amicus point of sale and business management system fuel module

Amicus Point of Sale and Business Management System Fuel module

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Amicus Point of Sale and Business Management

SystemFuel module

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• Fully Touch Screen Operation• Console and POS on one screen• Integrated EFTPOS• User and Management access controls• Allows shift pump meter readings and wet stock

entries • Safe Drop level warnings• View instant sales reports and running balances• Allows Multiple Barcodes for stock items• Strict stock control and back office facilities for

all sites

Features In Brief

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•Simple Pricing Wizard for UCB Multi Buy pricing and more•Multiple POS terminals per site and Multiple sites per business•Access one site remotely or control/view/sync Multiple Sites•Multitude of Reports From Sales to Stock. •Coming Soon, remote UPSS Certification and Reporting

Features In Brief

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Amicus Fuel ControlsAmicus Fuel

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With the Amicus Fuel Module you can control multiple pumps from a remote terminal.

Amicus Fuel includes touch screen controls attached to our standard sales touch screen.

This allows for a more natural feel & easier to use approach.

Touch Screen

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States•Switches the Pumps between possible state options.•Calling, Filling & Pre-sale will also display the number of pumps in that state

Fuel Controls

State Actions•The touch controls contain 2 sets of line & page controls.•Tap a Yellow action then a pump to perform that action.•Tap the orange action to perform that action on all pumps.

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Pump List•Displays a group of available pumps, the number of pumps in the group depends on screen size, i.e. Here the screen size allows for 6 pumps to be displayed.

Fuel Controls

Scroll pumps by one lineScroll pumps by group

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Fuel Controls

StatesEach pump will display the current state, there are several states including,•Stopped

•The pump is offline, Press Start then the pump number to start the pump.

•Calling•A customer has picked up the pump, Press pump number to start filling.

•Filling•Pump is in operation

•Pre-Sale•Customer hung up pump & is ready to purchase fuel.

•Locked/Idle•A hose is locked & a customer cant pick it up unless authorised. It is Idle when authorised & no delivery is taking place.

In the Pumps state the pump list will contain all the available pumps linked to this register

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Actions•Stop: stops a selected pump•Reset: resets a selected pump•Start: starts a selected pump•Stop All: Stops all pumps

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States•The list will only contain the pump numbers in which are in the calling state

In the calling state the pump list will contain all the pumps in the calling state.

Actions•Stop All: Stops all pumps

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States•Each pump listed will display an streaming value of how much fuel is being delivered to the customer.

In the Filling option the pump list will contain all the pumps in the Filling state

Actions•Stop All: Stops all pumps

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States•Each pump listed will display the product & the total value of how much fuel which has been delivered to the customer. There are 3 states in this mode,

In the Filling state the pump list will contain all the pumps in the Filling state

Blue: Stacked Sale

Grey: Processing Sale

Green: Pre-Sale

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Actions•Clear: Clears the selected pump due to Drive offs, Test deliveries or any other reason.•Stop All: Stops all pumps

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Making SalesAmicus Fuel

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Processing a Sale

All sales are processed as normal through our NBS Amicus POS system.

1.Tap the pumps you wish to add to the sale, e.g. Pumps 1 & 3.

2.Add other convenience products if required.

3.Press Close to stack the sale.

4.Press Suspend Sale to suspend the sale

5.Press the sale type to finalise the sale. i.e. Cash or Manual Credit Card.

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Fuel adjustments

You may have many reasons for removing a sale, i.e. A customer may need to move there car, a customer may drive off or you need to run tests on a pump. Clearing a sale will invoke an adjustment.

Form either the manage pumps dialogue or touch screen, tap clear then the pump you wish to adjust.

Select the type off adjustment, reporting the reason for clearing the sale.

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Fuel adjustments

Drive Off• The motorist drove

away without payingTest Delivery• The store clerk ran a

test delivery on the pump.

Other• Any other reason. You

will have to enter a note.

Close• This will stack the sale

for processing later.

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Suspended Sale

Tap the sale to reopen the sale.

Tap New Sale to start a new sale.

If the sale has been suspend while in the processing stage Amicus will store the sale, when the sale screen is opened again, a list of suspended sales will be available.

