are you one of us (updated)


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Are You One of Us (Updated)



----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARE YOU ONE OF US?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You may have wondered about this.Is it possible that you could be a Vampire and be unaware of this fact?This is not a silly question to ask. It is, in fact, an important one.The Temple claims that if you follow the instructions in The Vampire Bible you can discover if you are, indeed, a Vampire.The wonderful thing about the Temple is that you do not have to believe any of our Nightside claims.However if you are willing to put our claims to the test you will discover they are true.That is why we openly publish The Vampire Bible and offer its initial instructions.When someone is serious enough to purchase this basic book and mature enough to followthe instructions then we know they will obtain results.We have many, many members who have applied this simple guideline to discover that what theTemple offers is true and valid.Other religions commonly require that you "just believe" their claims.All of Christianity requires that you just have faith and believe. So too does Judaism and Islam.Even the Buddhists expect you to believe that the Buddha had it right when he stated that "lifeis suffering".The Temple does not require that you believe any of our claims.Instead we ask you to do something amazingly different.We ask you to test our claims.When you, yourself, test and verify the Temple's claims then you will have proof - not just hope.We are confident that if you set aside your fears and disbelief just long enough to actually followthe instructions in The Vampire Bible, then you will discover what so many others have learned.It works.It is true.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE POWER OF KNOWLEDGE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Test Everything, Believe Nothing."The Temple's motto reveals how everything in this religion is based on personal validation ofexperience and is not faith-based.Faith-based religions are the common norm. In faith-based religions you are given specific beliefs youare expected to accept as true ...without evidence or personal experience.For example as we approach Christmas we are reminded of the common beliefs of the variousChristian religions. The Nicene Creed is just such a group of beliefs which include the claims that Jesusis the only son of God, the creator of everything, who came from heaven through a virgin birth, waskilled, rose from the dead, returned to heaven, and will return in the future to earth to judge everyonewho has ever lived.So to follow this version of this faith-based religion you need to believe all of these things (andmore) because you are told to. Not because you have any evidence these things are correct. Notbecause it feels good to believe these things. No, you are expected to just believe they are truebecause that is what a faith-based religion requires.Interestingly enough, most efforts to convert someone to a faith-based religion are not based ontelling you this. Usually there will be many reasons offered for why you should believe these things.These reasons will often include the threat that if you don't then you will go to hell or suffer insome manner. Another reason commonly offered is that other people have had miracles in their livesthat "prove" that these beliefs must be true. There are numerous such reasons offered but at hearta faith-based religion is based on faith that what they tell you to believe is true and you simplymust choose to believe it.We don't do that.To the contrary, the Vampire religion asks you to look at the Nightside ideas that we suggest are true -the existence of Lifeforce, the reality of the out of body experience (The OBE), the reality ofadvanced practitioners of the OBE (the Undead Gods), the reality of magic, the reality of yourInnermost Self (the Dragon) - and then acquire personal experiences to verify that these thingsare correct.We don't argue with people about why they should accept these ideas as real. We do offer evidenceto help those interested in testing these ideas with us to be more inclined to follow through and do so.For example, we commonly point out that the experience of Lifeforce and the taking ofLifeforce (Vampirism) is found under many names and throughout history. We note how the OBE is alsoa common experience mentioned over and over in the medically-documented reports of neardeath experiences (the NDE), deathbed visions of the dead, and so forth.However these numerous examples offering evidence are not intended to convince anyone to"just believe" in these things. Instead, we ask all followers of the Nightside of this religion to prove itto themselves.And when you do so, you go beyond mere "faith" or "hope" and attain something far moreimportant - KNOWLEDGE.For example, the first time you stand fully conscious outside of your physical body the impact this hason your view of what is real can, by itself, be a life-changing experience. When you also obtainobjective evidence that the OBE actually happened (by acquiring evidence you can check) then youare operating from validated knowledge.There are many such tests to be performed to validate the Nightside claims of the Temple but thecritical issue is this: we are not operating from faith, but from validated experience.To flip this over for perspective, consider the viewpoint of the person who thinks that all such thingsare "bunk". What is the point in arguing with such a closed mind? If you have verified these thingsfor yourself and validated their objectivity it really does not matter what the cynic thinks, does it?Do you realize that the cynic who claims to "know" that the OBE is "bunk" is doing so based onFAITH! When you have proven to yourself that the OBE is real, and he is busy proclaiming that it"can't" be real, the cynic is having to ultimately base his disbelief on faith in his REASONING. Youare basing your knowledge on personally validated EXPERIENCE.So those who follow faith-based religions include those who claim to be "certain" that things youhave PROVEN to yourself to be real, are not real.In other words, when you encounter anyone who denies as real what you have already proven to bereal, you are dealing with someone who is a member of a faith-based perspective.We base all that we do here in our Nightside on the rock-solid base of personally validated experience.This is not a faith-based religion.This is a religion based on what is verifiable.There is no need to try to argue with the true believer or the true disbeliever.Verify what is so and then you will KNOW.Happy holidays!


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CATS AND RABBITS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The recent popularization and rewriting of the Hollywood vampire has had a humorous effect. Onceagain we see sheep in wolves clothing prancing about and offering high entertainment for us to enjoy.It is equally amusing to see the human pretenders in the last stages of the current fad who will attemptto dress and use makeup in a bizarre imitation of the Hollywood films which are, themselves,bizarre imitations of what popular fantasy writers created over the last century.Yet is there anything to it?In a word, no.The ethics of so-called modern vampire fiction remain firmly embedded within the deathist morality ofthe Judeo-Christian culture. Vampires are cursed with eternal life and are sad and patheticcreatures who are driven by urges beyond their control to kill and kill again.The usual rubbish.Anne Rice renewed this angst view of the immortal vampire in her novels and produced a seriesof neurotic sighing and sad immortals such as her Louis, or somewhat mindless andcompulsive hedonists such as her Lestat. Then the self-perpetuating copy machine ofHollywood screenwriters continued the themes with everything from more films tomade-for-television vampire soap operas. The height of this elevated cultural fare is found withsuch immortal works such as Buffy the Vampire Killer and the never-ending television weekly programs.Yet what drives this entire industry is the actuality of the sheer nobility of the true predator to whichthese weak forms of fiction must turn before they then eviscerate the power and majesty throughapology. It is because predators are admirable for their many qualities that this peculiar fad of theweak vampire has come about.One example of this is the different between cats and rabbits.Cats and rabbits share many qualities. Both have beautiful coats of fur. Both can move with greatspeed. Both have keen senses of smell and hearing. Both are approximately the same size.Yet the differences are dramatic.Cats, like all mammal and bird predators have forward vision. They can see with depth perceptionto better identify the distance to leap on prey.Rabbits, like all mammal and bird prey, have eyes to the side where they can watch in all directions forthe sudden movement of a predator.Cats, like their vision, are focused and intelligent. They must be able to act with precision and thisrequires grace for the highest efficiency of motion.Rabbits, like their vision, are unfocused and rather stupid. They need only graze for their food and beable to make rapid efforts of escape such that grace is unimportant.Thus while the outer appearance of cats and rabbits are similar, the critical issues regardingtheir behavior, perception and intelligence are distinctly different.In the same way the human beings who now dress and behave like the current weak Hollywoodvampire mimic the surface appearance of what they believe the real item to be but only reveal thedepths of their prey consciousness.Cats are not rabbits.And the rabbits know this whenever cats are present.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARE YOU WHINING OR WINNING?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------By NemoFrom time to time I hear about members who feel frustrated in their attempts to apply theTemple Teachings, Dayside or Nightside.I seldom if ever hear from these members directly. I have been told this is because they are afraidof some kind of retribution or chastisement from me.Folks, I don't do that and I don't need to do that.Reality will always kick your bottom harder than I ever possibly could.Reality will always thrust its face up against yours and shout, "Guess what! I am in charge here!"So here is my message to all those here who are not taking actions on their own behalf and aregrousing about how the Temple is not meeting their expectations:Why are you doing this to you?If you are not happy with your current job, what have you done today to look into the DaysideMoney Secrets to find a better career?If you are not happy with your current state of health then what have you done today to improve it?If you are not happy with your current relationships with others whether social or romantic then whathave you done today to apply the Interpersonal Secrets with those already around you?If you are not happy with how your life seems to be limited and frustrating then what have you donetoday to secure physical immortality for yourself so that your life become unlimited?If you are not happy with your current Nightside experiences with Lifeforce, lucid dreaming, theOBE, Communion, or Magic then what have you done today to attain these masteries?When I used to teach street self-defense I used to ask my students to distinguish between whentheir bodies were complaining or just whining.If your body is complaining that is often a warning that you are nearing injury and need to back off.If your body is whining that is usually best dealt with by renewed effort.The same is true for your mind and emotions.For example, if your mind is complaining with acute fears then it is wise to deal with the possible causeof those fears.However if your mind is just whining it is wiser to take charge and do it anyway.The universe rewards action.The universe ignores whining.In this Temple we have proven methods to revolutionize your life and enable you to operate as a God.These are all tools that can and will work ...if you apply them.All around us are approximately seven billion whiners. They complain about everything that is wrongand seldom if ever do anything about it.They complain about the weather ...instead of preparing for it.They complain about their jobs ...instead of finding better ones.They complain about their health ...instead of eating and exercising better.They complain about life itself being unfair ...instead of securing physical immortality.They complain about other people ...instead of taking action themselves in the areas of life overwhich they do have control.No, folks, I am not the person to worry about when it comes to such things.You are.So try this.For the next week every time you are about to complain about something ask yourself, "Is there anything I can do about it?"If there is then do it.If there isn't then stop complaining about it.Just stop.Watch how much the power of your own Lifeforce increases directly in your own experience when you follow this simple plan.Are you whining or winning?I urge you to start winning.Now what can you do today?


