLs in, the Ed I}essler(,hp l-Iuj.d nlf~om home \~ 're ho m e, Rando ph,)to $ee\111, 'el H\ :-.1r ..... D a r el Doris w'ho is confined toBlpOIll, \bplldon, fa., rytr", her home wil rJtuematica~dl \ItS. \\ rl,ynt> I,J:{kn-han . fevt>f.:IIId la lilY'I.f·'r:dmopt, Mr. Lavone Mat es, Kansas<ln~j ,\- rs. ~dolph' ~1C1nm. Cjty, Mr. and r$. Albertalld J)~,li.n('1 and Mr. llnd Ebel and Mrs. ~oreneBen-\lr..;. ~\(':';I~I Bloom llnd ton and chil .t:p'n, South

I I Sioux City, M . and Mrs •.and ~Irs. Tpd J~hn- \\ illis Schultz and family,d H(~rnila attenlded Ponca , Mr. an Mrs. Fred

JW;e~'!:t~T~"e~'~t~ce:::::::::w~~e~'t:::~"~e~';:;tc~e::::::J~~~::'i~~~~~::::~Wt,~~,tC!T~"e~,~'r-e~ ~~tJ:; ~:t~~cd~~;~ ~U;b~:'r j. , I ~ home, In the flerno,*, the

WtST 'THtA, REI '~~~~~ :/:~~~W ~:f~~l~~:~~WEST! POINT, I-UBIRASKA [Pital.

~ j Dinner gues s ,Sunday in~ the ~rs. Velma, Frans~e were Mr. and Mrs.

~ L. H. Reitz nd .Mr. and~ Mrs. B~ ancis. Os-.... 'mona, M S. Emma Hus-

-t f man. Colu s, and 'Mr .r~nd Mrs. J hrmy Hasa-

;; !brook, Platte enter. . .'~ .

~ '1W1, NiJNER gF 6 AC D M- M 'GO!DM'N'MAYER ""to~ A PON!TIHtOOlJCOO Allen's se of;S., lire~ bul

DAVIDlEAN'S R1L happy, retu ned around~ Of BORIS IlASTERNAKS ' midnight Sal rday from lb'e- n ¢Jl ',Black Hills. hey had takenj - 0 I OR jln most 01 le sighls lheyI- ~ II cduld cram nto two days

~ Z81 1 GO .(J!i; \lh~.\~he grea illusion" 01'IN PAN~NISIO AND METROCOlO~ :t::,<;;;', 'Jthe trip wa Dian Ankeny

.. ' I jumping ave ~ .dliff. in]!-_............./- +- ...-I= ~lhe BadI'l!'d. ,Wl\at on-

, '" , poOker s didn l k;n01 at theI- ~time was s m~t~lpg Don': "(\knew-there s a le~ge just

'" over the ed e ~I lhe", eli!!! and 'inslead 1d~opping fnl;o, ~ bottoml~ss abrsslhewentl~ a few feet.., '

,W I Among the p11ces visitedI were Custe ~tat~ Park

",;,,:, andl

Zoo, Mo nt IRthmore;Iy,/!!itJj~~~~~:TI~~~~~~~~:;::~!Cthi~J.·It"\ Cosmos, N edJes, CrazyL ~ Horse; Re tilJ.. ardens,

',II"II'I':li11111:II;liJI:II>Iil:l':,I:II","'III:;;:<ii "ii!:I""'i~i,~;j:liit!i'IJ)i'I"')i'ii:"li:iL:;Jnl,1],;,ii,;,\;:,,jL.l,i,j"i""'; il,;),. i:ii'il!,;;:iJlli,!lii! ",1111 'I' "U I~~~.' ~ ''If.!~~~I'b'j I li.I#"!di'I,H ,~I!M,r~jrliWj.I.~Jm~~I.;W~:';;\'fr.;~jJJ ;-,1+/,"iM i:,ilill"i"l,,'ii:i 'ii,'

panty stayspUt." .can'tcreep up orride down,


" • nylo~;; 1and Blue C'"

spandex .. ,slimmingand,comfortable,


g r"".g I .


<f I D,on't fuss, with your girdle! "PlaYba,c~.. panty won't ll]OVrg I' no matter :how much bending, stoopin~ or sit:l:ing you ·d9.ig l..1hat·s because the "stay·in-prace" pah~llln back stretchFs" II open or clOses as you bend. walk, run, stnaighten up. Ii I . The rest of the panty girdfe tays right wtlere it should Ig i to hold and control you bea Ifully in a lilght nylon 5" and Blue C spandex power n t. Try It! ' 1 $5 9'~ rou'll never want to wear an other k~ndll Ig pf panty. White. Sizes S·M·L· L. II • •g, '., ' c '


Ihtc~ber~ atlende~. Mrs.Buv'odia Johnson was ar.~e4. Mrs. Williatn ... J'en­Ilcrick Wbn the ~oQr prize;r:I~he 'afternoon was spentImaking wasLebaskeis.~

,Plan's were made to have,'a dury-in luncheon June 6

Dinner Poncll. Ge~~ Ii hQ, Bob Ilwit~l Mrs. Elsie H<Hiton us

II the Duane White ha'tne fol- ,hlhlin and Iv,lrs. 30111 Tay.. ,hOnorl~d guesl.

lowing De isc,s first com- lor, Ncwcas"le, IM,~rvin 1--,!. munion at St. Alnne's church DunkIn'll, wa~net~ a~d Mr. Bible School Set

were Mr. and Mrs. Geo~ge and Mrs. P ul bl,n and I Y~)ungsLors in the· com-White, o,rttnsburg, uIm fa rnil:y , All,e~ I munlit~ are invited La at-Fr. john {izzcp. ViJitolf$ ,und y lin lhe 't.endl Bible schc)ol al Dixon

Sunday Mr. 'lind Mrs. Lc- Olive.r Noe h )me WCI'e Mr. I Met lcPdist <.:hurch. ClassesHoy Crc'lmer and family and IMrs • ~eithtNoe and willi begin ~lay ::;'1 and con-and Mrs M u r t h <,I. Reith Machelle: Lil'lcoll"and Mr. tinue 'through June:3. Therewere din er ,guests in tjhe and !v'J,rs. K 'nne h Hamm wi~l be no $I'c.sion~ Of) Mf'rn_Frank 'f mason hUme.rIn and ,Idull~hll~ l>, Fr('rnonl'. oda,'l flu\' and '-iaturdaythe af\er oon Mr. 1-\;'ndM s. I I 'da~s'es ;\lill be dismissedMerl,e M _ray~ Soulh Sil ux S I . * I at il(~on..\IT'>. ('urol Ilir-City,:joi cd the group. oc,e Y(_ ("hr.,·t, i.<., ill clla·rg'" rlf ar-

Dinner~ueslts ,'-'UndH)! in rangernetJ'l s. Lynclt~' ,'\oetihe SOT e-'I f'llan~~~n home Tirsf,( omrntfnlor will 1w 'dirl·cotr. ,Joelyn..)o.'ere Mr. and Mrs. j<lrp('r lhrce gIrls rjecPlvpd :,\'or:J,wil! as .... isl wilhrnu"ic.Powers and lhvid, ."iipux Ilr~1 Ilolv ( )rnn~unlOO last T f"ia c JI I' l' S include \lrs.City, an Hev. ul;Jd :Y1rs. "ilmJp) atSt'JAnqc's( alhoM Vlalrvill Itarlrrl,lll, I~e"\.

II. 1\. ierrn<liIlll, Lalltpl. lIe c'lureh, I~lxor/. ! r fohn .Jl'sise \\ iIIH'r'. \lrs. ()livt"rMr. ad Mp;. Marlon Hl7Zp Offic~tlcU allh!:! 10 .\;o~, M~s. S.terling Borg

Quist a,lend~d hacca au- a.m. rr,ag~.1 ornlmurllcants an. Mr~. Lou.ls :\bl~,reate in LaurelSunday~vf'M w('r~ U( ynll la (Ju rVln, jlaSSOS Will !Jt'P;lH :11 'j

ning ane luter were ~uests ILlU ~ter ofl

Mr. and Mrs. a.rl. ~,n~l disrTlis~ at :l::HJin'the lean Hfllm..;ernan Bill oarVin,!DP Ise Whd(', p.fl. Ihnsl' altr>nding Will,home t hO!1or Sa ntl r u daughh r of Mr. and Mrs. bring <J 'i'-<Ick lUllch f(Jr noon.Hruggt'rlan. (' lluulJe Wfllt u d'Ihprt'sa .\ prograrn fur parents dnd

Hernlhardt "~g'\\"(!rson, (,arvID, da~ght r of Sgt. frllcnds \\ill Iw g'ivpn at

:1~n,,~ahCa\~fl.wnu"r',gU ',.'!~si,\(,J,: 'I~(r',~-, and Mrs. r lOm s C;<trvln. thl~' c1or:,l' of lilt, w,'r·k'.,>

---- '1 .L ,III""',I • ,I). AUlkeny homt'.. ('hurch 1I0u', eel 'aning "~ -Ij:--

~'lr. ,-qldMr!".I)~'al\Jrne~ Duringl the past week IMr". llarold lilair dlld;:Ild fallilily v}1'rl' visitors meOlIH'rs oflhe 'SCS::.penl 1 D:~l:l Ill", ( 1,1Ilwsd.l)! ev('n:ing lnlhef}(·I- sf'v('ral dny' al Lhe Metho~ vil,c,it(Jr:,l I,'rida\ ill 1'"lrJIwrl h.lrrws IhlJrJ]e 10 f'('I('M dist lhurd~ h011 f'cleaning. I I'ler" hOIfl('_ l.)"lHl I.'r·rsllrato {·jlri .... • \lirlhda}. Th'J wotTIe~1 rl'flaintr,:d tILe w,~nl hOI1lI' with \tlr'>. Blair

Mr. lllLd ¥J:". (;...ll!uld I>ase.rnenl hung new I tq s!)I'tld III!' '\(,l·kl'lld.

'11""""l',',lcl"J'"n,:"'""Mllr.,"""'lndr,,,Mn,r"cl'). drapprips a ld dlid p;enprall Mr. Hwl ,\lrs. lIl'nr\' ,\1('.-. 1 cleaning throup;hout fhe (.lflW and fa H:JlstrHl,

"!I('nt I<~,>LW(, .k(:ndcarnping huildillg. wl('['I' \'i .... ilol''> \ inand fis~1ing ;! Santee, i\io- I tlil' ,I. (. \lc( dW !JOlllr·.fJfara 'Ind Yilf,ll~tOIl. ~lIF Meets' 'Ihp p;'r(Jup \.... l:rr' dl'nlI1'r

(;ucs-.; .Slllluay illllJ(' \\'t'dll('sJJ.,~'('~'I'nlngM)V Rj1I'st"iIllhl'(hr TIlI·\lr(jel)rgl' HU,c,lIUS<.;('1l !:Olll(' IlIqrnhers nif't ~it til(' (a~'I~tHn(" ,", -\'d'rr' .1r. ;..Illd ~/lr .... , Ill'l cJlllrclt. Th(' gr lip listenep. I Mrs. \Iice IIr·rfld \\;jlo.;\lcril<'Pl <Illd falllil~', \\in- .(0 a ff'Jigiols rpcord .. dli .... mi ... spd Tlw"rb\ froOIdlllll, ,1illll., ;jllli ,\11'. ,tIJ(1 lJU81lf' ,<..;tingll", sPfved rc- ,S/. 1.1Ik(·'" .\lp1lical (:('ntl'lT,\Irs. 11~'I)llllosl\f)('hil, Lill- fr!''>!lnlf'nts. Tlwyoung ."'iOll.\ ('it), awLi" r('-('11111. I pl'(~plt' will mlTl Mar .11 (uJ!'(·rtlling al,':jll,>,'r IlorlH',

r\'Ir. :;llld .\1r,>. ~,·wlltl and wil,1 :.d({"n,( a cO!;Cl'rl 1,;111foJ..... lanll',1 d:nd ~'11'''. '\flilur giv(,tl In Lhi.' KJrUSfIH'n at ~r. and r-.ll's, Alwjlll\h-~

I \\<'r" dilllWI' 1-':1](','1.,. l'Og-'11l ( t'nt,{~r ]·.lJB{'hurch: der'soll w('rr' ill \Hwrt ('it')-III (Ill' hr'illl J.'('gj,.\ I la. V\ednl'sday and rrl~~lrts~

('itl, :--'un,hill!' LIlli) \l('l't~ day lo aU('nd ,I:lrtlpsf'\nd('r-~Ir. 1,\11'< {)rp!Jr)u" . V\l'dnl'sdlh afternoon 13 :-i,or/'" high scllOol 1"rad\li;'-

