1979 jackson biodiagnostic laboratory procedures manual

Post on 06-May-2022






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Concepts regarding aseptic techniques are not nev.

Literature re!erencea !roa various authors date back to the

19th century. 'nleee concepts are clearly ~Still applicable

today especial~ ainoe the use of broad apectrum antibiotics

which began in the late 1940's. 'nle use of theae agenta

reeulted in the emergence of antibiotic - r esistent bacterial

s trains which caused outbreaks of disease wi thin the clinic

or hospital. Aseptic technique~ to control nosocomial or

iatrogenic infections ar e clearly needed. .According to James

Shaffer, AThe need f or prevention of clinical - acquired

i nfec t ion is n r ecognized respcn eib~ li ty of the institution

and 1 t.s management . •


'!be purpose o! this project ia three- fold • 1) to set

up a b1odiagnoat1c laboratory and write a procedure& aanuel

2) to allow f or culturing and smear a o! ocular pathogens to

aid in diagnosis and ameiloration o! patient related bacterial

disease J) to pa•• the way for future clinical bacterial

evaluation and incorporation of aaeptic toola and technique&

·- to prevent the occurance ot out breaks of i atrogenic diseases,

Materials B-9uired

To adequitely set up ~ b1odiagnost1c laboratory for

cultures and smears , the following materials need to be

obtained a

medias 5~ TSJ. (blood) pla tos chocolat. plates thioglycollate broth

oxidase reagent optochin diaca coagulase plasaa sterile swabs platinlDI loops platinum vires baet1-e1nerator gram stains

2J5 ml gential violet 2J5 ml safranin 25 ml iodine concentrate 225 ml iodine diluent 50 ml acetone 200 ml isopropyl alcohol

test tube• bioha~ard bags autoclave frosted glasa slides vax pencils imt11eraion oil tvee~era or forceps candle jar cazxlle microscope lena paper J5 - )7°C incubator dropper bottles disposable pepette• iodine soap

recomaendod textsa Atlas of Diagnostic ~icrobiology

by S, Stanley Schnelerson Diagnostic Microbiology

by Bailey and Scott

The following il a list of laboratories froiD' which aater1ale

should be ordered 1

Soient1!1o Products 1-800-482-)740 Gibco 1-812-)76-9081 Rupp Bowunn 1-JlJ-478-9000





~ CUltures - page 1,2

Successful Isolation - page 2

General Instruction• - page ),4

Eye Culture Techniquea - page .5

~earl - Gre Stain Procedure - page 5,6

Isolation of Bacteria by Streaking - pAge 6,7

Incubation in an Atmosphere o! Increased CC2 - page 7,8

Coagulase Plasma Procedure - p ge 8

Oxidase Procedure - page 8,9

Optoohin Disk Procodure - pag 9

Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria - page 10

Identification of Common Skin Cont~nanta - page 11

Flowchart - Graa Positive Cocci - page 12

Subculture and Identification of Graa Positive Bacilli - page 1)

Subculture and Identification of Haemophilua - page 14,15

Staphylococci Streaking Procedure - page 15

Subculture and Identification of Neisseria - page 16

Biochemical Reactions of Enterobactiaceae - page 17

!!! CUltures

Because tears constantly wash an eye and contain

antibacterial components, the number of organism. recovered

from many eye infections may be relatively low. A large

inocula and variety of media must therefore be used to enaure

a proper and sufficient cultw·e. For optometric purposes

material collected must be streaked on blood agar and

chocolate plates and a tube of tbioglycollate broth innoculated.

These three madia are sufficient to identify moat organ1saa

which ocularly, are of pathologic importance.

Eye secretions aay have certain of the normal akin

inh•bit,~ts in small number, such as Staph.opider=idie or

diphtheroids, tbut cultures fr0111 the nonaal eye, including

the conjunctiva, should be relatively free of ~croorgan1 ....

The following organisms are of pathologic importance•

Diplococcus pneumonia• Streptococcus pneumomiae Hemophilua aegyptiua (lock-Weeks) Klebsiella pneu.omiae Staphlococcue aureue Moraxella lacunata (M.orax-Axenfeld) Pseudomanas aeroginosa Neisseria gonorrhea Alpha and Beta hellolytic Strept.

Eye infections are accompanied by inflammation and

increased secretions which May beco~ purulent. The moat

common bacteria are listed above, although the presence of

any other bacteria in considerable numbers in infected eyes

should be cause for suspicion. Viral infections muat alae

be considered.

Successful Isolation

Yactors contributing to successful isolation of causative

agents inclooea

quantity - materials to be cultured should be gathered in sufficient quantity.

stage ~ disease - the stage of the disease at which the specimen ia oollectod will deterMine the relative quantity of organisms present.