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPROGRAM YOUR EMOTIONS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Emotions are not givens. They do not just happen to us and then we have to treat them as Godsrather than just what they are - signals that indicate the summaries of our former thinking.Emotions come from our thoughts.If you were brought up in ancient Sparta you might view the actions of forcing a child to run toexhaustion as part of what is required to "toughen" him for survival in combat.We may disagree with such a view but there have existed entire cultures with what you and Iwould consider anti-human ethics. We were brought up in a culture that considers such actions tobe criminal and/or abusive. Because of that we tend to have emotional reactions to such things asdisgust.However, and this is a critically important and useful idea to test out and use, events that arehighly frustrating also require demanding that such things do not happen and then globally generalizinga value to the perpetrators such that we "hate" them and damn them.Anger and hate do not just happen automatically. We learn to hate. We learn what we will feelanger toward.Anger and hatred are almost always inappropriate emotions to feel.The physiology of anger can be seen in newborns. An infant can exhibit all of the same reactionswe associate with rage: tensing of the body, narrowing of the eyes, screaming, wild movements,etc. These reactions seem to serve the purpose of blindly fighting for our lives when we cannot runaway or hide (the overall fight-or-flight response).However, as has been documented through careful military research, rage decreases the likelihoodof your survival in most cases because it reduces your ability to think, produces tunnel vision andreduced hearing, as well as cuts you off from fine motor coordination needed to do such things aspush buttons, turn keys, etc.).And in most of our living in a civilized world rage only causes us more problems. Domesticviolence comes from rage and you only need ask law enforcement officers about what calls theydread the most to learn that "domestics" lead the list. Rage makes us do stupid things that inour day-to-day world can cost us jobs, create needless arguments, and essentially do preciselythe opposite of what Dale Carnegie suggests for success in life.Emotions can make excellent servants but terrible masters.Emotions are super-rapid unconscious evaluations that we feel somewhere in our body to clue us into what we decided was right or wrong in the past.Emotions summarize our past learning in an instant.And we can reprogram our emotional reactions by changing our thinking.In other words we can learn better ways to react to things in our lives.I am not suggesting that anyone can deprogram all anger or rage in favor of only frustration. We haveall had a lifetime exposure of learning how we are "supposed" to react to things. From our parents,our teachers, our friends, films, television, novels, we have had decades of programming to tell usthat mindless rage is "right" when someone does X. We are programmed to feel anger, or despair,or depression, or jealousy, or hatred when X happens.But X does not cause these feelings.Our thoughts about X cause these feelings.And if our previous thinking leads to emotions that do not serve us then we can choose to thinkdifferently and, in time, sometimes very swiftly, our emotions will change in response to the same kindsof circumstances.This all boils down to a reminder that you are not your emotions.That fact allows you to choose whether to do what the emotion demands or what YOU prefer todo instead.That also allows you to then decide if that kind of emotional reaction is really helping you or onlymaking your life miserable.For example, there are children starving to death somewhere in the world right now. If youremotional reaction to this makes you miserable rather than just sad or frustrated then the miseryis something you can reprogram.You perhaps can't remove all starvation of children in the world but you can change youremotional reactions to that fact.The choice is always yours on these issues.The lie we are told is that you have no choice.The truth is that with the right tools you do have other choices.Many such tools are offered in the Temple.So it is not "wrong" to give in to hatred or rage or jealousy. But usually it is not very useful and canoften make life incredibly difficult for you.There is another way to live.We offer that here as just one part of the Vampire path to mastery.And if we define "human" as one who believes he is a slave to his emotions then we are striving hereto rise above that to attain personal mastery - the transhuman condition.I hope this offers some help on this difficult and alien to the herd kind of perspective.It is the highest application of Willpower that I am aware of to make just these kinds of changes.We live in a world filled by emotionally-driven, whining, spitting, growling immature children no mattertheir age in years.We seek to attain maturity and personal power.We seek mastery.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE HERD'S LOVE OF THE ZERO SUM GAME----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------by NemoA zero sum game is a game in which the winnings are fixed and limited, such as a poker game inwhich the money the players bring to the table is all that can be lost or won. So in a zero sum gamethere is no growth, no production of additional rewards. If someone gets something then someoneelse has to lose it.The belief in the world as a zero sum game is the primary faith of the herd of mankind. Sixexamples drawn from the Six Dayside Secrets can demonstrate this.IMMORTALITYThe religious beliefs of the herd always assume that if someone wants to stay alive forever that thiswill only come at the expense of others as well as one's own happiness.If you live long enough they believe that the amount of happiness you could experience will be used upso that you will inevitably face a life filled with boredom and despair.Of course my usual reply to that nonsense is to ask someone when their next sexual orgasm will be "boring"!Only God or Allah or Big Juju is allowed to be immortal and not suffer for it. If you want to live foreverthat is obviously against what God intended. After all, if God wanted you to fly he would have givenyou wings. (Just ignore all those aircraft flying all over the world at this moment).And, of course, this zero sum game with regard to immortality is reflected in all of the popularvampire fiction we see today. The only way you can live forever is by killing other people, they say.And they say it over and over again. What nonsense!SURVIVALIf you want to protect yourself and those you love from disasters or muggings or starvation then theherd will condemn this as well.After all, if you store food and water to survive an emergency then that is "hoarding". The food andwater you stored over time was obviously stolen from other people. You bastard!If you are attacked by some low life dirtbag and you kill him with a handgun there are many,many people quick to condemn you as having planned a premeditated murder. After all guns (andknives, and any other item that can be used as a weapon) kill people. If you had not bought a gunthen that poor underprivileged moron who attacked you would have lived on to perhaps find acure for cancer.Sure.After all there is only so much life to go around and if you killed someone to save your own life thatis murder (and if they do it to you then that is God's will or fate).MONEYIf you are rich you had to steal it from poor people.The herd is 100% into Robin Hood as a hero and people who build businesses as evil thieves who wantto twirl their mustaches while laughing at widows and orphans dying homeless in the winter snow.When it comes to private property (which is what wealth is all about) the herd thinks that what youown should be redistributed equally to all.They have no conception of how productivity increases wealth. The business owners they hateand believe are stealing from them are the same people that create jobs so that they can have a salary at all!The masses believe that capitalism is a zero sum game and that anyone who is rich took it from the poor.Of course the opposite is true. If someone invents a better tool such as the smartphone then thewealth of the entire world increases exponentially. Things that people could not do suddenly theycan do, such as people at jobs in Nigeria who used to have to take two days off each week to carrytheir paycheck home every month but now can simply use internet banking. (See the book"Abundance" for numerous such examples).HEALTHThe herd assumes that if you can afford the best health care then you are depriving others of that option.This reflects the zero sum game view as applied to money but the fact remains that if you haveenough money you can still buy better health care than if you are poor.However it certainly does not deprive anyone else from doing the same thing. Doctors have to eattoo and if they were forced to offer their services without pay there would swiftly be very few doctorsleft anywhere.But the masses have this fantasy that there is a zero sum game with regard to health care. After allthere are only so many hospitals, doctors, and other medical personnel in the world.Of course, this assumes that nothing can every get better than it is. Lab-On-A-Chip canperform thousands of lab tests in minutes ...without requiring more than one person to do it.This technology already exists and is only one of many, many examples.The fact is that the health care "pie" is growing faster than the eaters. But the whining herd does notwant to admit that!SOCIAL CONTROLThis is where the herd psychosis of the zero sum game goes off the charts.The herd believes that if you have a close relationship that you can only maintain that relationshipby demanding unswerving loyalty no matter how both of you may change over time.In most parts of the world adultery is punishable by death, and I do not just mean legally, but inactive practice. The man who kills his girlfriend or wife as well as her lover (or suspected lover) is notan unusual crime and you need merely look at the newspaper where you live for daily examples.Jealousy stems from a zero sum game view of life. After all, that is why an affair is called "cheating".For the herd a committed relationship is not one which comes from appreciation for the values of thepartner and they are always ready to assume that they will be "cheated on" since after all there areonly a limited number of people in the world they could love.Of course, for those rare few who learn how to build a relationship based on mutual respect, this issueof a zero sum game in relationships seems silly at best.SELF CONTROLWillpower, self-determination, free will. The herd assumes that you only have so much of that to use.If you want to quit smoking and can't do it the herd will tell you it is because you don't have"enough willpower". Why, if those damned cigarette companies didn't create those addictive thingsthen you would not be tempted beyond what you can resist.After all, you can only have so much strength to resist such things and if someone tricks you withclever advertising they are really stealing your limited supply of willpower, right?Sure.Realizing that you can build in an unlimited fashion all the self-mastery you wish rather thanassuming you only have some much to use up opens the door to an unlimited game called"How To Master Your Life".And while the herd finds ways to blame others for individual failures of will, which plays into the zerosum game once again, the fact of the matter is that you can always learn and improve given enough time.Which returns us to immortalism versus deathism once again.If you assume you have a limited life span then the ideas about a life being a zero sum game seem true.If you assume that because you are, you always shall be, then the infinite riches of the universe open to you.Then you get to play the Infinite Sum Game of Eternity.And that is a game well worth playing.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WHAT DO VAMPIRES REALLY DO?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------by NemoWe have many treasures in this Temple to reward the mind, body, and emotions.The Vampire as our symbol is one who takes in life.We do not passively just "kill time" waiting for something that may or may not happen.We do not wait for permission to enjoy life, to live life, to feel fully and completely alive.We actively and consciously take in life - all of its diverse and healthy pleasures - which is also whatthe romance of the Vampire is all about.I still find it amusing that Hollywood keeps missing this fundamental theme. They continue to portraythe Vampire as a pathetic, doomed murderer and yet none of that is really why the Vampire hassuch popular appeal.The attraction of the Vampire is "never having to say die" while continuing to say "Yes!" to life.The attraction of the Vampire is to enjoy living first and foremost!And this Temple simply recognizes that if an individual chooses to Vampirize life by working togain control and eventual mastery of six critical issues in life (self-control, social-control, survival,health, wealth, and defeating death) then there is SO MUCH MORE that opens for the enjoyment of life.Most people are defeated by life. You see them all around us. They are miserable in theircomplaints. They suffer from their fears of loss. They commonly seek to blame others, whether that'sthe government, their parents, their children, the other drivers on the road, whatever.But if you awoke one morning to discover that your life was exactly the most perfect way it could be, ifyou had a miracle happen and you could live without nagging fears, grinding anger, ordepressive pessimism, what would that feel like?And how would you behave differently on such a morning? How would you hold yourself? Whatwould you do? How would your relationships be different?This Temple is devoted to enabling every member to wake up on that morning and experience that kind of life.We are Vampires.We actively take in life.That is what Vampires do.And we love it.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTEXT IS EVERYTHING!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most day to day questions are easy to answer.What is your name?Where do you live?What is your favorite color?The really important questions in life are not always so easy or simple.In fact, the truly fundamental questions about reality itself still stump the best physicists in the world.Three hundred years ago, most scientists assumed that the current scientific view of the world,Newtonian classical physics, was virtually complete and only a few small mysteries remained tobe solved.Then the validation of quantum mechanics combined with the verification of nonlocality (Bell'sTheorem) demonstrated that the fundamentals of reality were so strange that some physicists wonderedif it was even possible for the human mind to understand them.

