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Year 3Medium Term Planning

Week Autumn 1 Resources Activities Counting activitiesWeek 1 Mental Focus: x tables assessment

Main Focus: Number - Place Value recognise place value of each digit in a 3 digit number read and write numbers up to 1000 in numerals and in words

Bundles of 10s and ones, Dienes apparatus, Place Value countersNumber lines, 100 squaresPlace value board

1-2 Game count in 10s from any number including from 0 count from 0 in steps of 2,3,5

Week 2 Mental Focus: x tables assessmentMain Focus: Number - Place Value compare and order numbers up to 1000 find 10/100 more or less than given number recognise place value of each digit in a 3 digit number

Bundles of 10s and ones, Dienes apparatus, Place Value counters,Place value boardNumber lines, 100 squares10s frames

1-2 Game count in 10s from any number including from 0 count from 0 in steps of 2,3,5 count in time steps of half and quarter of an hour

Week 3 Mental Focus: find 10/100 more/less than a given number; compare and order numbers to 1000; read and write in words/numerals No.s to 1000; number bonds to 10Main Focus: Number - Addition and Subtraction – Mental + and – mentally: HTU and 1s; HTU and tens; HTU and hundreds

Bundles of 10s and ones, Dienes apparatus, Place Value counters,Place value boardNumber lines, 100 squares10s frames

1-2 GameAddition ChainsCan you find the quick way?

count in 10s and 100s from any number including from 0

count from 0 in steps of 2,3,5 count from 0 in halves

Week 4 Mental Focus: read and write in words/numerals No.s to 1000; compare and order numbers to 1000; +/- HTU and 1s/10s; number bonds to 10Main Focus: Number - Addition and Subtraction – Written + and - with up to HTU using formal methods of columnar addition &


Place Value countersnumber line

count in 10s and 100s from any number including from 0

count from 0 in multiples of 4 count in time steps of quarter of an hour

Week 5 Mental Focus: read and write in words/numerals No.s to 1000; compare and order numbers to 1000; +/- HTU and 1s/10s; number bonds to 10Main Focus: Number - Multiplication and Division - Mental recall and use x and / facts for the 2, 3, 4,5, 10 multiplication tables write and calculate mathematical statements for x and / using x tables that

they know including TU x U digit numbers using mental (and progressing to formal written) methods

Place Value countersarrays, counters

Table squares

Multiplication chainsMultiplication tables

count in 10s and 100s from any number including from 0

count from 0 in multiples of 4 and 40 count from 0 in steps of 2,3,5

Week 6 Mental Focus: read and write in words/numerals No.s to 1000; compare and order numbers to 1000; +/- HTU and 1s/10s; number bonds to 10Main Focus: Multiplication and Division - Written write and calculate mathematical statements for x and / using x tables that

they know including TU x U digit numbers using mental and progressing to formal written methods

Place Value counterscounters, arrays,

Table squares

Multiplication chains count in 10s and 100s from any number including from 0

count from 0 in multiples of 4 and 40 count from 0 in halves, quarters

Year 3Medium Term Planning

Week Autumn 2 Resources Activities Counting activitiesWeek 7 Mental Focus: read and write in words/numerals No.s to 1000; compare and order

numbers to 1000; find 10/100 more/less than a given number; number bonds to 10 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100Main Focus: Number-Place Value place value problems – including practical problems recognise that tenths arise from dividing an object into 10 equal parts identify, represent and estimate numbers in different representations

Bundles of 10s and ones, Dienes apparatus, Place Value counters,Place value boardNumber lines, 100 squares10s frames

Numbers Rule count from 0 in multiples of 4 and 8 count from 0 in halves, quarters count in 10s and 100s from any number including

from 0

Week 8 Mental Focus: read and write in words/numerals No.s to 1000; compare and order numbers to 1000; find 10/100 more/less than a given number; number bonds to 10 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100Main Focus: Number - Mental/Written Calculations estimate answers to calculations & use inverse operations to check answers + and – mentally: HTU and 1s; HTU and tens; HTU and hundreds + and - with up to HTU using formal methods of columnar + & -

Bundles of 10s and ones, Dienes apparatus, Place Value counters,Place value boardNumber lines, 100 squares10s frames

Starting from

Can you find the quick way?

count from 0 in multiples of 8 and 80 count from 0 in steps of 2,3,5 count in tenths and link to 0.1 count in time steps of quarter of an hour

Week 9 Mental Focus: find 10/100 more/less than a given number; recognise place value of each digit in a 3 digit number; + and – mentally HTU & 1s/10s/100s; number bonds to 10 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100Main Focus: Number- Problem Solving solve problems including missing number problems, using number facts, place

value and more complex + and -

Bundles of 10s and ones; Dienes apparatus; place value counters;place value board;number lines; 100 squares;10s frames;Bar model method exemplar

Multiplication chainsCan you find the quick way?

count from 0 in multiples of 8 and 80 count in tenths and link to 0.1 count in 10s and 100s from any number including

from 0

Week 10 Mental Focus: write mathematical statements using known x tables; read and write in words/numerals No.s to 1000; compare and order numbers to 1000; number bonds to 10 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100Main Focus: Number - Problem Solving solve problems including missing number problems, involving x and / including

positive integer scaling problems and correspondence problems in which n objects are connected to m objects

Bundles of 10s and ones; Dienes apparatus; place value counters;place value board;number lines; 100 squares;10s frames;Bar model method exemplar; table squares

count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 40 and 80 count from 0 in steps of 2,3,5 count in tenths and link to 0.1 count in time steps of quarter of an hour

Week 11 Mental Focus: + and – mentally HTU & 1s/10s/100s; compare and order numbers to 1000; recognise place value of each digit in a 3 digit number; number bonds to 10 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100Main Focus: Number - Fractions(unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominators) recognise & write fractions of a discrete set of objects recognise & show, using diagrams, equiv fractions with small denominators

Table squares; counters; bar model method exemplar

count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 40 and 80 count in tenths and link to 0.1 count from 0 in halves, quarters count in 10s and 100s from any number including

from 0

Week 12 Mental Focus: read and write in words/numerals No.s to 1000; compare and order numbers to 1000; find 10/100 more/less than a given number; number bonds to 10 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100Main Focus: Number - Fractions compare and order unit fractions and fractions with the same denominator add and subtract fractions with small denominators within one whole

Table squares; counters; bar model method exemplar

count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 40 and 80 count from 0 in steps of 2,3,5 count in time steps of quarter of an hour count from 0 in halves, quarters, tenths

Year 3Medium Term Planning

Week Spring 1 Resources Activities Counting activitiesWeek 13 Mental Focus: read and write in words/numerals No.s to 1000; compare and order numbers to

1000; find 10/100 more/less than a given number; number bonds to 10/20Main Focus: Measure - Time tell and write the time from an analogue clock including Roman numerals from i to

xii and 12 hr and 24 hr clocks use vocab such as o’clock, am/pm, morning, afternoon noon and midnight know number of secs in min & no.s of days in each month, year, leap year

Clocks; stop watches; calendars

count in 10s and 100s from any number including from 0 count in steps of 2,3,5 from any number count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ past & ¼ to count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100

Week 14 Mental Focus: write mathematical statements using known x tables; recognise place value of each digit in a 3 digit number; double and halve within 20; number bonds10/20Main Focus: Number - Fractions recognise & show, using diagrams, equiv fractions with small denominators compare and order unit fractions and fractions with the same denominator find fractions of a discrete set of objects

Table squares; counters; bar model method exemplar; fraction walls

Relate fractions to division

count in halves, quarters and tenths count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100 count in 0.1s count in tenths and link to 0.1s

Week 15 Mental Focus: read and write in words/numerals No.s to 1000; compare and order numbers to 1000; find 10/100 more/less than a given number; number bonds to 20 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100Main Focus: Measure/ Place Value identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations compare, + and - lengths (m,cm/mm); mass (kg, g) volume/capacity (l,ml)

Place value board; rulers; metre rules; tape measures; capacity and mass equip

count in 10s and 100s from any number including from 0

count in steps of 2,3,5 from any number count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ past & ¼ to count in 0.1s

Week 16 Mental Focus: write mathematical statements using known x tables; recognise place value of each digit in a 3 digit number; double and halve within 20; number bonds to 10 & 20 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100Main Focus: Measure/ Geometry measure the perimeter of simple 2d shapes draw 2d shapes recognise 3d shapes in different orientations and describe them

2D shapes; 3D shapes count in halves, quarters and tenths count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100 count in steps of 9 by adjusting (+10-1) count in tenths and link to 0.1s

Week 17 Mental Focus: recognise Roman Numerals to xii; recognise equivalent fractions; number bonds to 10 & 20 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100; + and – mentally HTU & 1s/10s/100sMain Focus: Geometry recognise angles as properties of shape and description of a turn identify right angles identify whether angles are greater or less than a right angle

Simple angle measurer; 2D shapes

count in 10s and 100s from any number including from 0

count in steps of 2,3,5 from any number count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ past & ¼ to count in 0.1s

Week 18 Mental Focus: find 10/100 more/less than a given number; double and halve within 20number bonds to 10 & 20 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100; write mathematical statements using known x tablesMain Focus: Problem Solving – mixed operations – mentally/written solve probs incl missing No. probs/using No. facts/place value/more complex + – solve probs involving x and ÷ including positive integer scaling problems and

correspondence problems in which n objects are connected to m objects

Bundles of 10s and ones; Dienes apparatus; place value counters/ board;number lines; 100 squares;10s frames;Bar method exemplar; table squares

