14/01/20041 how to set-up a trial dr. konstantina vassilopoulou

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14/01/2004 1

How to set-up a Trial

Dr. Konstantina Vassilopoulou

14/01/2004 2

Structure of Presentation

Usability Definition Usability Evaluation Definition

Criteria Usability Evaluation Techniques

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Usability (ISO, 1995)





Overall system (context of use)

users task goals equipment environment

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Usability definition The environment and equipment: For each user

group, which web browsers will be used, what type of machines, with what type of screens and what speed of web access? What access will users have to assistance if they encounter problems?

User: What are the skills, motivations and previous experience of each anticipated user group?

The tasks: For what identifiable purposes will each user group be visiting the web site? What will be their tasks? How motivated will they be to persist in achieving their task objectives?

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  ISO (1995) for traditional software user interface

Bevan (1997) for web user interface

Effectiveness Can be measured by the extent (accuracy and completeness) to which the intended goals have been satisfied.  

How many of the goals of the intended users can the web site support (e.g. how much of the information required by a potential tourist is available on the site?) Will a typical user accessing the site easily locate all the information relevant to their goal?

Efficiency Can be measured by the resources that have to be expended to achieve the intended goals.

How much time and effort will be required to locate the required information?

Satisfaction Can be measured by the extent to which the users find the overall system acceptable.

How satisfied will the user be, and how much will they enjoy using the site?

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Usability Evaluation “…concerned with the collection of

data about the usability of a design or product by a specified group of users for a particular activity within a specified environment or work context” (Preece et al., 1994: #602).

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Usability Evaluation Expert vs Users Time - in the development

lifecycle Performance Measures Produced

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Time formative evaluation that takes

place before the implementation in order to influence the development of the product

summative evaluation that takes place after the implementation in order to test the proper functioning of the system.

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Performance measures objective performance measures, which

are objective measurements or observations of user behaviour and are focused on task performance - that is, how well the users can achieve a specific task and

subjective user preference measures, that measure the users’ opinions of working with the system - that is, how much they like to use the system (Nielsen and Lavy, 1994; and Lewis, 1995).

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Heuristic Evaluation (1) Heuristic evaluation is an inspection

technique. Usability inspection:“the generic name for

a set of methods based on having evaluators inspect or examine usability-related aspects of a user interface” (Mack and Nielsen, 1994: #1).

Selection of evaluators and principles.

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Heuristic Evaluation (2) Set of evaluators produces lists of

usability problems in a user interface by going through it and noting deviations from accepted usability principles.

Prior to the evaluation the evaluators need to obtain: a description of the objectives, target audiences, expected usage patterns of the system being

tested, list of heuristics.

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Sessions Briefing sessions: evaluators are

told what to do Evaluation period: 1-2 hours

independently inspecting the system

Debriefing session: experts come together to discuss their findings

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Heuristics (Evaluation Table)

Degree of system conformance with each particular rule [1..5]

Severity Rating [0..1]


Visibility of System Status

Match between system and the real world - Consistency

User control and freedom

Error prevention

Recognition rather than recall

Flexibility and efficiency of use

Aesthetic and minimalist design

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Aesthetic and minimalist design Is color used in a form of coding? Is color used to make the screen bright?

Match between system and the real world – Consistency

Are the same buttons, used across the system? Are they used in the same way?

Visibility of System Status Does the system respond to user’s actions

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Degree of Conformance Please rate your degree of conformance with each

particular rule. The range of assigned values is [1..5]. Severity rating - importance weight - is also given to each rule, indicating the relevance of the general principle to the system according to the experts opinion. The range of assigned values is [0..1].

Degree of conformance 1 = Not at all conformance 2 = … 3 = … 4 = … 5 = Absolute conformance with the rule

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Severity Rating [weight assignment]

Please rate the severity rating for each particular rule.

0 = this is not a usability problem 0.25 = cosmetic problem only – need not fixed

unless extra time is available on project 0.50 = minor usability problem – fixing this should be

given low priority 0.75 = major usability problem – important to fix, so

should be given high priority 1 = usability catastrophe – imperative to fix this

before product can be released

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Formula e = Σ wi ri

ri = average score of rule i (heuristic) - degree of conformance with each particular rule.

wi = the relative weight of this rule according to ALL experts opinions -relevance of the general principle to the system

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Interpretation of Results High importance weight (wi) and

low conformance of the system with particular rule (ri) = necessitates corrective actions

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Card Sorting “The purpose of card sorting is to

better understand the user’s concept of how information on the web site should be organised” (Fuccella, 1997: #71).