Whereas the Newtonian view was that you could measure an objective reality and predict absolutely what will happen with enough information, quantum mechanics demonstrated that you cannot separate the act of observation (measurement) from the universe at all. Perfect objectivity is not possible. When you observe something (measure it) you have caused it to "be" a certain way.Additionally, Newton's view of the universe completely rejected the "spooky" idea of thingsbeing influenced without touching. (When asked about gravity, Newton refused to even comment!).Yet, Bell's Theorem has been proven to be correct and this means that there does exist instantinfluences on things that can occur with no contact at all.(For a truly excellent overview of this see Nick Herbert's popular book Quantum Reality).So some questions that common sense would suggest answers to are simply wrong."Is a single light photon a particle or a wave?"There are three correct answers:1. It is a particle.2. It is a wave.3. It is both.

"Does the universe consist of matter and energy separated by space or is the universe a single thing with no separation at all?"There are three correct answers:1. It is made of separate things.2. It is all one thing.3. It is both.The Temple has taken the fact that there are some questions that require multiple answers,some seemingly contradictory in nature, very seriously.That is why we offer a triune metaphysics.Metaphysics is that branch of philosophy that deals with questions about the nature of reality.Our metaphysics consists of three perspectives: Dayside, Nightside, and Twilight.Each perspective needs to be applied in the correct context to be of any use.The Dayside perspective deals with a more common sense, everyday view of reality that IsaacNewton would have felt fairly comfortable with.The Dayside assumes that space and time exist, and that cause and effect can be potentially measured. This is the usual view of reality of the average person.The Nightside perspective assumes, at a minimum, that there is an additional "force" at work inthe universe which can be manipulated which we call Lifeforce, and that this force may be involved witha number of ordinary and so-called "paranormal" experiences.The Twilight perspective assumes that time and space may be illusions, much as time and space ina dream at night are illusions, and that awareness of the fact can alter events as well as changeone's self-perception (the Dragon).However, what is "true" from one perspective is not always "true" from another perspective.And the amazing discoveries in physics over the last century have demonstrated thatobservation (perspective) can evidently alter the nature of what you experience as reality.For example, if you attempt to take a Dayside perspective of quantum mechanics experiments youcan discover that the events do happen and your Dayside perspective knows this cannot be true.It is important to understand this to grasp why the Temple looks at reality in three different ways.Any one perspective will not allow you to usefully deal with all of reality. Just one viewpoint is inadequate.This is the conundrum of many scientists, especially in psychology, who continue to deny the evidencefor so-called "psychic" phenomena. They are assuming that the Dayside can explain all that isand "obviously" events that defy the Dayside perspective (precognition especially) cannot be real.On the extreme flipside, mystics who would assume a Twilight perspective alone, such as found inEast Indian Vedanta which denies that there is anything other than "oneness" making upeverything, commonly find that dealing with the ordinary world does not work well at all.The Temple suggests that the only reasonable answer is to apply the perspective that is appropriateto the context.If you are dealing with the ordinary, day to day world of cars, people, money, government, etc. thenthe Dayside perspective is almost always the most effective perspective to take.If you are striving to deal with "paranormal" issues such as ESP, the OBE, etc. then theNightside perspective is most usually the most effective perspective to take.If you are wanting to penetrate to the core of who you really are and gaining a sense of secure mastery over your experiences then the Twilight perspective is usually the best choice.However - AND THIS IS CRITICAL TO UNDERSTAND - you need to keep each in context to get the correct results in each category!So the pursuit of the OBE allows for the idea that other people could be effectively using the OBE.Hence the Temple suggest the value of attempting to "Commune" with these "Undead". That isa Nightside perspective.But if you are asked in a Dayside context, "Are the Undead real" and you reply from aNightside perspective "Yes", then your answer is incorrect from the Dayside perspective even if itis correct from the Nightside.Or if you are asked in a Dayside context, "Do you believe in ghosts, UFOs, alien civilizations, ESP,etc.?" and you reply "Yes" to any of those from a Nightside perspective then your context is wrongand therefore so is your answer.One of the main reasons we stratified this message board with the Dayside open to all, and theNightside and Twilight restricted to the five Graded forum categories was in recognition of this fact.This is also a major reason why members of our religion are required to not discuss the Temple inpublic or with those who are not active members.The "public" expects that there is only one "true" answer to any question.THIS IS SIMPLY INCORRECT.It requires quite a bit of intelligent effort, testing, and experience before someone can begin tounderstand what we are talking about here without trying to jam it into a single viewpoint, usuallya Dayside viewpoint.The subject of this article is covered in far greater depth in Revelations but I just wanted to add onemore very important point.We do not have to know which theoretical perspective in physics will turn out to be the "correct" one.All we need to recognize is that reality cannot be adequately described as it is with only theDayside perspective AND that we choose which perspective best describes what is real based uponthe context.If you are speaking to a non-member and are asked a question, remember that context is everything.And if you, yourself, are asking yourself a question, the same thing applies.Context is everything!


