amanda estrada - final university project


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MAY, 2014



Work done by: Ms. Amanda Maria Estrada Calvo.

Directed by: Plácido D. Sierra Herrezuelo.




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The research focuses on segmenting the hotels in the city of Malaga, from the

point of view of its approach or orientation to marketing scenarios considering all

existing marketing orientation in our present. The study responds to the descriptive

method compared to quantitative research; with the application of the technique surveys

responsible for marketing and commercial department of the hotels between one and

five stars. The data we got helped us to discover the five most distinctive marketing

approaches of the hotels in La Costa del Sol.

The most important results highlighted that there is more than one approach to

marketing in hotels, and that such approaches are linked with the categories thereof. It is

claimed that being efficient in production is the most common approach among the

hotels, and that Social Marketing had a great value for future marketing developments.


Keywords: orientation to the marketing, hotels in Malaga, approaches to segmentation.


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Among the wide range of elements of the tourism sector, identified with the lodging; where find hotels, inns, resorts have important role for the development of the sector. Barreto (2007) mentions that the hotel was born as a complementary tourism element. From the 12th century hostels already were on Europe's roads; and countries like France and England began to implement laws to regulate the activity. Fields & Gonçalves (1998) point out that media hosting are fundamental in the viability of the tourism industry and that the lack of them can produce that a region with great tourist potential is not developed. Media hosting Act in the tourism market receiving clients/guests and offer complementary services such as recreation, food, rides, parking, internet, among others as well as the hosting service. The sector responsible for promoting the study and the relationship of the hotel with its market must be the marketing (Kotler, 2000). The conquest of loyal customers can generate income in the long term guidelines for continued growth and increased satisfaction for employees whose daily service is best if treated with grateful customers (Lovelock & Wirtz, 2006: 302). In the competitive scene of today, the marketing orientation and its derivatives are used as reactive and proactive strategies to meet the needs of the client and search positioning in the market, using both strategic marketing and tactical according to Lambin (1997), which would allow the successful development of the competitive company offering satisfactory products to the client, prior knowledge of the needs and imagination of the future needs of the customer. Malaga city and province has a very strong tourism sector made up a majority of means of accommodation. Our study tries to analyze and segment are focused or marketing-oriented hotels in the city based on the different orientations to marketing existing today. He was a literature review of the pertinent literature which supports empirical research, concluding with a hypothesis verified through a descriptive analysis in relation to a quantitative research. The collection of data based on a realization of surveys. These were then treated from a multivariate statistical analysis presenting the results and conclusions.

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There are different definitions of marketing including, two of the most used are the following: "a social and administrative process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through generate, provide and exchange products of value with his fellows" (Philip Kotler, 1984) and Miguel Santesmases as "a way of conceiving and executing the terms of trade ", with the aim that should be satisfactory to the parties involved and society through the development, assessment, distribution and promotion by one of the parties, of the goods and services or ideas that the other party needs"(Miguel Santesmases Mestre, 1996).

Since the beginning of the world already its first inhabitants were in practical notions of marketing, since sometimes they had surplus production by what they did trade in goods between villages thus creating trade, one of the bases of the concept of marketing. Then, in 1800 in the Industrial Revolution is when companies bet on mass production at a low cost, not lasting much this thought as a result of the global crisis of the 1920's. And it is then when the purchasing power of customers being reduced excessively production decreases. Consumers who previously could access any products in all its varieties now change the concept and sought higher quality. Employers at that time to see the change to the need of their customers understand that the opportunity in their business is devoting more time and efforts to improve the effectiveness of its products. On the basis of the objective, which were chosen over competitors.

All this brought as an initiative the development of the concept of "orientation or approach to marketing" at American universities such as Harvard by what the emergence of marketing as a discipline goes back to the middle of the 20th century. We can say that the origin of the marketing part oriented products suitable for the Group of buyers that were sensitive to consume them. Companies when they began to use marketing techniques, its main objective was only to get economic benefits without taking into account create a bond with the customer. In addition to detecting needs, latent or not, the market; create product or service suitable for market it, not everything is there, but we have to get the customer to repeat purchase turning them into faithful of our brand; because if there is something that has changed is the consumer since they can access information and every time they are more demanding. The philosophy of marketing encompasses calls 4 p: product, price, distribution and communication. With the advancement in society and the emergence of new

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technologies are added other 3 p: positioning, people and packaging. Businesses will be oriented or focused marketing in five different ways:

-          Production orientation: based on improving their production processes to gain a better return and cost of their products. It is more efficient when we compete in a price sensitive market. 