Provides feedback on global questions regarding the organisation and structure of a web site (Levi and Conrad, 1997).

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Card Sorting (2) A group of participants (users of the

system) and a stack of standard-sized index cards are required.

Two Categories: Affinity clustering: participants are instructed to

sort the index cards into groups that look similar to them (Fuccella, 1997) and then to provide a description of each group.

Pre-defined categories: sorting of cards based on a predefined set of categories or specific criteria, for example, relative importance, and expected frequency (Constantine and Lockwood, 1999).

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When can it be used This technique can be used throughout

the design lifecycle. During the prototype stage, the results of

the technique can suggest structures to design menu trees.

At a later stage it can be used to compare the card sort results to a draft web structural design.

The results will identify specific areas where the underlying hierarchy can be improved so that users can more easily find the information they are looking for (Levi and Conrad, 1997).

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Questionnaires The questionnaire and survey type of usability

evaluation technique is one way of measuring the user’s opinion and attitude.

Questionnaires that can be used to measure user satisfaction the Questionnaire for User Satisfaction (QUIS) the Purdue Usability Testing Questionnaire (PUTQ) the Software Usability Measurement Inventory and the Website Analysis and MeasureMent Inventory


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Questionnaire for User Satisfaction (QUIS) a demographic questionnaire six scales that measure overall reaction

ratings of the system four measures of specific interface factors:

screen factors, terminology and system feedback, learning factors, system capabilities

optional sections to evaluate specific components of the system: technical manuals, on-line help, on-line tutorials, multimedia, Internet access and software installation (Harper, et al., 1997).

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Purdue Usability Testing Questionnaire (PUTQ) (i) Compatibility (ii) Consistency

(iii) Flexibility (iv) Learnability (v) Minimal Action (vi) Minimal Memory Load (vii) Perceptual Limitation and (viii) User Guidance.

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Software Usability Measurement Inventory Tool (SUMI)

SUMI uses a five-point scale to rate 50 system attributes to measure users, perceived usability. Affect: The degree to which the user feels that the

system is enjoyable and stress-free to use; Learnability: The degree to which the user feels he

can learn new operations with the system; Control: The degree to which the user feels in control

of the system, rather than vice versa; Efficiency: The degree to which the user feels he gets

his work done well with the system; and Helpfulness: The degree to which the user feels the

system helps him along.

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Website Analysis and MeasureMent Inventory (WAMMI)

WAMMI uses a five-point scale to rate 20 web site usability characteristics. Attractiveness: The degree to which users like the

site, whether they find the site pleasant to use. Examples of items are: This web site is presented in an attractive way, and You can learn a lot on this web site.

Control: The degree to which users feel ‘in charge’, whether the site allows them to navigate through it with ease, and whether the site communicates with them about what it is doing, for example: Going from one part to another is easy on this web site, and I feel in control when I'm using this web site.

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Website Analysis and MeasureMent Inventory (WAMMI)       

Learnability: The degree to which users feel they can get to use the site if they come into it for the first time, and the degree to which they feel they can learn to use other facilities or access other information once they have started using it, for example: All the material is written in a way that is easy to understand, and It will be easy to forget how to use this web site.

Helpfulness: The degree to which users feel that the site enables them to solve their problems with finding information and navigating, for example: This web site has not been designed to suit its users, and All the parts of this web site are clearly labeled.

Efficiency: The degree to which users feel that the site has the information they are looking for, whether it works at a reasonable speed and is adapted to their browser, for example: You can find what you want on this web site right away, and This web site works exactly how I would expect it to work.

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Questionnaire Development Lifecycle

1. Forming the survey Define Questionnaire scope:1. Survey 2. Psychometric

2. Item samplingSelect items from different sources of literature:1. Guidelines 2. Heuristics3. Questionnaires4. Checklists

.3. Pilot trialTest for:1. Validity2. Reliability

4. Production version The Questionnaire can be used in research

5. Next version Revise Questionnaire based on new evidence

Stages Objectives

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Forming the Survey

Psychometric: include questions about attitudes, judgements and predispositions (Kirakowski and Corbett, 1990).

Survey: ask factual questions (Kirakowski and Corbett, 1990).

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Item Sampling Psychometric and Survey type of Questionnaires

(Kirakowski, 1994). Set criteria that will allow for the selection of questions. “A range of questions, adjectives, or other prompts is

developed that the researcher hopes might have some bearing on the stated requirements of the study.” (Kirakowski and Corbett, 1990: #212).