Multiplication chainsMultiplication tablesCan you find the quick way?

count in halves, quarters and tenths count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100 count in steps of 9 by adjusting (+10-1) count in tenths and link to 0.1s

Year 3Medium Term Planning

Week Spring 2 Resources Activities Counting activitiesWeek

19Mental Focus: find 10/100 more/less; double/halve within 20; bonds to 10 & 20 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100; write mathematical statements using known x tablesMain Focus: Place Value/ Mental/Written Methods/ Problem Solving

Bundles of 10s and ones; Dienes apparatus; place value counters;place value board;number lines; 100 squares;10s frames;Bar model method exemplar; table squares

Numbers RuleStarting fromMultiplication chainsMultiplication tablesCan you find the quick way?

count in 10s and 100s from any number including from 0

count in steps of 2,3,5 from any number including from 0 as well as 20, 30, 50 count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ past & ¼ to count in tenths and link to 0.1s

Week 20

Mental Focus: recognise Roman Numerals to xii; recognise equivalent fractions; number bonds to 10 & 20 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100; + and – mentally HTU & 1s/10s/100sMain Focus: Measure - Money + & - amounts of money to give change using both £/p in practical contexts

Coins; Place value board; rulers; number lines; Bar model method exemplar

What else do I know?

count in halves, quarters and tenths count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100 count in steps of 9 by adjusting (+10-1) count in 0.1s

Week 21

Mental Focus: read and write in words/numerals No.s to 1000; compare and order numbers to 1000; bonds to 10 /20 & multiples of 10 to 100; write mathematical statements using x tablesMain Focus: Measure - Time tell & write time from analogue clock incl Roman numerals &12/24 hr clock estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to nearest minute use vocab such as o’clock, am/pm, morning, afternoon noon and midnight know No. of secs in a min & No. of days in each month, year, leap year

Clocks; stop watches; calendars

count in steps of 2,3,5 from any number including from 0 as well as 20, 30, 50 count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ past & ¼ to count in tenths and link to 0.1s count in multiples of 6

Week 22

Mental Focus: recognise place value of each digit in a 3 digit number; + and – mentally HTU & 1s/10s/100s; number bonds to 10 & 20 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100; reading timeMain Focus: Statistics / Problem Solving interpret and present data using bar charts , pictograms and tables solve one step and two step questions (eg How many more? How many fewer?) using

information presented in scaled bar charts/pictograms/tables

count in halves, quarters and tenths count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100 count in steps of 9 by adjusting (+10-1) count in 0.1s

Week 23

Mental Focus: find 10/100 more/less than a given number; double and halve within 20number bonds to 10 & 20 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100; write mathematical statements using known x tablesMain Focus: Measure recognise 3d shapes in different orientations and describe them make 3d shapes using modelling materials identify horizontal & vertical lines & pairs of perpendicular & parallel lines recognise 2 right angles make a half turn

Simple angle measurer; 2D shapes; 3d shapes; modelling materials

count in 10s and 100s from any number including from 0

count in steps of 20,30,50from any multiple of 10 count in 5 min intervals including ¼ past & ¼ to count in multiples of 6

Week 24

Mental Focus: recognise Roman Numerals to xii; use inverse to check; number bonds to 10 & 20 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100; recognise equivalent fractionsMain Focus: Number - Fractions recognise/show, using diagrams, equiv fractions with small denominators compare and order unit fractions and fractions with the same denominator find fractions of a discrete set of objects + & - fractions with small denominators within one whole

Table squares; counters; bar model method exemplar; fraction walls

Fraction ChainsFraction Grid

count in halves, quarters and tenths count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100 count in steps of 9 by adjusting (+10-1) count in tenths and link to 0.1s

Year 3Medium Term Planning

Week Summer 1 Resources Activities Counting activitiesWeek 25 Mental Focus: read and write in words/numerals No.s to 1000; use inverse to check;

find 10/100 more/less than a given number; recognise Roman Numerals to xiiMain Focus: Place Value Mental/WrittenCalculations

Bundles of 10s and ones; Dienes apparatus; place value counters;place value board;number lines; 100 squares;10s frames;Bar model method exemplar; table squares

Multiplication chainsMultiplication tablesCan you find the quick way?What are my numbers?Numbers RuleStarting from

count in 10s and 100s from any number including from 0

count in 20s, 30s, 50s from any multiple of 10 count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ past & ¼ to count in tenths and link to 0.1s

Week 26 Mental Focus: compare and order numbers to 1000; + and – mentally HTU & 1s/10s/100s; write mathematical statements using known x tables; double and halve within 20;Main Focus: Fractions recognise & write fractions of a discrete set of objects & show, using

diagrams, equivalent fractions with small denominators find fractions of a discrete set of objects add and subtract fractions with small denominators within one whole fraction problem solving

Table squares; counters; bar model method exemplar; fraction walls

count in halves, quarters and tenths count from 0 in multiples of 4, 40,8, 80, 50 and 100 count in steps of 9 by adjusting (+10-1) count in multiples of 6

Week 27 Mental Focus: recognise place value of each digit in a 3 digit number; find 10/100 more/less than a given number; recognise Roman Numerals to xii; recognise equivalent fractions;Main Focus: Measure identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations -

converting measure the perimeter of simple 2d shapes measure, compare, add and subtract lengths (,/cm/mm); mass (kg, g)

volume/capacity (l,ml) problem solving including converting

Place value board; rulers; metre rules; tape measures; capacity and mass equip; clocks; stop watches; calendars ; 2d shapes

What else do I know?

count in steps of 2,3,5 from any number including from 0 as well as 20, 30, 50 count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ past & ¼ to count in multiples of 6 count in 0.1

Week 28 Mental Focus: use inverse to check; number bonds to 10 & 20 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100; write mathematical statements using known x tables; reading timeMain Focus: Measure problem solving involving money

Coins; Place Value counters & board;number lines; bar model method exemplar;

64_ Flash Harry count in 10s and 100s from any number including from 0 count in halves, quarters and tenths count from 0 in multiples of 4, 40,8, 80, 50 and 100 count in tenths and link to 0.1s count in multiples of 6

Week 29 Mental Focus: read and write in words/numerals No.s to 1000; compare and order numbers to 1000;+ and – mentally HTU & 1s/10s/100s; recognise Roman Numerals to xii; recognise equivalent fractions;Main Focus: Measure- Time tell and write the time from an analogue clock including Roman numerals

from i to xii and 12 hr and 24 hr clocks estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to nearest minute compare duration of events (eg to calculate the time taken by particular

events or tasks) record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours;

Clocks; stop watches; calendars

count in steps of 2,3,5 from any number including from 0 as well as 20, 30, 50 count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ past & ¼ to count in steps of 9 by adjusting (+10-1) count in multiples of 6

Week 30 Mental Focus: recognise place value of each digit in a 3 digit number; find 10/100 more/less than a given number; number bonds to 10 & 20 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100; double and halve within 20;Main Focus: Geometry draw 2d shapes recognise 3d shapes in different orientations and describe them identify right angles and whether angles are greater or less than a right

angle identify horizontal and vertical lines and pairs of perpendicular and parallel

Simple angle measurer; 2D shapes; 3d shapes; modelling materials

count in halves, quarters and tenths count from 0 in multiples of 4, 40,8, 80, 50 and 100 count in multiples of 6 count from 0 in steps of 2½

Year 3Medium Term Planning

Week Summer 2 Resources Activities Counting activitiesWeek 31 Mental Focus: + and – mentally HTU & 1s/10s/100s; number bonds to 10 & 20 & multiples of

10 to bond to 100; write mathematical statements using known x tables; recognise Roman Numerals to xii;Main Focus: Statistics interpret and present data using bar charts , pictograms and tables solve 1/2 step qs eg How many more/fewer? using info presented in scaled bar

charts and pictograms and tables

count in 10s and 100s from any number including from 0

count in steps of 2,3,5 from any number including from 0 as well as 20, 30, 50 count in halves, quarters and tenths count from 0 in multiples of 4, 40,8, 80, 50 and 100

Week 32 Mental Focus: read and write in words/numerals No.s to 1000; compare and order numbers to 1000; use inverse to check; double and halve within 20; recognise equivalent fractions;Main Focus: Place Value/Mental/Written Calculation/Problem Solving identifying, representing and estimating place value mental calculation written methods used to problem solve

Bundles of 10s and ones; Dienes apparatus; place value counters/board;number lines; 100 squares;10s frames;Bar model method exemplar; table squares

Numbers RuleStarting fromSums & Products 1*Multiplication ArithmogonMultiplication tablesCan you find the quick way?

count in 10 minute intervals from any time count from 0 in multiples of 4, 40,8, 80, 50 and 100 count in steps of 9 by adjusting (+10-1) count in multiples of 6

Week 33 Mental Focus: recognise place value of each digit in a 3 digit number; + and – mentally HTU & 1s/10s/100s; number bonds to 10 & 20 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100; recognise 2d/3d shapes Main Focus: Fractions (Recognise/Find/Equivalence/+/-) recognise and write fractions of a discrete set of objects and show, using diagrams,

equivalent fractions with small denominators find fractions of a discrete set of objects add and subtract fractions with small denominators within one whole fraction problem solving recognise and use fractions as numbers

