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Post on 25-Sep-2019






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• ttt'.WbUBMHtMi heWsaadrerii-a

„,* puin-t «M4 ttt lb*

.^agkiag a fr****ea

Job* T. HabaaTav tnr-*- * knvl of oar**

* * * ; * CM* b* M M

««. * and BJ U»*-#**n

Ua*rT Wit.

• l a * p*k*


af aVxiAratar. Ma* lags* sad jrfiaSi-.

• I l l n w t I I M W I « « « .

• M * fa> n f U balw4*.

r i - W I » M ' I i . l w M i u T m » » » i K i *

Vmmm wilt VJkl • BntAb'T"* w n U n f *l

Mr*. A •< -«J-»t«,». T**wd*y. <*•«. tMK.

.v i *> *>., *• AU au<*tnre * * * oo*

ItaJIt k*«aww.

J M W I W Park**. ib« *a«*r*wnr of

f«t««:* w « M 7.r>90 poaade rf hope w>

i i « 4 ( i > T WltWw for •*»••*» OMUa a>

j.«l<».| t b * BlfcbaeA ir»w» p a i d i a t h a t

w i m i !>»•« )*v

\rr** H'-v*'— wUl »»**k "«» it>* l—ais

oT <** r**nv>*i*;>» at <>•**•-» »t 11*11. Kit-

ley. (M. *ft*b. Mark lb* 4*4n aa thw

«,rt r>* lb* aedy potHlosi «o-«-K «Wli»-

i r « ) In ' I w l l I B lh-» f*Jt

AI t*» I*** n ^ a k f roralia*; of lb*

»n*rd of l i i x t m tnatd -x» to* 1<h in*4 ,

L it t*»*y. K*«|., ma epooiatad •tit**-* - — F* In AM »*o*rvy ooeanariond by lh»

I as**,'atlas* rnf Mr >*t*nnr* Hw»B«Ml.

At lb* le*n t—|»«l<kx» of lb* < »l**i.-

*t* 1r* l*^*ftn»»n<, to* >»*t»r prae* urn

* * * •-»<».I « « l found U* »*n«<» fr<>«M

n . - r , ^ to KM puticd* p*C W|«*f« inch

nuctt A t«*ea«r» \m *m,v*>* to* ail pvr


u m m i an, m m i tK* «t-'»*« to** t%»ur-

t*r »»•""•*. | A runaway bores r*n

4«»II»< a butgjr orwuonaJ '.r Mr. aad

Mr. ' K*»'—. V*«4bd.l*#, la b*r fright

Mr. VmnlUkUf I ' i m H '"•«. Mij'ifin*

IWrnoir rfult* e»**r»l*,

, [! - aaaxrf^d ir.»< | l . l M ./ gal*

BVMMTT • * * laluro ii> * H H - llvmhwh fair

l.iftfwr lb" »-•• ! * ? • it * M ia pro*:"***,

ar*l lb* W«*al r*r««iol* w*r* ararljp

| i <•> BaMtaVi '*'•• 'h* r«*(«i.ra«U><» r*-

o*t<«'l i k n i l $7>>0 («<»«» lh« •*•!«•

MOum f. <»»»>•», fo»at«lT >«f Mt*'"*-> < w . a sr*.l-«*u> " ' lit* N<>*anaJ. H*« aa*n (<« w « w tt»»v* •AllcsMtnc "* RtM ara-tnr w> an »<««< of tHa ItarMM *«-wcr, wvl b*a r— •riily baal norninalad by t(w tV«ane#a«a for »wp««v|aor of III* third

a>ar<l. Ma/tr VafM'aaapam, -»M t u r n n «o

I iawaao r^aovia, "> onUair><. i t* wan) bvat

a^m in tlv* pork in in** villa*?*. Any

inforaMUnC) a* to IM «»M*a>VMta m ill

a* aa^r*raU*>i by hi* frWoda Chr«xi<h

t>i.* -rflo- Major Vanfauapati w •

( •J inua •Joan It Morrjr. Jr., AJMI W « . H.

MarUnnai (jf I>*»*»ili*, h*»a ta**t>t«d

»o-< [>«A*«l*d A UA* J'*r»» for Baraary

aaa »h«rh la A KT~*A hlbor a»»*r. It at a

kml of r^var ir*«ra by e*>bir« oiA«*r(nl

»nN •<**«» povar, that worka u w W ts«

roM* ..f tb* lr«n» in »b* aanam/ row u < l

-Tif« tbana toon*.

Tbn Ilrat t«vt*rtv»Uo»wU <-oo»nrUW>o of

lb* Rro« bar bond of »«. Andrew <vw

»-iw» a« ItttffAtn today , and Ka*

bro<r«b* fmen ail part* of lb* world dta-

tia««i*b*d ftratataa attd taynAaa of Iba

"tntnntant KpaarooaJ rhorrh and tbw

(^arr-b of KofUu*t M«m/|y 1,300 data-

rjaMa *r* »n attaodaiatw.

f mi aaw bomra ar* »mj*«««d on

Oak ttm*t. Aad orobaibty tnrw* of tb*

f-tr »,1i ba bait* !b*» fail. Jod«a

• otrw.'. bowaa la Aboax raady for th*

pi**t4M*ra, and »b* frraodaAaiMM of K K

Y.-«h<»' nrw ooAta*x*> ara awarly eom-

ptatml. h will ba A btaty Mm* for oar-

b*n««r* and niaaooa froaa ttxrw on till

anal w»>ihi*r.

TVk* l'robttnliooaata m-K in ooaranlioa

M \« m »w4 Tbaraaay and BomioaAad

tb» foilnwin« ««*»a*y tiekat: M*o>b*r of

Aan»*aMy, Ala* Carp*****. A »oo . e«o«o-

ty l iwwrrr , A •§,—>aw llaaailaoa), I J .

••«.<* Htnitn*), aao*riaA«ortan< of poor,

( - - r - Ward, York; nVriff. rrank K Uro*ar. Syrincw*«*r . oaroawr,. r'rank A. Mortbway, TnaomrOTAv.

It. C. Caarr. K>*% . A fwntl»*aar« froaa

PbUadai^bNA, wlaO fao** bar* for Iba

boat*, *ra» praotiaiac A bora*

or* lb* groaoda ta*t Krtday.

abaci in fkwia; * laW» in* bora* atraek

tba loo board, AAtd Mr. C A T » • •

l a n » * rv»*r kn> lata*l and o**r tb*> f»no*

wtKh (b* I i l k of •aff«-*1«»*: A ooaspoaad

frawtari of >**• af kav Wap*.

"tW Owrgo SrhaA,* onaapany m rvavina;

waabla n> mtmMH • foitodaUoa for iba

•soda ***>l*a*«C of Uv* wrw bride* at

Ml. Morr**, oo> aeemvat of tb* * a l » t

workiavf, lato Una coffar d a n from tb*

w i i« *><*k af lb* u4d dam. K<Mtr #o-

(inna n*nAi«g laraw rotary pomp* are

«aaM* u» k**» to* *K««*«u<ir> riaar of

» • * » *ad U»» r>oaAr««Aor* ara ia a I J O U -


It - BMP ataAvd ib*r a aaw 4am will

b* s«.tt a«roaa to* QV n»a*a rir*i. at Ml.

