1.0 computer lab regulations 1.1 computer lab rules 1.2 user 1.3 equipment 1.4 data and user...

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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1.0 Computer Lab Regulations

1.1 Computer Lab Rules1.2 User

1.3 Equipment1.4 Data and User Security

Computer Lab Rules

• Can you state the rules for our school computer lab???

? ?


What you should do:

What you should do:

Scan diskettes and external storage before using them

Report all problems related to the system to the teacher

Be responsible when using the facilities

Turn off the computer after use Use the internet for educational

purposes only Keep the lab clean and tidy at all


What you shouldn’t do:

Enter the lab without permission by the teacher

Repair or tamper with computer lab equipment

Remove or load any software into the computer

Bring bags, food and drinks into the lab

Move any equipment from its original position such as the chairs…

Practice Computer lab rules

• True or False question:

copy and answer the questions in your exercise book

True or False Questions:• _____ students can play games in the

school computer lab

• _____ students cannot brings bags, food and drink into the lab

• _____students can install games in the lab

• _____ students can throw the rubbish in the lab

True or False Questions:

• _____ students can enter the lab without any permission

• _____ students can change the wallpaper desktop of the computer lab

• _____ students can save their works in the computer

True or False Questions:

• _____ students can alter the position of the computer

• _____ students can save works in computer hard disk

• _____ students turn off the computer after use

Handle Equipment responsibly

• How you should deal with computer lab equipment???

? ?


Handle equipment responsibly

• Acting in a professional manner

• Ensuring that the facilities are clean and comfortable

• Ensuring a relatively quite work environment

• Ensuring that signage is of a high standard

Acting in a professional manner

• Being aware of school policies and procedures

• Keeping a neat personal appearance

• Working in a quite and respectful manner

Ensuring that the facilities are clean and comfortable

• Disposing of food and drink packaging and containers

• Ensuring that recycling bins are free of garbage

• Pushing unused chairs under desk

• Cleaning monitors, keyboard and white board as required

Ensuring a relatively quite work environment

• Aware:– Loud or boisterous behaviors– Excessive talking between individuals who

are not working quietly– Individuals who appear annoyed by their

surroundings• Acting:

– Ensuring that the individual is bothering others

– Suggesting earphones

Ensuring that signage is of a high standard

• Ensuring that the message is clear and complete

• Removing old signage

• Ensuring that the message is always up-to-date

Importance of password and username

• Passwords remain the most crucial factor in personal computer security

• Cannot be retrieve or refunded due to damage

• When do you usually use the username and password???

Importance of password

• Password ensure the security and confidentiality of data that is stored on various workstations and servers.

• Some of this data includes student’s name, grades, timetable etc

Caution!!!As a user, you have to make sure that your account passwords are difficult to guess and confidential


Did you know that…

• A weak password can allow viruses to gain access to your computer and spread through the network

• An easy-to-guess password can allow hackers to use you computer to hack into other’s computer

• Hackers can use your e-mail account to send malicious messages to everyone in your address book, inbox and others.

• You also can be held legally responsible for any damages caused by someone who using your account

Choosing the right password

• Don’t useProper names : your full nameWords from the dictionaryCommon character sequences : 12345…Derivatives of user IDsPersonal details: your name, birthdates

Choosing the right password

• Do:Create passwords that are at least 6

characters in lengthCreate passwords that are difficult to guessUse alphabetic and non-alphabetic characters

when creating a new passwordVary the case of the letters: AaaBvG

Data and User Security

• How to maintain the security and confidentiality of information stored on the computer:

• Keep passwords confidential and change them frequently

• Understands and use the security features available on the computer such as log in passwords, firewall…

• Protect the computers against viruses

Questions and Answer

? ??

Next week lesson:

• 2.0 Lab Organization– Organization Chart– Log Book

• Ethics in Using Computer– Copyright– Unethical Use of Computers

That’s all

Thank You

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