1'r\\i[lillH1 r:'I,mill,():-'I,IllHlIl, rJl{'rnb~'r<; or''-'tlIlslJinl' ('lub l'i.OI~. TJll''' VIl'rl' '~{'('()rtl-\.... r·rr> i'>ilots ''-'lInd'l\ art- 1Ij(~t wifh r-.']rs. !{a.y Spahr.: J~a~ied by Mrs. Mal' ,lr'I\~'111'l'!l[)Otl ill.I.))(' ~trs. !ldia IUll(':2l H\(,(·ting will be wh~J \"'ill spl'nd son!r' lil~]('J<rwitlllUl1ll': ill till' \ini'enL Kavanaugh l in Itbp H,IUI P('t('r+Jtl and

IJil,ll) 'I' gUI"S,'LS, .'-illndav in !JOIll( II Ar~htlr .1('wI'1I 1J0t]\(·s .II111(· ...;t·rli~lgH(Jrgh()tn{· 1/ (iolcJrield. I\\I'r(' /Vlrs. I I,'ratlk llu/r, (llbSCOlltS!MP 't I > Mt. and Mr,-. l:IJdrpd,"'iou, I('ily, and Mr. a!Jd J rldd) <l !pr loon Npigh~1 ~mith werl' \,io.;il01S SllIl_\Irs. qil:k (,lhandJ(~rs. horllOod De I 2~1 <.:ubscout~ day lnlhe M('rli,n(')1'lmh~Jrs

JliIlllf;.r g'lJ('sts ,"illndLl}' ill mEl WIth DrJ olhtr,Mrs.1 horne, Dako[;.l (it).]til(' \l:t, Haf~n. ho~n{'.l{J\,is,it \Ilt'fl prp~(lOl. '1111' bo}s Mr·. and 1\1ro.;. Me r'I ,Yll\11'. :1 Hi Mrs. hldH' h'y, went on ai' kj' Bflan IllrJ Nplson <lnd farnily~ Si(H[\,Jlf~O(Jli\' IW,'r(' Mr. and ll~erl brou It Irpals. 'City, wcrl'OVernightgUtlS\,S\l)h. lurrql Hahn, t;ran~i _.-. I Friday in the CIar? Ice Npl_

lslund Mr',.'uld ~~s. ~'ar~ flajJa':-; pal'rejs Meet son horne. ,.rol H' h,n, SIIIJU'i: (Ily,', Mr. II nclav f (' noon Pap<ll~ Mrs. L('sln Pal on lefj.Jfid rs. ~\alter llahn, Iihrlntr (' lerlslOnt!u!:/ Thursday fora\'isi\ in,'lhp

(1::,;~f:bU,ailt;I'.;I:;;'d~\~~:: 'I','::~~~r::t rl :,~~,,".II~:~~!t ~aal~~'~~r;,hel~;"h~~"'ln~~I~:, ',·':ib·\' 'i:h;~;:;::;:i::i:>;:;::i'>;>O';':;i~<;'~ " ,~! t" I' '''~, ,n':J-,)t! tpnd Maril)ll 'i1l('JI's'lhigh

-, I school gl'uudatioll. Mrs.

;~. I II" t . Ih "I: I t· ~ Pall,ton will :llso visil rJ'I<l-

j;," new sa,y-m-p,a,~e ~e,C,lon '* ~ir;(r"I'I'~'~:r1,r,r::;'Hh at In~an

:;' j Iprevents ndmglU,l! ' i.,:" I~~:~~:~'::;~~\~'~~':~::~:~II~~~';~;

l ~ ~d<'l'S, ""'"1,', Mr. and

tsitorltlend onY',:t~e :' ::;,:,,',' I [;1+s, GI'II)IrJ.·;e l<ickhoH, and-y ''', '. .'l~n"st "ns"hhl', \\akl'-

Specia,l baCk,sec, 'In, moves, f'1 Id , und ,IU,"'I 1,,,_ ct ht :~~ I:Mr. and ,'vlr'>. \. \. Il.lr!

• Sra,lg en up , It returns to -.. aryd' Hnh, r II L, h", I" c"

, sha ' ewlthou II-tale bumps,:' WI'''' vis I "r, 1'1,,",da', :', 'aCternOOll ill ()l(' <";t~'rllng'

Borg homr'.Mr . .llld \11:", \ll'lfrl'd

I PHPfS{'1l ,llld 1',1 Ilitl.lq.n, la., \\('1'(' II'>ii ':-;\lll~

drY in th{· Lrl)('sl hnr)('11home.

Visitors .'-,llIHLi \ ('veningin the ("';porgv ~I(lnk homewere Mr. and \1 rs. !\('nlc\Monk, :--;1. Paul, \linn., \1;.

Page 13: ~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888...Carroll Rite Tu~r;rJQY.a~ Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 W J at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol

, ,

quotl.'~ to S ,·l asld" cl'r'laiilmeanings. ,! i . ""

Dr. qt'nr T.t' Johrl inducted'l ~.Jacl~ Kings 01\ irllothecJu~~!

Ilr. llus~i{'1 .Jojnd~r'son, Who __ 1 '

I~as !Wl'lI ill·'tt'l(lIs sevr:-ra'll.,;pfTJOlltlls, r (url~l'rl . as! u' ii"!'('gular ·mombot. ".', II

(iUl'st!'! ep.IUl. II.:. M.'"Bratt, Terr(, Illnute~ .Indo',:vi~itinK hi .. doilghter:'lnnd:son.ill.lllW'tLhCj'ltoy ci6ry..plIs, IInl.]. Tl~ !'y ,('(', f.o'rimc.,t.·:..Kiwanis hey (' lIll rnoml?orfrom Mi8~ uri VaHey, Ia~j::

now· a \\,'-i(' !>tuc,(ent. ," II . i·' ,

Son.in.La~ Injured l !1 , •

Francis II"Il'ptcrmnn,\,.\\' l'sl Poinl, wa!s seriOUS. ly>:'injured Fi da~ in a (all ifrom II utili .Y rl ute • no 11B:~ Ibel'II uncoIl~('ioIIS sincethat:.'i'\ i me in MetllO~ !'.--t,llospilal,.ftOmaha. Wllsle\man is "t~~:!.husband .of the formerlJoyce Vrt.islka, Wlly~c.. and,:;is the son-ir~-laf.N of Mr .. and!)1\h,. Adria" V~UBka. H...:

Idl 'h.I.' head ·Iag~;nst. a tlruc!':.·..•. I.·...as he fell 20 feet ·t6 the:ground.' .. ,

Now's the time for you to save maneyon th.,;finest combination windows and doors on. themarket. Your Gerkin dealer is offering thelowest prices of the year· on quality Gerkin:products, and Yelu can really cultivate!lallar:.sa';inq denls

StandardDool'SW~re $32.92 Each

NOW $24.95

...' , .......••...~ Ii.,: i •.....' "•.•....•...... '•..•....•.,•••1.'.••··rh;'n~tl~ ." ·IWI.'"~U MBII!.:'lliO:

J ... , 'i7s.a11105 Moi. W."..;;!~ '.' j'

Semantics! Subject of

Kiwanis Club Meeting

• 1 i, . . . ··-r".j·.I,...,:J

GOLD $TAR MOTHERS honored by the ll1er;(on Leqion,!,.,AuKlhary at ceremor'cs Hl Wayne lost weck ,we c; (left to rI'fJhtl:.Mrs. Walt Bressler, iMrs, Floyd Hupp. Mrs Sw.i ncy, Mrs. EvoHneThompson' a,nd Mrs, Charles Sieckmon, .

"St'nlonlil's;" II\(· devt'l­opml'n! and rnt!uning (~

word", was the ,",uLjt'd' of~1()ndav noon's Kiwanis('lub program. Dr. Hobt'rtJohnson, \\,,''';(' illstrlJc[(Jr,ga\'l' (hI' di-."prlation onthe ~lJhj{~d. .

Dr . .I,ohm;un puioll'd (Jutthat liln~rag,(' is busieul!)

. primilive Ill' ,J;avp tiH('P

f' X~ltln ~~lae~,", I~lfo rl~'/~l~ n~i~t ·t.hat

words a~l' Ilot "things,':put afp ill lH'oples' :mLndsr,p. copll' .lHi

JId .Ull an "a Ilrw sS.·,'

Lui not 'II is ,covered b\<-I word; ;lnd tlH'f{' _is a'self~refl(ctiveness can·ccpl, peoi)lp beg:inrylng t.othink of a word and get'ing:off on a blind alley q~ lomeaning.

Pitfalls -can be avoidedin five WaYs, he "\lid: lhdngindi.ct's;' dating va~i~d~, ;;s.\:peflence~; r('eognJzHj~llC

fad lhal a word's meaniriggop\>; on an:d on and never'ends; using hyph.ens,in rl'­ff're[lLe~ to jdNl~;, und using



( .0- 500 Ibs in two d.ys __... .. ~_.. . 25cjlOO,lbs.

500-1000 Ibs in two days ~ .. ..~_ !'Pc/l~' Ibs.

~400-1500 Ibs in two days ~ r19c/1OO tbs.

1fo-2OOO Ibs ir two days _._._.....-.- '16c~100 fbs.

doo.3ooo Ibs in two days _. l~c(100 fb$..I~er 3000 Ibs :'in two d.¥s ,__• _lOe-'lOG Ib~.


Our, Lady of.·SorroCath"olic Church

(Emmett M:eyeT~ pas or)SundaYr May 28: asS,

:30 a.m..

hurches,-Presby.-Congre. Ch rch

i (Gail Axen·, pasto )Sunday, May ~8: 01'­

hip, 10 a.m.; ,S ndaychool, 1l..

Methodist Church(E. John Kess,past r)

Sunday; May 28: 'or­,hip, 9:30 a.m.; S nday

chool, 10:30., . ,

rSt. Paull s Lutheran~ Church

. (II.M. tJilpert.past rl )\Sunday, May 28: Of-

$hip. 8A5 a.m.; of\l-)$1union; Sunday Sc adl,~;40. '.',I MOnday,' May-'29: ~'aca­qion Bible school, 8:45-3;00 p.m. .

{'a~~:iso~a~'i-~~~~:ho~~'~ ~oI May 31-Jun(' 3: VacationBible School.

Mrs. Forreslt N

CARRIDinner, gu'ests is[ndJy in

lhe Arthlur ('oo~ om1e. tohonor H.pdney OI:1 is icon..flrmMioI~ were 1j.1rs. Har­lan Poskochil an(J ,inriniit.,Cook, Lincoln, Mlrs. Al­hert Sah~ and the ~ilmor('Sahs family. i



Social J\il~ighboI'~ t\.. ee.lSocial Neig"hbo s met

Thursday with Mr~.l-Iarold·

.'-'loltf'nberg". Sftve mem­lwrs and :jl. g~e:o;, Mrs.I.oren $t.ot:tenb~r1 werepresent. Prize~' ent toMrs. 'vVa;Iter' Relhw sch andMrs . .IQ1f' Allan, all callwas. lo "name 'a avoriteflower. Next m~et'ng willbe June l~l With Mrs.(;eorg"e Wintz.

Social Iilarecast. 'I I

sai~~~a~~'MaY n :Sunday, ay 2R '

-nelle. _and BeA,uJ .squaredan'e f 11 JJ

Thursd y, June ~

lIalJp Workpr,s 1

FridaY,i.fl1IJe 2 'Blue gibbon Win lersTown and Count .y

Delta Dek Meets'Delta Dek met w th Mr~.

Levi Robe rts with 3 mem­ber~and:sevengue!s.Mr5.Lynn Roberts, Mr~. Al Tho­mas, Mr~. Kei'th q~ens,

Mrs. Phil Olson. I rs. DonHarmer, Mrs. Bob ohnsonand Mrs. Esther Batten.Pri'zes went to !Mr~. Clar­ence Woods, :Mrt. PhilOlson, Mr~. Petry ohnson

,and Mrs. Est~er Batten.June 8 me,etiq.g ,ill bewith MilL T. IP ~7berts.

A group of nelgh~rsmetin the Lowetl ROh ff homefor' his. birt.hqaY. Prizeswent to Mr. lIEd Moritz,Mrs. Lena' Rbhlff. r. aridMrs. Herman B oekmanand Chester Moritz.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jonesand family, 'Fai.rbury spentthe weekend in the'WillardMoore hamEl.

