© steria steria and corporate responsibility (cr) managing our business responsibly

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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© Steria

Steria and Corporate Responsibility (CR)

Managing our business responsibly


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)2

Corporate responsibility is at the heart of our strategy

It is about

Sustainable growth

Respect and equality between stakeholders

Social purpose of our business life


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)3

Corporate responsibility is at the heart of our strategy

It is a part of our DNA Founder vision Unique governance Living values Employee engagement

It is embedded in everything we do Business solutions Client service Employee relations Shareholder relations Local community links


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)4

Some achievements

Bombay Stock Exchange award for best CSR practice in promoting educational programmes for communities for 3 consecutive years

Nasscom Social Innovation Honours Golden Peacock special commendation award for CSR Gaia: one of the best score in sustainable development index for midcaps

on the Paris Stock Exchange Improvement in CR ratings by Vigeo agency 2010 Grand Prix for employee shareholding in France Number 2 listed by Great Place to Work Institute in Norway HR excellence award in Spain Highest score in Carbon Disclosure Project 2010 for our market sector

with an A rating Best supplier awarded by SFR in France


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)5

Communicating our activities

www.steria.com/sustainability CR brochure Benchmark surveys

Vigeo and Gaia Showcases on UN Global

Compact page


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)6

We support the UN Global Compact initiative

Covers ten universal principles:

human rights labour standards the environment anti-corruption

Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)7

The 4 parts of our Corporate Responsibility strategy

Build a sustainable environment and help our clients do the same

Take responsibility for our actions and for promoting ethical business practices


Support the growth and development of our people

Help disadvantaged people to help themselves by giving them access to IT, to education and to a job


Steriaand CR


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)8

Governance Model

Group CR sponsor: François EnaudGroup CR sponsor: François Enaud

Economic responsibility

Excom sponsor:Olivier Vallet


Excom sponsor:Laurent Lemaire

Environmental responsibility

Excom sponsor:John Torrie

Social responsibility

Excom sponsor:François Mazon


Excom sponsor:Mukesh Aghi

Network Leader

Solfrid Skilbrigt

Network Leader Network Leader

John Neilson.

Network Leader

Sylvie Verstraeten.

Network Leader

Dominique Lambert / Gayathri Mohan

CR Advisory Board

CSR programme director

Solfrid Skilbrigt

Corporate Responsibility STEERING COMMITTEE

Environmental responsibility

Excom sponsor:John Torrie


Excom sponsor:Johan Vermeule


Excom sponsor:Mukesh Aghi

Network Leader

John Neilson Siva Niranjan

Network Leader

Hilde Solberg Holm

Network Leaders

Dominique Lambert Gayathri Mohan

CR programme directorSolfrid Skilbrigt

Marketplace responsibility

Excom sponsor:Laurent Lemaire

Network Leader

Markus Hackenjos Joachim Philippi


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)9

Part 1: ENVIRONMENT (Green)

Build a sustainable environment and

help our clients do the same

Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)10

ICT a small

contributorto climatechange

ICT can play a

big role in thesolution & containment of

climate change

Helping other Sectors to cut Carbon Emissions

~2% ~98%

~15% reduction

Smarter use of ICT* across all economies could reduce global emissions by 15+% by 2020

Source: Smart 2020: Enabling the low carbon economy in the information age, The Climate Group and McKinsey Company, 2008 *ICT: Information and Communication Technology


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)11

Environmental objectives for a ‘win-win’ for all

Objectives based on where we can have maximum positive impact


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)12

Building a Sustainable Environment

Engage each individual in building a sustainable environment Instil and support culture among all employees in living green

Green Ambassadors across the company Focus on what we can do in ‘day to day’ business

Decrease use of paper, travel and energy consumption Increase recycling in all areas and reduce waste

Encourage our employees to take the best practice to their homes, local schools and neighbourhood communities

Integrate environmental thinking into the business Be proactive in providing though leadership to our clients and partners

ISO 14001 certification on a global basis

Go beyond regulatory reporting Demonstrate our achievements, credentials and plans to all stakeholders

Examples: GRI Performance Indicators, Carbon Disclosure Project and UN Global Compact

Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)13

Helping our clients become greener

Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)14

Value add with Green Solutions to Clients

“Develop innovative solutions utilising

applications, infrastructures & networks and support

our clients to make their business become more cost effective and environmentally sustainable”

Field Service MgtEnergy Management

WorkflowGreen IT

Smart Transport


Sustainability Consulting

Smart Metering


2010 Achievements for Environment

CDP2010 gives Steria Performance Banding/Rating of ‘A’ and Disclosure Score of 89%. Only organisation in our market sector receive ‘A’ banding.

