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m a 1 Environmental Protection Agency

Aii Ghnrornharrwcht iim CAoomh,m CornhThaori

Headquarters P.O. Box 3000

Johnstown Castle Estate County Wexford

Ire 1 and

Waste Water Discharge Licence


Cork County Council-North Licence Register __ ~ ~ _ _ Number : ~-

I Agglomeration: t Ferinoy Town & Environs

INTRODUCTION Iliis introduction is not part of the liccnce and does not puqinrt to be a Icgal ititet-pretation of the licence.

'l'his licence application relates to tlie agglonieratioii of Fertnoy town and Environs. Fernlo! town is situated on the River Blackwater i n .North Cork. The wastewater treatnient plilnt (\\'\\"l'P) is located approximately 6OOn1 east of Fernioy town and oti the sontli bank of the river.

'l'lie plant \ \ a s full!. upgraded ~ inder tlie \\.ater Scryices Investment Programme (\YSlP) at a cost of f3.5 million in April 2005 with a design capacity of 20,000 population equivalents (P.E) '1're;itnient is an acti\,ated sludge process coniprising of screening, grit renio\,al, storm water holding tanks, biological treatment, final settlement, phospliorns removal, detiitrificationiiiitrific~i tion, sludge thickening ;incl storage.

The wastewater i n lermoy is collectetl in a partially conibioctl and separated sewage collection system prior to treatnient at the \\.\\'rl'P. There are eight discharges froni the naste water works, i.e. the primary discharge point (S\\'l), secondary discharge point (S\V4) and six storm water overflons (S\\'O). 'The Ki\,er Blackwater is the recei\ing witer for all eight. It is reported in the application that tlie plant operates to a 25: I25:35 (BOD. COD, SS) specification, howe\.er disc Iia r ge nioiii t o I' i iig data indicate t 11 at t h e pla t i t per form a ti ce e \cecd s this s pcci fica ti o 11.

The licence sets out in &tail thc conditions undei- U liich C'ork C ' o i i n t \ . ('ouncil \ \ i l l control and manage tlie uiiste \\ ater discliat-ges fi-oiii t l ic agglomet'atton c o \ ~ r e d hy this Itcencc.

I11c legislalion go\ zrning this l iccnce relates specifically to. and is I-cstricrcd to. the r t ' y l a t i o n and control ( ) I . \ \ astc \\ atcr discharges f r o m tlie ii~~loiiict-ation. Tliei-r.1i)i-c any O ~ I ) L I I - o r noise issw that may bc as\ociated \\ it11 the \wste \+ iitcr \\ orhs including thc trcatnicnt plant cannot bc addrcsscd b y this 1 i cciicc.

Glossary of 'I'erms

Decision 24 Reasons for thc 1)ecision

I'art I

Part I I Conditions

Schedule of 1)ischnt-ges I.icensed

Condition 1 . Scope

Condition 2 .

CO nd i t i o ti 3 .

C'oncli t ion 4.

Condition 5 .

C'o nd i t i 011 0.

Conclition 7.

I t i t crp re t at io I 1


C ' o 11 t 1-01 and IL1 o I ii t o I-i ng

Progi-ammes of I mpro~.ements

Notifications. Rccnrds and Kcports

F i nanc i a I C ha ryes ; in d I' rov i s ion s

SC'Hk<I)UI,F*; A: Discharges

SC'I 1 E I ) LJ I- I ., I3 : ILI o ti i t ori ng


SC'I I E [)U I > E I): Aiinua 1 17 ti\.iron ment ;I 1 Report

Spccit'ieti Impro\ cment I'me "rall111lc

GLOSSARY OF TERMS All tei-tiis in this licence should be intetp-etetl in accoi-dance with the delinitions in tlie Waste Wa t e r I l i se I i a I-gc ( Aut 1 iori sat ion) K e gii 1 at i o tis 300 7. as a mended . unl ess o t hcnv i se c k fin cd i 11

this section.



Agree me 11 t

An nu all!

A pp 1 i c a t i o n

Attach ni e n t

C I 3


C o ni bi n et1 approach

Competent La boratorj,

Ann ua 1 1 1 1 \ ironnient a I Report

An area U here the population o r ecotioiiiic acti\ ]tics or both ate sufficientl) concentrated for a aste n ater \voi-h,s to ha\c been put i n

p I ac e ,

Agreement 111 L\ l-ltlllg.

At least one Illcasul-el~lellt 111 any One year.

The application for tlits licence.

Any rct'erctice to Attachments i n this liceiice I cf'er!, to attachments subinitted ab part o f the licence application.

At approximately six ~ monthly intenals.

once e\ el> tn 0 yea1 \

Bnl-cl I as c ill g 11 kl ha I';I

5 dny ('arbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Ilcniand ( M i l l1 niti-ilication suppresb i o ti).

C'omitt. Eiiropi.cn I>c Not-malisation ~ 1.ut-opeati ('omiiiittee for Staticlardisat ion.