~ "h,lher Circ,le. Mee~sE~ther C'lircle nnet May

-11 with Mris. Chti~ Jor~ge, n~en, Norlfolk.::T e ,Biblelesson Wa:o; giv~r)l y'Mrs.\\altpr l~osf;bach\ ',June 21

~n(~;·~~~gH:U;mbr~. w~th Mr~.

l;~ M,w'ing He!)UP\\ meeling ~a~ held

Wedriesd,ay. The afternoon",<as sperbt,in quilting. Serv~ing W~'rr :\lr5. ~€n .len·kin!'i and'Mrs. ()wenOwens.In, observance of Mrs.Owens' 75th Jjirlhday shefur'nii!ihlC'd i,c e crea m andcake fot the group whogave a card 5hower for.her. Next Metti,ng will beMay 31. '

lear~.d It ~.rs,,'!D 0\ ' •.1 I" . ' . '1'

s.~S::oafl ~S~"'.g\'i:,~e I.~":"" . h,rc' School Siet. . Lund "<I:" nd sII .the"pon tor., ~1r•• Il'l,y; I, 6WI.," 1 ~

~ 1hO\lue $undny allernoon: I~n Yorl!;, and t'.r'~. 0or)~.,,:·, .,,', :.,'

poe ro s nd ,80 6 Vi re 'Vacllti~n ,'Chu'rch Se oo~ honor of ..the _7~lh bl:thdn,)' M~ller w~r(l ~u t, ;ru'.~,~,! :':' :given. 01 log 8S' e~e'~ he. . il~ .be" ."held at. Fir s t ~,::--:,,~;;;;~~;;l,;';'_-. of Mrs. l:.lhol r, rcdnclulOft du~' of Mt f;, C~,n.\u 1\ Cu'lton:~·: " :'.' .•<T ,r aiD," ," ter ig ies ethodist Church, Wa nel. ~n hoo,l:>r held at, the ,Burdette F.,red.. T'lC1. throo oil to.' r9 ~.e.re, ,en.•....•.. '.'•...•.1.·.·, ....·....·.·1.·LOS80D,", "TI1, Sa et El 6,8 ay 31. Ju~e 1,2,5 a 6r :Turner'~si c nflrmation at fiCk6in h,omt;! Omnha. lcrtni-nc(l a-t 6.UPP ..: .lll'th.e.. '.I' :.'.',' ..".~Visit Fi..t. ~rae": "I he .~. Cecil Blis. r.p rt$ ·:st. John'. "huroh Sund.y Mr.• Ella "r,'egor, IIpr. Mr •• Art We t~r :I"m••. 'i", ",Rod.o." fAt u~ ct'S., of f. ... i90.will lasl ....c '0,' .ruI.thehigh,$cloolgr.dua. land, ,Wi•• , Mr•• J. n. Mr. [It,d Ita. Clar",•• " ,11.(he pro .ram,. h g(·d. t os. f1v. d.y.• from :3V <tion of Jer~"1urner, Mr. S(ar-.' J ••• I. Boumen f1oJm, Mr. I'! ~U'JOC'I':: rpoure"dllta,teata 1. I .m.untilnoon. 1 • and Mrs.• arlit Turner Mnrtilsburg Q'nd Mr. ard Erickson, f'o " ~'Mr,._,: !"','I·t

vacati} Chu:r h ScHool Mrr. Her.bert Nie lan:il entert.ai<ned. tin.ner'. Sun~ Mrs.,_ Oscor peckor, Of. Ml\f~in Bor. ~~\1, (H~8, n1;1~'- [. 11will be.gi altir8tL~hei.ran ' t·s. .sup.er-intendeot-o, T e~e day Mr; an Is.Oseat .were su"per guests Lyle Curls ,1 BI): nt, Sul;ut.;,' 1"1 ItChurch ay 3

1a d Irun ill.be' tdx. di~i8iQI for Beckor, sr'I M .ahd':Mrs~ WednOS.da.yatKermilTurn. do;>, ove-nlng ill1.Q;n\ynl~~.. ';.. ..~l,..

through JlJDe 6 fr m 9a,.m. hlldren of 'variau age· Gerald Becker" Winsidel, ers.. I Erickson h( ~lO t() honQi,:" ' l'to 3 p•. The tee Ifor ~)Ups.' :' '. Mr. and Mrs. eorge An.. Olga. Wal~or and two sis.. the birthda'>1 :01" he ho:st.r" 1~this Ye~arlj is' PO nd"My\ ~"Mrs~, DODJ,Helgr,e ,.De.. derson lilld \Iao SiouxLife." ) ores. Bull.:and. M ilyn City, Mr. ahd rs.'Oscar

Vac;ati n Bible- School • toake,s will' 'hand the' 'Becker, jr.,i W usa, Fran ..will begip althe; ~th?dist lur.,.serY for clhildren10 the cos Turncr,lsio xCitY,Mr,.'('hurch, Allon, MI y'29 and ea,cher}Mrs~-Darrel,I'uel- and MH. Larr ,Bcckerand'

w;1I be. t'IO.ld MaY!.311' Juno. _~.erth'.M.rS"E.'d W.. olsk and Chally, SiouK ('f'ty

, Mr.alid1 and 2. Hours a[,e from 9 a,nlcy Wert will c'in Mrs. Cal'Swll "crly anda.m. to i 2:10 p m: Mrs. ha.'rge of four-year- Ids. Hetty, S;outhSio x City, Mr'.Bill S~yder ~s B. ille·., school Teachers are Mrs. Ken- and Mrs. Pre ton· 'I'urne.fsuperlnt ndent.. I" eth Deissl~r_, Mrs. arry and Linda, M . and' Mrs.

LeW' j,ll melt 'JUte 1 'tevenson, Nancy I-In dey, Den-ni,s, Fred ick"'-on anda- week latet due' lp V ca- a:rty Wills, Mrs. Dl rnld daughle. rs, rvl:i'rjorieISor.en-

'lion Bib~e SchooL ILe son Hamm Mrs. Duane utt, son, PhYllis"Mul1cr~ndMr.!l'ader i~ Mrs. Bach ItHis Claudi~man,'Mrs.. Rob- :~~ s~~:· {, ha le~ lelc'rsand dev(lllional leJde'i7 is ert Sutherland, A~n' 1 res- • 1

\tIr~. Ma r Iyn ;Ka,rlbkrg. lon, Susan Stoakes, f$. Thursday M~; and Mr·s.HostesSf.~s wi:l\, be $r5. :Lester Hansen, a'ren Kermit. Turner and Mr."Dale Fu~lnas,and Mrs. ~~ert fh'ills and Lorraine 'urn.. and Mrs. Pre~1-()f.J TurnerBJork. '),!, .' I 'mcrs. went' 'to Omaha to visit

I I\~nnet.h. TUlr-n¢r, who ishospita li:i',cd.

Mr. and Mrs. l.awrence.Johnson, P<inder, t\h: aodMrs. Lpo ~c"huht a.nd ~lar­cia Krusemark Wl'rp sup­pe-r guest .... SatUItdtlV in theIvart l'\ixon home lo vis"itLonnie Ni xoo, ( ampPendleton, L' a ~i r., whospent the weflklend withhome folks, 'Mr:"and r-,..1r~.

Merlin Nix'o'n and family,Vv'esl Point, Wt1re dinnerguests ,'-lunday' and tookLonnit> to Omaha.

Mr. and Mrs:. Lloyd Hoe­ber and .. so08 wert' dinnerguesls Sun~a,YI in the Mil~'

ford Hopber lomp, AIIl'I1,

~~I~~:~~galll~~. ,~~lf~rsm~~~~lr~eran ('hurch, 'ukf'fielu.

The ('laf('n~{' Boecken­huuers t'nll1'r!~ined at dill­IIn Sundayl MIl. and !VIrs.Adolph Baier,'Waync, andMrs. Elmer Bljec Ixenha lIer.Their son, I Keiith Boecken­hauer was confirmed inthePresbyterian Churt:h atmorning services.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fred­erick and family and Mrs.Andy Anderson, Mitchell,S. D. spent Sunday in theAtl, Meyer homp obshvingthe birthday of the host.Mt. and Mrs. ('liffordLoeb, Laulie1, and the Del­bert .Jens(l1n fu'mi(v joinpdthem in the a fLe rnuon. Mr.and Mrs. 'lAo'. H. \-leyer andMl. and M;rs. ,Mart'in Mpy­pr were ~vl'nin/{ gUl'sts;

Mrs. Th~r(' Johnson WIUSguest of h~r mot'H.·r, !'IArslAxel F red ric k son at <imother .daughler LanquejThul:sday eVl'ninl4 at ('ontcord'ia Lulhetnn ('hurl'!hConcord.

Mr. and ~rs. KendallRoberts, Pon(w,guests Sunda)1 {'v{'\fling inthe Lowell Nlewton home. ,

Richard Jolhn'sorf spent'the weekenP.,wlth the nation­al guard atSel!geant Bluffs,Ia~ \ - .

·Mr. and Mrs. t\ ILl' rtEchtenkamp and Mr. ,andMr". Barlan !'\elson andsons, Oakla'nd, vi~itpd intht" (lary O. Nelson homp

,.. M-rs. Harrv Kahler, \\'ednesda'yev.enin~.~ansas City, Mo. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. \' e rde 1

S'US HQffman, ~!in5ide ~pent ~J~}~dt:~~~;~~~~~~an;ri~~~::unday evening in the Max GeorgI:' Inman who arrived

Ftabl home. by plane to attend lhe gold-

IR" f h f ~ en, wedding observance of, e res er or urses '1r. and Mrs. LawrenceDistrict 6 of t Nebras- H.ing Sunday.

'ka Nurses Association is :\ttr. and Mrs. DeanDahl-

~s~~r:~ :Er:s~~~c~~~:err~:~ ~~;~nd~:l~~t~~aa~:i;hu~~u~~to Mrs. Eileen Semlak, dinner Saturday in honor ofpublic, !felations chairman the 2Slh wedding anniver-for U.e district. Anyone ·sary of Mr. and Mrs. Har-intere~ted, In this type of old Field, Wayne.prOgr1f~houldcontact the }.1r. and Mrs. Harold 01-


directb.. of nursing serv- son, Axtell, were overnightice at !e1i r of the Norfolk guests Saturday in the \Val~

I hospitals within the next lace Ring home.

II\l' fil:r.l gLlde pres4'nl­"d a ~!.\rlng- program ffri­da.\ ,l I t (' r 11 0 o.i. For t \'lTIothl'rs, (alher .... andgr~. nct.mnth,'rs atlt'ndud. :\ lavin hdl costume. "Sp ing


l'ommunil:,: Cllub ~'eetsl'('ommunity!':"I.tens on

CI,lb ml'! \-lay 1'1 wilhl12'.membt'rs aJl1\~(~riIlg fo0llcall :lOd thr('(',vl~it()rs. fill'I.l·SSOIl, ","iaf(' USl~ of j In_~l,ctic.ides and Jlpslicidl's"

giv .. n by Mrs. (lenand \lr~.IL.\siIWhc(>l_

l'r. A film wa~ also ShOt'n.llostl',,~es were Mrs. rarl

'\-It:Caw ami ?-.-,t-t.". (lla ysHoberts. :\C',xt nH't'ting ·illla' .runt' '1. j-..ach Olcmbe i~

to ill\itl' ~vll'rnul"rs

~)f.EIT cl\lb~nd

r:\T !·:xt('h~i()11 club ar'l in­vitt'd.

Mrs. Ken ~'nE""Phone 6115·

(SI Don Weible[]Jon 'W nibltl. 51 ~riff

Wayne COIunty. Neb ask~

(Pubi. MQY 18, n, Jun~ 1..8, lSI

1 !


,StandardGEN~~L~!!t5 r~ice200 So. Peorl s-2bs7 .

,~ :~IIi: :[,",::)"Ih" ,,], ofol)

f" f" ,.,' r ~ bu r , 'folw,ll 1.'1 he,,,dd", ,,( I,,,,..

