15 business kg 65.70 $114.98 brl - daily greater kashmir...

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$0.18 15 businessSrinagar | August 31, 2013, SaturdayGreater KashmirSTOCKS CurrenCy

SBIJ&K Bank HDFC Bank PnB Axis Bank ICICI BankBSE 804.30 q-2.40NSE 803.75 q-3.45

BSE 357.00 p5.05NSE 356.75 p3.70

BSE 243.25 p10.90NSE 243.35 p10.85

BSE 430.05 p4.60NSE 429.85 p4.20

BSE 835.75 q-15.00NSE 832.95 q-17.80

BSE 593.80 p22.05NSE 594.00 p21.95

euro Pound Saudi riyal Kuwaiti DinarDirham yen Ch yuan`86.84 `101.72 `17.51 `230.16`17.88 ` 0.66 `10.73

Dollar Crude/Brl

` 65.70 $114.98Sensex nifty Gold24kt/10gm Silver /Kg

18619.72 5471.80 `32,750.00 `53,701.00

in Delhi

BSE 1 1111.15 q-0.50NSE 1115.55 q-2.05

BSE 1514.40 p25.15 NSE 1518.95 p31.15

900.00 1841.00 0.85

218.68 62.75

Govt. of Jammu & KashmirOffice of the Chairman District Level Selection Committee Project Office Wage Employment Asstt. Commissioner Dev. Srinagar/Ganderbal

Subject: Interview of Gram Rozgar Sahayak (GRS) under MGNREGA for District Srinagar

IntervIew notIceApplications were invited vide this office advertisement Notice issued under endorsement No. ACD/Adv/2011 /Sgr-Gbl/352-65 dated. 02.05.2011 from the candidates hailing from the Panchayat Halqas of Block Srinagar (District Srinagar) for engagement of Gram Rozgar Sahayaks under MGNREGA on contractual basis.Now the following shortlisted candidates are called for interview on the dates shown against each and the interview; shall be conducted in the office, chambers of the undersigned at Rural Development Complex Lal Mandi Srinagar w.e.f 4th of September 2013 at 10:30 AM.S. No

S No. Appli.

