1.warm-up light cardio (5-10min) dynamic stretching (~10min) sport specific 2. training (fitt...

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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1.Warm-up light cardio (5-10min)

dynamic stretching (~10min)

sport specific

2. Training (FITT principle) Types Factors Involved Monitoring

Endurance progressive overload HR training zone

Interval specificity Karvonen HR

Circuit reversibility/detraining Borg Scale

Resistance recovery

Flexibility adaptation



3. Cool Down

Principles of Training Program Design

Essential Elements of a Training Program

A. Warm-Up: prepares the body for exercise and prevents injury and muscle soreness.

Benefits of a Warm-Up:

1. Increased speed of contraction and relaxation of warmed muscles.

2. Reduces muscle stiffness (dynamic exercise)3. Increase in muscle temp. reduces blood

viscosity and speeds nerve impulse rate.4. Increase in oxygen uptake by muscles5. Increase in enzyme activity to breakdown

glycogen.6. Increases heart rate to a workable rate for


Stages of a Proper Warm-Up

1. Increase the body temp. to facilitate blood delivery to working muscles.

5-10 min. jog

Stages of a Proper Warm-Up

2. Dynamic stretching exercises for 10 mins.

Ex. Shoulder rolls, neck rolls, leg swings and half squats.

Stages of a Proper Warm-Up

3. Sport specific and skill related drills for 10-15 minutes to work the neuromuscular mechanisms.

B. Endurance Training: objective is to develop the energy production systems to meet the demands of the event.

Aerobic Endurance: is developed using “continuous” and “interval” training.

1. Continuous Training: “steady state” involves an individual maintaining a steady rate for a long period of time. Should be over 20 min. in the aerobic target zone (70-85% of max. heart rate).

ranking sport rating (/10)

=1 Cycling: Distance  9.63

=1 Track and Field: Distance  9.63

3 Swimming (all strokes): Distance  9.25

4 Skiing: Nordic  9.00

5 Boxing  8.63

6 Rowing  8.13

7 Water Polo  7.88

8 Soccer  7.75

9 Speed Skating  7.63

10 Basketball  7.38

=11 Ice Hockey  7.25

=11 Tennis  7.25

=13 Canoe/Kayak  6.75

=13 Field Hockey  6.75

=13 Rugby  6.75

=16 Lacrosse  6.63

=16 Wrestling  6.63

18 Figure Skating  6.38

19 Racquetball/Squash  6.13

20 Track and Field: Middle Distance  6.00

Endurance as a major component

2. Interval Training: is described as having a structured period of work followed by a structured period of rest.

*1 or ½ unit of rest for every unit of work.(Work 4 min./Rest 2 min.)

Benefits of Interval Training

1.Improves competition -stress of race pace and conditions athletes for competition.

2. Improves Neuromuscular Coordination - Your nervous system gets used to running at a faster pace.

3. Less lactic acid accumulation at a given pace

4. Thermoregulatory system is not as stressed – Body heat does not accumulate as rapidly as during continuous running.

5. Runners of all abilities can use it.

3. Circuit Training: exercise that raises pulse rate and includes upper, lower and core exercises. Up to 6-10 exercises per circuit.

C. Resistance Training: is used to develop strength, strength endurance and explosive power.

*Maximum Strength

Very high resistance and low repetition

Ex. 3 sets of 2-3 reps. @ 80% of 1 RM w/ full recovery (2 min. between sets)


3 sets of 3-6 reps @ 80-100% of 1RM

Resistance Training

*Strength Endurance

Greater reps. With lighter resistance

Ex. 3 sets of 20 reps. @ 50-60% of 1RM with full recovery between sets.

D. Plyometric Training- fast, powerful short duration movements.

• Designed to:– Increase speed– Force of muscle

contraction– Explosive


E. Fartlek Training: combination of interval & continuous training.

• Swedish (Speed Play)

• Not regimented- (intensity, duration, rest)

• Regulated on how you feel

• Hard to quantify.

F. Cross Training: involves all methods listed above.

• Make general improvements in fitness

• Used by many as an alternative to their normal training methods.

G. Flexibility Training: improves the range of movement of antagonistic muscles.

1. Static Stretching: involves gradually easing into the stretch position and holding.

2. Assisted Stretching: partner helps you ease into the stretch position when the stretch sensation subsides. Ex. PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation)

1. Think in Terms of Serious Flexibility Training, not just brief

stretching.2. Consider Your Activities.

3. Pay Special Attention to Tight Areas

4. Listen to Your Body.

5. Get Creative.

6. Warm Up First.

7. Find a Flexibility Class That Works for You.

8. Stretch Yourself--Mind and Body.

9. It’s Not Just for Wimps.

10. Do It Consistently.

Tips for Flexibility Training

PNF Stretching

Step 1: move slowly through your ROM with a partner assisting the stretch (passive stretch). Hold for a few seconds.

Step 2: just before the point of discomfort, isometrically contract the muscle being stretched for 6-10 sec.

Step 3: After holding relax the muscle and have your partner stretch further into the ROM.

A proprioceptive sensory nerve ending embedded among the fibers of a tendon, often near the musculotendinous junction.

This stimulated the Golgi Tendon Organ (GTO) to further relax the muscle, increasing the stretch.

GTO stretching

3. Dynamic Stretching: consists of controlled leg and arm swings that take you gently to the limits of your range of motion.

