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Copyright © 2016 Naturalislabs Pte Ltd

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Published by Eric Kelly.

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Home Remedies For Your Hair ........................................................................................................ 4

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................... 4

Hair Loss Remedies ......................................................................................................................... 5

01: Coconut Milk ......................................................................................................................................................... 5

02: Coconut Oil Massage ......................................................................................................................................... 6

03: Aloe Vera ................................................................................................................................................................ 7

04: Neem (Indian Lilac) ............................................................................................................................................. 8

05: Amla (Indian Gooseberry) ................................................................................................................................ 9

06: Greek Yogurt ...................................................................................................................................................... 10

07: Beetroot Leaves ................................................................................................................................................. 11

08: Onion Juice ......................................................................................................................................................... 12

09: Licorice Root....................................................................................................................................................... 13

10: Fenugreek............................................................................................................................................................ 14

11: Hibiscus ................................................................................................................................................................ 15

12: Egg White Mask ................................................................................................................................................ 16

13: Potatoes ............................................................................................................................................................... 17

14: Lemon Juice ........................................................................................................................................................ 18

15: Green Tea ............................................................................................................................................................ 19

16: Coriander Juice .................................................................................................................................................. 20

17: Henna .................................................................................................................................................................... 21

18: Curry Leaves ....................................................................................................................................................... 22

19: Honey, Olive Oil and Cinnamon ................................................................................................................. 23

20: Safflower Oil ....................................................................................................................................................... 24

21: Grape Seed Oil .................................................................................................................................................. 25

22: Shana Seeds ....................................................................................................................................................... 26

23: Avocado Mask ................................................................................................................................................... 27

Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 28

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Home Remedies For Your Hair


Hair loss can affect anyone at any time, and as everyone loves to have a luxurious head of

hair, it is a very scary thing. It affects millions of people worldwide, and can strike men and

women alike.

While commonly associated with aging, there are other common reasons for it. One of the

main ones is when the hair follicles become blocked or cease to function. They can be

physically blocked by dandruff, dirt or even dead skin cells. It can also happen due to illness,

or free radicals that can all cause abnormalities in the scalp. Environmental factors, your

diet, genetic factors and bad hair products can also be causes of hair loss.

Thankfully, there are a few easy home remedies that you can employ to stop hair loss in its

tracks. Simply follow the methods outlined here to control hair loss naturally, and help it

grow back.

The treatments range from oil massages to egg washes, and there are a wide range of

choices for you to use. Every one of them are all-natural and easy to do at home, making

this guide perfect for anyone who doesn't want to spend a ton of money on chemical hair


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Hair Loss Remedies

01: Coconut Milk

What's Needed

1 cup coconut milk


Apply coconut milk to the scalp

Cover your head in a towel and leave for 20 minutes

Remove the towel and rinse hair with cold water

Wash off with shampoo

When to do it

Once a Week

Why it Works

Coconut milk is loaded with vitamin E and healthy fat, both of which help to moisturize and

keep hair healthy. It is also rich in potassium, an essential ingredient for hair growth, so

washing your hair in the milk can reduce breakage. Since coconut oil contains the same

nutrients as coconut milk, regularly massaging your scalp with it can also provide protection

against hair loss.

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02: Coconut Oil Massage

What's Needed

1 to 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil


Warm up the oil to a comfortable temperature

Gently apply the oil to your scalp and massage in small, circular motions

Leave it for 30 minutes or overnight, before you wash your hair with shampoo

When to do it

Every alternate day

Why it Works

The antioxidants and vitamin E contained in coconut oil do wonders for hair, not only by

strengthening it, but also by giving it a natural sheen. Its antimicrobial properties help fight

scalp infections.

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03: Aloe Vera

What's Needed

Leaf or stalk of Aloe Vera


Wash your hair thoroughly

Extract the pulp from the leaf and rub into hair

Massage pulp into your hair in circular motions

Let it sit for 15 minutes, before rinsing with cold water

When to do it

Three times a week, preferably in the morning after washing your hair

Why it Works

Aloe vera is a natural remedy used to treat numerous issues related to the body. It helps to

cleanse pores and balance PH levels, and can be used to clear up acne or heal sunburned

skin. With its abundance of nutrients, it is very good for the hair as well. It penetrates deep

into the scalp and hair, and promotes hair growth.

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04: Neem (Indian Lilac)

What's Needed

10 to 12 dry neem leaves

A bowl of water


Boil the leaves in the water

Wait for the mixture to cool

Rise hair with the mixture

When to do it

Once every week, as a last rinse after washing your hair

Why it Works

The antibacterial properties of neem leaves aid in the eradication of dandruff, thereby

ensuring a healthy scalp and promoting hair growth. They also stimulate circulation in the

scalp and nourish the roots of your hair. The leaves have also been found to kill head lice

and nits.