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GLORY IN WHO YOU ARE!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In a world of mediocrity, in a world filled with sad, frightened, bored people who trudge through lifewith little hope for anything but the relief they expect from death, you are different!By asserting yourself in membership in this Temple you have rejected a lesser life and assertedyourself as your own God on Earth.You have chosen life over death, joy over sorrow, strength over weakness, wisdom over stupidity.You have thrown in your lot with those who say to the emotionally impoverished slaves of the world,"I am Vampire! Bow down before me!"So for those of you who proudly wear our Symbol, glory in who you are.For those who keep their affiliation secret, glory in who you are.For those who reveal themselves to the world, glory in who you are.Test Everything.Believe Nothing.Verify what is so.Never deny what you verify.Live in the knowledge that you are at the cutting edge of the human species, transitioning to thenext stage in evolution by the force of your own Will.I am honored to be with all of you.Stay strong.Glory in who you are!


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE VALUE OF THE VAMPIRE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The value of a potentially immortal as opposed to the value of a mortal is beyond measure.No matter what criteria you choose to make such an evaluation, it is all a matter of time.Love. When you have an unending life how many times and how much love will you experience?Money. Laughter. Wisdom. Curiosity.And how about the usual justifications for a person's value?Contributions to society? Inventions. Disease cures. Educational breakthroughs. Answers to theproblems others experience.Take just one simple example. At a funeral for an obstetrician who died at age 92 I heard how hebrought children into the world and saved the lives of both mothers and babies for over sixty years.So the societal value of that doctor was far greater than a doctor who delivered babies for only oneyear and was hit by a car.Right?So what would the value be of a doctor who did not age but lived on for centuries compared tothe one-year car victim's career?Immortalists are worth more than other people.Find one and you find gold.Create one and you create potentially infinite wealth for the universe.Mortal life is still short but it is also cheap.We are worth more than they are.In fact just one of us is worth more than the entire other seven billion mortals who are currently aliveon this planet.Just do the math.If the current 7 billion lived 100 years but YOU lived 700,000,000,001 years you would have hadmore time than all of them put together to do things of value to yourself and others.And you wouldn't have to spend two years learning to walk and talk, and ten years learning the rulesof society, and ten more years to learn the REAL rules of society (if you were lucky) over and overagain.You would retain your maturity and growing wisdom the longer you lived.You would be worth far more than all of them put together.This does not justify any mistreatment of these poor demented souls any more than we canjustify mistreating animals just because they don't live as long as we might.However it is a sobering thought to realize that your real value as an individual may very well bepriceless, infinite.Like a God.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LIVE WITHOUT FEAR----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We do not prepare because we live in fear.We do it to live without fear.When we fasten a seatbelt we don't do it because of fear.We do it to drive without the fear of an accident.Everything we do in this religion is to face a possible fear and remove it from our lives.Most of these actions only require doing once.Create a bug-out bag for evacuation from your home just once and it is done.At most you only need to then replace batteries, etc. over time.Same with money. Determine how much you need to achieve financial freedom, breakdown that goal into believable steps, and launch your project. You only need to do it one time.Same with health. Same with social control secrets. Same with self control secrets. Samewith immortality. Same with everything Dayside.And what of the Nightside? The same is true there as well.Have just one objectively verified out of body experience and you will never again have the samefear of death or loss.Demonstrate to yourself just once that the Temple's mental technology called "magic" really worksand you will never again feel the fear of lacking control over your life and experiences.Get the job done and it is finished.Live without fear.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABOUT THE UNDEAD GODS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Temple commonly attracts new members who are atheists and agnostics. Sometimes theyread about the Undead Gods and assume that to be a member of the Temple requires that you believein God or Gods.That is not true.Our Dayside view of reality is the common sense, ordinary view of reality that does not botherwith anything paranormal or superstitious.And we have members who never leave the Dayside perspective at all!Our Nightside which involves the paranormal and the Undead Gods is not a part of our Dayside.Remember that the Temple, like modern quantum physics, states that you cannot account for thewhole of reality with only one perspective. Light is both a particle and a wave even though thatis "impossible".So to be an agnostic or atheist is just fine until Second Circle. The Nightside goal of the Temple isto become an Undead God yourself. If you don't bother with the Nightside then this goal is irrelevantto you, real or not.Only those members who apply for Second Circle are required to drop their disbelief in the Undead.We require this because the goal of Second Circle is to prove Their reality which cannot be done ifyou already strongly disbelieve in Their possibility.This is because of the psychology of perception. What you look for is quite literally what you can see: if someone has a strong disbelief in the Undead then that disbelief will actually block the abilityto perceive Them. To perceive something new to your experience like that is an act of learning.You learned to see, hear, and feel things. People born blind whose sight is suddenly restored stillcannot yet see objects. They have to learn to do so.Test Everything. Believe Nothing.We mean it.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE HEART OF THE TEACHINGS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"The Dream Life is the Only Life"In these seven simple words the first sutra in the Shurpu Kishpu contains the core of theTwilight Temple Teachings.The human herd views the universe as separate and objective. The human perspective is to believethat the world is real and his own mind and fantasies and thoughts and wishes and hopes aresomehow not real.What follows is, as always, not something for you to believe or understand but to experience and validate.This First Grand Division of Self and Other creates the illusion that the world is objective and out therewhereas the personality is actually formed and nurtured within the Dream humans call reality.When a new member comes to the Temple they bring with them all the cultural beliefs of the humanworld. They are saturated with the assumptions which everybody knows is true.What is truly amusing is how few of these assumptions are correct to any extent at all and, further,how these very same assumptions inhibit and enslave the human being.The first sutra is the clarion call to the member to Awaken.The mystics of the world who embrace this fundamental that All is a Dream will then denigratethe Dream and delude themselves into seeking the real world somewhere outside the Dream.This is identical in nature to final death.There is no outside.For example, the Dream is called maya in the Hindu view. Maya is held by them to be an illusion andall the experiences of life love, joy, relationships, art, sensual experiences are viewed as a trickto entrap the personality essence in an never ending cycle of reincarnated birth, life and death. Theyview the Dream as a trap and not as what It is experience. They assign to the Gods the powers ofcontrol over Maya while reserving for themselves only the desire to quite literally end it all.We see similar nonsense in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic view. The world is seen as imperfect due toflaws in human nature which can only be overcome by obedience to the will of God, the supremedreamer of creation. Life on earth is denigrated due to its shortness as a test of moral characterfollowed by an eternity of pain or pleasure via hell or heaven.You are born into the Dream as an element of the Dream. Your potentials and genetic predispositionsare all Dream elements. Your experiences in life, subjective and objective, are all Dreamexperiences. The whole of your personality, your memories, habit patterns, preferences, attitudes,beliefs, etc., are all Dream elements of a Dream universe. If you die, your death is a Dream death andthe elements which made you up as a separate entity remain no more and no less real than anyother elements in the Dream.After death if you have experiences these are still Dream experiences. Any post-death environmentsare Dream environments and are not more or less real than these pre-death experiences.But then there is the Dreamer, the Dragon.Not a Dream element but the Source of all Dream elements, the Dragon is the innermost Self,the Consciousness which looks out from behind your eyes, my eyes and all eyes.When your mind is aligned to act as a proper vehicle for the recognition of what this means in termsof experience, then the Dragon Awakes in the Dream through your mind and body.This balance between the Worlds is called the Twilight.Thus the Dayside, which are the comfortable beliefs and expectations of the mind, are assaulted bythe Nightside, the exceptions to those beliefs and expectations, in an effort to awaken the mind tothe Awareness of the Dragon and thus to Awaken the Dragon.In normal dreams during normal sleep, the personality treats the dream universe as objective andreal. This results from the anomalies which appear being ignored by the dreaming mind. In this Dreamthe human personality tends to also treat the Dream Universe as objective and real. This, too,results from the mind choosing to ignore and explain away the anomalies called the paranormal.In dreams during normal sleep if the mind begins to notice the anomalies and begins to questionthe objectivity of the dream, the mind can awaken within the dream, which is then called a luciddream. There is an entire spectrum of such awakening or lucidity and its duration also can varyin intensity and duration.In this Dream the mind can also choose to notice the anomalies, the paranormal, and begin toquestion the objectivity of this Dream. The mind can thus awaken within this Dream. In other words itis possible to become lucid right now. At this instant. As you read these words.And, again, there is an entire spectrum of such lucidity which can change in intensity and duration.In lucid dreams during normal sleeping you tend to gain increased control over the elements ofyour dream. You can induce as well as notice the anomalies of the dream universe. The same is trueof this Dream. As you Awaken in this Dream you tend to gain more direct Control over the elementsof this Dream Universe.This is called magic. Humans may call it miracles or the paranormal, but most commonly they tryto ignore it and continue sleeping in this Dream.The purpose of the Temple is to cause the member to Awaken in the DreamTo be Awake is everything.So it is written. So it has been told. So it is.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE NEXT STEP IN HUMAN EVOLUTION----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The next step in human evolution is a revolution in consciousness.This Temple was founded for the express purpose of finding those with the potential fortaking the next step in human evolution.The next step in human evolution is a revolution in consciousness.While there are many dramatic improvements in store for physical existence such as reversalof aging, smart immune systems, enhanced sensory capabilities, superhuman strength andspeed, electrical nervous systems, etc., these still pale in comparison to the improvements inour states of consciousness.Most people on this small planet still continue to live lives "of quiet desperation". Mostpeople on Earth assume that they must struggle to merely survive but remain, at best, doomed toage and die. Most people alive continue to live in emotional straight-jackets of anxiety,depression, anger, rage, jealousy, and fear.We live in a mortal culture dominated by self-defeating philosophies and religions that do notpromote human happiness. The iron fist of social control instills guilt and fear to control theindividual as a slave to "the greater good".We reject all of that."Enlightenment" is a word that has been hijacked by mystics who advocate death and thedestruction of the individual self as virtues. What the Temple Teachings point to in contrastare a series of increasingly practical and purposeful stages of true enlightenment.To see the light you must open your eyes.Everything we do in this Temple is dedicated to increasing this experience of eye-openings to thereality that actually is, as opposed to the delusions held to be "real" by the milling masses ofhumanity.We begin with the fundamental fact that there is no "humanity". There are no "groups". There isno "society".There are only individuals.We therefore place the individual in the correct context.The individual is more important than any group and this is true because there are no groups.There are only individuals.That is the first awakening to true enlightenment."God" for the Temple is not a supernatural entity with a white beard sitting on a throne in theclouds. "God" is recognized as ultimately nothing more and nothing less than the most importantperson in your life. The Temple states that that person is YOU.This does not deny that there are others so important to you that you would be willing to die toprotect them. But this is a simple recognition that you remain the most important person in theuniverse because you are at its center and if you did not exist then you would not care forothers since you would not be there to do so.The universe exists to serve you. You are the center of it all. Without you there is nothing.Realizing the truth of these words is another level of Temple enlightenment.At each stage of our continuing enlightenment we become more aware of what is the nature ofreality and we leverage these facts instead of fighting against them.The river of life can take you to where you truly wish to be going and at the same time it isequally true that life is the journey and not the future destination.Yet we do not merely "go with the flow" of this river of life. We steer our passage and lookahead to where we are going. We set goals and determine how to achieve them. Yet we do not liveonly for these destinations as we enjoy the journey that we are on toward those goals.In this moment, this very second, you have all that you need to enjoy what is in your experience.If this moment has pain, you have tools to reduce and remove that pain. If this moment haspleasure, you have tools to allow you to truly enjoy that pleasure.As we increasingly become enlightened to the nature of what is real we also increase our capacityfor joy and happiness while reducing the incidence of sorrow and misery, which remains the lot ofthe masses at this time.We have all of us been brought up in a mortal culture filled with incorrect perspectives onalmost every important issue in life. We are surrounded by bad advice, stupidity, and self-defeating ignorance.Everything we find in this Temple allows us to see through the lies, delusions, and self-deceptions that improperly guide the rest of the world.With each new stage of enlightenment we then have the opportunity to act on it to own it as ourown.Insight is not enough.To remain awake one must act upon what one has achieved.The stages of enlightenment from the Dayside all the way through the Nightside and into theTwilight are like the dreams we remember upon awakening. If we do not act upon them such as bywriting them down then we fall asleep again and forget what we learned.Life is a process. You must continue to breathe, to eat, to sleep, and to awaken. It is never afinalized accomplishment.Life is dynamic and ever flowing.Life is a choice we continue to make into eternity.Life is wonderful!So to all true followers of this Temple I wish you well as another year passes into eternity.Stay Strong!


