10d8n ancient silk road kazakhstan · 2017. 8. 8. · 30 exotic | eu asia @euasiaholida g ¾...

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30 EXOTIC | EU Asia @euasiaholidays @euasiaholidays www.euasia.com.sg


alMaTy•Shymbulak ski Resort•Shymbulak Gondola Cable Car Ride•Park of 28 Panfilov Guardsmen•Orthodox church•Museum of Kazakh Musical

Instruments•Issyk Museum•Charyon canyon•Shonzhy Hot spring Resort•Kok Tobe Hill•Central Museum•Central Mosque•Green Bazaar•Tamgaly Gorge Winter season Programme (Nov till March)•Sledding on snow tubes

autum / spring / summer season Programme(April till October)•Big Almaty Lake•Sunkar Falcony Farm

asTaNa•National Museum of the Republic of

Kazakhstan•Bayterek Observation Tower•Palace of Peace and Reconciliation

(Pyramid)•Museum Of First President•Khan Shatyr Entertainment Mall•

ValuE Plus•Kazakhastan Cuisine with

Traditional Costume and Cultural Dance Performance

•BBQ Dinner

Tour highlighTsas




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TOUR Type (旅游代号): fITkZ

31 EXOTIC | EU Asia @euasiaholidays @euasiaholidays www.euasia.com.sg

Day 01 siNgaPorE � Kuala luMPur � alMaTyMeals: Dinner•Assemble at Changi International Airport

for your flight to Kuala Lumpur. Connect flight from Kuala Lumpur to Almaty on Air Astana. Upon arrival Almaty International Airport. Transfer to the hotel where you can relax before proceeding to dinner in a local restaurant. Overnight stay at Almaty.

Day 02 alMaTy � shyMBulaK sKi rEsorT � alMaTy Meals: Breakfast/Lunch /Dinner•Shymbulak ski Resort-The resort is located

in the upper part of the Medeu Valley in the Zaiilisky Alatau mountain range. It is popular for its mild climate, large quantity of sunny days and great amount of snow through the winter (from November till May).

•Shymbulak Gondola Cable Car Ride - to the mountain enjoy the panoramic scenic view . From the cable car you can see the Medeo Gorge, well known due to the highest mountain skating rink in the world. Gondola Cable Car Ride subject to weather permit

•Park of 28 Panfilov Guardsmen - the memory of the Great Patriotic War fallen heroes.

•Orthodox church - the only wooden Cathedrals in the world. The cathedral is built without using any nails, which again, makes it pretty unique.

•Museum of Kazakh Musical Instruments - the museum and show you the folk musical instruments that the museum has to offer and the local guide will introduce you to Soviet history and Kazakh Cultures. Overnight stay at Almaty.

Day 03 alMaTy Meals: Breakfast/Lunch /Dinner•Winter Season Program (Nov till March)

Sledding on snow tubes -Enjoy Sledding on snow tubes on a white powdery snow! Fun entertainment for adults and children.(subject to weather permit)

•Autum /Spring /Summer Season (April till October)

•Big Almaty Lake- is set high up in a gorge of the Bolshaya Almatinka River, 2,511 meters above sea level and 28,5 km south of Almaty. It lies in a hollow like a gleaming mirror, surrounded on all sides by majestic peaks .

•Enjoy Picnic Lunch near the Lake Area. You can enjoy a fascinating panorama of mountains

•Sunkar Falcony Farm- a so called conser-vatory for the wild birds native to the region.The Farm breeds the Golden Eagle, and is sold to enthusiast around the world.-Enjoy the Golden Eagles show whereby they are trained to hunt at the farm

•Overnight stay at Almaty.

Day 4 alMaTy -CharyoN CaNyoN- shoNZhy hoT sPriNg rEsorT Meals: Breakfast/Picnic Lunch /Dinner)

•Charyon canyon - It’s amazing rock formations. See the contrast of colours from white snow to red rocks. The canyon is about 12 million years old and surprises with its vertical cliffs, reminding the ancient castles, created by wind, sun and rain.