Table squares; counters; bar model method exemplar; fraction walls

count in steps of 2,3,5 from any number including from 0 as well as 20, 30, 50 count in halves, quarters and tenths count from 0 in steps of 7

Week 34 Mental Focus: find 10/100 more/less than a given number; write mathematical statements using known x tables; recognise Roman Numerals to xii; identify right anglesMain Focus: Measure - Time tell and write the time from an analogue clock including Roman numerals from i to

xii and 12 hr and 24 hr clocks estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to nearest minute compare duration of events (eg to calculate time taken by particular events or tasks) record and compare time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours;

Clocks; stop watches; calendars

count in 10s and 100s from any number including from 0

count in steps of 2,3,5 from any number including from 0 as well as 20, 30, 50 count in 5 minute intervals from any time count from 0 in steps of 7

Week 35 Mental Focus: compare and order numbers to 1000; recognise place value of each digit in a 3 digit number; number bonds to 10 & 20 & multiples of 10 to bond to 100; double and halve within 20;Main Focus: Measure - Shapes and Angles measure, compare, add and subtract lengths (,/cm/mm); mass (kg, g)

volume/capacity (l,ml) problem solving including converting draw 2d shapes and make models of 3d shapes identify right angles and whether angles are greater or less than a right angle identify horizontal and vertical lines and pairs of perpendicular and parallel lines recognise 2 right angles make a half turn, three make a ¾ turn and 4 make a

complete turn

Simple angle measurer; 2D shapes; 3d shapes; modelling materials

count in steps of 9 by adjusting (+10-1) count from 0 in steps of 7 count in halves, quarters and tenths count from 0 in steps of 2½

Week 36 Mental Focus: read and write in words/numerals No.s to 1000; + and – mentally HTU & 1s/10s/100s; use inverse to check; recognise equivalent fractions;Main Focus: Measure – Money Problem solving Investigation

Coins; place value boards and counters; number lines

count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ past & ¼ to count from 0 in steps of 7 count from 0 in steps of 2½ count in tenths and link to 0.1s

Week 6

Mental Focus: use place value, known and derived facts to multiply and divide mentally incl multiply together three numbers,Main Focus: Number– Multiplication & Division, Measurement multiply two digit number and three digit numbers by one digit number using

formal written layout find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares use place value, known and derived facts to divide mentally

Table squares; counters; arrays

Multiplication Chains

count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ to and ¼ past count in 6s and 60s including into negative numbers count in steps of 11 and 19 (by using 10/20 and adjusting) count in 4s, 8s, 40s, 80s count from 0 into negative numbers in 4s, 8s, 40s, 80s

Year 4Medium Term Plan

Autumn 2 Resources Activities Counting activitiesWeek

7Mental Focus: x tables assessmentMain Focus: Number - Place Value (read, write) order, compare numbers beyond 1000 recognise the place value of each digit in a four digit number (th, h, t, o) rounding to nearest 10, 100 and 1000 read Roman numerals to 100 solve number and practical problems that involve all of the above and with

increasingly large positive numbers

Bundles of 10s/1s; Dienes; Place Value counters;Number lines; 100 squares; Place value board;10s frames

count in steps of 7 count in 10s from any number including 0 into negative numbers count from any number in 100s, 1000s

Week 8

Mental Focus: mental +/-/x/÷; rounding to nearest 10,100,1000; find 1000 more/less; areaMain Focus: Number- Problem Solving solve addition and subtraction single-step problems in contexts, deciding which

operations and methods to use and why. solve problems involving multiplying and adding, including using the distributive

law to multiply two digit numbers by one digit

Place Value counters; Place value board ;Table squares; counters; arrays

Can you find the quick way? Multiplication Chains

count in steps of 7 and 70s count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100 count in steps of 9 and 11 (by using 10 and adjusting)

Week 9

Mental Focus: mental +/-/x/÷; order & compare No.s >1000; perimeterMain Focus: Number- Problem Solving solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in contexts, deciding which

operations and methods to use and why. solve problems involving multiplying and adding, including using the distributive

law to multiply two digit numbers by one digit, integer scaling problems

Place Value counters; Place value board; Table squares; counters; arrays

Can you find the quick way? Multiplication Chains

count in steps of 7 and 70s including into negative numbers count in steps of 20, 30, 50 from any number including 0 count in steps of 19 and 21 (by using 20 and adjusting)

Week 10

Mental Focus: read, write, order & compare No.s >1000; recognise the value of digits in 4digit numbers; estimate and use the inverse to check calculationsMain Focus: Number- Fractions recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions add and subtract fractions with the same denominator

Fraction walls; Table squares; counters;

count in 6s and 7s including into negative numbers count in halves, quarters and tenths count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ to and ¼ past

Week 11

Mental Focus: halve/double & relate x & ÷ by 2; equivalent fractions; Roman numerals to CMain Focus: Number- Fractions recognise that hundredths arise when dividing an object by one hundred and

dividing tenths by ten recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths or hundredths recognise and write decimal equivalents to ½ ¼ ¾

Fraction walls; Table squares; counters; Dienes

count in 6s, 60s, 7s, 70s including into negative numbers count in halves, quarters and tenths count in tenths and link to 0.1s

Week 12

Mental Focus: decimal equivalents of tenths or hundredths and ½ ¼ ¾; halve/double & relate x & ÷ by 2; properties of 2D shapesMain Focus: Geometry – Properties of shape compare and classify geometric shapes, including quadrilaterals and triangles,

based on their properties and sizes identify lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes presented in different orientations complete a simple symmetric figure with respect to a specific line of symmetry.

2D shapes; mirrors; tracing paper

count in 6s, 60s, 7s, 70s including into negative numbers count in tenths linked to 0.1 then 0.2 linked to x2 count in hundredths linked to 0.01

Year 4Medium Term Plan

Week Spring 1 Resources Activities Counting activities

Week 13

Mental Focus: x tables assessmentMain Focus: Measure – Time read, write and convert time between analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks solve problems involving converting from hours to minutes read Roman numerals to 100

clocks count in steps of 9 count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ to and ¼ past count in 30s and 60s relate to ½ and 1 hour

Week 14

Mental Focus: recognise equivalent fractions – simplify using factors/multiple; properties of shape; read, write & convert time between analogue & digital 12/24hr clockMain Focus: Number - Fractions (understand the relation between non-unit fractions and multiplication and division

of quantities – find fractions of amounts) solve problems involving increasingly harder fractions to calculate quantities, and

fractions to divide quantities, incl non-unit fractions where answer is a whole number

Fraction walls; Table squares; counters; Dienes

Relating fractions to division

count in steps of 9 and 90s count in halves, quarters and tenths count in tenths and hundredths and link to 0.1s and 0.01

Week 15

Mental Focus: find fractions of amounts; recognise equivalent fractions – simplify using factors/multiple; order and compare numbersMain Focus: Number - Fractions find the effect of dividing a one- or two-digit number by 10 and 100, identifying the

value of the digits in the answer as ones, tenths and hundredths compare numbers with the same number of decimal places up to two decimal

places round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number

Fraction walls; Table squares; counters; Dienes; Place value board

count in steps of 9 and 90s including into negative numbers count in steps 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5 link to x2, x3, x5 and x20, x30, x50 count in halves, quarters and tenths count in tenths and hundredths and link to 0.1s and 0.01

Week 16

Mental Focus: perimeter; x/÷ by 10 and 100 identifying value of digits; read, write & convert time between analogue & digital 12/24hr clockMain Focus: Measure Convert between different units of measure [for example, km to m; hour to minute] measure the perimeter of a rectilinear figure (including squares) in cm and m estimate, compare and calculate different measures

Place value board; rulers; metre rules; tape measures; capacity and mass equip

count in 6s,7s, 9s including into negative numbers count in 25s and 250s and link to ¼ measures count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ to and ¼ past

Week 17

Mental Focus:, fractions of amounts; Roman numerals to C, convert units of measureMain Focus: Number – Problem Solving solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in contexts, deciding which

operations and methods to use and why solve problems involving multiplying and adding, including using the distributive law to

multiply two digit numbers by one digit, integer scaling problems and harder correspondence problems such as n objects are connected to m objects.

Place Value counters; Place value board; Table squares; counters; arrays

Multiplication Chains

Numbers Rule

count in 60s, 70s, 9s, 90s including into negative numbers count in 4s, 40s, 8s, 80s count in steps of 20, 30, 50 from any number count in 1000s

Week 18

Mental Focus: x/÷ by 10/100; identify value of digits, recognise equivalent fractions – simplify using factors/multiples; read, write & convert time on analogue & digital 12/24hr clockMain Focus: Number – Problem Solving : place value & fractions; Measure solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions/decimals to two dp

Coins; Place Value counters; Place value board; Table squares

count in 60s, 70s, 9s, 90s including into negative numbers count in steps of 9, 11, 19 and 21 (by using 10/20 and adjusting) count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ to and ¼ past

Year 4Medium Term Plan

Week Spring 2 Resources Activities Counting activities

Week 19

Mental Focus: x tables assessmentMain Focus: Number – Place Value and + - x ÷ solve number and practical problems that involve: reading, writing, comparing,

ordering, rounding with increasingly large positive numbers and negative numbers (add and subtract numbers mentally using known facts THTU and 1s, THTU and

tens THTU and hundreds, THTU and thousands)identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations use place value, known and derived facts to multiply and divide mentally,

including: multiplying by 0 and 1; dividing by 1; multiplying together three numbers find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares estimate and use inverse operations to check answers to a calculation(mentally) solve addition and subtraction (two-step) problems in contexts deciding which operation

Place Value counters; Place value board; Table squares; counters; arrays

Can you find the quick way?