I n i-elatioii to a bvastc atcr works. iiieaiis tlie coiitt-ol 01' dischai-gcs atitl

cmissions to u,aters \vhert.hy the emision limits Iiti- tlic ilischai-ge arc established on the hasis ot' the stricter o f either or both. tlic limits and CO 11 t ro I s requ ired und CI- the U rba 11 LVa s t e \ 'at er Repi 1 a t i o I 1 s . ;I ncl t Iic limits determined under statutc or D i i - e c t i ~ ~ 101- the piit-posc of' achieving t he c I 1 \ . i 1-0 111 iicn t a 1 0b.i t'c t i ves cs t ah1 i s li cd for SLI r fac e n ti t crs . g i-ou I iclw a t ci-

01- protccted areas fbr the u'ater body into n.hicli tlie dischai-gc is made.

A testing facility meeting the general management and technical requirements of 1-N lSO/ll~C-l 7025 stanclarcl. or otliei- equivalent standarcls accepted at international Ie\.el and utilising methods of analysis. including laboi-atory, field. and oil-line mctlic&. which arc \~aliclatctl a n c l documented in accorclance \\.it11 the abo\.e stanclai-d(s) t'or the specilic tests.

h i - i i i g al l clays \vlieii discharges are taking place: \\.ill1 tit least one measurcmc~it , 'o~~scr~ at ion per cia)..

Any 31 hour- period.

1)i s c 11 a rge 1 i m i t s

Disc h a r g c Poi n t




Domestic \I a5te \\'ater

D r a w ing


E nri romncn ta I d a ma ge

l u \ i 1-0 iinicii ta I Pollution


I;o rt n i g t i t 1 y

Elissol\ ed oxygen.

Any report, record, result. clata , clra\\,ing. pi-oposnl, inteipretatioii 01- other document, in written 01- electronic tbt-m. that is requirecl by this licencc.

L)epal-tment of the I 11\ Ilnllmellt. C'ommunlt) and Local ( io \ cmment

Waste \ \~~tc i - flom residential settlements and scr\.icea t l i n t originates predoniinaiitly li-om hunian metabolism a n d 1'1-om householcl acti\.itics.

Any rct'ercncc to a dra\\~iiig or clt-a\\,iiig numbcr riieaiis ;I clra\\.iiig or dra\ving number contained in the application. tinlcss othei-\vise specified in this licence.

E nvi 1-on m en t a 1 M a na gem en t 1) rog t-a mme

Means. in I-elation to aste n'ntci- dischai-pes. the chi-cct 01' indii-cct introduction. as a I-csult of human activit),, o f \vasto \\ atcr discharges, substances (including ; in \ ' cxplosi\.e. liquid o r gas) or polliitiiiy niatter (including any poisonous o r noxious matter) into n.atcrs \\.liicli may enclangei- human liealtli or harm the aquatic en\ ii-onmcnt, aiicl in particular ~~

( a ) create ;I risk to I\ atei-s. sediment. plants or animals.

(b) deletci-iotisl~, intcrlere \\,it11 the qiiality 01. aquatic cco t ci-restrial ccosyst ciiis dii-ectl). clcpciicl in g on ;IC] i i a t i c inclucling 13)' ~~

( i ) Iieiiclcring h ~ x e o r any othci- \\ at ers poisonous 01. iiij urious tu tisli. ~Iiellfish. spa\\,iiing grounds o r tlie Ibocl of 'n i i ) ' lish. o r

( i i ) Inipairing the usefuln o l thc hed and soil 01 any \ixtei-s ;is spa\\ ning grounds o r inipairing tlieir capacity to pi-ocluce the Iocxl 01' tisli 01-

shell tisli.

( e ) impair or interfere \\,it11 amenities aiicl other legitimatc uses ofthe \vatcl-, o r

(d ) result i n \\.ater tailing to mcct an>' en\ ironmental quality standat-ds preset-ibcd in regulations I b i - the purposes of gi\.ing efl'ect to tlie requirements of any I)irecti\,c relating to the quality o r use of\vatcr for the time bcing in foi-ce.





Industrial M aste 1% ater


1, ice 11 si n g Kcgulations

L,oca I h u t hori ty

R 1 ain t a i II

n I011 t Ill?.

N a t i o 11 a1 Environment a I Camp 1 ai n t s P r ocecl U re

Population Equi\alent

Priority S U bs t a n ces

P rim a r y Iliscfiarge

1 ood sati.t> 4Llthsl-lt> nt Irclancl.

I llduc t I \,e1 4 CO 1113 I ecl p 1 a sn1a spec t 1-0 se 0 p y .

Tlie follo\ving shall constitute an incicleiit for the jxiqmses of' this licence:

any dischat-ge that does not comply \\.it11 thc recluircmeiits of'this licence: any incident with the potential for cn~~ironiiiental contaniination o t' SLI rt'a cc \va I er 01- grou nd\v a t er, or 170 s i ng an en\i ro iiiiicn t ;I I threat t o land. or I-equiring an cmci-pic) ' i-espiisc by the reic\xnt Water Sci-\.iccs Authority.