Morrw, *»d K n , i n ^ r <*>o*«* W Rait*r.

w anakiOK prwhmtoary auroaj*. Tb*

raoa eoaaaaay bavra ri»*a Mw aaaKtkMi to

Ua prr>r*eA, MH* M MI lko*mbt will tar*

•*** ha w»A*r ri«b<* l a orda** to K««

ta* i »r i»n»ry poarar lb* d»m will ba

badA two f*at bi«bar tKao tb* old o a t ,

•ad - m oa aaada of a o a * and oo*x«»Aa.

far lb* namla l ir of tb* moocb Ua*

<wAHia VaUay Ho a* wUl a»r«t «<«b tb*

fottoaHofj d**t*a aaai

narardav. I«*b. Aabatttr*. t 90

A. AX; Moaday. ItAA, afoataaar tit**©, 1 •» A. a*.. W i * • in j i j „ TXHb W a a w r r

««-••-". 1 ' » a. m . HMaxdavy, 33d.

Maak iloaaa. ) OO a. a. . Maatdavy. SSA*,

~ w*wA, inn. » o* a. aa.. W*d***a»y.

»»«*. rtaTard, « » ». aa.; t in i l l jr.

>*m, nraa.au. 1 Caaaar. I 00 p. m.

Tba a m ataat of in* (i »i •*• VaUay

Maa* CtaA far Una i .atna wa*j b*td at

tba l*% T»— lam am Moo day mor m r*« A<

•ta a'ofar k. Tw» &WM arvart wortli a*oa<

* * •*•••» aajd faaiart t wo f*****

"**»T. *w« Una yrnao i «raa «o dry

> wtmid not tar, mad aa%aT tfcw

**« bad **m*ad Ua* dorja, Un»

L A pjajpag a*n*av

a a W r a d J a a . a . aa-ob by

i H l l a l y UM

J7ib. in aooordaooa with a rote ca? p'ar*'

axw, U»* I-r**f>7tartan cbureb will1 alec*

two addiltoaaJ -IWr. and two ad.liUooaJ


TH* Q a m m ioafaraapa of U>a E«cbu>

•l.*t r >*aoopaJ cborcb At Ua KaaiW lA

iUiffain oo Mooday Uat rotad to (clra op

it* ciaioa or, tb* MUrar Lake Aa,«mbijf.

Tba aaarmbiy waa pracUcailj ow»*d b*

ib*> ouafaraoo*, aa by Ita ebartra* o o f

baM lb* uvmtara maat b* Baambara'a*'

that hody | jT f |

Tb* la** fan** of tho cap art (J* nrge

pt«*r<t l » l » r » n KaJUroor* and limt^r*

at naltlnxrra ta*« Mooday r*natua^( in a

»tctory for lb* Baitimora OrioiVw by a

at«r* of o i w lo Ibra*. Tbn* i* 50- **<>.

oast Uaa* in i n o o . i i u n Unat tba OrK>*ra

K»»» won tba; cap. If tbay win it '«ar>«

n»or*. it will b* tlteirw «h*..iuU-ly.

A Hw******. m r t l a r of U » arfbdraroo

ry 0/ Kncbrater. waa brid in CHflbt

ebarcb. lb>cb*at*r. on Mooday, for 4$*>

pairpoa* of conaidrrinK tb*

raiatsal (w>4» for tb* •upoort of IJUV

i w n - ' i i Tb* Ar«hd*orxAWy ant-

n,o* couotlr* at iba lAAttu 4ddS

of lb* iMncra* of Wratrro S** Y.*k„

• ivl lb*r* ara about aavrnty rL)i<(i*rii

ia l b * dtatrtct '. j

ttrrt Hoof? of Parry, waa k(r**d Let .,

"iaturday r<»*om<, wbil* cromla^ tUt L

Kr** tra«k* at Km<'» eroaaioaj^' In llw f

Ut*rrj of Nuixla. He Wat drivifla!

a bnran «ii<t '»t*£j toward DaJtotlt trk^o

a train <"io< rant which it U Mnpi attd

H* did not bear struck tba buffyif killing

HhnfT anil tb* boraa, and «fi.««NiJi|t t)be

t«i«*r Hooff wa* l*«nly.e*>«u yrAm

idtl aoil hwirwa a wife and OtM rbtld. i

< 'alwtlooio pairpa* ar* cooal'Wr^Wy

•tirr^d up o « f U»* propoaai of UM < • * *

i«.fii* »'*• »o.l b*atin«x company' to IA#*«

lb* prtr* of oataral tpaa from twnritv

* « • . - o u lo Hf|y rwnt* a trtouakavd, Th*

oompany ba* bad bad lurk ID ( n d

Murd« of hit «Ulam»,

tba city Caodidait* for ! o«min«. baa

rWlt^Wpf od #if* w m | t M ( « oa i waaJt, At tba I BDArnac*

M%ey| of A^oi, lo Mr, Erickaort of Boat '

ly familT* bocoe. byUiahopW,

InOrreatia* ' T

• A P W prayer l

Mi-aiuoarjf Soolrty

an< a lardjr numtaf

juurood toUm

t riai^ witb Mm

wda^ l b - paWAidVttt of

t*dj to Dr. ka<l Mr*. of' ail»*r.

tbro; aer**d

t fr.rofn*- -wiill pamni.

Ibr To* A *«•> M»i. |

AQoood djiy of tb« f a i r


tt a.o»l *ui»p4y of (aa ia It* baat w*II*.i*:a<l

ar* fawrful lb* |>aaaaM Aappty will /Ail.

if tb* pr***at IndtacrlnitData u*M of jit U


Two tramp* were arreetrd at

oo Mooday tnoraiog, oa aaapitAfei cjjt be-j

n< oorxwrord la to* (intTlth twrr jur , '

M Oakland, and were aroleoced to tilirty|

day* ID jail a* .arrant- while 'tb*i«j iwc

ord i« looked op. Later let tb* dbf

maa waa arraetrri lo Fillroor*. w}l.

abirt an.I baoda *r*rw «p*U*nr.l M t

blood. Ha> ie tbouicht to ba' tbe Ujad

wboaeaaalted Mr. Griffith oo Sunday]

nnjht. Aod who barflariaed bkii roil A«H

atot* aboot t 7 5 two yrara tgo .

A yoaa*; man tutcord JaAWeA |fi

wa* rauxhl by tb* oariof; of

bank at Rucbratrr oo Saturday, »*ry

mock la Urn aaoae maoorr that Hkoi'

Carey war cau»ht two or the**- **Vk4

*<- s Ham bowarrer, awompad drat h I aU a

gvtUnc well r**t. Naaral waa killrd Hei

with otbera waa dmsia*; oat aaadifroan

tb* bottbm of a baak oo* baodraa JTepwMB

bi«b. when A fail of earth mriitopotf

him and •ootber man. Tbe oibtrj aia t

waa rr*co»d bat brfor* Magrl eokkt t*

tak»o out A aecoad fall owteratj

de*p<7 •ml killnd bim


bit i i

I *kamflea*j *> Oakland,

About tbre* o'clock laat Huoday m«>rt

log; a burghar otterrd tbe booea of

Unfflth. aaed *a*eDty-thr»*. A waajlt

mill imtwr, ttvioc la tba rill**);*of

land, ia the Iowa of Portace, aod-

ly killed tba old maa with the butt of

r**ot*wr. Mr*. Oriffltb woke up

aaw a maa ia tba bedroom with

ad lamp ia hie band ' and

••maruW. -' At tbia, tba baixlar

down tba lamp, aod oommr

tb* old maa oa tba brad and j f acw. I

aaa waa m Iba bo*** bat tba bad onu

,»*o year odl cbiki. W 6 « I

eaaatd pouadinK for an

Mr. Orifaito cot out of bed and k

Men to tb* totw. Tb* Mlrtw

aaavtcbeil up Mr. Orulltb'A PtMajata

left tbe boa**. Ia tba Uobetra' pot

waraoaly aevra dotbvra, aod tb*

tb* anil aad aafe, bat thara wa*

aader tba ptUaw ibat tb* burglar

not Sad. OfOorra era working oai






• " > • <

A raward of 9300 baa bceo oafernd tba a i n e t ann coovictioa of tb* who borgktrUrd tbe JwrltlDil of M. U n m t b of Oakk«ad. T>* town Pbrtaga offara $340. l.iv intra*"*! | 130 . and Mr. U r i S t b bimaalf flWk