Middle Points 1*

Venn diagram multiples

What are my No.s?

count in steps of 11 count in steps 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5 link to x2, x3, x5 and x20, x30, x50 count in halves, quarters and tenths count in tenths and hundredths and link to 0.1s and 0.01

Week 20

Mental Focus: order& compare numbers beyond 1000; identify , represent and estimate numbers using different representations; x/÷ 10 and 100Main Focus: Measurement - Time read, write and convert time between analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks solve problems involving converting from hours to minutes read Roman numerals to 100 solve problems involving converting from hours to minutes; minutes to seconds;

years to months; weeks to days.

Clocks; stop watches; calendars

count in steps of 11 and 110s count in 7s and link to days in a week count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ to and ¼ past count in 30s and 60s relate to ½ and 1 hour, secs in a minute

Week 21

Mental Focus: rounding to nearest 1, 10 and 10; recognition of Roman numerals to C; halving & doublingMain Focus: Measurement Convert between different units of measure [for example, kilometre to metre; hour

to minute] measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure (including squares) in

centimetres and metres estimate, compare and calculate different measures, including money in pounds

and pence

Coins; Place value board; rulers; metre rules; tape measures; capacity and mass equip

count in steps of 11 and 110s including into negative numbers count in 25s, 50s and 250s, 500s and link to ¼ and ½ measures count in 1000s count in tenths and hundredths and link to 0.1s and 0.01 and measure

Week 22

Mental Focus: convert units of measure; read, write & convert time on analogue & digital 12/24hr clock; x/÷ 10 and 100Main Focus: Geometry- Properties of Shape compare and classify geometric shapes, including quadrilaterals and triangles,

based on their properties and sizes identify acute and obtuse angles and compare and order angles up to two right

angles by size

Simple angle measurer; 2D shapes

count in 6s,7s,11s including into negative numbers count in 90s link to angles/turns count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ to and ¼ past count in halves, quarters and tenths

Week 23

Mental Focus: properties of shape; types of angle; represent and estimate numbers using different representationsMain Focus: Geometry- Position and Direction describe positions on a 2-D grid as coordinates in the first quadrant describe movements between positions as translations of a given unit to the

left/right and up/down plot specified points and draw sides to complete a given polygon.

2d shapes count in 60s, 70s, 90s, 11, 110s including into negative numbers count in 4s, 40s, 8s, 80s count in steps of 20, 30, 50 from any number count in 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.8s

Week 24

Mental Focus: order& compare numbers beyond 1000; find fractions of amounts; halving & doublingMain Focus: Statistics interpret and present discrete and continuous data using appropriate graphical

methods, including bar charts and time graphs.

Graph paper count in 60s, 70s, 90s, 11, 110s including into negative numbers count in steps of 9, 11, 19 and 21 (by using 10/20 and adjusting) count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ to and ¼ past count in halves, quarters, tenths and hundredths

Year 4Medium term Plan

Week Summer 1 Resources Activities Counting activities

Week 25

Mental Focus: x tables assessmentMain Focus: Statistics solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in bar

charts, pictograms, tables and other graphs.

count in steps of 12 count in steps 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5 link to x2, x3, x5 and x20, x30, x50 count in halves, quarters and tenths count in tenths and hundredths and link to 0.1s and 0.01

Week 26

Mental Focus: find 1000 more/less; recognise the value of digits in 4digit numbers; order and compare numbersMain Focus: Number – Fractions recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common equivalent fractions add and subtract fractions with the same denominator solve problems involving increasingly harder fractions to calculate quantities, &

fractions to divide quantities, incl non-unit fractions where answer is whole number

Fraction walls; Table squares; counters; Dienes; Place value board

Fraction ChainFraction Grid

count in steps of 12 and 120s count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ to and ¼ past count in halves, quarters and tenths count in tenths and hundredths and link to 0.1s and 0.01

Week 27

Mental Focus: recognise equivalent fractions; find fractions of amounts; identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representationsMain Focus: Number – Fractions recognise that hundredths arise when ÷ an object by 100 and dividing tenths by 10 recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of tenths or hundredths recognise and write decimal equivalents to ½ ¼ ¾ find the effect of ÷a 1 or 2-digit number by 10 and 100, identifying the value of the

digits in the answer as ones, tenths and hundredths compare numbers with the same number of decimal places up to two dps round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number

Fraction walls; Table squares; counters; Dienes; Place value board

count in steps of 12 and 120s including into negative numbers count in 25s, 50s and 250s, 500s and link to ¼ and ½ measures count in 1000s count in tenths and hundredths and link to 0.1s and 0.01 and measure

Week 28

Mental Focus: read Roman numerals to C; round to nearest 1, 10,100; x/÷ by 10 and 100Main Focus: Measure - Time read, write and convert time between analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks solve problems involving converting from hrs-mins; mins-secs; yrs-mths; wks-days.

Clocks; stop watches; calendars

count in 6s,8s, 11s and 12s including into negative numbers count in 7s and link to days in a week count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ to and ¼ past count in 30s and 60s relate to ½ and 1 hour, secs in a minute

Week 29

Mental Focus: double and halve; perimeter; convert units of measure incl timeMain Focus: Number – Place Value order, compare numbers beyond 1000 & recognise the place value of each digit rounding to nearest 10, 100 find (10/100 and)1000 more or less than a given number read Roman numerals to 100 and know that over time the numeral system changed identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations

Dienes; Place Value counters;Number lines; 100 squares; Place value board; 10s frames

Middle Points One Star

count in 60s, 70s, 90s, 110s, 12s including into negative numbers count in 4s, 40s, 8s, 80s,0.4s, 0.8s count in steps of 20, 30, 50 from any number

Week 30

Mental Focus: properties of shape; types of angle; areaMain Focus: Problem Solving solve + and - two-step problems in contexts - which operations & methods & why solve problems involving x and +, incl using distributive law to x 2digit numbers by 1

digit, integer scaling problems & harder correspondence problems solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions/decimals to two dp

Coins; Place Value counters; Place value board; Table squares

Multiplication ChainsMultiplication ArithmogonsSums Diffs & Products

count in 60s, 70s, 90s, 11s, 12s, 120s including into negative numbers count in steps of 9, 11, 19 and 21 (by using 10/20 and adjusting) count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ to and ¼ past count in halves, quarters, tenths and hundredths

Year 4Medium term Plan

Week Summer 2 Resources Activities Counting activities

Week 31

Mental Focus: x tables assessmentMain Focus: Geometry compare and classify geometric shapes, including quadrilaterals and triangles,

based on their properties and sizes identify lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes presented in different orientations complete a simple symmetric figure with respect to a specific line of symmetry. identify acute and obtuse angles and compare and order angles up to two right

angles by size describe positions on a 2-D grid as coordinates in the first quadrant describe movements between positions as translations of a given unit to the left/right

and up/down plot specified points and draw sides to complete a given polygon.

2D shapes; mirrors; tracing paper; simple angle measurer

count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 count in 90s link to angles/turns count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ to and ¼ past count in halves, quarters, tenths and hundredths

Week 32

Mental Focus: read, write, order and compare numbers; mentally +, , x, ÷; x ÷ by 10/100Main Focus: Measurement convert between different units of measure [for example, kilometre to metre; hour to

minute] measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure (including squares) in

centimetres and metres find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares estimate, compare and calculate different measures, including money in pounds and

pence read, write and convert time between analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks solve problems involving converting from hours to minutes; minutes to seconds;

years to months; weeks to days.

Place value board; rulers; metre rules; tape measures; capacity and mass equip; clocks; coins; stop watches; calendars

What else do I know?

count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ to and ¼ past count in 30s and 60s relate to ½ and 1 hour, secs in a minute count in 25s, 50s and 250s, 500s and link to ¼ and ½ measures count in 1000s

Week 33

Mental Focus: read, write & convert time on analogue & digital 12/24hr clock; perimeter; properties of shapeMain Focus: Problem Solving solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in contexts, deciding which

operations and methods to use and why solve problems involving multiplying and adding, including using the distributive law

to multiply two digit numbers by one digit, integer scaling problems and harder correspondence problems such as n objects are connected to m objects

solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions/decimals to two dp solve problems involving increasingly harder fractions to calculate quantities, and

fractions to divide quantities, including non-unit fractions where the answer is a whole number

solve number and practical problems that involve: reading, writing, comparing, ordering, rounding with increasingly large positive numbers and negative numbers

Place Value counters & board;Number lines; 100 squares; tables squares; coins; clocks

Multiplication ChainsFraction ChainFraction GridSums Diffs & Products

count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 count in steps 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5 link to x2, x3, x5 and x20, x30, x50 count in halves, quarters and tenths count in tenths and hundredths and link to 0.1s and 0.01

Week 34

Revision for Optional SATs Assessment Week

Week Mental Focus: find 1000 more/less; Roman numerals to C; area; equivalent fractions Graph paper count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12


Main Focus: Statistics interpret and present discrete and continuous data using appropriate graphical

methods, including bar charts and time graphs. solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in bar

charts, pictograms, tables and other graphs.