Carbon Neutral for Air & Road from 2010 with two offset projects, one in India and the other in China.

Establishment of Environmental Management System to ISO14001 with certification achieved in Spain, Germany, Austria, Poland, UK (HQ, Belfast & Reading), Sweden and Norway.

Move to a ‘eco-Smart’ Green building in Sweden.

Developing Green capabilities & solutions to take to Clients.

Best Supplier Challenge Award at SFR for Innovation, Customer Satisfaction and Sustainable Development.


Carbon Neutral for ‘Air and Road’ Travel



21.93MW Electricity, local employment and Infrastructure

>500 jobs, unique initiative, only project to use CMM as fuel for gas supply


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)17

Objectives for Environment 2011 and beyond

Our ‘Living Green’ initiatives will instil greener behaviour and focus on ‘greening our offices’, including the move to ‘energy positive’ Green building in France, and putting in place a process to measure paper, toner and water consumption and waste disposal, and implement paper and waste reduction initiatives.

Continuation of ISO14001 certification programme across the group to a completion.

Continuation of Carbon Neutral for Business Travel across the group.

Support our Clients with our thought leadership and solutions to become a more environmentally sustainable business.

Externally report our activities to Carbon Disclosure Project, UN Global Compact and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)18


Taking responsibility for our actions and promoting ethical business practices

Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)19

Steria Code of ethics

Ethics for us means not just being compliant with the law but about living according to our values

Ensuring that our employees are doing business in conformity with our values

Ensuring healthy business practices

Ensuring that our suppliers are compliant with Steria ethics


Ensuring that all managers and employees live our values

In the annual performance management interview, the assessment of each employee starts by evaluating the alignment of behavior with our values


Simplicity is the core value expressing the personality and the style of the company and enables us to deliver effective solutions and results for our customers. It is also a company philosophy, having simple processes and structures enable us to take decisions quickly, rapidly transforming ideas into results which excel.

Human values and shared ownership are deep in our DNA


All along the 40 years of our entrepreneurial story, our people and our customer’s best interests have always been at the very heart of our strategic decisions. In our approach, we consider the business needs of our customers first. We consider our people to be our primary asset. We trust any single individual in giving him or her autonomy and the right support to perform their mission.


Creativity is the source of innovation which is our main business driver. We encourage the initiatives taken by our employees and welcome and promote new ideas. Innovation is at the very heart of our strategy for Steria to stand out from the competition.


The diversity across our organisation is a real asset. Mixing different cultures, backgrounds and experiences creates our richness. We welcome this diversity and encourage networking across the organisation.

Within Steria, we operate more by projects with teams sharing common goals and objectives than by hierarchical structure. The accessibility to the senior decision takers is very easy, and our lean structure enables the people’s voice to be heard and encourages a listening management culture.


Independence is the cornerstone of our strategy. From our corporate governance to our partnership policy, to our thinking and solutions, we always take decisions which guarantee the sustainability of our business model, the mastery of our future and the freedom to select the best for our customers and our employees.


Live our values in the governance of the Company

An original system of governance by bringing together the community of employee shareholders within Soderi, the parent holding company Managing Partner.

Employees are involved in the Group's strategic decisions through their elected representatives ( Board of Directors)

The Board gives prior approval to any resolution put to the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting of Group Steria SCA and to any proposal put forward by the Steria General Manager relating to a change in the company's consolidation

Soderi has set up a number of services to drive employee shareholding and to help develop an entrepreneurial spirit and skills such as training on economics, finance and stock-market techniques.