Tht rwlay, tb* waatbor' waa wee,,

r-+l and forbiddidg during tbe fora-

H a U W i l l btlgbtiord up wonderfully

an ItbJ* *«vrooo«, aad tbe ' r^aUte flockird

jmjo lb* TIIUK* ao bumeroualjf that dur-

ailrr part of tbe day; there W M

a* b«K A crowd of \ poop!* in

i « r«vr a l l w l l U atrerta.: Tb* fAir

a*| 4 La] *i |>rflaj«it, bJt the M

• it- ail d*oartu**ata wer* good, and

la. Ul' which tlaaa were

p»afotd»bu|l animaJ*. tba cyrdo-

jday a« dettyabbrgi

r and variUia kinOrrd

troniAwJ, and tb*

to unt*«Uln and Ac-

tora, Tne. t)«o.-Aro

odj fartjttibed oju<ih taoeful lb*, edebnd day Of th v fair

>crdi.f*tnMraa, jl

| b * tb i r

rap* • jwr^l |

t b e i r l N

Apvoia coMervoor oC Iba Meth

«tli«l l<p^rotiAl charch 4bie4i baa br*o i<i **wicjrt 'a IluiSalo. durlag the past 4«-k. -dj.»u»r>^l on Tuvr-lay laat, with tf*A r«*|d^ig ijf il>r Appofntma a u of' tbe

*4 fori ihe- rjoeoing jjfl mr. Tboea tu'aerv. In thin cot] nty, aiad At

oU«.rj ch*r<r*, are girr-o below: nUtriri».A. V, Colboro, pie-

too ami Groro. J. K r . J. jCfaaea; E. illaoo; ItowlerrUlo,

fc M. oood-Lonto mile*; Nuo-

Pa.ujoo. Daniel ailo Coptbujd; Port-

Hnarta, J.IJ. ObAie; L. IfootW; Alexin

0 ' 8. i . l lol ley. % a jCbanibarlaypo;



re:'BO *7 H baater

•Iduog -Ider, « * M t n d W

*TOL<i Morrow -• 8priogWAt«V and Can

pta. T. C. daraont Cbo-

F. M. MArple;^HeQ»-Litua. H.

Cole; Rush,

Par*** • Lfju* IA. F.


| day U rrgutary occurntd laat " ajod laat day

rday, when U will


M u t d a y

wilf { W W W

n i l 4lr«Ady on

wjJolkaowUb rollowlt>K

r**;Utrati.io, an j the A Ia*« BatordAT . [h . ] .

rji»«ict No; 1, r^rUc^'i H a l l - l a -•T^iora. W. *\. Brodie, tLockwoodR. Dotk Prt*r CArnkbwr.jT1, C. HagAo; poulcWkAi Tht •Waa Burna, iFrank Cook; ballot cWka, K, L. M*r»t.ll, W. - 8. Go-Hling. •' 3 I rtatrict No. tora, Wdluim ardJ &!.. Irmr< clVrfce, JaAjae baifct cl«rk«i Clr.* lAJDd. I | piaUlrt No, tpr«tor», WW SwinJ L|| poll c*>rk*, Ai a«U.;| balkH RaeWd Cull!


o f tb* laada aioag H*m

lak». held by tbe city of Rarbcataf,

oa which lb* city rafoara W> pay

bar* brva locludrd lo tbe {Hat

by the ooaaty trrwaarer caf U»»i

rouoty. aa liable to AAW jlor >nooi

a»*ot of tasra. Tbara la now a

tba ooarta orrr tba qowallod of wl

tbia water proprrty. can be

and**' tb* law and aotil

tMrpret tba exact mraniog af tbe

dawajailoa <o* city will

CrwporarJoa COOOAA, Jtodeo!

bolda iba* Iba law rsciudra wa**"

arty owned by a city oataid* of

porata I rmita f r o m tawattoni Aad

town* bn*d aba oopoaK*. .

Tb* Rocbraur city couoarl aay«

offtrl-Ja of tbia county aaat Ai w

aril tb* taada, and tba «MM adtt

a*.*a»w a a a-waa l a p*w*ty W u « a * f<

mt » ardaaaa t a w w i f taw Adwaraafy to {«.



atory, U*iAida**\ witt dafirir th*— aampajfrjlt.M la Uatbgatoa couoty A* foiitawa j

York. Wii lnnany. Oat.!! t7 tb; Tbaraday. Oat. takb, aad at Hail. a-qW*t* -^*day. OeJL »»tb.

Tba fittAwla« wwida watra lboadji|rit. b - 4 » * B l t w . a » ^ h y M r . M o o d y i ! r « D d an aW good yoa aaa, fca 1 att. tba' gajaj

A.» I W !l I

M a i Iba yo«


M k , pol l SaadexUn;

8^rwJd, D. a . • i

Hotel—In-Brehop, j Albert

W, Borton; L. W, Croo 0 . Baynra,

. I ' *r . JU*T**t . roeeUnfr of Rocbeatrr

io ScottavllK Sept. 8*7. a. oorumittra waa inting of Bar. Dre.

AOCJ HerOOAn C. btl^f minute a*.

^erlingAiDC Frrabytery in aoc«| of the paatoral re-

;yt\ H. P. V. Bogue of Avon. It

ote ba placed minute

" ora l r r la t ioo •V Hi P. V.

tral cbureb of tban ordin-j

tba affrotloa-! ThkA ra-

a| coatiauouA ooe. for

A: !**bw| clo*in| : of the

:batw*wn ' oui 'brother, B A W , 0 . 1). fttd Iba Akoni a AO I w Wee* of ary iqtriTwl, bad oaWaf