count in steps of 9, 11, 19 and 21 (by using 10/20 and adjusting) count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ to and ¼ past count in halves, quarters, tenths and hundredths

Week 36

Mental Focus: read, write, order, compare numbers to at least 1000; value of digits in 4 digit numbers and to 2dp; x/ ÷ 10/100Main Focus: Number - + - x ÷ Problem Solving solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in contexts, deciding which

operations and methods to use and why solve problems involving multiplying and adding, including using the distributive law

to multiply two digit numbers by one digit, integer scaling problems and harder correspondence problems such as n objects are connected to m objects

solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions/decimals to two dp solve number and practical problems that involve: reading, writing, comparing,

ordering, rounding with increasingly large positive numbers and negative numbers

Place Value counters & board;Number lines; 100 squares; tables squares; coins; clocks

Can you find the quick way?Multiplication ChainsSums Diffs & Products

count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 count in halves, quarters and tenths count in tenths and hundredths and link to 0.1s and 0.01 count in 5 minute intervals including ¼ to and ¼ past

Week 6

Mental Focus: recognise square numbers & cube numbers & use notation; rounding to 10/100/1000/10,000; recognition of Roman numerals to M; mentally calculate complements of 1 (for eg 0.83 + 0.17 =1);Main Focus: Number- + -x ÷ problem solving solve multi-step addition and subtraction problems in contexts deciding which

operation and methods to use and why solve problems involving all 4 operations and a combination of these including

understanding the meaning of the equals sign

Bar model method exemplars

count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 including into negatives count in tens from any number including into negative numbers count in 0.1, 0.5 and 0.01

Year 5Medium Term Plan

Autumn 2 Resources Activities Counting activitiesWeek

7Mental Focus: x tables assessmentMain Focus: Number- Fractions compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples of the same

number (simplest form/common denominators) identify, name and write equivalent fractions of a given fraction, represented

visually, including tenths and hundredths

Fraction walls; FDP dominoes; counters; blank 100 squares; Tables squares

count in 4s,40s, 400s, 8s,80s, 800s including into negatives count in square numbers up to 12 x 12 count in fractional steps eg. ⅛, 1/7etc into mixed numbers count in tenths and hundredths

Week 8

Mental Focus: read, write, compare & order numbers; value of digits; rounding to nearest 10, 100, 1000; x & ÷ by 10, 100, 1000Main Focus: Number- Fractions read and write decimal numbers as fractions (up to 3dp) recognise & use thousandths & relate to tenths, hundredths and dec equivs know decimal equivalence of ½, 1/4 , 1/5, 1/10 recognise % and understand it relates to ‘number of parts per hundred’ and write

%s as a fraction with denominator 100 and as a decimal

Fraction walls; FDP dominoes; counters; blank 100 squares; Tables squares

Snakes 1* and 2*

count in 6s, 60s,600s, 12s, 120s, 1200s including into negatives count in tens from any number including into negative numbers count in fractional steps eg. ⅛, 1/7etc into mixed numbers

Week 9

Mental Focus: halving/doubling & relate to finding fractions of amounts; equivalent fractions; convert fractions to decimals and vice vers; mentally calculate complements of 1 (for eg 0.83 + 0.17 =1);Main Focus: Measurement measure the perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes in cm/m convert between different units of metric measure understand and use approximate equivalences between metric units and common

imperial units such as inches, pounds and pints

2D Shapes;Metric & imperial measuring equipment;

What else do I know?

count in 3s, 30s, 300s, 9s, 90s, 900s including into negatives count in tens from any number including into negative numbers count in 25s, 50s and 250s, 500s and link to ¼ and ½ measures count in 0.5, 0.25, 0.2 and 0.01s and link to equivalent fractions and percentages

Week 10

Mental Focus: order fractions; multiples & factors; convert simple FDP when denominator is 100; x & ÷ by 10, 100, 1000Main Focus: Measurement calculate and compare the area of rectangles (including squares) and including

using standard units, cm² and m² and estimate the area of irregular shapes solve problems involving measure including decimal notation and scaling

2D Shapes; Practical measuring equip – rulers, tape measure, jugs, scales, weights etc

What else do I know?

count in 7s, 70s, 700s, 11s, 110s, including into negatives count in square numbers up to 12 x 12 count in 25s, 50s and 250s, 500s and link to ¼ and ½ measures count in ½,1/4, 1/5,1/10 and link to decimals percentages

Week 11

Mental Focus: halving/doubling; rounding to nearest 10, 100, 1000; read, write, compare & order numbers; mentally calculate complements of 1Main Focus: Geometry know angles measured in degrees: estimate & compare acute/ obtuse/reflex identify: angles at a point & one whole turn (360º); angles at a point on a straight

line & ½ a turn (180º)

Protractors count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 including into negatives and powers of ten to 900 count in 90s and link to angles count in 0.5, 0.25, 0.2 and 0.01s and link to equivalent fractions and percentages

Week 12

Mental Focus: equivalent fractions; x & ÷ by 10, 100, 1000; Roman numerals to MMain Focus: Number- + -x ÷ problem solving solve multi-step +/ - probs in contexts deciding operation & methods & why solve problems involving all 4 operations and a combination of these including

understanding the meaning of the equals sign

Bar model method exemplars

count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 including into negatives and powers of ten to 900 count in steps of 9, 11, 19 and 21 (by using 10/20 and adjusting) count in tens from any number including into negative numbers count in ½,1/4, 1/5,1/10 and link to decimals percentages

Year 5Medium Term Plan

Week Spring 1 Resources Activities Counting activities

Week 13

Mental Focus: x tables assessmentMain Focus: Number - + - x ÷ identify multiples and factors, including factor pairs of a number, and common factors of

2 numbers know/use vocab of prime numbers and recall prime numbers up to 19 establish whether a number up to 1000 is prime

Tables squares

Sums Difference Products

count in 4s, 40s,400s, 4000s, 8s, 80s, 800s, 8000s including into negatives count in square numbers up to 12 x 12 count in 0.5, 0.25, 0.2 and 0.01s and link to equivalent fractions and percentages count in prime numbers to 19

Week 14

Mental Focus: read, write, order, compare numbers to at least 1,000,000; value of digits up to 1,000,000 & decimals up to 3dp; x/÷ by 10/100/1000Main Focus: Number - + - x ÷ Problem Solving

use rounding to check ans & determine, in context of problem, levels of accuracy + & - mentally with increasingly large numbers (eg 12,462 – 2300) solve problems involving multiplication and division including using their knowledge of

factors, multiples , squares and cubes solve problems involving all 4 operations and a combination of these including

understanding the meaning of the equals sign

Place value frames for whiteboards; number lines; 100 squares; Bar model method exemplars

Sums Difference Products61_Make 566_Zids and Zods

count in 6s, 60s,600s, 6000s, 12s, 120s, 1200s including into negatives count in steps of 9, 11, 19 and 21 (by using 10/20 and adjusting) count in tens from any number including into negative numbers count in ½,1/4, 1/5,1/10 and link to decimals percentages

Week 15

Mental Focus: equivalence statements eg 4x35 = 2 x2 x 35; 3 x270 = 3x3 x9x10 = 9² x 10), rounding incl decimals; place value of decimal number; mentally calculate complements of 1Main Focus: Number - Fractions recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions and convert from one form to the

other and write mathematical statements > 1 as a mixed number (eg 2/5 + 4/5 = 6/5 = 1 1/5)

add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and denominators that are multiples of the same number

Fraction walls; FDP dominoes; counters; blank 100 squares; Tables squares

count in 3s, 30s,300s, 3000s, 9s, 90s, 900s, 9000s including into negatives count in 25s, 50s and 250s, 500s and link to ¼ and ½ measures count in 0.5, 0.25, 0.2 and 0.01s and link to equivalent fractions and percentages count in fractional steps eg. ⅛, 1/7etc into mixed numbers

Week 16

Mental Focus: recognise/describe linear number sequences incl fractions and decimals & find the term-to-term rule in words; x/÷ by 10/100/1000; mentally calculate complements of 1Main Focus: Number - Fractions

x proper fractions & mixed No.s by whole No.s, supported by materials & diagrams know decimal and percentage equivalence of ½, ¼, ,1/5, 1/10 find fractions and percentages of amounts

Fraction walls; FDP dominoes; counters; 100 squares; Tables squares

Relating Fractions to divisionFraction Chain 3*20-20Numbers Rule

count in 7s, 70s,700s, 7000s, 11s, 110s, 1100s including into negatives count in square numbers up to 12 x 12 count in ½,1/4, 1/5,1/10 and link to decimals percentages

Week 17

Mental Focus: multiples/factors; rounding incl decimals; mental +/-Main Focus: Geometry distinguish betwn regular/irregular polygons based on reasoning about equal sides/angles use the properties of rectangles to deduce facts and find missing lengths and angles identify 3d shapes including cubes and other cuboids from 2d representations

2D Shapes; 3d shapes; mulit-link

58_Spot the Shapes

count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 including into negatives and powers of ten to 120,000 count in prime numbers to 19 count in 90s and link to angles count in 0.5, 0.25, 0.2 and 0.01s & link to equiv fractions & %ges

Week 18

Mental Focus: Roman numerals to M; equiv fractions; order fractions, x/÷ by 10/100/1000Main Focus: Measurement

recognise years written in Roman numerals solve problems involving converting between units of time complete, read and interpret information in tables including timetables