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WE ARE ELISTIST FOR GOOD REASON . . .----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You who are reading this now are elite.What does it mean to be elite?I rather like the treatment of "elite" in Wikipedia:"Elite (occasionally spelled lite) is taken originally from the Latin, eligere, "to elect". In sociology asin general usage, the elite is a relatively small dominant group within a large society, which enjoysa privileged status envied by individuals of lower social status.The position of an elite at the top of the social strata almost invariably puts it in a position ofleadership and often subjects the holders of elite status to pressure to maintain their position as partof the elite. However, in spite of the pressures, the existence of the elite social stratum isusually unchanged."So what makes you, as a Temple member or Temple follower, elite?Several things all of which you had to pass through to be reading these words.First, you cannot be elite if your thinking is completely concerned with "fitting in" with the viewpoints ofthe majority.Most people are terrified to not be accepted by their peers in the common culture. They do not want tobe identified as "odd" or a "misfit".When you ask people "If you could physically live forever in a young and healthy body, would youwant to?" you will learn that the vast, vast majority will tell you "NO!"However the reasons they will give simply do not make sense. And the reason they do not make senseis because the real reason, the reason they might not even consciously recognize as the real reasonis ALWAYS the same.That reason is that if they chose to live forever in a youthful body then this would not be acceptable tothe majority of other people!To be blunt, whether he realizes it or not, the average person will choose death before choosingpossible peer rejection every time.Today another 147,000 deaths will prove once again that what I have just written is absolutely correct.Today, as yesterday, another 147,000 human beings will die and be buried or cremated rather than takea chance of being restored to life in the future BECAUSE "what would other people think if I did?"I am not exaggerating about this at all.So simply having purchased The Vampire Bible which speaks directly of our traditional (Nightside)means to defeat death, simply reading what is written on the public Temple website and ending upbeing able to read these words places you in an elite of a few thousand who are willing to say todeath "NO!"The humans who continue to embrace mortality as good betray their secret (and often to theirminds somewhat sinful) desire to be physically immortal.They betray it most obviously today in their love of the Hollywood vampire image.The full Nightside (esoteric) history of the Vampire can be pieced together from a careful examinationof the oldest religious records from Sumer and Egypt, when Gods ruled men openly, and those whodied would Rise again to take Lifeforce from the living priesthood and the masses who sacrificed inthe Temples.However, after the physical withdrawal from the eyes of men, the image of the vampire became one ofthe tottering corpse that would drink physical blood. A very disgusting image that horrified anddegraded the image.Since at least the early 1900s, the popular image of the vampire has been evolving from the DarkAges' walking corpse into a romantic figure who possesses once again many god-like qualities suchas strength, speed, invulnerability, youthful appearance, but, most of all, immortality.It is this fundamental trait that trumps all others in the return of the defining of the Vampire backtoward the nature of the original Gods.Thus the mortal human being continues to be drawn to the seduction of the Vampire, because whathe secretly wishes for is to defeat death, to live on and on, mastering life and enjoying the pleasuresof life.However, the deathist religions of the world today condemn this wish. Only "God" can choose whowill live or die. Only God can decide who is worthy of any joys in life.And so the human crawls on his knees before the God Who would deny him survival or pleasure,and hopes (though it is sinful to do so) that he will be spared.The literalist versions of Christianity that won out over the gnostic and Hermetic versions did sobecause they offered eternal life on the cheap. Let Jesus take the fall for your unworthinessby acknowledging his human sacrifice and then you will live forever heaven.The problem remained that while this beat dying and going to Hell for eternity, it really does not satisfythe deeper desire to live forever HERE AND NOW in THIS world.I think it was Woody Allen who, when asked if he didn't want to live on after death, said he would preferto live on in his apartment!And this is the hidden, deeper sin that infects the average person.Deep down inside they do want to skip dying. They DO want to live forever, healthy and happyright here, thank you.However, to fail to conform to the agreed-upon general morality of their peers is too frightening for themto be able to actually think about.They would rather die.And they do die.But you are here.You are considering these ideas.You are daring to think about them.And you may already be taking actions to do something about them.This makes you elite.You might notice how each one of the Six Earthly Secrets define you as elite for studying andthen applying them.You are willing to consider how to ethically manipulate people to get what you want.You are willing to learn how to manipulate yourself to enable you to enjoy life more and break freeof senseless constraints on that enjoyment.You are willing to study proven simple methods to protect yourself from dying in dangerous situations.You are willing to challenge the accepted beliefs about health and strive to apply cutting edge researchto protecting it.You are open to learning how to control money and make it work for you instead of you just workingand slaving away for it.You desire more from life than "just getting by".You acknowledge that your desires are good and that you see nothing wrong in seeking to attain them.You are even willing to push aside the taboos that would attempt to prevent you from exploringand proving to yourself that you can possess god-like powers yourself.You are willing to consider that there may be a true Ruling Elite working from "behind the scenes" ofthis human drama and dare to aspire to become One of Them.Any of these things makes you truly elite.Why?Because you are Vampire.I bow before You!And they, the poor lost souls, do bow before Us.If not before death then upon death.You are Elite.Glory in this!


