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Post on 13-Jun-2018






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Carrium: Page-57

"No Certain Dwelling Place: 1 year-39 Days!"

The 6th Month of The 38th Year!


3rd Day of the week, which is called Tuesday!

Carrium means: "A Message From God!"

By Evangelist Xmeah ShaEl-ElaReEl: The Messenger of The Lord Jesus Christ!

"No Certain Dwelling Place: This Is The Work of An Evangelist!"

On The Highway: Going To and Fro!

Matthew 13:52: Then said the Lord Jesus unto them, Therefore, every scribe, which is one who is ordained as a writer, which is instructed unto the kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man that is a householder, which brings forth out of his treasure things new and old.

This is the Work of a Scribe who is instructed in the Kingdom of Heaven! I bring forth out of my treasure, some new and some old!

(If you dont download, and listen to the mp3 Reports in these Messages; you are missing the Power of this Meat!)


You Won't Let Me Fall!

This is a Report for you from The Lord God, Jesus Christ! Pay attention to all of it, because the journey that is ahead, is too great for you! Jesus Christ Is The Lord! "Amen!"

Blessed are You, O Lord Michael, the Arch Angel, Whom the Lord Jesus Christ has sent to fight against those that fight against us! Arise, and fight! Amen!

Blessed are You, O Lord Gabriel, the Messenger Angel, Whom the Lord sends unto His servants with the Reports! Give us the Reports! Give us skills; and, cause us to understand in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!

Blessed are You, O Lord God of our Peace: cause us to be still; and, be You multiplied unto all! Amen!

Isn't it good to know if there is a death trap set for you? Ahab did not think so! The Lord would speak the truth to him by the mouth of one of His prophets: but, Ahab resented the man, and said that this man never told him anything good! What do you want to hear? Lies!

"Consider What It Is That You Are Speaking!"

Consider your body language! Are you speaking righteousness, O congregation, with your deeds? Consider this question which you are being asked from the Psalms! You are given to consider what you are telling people by the things which you allow them to see, while you are calling yourself a Christian! What do your deeds and actions be saying to people? Are you making righteous judgments? Amen!

When it comes down to choosing how you will deal with a problem, are you choosing to use the counsel of the Lord, or are you using some other method? Are you speaking righteousness by what you do? Someone will be following after your examples; and, they will consider it to be the right things to do, because they saw you doing it! Amen!

"What Kind Of Tree Are You Showing Yourself To Be?"

A tree is known by the fruit that it bears! No righteous tree can bring forth evil fruit; and, no evil tree can bring forth righteous fruit, the Lord has said! Are you showing forth fruits of righteousness? Amen!

"Light Came Forth First!"

God said, "Let There Be Light!" And, there was Light! The first day of the week is called the "Light Day!" This is the beginning of God's Creation! Jesus Christ is the Light; and, He is the Beginning of the Creation of God! Amen!

Therefore, let us come together on the first day of the week with rejoicing, and giving of thanks unto God for all that He has done for us! Let us show forth our appreciation unto Him for bringing us out of darkness, and into His marvelous Light! Darkness covers the earth in these days, as darkness was upon the face of the deep in the beginning! And, as God did in the beginning, calling Light out of darkness; He is also doing now, calling the children of the Light out of the darkness! Everything that is of the Light is now in the darkness! But, the Lord will again separate the Light from the darkness! Amen!

All things were created from the beginning; even this day that we are living in at this time! Both good and evil are in this day! The paths are known to the Lord! So, consider your attitude about this day which the Lord has blessed you to be in; and, do not spend this day on doing evil! But, seek righteousness, and please the Lord who blessed you with this day! God is making His Judgment according to the attitudes which people show about that which He has given them! He has given the Lord Jesus to cover all, and to deliver all from sin and death: but, what kind of attitude are you showing to God about the Gift of Life that He gave man? Amen!