Name/Parentage/Residence Panchayat Halqa

Date of Interview

1. 001 Suhail Ahmad Rather S/o Ab. Rashid Rather R/o Lasjan Lasjan A




2. 005 Bilal Ahmad Mir Gh. Muhammad Mir R/o Lasjan - Do -3. 024 Kher-ul-Nisa D/o Gh. Hassan Wani R/o Lasjan - Do -4. 051 Javid Ahmad Mir S/ o Gh. Nabi Mir R/o Lasjan - Do -5. 071 Asmat Tabassum W/o Parvez Rashid R/o Lasjan - Do -6. 046 Aamir Amin Bhat S/o Mohammad Amin R/o Lasjan Lasjan-B7. 068 Rafiq Ahmad Bhat S/o M. Ismail Bhat R/o Lasjan - Do -8. 070 Taufeeq Ahmad Bhat S/o Bashir Ahmad Bhat R/o Lasjan - Do -9. 078 Parvaiz Ahmad Ganie S/o G. M. Ganie R/o Lasjan - Do -10. 022 Arifa Latief D/o Mohammad Latief R/o Lasjan - Do -11. 042 Musavir Ah Magray S/o Gh. Rasool Magray R/o Soiteng Soiteng12. 036 Younis Ahmad Magray S/o Gh. Nabi Magray R/o Soiteng - Do -13. 019 Rehana Akhtar W/o Tasadooq Ahmad Dar R/o Soiteng - Do -14. 032 Munaza Yousuf D/o M. Yousuf Zargar R/o Soitang -do-15. 073 Shiraz Ahmad Ganaie S/o Ab. Salam Ganaie R/o Khimbar Khimbar16. 007 Hilal Ahmad Beigh S/o Gh. Mohi Uddin R/o Khimbar - Do -17. 027 Zahid Rashid Labar S/o Ab. Rashid R/o Khimbar - Do -18. 026 Abid Ahmad Labar S/o Ab. Rashid Labar R/o Khimbar - Do -19. 020 Gh. Hassan Dar S/o Farooq Ahmad Dar R/o Khimbar - Do -20. 052 Mohammad Hanief S/o Sayian Famda R/o F. Gujree Faqir Gujree21. 083 Razia Banoo D/o Mushtaq Ah. Khatana R/o Mouish Pajam - Do -22. 080 M. Amin Phamda S/o Habibullah Phamda R/o Fakir Gujree - Do -23. 066 Mohd Muzamil S/o Gh. Nabi Phamda R/o Faqir Gujree - Do -24. 062 Delaver Bijran S/o M. Yousuf Bijran R/o Faqir Gujree - Do -o-25. 002 Shabir Ahmad S/o Gh. Muhammad Sheikh R/o Panzinara Panzinara -A26. 037 Fareed Ahmad Mir S/o Ab. Majeed Mir R/o Panzinara - Do -27. 048 Firdous Ahmad Wani S/o Sanaullah Wani R/o Panzinara - Do -28. 064 Javed Ahmad Wani S/o Sanaullah Wani R/o Panzinara - Do -29. 010 Mehraj-uddin Malik S/o Ab. Ahad Malik R/o Panzinara Panzinara - B30. 013 Ifat Farooq D/o Farooq Ahmad Malik R/o Panzinara - Do -31. 035 Javid Gul S/o Gh. Mohammad Dar R/o Panzinara - Do -32. 082 Manzoor Ahmad Dar S/o Bashir Ahmad Dar R/o Panzinara - Do -33. 033 Shazia Rasool D/o Gh. Rasool Dar R/o Dara Dara34. 034 Nusrat Ashraf D/o M. Ashraf Bhat R/o Dara - Do -35. 065 Mehraj Uddin Ganaie S/o Gh. Qadir R/o Check-Dara - Do -36. 043 Rukhsana Qadir W/o Fayaz Ahmad Lone R/o Dara - Do -37. 045 Bilal Ahmad Lone S/o Ab. Gaffar Lone R/o Dara - Do -38. 015 Shiraz Ahangar D/o Gh. Ahmad Ahangar R/o Nowgam Nowgam - A39. 086 Jamila Akhtar D/o Gh. Ahmad Bhat R/o Nowgam - Do -40. 004 Ahsan-ul-Haq Amin S/o M. Amin Dar R/o Nowgam Nowgam - B

SD/- DIPK-6752 Chairman

District Level Selection Committee

STATE OFFICEKhadi and Village Industries Commission

[Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Govt. of India] 7 EXTN., SHASTRI NAGAR, JAMMU- 180004 Phones: 0191- 2433412 (Telefax)


FOR "E-TRACKING" OF PMEGP PROPOSALS.Proposals are invited for the state of Jammu & Kashmir for data collection and data entry for e-tracking system. Interested agencies can collect tender documents on payment of Rs.1000/- on any working day from Monday to Friday between 10.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. from the following address. Tender forms can also be downloaded from the website www.kvic.orq.in. The last date for submitting the filled up tenders (Financial BID & Technical BID) is 10-09-2013 and the tenders will be opened on 11th September 2013 at 11.00 a.m.The other terms and condition will be the same as mentioned in the advertisement dated 19.08.2013

State Office:Khadi & Village Industries Commission,7- Extn., Shastri Nagar, Jammu -180004 Phone: 0191- 2433412 (Telefax)The KVIC reserves the right to issue, accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof.

Sd/ (Baldhari Singh)NB: 1424 STATE DIRECTOR





TENDER NOTICE NO: SKIMS-MC- 06 of 2013, Dated: 26/08/2013.

