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Amneet Dhillon

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media homework for school


Amneet Dhillon


I am challenging the idea that by playing video games on any given console, it can effect your social life.

I am exploring the different kind of side effects gaming can have on you if your constantly playing

games all the time without having a period of break or rest.

I am investigating what about gaming it is that causes side effects on the gamer.

I am proving how playing games can have side effects on your social life such as not interacting with

friends or family as much as you would without gaming and consoles.

I will be doing this by breaking the documentary into segments to get a better structure and running

order as this will appeal to my target audience more.

My angle on this will be looking at the social effects gaming has on a

gamer if they continuously play long periods a day, everyday of the week.

Content Of Idea

Topic: The topic of this documentary is about gaming and how it can have several kind

s of side effects on your social life.

Angle: There are many angles I can look into about gaming as it covers many angles. However I will be

looking into the social effects gaming can have on you as I feel there isn’t enough on this topic in the

current industry which gamers can relate to effectively.

Unique Selling Point: The unique selling point of my idea will be showing the social effects gaming has

had on a gamer which in return, my target audience can relate to this and try to make a change on

there game play hours.

Arguments/ Debates: My documentary will explore the debates about gaming and the social effects it

can have on somebody such as if it stops people from going out or interacting with there friends. I will

be including some facts and figures and will also be asking a day to day gamer what it is about gaming

that interests them and keeps them playing.

Bias: I intend to give both sides an equal amount of coverage. For example I will do this by interviewing

somebody who’s social life has been impacted by gaming and be interviewing a game producer

company to see what they have to say.

Structure & Running OrderSegment 1 – Me in my bedroom introducing gaming and how it has developed over the recent years.

Segment 2 – Archive footage on gaming with a voice over.

Segment 3 – Vox pops. ( How many hours do you spend gaming a week )

Segment 4 – Me in my bedroom talking about how gaming has an impact on social lives with some facts and figures.

Segment 5 – Me talking about recent stories that have been in the news about people murdering in the same style of a game with some archive footage of these stories.

Segment 6 – Interview someone who’s social life has been effected by video games.

Segment 7 – Me in my bedroom giving a brief talk about social lives and then talking about the game producer companies

Segment 8 – Me walking into a game producer company building

Segment 9 – Interview with someone from the game producer company asking several questions on how they make there games addictive.

Segment 10 – Recording of information inside the building with a voice over.

Segment 11 – Me in my bedroom talking about gaming.

Segment 12 – Interviewing someone who plays games everyday

Segment 13 – Me in my bedroom concluding everything in the documentary and then finishing off with asking the audience a rhetorical question.

Profile Of Target Audience &

Appeal Of Your Idea

Existing Media Consumptions/ Favourite Media Texts: Researching gaming and watching the gadget show

Socio Economic Status: C2-E as my target audience won’t be earning much money unless they have a job.

Niche or Mainstream: Mainstream as my documentary is aimed at students as well as the general public who

may be parents and will want to be informed about how long hours of gaming per day can effect your social

life as they may have children who play a lot of video games.

Age: 16-24 year olds. This age group

are known to consume a lot of game

play hours every day. It matches the

brief as well so it will appeal to my

target audience.

Gender: Both male and female

as gaming is not specifically

appealing to one gender.

Location: The location will be

within the United Kingdom as

the documentary will be shown

on BBC so therefore if my

documentary was based in the

United States and then it airs in

England, it won’t be as appealing

as if the documentary was based

in the United Kingdom.

Interests: People who are interested in consoles and video games

Ambitions: To have a future career in the gaming industry.

Employment Status/ Education: The younger age of my target audience will be in education and the

higher age of my target audience will be in further education such as University and some will be out

of education working.

Disposable Income: Quite

low as my target

audience’s income is from

there parents, however

the older age in my target

audience will be working.

Ethnicity: All ethnicity’s as

gaming is not aimed

towards any specific

religions, but all religions.

Opinions: Gaming has an

effect on people’s social

lives and its resulting in

bad terms.

Explanation Of Research & Key Findings

Primary Research – Focus Groups

. In this focus group, I set out to find which one of my proposals would appeal to my target audience the most.

. Examining both the audience and content.

. The method was suited to the research because it gave me valuable feedback.

. The research obtained was Qualitative Research.

Primary Research – Questionnaire

. I created a questionnaire to get more of an insight into my target audience which in return, would give me more

information and idea’s to put towards my documentary.

. I gained idea’s on my target audience’s creative thoughts and idea’s

. Quantative and Qualitative research was obtained through this questionnaire. Both open and close questions were

asked to get a mixture of responses which would give me more idea’s.

Secondary Research – Internet Research

. Gave more knowledge on the 3 idea’s I had and more insight of each of my three topics.

. Statistics and expert opinions gave me quantitative and qualitative research

. Examining the content idea’s

Secondary Research – Textual Analysis

. I compared my documentary to other similar ones in the current market.

. Gave me more of an insight to the market and built my knowledge more.

. I found more positive things to include as well as things to not include

and got more idea’s on shots, camera angles and locations.

Technical Viability

What equipment will you need for the production?

. Boom Microphone to capture the interview sounds

. Camera to film the documentary

. Tripod for steady filming

. USB to save the filming onto

. Voice recorder to record voice over's.