( i )

( i i )

Any waste \\ ater that is discharged fi-on1 pi-eiiiixs uscd foi- car-rqing on any trade or industry or other non-domestic LISC ant1 cxcl~icles run-off rain \vater.

Cork Count? Council, Northern Di\ ision, ,\nnabella, hlallow, Co. Cork.

Waste M'atet- Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007, as an~cnded.

Cork County Council.

/I nieasui-cment of' organic bioclcgradablc l o a c l alid ;I popiilution equivalent o f 1 ( I p.c.) iiicaiis thc organic biodegi-aclahlc Ioncl ha\.ing a five-day biochemical oxygen demand (HOII , ) of' 6Og of' ox>.gcii per clay; the load being calculatcd on the basis o f the maximum a\'erage xvcekly load entering the waste water M ~ O ~ ~ S during the year, cxclucling unusual situations such as those due to heavy rain.

- > I hose substances 01- groups of substances iclenti ticcl by thc Commission in accordance with Article 16(2) of the Water l:ratiie:\.I.ork Directive ailcl

listed i n 'l'ahles I 1 and 12 of Schcdulc 6 of the l'iii-opean Communities I~~nvironmental Ol,jecti\ cs (Surf c Waters) Rcgulatiolls. 20(N that ha\.e been prii>ritist'd for action by the setting of en\;ii-c~ntiicnt~il quality standards at C'oiiimunity level.

Protect e tl Areas


Q 11 art e 1-1)


Sec o 11 tl a 1-1 Discharge



Specified tl i s ch a r g es

S ta nti a rtl ni et h o cl

Storm \later o\ erflo\l

The ,Igenc!

\\ aste \\.’ater

M aste \\.’ater ol-ks

Water Services !I 11 tho ri t y


i2reas designated as requiring special protection under specific Community legislation fbr the protection of’ their surface \vater and gi-oundwater or for the coiist‘r\.ation o f habitats and species o f I:uropean sites clirectlj. dcpenclanl on \\.ater ancl listed in tlie rcyister established by tlie Agency in accoi-dance \\.it11 Articlc S of the Water I’olicy Kegulations

Pollutant Release and ‘1.1-ans1i.i- 1iegi.stei-

AI1 or part of a period of three csnsecutii c m o n t h x heginning on the lirst day of‘ January. April. duly 01- Octohc1-

Unless the context of this licence indicates to the contrary, the terin saniple(s) shall inclucle iiieasiirciiiciits taken by clcctronic instrumcnts.

Small Streams Risk Scoi-e.

Sen.ers ancl their accessories (or any part thereof) and all associated structural dc\.ices. including ivastc \\’ater trciitiiieiit plants, U Iiich are oLviied by, \ ested in. controlled or used by ii \\.ater sen ices aiitlioi-ity Ibr the collect ion. storage, treatment or clischarge 01. ivastc water.

Cork County Council.

Water Sei-\ Ices I l l \ eatmcnt I’1-ogramme.


'I'he I~~nvirotiiiicntal Protcction Agency i h satisliecl. 011 tlic hasis 01. the inf‘oi-mat ion n\xilablc, that subject to compliance \\.ith the conditions o f this licence. any discliarges tfom the agglomeration sen ecl b!. the Miistt: u'ater \\.ot-ks U i l l comply \\.it11 and \\.ill not eoiitt-a\~ene any o f the requirements o f Regulation 6 of thc Waste M'ater 1)ischarge (Authi~risation) Regulations 2007, as amcndcd.

In reaching this decision the l~n\;it.onmental I'rotecticili A p i c y has had t-cgaId to the requirements and ohjecti\.es of Regulation h 01' thc Regulations and has considered the application aiid supporting clocumentatioti recti\ eil li.otii the applicant and the t-eport of its 1 11s pec t or.


In pursuance of the po~~\ -ers conli.rrecl on i t by the b’iistc Water I>ischai-ge (Authorisation) Kegulnt ions 2007. as amendctl. the r-nvircttirnental I’rotcctioil Agency (the Agency), ~undc~- Regulation 28( 1 ) of the said Regulations grants this 14’astc h’atei- llischarge I>icence to Cork Cou tit p C ounc i 1 . N ort hei-ii d iv i s ion. Anna he 1 1 ;I. M ;I I 1 m.. C’ 6. C’ o rk .The 1 i c enc e a i i t hori ses the discharge 01’ waste water from the ivaste n x t u nxtrks s e n icing thc Fermoy K: enviroiis aggloiiicration ciesci-ibed belo\\.. sul7ject to cctiidi~ions listed in Part 11. \\.it11 the i-exons thei-cfoi- and the associated sclicclulcs attacliccl thci-eto.


Condition 1.