Sealed tenders in two cover bid system (technical and financial) affixed with Rs. 5/-revenue stamps, are invited for & on behalf of the Governor of the Jammu and Kashmir State through Principal SKIMS Medical College, Bemina, Srinagar from original manufacturers or their authorized dealers for supply Installation, testing and commissioning of various Laundry equipments at SKIMS Med. College, Bemina, Srinagar so as to reach the office of the Principal, Medical College, Bemina, by or before 20/09/2013, up to 2:00 P.M.The detailed tender document can be had from the office of the undersigned up to 16/09/2013, against written application on the firm's letterhead form duly supported with the following documents along with non-refundable tender fee of Rs. 1000/- in the shape of Bank Draft payable to Chief Accounts Officer, SKIMS, Medical College, Bemina, Srinagar. a. Certificate of having registration with Commercial taxes Deptt. Indicating therein-Tin No. b. Tenderers shall also produce latest Tax clearance certificate from the said department. c. Proof of being manufacturer authorized distributor/ dealer.The detailed tender document can also be downloaded from www.skims.ac. in. However such tenders can be entertained only if the requisite tender fee in the shape of bank draft within stipulated Sale date i.e., 16-09-2013, is accompanied with the tender along with the C.D.R. For download tender it should be mentioned on the envelope with bold letters that the tender has been downloaded.The tenders must be accompanied with earnest money equivalent to 2% of the quoted value of the tender in the shape of C.D.R drawn from any Nationalized Bank/scheduled Bank and pledged to Chief Accounts Officer, SKIMS, Medical College, Bemina. Tenders without C.D.R shall not be entertained. The tenders duly sealed and addressed to Principal, SKIMS, Medical College, Bemina superscribing, "Tender for various Laundry equipments with N.I.T Number" can be sent through registered post/Speed post/Courier service or can be directly deposited in the receipt section of the SKIMS, Medical College, Bemina, by or before scheduled date up to 2:00 P.M. No tender shall be entertained after prescribed date.The tenders shall be opened on 21/09/2013, at 11:00 A.M. in presence of the tenderers or their authorized representatives who may like to be present at that time.

Sd/ (Qazi Shafat Ahmad) NB: 1421 Sr. Materials Management Officer


Spurious chemicals eating away apple production in Kashmir: Experts

Mukeet AkMAli

Srinagar, Aug 30: With scab and alterania disease threat-ening apple production, experts and the worrying growers blame “spurious” fungicides and pesticides being recommended by the Horticulture Department. Many apple orchards in Kashmir are suffering from scab and alterania which according to experts is due to the residual effects of spu-rious chemicals sprayed by farmers. Also the sudden change in temperature has resulted in leaf scorching which has further damaged the growth of fruits, experts say. President, All Kashmir Valley Fruit Growers Associ-ation, Ghulam Rasool Wagay told Greater Kashmir that this year apple growers have suffered huge losses.

He claims that over 30 percent of total crop has been eaten away by the disease. “Spurious pesticides and fungicides have wreaked havoc on our apple orchards.

Horticulture Department and SKUAST-K which prescribe chemicals to illiterate farm-ers for spraying in farms have turned to be spurious,” Wagay said.

He added that damage to the fruit due to the dis-ease has been reported from almost all the apple growing areas in the Valley. President, New Parim-

pora Fruit Mandi, Bashir Ahmad Basheer said: “Farmers are worried by the premature falling of apple from the trees which has resulted in losses. Fur-ther, spurious chemicals which are present in the market have destroyed our horticulture sector. We have time and again appealed state govern-ment to take action against rogue dealers selling spuri-ous chemicals to farmers but nothing has been done.

And now we are facing the brunt of government’s cal-lousness due to losses to our crop,” he said. Kashmir’s fruit season starts in May when first crop

of cherry is harvested. It is followed by pears and other fruits which hit the market in months. Apple is almost the last crop that hits the market in autumn. Bulk of the apples is exported to the

markets in Delhi. Some of the crop also is sold in Ban-galore, Mumbai, Ahmadabad and other cities. President, Sopore Fruit Mandi, Fayaz Ahmad Malik said a loss in “our area is

much higher due to dis-ease.” He blamed state govern-ment of “meting out the step-motherly treatment to Horti-culture sector.” When contacted, Direc-tor Horticulture, Sonam Narboo he confirmed the outbreak of diseases in Apple orchards. He said that due to inces-sant rains and simultane-ously rise in temperature, the severity of Alternaria leaf blotch increased. “Since the Alternaria leaf blotch has incubation period of 3-4 days, the intermittent showers resulted in high severity of the blotch,” he added. Narboo added that Hor-ticulture department only prescribes the fungicides and pesticides which are recommended and tested by SKUAST –K.