!!!! - material ahould be collected where the expected organism is moat likely to be found.

knowledge - the clinician must possess adequite knowledge to select appropriate media and techniques and identify causative organisms.

antiMicrobial agents - always obtain material for culture before antimicrobial agent• are adminiatered.

time before culture - specilll8ns should be cultured promptly whenever possible.

I • . ' ! \i .' f' ,-.}

General Instructione

1. Specimens should be precessed as soon aa possible.

If a apeci~~en can not be cultured iaediately, it

should be refrigerated with the following exoeptioa.

Cultures suspected of containing leissoria conorrhea

should not be refrigerated but should be cultured

immediately and incubated in an atmoaphere of 002•

2. Media should be stored in a refrigerator and IIUBt be

warmed to rooa temperature before being inoculated.

Olocolate agar or other ~U.terial -..:hich aay be uaed for

Neisse!!! gonorrhea or other fastidious organisms

should be waraed to )7°C befora inoculation.

J. Oleck incubator temperatures daily. l»>Tiationa 1n

teperature will hinder the growth of microorganiute.

4. If organiama are seen on the initial graa stain and

no growth occurs within 48 hours, keep cultur•• for

a longer t~e to insure growth of very tast1dioua

organisMs •

.5. Petri dishes are incubated upside down. Proper

identification or petri dishes should include the

patients name, date and so\~ce or the specimen.

6. Media to be inoculated with Microorganisms should be

held at an angle to a•oid air cont~nation from

falling dust and bacteria.

7. Use a loop !or initial streaking of plates . Use a

needle !or subculturing isolated colonies and for

inoculating biocbeaical testa.

8. Flame inoculat ing loops before and after coaing in

contact with a culture. Cool inoculatinc loo~ and

needles prior to placing thea in media to aYoid

creating aerosols.

' ..

!l! Culture Technique

1. Swab the in!'lamllled area or collect purulent ~~&terial on a sterile cotton swab (culturette). Ma.ka smears for staining.

2. Streak tho material on blood and chocolate plates using the prescribed teohniquo below.

). Incubate the blood and chocolato plate• in a candle jar placed iruside a 35 - ;rc incubator. Ennroraental cultures do not have to be placed inside a candle jar.

4. Inoculate the thioglycollate broth by swirling the swab in the broth. Place inside a 35 - )7°C incubator.

5. Examine the plates for growth after 24 and 48 hourm incubation.

Smears - £!!! Stain Procedure

1. Roll the awab firmly over a small area of a clean ,glass slide arrl allow it to dry. The dried allde should be rapidly passed through a tlaae to heat-tix the material to the slide. The treated portion ot the slide should contain the patients naae, date and the source of the speoi~en.

2. Stain the smear 1 minute vi th cr;ratal violet solution.

). Wash briefly in tap water.

4. Add iodine solution and allow it to stand for 1 minute.

5. Wash briefly in tap water.

6. Decolorize with acetone until tho solvent flows colorlessly trom tho slide.

7. Counterstain 10 seconds w1 th a !ranine.

\ \'


.' )


the streaked platea are incubated in an inverted pcdt1on, aedia

side up, at 35 - ']7°C and oxudned at 24 and 48 hour intenala.

Brot.h media ia uaed for aaintenance of cultures. 'ftley aH

inoculated with a avab or tranDfer of coloniea b,y a loop.

Propagation or bacteria 1• irdicated by oloudin•••. Gr .. at.&ina

should be performed on all broth cultures.

Incubation in ~ Atmosphere of Increased ~

To obtain an atmosphere o! increased CC2, the simplest

and most useful method ia to use a candle jar. 'lhia is a jar

· · with a tightly fitting top into which petri dishes can be

a. Wash brie!ly in tap water.

9. Dry arxl Exudne.

Results - graa positiYe organisms stain bluet graa negatiye organisaa stain red.

Isolation ~ Bacteria Bt Streaking

'lbe isolation of bacteria fro• apeoiMns is alaoat

invariably aceo~~pliehed by atreaking on the surface of an

agar plate. lbe purpose of s t reaking is to spread an inoculWD

so as to insure the appearance of isolated colonies on

incubation. Most such i solated colonies will be pure cultures

of an organism and m y be picked for the next step - identification.