) :'~I ..,"!" ,. ",I" r

i:~~ '~II_I iI"II~ ,,,,., 'I: I "lit"I.., ~ " II ~

, h",I"~ I ~h ler",';", '\1lil'"hl. ~l." i~, '

, I

_~EGAi 'PUr~'I£Ai.,~c?N~

,,,,,.,,,.'''J"''.'''' ,,' ,.",,,,,,,, ,,,'~ ,nn 1 ,"" 1I e rn ~nl ,,( '\ c, """,, ",,"ly 'OJ" t lOr I'. "Inn' ... ,

br .."k~,E"~. (~ of lin r r y I·. 1, '" h", > [Ii"~"" <\.1The SIoI" "r ~,.j"".~", ,,, .. II ,,"':

c~ ro ..d: ,Nol!tle I" h~f"l>, I("""l),,,, " 1,,,,,1,,,,,

ruu b~l\.n riled 'Ior r"'nl HltI~",(",1 h",,"­

In, dnhl,m. '''.'''I''''('lh~,r'I''p,,"h .. ril"Il' n'-"'''.'. rno~ an j """"" "''"''"', di.1 t ibu_tt"., of ~"t., e ""d npprovu I 01 f,n" I '" .count 'Ind d18,hnrl(", wh!<lI will 10" fC'f

~~I'r~ll~,~~~I,'lf'.~~'~llrt on lur,,' ", 1'1';':,

I'nlnr~d Ihi ~'2"d ,la' MllY, l~ .. iIladl J, lIumar. .1, .. 111:"

1."""11"'<toi'."11 ,~ i\ 01<1 .. "", "Uo, ""\,,

II'"LI. M".:"" hu,n I, '<I'


(p"bl. M y 111, '!". J1-"w 11



I 1:1

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~'~~~l_.~.~L1C:ATION_No'r I( " I~ I ~

, In tho ("JIlot.1 , '-'Uf': I ,,,,,,t,,N..brn.kp,

III th., ~",u~· "r I~,~ L"l"l,~:fltoll~ j<Jhn~"!l l)p"~I~"",t

>;tllo' "j N~L u~kn. to a II ,

t", ~O~JI;:n l"f! t~~t' ~rl:;: f!t,~" J~;~~I~~~"Will of 8Bld ,jl'Ct'Hbdd nlld I'" 1'1"I'<)lnln>~i,l of j H"ym,md J"hll"'('!l "',"'""utor ..... I>(.-I'i will b~ fn, 1,"""01( I"1.1>1. court on' If",," ~, t "I" "I t" or-u'clu,'k !I.M, i '

DAvldiJ. fl'<1r,n, I """I)' J ,dj(e(S,u>-ll

Ev."Y go ornm.nt offl~l'"I or bolrd i~ t handl.. PU~ICl

mon.y.~ ,ould publl.h IBt

reguII." Int. val•. an Ict.e.:g

I ~o'!.w,~.~h '; Ir~~,.~~:~. I •hold this to •• kJ"d.me .1principle to democratic 90v~


Page 14: ~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888...Carroll Rite Tu~r;rJQY.a~ Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 W J at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol





: Re!l'. $1.G9 )'6..'9'· c. SAY_M1R .I - 'f


Reg: $1.00


Lilt !Hom, Pet Clnent'I I . '1·1

• Reg,. $1.69 i '"19'.cSAY-MOR 1 .~ I.

, I ,I I '[

.' White Rai,h Shampoo


'~-.--Beg. $1·00


. BRiqUEtS f

lO.Lb! Bag. ii 19.C .Reg. 69c






Whi~e Rain Hair SprayRiell"$1.49 .1~AY-MOR $ 19

Glillet eFoamy Shaving (ream1~Y2-J•. $ize I

I I . SAY- 99 cI ReQ •


j $1.29 IMOR.

I ,

, '

one pint

Reg. $1.00


·100 BAYER• I I

ASPIRIIN: '58 c89C Si~e .... 1

Adults'I(i-grain tablets at savingsl'.

PIC~IC .1 CHEST.,' ~...•.... :6.. ' .. ~ .

Reg· $ .59'] 1SAY- OR' $ 99

C~E~T-+>Cft!t-3];~~ p ~:t;;~;~u:e~ ... 5 8 ~




the graduation cere-

ionand l);und,

"IWei,11 praise. Thf'i \ p chor 11" ,tl,,(, ,.,ttng

\nvoll{',C;'an \10\,(' a \-tQJun­tain." i\-b 1\' !)tlC'~}djr(,o(I'd

th!' I)~nd 'and chorus. rill'tIli\(,d qU<llr(p(, Bruel' J,ina-

l~r, l{(T hra,<rnl'T,lli;!!111and P('IJbi (<irr, ."<ltlg

I ,I'a VI' i\'J:-;t (ltH' 1; III 11 rlll'J."TIlt! prrkt's"iolw! Hlld rp­

('('~"i()nal, "1'OfllP ,11)(l ('ir­Cli rll~t,1 n('~'," WI; r('

h,' Ihl' IJ,~nd. II(,\,.Hit'klll;111 g:p.".,j I hi' i!l\,ocl­

lion ~llId HI'\'. ,\Ifr('d \\ink­!lor lilt' I)()n(~diel iO!l. (;" vl('rl,I,ICk;"OIl'1 pi'l'~idl'llt of the,,', h,o (11 'b(J,lrd, g<l \' (' till'dipl11tnasl ,If! ('r .'-;npt. ,\litch­pll ~)r\'s('hl('d til\' t"las'-,.


H~llil ll"'IlO'('hIH':i> at­(('lld('d lhl' cIJllfirll\;ilion oflhwltl' hulJik, <l lh'p,ll1l'w,at the Ellll'r-.ul\ Pfl,'sl:)\_-ll'ri,ln rhur,ch and

~\.:;~{:, ;,~jbllt' r the /

I\'lr. and :--"lrs. Lyle('hurch, 1.,\·ons, and \lr.and l\~rs. [}avid Burhoopand L;\.u~· i e uf, Bali'l~[t

were \'IO'llor" SunCkt"\' at:\lrvid ISamuelsons .

J Di.~L ,19 had ; ~'choolPIC-nll'- Sunday . .\1r".j Pen~

n'ing~on will return 'ast{lacher in the fall.

The l \\·m. Hansen's a.l­tended the graduatIon ofl~ennYI Mueller at Emer­sen High School and wereguests i'n thp ILl,dan \luel_ler hdn~(I.

, 1-1r~ and Mrs. Ed hruse­.mark ' and )\1r. [lnq i\lrs. I'

Hona~d i\rusemarkj were~innelr.llg~ests Sundav <titheiVillis Krusemark rh 0 m ('j-lonoring the confivmationpf~ah~y Ktusemart The\~ere! supper guests 'It. th~ •~arl ;'Brudigam homle. rI Mr's~ Henr.y Grelve and

'IrvlrS. '.'\lvern A$derson,i\"'e re Ihonor ed Mond4y at the r

'Anderson. liome forr theirl' '--J

'birthdays. Mrsl Joh¢,IGrev~, Mr,s. Agne 'L.e.on­lard, IMrs. Ervin, ottger l

,Mrs.' Jerry Ander~on andI L 0 r\ were a m oln g the,~guesks.


I 1",,),,:I:Ii·



Alfrkd .Wirkler, Re'v. Phyllis ~icl(man and Gpy·len IJacksqn, pr~ident ot thej'biord. I

I I '

tniors 'get, Mprid~y_.

rs. George IBuskirkPhone 281-15:13

I-:\'I'"n [lOLI'1l ClLlb \ll'p(s

LVt 1 llll!l'J\ (lub 111('(

I'lll'~l;l.\ \'·,ilh \It's. Loui:-.Hans n for f.';\I('s( i'..trs,

1-:I1\il t\.tuellef filmsof a trip \tI easl 311d~oLlth ~rll "tal hlllempding; will :-'1rs.j':ldor llell"cllke. Mem~er~are' t \\"l'ar cl-'ntA.jonialeos ..tUllll'

;-'lr and ~:Ir~. Edwardl\.ai, lender, W('fl' -"undavdinner gUO't~ at the Clark~

hni lOme hono1ing :\1rs.1\<1 i 0 he r bi rthUiUY.

\1 . aod ~lr:::;. Ed I\ruse~

mar and \If. and Mrs.H 0 n i (' ihrust'mark wer~

glles s Friday at: Lhe ErvinFTf') h9rne honoring thegrad lat lon of Robert Freyfran Thurston High School.

"'1 : and Mrs. Joe Chem~..kar, IOUX City, Were vis,­t.otS' Sunday aft~rnoon ,~tA rna 1d Brudigams afterrVISl mg ivlrs. Ma,''ble Clink­enbe rd at lhe I, Dahl REI ..tire ent Home ~~ vVayni:'

T e f-oI'owing ~ere ViSI­

tors Wednesday ~-vening atilie ud~PhBam~~r~mecele rati.q~ . her birthday;Mr. and firs. Ervin Bott­ger, Mr. land Mts. Adoll?hHen chke l Mrs: illie Heh-

SC.h e, Mr. anc)..~rs. Rayija mer, Mr. nd, Mr~.Mar in eier a D¢bbie,Mr. and rs. Herbelt Th'im

. I "


Adm. SOc before 9:"15 p.rn


DUFFY BElO ADand His Orch sha

Adm. $1.00

I 'SEE BY THE HERALD\'l~it()r~ \l/nlOr al l)~\\

ill the hornu ()f i'drs \\',1\(('[SaVit~g" will incilic C ~lrs.

Miltoll nriffilh and "yuman..linnt'apul\s, ;'\11'. a ,<I \1r~:('lark Sa\-idg-(' lind 1r. ,IudI\lrs: \\a]li.'r <[vidgt"Orna ha.

SCHOLARSHIP WINN RS at Allen Hig , lefttp, right, were Paulett Thomas, Jean urant,<1q.rol L'ppolt and Do aid Ankeny The were


fourA!I~n Hig

H~~,~r~J~t (0

Page 15: ~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888...Carroll Rite Tu~r;rJQY.a~ Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 W J at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol

, '

,J -','" 1


R;:~:::.~m;'II£'OEFFiEI '0.

Sliced B~by_' , 14'<2-oz~: BUN STOMA'fOES' cons 9'..--.---- '~'l ~.

Si1lver Dollar Nite~,'.. ' Thursday 8, :00 p.m.