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05: Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

What's Needed

4 to 5 gooseberries

1 cup of virgin coconut oil


Boil the berries in the oil until the mixture turns black

Wait for the mixture to cool

Massage gently into scalp

Let sit for 20 minutes, then shampoo

When to do it

Twice a week

Why it Works

Amla is rich in vitamin C, which is essential for hair growth and strengthening. It also helps

build collagen, another nutrient vital for hair growth, as well as in the absorption of iron.

Amla can prevent premature graying of the hair as well.

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06: Greek Yogurt

What's Needed

2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt

1 tablespoon of honey

1 lemon


Add the yogurt, honey and the juice of the lemon to a bowl

Mix together until they form a paste

Apply the paste to the scalp and hair roots

Let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing with cold water

When to do it

Once to twice a week

Why it Works

Greek yogurt acts as a natural conditioner for hair, and it also contains nutrients that are

incredibly good for your hair, namely vitamin B5 and protein. The antibacterial properties of

the honey will help protect your hair from damage.

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07: Beetroot Leaves

What's Needed

Beetroot leaves

1 tablespoon of henna


Boil the leaves in water

Grind them and add henna to create a paste

Apply the paste directly to the scalp

Let it sit for 20 minutes before rinsing with water

When to do it

Thrice a week

Why it Works

Beetroot is rich in several nutrients essential to hair growth, including phosphorous,

calcium, protein, potassium, carbohydrates, Vitamin B and C, so drinking beetroot juice or

eating beetroot is also advised for healthy hair. The leaves contain many of the same

nutrients, so when the paste is applied to your scalp, you promote healthy hair growth.

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08: Onion Juice

What's Needed

1 onion

A cotton ball


Grate the onion and grind to extract the juice

Dip the cotton ball into the juice and apply directly to the scalp, covering the strands

form root to tip

Let it sit for about 30 minutes, then rinse with cold water before shampooing

When to do it

Once a week

Why it Works

This is one of the most effective remedies for promoting hair growth and controlling hair

loss. It has a high sulfur content, which helps improve circulation, and the antibacterial

properties kill germs and parasites, thereby preventing scalp infections.

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09: Licorice Root

What's Needed

1 tablespoon of ground licorice root

1 cup of milk

1 tablespoon of saffron


Add the licorice root and saffron to the cup of milk and mix thoroughly

Apply the mixture to any bald patches and leave overnight

Wash it out in the morning

When to do it

Twice a week

Why it Works

Licorice root is incredibly effective at preventing hair damage and loss. It soothes the scalp

and helps get rid of scalp irritation, so it is also a great remedy for dandruff.

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10: Fenugreek

What's Needed

1 cup of fenugreek seeds


Soak seeds in water overnight

In the morning, grind the seeds into a spreadable paste

Apply the paste to your hair, all the way from your roots to the tips

Cover in a shower cap and let it sit for 40 minutes

Afterwards, rinse thoroughly with cold water

When to do it

Once or twice a month

Why it Works

Fenugreek seeds are rich in hormone antecedents that promote hair growth and repair the

hair follicles. They also contain nicotinic acid and protein, which strengthen hair shafts.

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11: Hibiscus

What's Needed

10 Hibiscus flowers

2 cups of virgin coconut oil


Add the flowers to the oil and heat the mixture

Once the it has simmered for a bit, strain the solution and collect the oil

Apply oil at night and wash hair the next morning

When to do it

Two to three times a week for a month

Why it Works

Hibiscus is a great source of some of the key nutrients for strong and healthy hair, including

vitamin C, phosphorous, and riboflavin. Not only that, it also helps eliminate toxins and

promote circulation.

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12: Egg White Mask

What's Needed

2 eggs


Break the eggs into a bowl

Separate the yolks from the white

Mix the eggs thoroughly till they're thick and consistent

Apply evenly to your scalp and hair

Cover your head with a shower cap and let sit for 20 minutes

Rinse with cool water, then shampoo

When to do it

Twice a week

Why it Works

Eggs have high levels of proteins, zinc, sulphur, iron, phosphorus and iodine, all of which are

excellent at promoting hair health and growth. Using this twice a week will restore the

softness to your hair.

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13: Potatoes

What's Needed

1 potato

1 teaspoon of honey

1 teaspoon of water


Wash and peel the potato

Cut it into small pieces and blend to puree

Strain the puree into a bowl

Add the honey and water to the resulting juice and mix thoroughly

Apply to scalp and hair, and leave it on for about 30 minutes

Wash off with shampoo

When to do it

Once a week

Why it Works

Potatoes are excellent sources of nutrients, containing high levels of vitamins A, B and C,

calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus. These are great for the health of your hair, and

help to prevent dryness and premature gray hairs.