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Stacked Sales

NBS Amicus Fuel Module allows for multiple sales to be stacked and processed for a single pump.

On the touch screen a stacked sale will be places at the top of the queue on a blue button.

Here we see 5 stacked sales & 1 pre-sale.

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Amicus POS Fuel ShiftsAmicus Fuel

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Starting a Fuel Shift

NBS Amicus includes the ability to monitor & report on the flow of wet stock to all tanks, pumps & hoses. Starting a Fuel shift will open the Fuel Shift report allowing for opening readings for all active pumps & tanks.Tank Dips:Input manual readings of all tanks.

Pump Reading:Input manual readings of all pumps.

Hit Save to store the start readings.

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Ending a Fuel Shift

Similar to Starting a fuel shift, Ending a Fuel shift will open the same Fuel Shift report allowing for closing readings for all active pumps & tanks.Tank Dips:Input manual readings of all tanks.

Pump Reading:Input manual readings of all pumps.

Hit Save to store the end readings.

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Receiving Deliveries

NBS Amicus allows you to take easy delivery of wet stock. Access the Supplier Invoice dialogue from File Menu select Fuel Module > Tank Delivery.

You will see the Receive Products Dialogue, where all the details for your delivery can be entered. Here you would enter the details of wet stock delivered to your tanks.

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Amicus POS System: TillsAmicus Fuel

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Balancing Register

At the end of every day, you would like to know how much you have sold, and how much cash should be in each register.

NBS Amicus records all payments as entered by your staff during the course of a business day.

NBS Amicus has a single combined report for end of day processing .

The Balance Till screen with calculated totals will be displayed:

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Balancing Register

The balance till screen also gives flexibility by allowing several general & fuel specific options to be included or excluded from your report. Options include the fuel shift summary, Delivery Expectations & shift tank summary.

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View a Balance

1. Press Sales -> Till Actions -> View Status of Tills...

2. Select the site & till, press refresh.

3. Select the balance receipt to view then press View. And the till balance dialogue will appear.

The NBS Amicus POS system allow you to accurately and conveniently review the balance of your tills on the run.

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View a Balance cont.

From the Till Balance dialogue

Press View to display a summary.

Press Print to printout the till report.

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Safe DropsNBS Amicus Fuel allows for secure logging of daily till activities including cash in & out. From the File menu, select Sales > Till Actions > Cash In or Cash OutEach action uses the same dialogue, however the add cash to till will allow a different set of types to Remove cash from till. i.e. Float vs. Safe Drop.

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Amicus POS System ReportsAmicus Fuel

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Strip Printer

The NBS Amicus Fuel gives easy integration to strip printers.

All printed receipts conform to Local standards

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Period Sales & Payments

You can select the•Default site

•Where the main office is located.

•All sites•Includes all sites where sales have been processed.

•Other sites•Any site linked to the main office.

The Period Sales & Payments report displays sales & payments for stock purchased within a selected time frame on any given site.

The NBS Amicus Fuel Module allows you to view reports for different sites. Each report gives you the option to select which site you wish to view.

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Product Stock Levels

The Product Stock Levels report displays stock levels and transfers since the last stocktake period on a product by product basis.

Note: This report contains figures for all sites.

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Period Sales Summary

The Period Sales Summary report aims to give a brief summary of all sales broken down into types of sales & payments transactions.

Note: This report contains figures for the Northshore site.

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Product Stock Sales

The Product Stock Sales report shows sales activity on all stock transactions for a given set of products.

Focusing at the stages from stock purchased, stock sold, stock adjusted & a comparison of net against gross transfers.

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Standard Fuel Reports

Reports on the tank readings for the Start & End.

Wet Stock

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Standard Fuel Reports cont.

Tank Reconciliation

Reports on the shift readings from the start & end of a shift.

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Other Reports and Features

Amicus Fuel also includes a large variety of other reports and features.

For more information on the reports or any other questions regarding Amicus please feel free to contact Neotechnology on 1300 88 00 48

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Coming Soon

“NBS will be developing a system to remotely monitor usage of Environmental Compliance requirements”

Environmental Compliance Requirements