Drawing a~.:..~,_, $,4T_O_O__-=~Ji~~~-:-"''';;~;:'..,J


.;~A;~TCB~frER.JJ:: , Mandann Or~nges

~~~~TAIL' ~·19~ p~;r andB~an~: 6 c~:jCI$



I ,,:, J I 'I' ' .J I

, ' THE WA NE HERALD~ , d Yca, - No, 11 Wa nc Neb,••kG 68787 Thu" a M. 25', 1967 Section 3, '

'Y 7:.;~lGpl,IZEG MES WAYNE'

~~,' ."I1,c:e,, ;",&W~,' FIlE~ :~,,::' -,tholusQnds f ' . "

Valuable,Prize ,I e~,-,._,o .u....... MILV",,"

1iiiiP., IJiiiiiP

Page 16: ~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888...Carroll Rite Tu~r;rJQY.a~ Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 W J at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol



~ Chu GrMnIl.eWe had pictures in the.

paper a week ago!' -Did wehave pictures! St~ff mem­bers, figured out'. v:~. hadover 450 'people' In' onewa.Y,or another. ~'cour~e,graduation at A~~en, WIn-.side and Wayhe ~ccountedfor about 150 ,of thOse but

everl without SUC1.Pi.ctureswe had uound 3 0 .p,oplePieT'ed. Boy, is tha~ ,feI-

, I' ' .. i·'. I

~.. ~.'. I

" " •. '11·

n. " . '


, I" I·. '.' .~"YItJK,..r .~:5.\~:'

I' !I



I .'



1'ke' edit riallJepOIftme.nt oj a fk!eek/y I I' I i ou may noJ a?r:te wit an tditorial~(.~rp(lpcr is n illportqnt depf,lr mentJ Nor- I-Imt if YOII read the ~itotria and give ser-nlally il is ant per on's ppinjonj 0. tQPi~s that , i()u~ thought /0 the I I~bject discussed .you,'oluem most I th rea~ers. I j Ihaf:' 'fJaint·tJ. You, a;r ',a read r, have !JI'VNI:~, It is the uty 01 a" edito Uti ~rj/er /0) I ! car .Itt' thOlught. to 11t11~ impo toni problem 30 .,'o~ .-.. -j. i:

.search all ava /ahI fadi befort '~c sits down I I an Itlu' writer ts prCJ,ud to h e called your ~to write, Fro t is ba~ir tlu whter ~houldl " Ynt/ n~.ii,on /0 an imp~r/ant su ject thllt.you ' .i·May 2'0' 119 ,7; AflaS8 0("98 will- ebe ~b/e to gif.c a Idear pictfirr dt im~Qr/t'Jn/J fl~~;a ?ave over/ooked.' . gra'(iuated' hur day f om the four ..ye r "

t~p,rr I ·~I·r I I 1- , . course at W. ype State eAchers COI,'lege~•. ,I • I ffi~ld be no news to mq~t, people. Many IA ~ami1Y- ° yo ng. Ie faxes, dug up at" The 0 ange City . eo I -r 0 Id have guessed than it was nearer cthe B, W, AI ert r rm northwest ofI ! 1 00 per cent. WBY.ne, hasl "at! acted many visitors ~o.

Last we kelnd w'e were iln thel OranJgq I WhaL hurts is the longer th~! highways , ' the C. R. IChlJ" ho e the past we k.City, Ia.,· a Qa~and what jreve~atio.n1 it ~re neglected the worst' the situalion be- I '" ---.::::...~_.; G. J. Goldl r, ho i op\ployod at t e

W Id th ' Id tth· I d I' , ;;-- 1 W. ,E. Von eg ernls founa the old m Iewas~ au t we cou say TIS _U en omes ,as more peap e rllvlOg more cars ,.. /f f"ox. d.,ead T ur's ay. F~.. rtber undergrour.dw, a,s typi.cal or, rural Am, ica. 1'.Inste d. f.r9W,d the highways. moreland cause more /;-:?/ I

t ~ d d Th ~ Cli' tn a den, w re the mother fox and 8e~nI IS the exc pb n. : I ,cClldents du,e to Ina eqpate roa s. e I Cloverleaf Inte changes qn the Interstate Hld-bkua:y allow young ones •••W C. Shultheis and s usA trip 0 )range City i: w?rjlll\'f~i, roblem has Lo be faced sometime and I dI rl bib turns A.I ttl TtJ..-. d b f.ouhd a de 0lCOYbt8S at theJSbulth is

even when hel

tulip festiv d is,l noL", er)raskans are being preparBd fOT facing III~Yin g270 ~n t· Ih e.-:~ movemenl I' ma e Y place west fW yne T.bursday, The mot erWe think y u'~1 come awa~ J;"c'fresh~, t ~ight now, ,: , n q e ees 0 > e nq .4 . ~ ~m.aYbe a little I inspired at hat 'you. eo 1The Herald long af(a paiaLed out that' NEB ASKA DEPARTMENT OF ;ROAD~. 'escaped bu th Shult eis' captured f urin drange 'ilYi

Iandl in the arming- a ea Ne raska's roads are linto1e'rable and 4 balY coyot s.,•.. " w. Vathts car cau ht

that sur'rou ds il, f' I taned 'for ~ <'''crash'' rJTogrnm to get I~' " '--.. ,I.. fir ,Satur ay.1 bout h.ree_fourths mileII' e,'ve ,Iw~'ys Itnow, n th Dutch w ~ re h slate info the 19CO· s a s far a s roads, More Ilmpo~t~nt to the f?r ~mpl~, l.n Jj1e~plng te· we t of Wet Pint'," and the machine' was

n~a~ peo!>le, biul ()~ange C: ty glltv; J15 a r~ ctmcerned, Gov. Nor?ert Ti~mann ' ..!O,'~, ~houghl' .1S a pend- heve ,CQnge~tl0ll,n upper bu~ned be~ 01:-; pa.!r. .side-by_slrlt> cornpar'json anti we l}ryo~ .~ow haf suggested that a sPlenal sessIon of Ink blll .to. r1 vlse a 19~3 resP.lrato~y diseases, '•. *. I '-II'thaf lh(' I L.llch

chave neve.\- be,rn g. l!~en l.thEj legislature,be caII('U lo {aeal solely la~w re9-HlflDg 1the.state ~o, sooth'lngp~tle. t,s befor.. e I L·"

endugh C]"I'( 11, roo bid Weir!' nt <ill 'd~e 'wi~h highways rlc:cds. a credit a COll~ge of osteo- sUI'ge~y, spe .dIng. then ·251 Y.al"l~ot.hem.. t I I·It is cbvious we're iIfl trouJ)le in more p thy bJfore ts student9 am~ulatIon ~f.te s,;uge·ry, , May 1;1 ~942: Cadet Gerald B.

Farm' ,~f{~ ,so benl1ifuq nrdl it Iw~ys than one .. Ignori*g: lhe problem m,ay,tal~e t~e Nebra~ka easlif!g bu.rsl.bl~lpalfi,.and: Wright, s nlof Mr. and Mrs. B. W.almost hur 10 lool{ at ther. ,so/mpWHer"e I','slnot go,'nf( locontributetolbesolution. lex.• m,lD,aIan va p.rescr,lbe ev.en, rehe':lI1%,:hermated I,

I 'r J d t d Wrigh·t, Iwasj commissioned secondwe°ctxpeCleltc reea ruw~\v?rh:lce.j\\e I\V~'vecreaLedth~smo?s4erml~ssLhroug'h rnedlClllS an prac Ice ISCjS,. . . lieutenant inl he army air forces atneve s, (ne.AsktngabolJ HilS nOr~nge lo~r years gL,Jivmg wILhLh-epr·oblemand s~gerY'I' ,T~hIS manlpulatlve Scott F,ieldl' lll.,Pfc.,Wilford John Lind·('ity, w ~r('1 told tfwt Lh re ll.lsed t? be d ing not,hi~labbut it. Instea,d of taking: I ,The 1easurle (LB568) IS ther;apy mayor 'C'fl,ay not, say, is a p~isoner qf war in Shanghai,[nany mor ~arm$ but ... tlley were c re of need~ as time wenl hy, we leL ~ponsor d by Scottsbluff "?e used by.a.D.O•.lntreat~ China, acCOrdi

tg to word received Mon.abandoner! lh('1 buildings w re lnrn ~own i Lh problem I,'nultiply until now ""e have I Sen: TeIlry enlpenter, who, lllg ~ specIfIc pat.H:nt, ~e. day by th~ fa ily t'hrpugh'Red Cross ...and the f'rnl.-;teads clea ed r~ff, I'I.'S. a I a" cho',ce but "0 "ct, . lac,hIeve rl wha m,any c,on. PWend.lOg, ,.on the dlaltn,osls •. P' d

'of U <1 1 I t h d f!' live poun s of .ugar per year for canningresult, 01(' pr) ..speroll~ 100 r('.aim"and I J While few of us wouldagrC'.,einLotal sl?ered aIJgI s a Ive . e.nVltlsuse.,mam~'f~:. !wi'll be aIJPwe

eto e~chpersonholding

~Jich farm r ~e('rrtj-; to be ryingtoo!utdo ,-wLh the report, makingourobservalions ,Imlracle fo r years,ago .bve. ,therapy "lr use ln !.awar/rati0!lpo korh~'VingmadeapP!'ica_.IUs neif.{hb Jr,,[ in Jrdl'rlin 'S" 'lOd dare. "a rnotori~ls who use the highways, we when hel successfully pilot. a.dqltI.Oll to and! not as a" h

In ()rangc ('it. ibl·Jr \ t' [oJnd sl'reet II c·'nnot u,"sa'Tree ',''Iith the bas~c premise ed the.present. law tjrrough substItute for Idrug,s a.nd "ti6n. for Slue opk... 'ayne will par ici .., • ~ U d I pate Satu d3lY~ May 23, in Poppy daya.CLer strel t \'ith nary a uncIdJwn yar.-1. ,. ttt, Nebraska has an emf'r'a-ency and the m amer::~ " surgery. I' h l

~ ,., Th f th Th t h th w ich is e~n observed throughout the~ven where d hUlhe W;Io.; vacapt the lol ii slmeth,ing mwst be done, ~ost of us . e ~easo.nJ or e new . e os eop? Ie ,eory nation for he!welfarepfthelivingvic imsi wju;stillw II-kept, I I W uld like tc) set' u belt('r route from legIslallon I~l the State ~ls.thatmuch.:h~eas.eIsdue ofbothwa s., '

Orang (',ity i;tr~l'ts. re JS nurrm"l,i :-.;Iorth ('entrad a'nr! :'\Jort!H'usl ~f'braska" Health. Boardis refusal. to chIefly to 'C'fle,cl~amcaI'de- 1C .. ' I

Ias\\;lYlle." b\lI,wl'TIOtlccd o~arsp,~rk~'d I tc~ {).maha,inclUdl'r! in L1H' pl'ln'i'·but thatl accredit. anY

Iof the ftve r.~gement 10 tlssues, or .. I i I

.A:>n the tl'r ad,s and no ell s Intotht1-tI',r~ I qlJl ",v ,Ii t ""hilt, tilt' fl'ill critical probl('m U.S. cdlIeges, of osteopa- put another w4y, loss .of 20YeanjAgo~ '.i raCl'." for ~ a rI~in~ l.o IJH;:.t!t pth(~ st rf'~l"hes ,I arl'US <I rl' givlI'n alll'n~io'n, ' thy-on ~~e gro/u~ds the~ dp " the b.odyJs strr,etural 10-

of !c.l\\f]. ~lrl'1 \-\!:lyne ha-;'a ('o,'lll'gl'.t.,I~at I) Youthin],youh,lVehv;lrd('noughabout l ' not mea.su,r~.*ptome~h~al tegrlty" andlthat health May 2, 1947: S~eel gir<1ershring~. in (':\Ira ('ars bu ()rltng"t' (11\ ta.\r'~ \vith irit'OITlf' and saIl''', td\.t'~ ncy., school tacJllbd~s: .. often .can be .£estor?d at new Hede merl Luth~r~n churchhas a growing,college too. to the ~state? Y.ou ain't bcarjnothing yet! "C~rpenter Ialms ~.hIS.lS l~ast m' part IX mampula_ ---+-~l---+";"-----+--_":'-_~":""_--i;-"---- ,

\-\Otnl'l of Uran.ge jlu,tl, on pllrc'h I"oll'r(' going 1.0 hav(~ to P,l_\ more to p~al? fl-~d sl~ple dlS_ tIon .of p~r~s f th~ body. wives are caut~onedtpbe. clean a d worka""le. When'cost II IlH'<'; or the tulip <11. lhe\ w;lsh- drivl' and 10 havt' ;1 car ill ~n'I'ral \.. a)s.' cTimmalion agams,t the os- It is th~s emjPharS upon ware ofba!rgainsaleit~ms. you ar through spraqiI1g,ed down tl (' 4treets, \yl',I:avt' 'th~' ()otio.n Tlwf(', i~ 'Iitllp choicl', .\\t""(' flladl' our Leopathk prqfesslOn. He the relatlOnshfP .r. body Unless the tiilt is pa~'d at remem er t, clean them.the w:." not j DO diffi~' lit r{pr Ora nge bed or inadpquat (' high\\ a \" a Ild I!OW \\ l" rCt contends .osteppaths should s,tructure to 0 gamc fun~. the end of thje month here If y u are using ohe of'('i)y rl't! to 1)(' on(' )f thb~e towns ~oing 1.0 h:l\f' lo dri\(' Of] thl'm unlil,we I be ~onsldered equal to tjon .t~at sets osteopathic canbea s~rvic,echar e on the ha· ardous compounds,!whrr,' [ltJ.II"iIJgyv,'r gets to( soijPd. get som(' b','II"r Olll·"-:lnd \\(,'1'(' going medical do~.t~r~, tl~ehealth phySICians an1 surgeons revolving 'tW' ~. accornts. know the symptoms of

III .'\t')ra~ka'" CI'ntl'nli;:ll 1(' we t()ha"'('top'l~.P'IV,P'l\t()~('tth"Jll.~{ E{i. bo?rdnot Ilh~landIOg. apartrromthen M.D. CoU?" This USU*l Y'amou~tsto poisoni g and·the proper l

would Iikl' tl) cil;' ;l in ,I ~ rhe Nebr ka Osleopa- tt?rparts, who e emphaSIS J.Y:;% per th on the un- first id, treatment. Havethi:; ~ta({' 10 hold lip rl' I rt'sl of I thic Associ~Uo~ (NOAj '1';. is u~on qrga.ni an~ c?emi. paid bala cel' The savings fresh ater and ~oap.vail..q.e llltl()1 .llld IOJ!\ rurall Eating Out Sundays ports Lhat If {arpenter s cal. IOtfttachoqs wlth-m the received cjm he sale might able. y washing th~ skinNehrd"k.l hel" to ['htP rI1.l\ be bdIIS !Cnacted, the number body. be wiped qutbY'thesetvice with sap and water im-SOrTH 1m"" that ratE tillS but rlght~t1(j] \\a}nf"~ rCo.;taur.lnt o",nvrs are not I of ost{jopaths pr~ctIcing In It offends ~.O.'s to be charge,l I . mediat Iy a(ter exposure,\\I("d prill / 10 lile OrLlng' (It\, la., jl~ going to Ilk" thIS but il I~. something Nebraska Will slowly in. li.kened t~ oniwho.merelY j. you en limit the amount\\I 11<1 t rllr, I \nH'T!CoI h<!s d) off('r. that np('(h 10 bl Sdld 111 poot because I CTease. . gIves massa es In con· I of pes icide absorption. '