1 a * recoMoiti<»* bf |>r*•^

toaj ba*v r l a e n l y ^ a y«ja»a, I Mr. Bogba bar-rotere«l uoon his labor* berk in June, ft. He w « h e loolyj)e*tor that tba

cbureb ha» U d , ita onmatc bhttory be-(toaiOK tbe qiotbof jaoejuat preced Me. ; |

l a l a * i » lalailba <

•*> l o a f oobtl dru>d. f b l . W e b e a f t l l y

that A»rma to bare oomprlled It. Wa rUord : riAety tbe »eVy high. * regard

(be Ha I noorad paetor, a •bared widely wherever

kU 9 * la ewe of our - - - — ' ' B a L r i l • n i % ^ . * A ^ n w aVamaaaa

moar aontxariy aaawdDrrB, A moat clear and

but m a paatorAte r a o j ao Iruit-

lU termination embaraaeinent

, a maa of truth, faith-«riaa. Hi* record alt been boa of beaaUfat fed and led bit people

from tb* hiarory. And bU h>«*

y bate WeaaaoaytaWJ .bptm^a; of Ood apoQ

bla import j « ekuBcb. and moat haartUy tpoa tbH ( ar bri brDtrfaka prtrrtdeaoa

1 ' - • • * • * . a * B r \ ii a i * m • *

i KtHOwf, wo**rarer a ^ r ^ a i m b A

^JcraAJawraNlBay H U B d a b a«ad»»Tta-dOB6aturdiylaAi

lo tba Oror* Meadow, a • arc* expa oa*. Of level grooad adnirabi] auited f<r the poiTpoa*. and oa two AJ. «* aentineled by tbeflnaoldoAkAWhlca make ooaof tba moat delticntful fbataaa i of tf oa tba nata. " t b a mor ilnf <«t Ibb day waa cloudy and proom ad talal , » • fore noon It cleared add tbe jaft^moon waa bright aaooald ba paijbadl aitjbrmgb a deoldedly ooM braea. « U browios froaa lb* oorthwoK. ' j * aarlyj aa a lerm oVtocfc a. procraaion of ftdufla. doabla aad atagk* oajrlagea. bicycka and pedeetrian* oould bf» weodmg their way to tbe ground. tOlbat b*fore tba aporta wara wall under bray, All that part Of I tbe apacloa* bald not oeonaiary for the actual ua* of the horeee and boraeooan waa oocoptetely oo»er*d. Three tbooamod la probably Afaireati-mata of tba on ruber of people who were Animated and interaAted apectatoVa Of thaapotta T 1 J

Tbere wad a larger abow Of bOrara en-tared than ever beforw. aad tberb H « t r waa a better claaa of boraea plaoad ia any aimilar ooataat. : Tba aoeaa waa bright, avan kal*idoeooolc, with tba apUited boraea eager to be at work, currettiog and praociog in tbe oenter of the ground frtagad by tree* in tba gorgeoua heauty of their antocan oolora, aad tba loos lioea of carriage*, gay aa a picture with U>* baodaomely cooumating Oolora of the ladlea* drama, Aa tbe aporta pfooeadetf arery good performaaoa of boraa or ttu**' waaApplaoiM.

Tba officers of tba day wara: | w . A. WAdaworth, master; Habry V. Colt. Jr., aecratary ;: J i m w W. Colt, clerk of ooorse aad aoalea; John B. Towaaeod, atartar; while tbe judging waa left to tbe oompeteot caru of tba two well koowo borsmnsn, Harry Haralia and Horaoa Tbeobald. Dr. Edward Crua-dall. M. R .C. V. 8 . of Roobotter, ooo-aulllog veterinary surgeon to tbe Gene-tm ValWy Hunt Club, passed upon any boraea wboee oobditlon waa quratloocdL Tba judge* aad Dr. Crundall "alaed up" tba bone* in oonformaUon judging. ,

Th* oompetition in the various classsa naul ted aa foUowa


Cupproaented by Harrison KL Canak. Esq. Firat. H. W. Smith's Gslleoa; aao-ood, J. W. Colt'e AOOoyanea.

' OJUIKX iiuitTgiax Heavy waighta.—Cup preaented by

members of tba bant residing:la Buffalo. H. a MartiodjuVa Touraioe, nrat; T. Cary'A TaUerdemallon. eeooad. I I

Middle weigbta.—J. W.Cnlt'eJnbiW. flrat; Mr*. E. R. Walker's ERyp«Ati, eeo ond. Cup preaented by George Austin.

Light weights . -J Wj and H. V. Colt, Jr. a Flight, Hrst, H. a Martin. dale's Whalebone. Aeooodj Cup prvaent-ed Capt. J. W, Martin. |

QCAUriro UQtrtTJkH. Heavy weighu.—Cup praaentad by J.

W. Colt.' K*q. J. a WadsworlbA Da-oember. first; W. A. Wads worth's Tri­ton, second.' ,.

Middle weighu—Cup preaented by Harry W, Smith. Eaq.; E. C. Cowdln's Black Baas, flrat; H. W. Smith'* Bweet-beart, aoooad, I ' , \

Light weight*.—Cup presented by members of tbe bunt reaidlbg in B och-eater. James S. Watson's Major, fret; U. W. Smith's Galleon, second.


Prrwented by William Littaoer.

Gary'a XaUetrdemiaoo, j flrat; H. Hmith'a Sweetheart, aeobnd. Tbia waa judged only by-tbe jampa, tbe being eeot ott in paira. tb* winoafa toft lo for semi-flAAla m

,l j nA|cnA< Cup preaented ay tba elub. For qua!

ifled buntexsjowned by rbembera1 of tbe Oeoeaea Valley Hunt Clab, to bb riilden by membwra of such clu " "" ' worth's Iranian, Hrst; Foxfbrd, eeeond; • H. third.


waa crowded laat Friday to ifa***, to tbe argument of '.Bos. JoWph R C&Oal» of NaVrybrk, who ,apiM»i-?4 A* Attorney fot Ohariea Janvea Mnfray of .BoghiBd,

of FJiaabeth. IdaUtbter of Jataea worth. ElUabatb married Chartos

Aagnatoa Murray of Baghmd, aad tba torrcetTMdbeekon'aabareina

trb-t fond, which, owing to tbe death of Martin Brimmer. Another grandson of tba eatator, bad laa-ww^Ufai. i-^! Jarnaa W. Wadawortb. ooe of tba truateea of tbe und bad naked the Ui «ru«Uona of tba sourts aa to tbe' datribo ioo tbeieof Tba matter nad been taktn before Judge E. A. Nash In apecial tank, wbo bad daeidtod adreraely to Murray, Wad Ida decision wad taken before tbe appellate

l o r w r t i e * . r - ; : K { | •''• '' CAAeAttraota attention alike from

large'abnia of money Involved, and tba prominence o ' many of the • concerned. Jsmea Wadawortb

aiGeneeeo in lM*. leaving a vary consulting, aiaoeg other

iga. of great tracts of land In Living-Monroe, Ontario' aad other 0000-By his will, after giving a goodly

part of two or three couoUea to hie two sons, be divided tbe balance of bis prop-ert r into four share*, and ao bwrge waa UM estate that each of theae qumrters represented the very 1 about 1900.000. It quirteia that tba art ice. mora tban i i . Wadawtatb1,

: ly bui wM ba Mantn

i w P • iavavaT*?™a"af*t fO jag , . ayasa

•f*lme. Mr. BHi m n .of Boatoo, - w; in xigh to UiberU

eveey aria, and wbo wit* an enlightened benevolence. . If Biimmar died leaviog; children, tbay w n . by Uw terma of the wUl to Inherit

it fund, bat in 188ft ba died no children. , Mr. WadaworthSi o provided .m* U Brimmer

die without iaeue, then this trust

; t b a football UtnaSaU t a a m i o a abowa. • Tbe atodenta sore on Qtoiikd beca

r Lima's lyerf a r e

game f<kt 00 merit.

play, the old rie, Walton year's learn.

team, so be

aura of one of tbese

ve waetog bla

ft geatla-waa fortunate

e eetatea from bat wealth

f ioala.

C. Wl Wadi 8. Wadawbrth's . Smith'* Sport,

Wadsworth, tugle, fliet; a

Preaented by E*q. Robert IrWins Ser*tV Erie II. second.

aio Tjuta wtmrnem CHARM. Cup preaeated by a lady. Open to all

half bred boraea owned by members of the club, which have never woo a steeple chase or hurdle race. H. 8 . MArtindAle'a Glasgow, first; C, W. Wadswotths In dependence Day, aecobt I; H. Wl Smith'a Sure Pop, third. '

The oigbtl having closed in so fast tbe Genesee Valley Steeple Cbaee want over tbe day, to be run off wl lea tbe oOadiUona are tnOrb fajrorable.'