1 . I Statutory Obligatioiis

1 . I . 1 This licence is fbr tlie pu~-lxoses of Waste Water 1)ischarge licensing unclcr the M'astc N'ater Discharge (;2utliot-isation) Regulations 2007. a h amcncletl. o i i l > , and nothing in this licence shall he consti-ued 21s negating the licensee's statutory obligatioils or rcquircinents uiidct- any other enact nicnt s ot- regulations.

'l'liis licence sliall be technically aniendecl, as and wlicn consiclet-ccl by the Agene>,. to ensure csinpliance \\)it11 such eii\~it-ontiiental quality stanclat-cl as may he prcscrihccl foi- surface water classification cot' the i-ecei\ iiig u~atci- body.

1 . I .2

1.2 The agglamcratioii is the area outlined in Ked on IJrawing No. Fcl-moj. 03 entitled 'Attricliirieiit B. I - . l ~ ~ l o i t i c r r i t W n D r r ~ ~ i i i g ' o f tlie application. Any ~-eference in this liccnce to agglonicraticm shal l iiieaii the ai-ea thus outlined in Recl.

Tlic discharges to waters ti-om the \ \ x t c \vater works shall be restricted t o tliosc listed aiid clescrihccl 111 ,Yc,/~c,d///c, .-1.- /Iisc,li(/i.yc,.\. of this licciice and shall lie as set out in the licence application 01- 21s iiiod~ficcl titiclcr ('onditic)n 1 .7 o f this licence and sul,icct to tlie conditions ol'tliis licence.

1 .3

1 .4 The cliscliarges to ater:, li.om the I\ aste \\ ater n-orks shall be conti-olletl a t id managecl and sliall take place a h sct out i i i this licence. All progi-atiitiies rcquircd to lie can-icil out under the terms nl'tliis liceiicc bccoliie pari oI'tliis licence.

1 . S 1-or tlie purposes of' this licence. tlic locations of' thc waste \\.ater discliaryes authorised by this licence are a s presented (111 I>t-a\\,ing No. Fel-moj. 06 entitled ''-1 ttricliiii ('11 t 8.3 - L oc'ritioir of prim ri q? disc11 rirgr poiri t; o 1' a pp I i cat io 11 rcc e i \.ed ( ) I i

I 4'" ~)ecemlxx 2007 ant i 11ra\\ iiig LO. ~ c t - m o ~ ~ 08 entitlctl L.~ttrrc./zrricnt BI- Conihiiicd s c ) i * c r o1~ci:j1o)t~.\ ' of tlic application t-ecci\.ecI 011 t~ie 20"' . I i i l y 30 I I .

N o alteration to the \\ ; i h t e water ii.orks 01- any pail tlicl-cof that \ \ . o ~ i l d . 01- is likely to. result in a tilaterial change to or increasc in tlisclxri-gcs suflicieiit to repi-csent ;I risk 01 ' causing a breacli of' ciiiissinn stantiat-t ls specitieci i n the licence shall be cnrrictl out o r coninieiiced \vitliout pi'ivl- notice to. aii t l \\.itliout the agreeinetit of. tlie Agency.

. rreat mcnt C'apci t ics

I .7.1 The licensee shall. on ;in annual basis. iinclertake an a

1 .6


rema i ni ng orga 11 i c and hydra 11 1 i c t IK;I tnicii t capacities m. i t l i i t i t lie \ i 'ast e \\.at er ~ v o r k s (design capacity o f plant. less flow-load calculation for rcprcscntatiw periocl).

The liccnsee shall maintain such a\raiIablc capacity Lvitliin the waste \\.ater Lvorks as is neccssarj' to ciisiii-e that there is iio en~.it-onmental risk posecl to the I-ecci\,ing \\rater en\ ironment as ;I result o f the disclint-gcs.

\Vhere the licensee detet-tiiines. as part 01' those assessinclits undertaken i n Condition 1 .7. I a h ) \ c. that the remaining treatment capacity \ \ , i l l he excccdcd i th in tlie eiisuing three year pcriod. the licensee shall t icbt i ti: tlic

1 .7.2

1 .7.3

incl seck ii licence re\,ic\i . as appi-opt-iatc.

Condition 2 . Interpretation

N o cBOI), CO11 ~ i - a l 7 sample \.slue shal l escectl the emission liniit \ altic 1 7 ~ .

iiiorc than 1009,b or Suspeiided Solids yrnb \amplc \,iil~ie shall exceed the ciiiissisn limit \.aluc by more than 150%. For all other parameters. evcept pf I . no grab sample value shall exceed the emission limit \ aliie b). iiiore than 20"!0. No niass emission limit value shall exceed the limits specified in Sclicdii I o .-I : Di.~cIi(irgtx

Condition 3.





7 -

-> .3


3 7


N o tlischai-ges from t he \vaste \vater works is pel-mitteci sa\r under and in accc)1.c1;111ce n.itli this licence.