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WHY CALL THEM VICTIMS?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The average human embraces the idea that death is "natural", "inevitable", and even "good".They substitute authentic efforts to seek immortality and usually subscribe to the idea thatseeking personal immortality for one's self is "evil".Yet the truly defining characteristic of the Vampire, both Dayside and Nightside, is that theVampire consciously and intentionally seeks physical immortality. We do so both through Daysideefforts to achieve this by means of science as well as our traditional Nightside approach that reliesupon taking Lifeforce.We are surrounded by this deathist culture and recognize that if we do not actively continue to definehow we are different from them on this critical issue of personal immortality then we will fall "prey"to deathism even as they already have!In a very real sense the average human being is a "victim" of deathism, the belief that death is "good"and immortality is "bad".If for no other reason, we therefore choose to refer to them as "victims" and "prey" as an activeand conscious reminder of this vital difference between what we seek and what they seek.Again, these word descriptions do not carry any condemnation of the value of any individual,victim or Vampire.They are carefully chosen to describe the situation as it is and to remind each of us of how ourreligion and philosophy is so very different from theirs.As has been stated so eloquently on our homepage to the Temple website:"The Vampire is the next step in human evolution.If you are ready, the Temple is here to empower you.We believe the value of the individual is superior to that of any group or tribe or nation or species."To maintain this perspective while surrounded by billions who take the opposite, suicidal view oflife requires on going effort.

We use words like "victim" and "prey" to help us remember that:"I am a Vampire.Bow down before me."They are "victims" of their acceptance of death and are the "prey" of their own inadequate attempts to deny that death has each of them firmly in its jaws.Remembering this is why we use these words.We are Vampires, not victims or prey.Remember this and live on!Stay strong.

Are you conscious now?

Are you conscious now?

Are you sure you're conscious now? How do you know?Are you conscious now?Perhaps you think this a silly question, but have you ever thought really deeply about what it means? It seems obvious that I'm conscious now, but then the more I look the less obvious it becomes.I've been asking myself this question for many years. Here is some of what happened. I'd love your comments on how you get on if you are willing to try it too. Just try and ask yourself - as many times a day as you can - am I conscious now?Of course I am. Yes, I am conscious now. ~ ------------ ~But something odd happened. When I asked myself the question it was as though I became conscious at that moment. Was I not conscious before? It felt as though I was waking up - coming to consciousness as I asked the question - because I asked the question.What is going on? I can remember what was happening just before I asked the question, so it seems that someone must have been conscious. Was someone else conscious a moment before - as though the waking up is a change in who is conscious? It certainly didn't feel as though it could have been me because I just woke up, but surely it wasn't anyone else, for who else could there be in here? Another possibility is that I wasn't really conscious before I asked the question. This is deeply troubling. For I've never asked this question before. Surely I cannot have beenunconscious, or semi-conscious, all my life can I? Perhaps there are lots of things that make me conscious apart from asking this particular question. Even so, this is rather scary. It certainly seems as though I must spend a lot of my time unconscious, otherwise I could not have this definite sensation of coming awake when I ask "Am I conscious now?". Let me ask it again. Can I reproduce the awakening and look into it to see what it is really like? Am I conscious now?I practise it a lot, for weeks and months. I keep doing it. I keep asking "Am I conscious now?" To begin with the hardest part is remembering to ask. But I want to know. Little things remind me of the question - a look, a sound, a sudden emotion - any of them can propel me into asking. And then it happens again and again; it feels as though I am waking up. Yes, of course I am conscious now. Yes of course I am, but it seems as though I wasn't a moment ago. ~ ------------ ~I know now, from all the many students who have trodden this path with me, that the hardest part is remembering to ask the question. So we've tried various strategies. Some put stickers all over their house: "Are you conscious?" on the front door; "Am I conscious now?" on the toaster; "Are you sure you're conscious now?" on their pillow. Others get into pairs so that they can keep reminding each othe, or take to special times and places, asking the question every time they go to the loo, or in bed, or when they have a drink or food. Sometimes these tricks work; sometimes they don't.I wonder why it's so hard. It almost seems as though there is something conspiring to prevent us asking the question; something that makes it hard to face up to .... to what? To being fully aware, I suppose. Although it seems impossible to answer "No", it is hard work to answer "Yes" "Yes, I am conscious now", perhaps because it reminds me that most of the time I cannot have been. But it's worth it. I persevere. ~ ------------ ~Am I conscious now? Yes.Ah, here's a new question: Can I stay this way? And a funny thing happens. I answer yes. I am fully conscious now, I have woken up to this present moment. Right. This is easy. Here I am. But before I know it I am far away in distraction, thinking about something else, being angry with someone, being miles away in the past or the future or something completely invented and troubling and annoying. I ask again. I sigh. Lost again. Yes, I am conscious now, but where was I?It troubles me that I seem so often to be unconscious. I cannot believe I spend most of my life in a kind of darkness. Surely that cannot be so. Yet every time I ask this question it feels as though I am waking up, or that a light is switching on. All the more troubling is that this light is so rare. By asking the question and switching it on, I seem to have stumbled on the fact that my normal state of life is some horrible kind of gloom. Was this why I was so troubled; so ill at ease? Was this why I so often felt that nothing was real; that nothing was clear, as though something I couldn't place obscured the view and made my head swim?I want to explore this darkness; this normal state if that is what it is. But that is impossible isn't it? How can I look into the darkness, when looking makes it light.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DISCRIMINATE WITH CARE.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WITHIN LIES FACT AND FANCY,TRUTH AND METAPHOR.DISCRIMINATE WITH CARE.These are the first words of The Vampire Bible.The last words of the final Teaching of the Temple in The Vampire Adept Bible read, Without lies factand fancy, truth and metaphor. Discriminate with care.These words were not idly chosen to bracket the formal published Teachings of the worlds onlyauthentic Vampire Religion, HEKAL TIAMAT. They were chosen to emphasize a number ofcritical principles that the Vampire needs to inculcate into the deepest recesses of his character.Here lies bedrock. Here lies multiple, embedded meanings.At the first level, these words act as a legal and public disclaimer. It is warning the reader to notjust believe everything as written. It is clearly stating that not all they will read is true and factual.At least some of what is written is fanciful and metaphorical.In the dictionary, metaphor is defined as a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literallydenoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogybetween them - figurative language.In other words, metaphor is instructive but not literally true. Metaphor is intended to convey ameaning but is not the meaning itself.Fancy is defined as a mental image or representation and (archaic) fantastic quality or state.In other words fancy (as opposed to fact) is nonphysical in nature, and is a creation of the mind.(This subject is expanded in depth in the discussion of the dimension of Agreement in The VampireAdept Bible).However, the key point is that fancy, like metaphor, is not grounded in ordinary fact but operates ona different level.That stated, there arise questions to be answered.How to determine what is fact and what is fancy?How to distinguish between what is truth and what is metaphor?How does one discriminate with care?Discriminate is defined as to mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of, todistinguish by discerning or exposing differences, and to use good judgment.In other words, to discriminate with care means that the reader is expected to make judgmentsbased on discovering differences between what is written and what is true.The reader is both warned and expected to test the Teachings he reads and then discover what isfact and what is fancy.The reader is told he must actively seek to discover for himself by personal effort what is truth andwhat is metaphor.In other words, the Temple is an intelligence test.And the final words of The Vampire Adept Bible warn us that life itself is an intelligence test.Discriminate with care.