Among tboao nreaentifrom out of town w*ie Norman VanVoot bla. Mr. had Mrs. F. a'lwft,j A f t b m - l . j M ll^B. Kinkaid, Chart** L. HahB. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Jebnioga, J. Sherlock Andrews, Mr.I and' l ira . Robert Mattbbws, Miaa Carol i Mathews,, Miss < E. G. Mathewa, Claode F. Brmgdon, Miaa May Bragdoo, Mr. Roger* aad, family, Mr. and Mrs.

1 y, a jr. Mat-y. jr., a WOder, jr.. Miss Perkins, <J, A. Hayden, Mr. and Mrs. Willi Meroer, Warbam Whitney,

bester; j Mr. knd Mra. Harry Haiblin, liar Behob. Seward, Trumbull, Thomas

Walter Cary, Mra. Seward Cary, Mies Love, Mfe. Langford. Keating, Mies Eleanor Cary. Miaa Evelyn Flake,

S. L. Sbb«, Buffalo; WilllarO LltUuer, r». and< Mia* Rigga, Arthur BrUbana.

F JUray Grisswald, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sorerel, John R, Townsend. New York; Mr ana Mr*. Chandler. Mr*. Roy Parker, Glowackl Parker. Mr. aad Mr*. Clark. MaLee Cary. Beta via; Mr. Stuart and Mr. Williams, Boston; Mia* Otowski, Toroeto, M. C. Worth, Syracase; W. J. Morgan, Mingaton, Caa.; Gi. W. War­ren. Hbeibnrn Falls, Maes.; F Philadelphia, W. Murpby, Bath; Mr. and Mra. H. W. center. Mass ; W. A. Berk of the Sterplecliase aAAOClat! more. W. A. Buck, editor of the Timoa. . i

G/Oolkac, 1 V Wyle. itb. Wor-

ateward of Balti-

the Spirit

DraaxaUo JUatl At S i James M. E. chu

ick D. Lbieyj Marie Hale evenieg,. jOotJ !»,

Urse tieki4«, flfty cents; •ioo, thirty H re cents

ijirty OtaU and fifteen oeuts I Rogats, drug store. Mr. and Mrs, Losey are .•'ell all psirts of the country

drftwn Urge an I apprecia. It ia univiraally oon-

performaoot 1 lara of tba vAtiba; and beet. Ibeir voioat

end pleasing, their eloce> oJabr and distinct, tbeir recital per* 1 and their «xpr*jesioo l

opriate. A long Una peaks of tbam with atkl if but tbe half

•bid of tbam, U true, a rare • lota n t ' oor ciUzena, •boald

istural, and >f ntvaaao-tnebigbeet

of what ie treat la in every seat

-p UV

1,-dASa-Edkh H. Dialaksfc. Oeorgina Pirlbgle, Miaa Lilll 10 Wallace, Ilia* Altos a Owens, Ml** Lilliat bnarn.| : . I I • .•: ' , ' ! O*«tla*»eo~-Wm. C. All ertAoo, Rev

CUrk H Baakett, Mr. Edward Carey, Mr. H, 0 . MoVean; Mr.Chir»ea Miller. 1 Pavaoaa calling for tbe abo re Will please

sWy a^^rtaaaf], N. W. fitoeM, p. M. iaALE OR T R A D E - I will aeU

r: or win trade or for fyeyjand oata,

RkCftAMb C M ^ O Y . , ' a f . T .

TOU to 'Mr. Wada i's heir* at law In the aame manner I would have deecebded to them If bad been no wljl and Brimmer had

before bla gtandfaiber. J Od tba Intarpretatrba of tb» clause

the ownership of ; 4300.000. jAmea Murray, a grandson of

Wadawortb, and htmeett an Eng-and a member of parliament,

says tbia CIAUAO means the property abould go to tbe panobe wbo were Mr. Wadawortb'* helra when Mr.] Brimmer died in 1896. and if this I* tba oaae. Murray, aa tbe kola belr of hie mother, receives one-third of tbe flMQ.MrOO. But the American heir* say this estate vested in let* , when; Jsmes Wadsworth died, and the lawyers on both aide* talk

My of vested and oootibgent aod remainders. Tbe praciacal point

la I tbia: If the estate rested! in 1»44. Murray would have to take aa heir of blk mother who died in 18SI, and at that time under the' laws of tbe state, Aliens could not Inherit and; therefore, bla abare" would go to hU American relatives. * 0 n the other band, before 1886 tbe laws of tbia ebtle allbwed aliens to inherit BubsUnUally as oitibena.' .

Naturally, conslderiog the amounu involved, many lawyer* were employed on thai litigation, none of whom , prob­ably will be Any poorer for tbeir, 000-oecUoo with it. Judge E. P. Coyne, of Geneieo, repreaeatajd Hon. jJamee W. W,ad*wortb, M. C . tfustee of tba fund, who| now comes into oourt and sake for ioatruclioua as to how be shall distribute i t [ Hon. Joseph II. .Cooato of New York reprascotad O y ) - Jawes Mur ray, who bb* ftoOO.OOO-^t atakv.: John 6 . Mllburn, of Buffalo, represented Wil­liam A. Wadsworth, tbe oideateon of WillUm Wadsworth. If Murray ia ex­cluded, be KoiiTtaJ two-nlntha of the fund, otherwise fee geta! ooe sixth. Jarrjee Breok Perkins of I Rochester, represented Herbert' Wadawortb, a yOubger son of j William Wadsworth, whose interest* are the same as those of bia brother. Strobg * Oa^walfauler of Nevy Vork, repreaented tbe Brimmer eatake, which baa 1100,000 at atal :e, and whfch, moreover, desues to get bat Of tbe fund what would otherwise go to Cba/lea F. Wadawortb, by virtue Of

udgmentsit bolda against biro. Adam* represented Cbarlea F.

and Colonel Strang of repreaented the administrator

and heirs at law ofj Craig W. Wada­wortb, deoeaaed, a id J. Ri .Strang and otbera aa trustees, under the will of Jaa. S. Wadawortb. deceAsed.

However the appellate court decides, the paxtiee beaten will, of Course, g o t o the! oourt of appeals, a/bare tbe law will finally be laid down. Even if Mr. Mar-ray geta nothing in t | i s suit, be baa not been, unfortunate in bia ancestry. A aptcial act paaanl. laaoy year* ago al­lowed bim to inber t from bla mother bar ona-quaater of t i e estate, providing only that he muet >.ril tab land wltbbb five years after his 1 najority, unless bb decided to becOme A % American citicen. He preferred to retnkm an Englishman, and con*equebtly' aofcl bia land at about the'top notch along b tba abventiea, re­ceiving for bla; inter at in the estate the sous; sun* of > about a million dollars. With this an Engii.» member of parlia­ment can attend' to the ioteresta of hi* oooeutuenta witbobt being haraaaed a* to bia bank aooobtt. If Muiray suo-ceedn, tbe other pat He* to tbe litigation still have fO00,00< -*» , divide among themaelves, whkJk a addition to What they have already aceived from tbeb-various arM^wtor*, <s rates theimpression that 00 tbe whole, i< V* rakber a plrbaaftt t h l o g t o b e a WadA*Wjrt«beir.