•Shonzhy hot spring resort - Enjoy hot spring, spa, swimming pools and sculptured ambience. The water has beneficial analgesic and desensitisation effects on the blood circulatory system, metabolic processes, the endocrine system, and muscles. It improves blood clinical and biochemical in-dicators. Doctors also find nitric baths very helpful in treating cardiac diseases. (Please prepare your own swim suit) .

•Overnight stay at Shonzhy Resort

Day 5shoNZhy hoT sPriNg rEsorT � alMaTy Meals: Breakfast/Lunch /Dinner•Issyk Museum -The State Historical and

Cultural Museum-Reserve “ISSYK”, where you will see the expositions dedicated to the history and culture of the Saka period, including a copy of Golden Man and golden items, ancient ceramics, weapon, elements of horse equipment, as well as the model of Saka burial mound.

•Overnight stay at Almaty.

Day 6 alMaTy Meals: Breakfast/Lunch /Dinner•Kok Tobe Hill - where you can view the entire

city& the tallest TV tower in the world.•Central Museum – one of the biggest

museums of Central Asia, where you will see more about history and development of the county.

•Green Bazaar -where it is impossible to refrain from shopping. It is the great chance to experience an atmosphere of the real eastern market, its colors, smells and crowds. There you can purchase famous Oriental sweets, but don't forget to bargain.

•Central Mosque - A very beautiful building, with friendly and magical atmosphere within. Overnight stay at Almaty.

Day 7alMaTy Meals: Breakfast/Picnic Lunch /Dinner•Tamgaly Gorge - Enroute enjoy the amazing

scenery of beautiful natural landscapes. Visit the Tamgaly Rock Carvings which is 170 kilometers north-west of Almaty city - a picturesque place that attracts many tourists. The same petroglyphs like in Kazakhstan have also been found in Kyrgyzstan, China, India, Pakistan and Tibet. Tamgaly petroglyphs - one of the oldest and most striking monuments of rock art of Zhetisu, which is included to the World

Heritage List of UNESCO. There are about 2,000 drawings in the main gorge.

•Overnight stay at Almaty.

Day 08 alMaTy � asTaNa Meals: Breakfast/Lunch /Dinner•After Breakfast , take a domestic flight to

Astana and continue the next city tour.•National Museum of the Republic of

Kazakhstan - The largest unique museum complex has an area of 74,000 sq.m. and consists of seven blocks with a variable number of storeys to the ninth floor. Exhibit space occupies 14 rooms with a total area of over 14,000 sq.m.

•Bayterek Observation Tower - A monument, at the heart of a large square centred on the Nurzhol Boulevard, has become a symbol of Astana and indeed of post- independence Kazakhstan

•Palace of Peace and Reconciliation (Pyramid) - is a symbol of friendship, unity and peace in Kazakhstan. The idea of construction of the Pyramid was suggested by the Head of the state Nursultan Nazarbaev on the first Congress of World and traditional religions which took place in Astana City on the 23-24 of September 2003 and it became an epochal event of the XXI century. Overnight stay at Astana

Day 09 asTaNa � alMaTy � Kuala luMPur Meals: Breakfast/Lunch•Museum Of First President - the museum

was initiated on 28 August 2004 by Nursultan Nazarbaev, the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in March 2005 opened its doors for the first visitors. You can see unique archive documents, scientific materials, books written by Nazarbaev, gift collections, awards and many other interesting items revealing the work of the first president of the country and the newest history of Kazakhstan.

•Khan Shatyr - the largest marquee with shopping and entertainment facilities and it is also one of the most famous eco-buildings in the world.

•On board your flight back to Singapore via Almaty and Kuala Lumpur.

Day 10 Kuala luMPur -siNgaPorE Meals: On boardArrive back to singapore in the afternoon with fond memories of Kazakhstan.

Important Remark » In the event of local religious festivals, unforeseen circumstances and/or bad weather condition,the se-quence of the itinerary may be changed or substituted in by alternative sites without prior notice and/or at short notice in order to ensure smoother journey and tour.