A recoDUDended technique ----- with a sterile inocul&ting

loop place a looptul ot the aaterial near the edge of the

plate or roll the swab containing the inoculum firmly OTer

a small area near the edge of the plate. 'lbo loop should then

be sterilized in the flame and allowed to oool. Next, the l oop

is applied to the material on the plate and streaked, uairlg a

gentle pressure in the aanner illustrated, being careful to

!lame and cool the loop bttveen each aerie• of parallel atrokeaa


placed along with a smokeless candle. The candle is lit and

the lid tightly sealed. When the candle burns out , the

atmosphere contains approximately J to 5~ co2 • Place the

jar with the cultures in an incubator and exud.ne at 24 and

48 hour intervale !or growth.

Coagulase Plasma Proeedure

1. PlAce • 5 Ill of coagulase plasma {human or rabbit)

in a sterile test tube.

2. Inoculate the plasaa with a large loopful o! the

suspected colony.

J. Place the test tube in a 35 - )7°C incubator for

J hours .

Results - Most positve strains will coagulate the plasaa within 1 hour. Those not clotting within J hours should be incubated and reexamined in 18 hour•. Any degree o! clotting is considered positive.

Ox-idase Procedure

The oxidase test ia useful in indetifying colonies of

Neisseria in aixed oulture1. The oxidaae reagent wu1t f1r•t

be prepared before the test can be perforlled a

tdmethyl paraphenylene diamine HCL -Fr esh distilled water -

1,0 gm 100 al

/)) . -TA ( ,. ,., ,j



The teat is performed by placing a drop of the oxidase

reagent on the suspected colonies. Oxidase po1iti•e colonies

beco.e black rather rapidly. All Neisseria are oxidase

positive but their are certai n other microorganiue which

are also positive. Thus, it ie necessary to do a gram atain

of the colony to make sure it ia a graa negative diplocoocul.

OptOchin ~ Procedure

The optoohin rlisc procedure is a method of differentiatilli

Diplococcus pneumonia• froa other alpha he11t0lyt.io atrep

bacteria. The test ia performed by placing a diaa on the

media during the incubation period. Diplococcua pneumoniae

is inhibited by optochin (ethylhydrocupreine hydrochloride),

and a &one of inhibition will be .aen around the disk after

incubation. Incubation under increased co2 aay deer•••• the

size of the inhibition t:Ollll produced by the optochin diak.

For this reason it is preferable to incubate the plates in a

room-air incubator.

A heavy inoculum of the suspected organism should be

streaked on a sm&ll area on a ~~ TSA plate and an optochin

· disk placed on top of the area. The plate 11 incubated for

· -a period of 24 hours arrl examined for a zone of inhibition.

A &one of inhibition indicates a positive test.

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Gram Positive Cocci




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1 r, , , " ' t 'T ~<- . \ ':j" r pic ... J · ' -

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Staphylococcus I ·. streptocrcus


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1\-~ iv ·.' !ul.;vj 1 cc I < lt:c!>·~ .,~)< _-;

coagulase , , t( ,. '' "'_; , , ,-t ,.\c- ·. ,· ;<:..r.""

+ I I - - --- - J




glucose fermentation

J r - J Staph Micrococcus

alpha ~ beta

r _ r biochemicals l - biochemicals I salt broth I salt broth

bile-esculin optochin b ile-esculin

epidermidis bile solubilit

bile-esculin sodium hippurate bacitracin disc CAMP + 1




optoehin bile solubility

I I - 1

Strep bile-esculin pneumoniae f

+ 1 I -- -1 Group D Strep Strep Viridans

I salt broth

I + r- - - ~- I

+ (rare)

Group D Strep

I salt broth ·




I beta Strep Group A _

r ----~-- 1 Grvup D Strep Strep

I Viridans salt broth

+ l I I

enterococcus Group D Strep not enterococc•JS

1 sodium hippurate


J Enterococcus Group D Enterococcus Group D


beta Strep beta Strep


Strep not enterococcus not enterococcus

Group B not Groups A, B, or D


Gram Stain

Gram + rods c spores I Diphtheroid-like * colonies I

Bacillus sp.


~totility at 25°C. (wet ~ow1t for tumbling ~otility)


Listeria monoctogenes

I catalase +

I hemolpis


Corynebacterium sp. (diphtheroids)

I Send to State Depart~ent Tinsdale agar plate of Health Lab for

Animal Pathogenicity test grayish-black colonies with br own halo

Possible C. diphtheriae

I check for toxin production and cellular morphology on Loeffler slant or send to Stat~ Department of Health

absence of bro1ro halo

Corynebacterium sp. (dip~theroids)

*If Erysipelothrix is suspected, inoculate a KIA and observe for H2S production.