Cboate oetmWd About an boar dkuriog which. time

Mr. with hi* argument, all In tbe court room taanifeated the most breathlees low rest. He bab wonia wide repuUtion a* a hpeaker, and, bia effort on this ooca aVm did not detrabt one. whit from tB it-" weil earned pre-emmeoce aaan britnr. His sentences were framed i n si tuple and yet foroef Ul language, and br* presentation of tbe latue* at stake wa* ft beautiful example Of clearness And «nciseneas. His ges­tures were fewJ Mat appropriate and graceful, and hl*j«4*ee **» pleasant and well modulated. S With Wonderful skill Mr. Cboate dlaaectbd the clause in tbe {will of James Wadawortb, on tbe inter­pretation of which: depend* ao much for hie client, and wjrth convincing logic argued that tbe purpose Jof tbe testator waa to vast tba eatateoo tbe'oemfb of Brimmer, and to p*j it to tboea wbo were hia (Wadavrorthli) heira when that death occurred. . \i '•[ I r'i J - '4l

Mr. Cboate f a b followed | by John O. Mllborn 00 the isame iqoestloo. 'and 4 .brief time was! devoted to argument on the minor appeals in the same oaae. ' It wai much bUer *ban the naual bdur of adjournment before tb* argument was finally ooocladrd, and the day'a aearion of tb* court ended. I*. - '" i i ,

r>a»aeiBtt*a Mottaa. , jJf

Notice ie herahy grveft that the firm heretofore doingfbuAUie** under the firm necfe of Kblleyla* O'Connor baa been diaaolved by matual oonaent. The buai-aea* will be ooulloiMd by Mr. Keltoy At the same locatloa. aod All bills mOat be aauied with bim. *&m ,L. KmxxaT,

Stiff H a u joat received

badly claiming that, rough aad .pbjy< game. The new B to Lima Saturday Of giving the new a regular team an people that gentlemen to b ma hobest purpose*, to When Geneeeo lined men were and George Moore, CoMier prayed On made the fifth experisbced. pUyer. Tber* ware six green men ob ib* team, picked from the new tostwialithat OAS com* out foe practioe tbt* fall. |j: | | Tbe game w*a gone'abbot a minute when It ooutd be aeeb that Lima'* 'VI team waa way1 ahead of the eleven that Geneaeo ao badly worsted | bere last fall. They played tbeir obach which gave theeb oooudeabe. they -Were well trained and ebowed good teato Work. tJofor* tun tfeiy for Geneeeo, Licoja ref used to al­io*! Geneaeo'* coach tO plby at tba start, but agreed to let bim hi for ten minute* At lhe las ths l fo f the [game. White in the gam* only for a HUM while Flsber kept tbe score from being doubled by a run aad tackle, mora [ play Over aaen lo

wqrk but L i m f w o . for all their aaina. • -- •- .ww~~ 1 ... . . a » T * ~ ~ ™ f >