Sources: Guidelines Heuristics Questionnaires Checklists Relevant Surveys

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Development of Questionnaire

A Questionnaire usually consists of several sections, based on the objectives. ONE SECTION: Representation of

socio-demographic variables. Use of Filtering Questions: split the

population into groups.

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Sample Size and Scale Sample size: 5 times the number of questions or

variables. NOT NECESSARY!!! Rating scales: should have betwen 5 and 7

categories (Kirakowski and Corbett, 1990; Tull and Hawkins, 1990; and Lewis, 1995).

The larger the number of scale steps used in a scale the higher the reliability of the scale, but with rapidly diminishing returns. “As the number of scale steps is increased from 2 up through 20, the increase in reliability is very rapid at first. It tends to level off at about 7, and after about 11 steps, there is little gain in reliability from increasing the number of steps” (Nunnally, 1967: #521).

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To assess the reliability of the factors of the usability test, Cronbach’s Alpha (Cronbach, 1970) statistic is usually utilised.

When performing reliability analysis, some variables may be excluded from the factors or moved to other factors in order to refine: a) the interpretability and b) the internal consistency of that factor.

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What is usability (user) testing?

Ελεγχόμενη Πειραματική Λειτουργία - Κλασσική τεχνική αξιολόγησης λογισμικού που παρέχει ποσοτικές μετρήσεις της απόδοσης του συστήματος όταν οι χρήστες εκτελούν προκαθορισμένες εργασίες (Αβούρης, 2000).

Oι χρήστες καλούνται να εκφράσουν μεγαλόφωνα τις σκέψεις, απόψεις και τα συναισθήματά τους ενώ αλληλεπιδρούν με το σύστημα. H μέθοδος απαιτεί σχετικά λίγους πόρους, έχει δε αποδειχθεί ιδιαίτερα αποτελεσματική.

Usability testing is a technique for ensuring that the intended users of a system can carry out the intended tasks efficiently, effectively and satisfactorily.

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Usability Testing Σημειώσεις αξιολογητή - λιγότερο δαπανηρή μέθοδος Ηχογράφηση υποκειμένων.

χρήσιμη σε πρωτόκολλα της κατηγορίας "ομιλούντων υποκειμένων". Χαμηλή πληροφορία άλλης μορφής

Βιντεοσκόπηση υποκειμένων απώλεια λεπτομέρειας όπως εκφράσεις προσώπου κλπ που

καταγράφονται μόνο με κοντινότερη λήψη. Ανάγκη συγχρονισμού με εικόνα από την οθόνη

Καταγραφή συμβάντων στον υπολογιστή (computer logging) καταγραφή σε επίπεδο πληκτρολόγησης, υλικό μεγάλου όγκου - ανάλυση τους είναι ιδιαίτερα επίπονη

διαδικασία Καταγραφή συμβάντων από τους χρήστες (user logging)

υποκειμενικού χαρακτήρα (Αβούρης, 2000)

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Usability Testing Steps

Plan the usability test: Users - Tasks

Carry out the test Report and Follow-up

Analysis and interpretation

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Plan the Usability Test

Define Purpose and audience of site Set the Usability goals Define Tasks Users will perform to observe users’

compliance with the system Define criteria, metrics and a method of collection

of user’s response, and Design Questionnaire that is used to assess user’s

subjective preferences to the system Test Users, Instructors, scheduling, payment Material Do not allow the developer of the site to be in the

same room, especially if s/he has a bad temper…

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Carry Out the Test

Introduce Participant Users Describe List of tasks

Watch quietly Record Participant's Interaction – think

aloud, video Provide Help if needed Interact

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Report And Follow-up Tabulate Data According to the Listed Tasks Report Results

Time needed to complete the test tasks Need for help during the test

How frequently the instructor had to help the test persons solve a problem?

What kind of user problems needed to be solved? Type of errors

Pressing the wrong button on the interface Wrong numerical value entered Mode error: The correct name or number was entered in

the wrong mode Provide a List with Design Recommendations Suggest Specific Actions for the Designer(s)

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Πλεονεκτήματα και Μειονεκτήματα

Πλεονεκτήματα: Ο αξιολογητής συνάγει συμπεράσματα για το νοητικό μοντέλο του χρήστη

Αν η ακολουθία ενεργειών του χρήστη είναι διαφορετική από την αναμενόμενη για την εκτέλεση του έργου, συνάγεται ότι το σύστημα δεν είναι αρκετά σαφές

Καταγραφή ορολογίας που ο χρήστης χρησιμοποιεί, ώστε να ελεγχθεί αν αυτή είναι σε αντιστοιχία με αυτή που έχει χρησιμοποιηθεί στα εγχειρίδια και στη διεπιφάνεια του συστήματος.