I Am a Vampire

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I AM A VAMPIRE----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Vampire CreedI AM A VAMPIREThe Vampire Creed makes clear the basic beliefs of our religion. "I am a Vampire" is stated twice, once at the very beginning and again just prior to the last line, to emphasize the importance of this statement of identity. You need to understand that you are a Vampire with a capital "V".Vampirism is a religion (as well as a Nightside metaphysical discipline and a practical philosophy). Just as the members of any religion are designated so by the convention of capitalizing their name, as in Buddhist, Moslem, Christian, Jew, etc., the Vampire is a member of the Vampire religion.This is also why we are members of the Temple of the Vampire. The Vampire designates a class of members of a religion. It would be just as appropriate for us to refer to our religion as the Vampire Temple in this same sense.You state "I am a Vampire" as a choice, as an act of will. The balance of the Vampire Creed defines and elaborates upon the meaning of that statement; but above all, being a Vampire is a choice. First you choose to be what you feel you already are. You are a Vampire, a member of the Vampire religion.And what is it that our religion holds to be true about being a Vampire? We hold that the Vampire worships his ego and his life as the only true God. We hold that the Vampire trusts reason above belief, distinguishes between truth and fantasy, respects survival as the highest of laws, identifies magic as applied natural law, rejects death as a virtue and is dedicated to the enjoyment of life in the present.The Vampire holds these views, as expressed in this creed as the foundation of the Vampire religion. And notice what is absent from the Vampire Creed. There is no statement regarding anything outside what the Vampire values and rejects regarding life as it is lived. The Vampire Creed does not include anything supernatural whatsoever. The Vampire Creed defines the limits of the Vampire belief system.

I Honor My Animal Instincts

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I HONOR MY ANIMAL INSTINCTS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The perfect guide to moral conduct for the Vampire comes directly from the physical body. What feels good is good. What feels bad is bad.Yet if this perfect guidance is only blindly obeyed instead of honored, then the lusts of the body can cause ruin to your life, restrict your ability to feel pleasure by finding yourself imprisoned or even end your earthly pleasures by being killed.The Vampire Creed advises us to honor our animal instincts. This means to be aware of what the body says to us about our physical likes and dislikes, as well as the myriad emotional responses that we can feel moment to moment, day to day and year after year.You cannot honor what you ignore or reject. To honor your animal instincts you must first be aware of them! You must open your awareness to the present moment, that door to immortal eternity that the "lower" animals enjoy in a state of perfect enlightenment.Look at the common house cat. Unless in severe pain, the cat will always enjoy this eternal moment, proud of its existence. Never questioning its needs, desires, likes or dislikes, a cat will never consider evaluating itself. The cat glories in its existence and lives with supreme self esteem.It so values itself that it will never assign a value to itself. The cat has risen entirely above the need for self esteem through perfect self acceptance beyond the need for self esteem.The Vampire is advised to recover the purity of this animal instinct beyond the need for self appraisal, beyond all concepts of good and evil, those twin lies borne of a split view of a single perfect universe.Honor your animal instincts. In doing so you reveal your perfection as above all others.You take the place of command and authority that is yours as Vampire, Master of the Earth.

THE White Circle

THE WHITE RITEThe Rite of the Mirror and the Oracle : A Vampyres Rite of TransformationThis initiation is required for membership totheSanguinarium.netby Father Sebastiaan, edits by Silver Black (thank you) and Victor Magnus

Within the White Rite there are two components: theRite of the Mirrorand theOracle.

Here is a little background on the inspiration for this ritual of Vampyre Transformation and what it is analogous to. I discovered a commonality of my customers reactions when they first saw themselves in the mirror with their fangs. For many the ceremony of getting fangs made by Sabretooth is life-changing experience, that continues to have a profound effect on them many years later.

The InspirationSoon after the first Endless Night Vampire Ball in New Orleans in 1998, when I arrived back in NYC, Tony Timpone (then editor of Fangoria Magazine) invite me and my staff of theSabretooth Emporiumto go to the Warner Brothers screening room to watch an early cut of the film the Matrix. This was five months before its theatrical release.When I saw the Matrix, the film was not yet fully complete. Many of the special effects unfinished, and a different eerie soundtrack. As we watched the film that night, I saw the faces of my staff shift from skepticism to excitement and wonder. Their Vampyre Eyes began to open wider.

As we stood in the lobby, following the screening. We were trance-like state, trying to proces all that we had experienced, but we werent alone in feeling that way. There was another person standing nearby who seemed equally affected: the actor Laurence Fishburne, who of course played Morpheus in the film. A giant afro and beard had disguised him during the screening, but now I could recognize him the bright lights of the lobby. Standing there as moved by what we had just seen.

In the months leading up to the release of The Matrix in March of 1999, the promotional advertising campaign for the movie asked, What is the Matrix? Only a few who were fans of the Cyberpunk genre understood what a Matrix was, but even they were not prepared for the full impact of the feature film.No one could understand what the Matrix was until they actually saw the movie, and asking the question was truly a great way to make people think about it and question what it could mean.Those who read into the film deeply ended up ponder some of our basic perceptions concerning the nature of reality. I believe this to be a major subtle shift in the history of human collective consciousness. In my opinion for the vast majority of humanity, nothing would ever be the same. And it was no exception for me as well. For months after the film was released many felt they got to see reality from a different perspective and experience a shift in awareness.

How does this relate to the experience getting your first pair of fangs? Really simply put it is another subtle personal shift ofconsciousness. What happened to the five of us over the next few months, leading up to the public release of the film, was truly a shift of consciousness, not unlike what Louis de Pointe du Lac (Interview with the Vampire) experienced during his first night as a vampire.Mostsignificantly the wonders the Matrix presented reminded of when each of us, of the experience of getting our first set of fangs, and how changed and alive wed felt the first few weeks afterwards. While it seemed the rest of the world was still experiencing things in a traditional way, the rite of transformation we had undergone as Vampyres had caused us to see and feel things differently. We felt a sense of awakening stirring in our spirits.

When the movie opened, and Matrix Mania descended upon the masses, the question What is the Matrix? was finally answered. It was on the lips of moviegoers everywhere, and we felt as though the process of getting fanged could finally be appreciated. One more step towards the Singularity had come to pass.

On October 15th, 1999 another groundbreaking, and perception shifting film would shape the Sanguinarium even further, revealing what it is like to see the world amongst other Sabretooth Vampyres: Fight Club.This is how I discovered the shift in consciousness that making fangs creates, using film references to help understand.

The Rite of the MirrorSince that fateful day in November 1993, when I got my first pair of fangs, I have seen the world differently. The most memorable part of my first Rite of Transformation was not having my fangs made, not holding my lip up, but looking into the mirror for the first time, and seeing myself in a completely different way. Fourteen months later, I sat my mother down on Christmas Day and put her through the same experience but I got to see it from the Fangsmiths perspective. Since then, I have fanged people from around the world and witnessed their first look into the mirror; their reactions as they feel their lives change, and a small shift of perception occurs.