that. I Their team 4 team which Geneaeo bid


~~~1 Taka.

• 1 »

Oar* as* Tear Mincer of Bdchratjer. •*»*>

lallst In lease* for tb* eyrs wilt visit OrbeaU. 011" Wedaeadaj and Thursday. November 8d and 4th obi*. ! M r. Mtnoer is a l^lAbte merchant aind1 optician. All tbeglAAan furnlsbed by bim a a oa»nu-faotured lit b b fsOtoty., *7 E. Mala atreet, Bm heater. Headaobea u*d aaw-ouaneaa, a bleb ate *o ofUoilm m eaneed from tb* eyre, ara ' props* adjustment of with bim betateatap tbe acieoi iflo world 'or eye*. Av*U yourself of wbu* be is bare Wednesdaj day tt 4b Wallao* aad 4th. Examination f 1

. Jnst reeeived a new Uqb ^ . _ . — Winter O rerooata. Look at the bara>iaa.

1 'J. F,r

1 it ; :•-




a * * * 1 . 1 1

a iptlou is the aatu Ml result of a neglected cold: Dr. Wobd'n iWway! Pine Syr >p cores cough* , ' broa^ltls, asthma, a ad all long troul leaj down to the very borderland of com umptioo. |

a W

for both and served forded Coach Fikberi ppportuolty to get oaee. The weak place* eoadand Genaweo will bare a efinaiag l ean . Tbia defeat Abould fire tba boya into harder work. There wUl baa game hare Saturday and Geneaeo will show up strong. With tbe exception of *om« dtaooaaion over the ptajring of Ooaobea Saturday the ga<ue waa tooat harmonious. Lima waa aathdied' with Oenaaeu's oon-daot afd the visitor* were delighted with their, reoept loo and | toy truant.; Lima will play a return C U M be**, if not Sat. Urday, aome data) during tbe aeaaon. To refuse would be cowardio*. Lima waa superior Saturday and to prove their *u-prriority a t all Umes, It *rill taka nnotber victory. A game bere with that team ia expected and to order to keep the res­pect of surrounding towns, Lima must pome to Qaoeaeo jfor a return game.

Dr. Milne ia in attetblanoa at an io-stitule in Cbeokngo bounty. J

Tbe examination* began yesterday morning in the departments. 1 Miss Pearsall of Huff<Uo, was the'gueat Of Mias Bertha P a W Saturday and Sunday. *{i

Tbe DelpbUn and Oionlana held a small reception at tbeir rooms on Moo-day evening j laat. t< | j 3 •

The Arvtbusas are g^ng to bold tbeir annual convention with their Oneonta •iaters, and Mies Wedd'jla going to repre­sent her society as delegate. [1 | Tbe Agooiaba and Phllaletbeana will hold their fraternity contention with tbeu- Beta brothera and sisters at Oneon ta. Mlaaaa . Nancy Culberuon, 'BB. arid Wild* Scbefer, '09, are tbe delegate* from tbe Agohiau society, and Messrs, James Walton. 'OH. and Bert Van Wis, •el». for (he Philaletbeaba.

l u e cUaa of '88 baa Chosen a preaideot after two weeka of oampalgoing by tht auptwrt*** of tba tbr—i oandldal—, 1 Tin* nominee* were Ri>*ooeOocklln, Gamma Sigma; Charto* Wbtkiba, Delphic; Erev lyn Walter*, J'hlUletbean. The Pbila-letbean candidate w u elected and U>r purple and gold wftve*, triumphant. All three of tbe men were, well thought jof but Walteri bad a large majority which abowa that be waa a atrong favorite with the two hundred and twenty-five mem­ber* of tbe CUUHJ. Tbe Agonlana and PbikUetbeana caaraaaed fatthrully and A large amount of credit for tbeir victory falto to tbe oon-aoci*ty member* who supported Walter*. The winners elated over the victory.

Tbe following preamble land reaolo-tiooa were adopted by the Delpbio So­ciety of tbe Geneeeo State Normal School at a reoent meeting, upon the death of ana of! the member*. DeWitt J, Dnbhaln:

W-juutAs, God. in HI* infinite wis­dom, baa aaen fit to remove from among ue ao honored knd trusted brother. De-Witt J. Dunham, one wbo bad endeared himself to tbe heart* of all by hia geatle-oeaa of manner and nobility of oharaoter,

Waan«AA, We. the Delphlo Society. have anffered a to**, which we OAO never renUce.And;T ffi J . WBKKBAS, ! We. sa a Aooiety, OAO la no email degree feel the aorrow that baa oome npou bl* pareota; therefore, be it

Jtaaolved, Thai we extend to them our heartfelt *ympatby iu tbU tbeir deep be­reavement, and oomaband tnera to Him wbo doeth all thing* well. Further.

Rttolvrd, That wft have theae reaoln-tiooa, printed m tbe vUlage papera, apd a oopy of tbe kame be Mwntto hi* parenu.


• frir?Ta-w


The aymbolio device of " 8 a " ia con­nection with nearly'all legal document* and advertlaemenu jaW derived from'1', tba Latin phrase "Sooa iHaluUtmua" greet­ing or addreesiog those within lis own jurisdiction. "

To cure a oold In

J . F. ^vy Under

C . l l ' l

etc., can be had at

tkreou'. for alio* of

one day. Take Lax-aUve Bromo (.uiblne, Tableta. All drug-

refund the money if it fall* to cure. -CO. •'! - f ; j'i tSeVlfl-.j

— U — l U J u_i— poaters. for porting land* Against

hunting, Asting, etc.. can be tbUofnoe. I


tjor a Fall'Suit look at J. F. Pbtter aonfk new line of Cloths aad Ready-made

^ ! T i' Fr • ; , Laaatai tor Saia 1 I j r

Pure bred Shropabire nun and, ewe Ian bs; also some grade Cutawold and Lai seater ram an 1 bwa lamb* just 1m-potted fiotn'CAOadft. For aale by , H

" J . Ci MrrcBEUL, 1 ': I 32 w 7

4 Olovrwaod Miti. for every da|y uaej

rowlrrville, N. Y. i

ka. Joat the thing J. F. PATTEaaow'a

rjrpt. Hat, tSfW. , 1 • • . * . ,

'New batch of

• | |

" J . F . PAttaWOftfa,

i im •


WANTED—Four jor fie* lady atudeoU that wuh tb do tlielt, own work. Fur-nlahed roooM and excellent acoommo detiboa for cookiog. , ' j

" Man. 0 . M. CHATOI, Mala St. . •

Look at J . P. f -5t tSra«is%aw| line ofTUay- ! J j J \l\ \ \ h

A pain lb tb* cheat i* natur*'* warn­ing that pnrumool* \m threatened. Dam pen a fbeob of flautnel, with Chamber laln'a Pain Balm and Mad over tbe seat of pain, and another on the back be­tween the shoulder*, and prompt relief will follow. For *rie aft Clancy'* If**. tow ***** jtWttoboy, Qeoeaao, H.W • 1 • ! , HABD T I M l S 'j' „,'

Time* are Improving now and have decided to Introduce our Brand* af Floor to you at all We take tfae fOllow mg method of It: Briag ua a bushel of good wheat andbre) wlU giv* you In return,

40 pouoda of Sllter Star Flour, or M pounds of bVidal Wreath Flour. ,

and warrant t*wa> tor^eotlreaaftwsao-Glralttrialr I ]' . •• .•'!*'<

O t u n n VaiUJiT Mnua, ; !

* Si

W A D O W . ; lobar

worth.'a *ue


KTU-ta 0*M*«b. an to Mf.aad Mr*.*

afct aa

ai CONROY^In this rtlkifs M IItb. Mfs. At*r«.rat Coerbr years, guttarai troat bt. ksoraiAaj at nlae,

Barter .. Oata] par

a a * MM ao MAJLMLMT <xjr

• ^ - ^

By bwdea *I04. Waant, * uta, a*r bask. M*ir


, drasaed.'psrcwt

a t ft.il

Oft*] par bash 4f**»H ' BSAAW MUrraWtat, par Uaak .

,; ^^^a*y^.»... . . , , . , . « . l , . , HJAy,par 1 ea, t..^.......^.. ,

• By J. p . Lawta, W00I-U4waabad. aa*. . . r . \ . . .

j • ' . ; . ' . . ' " • raadl.ua . . . j . Waabad. a a e . i l . , ,

j : - BMdlaat... Br J.CrUiUaai.

Butter . p*r a | j f . . . . l . l . . . •¥•!.... •..i..L,.....j . . Potato**^ v*r bush, ASW ..V....

11» Juliu T.«l». Basf, st4r,


Motion, para . . . . .1 \., tawAfc*, a*r *> Porfc.P*t» '»......, Midas rkanr. p*r » . , . . . , . . [ •• -Gow aad Heifer, p*r *S„ : u j - Hull *»d KU*. i»r a