Clocks; calendars; stop watches

count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 including into negatives and powers of ten to 120,000 count in 25s, 50s and 250s, 500s and link to ¼ and ½ measures count in 90s & link to angles & count in7s, 12s & 60s & link to time count in ½,1/4, 1/5,1/10 and link to decimals percentages

Year 5Medium Term Plan

Week Spring 2 Resources Activities Counting activities

Week 19

Mental Focus: x tables assessmentMain Focus: Number – Place Value and + - x ÷ solve number problems and practical problems that involve: reading, writing,

comparing, ordering, rounding and interpreting negative numbers in context add and subtract mentally using increasingly large numbers multiply and divide numbers mentally drawing upon known facts solve problems involving multiplication and division including using their

knowledge of factors, multiples, squares and cubes

Place value frames for whiteboards; number lines; 100 squares; Bar model method exemplars

Middle Points 2*Venn diagram – factor primesWhat my No. 2Can you find the quick way?

count in 4s, 40s,400s, 4000s, 40,000s, 8s, 80s, 800s, 9000s, 80,000s including into negatives count in square numbers up to 12 x 12 count in tens from any number including into negative numbers count in 0.5, 0.25, 0.2 and 0.01s and link to equivalent fractions and percentages

Week 20

Mental Focus: Roman numerals to M; read, write, compare & order numbers incl decimals; rounding incl decimals; equivalence statements eg 4x35 = 2 x2 x 35;Main Focus: Measurement estimate volume (for eg using 1cm³ blocks to build cuboids (including cubes))

and capacity (for eg, using water) convert between different units of metric measurement understand and use approximate equivalences between metric units and

common imperial units such as inches, pounds and pints

Practical measuring equip – rulers, tape measure, jugs, scales, weights etc incl metric/imperial units; multilink

What else do I know?

count in 6s, 60s,600s, 6000s, 60,000s, 12s, 120s, 1200s, 12,000s, 120,000s including into negatives count in prime numbers to 31 count in 25s, 50s, 75 and 250s, and link to ¼ , ½ and ¾ measures count in ½,1/4, 1/5,1/10 and link to decimals percentages

Week 21

Mental Focus: +/- mentally including perimeter; x & ÷ by 10, 100, 1000; halving/doubling; recognise/describe linear number sequences incl fractions & decimals & find the term-to-term rule in wordsMain Focus: Geometry draw given angles and measure them in degrees {using conventional marking

of right angles} identify: angles at a point and one whole turn (360º); angles at a point on a

straight line and ½ a turn (180º); other multiples of 90º {use angle sum rules and other properties to make deductions about missing

angles and relate these to missing number problems} accurate drawing of lines with ruler to the nearest mm {use conventional

markings for parallel lines}

Protractors; rulers

Numbers Rule

count in 3s, 30s,300s, 3000s, 30,000s, 9s, 90s, 900s, 9,000s, 90,000s including into negatives count in 90s and link to angles and count in7s, 12s and 60s and link to time count in 0.5, 0.25, 0.2 and 0.01s and link to equivalent fractions and percentages

Week 22

Mental Focus: read, write, compare & order numbers incl decimals; rounding incl decimals; multiples and factors; mentally calculate complements of 1Main Focus: Geometry identify, describe and represent the position of a shape following a reflection or

translation, using the appropriate vocabulary , and know that the shape has not changed {reflection should be lines that are parallel to the axes}

{reflection and translation in a variety of diagrams, including continuing to use a 2d grid and co-ordinates in the first quadrant }

MirrorsTracing paper

count in 7s, 70s,700s, 7000s, 70,000s, 11s, 110s, 1100s, 11,000s, 110,000s including into negatives count in square numbers up to 12 x 12 count in 90s and link to angles and count in7s, 12s and 60s and link to time count in ½,1/4, 1/5,1/10 and link to decimals percentages

Week 23

Mental Focus: Roman numerals to M; +/- mentally including perimeter; x & ÷ by 10, 100, 1000; multiples and factorsMain Focus: Problem Solving solve number problems and practical problems that involve: reading, writing,

comparing, ordering, rounding and interpreting negative numbers in context solve multi-step addition and subtraction problems in contexts deciding which

operation and methods to use and why solve problems involving multiplication and division including using their

knowledge of factors, multiples, squares and cubes solve problems involving all 4 operations and a combination of these including

understanding the meaning of the equals sign use rounding to check answers to calculations and determine, in the context of

a problem, levels of accuracy

Place value frames for whiteboards; number lines; 100 squares; Bar model method exemplars ; tables squares

Circle CodeCrack the codeCan you find the quick way?Sums Difference Products

count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 including into negatives and powers of ten to 1,000,000 count in prime numbers to 31 count in tens from any number including into negative numbers count in 0.5, 0.25, 0.2 and 0.01s and link to equivalent fractions and percentages

Week 24

Mental Focus: read, write, compare & order numbers incl decimals; rounding incl decimals; halving/doubling; equivalence statements eg 4x35 = 2 x2 x 35Main Focus: Problem Solving solve problems involving multiplication and division including scaling by simple

fractions and problems involving simple rates solve problems involving number up to 3decimal places use all four operations to solve problems involving measure (eg length, mass,

volume, money) using decimal notation including scaling. solve problems which require knowing percentage and decimal equivalence of

½ ¼ 1/5 2/5 4/5 and those fractions with a denominator of a multiple of 10 or 25

Place value frames for whiteboards; counters; money; number lines; 100 squares; Bar model method exemplars; tables squares

55_Money Bags69_Coins

count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 including into negatives and powers of ten to 1,000,000 count in steps of 9, 11, 19 and 21 (by using 10/20 and adjusting) count in 25s, 50s, 75 and 250s, and link to ¼ , ½ and ¾ measures count in ½,1/4, 1/5,1/10 and link to decimals percentages

Year 5Medium term Plan

Week Summer 1 Resources Activities Counting activities

Week 25

Mental Focus: x tables assessmentMain Focus: Number – Fractions compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples of the same

number (simplest form/common denominators) identify, name and write equivalent fractions of a given fraction, represented visually,

including tenths and hundredths recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions and convert from one form to the

other and write mathematical statements >1 as a mixed number

Fraction walls; FDP dominoes; counters; blank 100 squares; Tables squares

count in 4s, 40s,400s, 4000s, 40,000s, 8s, 80s, 800s, 9000s, 80,000s including into negatives count in square numbers up to 12 x 12 count in 0.5, 0.25, 0.2 and 0.01s and link to equivalent fractions and percentages count in 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 etc and 0.01s and link to equivalent fractions and percentages

Week 26

Mental Focus: mentally +/- tenths, & 1 dig whole no.s & tenths; mentally calculate complements of 1; read, write, compare & order numbers incl decimals; rounding incl decimals; order fractions recognise/describe linear number sequences incl fractions and decimals & find the term-to-term rule in wordsMain Focus: Number – Fractions add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and denominators that are

multiples of the same number multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers, supported by

materials and diagrams find fractions and percentages of amounts

Fraction walls; FDP dominoes; counters; blank 100 squares; Tables squares

Percentage Chain 2*

Numbers Rule

count in 6s, 60s,600s, 6000s, 60,000s, 12s, 120s, 1200s, 12,000s, 120,000s including into negatives count in prime numbers to 31 count in ½,1/4, 1/5,1/10 and link to decimals percentages count in fractional steps eg. ⅛, 1/7etc into mixed numbersknow decimal and percentage equivalence of ½, ¼, ,1/5,, 2/5, 4/5 1/10 fractions with denominators which are multiples of 10 and 25;

Week 27

Mental Focus:+/- mentally including perimeter; x & ÷ by 10, 100, 1000; order fractions; mentally calculate complements of 1Main Focus: Geometry distinguish between regular and irregular polygons based on reasoning about equal

sides and angles use the properties of rectangles to deduce facts and find missing lengths and angles identify 3d shapes including cubes and other cuboids from 2d representations measure and calculate the perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes in cm/m

2D Shapes; 3d shapes; multi-link; metre rules; tape measures etc

count in 3s, 30s,300s, 3000s, 30,000s, 9s, 90s, 900s, 9,000s, 90,000s including into negatives count in 90s and link to angles and count in7s, 12s and 60s and link to time count in 0.5, 0.25, 0.2 and 0.01s and link to equivalent fractions and percentages

Week 28

Mental Focus: Roman numerals to M; read, write, compare & order numbers incl decimals; rounding incl decimals; recognise/describe linear number sequences incl fractions and decimals & find the term-to-term rule in wordsMain Focus: Measurement

recognise years written in Roman numerals solve problems involving converting between units of time complete, read and interpret information in tables including timetables

Clocks; stop watches; calendars; timetables

What else do I know?

count in 7s, 70s,700s, 7000s, 70,000s, 11s, 110s, 1100s, 11,000s, 110,000s including into negatives count in tens from any number including into negative numbers count in 25s, 50s, 75 and 250s, and link to ¼ , ½ and ¾ measures count in 90s and link to angles and count in7s, 12s and 60s and link to time count in ½,1/4, 1/5,1/10 and link to decimals percentages

Week 29

Mental Focus: +/- mentally including perimeter; x & ÷ by 10, 100, 1000; halving/doubling; mentally calculate complements of 1Main Focus: Measurement estimate volume (for eg using 1cm³ blocks to build cuboids (including cubes)) and

capacity (for eg, using water) convert between different units of metric measurement understand and use approximate equivalences between metric units and common

imperial units such as inches, pounds and pints calculate and compare the area of rectangles (including squares) and including

