1 europe 2020 strategy cordoba, 2010 claudio spadon

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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Europe 2020 Strategy

Cordoba, 2010

Claudio Spadon


The crisis has wiped out recent progress

GDP growth: -4% in 2009, worst since the 1930s

Industrial production: -20% with the crisis, back to the 1990s

Unemployment levels:

23 million people 7 million more unemployed in 20 months expected to reach 10.3% in 2010 (back to 1990s level) youth unemployment over 21%


Europe’s structural weaknesses have been exposed: lower growth potential, productivity gap, high and rising unemployment, ageing, poverty

Global challenges intensify: competition from developed and emerging economies, global finance, climate change and pressure on resources

EU after the crisis

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Lessons from Lisbon Strategy

- Concrete results before crisis- Partnership EU & Member States- « Lisbonisation » of structural funds

... but:- Uneven progress between Member States- Key targets (R&D, employment) not reached- Lack of sharing; weak communication - Regions not sufficiently involved

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Europe 2020: delivering reforms

3 thematic priorities 5 EU headline targets – translated into national

ones 7 flagship initiatives – EU & national action Mobilising existing and new EU instruments:

EU and national Budgets & new financing instruments (ex. micro-credit facility)

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Europe 2020: 3 interlinked priorities1.) Smart growth: developing an economy

based on knowledge and innovation

2.) Sustainable growth: promoting a more efficient, greener and more competitive economy

3.) Inclusive growth: fostering a high-employment economy delivering social and territorial cohesion


Europe 2020: 5 EU headline targets (translated into national targets)

By 2020:

3% investment in R&D (% of EU’s GDP)

“20/20/20” climate/energy targets met 75 % employment rate (% of population aged 20-64 years)

Employment actual rate 69%. < 10% early school leavers & min. 40% hold tertiary degree

Drop-out actual rate 15% . 20 million less people should be at risk of poverty

Europeans living below the national poverty lines should be reduced by 25%.


Europe 2020: 7 flagship initiativesSmart GrowthSmart Growth Sustainable Sustainable

GrowthGrowthInclusive GrowthInclusive Growth

Innovation« Innovation Union »

Climate, energy and mobility

« Resource efficient Europe »

Employment and skills

« An agenda for new skills and jobs”

Education« Youth on the

move »

Competitiveness« An industrial policy for the globalisation

era »

Fighting poverty« European platform

against poverty »Digital society

« A digital agenda for Europe »


Europe 2020 governance Lead role for the European Council

Extend partnership to regions, social partners & civil society

COM and European Council monitoring 1.) Thematic - combining priorities and headline

targets2.) Country - Member States strategies to meet targets

… based on international comparison

Country-specific recommendations & policy warnings

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Process Commission launched wide public consultation:

1400 contributions received and analysed

March 3rd 2010: Commission proposal (COM(2010)2020)

Spring European Council (25.3.2010): it agreed on it main elements , including the key targets and arrangements for its improved monitoring

June European Council 2010: approve detailed parameters, including the integrated guidelines and national targets

Thereafter: launch of flagship initiatives & implementation


2020 headline targets and ROMA Poverty Promoting social inclusion in particular through the

reduction of poverty. (Target June 2010) Education Improving education levels in particular by aiming to

reduce school drop-out rates and by increasing the share of the population having completed tertiary or equivalent education. (Target June 2010)

Work75 % employment rate (% of population aged 20-64


Europe 2020 and



Inclusive Growth: Employment and skills

flagship initiative« An agenda for news skills and jobs»

.. To increase labour market participation

..To empower people by developing their skills

Europe 2020 and



An agenda for news skills and jobs

COUNCIL CONCLUSION 25 March 2010 The European Council agreed to bring to

75% the employment rate for women and men aged 20-64, including through the greater participation of youth, older workers and low skilled workers and the better integration of legal migrants.

Europe 2020 and



Inclusive Growth: Fighting povertyflagship initiative

« European platform against poverty »

To ensure social and territorial cohesion such that the benefits of growth and jobs

are widely shared and people experiencing poverty and social exclusion are enabled to live in dignity and take an

active part in society.

Europe 2020 and



At EU level To transform the OMC on SISP into a platform for

cooperation, and into an instrument to foster commitment by public and private players to reduce social exclusion, and take concrete action, including through targeted support from the structural funds, notably the ESF;

To design and implement programmes to promote social innovation for the most vulnerable, and to develop a new agenda for migrants' integration to enable them to take full advantage of their potential;

To undertake an assessment of the adequacy and sustainability of social protection and pension systems, to ensure better access to health care systems.

European platform against poverty

Europe 2020 and



At national level

To promote shared collective and individual responsibility in combating poverty and social exclusion;

To define and implement measures addressing the specific circumstances of groups at particular risk (such as one-parent families, elderly women, minorities, Roma, people with a disability and the homeless);

To fully deploy their social security and pension systems to ensure adequate income support and access to health care.

European platform against poverty

Europe 2020 and



European platform against poverty

COUNCIL CONCLUSION 25 March 2010 A general commitment to reduce poverty

and promote social inclusion was agreed, but there will have to be further work on specific indicators in this area (as well as education) and the European Council will come back to this in June.

Europe 2020 and



Thank you for attention

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