No specified dischai-ge l i -o in the waste water \voi-ks shnll exceed the emissioii l i n i i t \,slues set out in L%her/i/lc .-I; Di.scli~i/;q~~~s, ol' this licence. sul7ject to the rcquii-cments of Condition 2 ahovc.

~l'hc \:atcl- Services Authoi-ity shall take such tiieasui-es a s are necessary to ensure tliat iio detcrioi-atioii in tlic qiiality o f the recei\iiig ivatei-s shall OCCLII- as a i-esiilt of thc ct ischai-ge.

The secondary discharge shall not result in a tenipcrature increase at the edge of the mixing zone of greater than 1.5"C in the rccei\.ing \\.atcr. The mixing zone shall not exceed 25'%, of the cross sectional area of the ri\.er at any point.

There shall he no discharge from the discharge point(s) spccil'iecl in ,%~lii,tlri/o .-l..i; f)i.sc,Iitirgca.s /o /io Z ~ i . \ , ~ o / i / / / i i / c , [ l , of this licence, fi-om the dates speciified thei-ciii.

Stoim watcr overt1oii.x shall be as specified in S ~ ~ l r o t l i i l c ~ .1.4: ,Y /o r i i i l i ' ( / t cJ / . Oivr / /o i t~ .~,

oi'tliis licence.

~l'hc licensee shall eiisui-c tliat all or any ol'the tbllo\\.ing: . Gross sc)licls . I.ittcr

associated i \ , i t l i clischal-gcs li-om tlic u'aste U atcr \i,oiks do not result in ai1 inipainiieni of; o r ;iii interlcrence with. amenities o r the en^ ii-onment.

Condition 4. Control and Monitoring

3.1 The licensee sliall cxi-y out such sampling. analyses. iiieasurciiieiits. examinations, ma i 11 t enance and ea I i h ra t i 011s a s set o U t be 1 on. ;I nd i i i a cc o I-da iice \v i t h .% ,I/ orli /I: ,\louitoriiiy, o I' this 1 iceiicc.

4.1.1 ,4nalyses sha l l be uiidei-taken by competent staff' in :icc~ord:iiice L i - i t l i

doc iiment ed ope I-a t i iig p roc cti ures . A 11 ;I 1 y s i s li) r c om p 1 i a IIC e pu i-po s es .


4 3


1 5

4 h




includiiig any suh-conti-actccl analysis. sliall be dotic by ii compcteni 1 a bora t 01.4’.

4.1 .2 Such proccclu~~cs shall be assessed foi- their suitabilit!. lilr the test mntriu a n c l pe r tco iriiia iic e c Ii a r;ic t cri s t i c s s ha 1 I be de t e m i tied.

Such procetlurcs shall be subject t o 21 prograninie of Analytical Quality Control \,criIied by a competent third party using control standards u.itli e\,aluation of‘ test respc)iises.

4.1 .3

Wlicre an!‘ aiial!.sis is sub-contracted it sliall he t o a cotiipctcnt lahoratoi-y

I‘he licensee shall ciisurc that:

( i ) Sampling ancl analysis for all paraiiictcrs listed i i i the Schecl~iles to this licence. anti

Any 1-cfcrence iiie;isurciiient methods t o calibrate automated i1ic;isiircllit‘iit systcni

( i i )

shall be carried out by an appropriate Standard Method.

l’he licensee shall install on all emission points such sampling points 01- cquipiiicnt. including m y clata-logging or other electronic communication equipmcnt. as may he required by the Agency. ,411 such equipiiient shall be consistent nrith the safk opera t ion o 1’ a I 1 sa nip 1 i ti g ;i i i cl 1110 11 it o ri ng systems.

:I11 automatic nionitors and samplers h h a l l be fiinctioning at all tiiiics ( niainteiiancc a n d calibi-at ion) \\.lien the discharges are being macle iinless altei-iinti\ t‘ sampling or nionitoring l i x bcen agreed in \\,ritiiig 17). the Ayeiicj, li)r a limitccl period. 111 thc e\ cnt of’ the iiialfiiiiction of any continuous mclnitoi-. the licensee shall contact the Agcncy ;is soon ;is practicahle and altcrnativc sampling and monitvl-ing I‘ncilitics shall hc put in plnce. Agreement for the LISC 01’ altcrnati\.c cquipiiieiit. otlier than in emei-gcnc!‘ situations. shall be ohtaincd fi-oii i the Agency.

Monitoring and atialq,sis equipiiient sliall be cipei-ated and maintained ;IS necc that monitoring acc~ii-atelj~ reflects the discharge ( o r amhicnt conditions \t.hei-c that is the moilitoring ohjccti\x).

I n the case of‘ coiiiposirc sampling o f discharges ti-oni the \r.astc \\.:iter \\.arks. ;I

separate coiiiposite sample 01. lioiiiogcneous sub-sample (of’ suf‘f’icictit \oluiiic a h

ad\ isecl by the . 4 g C I i C j , ) shall be refi-igcratecl itiimeclintcl> aficr collection and retained as required for Agency use.

l’lie licensee shall clearly lahel and pro\’ide sali: and pcrmancnt ;iccess t o a11 oii-sitc sampling and monitoring points a n c l t o oft-site poiiit5 as required l ~ y the Agency.