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14: Lemon Juice

What's Needed

2 to 3 lemons

1 cup of warm water


Cut and juice each of the lemons

Strain into a bowl and mix with the water

After you have washed your hair, pour the mixture over your scalp, massaging it in as

you do so

Leave it for five minutes, and then rinse off with cool water

When to do it

Once or twice a week

Why it Works

Lemon juice has been used to treat all types of hair conditions for ages, and helps fight oily

hair. It is rich in various nutrients, including vitamin C, B vitamins like B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12,

antioxidants and folic acid, making it a powerful natural remedy for hair growth. It also helps

stimulate blood circulation.

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15: Green Tea

What's Needed

2 green tea bags

2 to 3 cups of hot water


Soak the bags of tea in the hot water until the water cools

Remove the tea bags and rinse your hair in the solution

Massage it into your scalp

When to do it

Use this as an after-shampoo conditioner, and repeat twice a week

Why it Works

Green tea is excellent for preventing hair loss. It has been known to stimulate hair follicles

and boost hair growth. Drinking green tea also stimulates the metabolism, which increases

the rate at which your hair grows.

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16: Coriander Juice

What's Needed

1 cup of freshly chopped coriander leaves

3 to 4 tablespoons of water


Grind the leaves and mix with the water to form a paste

Extract the juice from the paste

Apply it to your scalp and hair

Let it sit for an hour and then shampoo to clean

When to do it

In the morning before a bath, two to three times a week

Why it Works

Coriander is known as a natural hair softener that also happens to promote hair growth. It is

rich in antioxidants that allow the body to fight off free radicals that can cause damage to

cells and prevent hair growth.

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17: Henna

What's Needed

250ml of mustard oil

Washed and dried henna leaves


Combine oil and leaves and boil until the leaves start to color

Filter the mixture and massage into scalp

You can store the remaining in an airtight container for future use

When to do it


Why it Works

Henna has been used for hundreds of years as a hair strengthener, conditioner and hair dye,

especially in India, because it works really well. Mustard oil just enhances its effectiveness.

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18: Curry Leaves

What's Needed

Curry leaves

Hair oil


Combine the leaves and oil and boil until the leaves are colored

Let it cool and apply to your scalp and hair, massaging gently for 15 to 20 minutes

Wash with shampoo once done

When to do it

Twice a week

Why it works

Curry leaves are a natural home remedy for baldness, and work well to stimulate hair

growth. They are rich in antioxidants and amino acids, and help prevent the hair from

thinning by nourishing it. It also helps to strengthen the hair follicles.

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19: Honey, Olive Oil and Cinnamon

What's Needed


Olive oil



Combine the ingredients together

Coat your hair in it from the roots to the tips

When to do it

Once a week

Why it Works

These ingredients are a great anti-hair fall treatment. The potent mix of nutrients and

antioxidants in this mixture will stimulate the scalp and nourish the hair, encouraging

growth and preventing damage.

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20: Safflower Oil

What's Needed

Safflower oil


Gently massage into the scalp

Leave it overnight

Rinse the next morning

When to do it

Every alternate day

Why it works

This oil is rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, both of which are vital

for healthy hair. It is suitable for permed, colored or dry hair.

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21: Grape Seed Oil

What's Needed

Grape Seed Oil


Massage into your scalp and hair

Leave it on overnight

Wash with shampoo in the morning

When to do it


Why it Works

Grape seed oil is effective as a natural hair conditioner and moisturizer, and can help stop

hair loss, prevent dandruff and strengthen hair. It contains plenty of antioxidants that

control DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) production, which is one of the main causes of hair fall.

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22: Shana Seeds

What's Needed

2 tablespoons of Shana seeds

1 tablespoon of coconut oil


Crush the seeds in the oil to make a paste

Apple this to the scalp and hair

Gently massage into scalp

Wash off with shampoo after 15 minutes

When to do it

As needed

Why it Works

Doing this with Shana seeds makes an Ayurvedic solution for hair re-growth. It effectively

prevents hair loss and promotes growth, and is great for maintaining a healthy head of hair.

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23: Avocado Mask

What's Needed

1 whole avocado

1 egg yolk

1 teaspoon of wheat germ


Mash the avocado

Mix with egg yolk and wheat germ

Apply to damp hair and massage gently into scalp and hair

Rinse off with warm water after 20 minutes

When to do it

Once a week

Why it Works

Avocados are commonly called a superfood, as they are rich in nutrients and healthy fats.

With generous amounts of vitamin B and E, they help to strengthen and repair damaged and

brittle hair.

The natural oils and mono-saturated fats also work to moisturize and soften hair.

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And that's it, twenty three great recipes to help you get and maintain a healthy head of hair.

These easy home remedies will keep your hair looking great 24/7, without you having to

spend loads of money on chemical treatments or even do a lot of hard work.

All you have to do is follow them.

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