» Excluded Tipping for Guide & Driver/ Helper at US$6/ pax/day (Adult & Child).

» Excluded Tipping for Tour Leader at US$2/pax/day (Adult & Child).

32 EXOTIC | EU Asia @euasiaholidays @euasiaholidays www.euasia.com.sg

第一天 新加坡 � 吉隆坡 � 阿拉木图 餐:/晚餐•在新加坡樟宜机场集合,搭乘客机前往吉隆



第二天 阿拉木图 � 琴布拉克滑雪场 � 阿拉木图餐:早餐/午餐 /晚餐•琴布拉克滑雪场-琴布拉克是全国尖端的滑

雪胜地。琴布拉克位于伊犁阿拉套山的其中一个风景如画的峡谷。 滑雪场



•潘菲洛夫-28勇士公园- 建于20世纪,园内庄严的竖立着28座英雄纪念碑,为了缅怀在二战期间28位勇士击退德国的进攻的英勇表现。

•津克夫大教堂 - 最具有独特建筑风格的木制纪念建筑。据说,这座高达56米的教堂除了完全木造之外,建造时也没有使用一根钉子,十分奇特!

•哈萨克斯但民族乐器博物馆 - 被誉为世界上著名的乐器博物馆之一,收藏了来自于哈萨克斯坦各个地区的各种民族乐器,还有很多乐器来自于世界各地。博物馆内收藏有阿拜、



第三天阿拉木图 餐:早餐/午餐 /晚餐•冬季期间行程安排 (11月至3月份)•滑雪橇 -在被雪盖的一个个山坡上尽情地翱


•秋季,春季,夏季期间行程安排 (4月至10月份)

•大阿拉木图湖- 位于伊犁阿拉套山脉,伊犁河西北方向154公里处。湖宽0.7公里,长1.6公里,面积为1.12平方公里。 每逢春季和夏季,阳光直射湖面,波光粼粼,为翡翠色的湖水增添色彩,使游客不禁为这浓郁的画面深深陶醉。


•猎鹰鹰农场 - 观看猎鹰表演秀(表演秀45分钟)在中亚,游牧民族的猛禽狩猎传统与其坐在手腕上的金雕的这一番景象,一直是亚洲大草原的象征。猎鹰被广泛实践许多国家,比起野兔和狐狸,哈萨克斯坦觉得金雕狩猎有更大的吸引力。培训野生鸟禽需经过几世纪的保密阶段,这经验是哈萨克族的父亲传递给其儿子的。在阿拉木图有种特别的鸟,这种鸟是濒临灭绝的物种,它被称作‘送哈尔’鸟。参观此景,这将是一个您难以忘记的表演,你可以观看金雕所捕捉的猎物和美丽的鸟儿,与其一起拍照留念。该节目中,训练有素的鸟

阿拉木图•琴布拉克滑雪场•琴布拉克缆车游•潘菲洛夫-28勇士公园•津克夫大教堂•哈萨克斯但民族乐器博物馆•哈萨克斯坦ISSYK博物馆•恰仑大峡谷•Shonzhy 温泉度假村•阔克托别山•中央国家博物馆•升天大教堂•绿色市场•泰姆格里大峡谷 冬季行程 (11月至3月份)•滑雪橇或滑冰乐

春/夏/秋季行程 (四月至十月)•大阿拉木图湖•猎鹰鹰农场


优惠佳选•哈萨克风味餐 + 传统服装试穿体验

+ 哈萨克名族表演。•烧烤大餐晚宴。

优亚精选介绍 Big


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10天8晚 哈萨克斯坦

(一带一路/ 丝绸之路/ 中亚大国之一)TOUR Type (旅游代号): fITkZ

33 EXOTIC | EU Asia @euasiaholidays @euasiaholidays www.euasia.com.sg



第四天 阿拉木图 � 恰仑大峡谷 � shoNZhy 温泉度假村餐:早餐/午餐-野餐 /晚餐•恰仑大峡谷 - 属于哈萨克斯坦恰仑国家自然


•shonzhy 温泉度假村- 尽情享受享受温泉,桑拿及游泳池设施。泉水中含有碘、硫、磷等多种矿物质,水温在42——61℃之间,能治多种皮肤病,对关节炎、气管炎、高血压、胃病、眼病及妇女不孕症有极佳疗效