I lie licensee shall eiisiirc that ;I person i n charge or a nominated deputy shall be available to meet witli authorised pcrson(s) of the Agency at all rcasonahlc timcs and shall allow access to the Lvastc water works or other premises that the i\geiic>, rcasonabl). consiclcrs niay contain inlbrmation pet-taiiiiiiy to :I discharge from those Lvorks or other prciiiises.

7‘he licensee shall establish and maintain con-ecti\.e action proccclures a n c l shall take correcti\x action should the specified requircments of this licence not he liillillecl. ‘Thc respotisihility and authority for persons initiating liirtlier in\.cstigation a n c l coi-recti\,e action in the e\’ciit of a rcportcd t ion-coi i f~~rmi t~ Lvitli this licciicc shall he defined by the licensee.

- _

I’ayc I I

1 10

4 1 1

4 13


1 14

4 15

3 16


l'hc licensee shdl establish a t i c l maintain a p o p i i i m e li)r maintenance m c l operation of a 1 1 17 1 ant and cq u i piiieii t to clis iirc t h ;i t no 11 nil ut hoi-i s ecl \vast e \+,at el-

discharges take place. This progiammc shall be based on the instructions issued by the mniiuf~ctur-er!siilplicl- o r installer of the eq~iipment. Approlx-iate record keeping and diagnostic testing shall support this maintcnancc programme. 'l'lie licensee shall clearl), allocate responsibility for the planning iiiaiiagemcnt and execution of' all aspects of this programme to appropriate personnel.

l'lie location, ti-ecluency, methods and scope of moiiitoriiig. saiiipliiig and analyses. as set out in this licence, ma\' be amended k v i t l i the ay-eeiiient ot' tlic .4gency i'oIlo\ving c\,a 1 ua t i o i i of' t es t results.

\!'here monitoring results under Section 99t; of the E:nviroiimental Protection 'Agency Acts 1992-2011 arid Section 16 of the \$.ater Pollution Act 1977& I990 (Discharges to seivers) are a\railable, the licensee ma>' submit those results to demonstrate compliance with Sch~~r/ir/e A:2 of this licence, with the agrecnient of tlie i\gcncy following evaluation of test results.

s 1 orm \\'Zit er o v er-llo\vs

4.13.1 The licensee shall. prior to the clate for submission 01' the second AI<R (rccluii-cd iindci- Colidition 6.8) cai-i-j, out an in\.estigatinn for tlie identification and assessment of' stoi-m \\'ater c n ertlo\ix iwport on the storm \vatcr o\.ertlo\\/s shall be subinitted to the Agencq as ~ I - I 01. t he second ,4I;R. 'l'he assessnient shall inclucle a determination of' compliance \I ith the critei-i;r foi-

sto1.111 \ v m - O\;Cr t lOwS. :IS set O L I t in thc I h E C LG .i'l.l,(,i'c/l/l.c..\ c l / 7 i / ('/Yw;(/ iri RcJlotioii lo S f o m i IT.>itc>r. 0 i ~ ' i - f l o i ~ ~ ' . 1905 :ii id an)' r)tlicr yuidance as inay be specilied by the Agency.

4.13.2 The licensee sliall carry out a n ;isscssiiiciit 01. stomi \\;iter o\ erilo\i,s at least once c\.ery three ycars thereafter and rcpoi-~ to the Agcnc!, on ench o as part 0 1 the Al3R. 'l'lie asscssiiiciit shall include ;i clcterminatioii of compliance \v i th tlic criteria I'oi- stoi-m \ \ . a t t ' i - o\ e i - l l o \ \ . h . ;is set out i n the Do E C LG . I' I-occcl LI ITS a ncl c' r i t el-i ;I i 11 Rc 1 ;I t i o ti t o S t i, 1.1 11 \\'at er ( 1 \ c rtl on. s. . 1095 a n c l any othci- guidance ; is ma!' be spccilictl I?!, the ;lgcnc!.. 'l'lic licensee shall maintain ;I \\ I-ittcn I-ecoril of' all xsessiiicnts a n c l rciiicclial measures arising li-om tlie a

'l'hc licensee shall preppare n I'ti7'K 1-cport Ibr- the prii i iarj . and secc)nciai-\. dischnryes. l'hc suhstances t o be includecl in the PR'I'R shall he ;IS agreecl by the Aycncy each year by i-eli-rencc to EC' Kegtilat ion No. 1 h6:2006 coticci-iiiIiy the cstablisliniciit of'tlie 1 !U I-op ea i i Po I I 11 t a nt Re 1 en se and 'I 'la i i s fer Keg i s t ci- ;I iicl ii iii end in y C'o u iic i 1 I ) i rt'c t i \.es 9 I 6SVEEc' and W 6 1 'EC. l'lie PI<-I'lI shall be prcpi-cd i n ;iccor-daiice with any relevant guidclincs issued by the Agene). a n c l x l i ~ i l l he siihriiitted elccti-onically i n specified format and as part o f the ALK.