This is the day that You have made, O Lord: give us gladness, and rejoicing in it! Clothe us in our right minds, so that we might show our appreciation to You for what You have done for us! Give us not to be speaking our own words, nor doing our own deeds: but, fill You, our mouths with righteous conversations; and, lead us in the paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake! Let the praises of God come forth unto us from You, so that we might send back unto You the perfect praises that You are rightfully due. Give us inspired speaking and singing! You have commanded us to sing unto You a new song! Lord, give us new songs to sing! Amen!

But, let the wicked be disappointed in all of their desires against that which is right; and, let righteousness be established in all of Your Assemblies! Cause us to know the joyful sound! Amen!

Thank You for the help in getting started this morning!

"And, He has given His Angels charge over you to keep you in all of His Ways!" Thank You for the help which You have ordained for us! Amen!

Thank You, Lord! And, Blessed are You, O Holy Father!

"Stop Looking At White People As Unjust Gods!"

They are not gods at all; so, stop treating them as gods, by your looking for opportunities to come from them, and through them! You will not agree with what I have just said, because your pride is standing in the way: but, the Lord will prove your thoughts unto you; and, you will not be able to deny that which He has shown unto you about yourself! Amen!

Your thoughts towards the True and Living God are weak; and, you are not understanding that promotion does not come through man: but, from the Lord God on High! What is it that can stand in your way when the Lord is for you? Who can stop you when the Lord God Almighty is for you! Your faith in the Power of the Almighty God is very weak, due to a lack of knowledge of Him in truth; and, because you do not have an everyday working relationship with Him! You have not become, at all, familiar with God in everyday situations! Amen!

You need to be delivered from the evil thoughts that are ruling in your heart! Your thoughts about God are very weak! Amen!

You have spoken with your mouth, saying, "The white man! The white man!" Every time you find yourselves in a fix, you say, "The white man caused us to be in this condition!" But, your own sins have gotten you in the mess you are in! Amen!

You have exalted men above God! You say with your mouth that these things are not true; but, you show forth what you believe by the way you carry yourself! Are you preaching faith in God by your actions? Do you indeed speak righteousness? Amen!

Heavenly Father, everything that You say is truth! We have to acknowledge the truth first! O Lord, free us from this weak thinking! Deliver us from fear of the power of man; and, cause us not to look at man as being our provider! Set our thoughts aright, O Lord; and, renew a right spirit within us! Amen!

Cause us to truly be looking unto You from Whom comes our help! You are the Lord that created the heavens and the earth: and, You are the True Provider! You are the True Provider; and, there is no other provider besides You! Establish our hearts in this Truth; and, the Truth shall rule in our hearts! Amen!

You have given us to know the weak thoughts of the spirit called Smyrna, in Revelation 2:8-11. Cause us to know the true faith, which are the riches of the Lord! You measure us by Your Standards! Amen!

"Who Are You Demonstrating Before?"

"Why Do You March On Washington?"

It started with one man who called himself a preacher that he gathered the people together in great numbers (more than 300,000), and they started a march to demonstrate before the government for equal rights! Should not a people pray unto their God, the Lord said? This way of marching did spread all over the nation! People take to the streets to march. But, the Church should have come together with prayers, and with fasting while confessing their sins before the Lord. Pray for those who despitefully use you! Are the Laws of God being obeyed? Did Israel demonstrate before Pharaoh because of the mistreatment they received? God said He heard the cries of His people! Your demonstrating and marching were like praying to the devil. You honored a way that is contrary to what is commanded by the Lord your God. You satisfied yourselves with evil; and, you became bitter at those who spoke against such a way, because you believed you have gained much because of it. You are in worse shape now than you were back then. Now you have to be delivered from the same thing they were caught up in. But, Blessed be the Word of God, because deliverance is promised; and, the Blacks must be the first to turn back to God!