•夜宿于Shonzhy 温泉度假村

第五天shoNZhy 温泉度假村 � 阿拉木图餐: 早餐/午餐/晚餐•酒店早餐后,乘车回返阿拉木图套。一路上您

可以学习到这个地区的自然和历史文化,也可以看到塞卡人的墓葬,其中著名的“goLD-en man”就是在这里发现的,这也成为了哈萨克斯坦共和国的象征。

•哈萨克斯坦issyK博物馆- 在这里有关于塞卡时期的历史和文化,包括“goLDen man”的复制品,古陶瓷,武器,骑马的设备,甚至可以看到塞卡人坟地的模型。一路盘旋,我们将带您来到海平面以上1756米的高度去观赏美丽的山湖-伊塞克湖。伊塞克湖所在的地方和它的名字一样,叫伊塞克村,这个湖成形于10000多年前,由于在一次巨大的滑坡后,形成了一个300多米高的天然大坝。在湖边您可以尽情享受绿色湖面的壮丽之美并可在湖边野餐。


第六天阿拉木图餐: 早餐/午餐/晚餐•阔克托别山- 阿拉木图的最高建筑电视塔高


•中央国家博物馆– 是中亚地区最大的博物馆之一,在这里可以详细的了解到哈萨克斯坦的历史,和这个国家主要历史建筑的模型。博物馆内还有陈列了一批成吉思汗时期的历史文物、武器和服饰乐器。

•绿色市场 - 具有中亚风味的大型市集。商品可说是应有尽有,底层主要是卖蔬果,香料,干货,肉类等食物材料。广场上层主要是以日用品为主,比如衣服,日常工具,珠宝类等等,主要的商品都是来自俄罗斯,中国和土耳其。

•升天大教堂 - 是一座东正教教堂,据说是世界现存第二高木结构建筑,建筑物并没有用任何钉子建造,还奇迹般经历过1911年阿拉木图强烈地震后还幸存的建筑之一,也是阿拉木图沙皇时期少数幸存的建筑之一。


第七天阿拉木图餐: 早餐/午餐-野餐/晚餐)•泰姆格里大峡谷 - 位于泰姆格里大峡谷,在



第八天阿拉木图 � 阿斯达娜餐: 早餐/午餐/晚餐•早餐后,乘坐国内航班飞往哈萨克斯但首都-

阿斯塔纳。•国家博物馆 - 新开放的国家博物馆以及自独



•和平金字塔 - 座落在首都一处公园内,外形酷似吉萨的金字塔,高62米,以混凝土和玻璃为材料,内部建有千人大剧场以及不同规模的会议厅。


第九天阿斯塔纳 � 阿拉木图 �吉隆坡餐: 早餐/午餐•总统博物馆- 有各国国家送给这个总统的礼


•可汗之帐商业娱乐中心 - 由英国著名建筑师诺曼·福斯特设计,被称作世界最大帐篷,在这个95米高的大帐篷内设有6个影厅、迷你高尔夫球场、儿童娱乐和体育娱乐设施等。这顶超级帐篷由特殊的透明材料制造而成,可以吸收太阳能,让市民在冬季零下30度的气温下也能享受温暖如春的户外活动。傍晚,乘车前往机场,返回新加坡。

第十天吉隆坡 � 新加坡餐: 机上用餐抵达吉隆坡后,转机飞返温馨家园-新加坡。

khan Shatyr

注意事项 » 当地旅行社有权视当地的情况更改行程次序,酒店住宿或膳食。

» 不含当地导游司机小费-美金6元每人每天(大人或小孩) » 不含领队小费-美金2元每人每天(大人或小孩) » 中英文行程版本出现不符之处,将以英文版本为依据。

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