2D Shapes; 3d shapes; multi-link; measuring equipment for capacity, mass, length with metric/imperial units

count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 including into negatives and powers of ten to 1,000,000 count in prime numbers to 31 count in 25s, 50s, 75 and 250s, and link to ¼ , ½ and ¾ measures count in 0.5, 0.25, 0.2 and 0.01s and link to equivalent fractions and percentages

using standard units, cm² and m² and estimate the area of irregular shapes solve problems involving measure including decimal notation and scaling

Week 30

Mental Focus: Roman numerals to M; read, write, compare & order numbers incl decimals; rounding incl decimals; multiples and factors; order fractionsMain Focus: Statistics solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented in a

line graph complete, read and interpret information in tables

Graph paper count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 including into negatives and powers of ten to 1,000,000 count in steps of 9, 11, 19 and 21 (by using 10/20 and adjusting) count in square numbers up to 12 x 12 count in tens from any number including into negative numbers count in ½,1/4, 1/5,1/10 and link to decimals percentages

Year 5Medium term Plan

Week Summer 2 Resources Activities Counting activities

Week 31

Mental Focus: x tables assessmentMain Focus: Geometry distinguish between regular and irregular polygons based on reasoning about equal

sides and angles calculate the perimeter of composite rectilinear shapes in cm/m identify, describe and represent the position of a shape following a reflection or

translation, using the appropriate vocabulary , and know that the shape has not changed

draw given angles and measure them in degrees {using conventional marking of right angles}

identify: angles at a point and one whole turn (360º); angles at a point on a straight line and ½ a turn (180º); other multiples of 90º

2D Shapes; 3d shapes; multi-link; MirrorsTracing paper; protractors

count in 4s, 40s,400s, 4000s, 40,000s, 8s, 80s, 800s, 9000s, 80,000s including into negatives count in 90s and link to angles and count in7s, 12s and 60s and link to time count in 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 etc and 0.01s and link to equivalent fractions and percentages

Week 32

Mental Focus: mentally calculate complements of 1 (for eg 0.83 + 0.17 =1); read, write, compare & order numbers incl decimals; rounding incl decimals; x & ÷ by 10, 100, 1000; order fractionsMain Focus: Number – Fractions compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples of the same

number (simplest form/common denominators) identify, name and write equivalent fractions of a given fraction, represented visually,

including tenths and hundredths add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and denominators that are

multiples of the same number multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers, supported by

materials and diagrams find fractions and percentages of amounts

Fraction walls; FDP dominoes; counters; blank 100 squares; Tables squares

count in 6s, 60s,600s, 6000s, 60,000s, 12s, 120s, 1200s, 12,000s, 120,000s including into negatives count in 25s, 50s, 75 and 250s, and link to ¼ , ½ and ¾ measures count in ½,1/4, 1/5,1/10 and link to decimals percentages count in fractional steps eg. ⅛, 1/7etc into mixed numbers

Week 33

Mental Focus: Roman numerals to M; +/- mentally including perimeter; x & ÷ by 10, 100, 1000; multiples and factorsMain Focus: Problem Solving solve number problems and practical problems that involve: reading, writing,

comparing, ordering, rounding and interpreting negative numbers in context solve multi-step addition and subtraction problems in contexts deciding which

operation and methods to use and why solve problems involving multiplication and division including using their knowledge

of factors, multiples, squares and cubes solve problems involving all 4 operations and a combination of these including

understanding the meaning of the equals sign use rounding to check answers to calculations and determine, in the context of a

problem, levels of accuracy

Place value frames for whiteboards; counters; money; number lines; 100 squares; Bar model method exemplars; tables squares

Middle Points 3*What my No. 4Can you find the quick way?

count in 3s, 30s,300s, 3000s, 30,000s, 9s, 90s, 900s, 9,000s, 90,000s including into negatives count in steps of 9, 11, 19 and 21 (by using 10/20 and adjusting) count in square numbers up to 12 x 12 count in 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 etc and 0.01s and link to equivalent fractions and percentages

Week 34

Revision for Optional SATs Assessment Week count in 7s, 70s,700s, 7000s, 70,000s, 11s, 110s, 1100s, 11,000s, 110,000s including into negatives count in 25s, 50s, 75 and 250s, and link to ¼ , ½ and ¾ measures count in ½,1/4, 1/5,1/10 and link to decimals percentages

count in 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 etc and 0.01s and link to equivalent fractions and percentages

Week 35

Mental Focus: read, write, compare & order numbers incl decimals; rounding incl decimals; x & ÷ by 10, 100, 1000; halving/doublingMain Focus: Statistics solve comparison, sum and difference problems using information presented ina

line graph complete, read and interpret information in tables

Graph paper count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 including into negatives and powers of ten to 1,000,000 count in prime numbers to 31 count in tens from any number including into negative numbers count in 0.5, 0.25, 0.2 and 0.01s and link to equivalent fractions and percentages

Week 36

Mental Focus: recognise/describe linear number sequences incl fractions and decimals & find the term-to-term rule in words; Roman numerals to M; equivalence statements eg 4x35 = 2 x2 x 35Main Focus: Number - + - x ÷ Problem Solving

use rounding to check answers to calculations and determine, in the context of a problem, levels of accuracy

add and subtract numbers mentally with increasingly large numbers (eg 12,462 – 2300)

solve problems involving multiplication and division including using their knowledge of factors, multiples , squares and cubes

solve problems {mentally} involving all 4 operations and a combination of these including understanding the meaning of the equals sign

Place value frames for whiteboards; counters; money; number lines; 100 squares; Bar model method exemplars; tables squares

Can you find the quick way?73_Eggs77_All Square

count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 including into negatives and powers of ten to 1,000,000 count in square numbers up to 12 x 12 count in 25s, 50s, 75 and 250s, and link to ¼ , ½ and ¾ measures count in common fractions and link to decimals and percentages (1/2, ¼, ¾)

Year 6Medium Term Plan

Week Autumn 1 Resources Activities Counting activities

Week 1Mental Focus: x tables assessmentMain Focus: Place Value knowledge of, read, write & order to 3dp and

10,000,000 X ÷ 10, 100, 1000 rounding

Place value frames for whiteboards

Can you find the quick way?

count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and backcount in common fractions and link to decimals and percentages (1/2, ¼, ¾)

Week 2Mental Focus: x tables assessmentMain Focus: Place Value/Mental Calculation place value word problems & investigations mental Calculation strategies, all operations

Starting FromSums and Products 3 star

count in common fractions and link to decimals (1/2, ¼, ¾, 1/10) count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and back count in steps of powers of ten for any given number up to 8 e.g. 60, 600, 6000, 60000 up to 1,000,000

Week 3Mental Focus: mental calculations all operations; read, write & order to 3dp and 10,000,000; X ÷ 10, 100, 1000Main Focus: Number written calculations: formal methods to decimals

Sums and Squares (electric)Challenge 83:Make 200

count in common fractions and link to decimals and percentages (1/2, ¼, 1/10, ¾, 1/5)count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals and back count in steps of powers of ten for any given number up to 12 e.g. 60, 600, 6000, 60000 up to 1,000,000

Week 4 Mental Focus: mental calculations all operations; rounding; X ÷ 10, 100, 1000Main Focus: Number mental problem solving problem solving strategies estimation & degrees of accuracy

Bar model exemplars A New OperationNumbers Rule OK

count in common fractions and link to decimals and percentages (1/2, ¼, 1/10, ¾, 1/5, 1/8) count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals and back count in steps of near tens by adjusting (+9. -9, +11, -11 by +10-1 etc )

Week 5 Mental Focus: place value; rounding; read, write & order to 3dp and 10,000,000Main Focus: Number mental problem solving problem solving strategies explanations

Differences and Products (3 star/electric)

count in common fractions and link to decimals and percentages(1/2, ¼, 1/10, ¾, 1/5, 1/3) count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals and back count in steps of near tens by adjusting (+19. -19, +21, -21 by +20-1 etc )

Week 6 Mental Focus: place value; mental calculations all operations; X ÷ 10, 100, 1000Main Focus: Number/Statistics properties of number data handling investigation – incl draw line graph probability (2015)

Graph paper Carroll diagram factors and primesMultiples 1Challenge 65: Age Old

count in fractions and link to decimals and percentages (1/2, ¼, 1/10, ¾, 1/5, 1/3, 1/20)count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals and back count in prime numbers up to 31 count in square numbers up to 12 x 12

Year 6Medium Term Plan

Medium Term Plan

Autumn 2 Resources Activities Counting activities

Week 1 Mental Focus: place value; rounding; read, write & order to 3dp and 10,000,000; properties of numberMain Focus: Number - Fractions fractions: simplest form common denominators order fractions

Fraction dominoes Venn diagram fractions

count in common fractions, decimals and percentages link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals and backcount in fractional steps e.g. 1/7, 1/8 etc into mixed numbers

Week 2Mental Focus: read, write & order to 3dp and 10,000,000; mental calculations all operations; X ÷ 10, 100, 1000; equiv fractionsMain Focus: Number - Fractions convert fractions, decimals & percentages find fractions/percentage of amounts

FDP dominoes Percentage Chains (3*/open)Percentage Grid (2*)100% is £216

count in common fractions, decimals and percentages link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals and back count in 25 and 75 & corresponding decimals and link to measures count in fractional steps e.g. 1/7, 1/8 etc and switch between improper fractions and mixed numbers

Week 3Mental Focus: place value; order fractions; convert FDP; find fractions/percentages of amountsMain Focus: Geometry 2D shapes: properties, classifying,

comparing. triangles & quadrilaterals area of quads and triangles

2D ShapesIsometric paper

Challenge 59: Four by Four

count in common fractions, decimals and percentages link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals and back count in 45s and 90s and link to angles count on and back insteps of 9, 19, 11 and 21 by adjusting (+10-1 etc ) starting from large numbers

Week 4 Mental Focus: fractions in simplest form; order fractions; convert FDP; find fractions/percentages of amountsMain Focus: Geometry 3d shapes: properties, classifying,

comparing. Nets volume

3D shapesIsometric paper

What else do I know?

count in common fractions, decimals and percentages link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals and back count in steps of powers of ten for any given number up to 8 also relate to common numbers in properties of shapes eg 90s.