4. Ballistic Stretching:Repeated bouncing

motion at the peak of a stretch to force the muscle tissue to lengthen. (NOT RECOMMEDED).

H. Cool Down: light continuous activity to keep HR elevated. Purpose: keep metabolic activity high & capillaries dilated in order to:

:bring oxygen to muscles :remove lactic acid :prevent blood pooling (cause dizziness) :limit DOMS Finally- light stretching to improve flexibility.

I. Unsuitable Training

• Undertraining: failure to provide adequate stimulation.

• Overtraining: do more training than physically or mentally able to do over a long period of time.

• Overreaching: do more training than physically able to do in a short period of time. (temporary overtraining)

Overtraining syndrome (OTS)• Can go undiagnosed/ hard to diagnose• Signs & symptoms are usually the same as many

other illnesses.• Performance will decrease (gold standard sign)• Increased HR • Reduced immune function• Sleep disturbance/general fatigue• Loss of appetite

V. Key Principles to a Training Program

A. Progressive Overload: when the body responds to stress caused by physical work. As the body adapts and plateaus, progressive overload is required to cause further change.

Overload can be progressed by increasing:

1. the resistance (adding weight)

2. the number of reps and/or sets (duration)

3. the intensity (reducing recovery period.)

4. number of sessions per week (frequency)

*do not change all at once. increase with caution. do not loose focus of training goals

The FITT Principle:

F= frequency (How often)

I= intensity (How hard)

T= time (How long)

T= type (What activity)

B. Specificity: when the exercise is specific to the type of strength required and related to the particular demands of the sport.

Focus on:

1. muscle groups used

2. skills performed

3. fitness components

4. energy system used

Ex. A swimmer should spend most of her training in the water with some done on land.

C. Reversibility/Detraining: when performance deteriorates after training ceases or intensity decreases

*fitness reduces at approx. 1/3 of the rate of acquisition.

*7 weeks of inactivity causes:

-27% loss of aerobic capacity

-30% decrease in stroke vol.

-decrease in muscle mass and strength

• Needed to adapt to new training demands

• Repair muscles

D. Recovery- rest period between training sessions

E. Adaptation-the way your body becomes accustomed to increased or

varied training loads• Training Effect: the chronic, morphologic, physiologic and psychologic changes that

result from repeated exposer to exercise. – Cardiovascular adaptations– Pulmonary adaptations– Body comp

F. Variety: providing different activities and drills while still addressing the aims of the training program.

Benefits of variety

*stimulates and challenges participants

*changes the format (less boring)

G. Periodization

• is an organized approach to training that involves progressive cycling of various aspects of a training program during a specific period.

• The aim of periodization is to introduce new movements as one progresses through the training cycle to specify one's training right up until the start of the season.

• Can be highly specific or general designed.• Has come under criticism lately.

Periodization: Good or Bad??? Article

VI. Monitoring Exercise Intensity

Resting Heart Rate (RHR)– Lowest HR, least amount blood required.– Between 60 -100bpm.

Factors Affect Heart Rate Temperatures (& humidity), pulse rate may increase, 5-10 bpm.

Body position – can temporarily change elevate HR.

Emotions- can elevate HR.

Body Weight- obese people have a higher than normal RHR.

Medication- can raise or lower RHR.

beta blockers (block adrenaline) Thyroid meds increase RHR

VI. Monitoring Exercise Intensity

HR your are trying to reach for a specific goal.

Target Heart Rate (THR)

maximum heart rate that you can attain that is based on your genetics. Should not train at this rate.

purpose: used to create target training zones to help you improve your cardiovascular capacity and progress the intensity of your workouts.

Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) formula =220-age

VI. Monitoring Exercise Intensity

Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)

MHR = 206.3 - (0.711 × Age)

MHR = 217 - (0.85 x Age)

MHR = 206.9 - (0.67 x age)

Male athletes - MHR = 202 - (0.55 x age)Female athletes - MHR = 216 - (1.09 x age)

Alternate formulas

VI. Monitoring Exercise IntensityMaximum Heart Rate (MHR)

•Use the Miller formula of MHR = 217 - (0.85 × age) to calculate MHRthen•Subtract 3 beats for elite athletes under 30•Add 2 beats for 50 year old elite athletes•Add 4 beats for 55+ year old elite athletes•Use this MHR value for running training•Subtract 3 beats for rowing training•Subtract 5 beats for bicycle training

Alternate formulas

VI. Monitoring Exercise Intensity

I. Heart Rate Training Zones: are calculated by taking into consideration your max. heart rate and your resting heart rate.


Training Zones

MHR estimationif you are breathing extremely hard during a workout so that you can’t talk at all, you’re probably within 5-10 bpm of your max heart rate.

II. Karvonen Heart Rate Method

(Max. HR – Resting HR) x % + RHR= THR


(179 – 60) x .8 + 60 =155 (target heart rate)

III. Borg Scale: method used to rate perceived exertion (RPE) by the athlete.

Simple method of rating ones exertion

Perceived exertion is an individual's rating of exercise intensity.

Formed by assessing their body's physical signs. (HR, breathing rate and perspiration.)

Original Borg Scale

III. Borg Scale: method used to rate perceived exertion (RPE) by the athlete.

• 0 - Nothing at all• 1 - Very light• 2 - Fairly light• 3 - Moderate• 4 - Some what hard• 5 - Hard• 6• 7 - Very hard• 8• 9• 10 - Very, very hard

Omni, Cert ScaleBorg Scale Video

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