What equipment will you need for post-production?

. Live type to create the graphics for my documentary

. Final Cut Pro to edit the captured footage

. iMac to put the footage onto and make some changes if needed to.

What crew members will you need?

. Presenter

. Cameraman

. Sound Operator

Who will they be?

. Presenter – Sanjeev Pnag (Cousin)

. Cameraman – Amneet Dhillon

. Sound Operator – Neesha Dhillon (Sister)

Practical Viability

Who will appear in your documentary? Where will you find them?

. Presenter – Sanjeev Pnag (Permission Pending)

. Sound Operator – Neesha Dhillon (Permission Pending)

. Interviewee – Billy English (Still To Request) (Casual clothing)

. Interviewee – Gurdeep Sheri (Permission Granted) (Casual clothing)

. Interviewee - Demola Ayilara (Permission Granted) (Casual clothing)

Where will your feature be shot? Do you have to access these location(s)?

. Chadwell Heath Academy (Still to request)

. Game Producer Company location (Still to request)

. Bedroom (Permission granted)

Will you use archive footage? Where will you find it? Will you need permission to use this footage?

. I will be using archive footage and will find this over the internet on sites such as YouTube. I will need

permission to use these archive footage as they belong to other people and if I do not get this

permission then it is copyrighting which is going against the law.

Legal & Regulatory Considerations

Truth and Accuracy: When talking about facts and figures, I will need to make sure they are from a reliable source as they may be false from the internet. I will also need to make sure that they are balanced.

Privacy: Privacy will effect my work as I will need to respect my target audience's privacy and not infringe it .I will need to make sure private information will not be brought up to the public domain.

Impartiality and Diversity of Opinion:I will need to get as many opinions as possible for the pro’s and con’s in order to get a balanced view.

Harm and Offence: Harm and Offence will also effect my work in a way that I will need to make sure that my target audience is protected from vulnerable offences. An example would be if there was a racist person in my interview, any racist comments will not be shown.

Serving The Public Interest: I will need to make sure that my documentary addresses my target audience as it needs to inform, educate and entertain them.

Legal & Regulatory Considerations

Defamation: Defamation could effect my work, for example if

one of the persons being interviewed says his friend is claiming

benefits for a disability he doesn’t have so that he can play

games all day without having to work. He would claim

defamation of character against me but I have heard this from

a secondary source and so cannot back this up with evidence.

Copyright: Copyright could

effect my work as if I use

archive footage without the

owners permission, they could

sue me and take me to court.

Contempt Of Court: My documentary is not based around

legal proceedings so this point of law should not effect me

Privacy and Confidence: I will

need to make sure everyone

who is directly involved in

production gives me there full

permission. Even people who

are indirectly involved will have

to give me there permission to

protect there right to privacy.

Legal & Regulatory Considerations

Reconstruction: There will not be

any reconstructions taking place in my

documentary but I will still make sure

no-one is falsely portrayed.

Dealing With Contributors: Everyone involved in my

documentary will give me

permission to allow their input

to be presented.

Potentially Offensive

Material: I will not have

any potentially offensive

material in my

documentary as this will

limit the target market to

a older audience.

Criminality: My documentary will not

contain any criminality

Commercial Viability - RemitInform – My documentary will

inform the audience by using facts

and figures such as the average

game hours played by a gamer

compared to someone who plays

games casually in their spare time.

Educate – The audience will be

educated on the effects gaming can

have on your social life.

Entertain – The audience will be

entertained by uses of relevant

imagery, upbeat music to keep the

tempo of the documentary,

interviews with game producers and

gamers and relevant archive


I am aiming to slot my documentary in the time period 7:30 – 8pm.

There is competition from the shows Strictly Come Dancing and The

X-Factor in which my target audience will be watching that as well.

However in February, X-Factor and Strictly Come Dancing will be

finished by then so my target audience will be drawn to my

documentary which will give me more views. I feel that there is no

serious competition around my time slot to be worried about.

Commercial Viability - Market

The Anti-Social NetworkThis documentary has a similar angle to my documentary. It looks at why people are addicted to video games and the amount of game hours which are consumed daily or weekly. From this documentary, I have more of an idea to what camera angles and what shot types I can do in order to better my documentary.

Renegade DocumentaryThis documentary focuses on why people playing video games and what they get out of playing it. From it, I can use the idea of facts and figures in my documentary. This will help improve my documentary and make it more appealing to my target audience.

Does Video Game Addiction Exist?This documentary focuses on questioning individuals on when they started playing video games and why. It also questions what video games they play. I can use this same idea and ask my interviewee’s why they started playing games. I will improve my documentary by having archive footage and images as this is an average documentary which just interview’s people.

Commercial Viability - BudgetIf I was to buy all of the equipment and

provide my actors with food, then out of

£7500 I would need to spend £5533.89 and

have £1966.11 remaining for anything else I

would need to spend money on.

However realistically, my school will provide

me with the equipment such as a camera,

tripod and camera battery. I will use the

school’s iMac’s and editing software’s when it

comes to editing my documentary. So really, I

will only need to spend money on the travel

when I go to record interview’s and shots.