**Non-hemolytic gram-positive rods exhibiting "diphtheroid-like" morphology 1~hen isolated from CSF or Blood should be inoculated onto motility media and incubated­at room temperature and 3S°C.

r , , '" '



Mat~rials: Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BHI) Bacto-Differentiation Dis cs (Difco) BV I BX. BVX


1. Streak tho suspected Haemophilus colony with a swab uniformly over the eHI p late.

2. Aseptically (with cooled for ceps) place each one of the discs equidistant from other as shown below:

3. Incubate the plates vernight at 35°C. The fo llowing day observe



which discs the organisms grew around indicating the required factor(s). Growth over the entire plate would i ndicate that the organism i s no: a Haemophil us.

X Factor v Factor

H. influenza ... +

H. aegypticus + + H. haemolyticus ... + H. parainfluenzae +

IT. ~arahemolyticus + H. -e~oglobinoehilus ... H. aehroehilus ...

1. H. influen za and!:!_. ae~ypticus both require X and V factors. H. aegypticus is assoc1ated with conjunctivitis (''pink eye"); Whereas, H. influenza is the causative agent of influen~a but can also be isol a ted from cases of conjunctivitis. The two species can be distinguished serologically but this is not usually done routinely. Thus, in an eye specimen, a Hemophilus which requires both X and V factors should be repor t ed as "Haemophilus influenza or Haemophilus aegypticus". In any specimen other than an eye culture, the Haemoehilus should be reported as Haemophilus influenza.

2. H: haemolyticus also requires both X and V factors and is distinguished by its beta hemolytic colonies on blooJ J~ar . H. influen:a and H. aegrpticus do not hemolyze blood.

3. !!_. parainfluen:a and ~· parahemolytic~ both require only factor V. They are distinguished on the basis of the production of beta herr.olytic colonies by !!· par:lhemolyticu_.?_ and non-hemolytic ones by ~· par:linfluen::.a.

4. ~· hemoglobinophilus and~· aphrophilus both require only factor X. !!· aphrophilus grows as fluffy clumps on the inner walls of tubed media. H. hemoglobinop~ilus does not exhibit this growth characteristic. ~oth org~1isms are not very conmon pathogens.


~laterials: Brain Heart Infusion Agar (BIII) Sheep Blood Agar (SB) Pure culture of Staphylococci


1. Streak the suspected Hacmophilus colony on the Bill and SB plates as shown below.

2. Using a straight wire, streak the Staphylococci perpendicul a r to the previously inoculated areas as shown below.


3 . Incubate the plates overnight at 35°C.

4. Examine the plates for satellite growth al~ng the staphylococcal streak,

-TI1e ~heep blood provides factor X, the Staphylococcus provides V factor. Thus, the sheep blood plate provides both X and V while the BHI plate provides only V.

H. influcn:a 1!. aegypticus H. hacmolyticus H. parainfluen:a H. parahemolyticus H. hernoglobinophilus H. aphrophilu.i


SB - +

+ +



Satelliting on BHI


Bailey. w~R., and E.G. Scott. Dia~nostic Microbiology, ~th Ed .• 1974, pp. 172-175

..... .








~, ' t \ \• .. r . I 'u


Subculture Protocol:

1. Inoculate warm CTA sugars (dextrose , m3lt os e, sucro se, lactose) by making several shorr-stabs i nto the upper portion of the tubes.

2. Incubate tubes in regu lar atmosphere for 24-48 hours or until good growth is observed.

3. Observe tubes for growth as well as any color change. A yellow color at · the top of the tube indicates acid production from the oxidRtion of the sugar.

4. Gram stains should be made on positive tubes to check for purity.

S. Agglutination tests should be performed on all cultures positi\e for N. meningiticis using specific ant~. serum, if available, or cultures should be sent to the State Department of Healt h laboratories for grouping.



Yellow Carbohydrate Rxns. Growth Organisms ONPG Oxidase Pigment Glu Mal Sue Lac On TM On Nut.Agar At 22 ~C

gonorrhoeae - A - - - - + - - +

meningitidis - A A - - - + - - +

sicca v A A A - - - + + • subflava· ~ + A A v - - - + + +

flavescens · + - - - - - - + + +

mucosa - A A A - - - + + +

lactamica + A A - A + - + + • ..

Branhamella - - - - - - - + + + --Moraxella - - - - - - + + +

Acinetobacter - v - + + -


Bail ..! y, \~.R .. and E.G . Scott. Diagnostic ~licrobiology_ , 4t h ed., 1974, p. 131

tennette, E.H., E.H. Spaulding, and J.P. Truant. Hanual of Clinical ~licrobio1ogy, 2nd ed. , 1974, Chapter 10.

Be ~gey's ~mnual of Determinative Bacteriol0gy, 8th ed., R.E. nuchanan, and N.E. ~~~t~~s ~~~ i~ o~~). !9?4.


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