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  • 8/11/2019 American mice


    Perceptions of Humanity Speech.

    Humanity can be compared to the behaviour of a butterfly. Initially in its cocoon, it is shielded from

    reality, yet it holds the final intention of transforming into a butterfly, showcasing its full glory. When

    faced with trials and tribulations humanity often recoils in defence and creates illusions to deny

    reality. Often the motive for this is to pursue love and happiness, yet it becomes a vicious cycle as

    such individuals immerse themselves behind a facade resulting in a futile search for satisfaction.

    These two perceptions of humanity, shaped by ones socio-historical context are profoundly explored

    in Tennessee Williams post WWII play A Streetcar Named Desire and Sam Mendes late 20th

    century film American Beauty.

    Williams explores a perception of humanity by exposing how individuals escape reality like an insect

    within a cocoon and the truth by fabricating illusions. He characterises Blanche as a fragile woman

    who attempts to mask her insecurities through her talkative ways and falsified stories. Blanches fear

    of being a spinster compels her to deny her true age. This is shown symbolically as she exclaims Put

    it over the light bulb!requesting a Chinese lantern paper to cover the light. Additionally, this

    highlights her fear of revealing her dwindled looks in direct light, particularly in front of Mitch.

    Werent you going to change this into a question?Blanches obsessive and compulsive disorder of

    bathing, shows the mental manifestation of her shameful past of promiscuity as she attempts to

    cleanse herself. This is reflective of her conservative social climate where unmarried women were

    expected to be virgins. She creates a false facade of a proper, conservative woman who respects her

    body, as seen in her explanation to Mitch a girl alone in the world has got to keep firm hold onher

    emotions or shell be lost. The diction in alone creates the impression of a vulnerable woman. Her

    deviation from the accepted codes for women in society forces her to create a make believe world

    where she is pursued by men and is successful in her career. Williams suggests that individuals may

    create further lies to conceal initial ones, causing a spiral of despair and destitution in order to

    maintain their reputation. Blanche creates the story of frolicking on a cruise with Shep Huntleigh, a

  • 8/11/2019 American mice


    false identity who is a gentleman and having great wealth!This shows that Blanche is deluded in

    her world; demonstrating how humanity, should be wary of constructing false truths as it may

    compromise their self identity.

    Mendes further develops this perception of humanity by showing, all characters engaging some

    form of deceit within their dysfunctional families. What do the audience learn from the opening

    voice over?and in a way Im dead already? wWe discover the flaws of the family especially that of

    Lester which is incongruous to their immaculately trimmed lawn and grand estate. Mendes shows

    Lesters deviation from the accepted 1990s notion of men being successful and the breadwinners of

    the household. As a result Lester denies rejects this reality shown in the quote Im looking for the

    least possible amount of responsibilitywhich shows his selfish denial of his duty as a father. He

    creates a deluded stateas he relives his youth through working out at the garageand purchasing a

    red sports car. Similarly gay people, especially those of the military if shown some sort of

    homosexual desire were despised and looked down upon. Frank an aggressive soldierly man,

    immerses his homosexual desire behind a brute facade, of countless gay accusations of humanity

    and their ability to be unashamed of it. The quote what is this...a gay pride paradehighlights

    Franks attempt in denying his reality and fabricating an illusion of strong dislike for homosexual

    behaviour. However when Franks expressions of affection are rejected he is left almost suicidal. The

    profound impact and dangers of such illusions is shown by Franks crime in murdering Lester,

    allowing Mendes to state that the actions of humanity may go out of control.

    William displays another perception of humanity where individuals attempt to find love and

    happiness like a butterflys timely liberation from its cocoondespite difficult circumstances. Writing

    during a time when single females over the age of 30 were despised and looked down upon,

    Williams characterises Blanche as desperate to get married in order to achieve her happiness .

    Blanches exclamation in Yes I want Mitch very badly!highlights her attempt to marry Mitch an

    honest and upfront man. The quote You need somebody,And I need somebody too,shows Mitchs

  • 8/11/2019 American mice


    mutual desire for marriage yet, Williams states that an individuals pursuit for their idealised future,

    may change unexpectedly, depending on exterior circumstances. When Mitch discovers her

    promiscuous past and the untruthful facade, his pursuit for love and happiness ceases to exist.

    Williams also suggests that this happiness was continued as during the post war period, wives were

    expected to conform to marital expectations and tolerate their husbandshusbandsbehaviour. Stella

    is expected to tolerate StanleysStanleysaggressive drinking and violence in order to maintain a

    functional family. Stellasstatement Im not in any thing I want to get out ofcertifies their fulfilling

    marriage of support and consideration for one another. This demonstrates how humanitys

    mandatory pursuit for love and happiness in spite of their situations, hold varied outcomes of

    despair and hope.

    This perception is further cultivated through Mendes characterisation of humankind as he criticises

    an individuals blind pursuit of the American dream to find happiness despite difficult circumstances.

    With contextual difference of five decades, the 1990s American society no longer condemned pre-

    marital and extra-marital sex.As the embodiment of the American Dream, CarolynsCarolyns

    attempt to find love and happiness yether futile relationship with Lester, compels her to have an

    affair with Buddy King. The quote Oh Isee you think your the only one whossexually frustrated

    highlights their meaningless marriage and lack of love. This highlights humanitys inability to resist

    being unloved and ignored compelling them to relentlessly find love and happiness albeit through

    unfaithfulness and infidelity. Lester wants to escape from his self perceived failure as a father. He is

    tired of his pointless relationship which is clearly shown through his voice over at the inception of

    the movie. The quote I used to be happyshows the obvious flaw in Lesters life especially that of

    his marriage seen through the subsequent scenes of him isolated in bed. How does he attempt to

    relive his youth? He finds young love with Angela, which is purely powered by sexual desire there, he

    attempts to seek satisfaction by keeping in touch with his youthful vigour by fantasising about


  • 8/11/2019 American mice


    The behaviour of a butterfly and its transformations through life, is a clear representation of

    humanity. Its ability to shield itself from reality, with an intention to find love and happiness, is

    represented by the composers.

    By Jorwe Trinh.