Lard, pair a J. ( u v * wrtxm AHA n tuirai

«*U,la,ij*rcwt...'(,;: 1 . HogA, per vwt.i.^i )..>...J>... Hbaapaid aaattoa i I . . , , Bpriaclamb*.. ,i.L^ L, Turkrjn AMvs . . . , . ' ',.. Bprtaa < M*fc*aa bllve, par1 a f o w l * . . . . . .. . . P f . . . . . ' . . Vaalll* Mas


Buffalo X-tve Otook atajk*«-Oat.

0A.TTUC IUcsipt* to-day oaly * f^w *-W bead of ImtrherVcaUlenrxl |turkar»; martini <iulrt nod anchanajad. j

HOllH K««r*4pt»to-<J*r»0*r*;m»jk..tmU-S alow anVI assy : Hale* aooft U> ebotn* Yorkam at |KUn_»Ua, ixaaiowi. u>rb.*o* rourt-*t »M«i «»T0 aM ased to ebetos pied al fttJrOaVUk.

BHftgP AND LAUIW lt*rel(>U tAHBajy W osre; tsbrkat ruled fairly *iUv*; ssiaa ckoto* U.f.trA I * D I » *J ftl «l*5Tt). run. to fair do al ftta-afioO. Bbasp.' cbotc*; to **U<t*o wetbae* atftt-tquAJ* aad rulU to 4BL j I

{« SATS B^OTfi 1 J ' j

t for tho dr . Podding


We hare made eolation of the little

I i ! Dodger," ok

* S A Y S B(t)0TH ' th rough the neighborit g town*. Aa timi i permits aod the q trlt mobe*, w* will send the** leaflets o< t, and betweeb the line*, and under U • pictoraa will (try I/O convince the balaftce of mankind

'thnf , > "THEHK-8 NO P I ftOE LIWB


Jim im


i n*i mi'I(I i iiais;

RealEstateAgencj . 1 •" j ; f

I iLve the following vary d**areit* par ^ T O B S A l i ?


llouaa la jaafJ Baka* rlialr (i i CeUar, Lara* cistern. Abindi

i I- Of f raa t . T b l * proparty la off

1 _»_ i i cheap. i

VACANT LOTS on FRANK.** S r i Otuaato. W.-T.

Tbsae lot* air* three rod* 4lde aad ar* offered at a bargain, part pay-

and OOUkT BTH , tie*—**. M wwftjdj

W l i i asil a t a lw>r*Jk

! • I

I bav* tb* fattowtag TO awe, '

HOU8B AND LOT ou WKftT hii lB Of MAIN ST., tleoeaeo. N| V ' {

Tbia hois* at writ furslanrd »«4 ta a vary OeatraUe looaUoal Ploaaja] lug, sewer and gaa. Tbrrwjls a »*ry good bans ou tb* prwcaissaj Pni*<* aien glvaat at abort ootloa.

U nl >i, ,,'• j.»» ' .i • • I I Ik ) I-

JOHNYOUNGL M*l»Su*-t, Q*ei*ii , N.

4.——4 L4- 1


* t ' a t ) • 1 "• — « " :


F i l L L w J i d ^ ^ ^ r •: • i


MILLINERY! P and Jackets

I J -ltart arriv.il, ami wa lx*lii<vr> an ftwjptHn4<»ri wUl convinnA y«>u thgt a rotyra oomi>!r4'e. Una wail Dattror shown in JUvinfraUyn Co.

I . HIM H H I • « • • I U . • I

VV-) haro all Uia

Latest Paris Novelties

. 1

»—* AWX> : —

i'f • <•.


oBBy S U I T ^ . A T THE

ytoref Up-To-Diie cloiniDg

ALL OF THE . . . ,i






t - W a r e

tb* good

fcovtlad *a sail and

goods, wkwabar yoa boy o»

!• »

* i - .4 a. a*w*i

Silks aod Wool Plaids i 1 1

in a l l taM lkt«bt mil niiiti 4e«l»*A».

T " 4 * M - i •*.-.-*• p.

I. A DUO*' A M K l l l l I ' l i m ' "


OloVfn, Kir.,

1 1


Hrpublloaa rttork. f • f



m i l :.1


?! ft***

HEITOH'S! m i l l ' ' i


• ! i [ • • i • tlmt this «U>ok of hierrhandibb ia far iK-tt.-r Mian U initially

tauTiwl in toarna of aintllar fiigr»y; • J>o yon tiwiliw that wo have hrfo\ j


• I H. • -I! If you lire int*Jns*Uid

in DUEHH (JO0I>H gvftat io uee them.

LiKiNoe ar4 not what they uned to b e ; t|>ey are now well;!Worth in-speCyUag.'

Li N KNH weijpride < >OT. fMtlven on, in Cream as well as KJearhed. J

Our HowiKav and U w-wma

'found >bve fer

PKRWKAR tried and n wanting."

AftiTl.liteof^AWot WORK. RIHMON«, T«ea,|

THE LAECJEST STOCK OF SILKS in the county and t i e h«at ftAm)rtnit>nt at Uhe l e w n i *>rl*e« f


Obsngeabl* M'Hrn Haifa*; baodaoasa toe walata and doml.l* for Jiulrnr*. OOo.

Ob*AgwAble Brocade Bsjtia* in beaaU-fal effects, 60o. L

Roman rRripa. Broeadee aad Kbvwl. tkw. aew aad oboie*. dbUa*- qoAbtia* atKdo

24 laeb Baavy Boaaaa Htrio* Tag**** aad atrvrsat Novelbaa, berth f 1.1ft at o e l y t l 00.

l la io Tafr*tAA, tbe new Idea for w*Jets witb plaid akirla; aa elegftat aaaiataiml of ahadae, twenty oolora, lnclndiog tb* new nlakb aad raa* abada* aad tba aaw gT*»o«. at 75c aad l*>n.

BsaaUfal Ptatd Tafct**—. tbe Vary rage, aad >ma**a ftartpaa

wlU blaek H-Ma Bayadere Htripaa, at m.oo. ai.ua.. ti.co.

1 . i l l


CoixxRH, KTC . "We have tiHed our*

moat careful judgnjient, and feel inire our selee- • tionn will pl«*a « all^vho ^ examine t



to bay dry gaoda aarir tbl* by ao doing you will sat* aaeaer. Meet­ly all good* ar* sd*asf**g la *o*t dairy aad w* oaaoot dapliebM y iebas** at Old prion*, bat ao far « v Am* ao* rAnHr a *fan7« odrnrxv IN p*4*e».

30 STYLES OF PLAIDS fa* walata, aklrt. aad ebUdra,,*. dtaaaaa. | «a.-rtnir* •> « ^ . « X efta, ftl Ot).


The Rage Plaid waiaU w)th plain or figured akirtb, pl«t<I akiila with

» nrwrel faahion, l'lnliln. plaid*,jvlgida. hnd pletUjy of )><*title*i h«r*s | N t*> • ! . • » .

plain walata,

A fine lartfn aaaoirtniont In the neweft fttylaa. Coatft In Keraey, Beavet,! Boanle and PIttah.j Hneh napeay In variety, cloth fbaWei in plain and rotftrfh effr>ctii, no traah. oWly good dr >e>haablr> nualllleei. Coati| In all al«r* at *M>,u«> 17.00, AR.M, *«.*.(•<•. $10.(M) and op. HofntS -ifteet at f4.An, M.W and np. Odd gJjUfi for tbtont woman, '.#.41. 4:1, and 4A Ineh

j bunt mcftumrej Handjkxime capem frt*n |0.00 to 117.00. j I L ' ' *BC*»o«a»3«^cadxat3Q I t

BroadclothN at 0 5 Ceiiti l a a l l dvwira lde bo tora f o r «u i I* a n d w a i a t a .

JT ri~ Crb>aawk) tea **'*>a*i*>a«>a I W ya>air a\ait*kwa

1 • I

Up-to-Data 8tyle8

D r y C^MMIS!

WI> take pleaatirw in an.,' riounririK t o t h * p«y>pl«> of (J<-»jo.

a e o a n d v i r l n i t i f t h a t w o h » T e it

complete tuuHyrtment of Dry Ooodn in *ytl lim-«

' -1 \~~

I>rcss laioads 1 I •' *

A finnr liivi- of I>rtwM (Jooda | wa« nertT ehoWn in this Tillage).

• I

j No oa* la OVVMAWO oaf. or f i l l aatl yyaj VU f , ^ ^vsir-ythiaK u a t i a l i y f o m v l

good. a. obeap a* tb* Vjr^to-l>.U Ootb- j n % t\r*Uc\w$ d r y - K«>od *U>t*.

bag Htor*. <ilv« ua a call » M gvt Oar u , , , , | .1 , , j,^ .

pruwa C o r * b u y l a . ^ w b b r a . I ^ ° " W , U ^ »> , f >*°tt ^° ^

R'wt— 'h Btdait, O e, N T,

.,,, ) jf4t|M|j " raw ,r m •


4 J\

+ •

rUaok Taffe***, wtd* aad *tis*>| awd raabloaabU a* 7T*i aad VOo.

! Base*. Bro**S** In HaUa. T*JB*4ft aad Oro* Otvao al <r->. 7tM, t«w>. «) i«i

Wncw )>•**) d* Rot*. O n * Ornirw *ad HaMn Dwibiaaa, aiaaaat qaaltstaa a* »Oe l a t l S O .

COLORED DRRHH UOOMi. Do yoa kaaa bow fta* a ao|l»*t|ca of

I bee* Oeod* thk Mora ba* T l.rlitaadid aaaortaiacit of tb* aew tbiag* I* r****** and Itovatttaf M Ifte. Soa. »*e. 4&e, SO*, ftp* an to ft) -lawV. Wa bav* aa aen*a*Uy good aaaort****> t ta all Wool aad (at* WliUrw **4 ttovslwss a* ftfte to bfte,

PATTJKRH IrRBHSE8. A graat narUty ia abote* weava* asvi

c-dnrTnam, •»> t » e *1U*. at ft". Wl, ftft 00, t7.Ul. t7.fiClfl ftJO l b * » * I W *

BLACK URKSS (iOOUS. yta* All ITftol IMaok A**w*a at ftftn,

.Iflo, 00e, Oftb, 7tW>. O w A t o a H * r g * * * OOn, t l 00 l*to* ranov IUarwa in Iba

design* |» «nlln tna* nad

A ''-"

i o * » k

fti a t


. i •


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