'I'he licensee shall, withiii six months of the date o f grant o f this licciice, cle\/clsp and est ah 1 i sh a I>a t a M mag cmcn t S y st em 1'0 r c 01 1 ;it i 01 1. a I-eh i \ . i 11 g . ass es s i ng a nd graphically presenting the monitoring data gencratccl ;IS a result of this licence.

The licensee shall carry out monthly iiionitoi-ing of the inllucnt stream to the Lvastc water treatment plant for ~13011, COD, Suspenclecl Solidsl Total Nitrogen and Total Plicxphorus in ordcr to measure the inass loadings and rciiio\ a1 cfliciencies \vithiii the t rea t men t p la 11 t .

I'i-ioi- t o submitting amhicnt monitoring data. the licensee mtist consult \i.itli the Agency \\.it11 regard to the appi-opriate Ihi-mat [;)I- suhmittal.

3 1 S The licensee shall (iubmit a r epor t 011 the monitor ing p r o g r a m m e proposed in the A p p r o p r i a t e Assessment (receikcd 011 the 24"' August 201 I ) in relation to endocr ine disruptors . The licensee shall as p a r t of the second AER p r e p a r e a n d submi t t h e r epor t t o the \gem!.

Where such ambient m o i i i t o l itig ie,siilts at e a \ ,illable lioiii ' ~ i i ) otlici statuto11 bocly. tiicliidiiig the Agency. the licensee m,iy subinit t l i o s I csult\ i n ful tiliiieut ot the I equiiements ot S c / / c ~ / i / / l K J l / t i / u c , / i / 2 fo / i / to / [jig of this liceiiw

3 19

-1 20 T h e licensee shall re\iew the F'rcdiuvitcr Pcrivl l \!fi i~wl M i i n ~ t r i * Blrich,cutcr Siih Bci 5 in M c i 11 gem cn t Plriii for t h e RI 11 n 5 t e r BI a c hn ate r Catch men t, i nip1 e me n t applicable meastires anti w b m i t a measures report a, part of the 21nnt~a1 Environment a I Ne po r t ( l I.: lt ) .

Condition 5. Programmes of Improvements

( i i i ) iiiisconiiectioiis hct\vcen foul se\\ ci-s and sui-lice \\.:iter drainage net\vorl\:

5.5 ’l’he licensee sliall piit i n place ;I pingraninic of iiic;istires h r the gathering. recording and retention of inforination in t-clation to the infrastrLicttii-al componeiits o f the waste wa t ci- works . ‘1‘11 is i n foniia t ion s ha I I he i 11 the Ioi-i i i o I’ As -C on s t i u c t et1 . ti I-a w i ngs ;I I id electronic mapping tools. or i n an!’ other format as required hy (lie Agency.

Condition 6. Notifications, Records and Reports

’lhe liccnsee sliall notilj. the I\gcncJ,’s headquai-ten i n Wesfoi-ti, 01- to such other Agency office. as soon as practicablc afici- the occui-I-ciicc ol’an>. incident ( a s defined in this licence). This nc)titication shall he i n such foi-liiat as specificcl in (-iLiicl;ltice to 1.icenscesiCOA holders on the Notitication, Maiiagcment and C’ommunication of ~~;n~.ironiiiental Incidents issued b y the Agency and as a niinimuim shall iiiclude the following: the date, time, location. details, nature. cause. extent ancl ranking of‘ the iticiclelit, details on any \ulnei-ahlc receptors, con-ecti\x action taken and plans to pre\cnt a reoccui-rcncc. and the steps taken to minimisc any discharges and to carry

ary en\iroiuuentnl clcanup. ‘l’he hllon~iiig shall also hc iiotiticd. 21s soon as practicahlc alicr the occiirrctict‘ of’any inciclcnt:

(1) Inlaiitl Fisheries Ircland iriitl Thc National Parks and \\‘ildlifc Seryiccs i n the case o f discliarges to rccci\,ing \ \xters

l’hc licensee sliall I-ccortl all complnints o f ai1 cn\ irontncntal nntuiu related to tlie tlischai-gcs to n’aters Ii.oiii the \\.a>tc \\.ater \\.oi-ks in accorclaiice \vitli thc national en \ . i roiime ti t a 1 c o m p I ;i i ii t s p roc ed LI re. 1 lac h s iich i-ccc )rd s ha 1 1 g i \.c d et ;I i 1 s o I’ t he date a i d time of the coniplaint. the iiatiic o!’ the complainant ( i f ’ pro\.itlctl). and the nature ot‘the complaint. A record sliall also bc kept oftl ie rcspoiix iiiadc in the case oi‘eacli c ( ) m 17 I a i t i t .