Sopore growers stage protestSrinagar, Aug 30: The fruit growers in Sopore district are up in arms against the Horticulture Department for its “careless” attitude towards sale of sub-standard pesticides. The growers on Thursday assembled at Fruit Mandi, Sopore, and staged protest demonstrations. Chanting slogans, the protesting farmers alleged that the department of horticulture has failed to check sale of sub-standard pesticides. They alleged that over 70 per cent pesticides used by the farmers have turned out to be sub-standard that damaged their crops. The protesters blocked Baramulla-Sopore road for several hours demanding ban on the spurious pesticides. “Government is not paying attention to the Horticulture sector despite 70 percent of the local population dependent on it. Large quantities of fruits were damaged due to the use of spurious pesticides by the farmers.” GKNN

Palm Rivieria apartments launched in JammuAdarsh plans to foray into Kashmir very soon

Gk NewS Network

Jammu, Aug 30: Adarsh Build Estate Ltd, a premier real estate builder of India, launched Palm Riviera, modern residential apart-ments in Jammu today. “The unique residential project tipped as first of its kind in the state, have facili-ties including a steam bath, gymnasium swimming pool, club house, etc.” Zahoor Malik Director Adarsh Group said. Malik said the company has already invested in the real estate sector in J&K having constructed state-of-the-art Royal Palms Resi-dential Apartments at Akh-noor Road and Palm Island Commercial at Canal Head Jammu. Pertinently, Palm Rivi-era apartment is the third project by the company at Jammu. Malik said: “The Palm

Riviera is an outstanding project by the company that shall capture landscape essence with vast dimen-sions, warm palettes and rich interiors.” Malik said the company

shall launch similar apart-ments in Kashmir as well. “Since there is need for such apartments in Kashmir also, the company has decided to foray into the Valley very soon,” he said.

Aryans job fest beginsSrinagar, Aug 30: Chandigarh-based Aryans Group of Col-leges is organizing a Job Fest to provide placement opportuni-ties to the students of the region from today. The fest being organized at Aryans Campus at Village Nepra, Chandigarh-Patiala Highway, Near Chandigarh, start-ed today. In this fest, job opportunities would be available for B Tech, MBA, BBA, BCA, BA, B.Com, M Tech, Diploma etc. Students interested to participate can register themselves on www.aryans.edu.in. Dr Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group of Colleges said many companies including Airsoft Infosys, Beta Soft, Karman Infotech, LIC, Money Ambit, MTA Technologies, Jet-king, NIIT, PACT Solutions, QIKADS, Sachdeva Consultants, Scholar Zone, SEO Raisers, Spheros, Sun Web Technologies, Tech Berry, Toxsl, Unit Nexus,Om Satyam Technologies, Thinknext, Webart, Angel Broking, Altis will provide oppor-tunities to the Job seekers in different streams.

Gold tariff value hiked, FMC ups margins

PM says cut appetite

New Delhi, Aug 30: Gov-ernment today raised tariff value on gold imports while FMC hiked margins on the commodity in futures trad-ing, twin steps to control inbound shipments of the precious metal and check volatility in its trading. Meanwhile, Prime Min-ister Manmohan Singh said India needs to reduce its appetite for gold. "Clearly we need to reduce our appetite for gold, economise the use of petro-leum products and take steps to increase our exports," Singh said while making a statement in Parliament on the state of economy. "In 2010-11 and the years prior to it, our cur-rent account deficit was more modest and financing it was not difficult, even in the crisis year of 2008-09. Since then, there has been a deterioration, mainly on account of huge imports of gold, higher costs of crude oil imports and recently, of coal," he said.

The CBEC raised the tariff value of gold to USD 461 per ten grams from USD 432. Tariff value is base price on which the customs duty is determined to prevent under-invoicing. Commodity markets regulator FMC hiked initial margins in gold futures to 5 per besides an additional margin of 5 per cent on all the gold, effective Septem-ber 2. A margin is the amount of cash an investor must put up to open an account to start trading. FMC said: "In the light of the recent volatility observed in the prices of Gold, the Commission has decided to raise the initial margin in respect of Gold contracts. The Exchanges are directed to impose initial margin on Gold contracts at the rate of 5 per cent of the value of the contract...." The twin moves come in wake of prices zooming to all-time high of Rs 34,500 per 10 gms with a biggest ever one day surge of Rs 2,500 on August 28 as the rupee hit a historic low of 68.75 a dollar. Prices have risen 9 per cent so far in August. The impact of twin steps was visible in the market as gold futures prices today slipped below the Rs 33,000-mark to Rs 32,774 per 10 gram at MCX. In spot markets it closed at Rs 31,700 per 10 grams in the national capital today. PTI

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