Employees have a say in their future


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)22

Ensuring healthy business practices

We have developed some key group policies and procedures which must be respected to adhere to the company risk appetite and to improve our internal control environment

The risk management process consists primarily of identifying, assessing and developing management strategies to deal with risks at the company level

Internal Controls are necessary steps that guarantee the achievement of our objectives in term of Effectiveness and efficiency of the business operations Company compliance with applicable laws and regulations Reliability of the financial statements and company asset protection


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)23

Ensuring that suppliers and partners are compliant

We ensure that suppliers and partners are CR compliant Define the undertakings asked in conformity with Steria CR Insert a standard clause in each Steria RFP Ensure the clause is implemented in each contract we sign


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)24 Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)

Marketplace: Some facts and achievements

400 top managers have signed the Code of Ethics

BOICR (263 internal control rules formalised covering all major company processes)

20 compliance audits performed / quarterly report to Excom

Soderi Board (internal shareholder representatives) fully aligned with Steria diversity (17 members / 6 women / 5 non French: 1 Norway, 1 Germany, 2 UK, 1 India)

8 meetings of the Soderi boards of Directors held in 2009

5 e-learning modules on the Soderi Website on economics, financial and governance topics


Marketplace: Overview objectives 2011

1. Marketplace Network Harmonise marketplace activities across all Steria countries

2. Governance Make adherence to our values as part of all management reviews Ensure transparency and independency Develop entrepreneurship Motivate employees

3. Ethics and Employees Ensure, that all employees are aware of our Code of Ethics and Fraud Policy Ensure that all employees are doing business in conformity with Code of Ethics and Fraud Policy

4. CR and Procurement practices Provide guidance to suppliers and subcontractors and ensure their commitment Ensure that our Procurement practices are in line with CR principles Guaranty that our Procurement community conduct business according ethic rules

5. Internal Control Awareness Get the buy in and the engagement of all employees Increase the effectiveness of our communication regarding internal control topics Improve self assessment rate year by year

6. Global Reporting Ensure harmonised indicators as a framework to enable areas to take local requirements into

account Ensure that information, measures and results are communicated to all involved colleagues on a

regular basis


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)26 Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)

Marketplace: Our 2010 actions and objectives

Code of Ethics Have the Code of Ethics signed by all new top managers Integrate the Code of Ethics in Welcome Package Integrate the Code of Ethics in Steria training programme

Internal control awareness

Get the buy in and the engagement of all employees

Suppliers Have a Purchase Charter Measure Suppliers’ compliance

Governance Propose new training programmes for Soderi members Launch communication campaign (internal and external) to promote

our uniqueness as a strategic asset


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)27 Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)


Support the growth and development of our people Diversity is a key for success

Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)28

Make Steria the “Best” place to work

Develop a work environment which provides to each employee: Pride, Enjoyment and Purpose

Pride of belonging to

Enjoyment to work within

Meaning of mission and role


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)29 Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)

A long term approach to people development

Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)

Selecting and developing managers in line with Steria values

Senior managers are role modelsAct according to the Steria valuesDevelop a strong management culture

Develop entrepreneurial culture through:Large and long lasting internal shareholding

Stereo employer survey: make the voice of our employees heard

Annual survey addressing all employeesCascaded feedbackDecide and follow up on actions

Special focus on:Work life balance (reducing the level of stress)



Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)30 Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)

Diversity is a key for success

We measure ethnic diversity when it is possible

We encourage diversity at all times In recruitment Assignment to management positions

We encourage hiring of differently-abled people We are developing an appropriate


We believe that teams composed of people with a variety of age, gender and ethnicity perform well.


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)31

Workplace: Some facts and achievements

Employee shareholding: Employees have the power of a majority shareholder

(highest proportion within the Top 100 French listed companies)

30% employee shareholders 20,3 % of capital owned by employees 442 new shareholders in 2010

Diversity 31% women in Steria 23% women among the Senior Management (Top 130) International Group Executive Committee consisting of 6

different nationalities

Work life balance and Stress Management Zen’IT programme in Steria France. (Classified “GREEN”

by the French government) Hot line operational in times of need in all countries


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)32 Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)

Workplace: Some facts and achievements

We have developed a disability policy in Steria

In France we train our managers in all aspects relating to hiring and working with disabled colleagues

We have developed tools to help disabled people in better use of IT

We encourage our designers to develop user friendly applications in line with international standards


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)33

Workplace: Our 2011 actions and objectives(1)


We will appoint a woman to the Supervisory Board

We will investigate salary equality between the men and women in Steria

We will participate in the preparations for EU E-skills week initiative in 2012 to support female participation in technical studies

We will test tools for investigating the climate towards diversity

We will implement on the Men Machine tool for disabled people in Steria lap tops

Each country will be engaged in at least one initiative to increase the number of applicants for jobs at Steria from disabled people


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)34

Workplace: Our 2011 actions and objectives(2)

Stress Management and work life balance

We will educate and support managers in how to manage stress levels in their team anti-stress management

We will launch a work life balance policy

We will iintegrate stress management and work life balance in management training.