if t ht ~ III ,I! I 10\\ n"i<l nu j hl' ru ra I It IS hr'l ng sa Id ,lloud. j he edhng-out·1 Thisl, the NOA a~ds, will ~unction with eneral m.edi- ,.. I, Was before' eating ordr(',ls or 1111<.; nation \\a I lu hold onlo ~und~'r" problem IS alute. I have ~ beneficlalmflue.nce clal. treatmen~, to chI.ro.. ~ol1lnty, ' smoki I and remove and\outh, pr gp'c;", prt"ent an atlracq\E' Iclk~ last Sunday ror f'xample, Il was on tht'j ~xtent .of m~dlcal ,practo~s, or i to phYSical T launder .cfothep you woreset-up [or i1Hlusln nnd 10 enerlal beCOlfn I <It mel:' day. There was 3 baspball game·1 Icare ~'lvalla.ble III the state, 'h~,rs.Plst~. . . ,.i At

n' 1"S' while ~p~aying' befor'e you

good pl.ll'~ to Hv( dnd Iralse: fdmiltes I Baccalaureate wa:; sckwduled In the eve-I lespe.c~l811y In smaller com· . Oste.opa~h, ~ physlclans wear tte:m again. 'd go,ll mIght b(' to trl arkl bel more Ulk~Hg. A lot of peoplf' from out of town Imumt~es aIild rural'areas. have sClentIh easons for i I : ••••.Orange (il\ l.l \\'re In\\ayne. I' There is a trendamoIig applying rna ip lative I Spray ose~Soon

'1 (lu'l 'Illl.\'(' 10 shg I Ue; if th~r How many res.ta uranh were t)pen l Imedic~l doctors, to shun 't her a p y wit h recision I I 0 lumn Some rose g~wers oftenIS ,111\ weder ,lwl more 1lLraJ!ftlve fJrn~ ~n late ~fternOOnande\E'Illn~')Non~.',[hat'.s I I family! clottoring, more whe~,andwh~le its'called U by Hnold lng_Us have groblerri' ~ith threearf',l \here: (Intll vi:Ju £110, Orarng IrIghl., None. ~ . /11,lform~llIy.knownasgeneral. fOf, dec~ar s.t" AO~: I diseas'es-blac spot


( 1\\ he IhrrnC'rs around I~ rale tJop Sure, thep> w' e ! f' ~nft lee creaml I practIce. To acqUIre thl extra der'y J;Ilildew, 'and' cl;lnker.\\dh u~ FO, I I~{ands t'hat serve sand iches. There wals i I The' osteopaths say they skill, D.O. studen doctors Make 19J7 Safe Yea 11 Sprayihg to prevent these

. II 'also the piz:la ~ousp' which can offer .<;p4ec;- I are wpliug and able to step spend xtra j ti e .in the, Nebraska~Sare fonltUIiate diseases should shirt as

h . \. , ~ III tions or another tyP(', But lIH'TP \\prp no I into the breach, c1assroo, east 5,000 soon as the lea'ves ar-eT e R ad .Emergen~y -IPart.~111 full.servicl:' rest.allrant~ opl'n, . I I "Iflthe trend toward~ hours in all k:ourses over i~:s t~::r fe:~t~~~:Id:r::; unfoldIng.. ii' O\IJ sympathy is on lhl' S}llp of tho, I spec:ilia.lization co.n- fo:ur years. IMost o~ the mishaps u.sqally oCclur be. Black spot cause .ir.

In tIl' !'j'lonrla) i"'~\l(j of l1hE' Her.a! ~ operator:-. and empIo}'pes of tl\(' caff's; II tinuei,Lhe M.D, familydoc. extr~ D.O. c~ssroom'tim,e ~ regu"lar black sr:fots , ,oftenan edito ial'writh'n 11wlprevi,ous Thur$ They likt, Sundays off ju"t :IS much a~ tors will become an ana- is spent stu ing anatomy cause OIl e,,:relessnrs-s -or surrounded by a yellowda~ ,'poi.nt 'r,1. ilP tIll' h i~ln1lY cm~ r.g~ncy t h.~J <I nyoi~(' :' Is (" 1 Howl." ve T', tlH1 bu~ i n~'s s I I c.hrollJis ~ . .A-.t the sam e and t?e tech~ ques of mani· la~k of nt;:w,l~pd::t·,.eitle.use margin 'on the leaves. Mil ..e,(l~~ts11 ;'\;robr.ISII.:I. ~lln ny's dadlesca~' art' In 1'; a'Lypp wht'rl' the publIC time, WltJllfl the next 20 pulatlOnther","py. dew shows as moldywhi'teout \\i h the rl'Jlofl on 11(' nt'p 6 right to \''\pect sf'rvic(~ SPVt'n (b~~ a years, the osteopathic Iri all, a D.O. must com.. 'season i, here. Let's make spots on the surface ofa" '!Hlr pd <ll\\o-.\l'aJ'road gro~lll' amI inconvplni,ent as it i<;, it should physicians .E;>robabIy.wi11 plete seven Iyears of col.. · it'a safejone, . .. the foliage, twigs, andIt ,indit··.ltt'!>_ ,t'lTl,\'~g('nl(.\ is~VPngrl'Cltwr gi\, becom~ the l~r,gest...body lege, inclU(;l~q.?threeyears The filrst important way flower'buds.Cankercauses'tlMn t,he edItorial. saId. I .'1 is not tu I'> a} thal <Ill of Ihl,l .of famIly ph:ysIclans In the of Pfe-m.edld~e. He must to, prev~t acc'ldents is ~o yelI0'r~" o'r reddi,s.h spots

\dl .'<\,skans \\ ('rl' IdId by lhlJ:-;(' 1ll'1~~1 g rc'st<llIral}ts' should be opl'n ('\ I'r.\ n~tion. ,"I dec:lares Dr, John also intern ~or one year. read la els. The label is on the stems that becomethl' stur \' s(,lI(' nd1rlC-: to, ::.pt'nd ~<H:2 In fat II' "uch an idea is ridicllloll~, \\, Hayes, president of the The Nebraska Medical pth: s1\~ idt~ brcowannkaesrethd.ewyoeondiasrh'::u'ldbeBII, I ~(). 1l0\, :lInd I'J:-)~).t?pr()v!Hl' . But whJy is it necessary for all Ld Amerid.n 0.,stl'OP3lhiC As. Association (N~A)ha,slong '"'tllt'll1gh tl1<' S\:lll' [~l'('ds, IIlIS :'ihnl [d 1)(' l'iol;.;pd Sunda} afternoon and ,>\Plling-·.l sociation (I\OA). resisted, relaXing the ex- safetyandthe d' t ly in the

. key to select- ·pnme, ou ear·,gi\I.' an of ill"t in.lfl.pqU:11(' tllds \\ In can't 11ll' ownprs wurk out ;l deal There is :con'cern in Ne. atnination laws covering ,'ng. the pro- spring. Pruningsandleave.s,,\alc'.s 1 "I ~lm;)fl~\hpm,,~I\'l's wh{'rt'b~lhp\'t~ll{(,tur'nd braska over,the increasing the osteopat~ic profession. f ~ th t 'sgrowth

~ f --' per ,chemical r m e pas y~ar, Oil E'I q 11"rl' not go l'lg lll'ing ~unda} d tit' r T1 0 I) n..., anll number of M.D. graduates' It claims 'Ds~eopathy is not ,for the J.ob. sh ulef be cleane~ \lp and10 \)(' 1 kleCl itt t ,lf~t',l, For in<.;j,ltl"(', ('\~'nings that pursqle' sp,.ecialty on a 'pat with the M.D. 'b rned •o\(-'r luI (,a!rroll, they ilrp n(~! going 1l: Iw I'herc' are on!) [our cc\ft''''' ill \\,I}n1":. med~cine a,lnd iLs higheT' profession-~t least not yet.; It is also the uApp~~ a 'good 'rosel sprayh.HPP\ \\ t.l.'Jlh0 rl>c~.m',nl,'.n.d.at.l.lJn l!l:lt IIlgh

'.. On llil' av~'ragp thi~ Would ll\('<lll l';\tih pr,espge' an¢i. pay. The Uni_ It contends the training-of k y to proper application for prleventingiboth m.ildew\\<1\ :ii' f!r m ('3rrQ11 0 IHr1'r!t'l1 Ii" 1;] l'1l would hav(' to be open onl.,," one ~~Il(b} verstty of Nebraska Medi. D.O. student,doctors is not a top performan.c~. , and black spdt, within. 36".from th .. ,::tlaJe higIII\\ a \ ::,; \ "t dn :\ It O~t't I (' r, aft prnooll and evening a monl h. \\ hat t IHt~· cal CoIl c,:g l' has eve n as thoEough and the college !~nd, k.e~p pesheld~s 10 hours after ~ each rain and(uming :d a time v. hell (. Hrr!oll r\"-,id(,llt~ wanl to· do about Sunday morning;.; ,ltfltl launched a special general facilities notas good. thel,r 0pgmal contalD~rs T'then at 10-day int*rvl)!B.ar.(' , a~lll~~ for, 1~rf~\C111~ of. that po. noons woul1 be up to,the~. practiLioner program to fill I durmg and after use. P·ro- Caution: Any df themllt'\ st _t,ch~ tlll.l"Ugp~stlor~ to\dd It Itt. Wayne has SOtll,lE' m~m\:wr"hIJl the need f9r qIore family ..Lh tec* thell?,bel ~o that you fungicides may bu;rn the

. \:I. ~e (ount\ reSidents nught Inod that also slerve food. Nore of the~p are doetbrs in smaller towns. N.on, east c,an reaql It easIly th? next foliage if .the temperaturethen h(' \ S ,at the rest'ofthe tecnrnmplda- opE'n Sundays. They tak Qusint'ss from Tl'ie AOA says that about tlme.y.otj.usethatpartIcular is above 90 degrees F.tton~ I thlS county. Th~ Jeporl sh )}-...s rpstaurants evenings dlq·j·ng t.hp \\ ee'f' 77 per cent of the nation's 'I pestlclde.. ~ r So apply these chemical~thf'Tt: I ~not ? s~ngllj' mil of clClpq nte I which we imagine is olfld' rpason rht!'~e D.O.'s are general praeti- Extension Be careful, were y.ou during the cool pflrt, ofstate hi 'ivay 10 \\layne (ourth e\;:tePt~fior arE' not more cafes. Thle) have a plaqe tioners and that about this p/lrk or,Ieave spray equ.lp. the day. Spraying ~s usu:'tl1e fou ~I1es of 12i~hwa} from the \ in. I and provide somewlhere·lt.o go for tho~e samle percentage of D.O.'s -'~J. N~''tes~ ~ent. If you are applYIng ally more effectivie thaJlSide ]U tllo~ of j J- J8 to (Iar roll. H gh- J.vho Want a drink wi~h a m.eal. graduating each year are 2, 4-D compounds, for d 'sting I \ 1\",l\ S 3 10 and 198 I for the hlO<.;t 14lrt Still, as. a member IOf the group th~t goiqg into family doctor- elxample, don't park the uln ~e'tting out ro~es thisare lOa equate (t 1(' exc l'ptilon being rqne I eats out regularly ,along with thos{' who ing. ' ' Anna Malrie Kreifels spray rig un?-er the large sprin', keep in miPt~ thatIllile ot ~ngH\\a\ It)S Ito (anoll lllnC'jHon I eat out occasionalbt, w~' f(,E'1 that \\ayhe Ifl the prospect of con_ shade tree In your yard. daQlP ess on the fOlia.geof :IR. d 571, Ifigh~vay 5'"]1 as a grilVel shoulrl have at ll:'a~t onlff cafe opt>n· SJn- sult~ng ani osteopathic 'fam. 'Credit Knowledge ,9on'~ park it ~e~r. chil- favor disease. Diseasesr.oad IS lajdequate but s~ould be dro ped I da) afte~noons and' evenings. I.f t.~e i.lyTphYSi~ian is going to fl Are you still paying for qrens play areas elther. ar.e ['re easily-co*ronedfrom th ! ~ystem, ·accordIng to the reBqrt. I restaurateurs have' rea$ons for believ~g becpme more likely for Ne.. 'Christmas gifts that are I, If yolu plan to employ ·f th· plants. can Ibe ,~

Th ,fact that 45 per cent of II the other\\ i~e, weld U" blad to herr braskans who heretofore (,used up, worn out or dommet.Cial applicat.o~B, ~her air canpassthrq.'Ugh 'istatl"s Ii hways are called:"inadequJ ~e'" t~em.-(,E(~, I I reli,ler;l exclusiveby on 'broken? NGt if you used be sure,they are famIlIar ther;n. Use soil rather ~han

M.D.'s, what kind of care credit, sen~e last. Decem.; with thE!! areatobespraye~. sprin er irrigation if*os-I' i, I caDi be e~peeted from a 'ber. Therel s little sense There have been ca8.e~ m 'siblet '

Capito I ~ews .•• I I In 40 oU'!;ler statesi. D.Or'~ D.O.? Whati is an osleopa~ in paying for Christmas· Nebraska whete appbea- A mulch beneath Ithe

S" " MIS' +1I' : are 'consltdered e~ual to thiq physician anyway? gifts long lafter daffodils tors sprayed the wrong plant helps ke~p thel~erfa A ay o·'on 1 ~'p"Ave M.D." s , 'fith the sa reIn gene~al. osteopathic ,are up. - I areas. d part f the plant drierlandI~ '. • I " .•IV , rights to prescrib~ me i- dodtors say they o£ferthe Credit yourself'with It isvitaltha~yo,;,guar '0 helps prevet dise~ae.

cine~ andlpractice surge y. veIjY same kind of medical credit knowlledge if you buy against contammatlDg ."a.. I·...~~.~~~Ost "pathlc Pr es' sion' 1 EsisenqaIly that is why care asdomedicaldoctors. ; only large ~tems 9ninstalI~ ter with pesticides. Don't

h . t A • t 11 t .discard empty pesticideof the 131.220 asteop.t ic In .ddition, the D,O.'s pro- ~ Imen , ny Jns a men pur- ;'ontainers near water sup-PhYS~Cian~ and surgeoned in vide what they call "mani_ . chase sholflId last longer i- 1 nd 1a