Week 5 Mental Focus: read, write & order to 3dp and 10,000,000; mental calculations all operations; X ÷ 10, 100, 1000; equiv fractionsMain Focus: Geometry circles angles measuring, missing angles


What else do I know?

count in common fractions, decimals and percentages link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals and backcount in steps of powers of ten for any given number up to 12 also relate to common numbers in properties of shapes eg 90s.

Week 6 Mental Focus: rounding; properties of 2D shapes; FDP equiv; order fractions; properties of numberMain Focus: Measurement scales measures: conversions, practical

measures perimeter & missing sides

Practical measuring equipment – rulers, tape measure, jugs, scales, weights etc

Furlongs and MilesScales ActivitiesThe square problem

count in common fractions, decimals and percentages link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals and back count in 25,75, 250,750 & corresponding decimals and link to measures

Year 6Medium Term Plan

Week Spring 1 Resources Activities Counting activities

Week 1

Mental Focus: read, write & order to 3dp and 10,000,000; fractions in simplest form; order fractions; reading time analogue/digitalMain Focus: Number - Fractions fractions four operations

count in common fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and decimals count in fractional steps e.g. 1/7, 1/8 interchanging between improper, mixed numbers and for 1/10, ¼, and ½ interchange between decimals

Week 2

Mental Focus: fractions in simplest form; read, write & order to 3dp and 10,000,000; X ÷ 10, 100, 1000; place valueMain Focus: Number - Fractions fractions, decimals and percentages – ordering,

values, rounding, converting, equivalences,

Percentage Grid (3*) count in common fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimalscount in fractional steps e.g. 1/7, 1/8 interchanging between improper, mixed numbers and for 1/10, ¼, ½ 1/5 and 1/8 interchange between decimals

Week 3

Mental Focus: properties of 2D shapes; reading time analogue/digital; rounding; properties of number; convert FDPMain Focus: Number ratio and proportion – including scale factor word problems & strategies e.g. bar method

Biscuits ExampleBiscuitsEuroFlour, eggs, pancakes

count in common fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals count in fractional steps e.g. 1/7, 1/8 interchanging between improper and mixed numbers and decimal/percentage equivalents if possible count in steps of powers of ten for any given number up to 12 e.g. 60, 600, 6000, 60000 up to 10,000,000

Week 4

Mental Focus: properties of 3D shapes; X ÷ 10, 100, 1000; place value; mental calculations all operationsMain Focus: Number algebra & missing number problems &


Forty-Forty3x + 1 = 11A+B+C= 50Challenge 72: Shape Puzzle

count in common fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals count in steps of near 10s by adjusting (eg 18, 28, 38 by +20-2 etc ) count in steps of powers of ten for any given number up to 12 e.g. 60, 600, 6000, 60000 up to 10,000,000 from different starting points

Week 5

Mental Focus: reading time analogue/digital; read, write & order to 3dp and 10,000,00; rounding; fractions in simplest form/order fractionsMain Focus: Number properties of Number – explanations and reasoning

eg divisibility rules problem solving strategies & methods – number,

money, estimation

Multiples 2/3Colours for NumbersChallenge 67: FrancoChallenge 70: FishyChallenge 76: Slick Jim

count in common fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals count in prime numbers up to 100 count in square numbers up to 12 x 12DATA HANDLING

Week 6

Mental Focus: X ÷ 10, 100, 1000; place value; mental calculations all operations; properties of number; convert FDPMain Focus: Number order of operations to calculate with all four

count in common fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals count in steps of near 10s by adjusting (eg 17, 27, 37 by +20-3 etc )

operations Problem solving strategies & methods – measures

including time

count in steps of powers of ten for any given number up to 12 e.g. 60, 600, 6000, 60000 up to 10,000,000 from different starting points

Year 6Medium Term Plan

Week Spring 2 Resources Activities Counting activities

Week 1Mental Focus: X ÷ 10, 100, 1000; place value; mental calculations all operations; fractions in simplest form/order fraction; convert FDPsMain Focus: Number -Place Value & Geometry rounding, value and ordering, word problems draw shapes with given dimensions, properties, find unknown angles

in triangles, quadrilaterals and regular polygons, angles, perimeter, word problems

2D and 3D shapesIsometric paper

count in common fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals and back count in 60 link to time, 90 link to angles count in steps of powers of ten for any given number up to 12 e.g. 60, 600, 6000, 60000 up to 100000

Week 2Mental Focus: read, write & order to 3dp and 10,000,00; rounding; properties of number; convert FDP; find fractions/percentages of amounts Measures – conversions (incl miles and kilometres) and problems Area – incl triangles and parallelograms Volume – estimate, compare and calculate Position and direction – co-ordinates, draw, translate and reflect

simple shapes

2D and 3D shapesMirrorsTracing paper

count in common fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals and back count in 25,75, 250, 750 & corresponding decimals and link to measures count in 60 link to time, 90 link to angles

Week 3Mental Focus: X ÷ 10, 100, 1000; place value; mental calculations all operation; convert FDP; properties of 2d/3d shapes Properties of Number – explanations and reasoning eg divisibility rules Problem solving – including ratio and proportion and scale factor,

nterpreting data to solve problems including calculating mean (median, mode and range 2015)

The factors and multiples puzzle

count in common fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals and back count in prime numbers up to 100 count in square numbers up to 12 x 12

Week 4 Mental Focus: read, write & order to 3dp and 10,000,00; rounding; properties of number; fractions in simplest form/order fractions; find fractions/percentages of amounts Place Value - rounding, value and ordering, word problems Problem solving – including fractions and decimals, the calculation of

percentages and the construction of pie charts


count in common fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals and back count in steps of powers of ten for any given number up to 12 e.g. 60, 600, 6000, 60000 up to 1000000

Week 5 Mental Focus: X ÷ 10, 100, 1000; place value; mental calculations all operations; convert FDP; find fractions/percentages of amounts Measures – conversions (incl miles and kilometres) and problems Problem solving strategies & methods – including number, money,

measures including time and reading scales.

Challenge 74: Spend Thrift

count in common fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals and back count in 25,75, 250,750 & corresponding decimals and link to measures count in 60 link to time, 90 link to angles

Week 6 Mental Focus: read, write & order to 3dp and 10,000,00; rounding; convert FDP; properties of 2d/3d shapes Properties of Number – explanations and reasoning eg divisibility rules Problem solving strategies & methods – all four operations, and


count in common fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals and back count in prime numbers up to 100 count in square numbers up to 12 x 12

Year 6Medium term Plan

Week Summer 1 Resources Activities Counting activities

Week 1

Mental Focus: read, write & order to 3dp and 10,000,00; mental calculations all operations; properties of number; fractions in simplest form/order fractions; properties of 2d/3d shapes Fractions, decimals and percentages – ordering, values,

rounding, converting, equivalences, all four operations

count in fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals count in prime numbers up to 100 count in square numbers up to 12 x 12

Week 2

Mental Focus: X ÷ 10, 100, 1000; rounding; place value; mental calculations all operations; find fractions/percentages of amounts Ratio and proportion – including scale factorWord problems & strategies e.g. bar method, time lines etc

count in fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals

Week 3 SATs Revision/Test count in fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals count in steps of near tens by adjusting (+10-1 etc )

Week 4Mental Focus: X ÷ 10, 100, 1000; rounding; place value Money Investigation (Pounds, Shillings and Pence)– calculating and explaining reasoning

count in fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals

Week 5

Mental Focus: read, write & order to 3dp and 10,000,00; mental calculations all operations; fractions in simplest form/order fractions Money and Time Investigation – using calculators, drawing

conclusions and constructing graphs and charts

count in fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals

Week 6Mental Focus: X ÷ 10, 100, 1000; rounding; place value Mental Maths – mixed operations and within problem


count in fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals

Year 6Medium Term Plan

Week Summer 2 Resources Activities Counting activities

Week 1

Water Tank Problems Capacity equipmentStop watches

count in fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals count in prime numbers up to 100 count in square numbers up to 12 x 12

Week 2 My Garden Problem Photos

count in fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals

Week 3 Leavers Trip Planning – Timings, Fuel, Cost etc

count in fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals count in steps of near tens by adjusting (+10-1 etc )

Week 4 Healthy Living Costing Smoking Wheels

count in fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals

Week 5 Healthy Living Costing Tesco Trip

count in fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals

Week 6 (Leavers Assembly)

count in fractions, decimals and percentages and link count from 0 in multiples up to 12 x 12 and into negatives and related decimals

top related