Now hear what thus saith the Lord Jesus Christ, "What are your complaints? And, consider who it is that you are complaining to! Consider what you are saying! You are saying that a man will not give you a chance! And, you have agreed with the demonstrations before man; and have gone before Congress looking for equal rights; and, have not used the gathering as a tool to call upon the Name of the Lord to remove that which is opposing you! You have walked hand in hand with those who do not call upon the Name of the Lord your God; and, you have called yourselves the brother to them whom I have declared as Anti-Christ, just because they are black like you! Amen!

Are you not in resemblance of King Jehoshaphat, who did side with the ungodly king Ahab? Can two walk together, if they are not in agreement about the same God, and the one Lord Jesus Christ, in The Truth, The Way, and The Life? Can the two of you agree as touching a thing that you shall ask of God, if the two of you are not in agreement about His Son, Jesus Christ? What fellowship does Light have with darkness; and, what agreement is there between Jesus and Satan? Amen!

And, you are saying that a man is keeping you from achieving what you want to achieve; and, that they are denying you the opportunity to get what you need, to get out of the rut that you are in! What is the matter with you? Have you not heard that the earth is the Lord's: and, the fullness thereof? Don't you know the Power of God? Is there any man that is greater than God? Amen!

You said, "no" with your mouth: but, your heart is not safely trusting in the Lord; and, in His Power and His Might! Amen!

Did not the Lord cause Daniel to excel above all of those that were set against him? Do you believe these examples that these examples written for you? Daniel is your example of how you should live in a Babylonian society." Amen!

Thus shall you answer the Lord, saying, "Lord, You know the answers to those questions! Show me that which You know; and, what You know is true! Amen!" Amen!

Acknowledge this unto God by saying, "Heavenly Father, You are so true! But, let this not be found with me! Establish the True Strength and Trusting of You in my heart! You are God that establishes the right things in our hearts; and, He who creates us in the Image that is pleasing to You! Create us, O God; and we shall be created in Your Image! There is no weakness in You; and, we are in You; and, You are in us! We are Your people; and, You are our God! You give us to examine ourselves in Truth; and, we shall not deny what You are showing us! Because if we do acknowledge what we know about ourselves, we shall be made stronger by You! We shall have no weaknesses within us at all! Amen!" Amen!

"You are Perfect Strength and Confidence: and, You have declared in Your Holiness that You will be our Confidence and Strength! Lord, I do understand that this means You will be working from within us, so that we can be within the Realm of God! Amen!" Amen!

I say, "Hallelujah!" Great and Mighty are You, O Holy Father, our Creator! Mighty are You, O Lord Jesus! You create a mighty people! A people that need not be ashamed! Amen!

Thus saith the Lord unto all of you that are of another race besides what is called white, "All of you need to stop looking at whites as gods! I know you say with your mouth that you don't look upon whites as gods: but, your ways prove that is exactly what you are thinking! You are looking to them for everything that you need; and, you have said that the white man rules the world; and, you must go through him before you can do anything! Your ways proves your thoughts!" Amen!

Therefore, pray, asking the Lord: "O Lord God, what would You have us to do? Command deliverance, O Lord: and, we shall be delivered! Who can establish a thought in his own head, that the thought might rule in him? It is good that You establish our thoughts in us, O Lord! Establish them, O Lord: and, they shall rule in us! Amen!" Amen!

Evangelist Xmeah ShaEl-Ela'ReEl: The Messenger!

Children of Christ of America

"No Certain Dwelling Place: This Is The Work of An Evangelist!"

We Are On The Highway: Going To and Fro! Spreading The Word of God!

Cell phone: 409-880-5060

Web Site: http://www.xmeah.com

Email: evangelist@xmeah.com

"At Home In The Van!"

Our home is on the road!We live in our van!We go about spreading the Word of God, bringing Understanding to the people!I was looking for a house, and I found a house, even this vehicle.I thought about how mighty those of old were in bringing the Word of God to the people while they were in a homeless condition.Thisis the advantagethat the Lord has made for us.Jesus Himself lived as a homeless man: but, look at all He brought forth while living in that condition."Sojourner!"

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Believe; And, Dont Doubt!

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