I jl I , ' ~ the 11nitb States, only1J,30 pulative therapy" alone or ~~ than the qme it takes to' plies. Ri.se meya a ,~ S8I I l~ . r 1 t t eo-i-"'ineIS. arid. add t,he(Ed,' 0 r' s' note: The an in-d. pth'l a tidel on th I resiMe i Nebraska-c n~ in Icombination with drugs comp e e ptymen s. uwo. L_!-I.

,-I I I 'r'" ~~. F· rinsing to the t·spray ~.Osteop tOjic pro f e s s i OD, S\lqjeel~ . I sidered y D.O.'s a good 'and sur g e r y to p:revent ~ T lnancin costs fmo~ey. BUrn empty pa er contain-which al been reS~icted LIN. ot -W:t,:n tht. pIaciE! to stay away friO disease or r-estore good he most important ae or.~ ki rta'

N b f N b b' B"t th- e are strong ,'n- health, ~ when shoPl'lng for credIt ers, ma ng ,e m youbylaw,,, eras or aver e rasn. ~, t dttal t stay out of the smoke,manYY'ars,app~ar.tobe c.ot\l.,es il'reseeslame?,ji dicauons~this clDuld s n M.a.ru.·PUlartive therapy. ,ar.e ermslan o. cos •. When remoring. pestl-on the b ink offid r ac- qal d or, ( ,D.)" If h~1 cha~ge, steopathic m i- means that osteop.thic'.1 The best t~rms ,lire. those cides from stbrage, liakechaePstavnco • dThteo L, geil" daetuarne l.~~~tde. enema., ,lhYt ac~Yn~outlhterll cinel app rs to be on the physicians IapplY pressure ~ that, cost. i the least t~al with y.ou OillYI the am.aunt

~ ~ verge of ider accepta ce wi~h their h~nds when it is ~i' amount. r,gardless Df In- you Will use one tx!me.osteopa h e phy iCi

E. 0 n ~~ctor ~f ost.e path (D.o.. in the ~ornhUSker St teo deemed bejneficial on pa- \' terest rate~ 1 • Then reloek the storage I

the Stat ealth oa d,and Why, he dIf eren e? I AI maj r "breakthro h" tients' p.ones, joints, The sm~t shopper wJ11 , that I. chi,lthe un.camerat"s ealth In bra,'sk I there arll oc~~rred recently whe he m ~ 5 C Ie s r tissues and \ pay at lea f 1/3 down a~, area so ~url j -Gommit e has r cqm· dnly ~. haM ul o~ oste<H Legislatu e voted 37 U6 2 nerves to 1relax the body,~. li'lnit the umber of I'lly' drB':, c::;~ t::~ your sJfej:ymendel i b e a ~ zing paths ,ec~'luse most arli to add anbsteopathic ph/vsi. a"r stimulate blood' flow. , ments to 2 qr ,Iess

h, C\t equipment, r"""er ,gIOve~.

. 'b' . t I' 't d I' c,'an to' the State Hialth ,O.'s c'ontelid this man-,,'., M,oderat on. ,s t e ~e" 'W~statutes i miting th pra~. su l~C" 0 , 1 m, e 1 " ,\g I d t wt se House respirator,~ goggles are

. """ ., ,••_llij. j~"':" <00"11 . ,J ~~·.jl[i,jlll' Ilk" Hdl~~:::,:~ ,i ,,:.i L,

Page 17: ~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888...Carroll Rite Tu~r;rJQY.a~ Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 W J at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol

, I

.hl, ,0 2' f\t'jl' 'M6a~fng~ '~"r~:.Gti, ,~g h~l(l. t:) ,\n~(r.n CU,,', r'~ntUi~lIklng"('f"""h':: of••nIl J Nllt-ta Il~(Hl~r,,":, o,t, ta,r" ,',II.or uniznl~() UI n,II f1 "ll1dl'v, I_dUlllll\rm~ '. HO,n,oits',WI,I,I;bo. glvon tc - .lho ~tl'C.rot.al)'of ltgric\l~h r(l oil 1\11 uqcl1.',m"oUlIg. II th~ ",Uon.Allfa,meTs n 0 IlmHtod1 'n.rid

tll\~ (Ilfln l rl'P• are In.vi cd to" tu vc rcp,cIHmtA-liVtHI prOMO L L

Two Cas s eard ~y'

Judge 0 ursd,~yOnUy bo u~c.rsWc~~

, hell rut 'br w YIH~ C'oulity.Tudgl\.l Dillv d.1 nmet duringl.Ilt~, l~l\~lt hnl .wuck·, Bo\h.charge, w. i-eh f(,.s\llladfrom sp dl,n' Hnd illegalfishing we e £jlp.d,on'.'rhU:~~.ldny. ,,,,-1 ~:~;:,: .

May 18 SloveWuk.fie d paIdcost:.- of' ;5 or: spSl~l,te Pa:t:r Imilln DQ.l~:R~i(~;:

, ',lll !r\ll~,~' i ~j,: ~l~' 1\ ellj ~.;;mI~,"'~,"~,'~'.'",'""~r,,,':,'t.,'.',.,,:'Ne~son, \\uyr l', waa ~ r~nca'

$10 for flshi 1(; wtbhout',apt'rmiL (:'!}urt" costs'of '$'~':.

wer,c lldt,~t'!,d ll~ a FO, II,,U,l,t'::',~,~;,r,",,::",'1till' churl:tt'! filed byNebra~'$'''''''' .kll Slul." '('hllsorvlllion 9II\~~e,r M,Sll~(t'r. ':',,: I';',~, ,,-

Set Fat'm Meetings'Furrn:polic)' meettia'reto

bb hehl In r\e'bra~l{n duringthe nexl!wpek, accordingtoTorn' go':berts, lTlallag~r ()f

tIll' ,Wapll> ('ollnty AS('.",

\~ffl:~'i~1·. (~~l;'y w~i~l al~ed~l~'I~el~:log-~ ('t·~ll{lr. l.incbln. Tht'o~h{'~ wlill 1)(' in Ogallah ....

Koelppo i .. ala f"and 'l; lllocl\~~3f ~~'i\y of HOIICtt, t tllXOfl.Coun~ N"br ilku, 1$\.00and other v,alllnblo, cQnti'id.. ·e'ntion).

Nolli. ~l. .. ' nd "urry'Lewi!->' to Lnw CnC,(1 .J. und·'Junet M. II. der l.ol~ 1:1anti H, in lock G, inlMnt,howson's Ad-tJili'o,1t loEm-er.fi(),n, Del 0 n County~

NebraskiL ($3 OOO.OOLTOril Met luskey, to'

MiclUll~1 .Edmhud: M;eClus~

k~y fdl of ~rflnt,or'~ un..divided ,i,lltoTqst in .nnd, lot_l:llr NE1';ii 'of Sc·(. 5, '1"3°1'

. N',H ,I, Easl, DixonCOl!iuty,Ne.bJn~JUI, ($2,500.00). I, "

Metfi' Meyer Lo Hl~uben 1:1,'Meyer Ilf'Od Alt,u M" (J).er,l,hel-~ of . 'Wl-i 'of Sl'C :n'ami par, of.!\:EI4 o(·S(.c:;q, T ~I, N. H ·1, East,Dixon ([o\mty, Nebras·ka.($1.00 ,lind other vu,lunblccorls!dcriati'oa). '

Dixon County


II 'Ii; 7 ,101 ],()uis(' l'larlm f[1, Pon­

{;t, (' !lev\g I.ime' ~aIld 8.. ,{;ravl'\,

Ponca, ('hl'v :2 It n\lrs. Franc{'s Airl::;troug,

\lIe rCIl r)- I(~lIS. "'1', \\' lkefidd.

P()nlili ( 1Paul Ilol'sing-, :\"\\'casllc,

POlll iac!\u:-;s,'11 !, It'un, PC/I1ca, hi

I F ..J ohn":iIll' .\'\IYIlP,

1\O'lIllt'l II' \\ rick, \\ bkdit'ld.I,'ord

IJaid I,.. Il'ahn, ,\Ilen, I:ord- I~HI(;

1, (' () 1\ \\ l'ddirll,-,:r',"il, :\('W~

{';l "I If' , IJont i;lt'

1'lfj ~J

\Lilvin 1-'. Brockman, Pon­ca, Ilolllt'madl' ('amfl(~r

.\l'illf'r \Iotor-& J-:quiilmpnl('0., ;\pwcaslle, lnlernl'lJ:.kuJ! '

1 (J(;3"Iop'l IEHg('r~ Allen, DOJgl;


t hl',,,11fJ'rl'

:il tilt,\ \J{)ll(

i",J"" I!I' iol,

\11"11 J'n1()j'r'I,1 !')I I.';i'r\':


'"I 1'1'](' !-':irIs'II' "llurt !) [ll' this

';",11'.1'1](,\ \\lll\J(' t!lt'ones\\110) \\ill' h~l Vt' p-reLl}

'! ['('S" I'" 1.<1 VI- ('d r often to.... l',·\·j,ll 'fUlid infl,"', but tlhe

0,1' tc,.se Cit,'!'Y C, o,nverr.,'le,n, C,,:L.,,,; ,,"""'~ ".", U., ..',ght now." , ' ,Jnd:feW, oc,ca8iono lOr. Juneen n. C rtl.". Emer_, ' SASS" ' 'fe8rlng lh. long on •• 'l'ou .on, Old., '

, \ 'hile w"~fe' hun!lillg oul tlals '4l AU;", are ipretty 19 8oloU uets, we'd bOll-l"r send -sharp, bunch, espccilllly in < John Noe, All D, Ford'ahe down the.'s"lrlltc ·about shorl formals, lind ",:ewant 19,)'7qne,~ha1f 'block-: Th re we yOu to know some ~n who' V 6 r non, 'Pu -kleH, Allnav'(: a !nan who $c:'r;YC5 'in marry you are goi $' to be Cheva low.puying sartvlee job ," gettiqg ,~,om.e wiv 'B :who' J~, 1for vcle.rans. I-Ie gpes out know the facts.' of Isaving O,r,,).ille l-Io~-8'iug. Nov.'of his' WHy lo prov'idl'e,serv- m0n:i' You'renoto ~YCrte': castle~ T'N\ ~lit.oTrni erice he .is 'not requlired to but 6 9sibleS"ASS" I', _ _ ,gjv~~. He makes 'it ,Ii point, - J Rc.~l-}i;:tafe· -Transfers:to Kt'l'P, informed lon,vet...1 A jo.yi'3.1 s.~,a.nge 'c.a"me Duls:"e Ram nn Soren.unflrans' affairs aud- lhen lo up and. 1,slappeQ. Sh Q,C op. t.o Raymond'. H. So·rens' n,L'E'\ the veterans ~nl\>w What the ba~k" ,saying; ." aven.'t ~2, NE,14 of ~Wl'l South ofI,hey cOIn expf'ct. l:Ie a~tcnds I I~eeq- your face some.. County Road; W~'i.SW1'iiSE1~-irncplings 'of all vlHQrun or· ,wi er,e~lse?" ., of S\\rl... aH ill. Sec. )~.

ganization .... lralviC,ls to' ,,';Nope,".-re·p lied'S"hmoe. T3LR4,iI~:OixonWoU1Y'"1\\,'('1 ;nv" oth~r 'places' It s nlways bc(n r'ighe N~htasku. {$l,OO aiul'rt,lert(-;,td.., fJu'blichtions: of ali where it'is now.. 'i ' valu'able cons,ideruqo~l).,.

to le~rTl wha~,he.ca.ni· ... ",' SASS Atrord r-l'. H'lkow inds"r\'lflg- "'Qr~c('menl T~jcrilDl her neT ~e5, the ye r a .Rakow to Joe I nd

i!lnd vde'rans and r" top of :,oman to~k a njp-Q IScotCh (2:,a,rf~••I"lM<.~,l.l,.'uirll',Jr~,.ec"thOe[ "',',ol'U1,

Uwt ~H"S OW marl 'ou con-I JusJ bero~e retiriI~g. As' j.. '-- ... 'J. I .•tal'! if ,you W'-ln{· t~) gel in she ,leaned over t Itt1Ck in- aml.lIl€' South '22 'feet ~!,

1:()Ull! with a seT\lict'rnan i,n her' four~year~oJd, sou, he ·inc·~e~ ()f El~ of Lot,' 2~lirTl!':-; Qf elnergeIj'cy. We remarked: -"You'" \vear_ Block,103, City of ro~ca. '.couldll t

! ,dford t,1J pa\ him illg Daddy's perf.um~." " Dixon. i.'o,unt.v; Nebr:'as~'1."

\\!l,d Ill""" worth. Thcre_ SA~S !., . '($l,nO and"olhl'r 'valu .bl(~

furl', ( hri..., Ilar~hql/ Wt"ll Th~oetor noti led the consideration). .;0.;1\, "TIIOJllk" 'I rTlillion I.amont E. lind nO~lIl;l.III lJ[ 11-,. If {,I\\'r\()J\(> pat-i('nj' ,>h~kinl? dll ling tht" Hoha,n, and ~1erll' r-"t;'lund

I .\(1\1 Ild\{' Iwlp,·d Wl'f('!O phr~ictl,f'xam,?"Y ,ll drink Hussell Bur,'ton (.p HOrl1n'eyg,'llllf" ,", "r," I ,',I,,' I" t'"",,", ",0', (on t YO,u." hj', asked,. '" J ,I L' ,I '1~ ~..:\ I J ' ~ and uuync 1:\. AnuersQII

II" 11I"dillg,W(jql(!havp at a'II(> (oot drillk rn~ch I.ot"}:, Block II,Tlo.\'s:.-\d.

htlilrlil:g!,\II~I:~::,~J 1t1:J~~~I\~I:l;TlI.l~: "I qln tidl you o. Look diti'cw to Ncv,.c;Jsr'Il', 111XOIl

,',,\",~ at ,\,'o,llJ.<-~hak{',. " Count.y, - Nebraska. (~ .1111,~ ,r I . and olh('r v,duabh' {ollsi',L

1 ("Il'her: "./ohnr)y', Tlarn~ (';Ih, know. I sp'ill eration)., :. I1110' fO',Jrb:l,"'IC foodg-roups." rnostJ(~f jt." : . ·Cl<irenc'c.J. Durin loll)on.

.I/!Illlll" I\reakfao.\ aldG, Koeppcand.Dor~sl..:.IUIWII, dillJll'r ,Iud knacks.':


( il'. l"; g{lIng tu11.1 \. 11"\\ I \ ' .... ! ,It iOIl.

"!I \\ ill f "d I II r ~ ( , J \.-.,

[\l , 1\ 11 i, ( fur Ill('

ill :, 1'/'\\ !l;l\t'I",! ,I 11,'1 \\ ()rhill .II'!!' 11.1 I' il " "nilI 11'.111

'<iJ' !,]'I'L:r"lll11 I\ill 11.11'I,;,d 11"1' It <JIll ill "d. or liul'HI I., I , I II i r ~1. h t' r c; 1 <l _

'illtl 111,11 11.',) \ I~I :old ( Jh:,(1'1 ,1'1[1'1 I", \ ,. I ! II, 1)[1

1\. "II 1';111'( g,'1

I I; ill(' \\ '" I :1 ~ I'll I 0 [

IU I", \., ( .oId,·I' '11, \\ I: i(' I, \"\ ill I)'ring


"\\ ,I ',I, i ~ 11'! I'


l!llil,1 III'

":'\0, II" ,dolJ.!:l'n! It, !ll;1 II , r ~' f-i Ii" 01. I'll(',til UI(' fi r,'! dep,l 1'1111"111.\\ t' tnighl ~I'" w(·11 f(t'l Ih"d

By ICh.. Greenl..

I I cbntmued from pg ~

\\(.I~l.: ,"J"han,t'd.· 1':lutl'lll'

':~w" 11Wlin j l,qll~

('tI~\f:1 ,.~,(;rr\ :jJll(~ I ~~I:' hll!I [If'r [III 1-':1',1111,,1


\\ ! lid \\ d \ II ,. \~ ill11<'1 11",1 ,";If. "'IIF' I'

,d' Ill' Ii r t \ '!Illig

1'(JIII,! i,I"!llil\l,,111" 1<1 \\:1 II'

IlI..iTlI\ 11I'(

-,1.1 (·d Ie', <i I rll~ I II

t'r<q(j til" I"r' I \\,1

" I II~' r 1- !' 1.1 I r I L~

1!l"1l1 ror ""III- flfl'

"I "1". (II I h ttl" II' 1'.1 ,Ji-,·It \\ "'!I "'1"1 1'11)1

\ "d r', 1,1) I-~'d! ,I I' 'J

,I i i II t~ 1'1": 1"1

r!"II" I'll' I!"111111,-1





, I."" "

. C~ngrClt~I~~i~~s i~.. I


! iii : I

'Ilk is prQud 0 Ithe fact t"at ourl Coaxi~1 Cable : j I

l:!nd Weather CIt ~nel equiplment ~as ch~sen to

help increase you lTV viewin~ pleas~re on tlhis new,sys , I ,"",


~~me hi!,9 New[For our H me