~l’lic licensec slinll I-ecoid all sampling. aiinl!scx. iiiC;isLirciiiciits. eunmiiiations. calibrations aiid iiiaintenaiicc carried out in accoi-daiicc I\ i t h the rccluirctiicnts 01’ this licciicc.

~l‘lic licensee shall as a niinimum Lccp t l i z f’ollo\\ ing clncuiiiciits at the Iicaclquai-tcrs of thc licensee or such ot’licc as i l ia>‘ be agreed I’y the ,\yciicy:

( i )

( i i )

the 1 ice lice app 1 ic a t i o n ;I ncl a I 1 ii s soc i a t c d cl )cuii I en1 ;I t i on 1

the liceiicc(s) relating t o the discliai-ge( s) to \\yitei-s from the \\xstc \?.atcl- \\.arks :

( i i i ) the previous year‘s Alsti:

( i 1.) records (1 1’ a I 1 r i s k a ss es snie t i t s. sa m p 1 i 11 y , a iia 1 yses. i i ic;i si1 re men t s, exam i 1 ia t ions. c a 1 ibrat i oiis an cl ma i n t ena ncc ca t-ri cd out i n acc ordanc e m, i t 11 the requirements o f this licciicc atid guidnncc produced hy tlie Agency:

relevant correspoiicieiiw with the Agency: (\,)

(vi) LIP to date dra\l:ings~’l’l~iiis slio\\itig the location of’ key process and environmental inti-asti-ucturc. including monitoring locations and discharge poi tit s i

u p to tlatc operational procedures fir all nionitoring a t ~ l control cquipnicnt nccessat-> to giLc cf’fect t o this licence.

( \ . i i )

Condition 7. Financial Charges and Provisions

Priniar! Diwliarge Point Code:

\ariie of Recei\ing \\ ater#:

Iloiiitot-ing I mation


Temper ii t ti re


C B O I )

c 0 1)

Srispciitled Solids

Iota1 \ itrogcii

Aninionia (a\ 2)

lotal Pllo~pllor"s (215 P) ' Or t h op h o$ p h ii t e (a 5 1')


_. 7.F


3 - 1 .5

Discharge Location:

\I on i t orin g 1,oca t ion


'I ell~pcratllrc



Siirpeiided Solids C h I or id c

Slllpilatc (a# SO,)

I otal PiloIp11orl14 (a5 P)

Alctalq (,\5, IIg, Se. Cr. Cii, Pi), Si. Ka. B. Zn) \'OC (toluene, \! Iciic,


s\\ 1


SCHEDULE B: Monitoring

I'riiiiar? Discharge Point Code: S\l 1

Par a tile te r

s td lld 'I I-cl h I et hod

Secondar! Discliargc Point Code:


8 2 - 0 5

Te rii pe r a t U re



C a I' bo ua reo U \ Ki och c riiic al Ox! gcn Denland

S 11 spe 11 d et1 S 01 id s

Total Phosphorus (as 1')

Priority Substances "l" ' \'isu;il Incpcctioii

06-1 I O

11 1-125

\otc I : I(c1c.r to C iiiitlition -1.12



hloni t o r in g F requ eii cy A rial\ si\ hI et hod/'rec h 11 i q u e \Ut< I

4 times yeai-

1 times yeat-

3 times year

3 times yeai-

4 times yeai-

As required

hcl ont I1 I y

'Lo of samples t a k a in any one year \""

Rla\inium numher of samples U hich may exceed El,\'

1 4-'

3 9 -4 0


1 54-67 I I 68-81 17 I

I 1-11-155 I 1 2 I

No of samples taken in an) one year hot'

1 156-171

hIa\ininin nuinher of samples which may eweed EL\'

I 177-187

1 SX-203

204-2 19


1 6

30 1-3 1 7



I l 7

236-25 1 I lX

1 752-268 I 269-284 I 20

B. 4

Receiving Water ikfoititoriiig

I .oc;ttioii:

A 111 bieii t Moit itoring

Parameter Monitoring Frequenq \"" ' A'Zn:~l! sis ~IethodiTecIiiiiqtie

N o improvements M orks arc 5pecified.


C. 2 Iiiipro v c w er it Prograiiiiii e , f hr Srcort dary Discli urges

Specified I inpro\ enierit Completion Date

i An! other worhs notified in iii-itiiig b! the Zgeiicy I\ agrced j


Specified Iinprovenient

C'pgrading of Storm \\'ater Overflows to comply with the criteria outlined in the I1 o EC L X " Pr oced t i res a ti d Criteria in relation to Storni \\'a ter Overflows, 1905"

h n y otlict- o\wHou~s notilied in \\.riting by the :\genc.y

-. _ _ _ ~


. ~ __

1)iscliarge Point Code 1 Completion Date I

S I \ 2 , s\\ 3, s\\ 5 , s\\ 0, s\\ 7 , ~

S\\ 8 I

>, i cr E


c c f 'r'

.... .- i 0

c c; c c "2 13 e

Y .-



. -


c c i

top related