This is why the first element of the White Rite is the Rite of the Mirror. You can see this very personal, and often life-changing ceremony done a hundred times on my YouTube Channel. Everyone has a different reaction. Some cry, some laugh, some stare in silence for what seems like hours. It is a moment as profound and memorable as getting your first tattoo, but still very different.

The Rite was also borne out of practicality. As a professional, I had to keep people and their curiosity from inspecting their fangs and critiquing them before they were finished, as seeing them before the end ruined the mystery and slowed down my fangmaking process. With the Rite of the Mirror I can stop my clients from looking at their fangs until Im satisfied that theyre ready to be seen.

The OracleDuring the Rite of the Mirror, I found myself observing, asking questions, and compiling a collection of clients ideas, desires, interests, responses and perspectives into a journal; the same journal where Sanguinomicon and all my other books come from. A few years ago, I took one hundred words from vampire mythology and cut them down into one-page descriptions, based on these testimonials, and my book the Red Veils was born. Combined with notes from Sanguinomicon (a manifesto of sorts), I was describing a philosophy which I call Vampyrism, in a new way. Spelling it with a y instead of an i, to differentiate between the mythological vampire and the philosophy.

If my clients seem especially interested in the Vampyre Philosophy, I provide them with a copy of the Red Veils to perform the Rite of the Oracle. The secret to the Rite is to look through the Table of Contents of Red Veils before looking at any other part of the book. Once this is done, the fledgling chooses one Veil which appeals to him and reads it. The result is an experience similar to reading your own tarot cards and most often will be an amazing, synchronistic, experience that adds another dimension to the White Rite of Transformation, and brings the client closer to his or her own Vampyric Awakening.

My other book, Sanguinomicon, is a long, deep, esoteric manuscript on Vampyre Philosophy which is not appropriate for the mainstream world. The Red Veils is a much more suitable experience for my fang clients, used to introduce them to the experience of wearing fangs.


I know what youre thinking. Vampyrism as a philosophy? What? Arent vampires evil, blood drinking, satanic, bunny-sacrificing demons? Relax. Following the White Rite, Vampyres will not automatically live forever, fly, generate a thirst for human blood, or transform into a bat. Those are obviously misconceptions and metaphors. They will, however, be introduced to a new way of life; a new perspective, philosophy, lifestyle, and transformation as deep as they choose to take it. But one must have caution, because those who define themselves exclusively by Vampyrism miss the point. Vampyrism should compliment the individual not wholly define them.

And Vampyres are not easily defined. On the contrary, I enjoy a diverse client base of individualists from around the world. They have taught me that Vampyres are like cats: you cant herd them or group them; they are uniquely one tribe, each individual dancing to the beat of his own drum, then forming a collective chorus when they come into agreement.

Unlike their mythical and subculture counterparts, the point of Vampyrism is to LIVE (which is evil spelled backwards) and enjoy a hunger for life. This means engaging in every aspect of life and drinking in all of the wonders the world has to offer; from a beautiful walk in a park in Paris, to the satisfaction of learning a new skill; from climbing mountains, to the pleasures of finding love or experiencing the birth of a child. This is the true philosophy of a Vampyre, not the depressed, energy deficient, cursed, miserable life which the media makes it out to be.

The Awakening?

Often I hear the phrase, Getting fangs does not make you a Vampyre, and this is true. However, the ceremony of the White Rite, and its components, often trigger a fuller awakening that leads to embracing the Vampyre Philosophy, and through it, a fuller, more enjoyable lifestyle. I have witnessed this many times with my clients, and many of them will testify that the White Rite has changed their lives, their self perception, and has led them to look at the world in a whole new way.

The Sanguinarium

The Sanguinarium is a private international network and of individuals who are drawn to on various levels the culture and philosophy of Vampyrism as defined by theVAMPYREseries of books by Father Sebastiaan. This community was founded and is exclusively for the fang clients of theSabretoothClan (you need to get fangs by Father Sebastiaan to receive an invite).

Many people askhow do I join the Sanguinarium? This is a simple answer, you need to go through the White Rite to get an invitation. Otherwise your experience there will remain lost as you will not connect with others through Our Current (our vibe and traditions).We are exclusive but inclusive, everyone is welcome as long as they come with the same spirit and have the same basic experience of the White Rite and are not intimately affiliated with any other Vampyre / vampire organization. We are neutral and independent, with a dedicated Inner Circle andinternationalmembership in North America, Australia, Brazil and Europe.Once you go through the White Rite you must respond to the email invitation provided within 72 hours. If you dont receive it and have gone through the White Rite please email the administrators [email protected] getting fangs from Sabretooth you go through a ritual, something in common with everyone else within the Sanguinarium and this has created a unique, diverse and highly intimate movement. We have private events and theEndless Nightsare our public Outer Circle gatherings. The Sanguinarium community is international, successful and very much like a worldwide Family of like minded individuals.Our StoryWhy do I think this is important? Because knowing the story behind your fangs imbues the experience of getting them with unique power and significance. It is an experience few others in this world ever have. After all, there are very few fangsmiths in the world and we can never make enough fangs to sell out, so I have chosen to Rock Out!Welcome to the Family.-Father Sebastiaan

The Red Rite of Transformation


Disciple of the Vampyre MysteriesAn exert from Vampyre Rituals of the Sanguinarium Ritual design by Magisters Ur & Saaron

Calmae have fully identified with Vampyrism as philosophy and a personal life path and are true disciples of the Vampyre Mysteries. Formally known asCalmaewithin the Sanguinarium, they traditionally addressed by the honorific ofSorerorFrater, meaning Sister or Brother of the Current and bare a red stone in their Legacy Ankh. They are no longer Fledglings and not yet Adepts or Elders. Calmae have a strong understanding of Vampyre philosophy, culture, and tradition and have been in White Circle no less than a year and a day.

Through becoming Calmae, a Vampyre challenges themself to establish a strong Dayside foundation having Coming forth by Day." They work to continually improve their Zhepr by developing personal survival skills, earning financial independence, and dedicating themself to the Quest of Family and the Quest of Immortality. Calmae focus to get touch with their primal nature whilst maintaining a strong grasp of difference between reality and fantasy. Calmae may choose to "Come forth by Nigh" and pursue the Nightside Vampyre Mysteries such as ambient and tactile feeding, de-identification with the mortalist perspective and embracing the Vampyre's immortalist perspective, Communion with the Current, energy manipulations, and understanding the concept of Zhepr.

Within the Sanguinarium, Calmae are members of the Red Circle and may participate in private Family gatherings and projects. Calmae examples of Vampyre Virtues and Mysteries, exceptional individuals welcomed for their dedication, loyalty, and Potential within the Family of the Sanguinarium.

The Red Rite

Unlike the White Rite which involves a fangmaking session, Rite of the Mirror and the Oracle with RED VEILS. The Red Rite takes place within a formal ritual chamber. As a member of Silver, Emerald or Black Circle should be officiating, the set-up of the space should go as with any other Vampyre Ritual.

Aspirant is to be clad appropriately for ritual.

Goals:1. Dedicant establish a formal connection with the Current.2. Dedicant commits to Vampyrism as a formal philosophy and path in their life.3. Dedicant gains a sense of formal inclusion to the Family

Setting Intention:When space is ready, invite aspirant into room.

Confirm they have read, understand and are in agreement the contents of Sanguinomicon and The Red Veils.

Then ask:

Why they wish to be recognized as Red Circle of the Sanguinarium. Do they find agreement with the Black VeilsWhat do they feel they can bring to the FamilyPersonal goals as related to Vampyrism.

Discuss the nature of the Current and its importance to the Family. This establishes a focus in the mind of the aspirant for the next step.

Connecting with Current:Connection with current is similar to the Rite of the Mirror when a person receives fangs. This can be accomplished with a walk through of Throning and the Vampyre's Eyes exercises.Have the aspirant come before the mirrorGuide them through a few relaxing breaths and to turn their focus inwardWhen they are ready, guide them to stare deeply into the mirror, looking behind their own eyes.Remind them to clear their mind. Find the silence between the thought and let the darkness of that space fill your mind and being. Reach out i