Steria values and leadership We will support defining management behaviour in line with Steria

values and the implementation in global and local leadership program s

Well being Each country will be engaged in initiatives increase physical



Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)35


Steria recognises the community as an important stakeholder in our business

As a responsible citizen, Steria has chosen to support people in need and help them become more autonomous

3 objectives Give access to education Give access to IT Give access to a job


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)36 Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)

Our programmes are volunteer-driven

Encourage and support initiatives from our employees

Focus on interactions between our employees, customers, various aid organisations and schools

One Day Challenge: a yearly event to encourage our employees to get involved in the community


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)37

Give access to education

Education is the main driver of wealth in society and a real social elevator Giving access to education for underprivileged people is the most

efficient way of improving living conditions With the support of volunteers, Steria is engaged in concrete actions to

help children and young people become better contributing members in society


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)38

Give access to IT

Mastering IT skills is key for social and professional integration of disadvantaged peopleSteria - Institut de France Foundation

Supporting projects and innovative solutions where IT brings direct social benefits, with the support of volunteers sharing their skills.

Local IT and education programmes Enable disadvantaged people

by providing IT tools and mentoring


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)39

Give access to a job

Employability leading to a job - going up the value chain

One way of going a step further in helping disadvantaged people become independent is to offer them training and qualifications leading to a job

Partnership with Digital Bridges in Cambodia: 2 years training for underprivileged students to become engineers, coaching of the teachers and technical team with Steria volunteers

3-4 years Graduate Scholarship Programme for bright students of Steria-supported schools in India to pursue a university degree

Job oriented career development programme for students from Steria-supported schools in partnership with National Institute of Information Technology (NIIT) in India


Volunteer-driven programmes

One Day Challenge Promote and develop our community programmes Encourage more employees to get involved Get our clients involved in community work Raise funds for community projects

Accomplishments in 2010 Number of volunteers in the Group: 4383 Fundraising: 111 444 euro Number of clients: 10 Number of activities: 309 Number of charities supported: 58

ODC 2011: November 17


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)41

Give access to education: Some facts and achievements

36 schools supported in India, 46 000 children, 600 Indian staff volunteers One Steria / One Country / One School programme: 9 countries engaged so

far: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Spain, HQ, Switzerland, Belgium Each country supports one school project in India Steria India is the implementation partner

Teaching and mentoring directly provided by employee volunteers 8 client partnerships Awards

Best CSR Practice 2009 – Bombay Stock Exchange Best CSR Practice 2010 – Bombay Stock Exchange Social Innovation Honours 2010 – Nasscom Foundation Special Commendation for CSR – Golden Peacock 2010 – World

Council for Corporate Governance


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)42

Give access to education: Some facts and achievements

LTSB Scottish Widows CFS Boots Royal Mail BT Others: BBC, NHS,

Experian, FSA, YW

Client partnerships in community projects


Give access to IT: facts and achievements

10 on-going projects with Steria Foundation Innovative IT internet site for disabled people, robotic workshops in prisons for young people, 2 IT labs for unemployed people, young drop-

outs and children, Communications platform for ill children in 40

hospitals Virtual Computer Keyboard for motor disabled

people,… Yearly IT workshops for 45 immigrant women

in Norway Smart classrooms implemented in Indian

schools Solar powered computer center in a school in



Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)44

Give access to a job: facts and achievements

Partnership with Digital Bridges in Cambodia set up by Steria Foundation 25 students have found a job in 2008 50 students are being trained during 2009-2011 14 Steria volunteers have undertaken technical and coaching

assignments since 2008

Graduate Scholarship Scheme in India: 62 Steria scholars supported in higher education leading to a job

Career Center opened in Noida in September for short-term training aimed primarily at students from Steria supported schools


Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)45 Steria and corporate responsibility (CR)

Thank you!

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