Μειονεκτήματα Μεγαλόφωνη έκφραση σκέψεων ίσως διαταράσσει τη συγκέντρωση του

χρήστη, π.χ. μαθητής μικρής ηλικίας που προσπαθεί να λύσει ένα δύσκολο πρόβλημα.

Είναι πιο δύσκολο σε πεπειραμένους χρήστες να εκφράσουν όλες τις σκέψεις τους αφού έχουν αυτοματοποιήσει πολλές ενέργειες τους (Αβούρης, 2000)

14/01/2004 41

References (1) Bevan, N. (1997). Usability Testing of World Wide Web Sites. In Proceedings of Workshop

at CHI'97: Usability Testing of World Wide Web Sites, March 23-24, Atlanta, GA. Online archive available at: [http://www.acm.org/sigchi/webhci/chi97testing/bevan.htm].

Constantine, L. L and Lockwood L. A. D. (1999). Software for use. Addison Wesley, ACM Press.

Constantine, L. L., and Lockwood, L. A. D., (1999). Web Usability Inspections. Presentation in User Interface ’99. Online archive available at: [http://www.foruse.com/Presentations/WebInspectUI99/sld004.htm].

Cronbach, L. J. (1970). Essentials of Psychological Testing. New York: Harper and Row. Fuccella, J. (1997). Using User Centred Design Methods to Create and Design Usable Web

Sites. In Proceedings of SIGDOC ' 97: 15th Annual Conference on Computer Documentation. ACM Press/Addison Wesley, pp.69-77.

Harper, B., Slaughter, L., and Norman, K. (1997). Questionnaire administration via the WWW: A validation and reliability study for a user satisfaction questionnaire. In Proceedings of WebNet ‘97, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. Online archive available at: [http://lap.umd.edu/quis/publications/harper1997.pdf].

ISO (1995). ISO/DIS 9241-11 Draft International Standard, Ergonomic Requirements for Office Work with Visual Display Terminals (VDTs). Part 10:Dialogue Principles. International Organisation for Standardisation Genève, Switzerland.

14/01/2004 42

References (2) Kirakowski, J., and Corbett, M. (1990). Effective Methodology for the Study of HCI.

Elsevier. Kirakowski, J., and Corbett, M. (1993). SUMI: The Software Usability Measurement

Inventory. British Journal of Educational Psychology. 24, (3), pp. 211-213. Kirakowski, J., and Cierlik, B. (1998) Measuring the Usability of Web Site. in

Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Online archive available at: [http://www.ucc.ie/hfrg/questionnaires/wammi/research.html].

Kirakowski J., Claridge N., and Whitehand R., (1998) Human Centred Measures of Success in Web site Design, In Proceedings4th Conference on Human Factors and the Web. Online archive available at: [http://www.research.att.com/conf/hfweb/proceedings/kirakowski/index.html]. Levi, M. D., and Conrad, F. G., (1996). A Heuristic Evaluation of a World Wide Web Prototype, Interactions. 3, (4), pp.50-61.

Lewis, J. R. (1995) IBM Computer Usability Satisfaction Questionnaires: Psychometric Evaluation and Instructions for Use. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction. 7, (1), pp. 57-78.

Lin, H. X, Choong Y., and Salvendy, G. (1997). A Proposed Index of Usability: A Method for Comparing the Relative Usability of Different Software Systems. Behaviour & Information Technology, 16, (4/5), pp.267-278.

14/01/2004 43

References (3) Mack, R. L, and Nielsen, J. (1994). Usability Inspection Methods:

Executive Summary. In J. Nielsen, and R. L. Mack (eds.) Usability Inspection Methods, John Wiley & Sons, pp.1-23.

Nielsen, J. and Lavy, J. (1994). Measuring Usability Preference vs. Performance, Communications of the ACM. 37, (4), pp. 66-76.

Nunnally, J., C., (1967). Psychometric Theory. McGraw-Hill Inc. Tabachnick, B. G., and Fidell, L. S, (1996). Using Multivariate Statistics.

Harper Collins College. Tull, D. S., and Hawkins, D. I., (1990). Marketing Research: Meaning

Measurement and Method. 5th Edition. Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. Preece, J., Rogers, Y., Sharp, H., Benyon, D., Holland, S., and Carey, T.

(1994). Human Computer Interaction. Addison Wesley.

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