~~~,--­r .........,.:i-:-:;::::-::i




Page 18: ~t~~:~t:,~~i~, - Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888...Carroll Rite Tu~r;rJQY.a~ Auditorium Memorial Day serVlcUtik \\111 bp held lue'iday,Ml1 W J at 2 30 p.m. In (arrol


I' -,. '. :: I .


·.RIQU.T$Jii9'9··· '!~~. , ,e, '. 'I

. el.aif'; Premium!' uality



~:=.:~in~ 19~.·1~-Ol. Can I, '6,(',/

Bel air ShGestringPo~!oe~ ~~~:,n:;,' ~~~,!i!

~~tii~~:'~';'; ~=r,,~ E"1i,;;;:1,

i! ..

Del Monte Tribe-size





SAVE 18Paper ..

NAPKI'"S, Page, 19"Assor.ted


Pkg. ,.of 200

,~ii ,


BUN'S·. T::~1:~~::~:~S~8': 19'~.Pkg. 01 . . :O~i?

S~lark Sandwich BreadWhite (Sv.'5e~t:.t 22cCarnival Candy "Stripe Straws .. 2 .;t,lf{;, 2Sc7 - Up King Size. ", .... " 6-Paek 49c plu.s deposil





J . J' . II Rib SteaksA~~l~~!:~s~b 8ge Small 'ur,kers ,..' 39= Sirloin Steak,s TIP Lb, 98e Manor HOUS'e USDAI~ad"-A 6 to 14-1b.. , . ,Lb. CI Cube Steaks ~~~~e~~' .Lb. 98e -.k- I' IF L' k 9 .~ Turkey ~~nne~~s~°r\'~ULb, 8ge ~ In eSI I r,uA S 4 c~ Link Sausa_s ~~c;:r .. Lb, 8ge. Wilson's Certified,jIHprmel:br Safeway, ,1-fb. Pkg. 1 '4".1.,I Beef Sausage;;:~:~;;edit~~i 35e Ground I.el .an and Flavorful..." ,,!Lb.> .' ,..C',:= 'Baton' j I-lb. 6ge R'··b· R I" us Choice Grade,Large ~nd;, '79'c""'"5 SliC~~;y", " .Pkg, , I oas: .$ Safe ay-aged Beef .. "., ., . ':. -1,L~·i.' '.,.i'-~!":;;I

:_==:_~=-_-_-_- Cervelat SAUS.:.1\GE Lb,7ge . B I. i I R sis RUMP. USDA,ChQ.~ce. ,:89,..C ·•R- B I ~ Wilsco,-3 ringS 5". . I • one ~ss! , Grade ~f. - r fLb'l ' ..'"

Ing 0 ogno perpkg... Lb, 7C . . I'. I • I k 'Gr.ad.! .1.7.9'.··...·.··== - k ' 3-oz ~9 R 'd 5 ea' USDACholOO e,,!. I C'~ Chit en Sliced, \Buddig , . , ...Pkg:~ e .. oun~... I' 1 Safeway-age~ Beef - ".- -~t I i j !!;~jt!~ -or Sliced Ham drned Beef or Beef , ' .: . . . .. I" . . - .

"U~llllllllllllllllnUlllUIl ! IlIIuIUIIII\lIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIDIIIRIIIIII1I11I1IIUlilfilUUIIIIUIIIIIUlUilIIIUlIllIlIBllfllifi' U1Uil1~~ JUl/ftlllUJIlIlUUlilllluUillflllDiI

I I~', II


'. Silver Dollar i'\(ite Drawing Tll.ursd~y, 8 p.m. in 'our store for $400.00


......IIIlIiiiiiiIIL~JltSnow Star ~

~~~~9C.. RaEAM. II~¢apohtanc ';

. Al.. ' ., I

Van Camp's


~o 1,O~"

Party Snacks 6~~~~~e~~ Buglt'S ... p~~ral:; 39cSupreme Snack Crackers Package 39cSkylark Bread IOO', Whol, \\1",,,, \~~::r29c

Lunch,Box, Crisp

:POlolo. Chips,TW.'in..paCk .39C10",01@

Package SID;:'

I I I ; .\ I I . I I I

I @1mJ-. BI

NU !BltiG4 r~~~~jijiWIN' UP 'I lSI, 00 C SH I" '



b ' J.rge Green 2 19(ucum ets ~lice". . for C

Leaf Lettllce! ~;~e:' .. ;~;~ 19(Yellow Ol1ioris ~~;~~t 3B~~' 29c

O-lb.L 9c

Bag:V .


Cantaloupes ~i~1' e :3 for $1.0Oranges t~e~~;~ ..7 B~bg 99Lemons ;:~~:t~~· rg~w.~, 6 for 49

Mandarin Orang' s Town House .... 2 ~~~~. 49cMiniatureMarsh allows ~'~,~:.

1°1:; 23cDessert Gelatin J ;~~;~~~ flavors ... 4 ~;~~ 33c


Del Mo te <Delici us ;

Fruit oc Igil

5~~~~ 3$1~9


, I


S4vings n Picnicir 1-

Swifll's Pre LunehMeat' 12C~~4~

D-II p6 kl .ippy; Regular,. 48·oz. 5"I lEe me$ osher or Chip, I Jar 11'«Sweet Rel'i h ~~PlL~;~~~'iers13:?:~ 33(t

.St..ff~d 01& es ~7J;:~:b'a '51t~ 44~

Bread Sk.!" k I. . .. . 29«M .,."jp Quart AI "ay.nnol" N'u·madc ... Jar l!I<re'«

KoolJ.Aid ~:~ ~~d flavors. Pkgs. 2geSalad;Oil ~~t o~~':~d , . J~j~~ '13«

ke .. \~ktsZ 49«C ki Busy -aker, Marsh~' 3' 4-oz. $100 es mallo Puff (~v, 17(') '<gs..

1ft ..lid- R, ai, i{('gular, I ''iii "'j)rUu Ings As 'ort('d flavors. .. . PJ,g. i:J <iO It

Paper Plat 5 ~~~~aWhit< . orl~~ 'IS€:l - ·hlJ... F1 • CHARCOAl, Quart AI ftIg ICf. mUI Wizard... Can !lIl''7(!

, .Canned Po Cragmont.l 1J~~' 856:

. 4 '

r .