-          Orientation to the product: is based on the improving of quality, design and performance of the products in a company. In this aspect it promotes innovation and creativity. 

-          Sales-oriented: appears when the companies believe not to sell all the goods produced by what its main objective will be to increase sales. 

-          Marketing orientation: put in practice corporations which are oriented to the needs of the customer; with the mere aim of satisfying them better and more efficient than the competition.

 -          Social Marketing orientation: leads to the philosophy of marketing

advanced since in this case needs not only satisfies customers but also to everything related to it as: the environment, society, employees, suppliers and the public directly and indirectly related to the company environment.


After a stroll through the history of marketing, have a brief contact with their concepts and observe how it behaves now, we're going to be focusing on our object of study that it is perform a segmentation of the hotels in the province of Malaga in relation to their orientation or approach to marketing. Not only marketing applies to products but also to services such as in the case of hotels; since the good treatment that customers receive will be filed in their memories and so want them to visit us again. With the new technologies seem to other modalities when carrying out actions of marketing in this sector. Appears the online world and with didactic form of book in this way; so companies must adapt through websites or mobile applications to meet your target audience. Also come to light social networks and search engines, where people can leave comments of your lived experience, a factor that sometimes can affect negatively and positively to the business. We will then discuss how it behaves now through the study of a few specific articles on this sector and subject matter.


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Initially we focus our search of the subject matter in Malaga and province, being this failed because there was no study on it. Then to determine the State of the empirical research about the focus or orientation to marketing in hotel establishments, a search was conducted in various international journals. EBSCOhost EJS (Electronic Journals Service) international magazine is in which detected more studies of our interest. When selecting them, we use a main filter based on date of publication; understanding that while most recently to our days were the items they leave behind in content and study to the oldest. Once chosen and examined in detail, through a deep reading, build a small table of comparison in reference to the following aspects: year, author, and topic of research, methodology, conclusions and variables. The objective is to perform a summary where we relate all items coming to the same conclusion for everyone, which we'll discuss in the next subsection. The selected items are shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1. Articles.

Marketing holístico en la industria hotelera en puno- Perú. Flores Mamani, Emilio. Yapuchura Sayco, Angélica. (2012)

Revisión conceptual del marketing interno y verificación de la utilidad de sus principios fundamentales en la empresa. Núñez Gorrín, José Manuel. (2009)

Situación actual y planteamientos futuros para la Investigación de marketing en España. Gázquez Abad, J. C. Jiménez Castillo, D. (2009)

Linking marketing efforts to financial outcome: an Exploratory study in tourism and hospitality contexts. Basak Denizci, Xiang (Robert) Li. (2009)

The Relationship of Sales and Marketing Expenses to Hotel Performance in the United States. John W. O'Neill, Bjorn Hanson and Anna S. Mattila. (2008)

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Source: Own elaboration.

In addition to the previous methodology used to select and analyze articles, it should be commenting that the main lines of research on orientation to the marketing in the hospitality industry, through the most prominent topics, also reviewed to so rule out possible research. The topics were observed through examination of the title, abstract, keywords or central body of each article. This helped avoid possible introduction in the study of invalid articles for it.

Characteristics of research in hotel marketing

Seen in selected research for this study, the authors of these only involved in its work; so from this point of view cannot locate guru on the subject. The Figure 1 details the temporal evolution of the articles.

 Graphic 1. Temporal evolution of the articles.

Estrategias de implantación del Yield Management: El caso de la hostelería madrileña. Figueroa Domecq, Cristina Talón Ballestero, Pilar y Vacas Guerrero, Catalina. (2008)


Group Sales and Marketing in Convention Hotels. Susan R, Gregory. Sheryl F, Kline. Deborah Breiter. (2008)

The new role of the corporate and functional strategies in the tourism sector: Spanish small and medium-sized hotels. Ribeiro Soriano, Domingo. (2007)

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Source: Own elaboration.

It turns out that in 2007 he began to arise the interest in examining the approach u orientation marketing in hotels having studies increased in 2008 and 2009, then already be noticing the importance of this line of research as in consecutive years as the 2012. Although he is still this theme it is in view of research growth since there are not many experts who are dedicated to this topic, almost none of the national level. This is an important and decisive factor for our future research project. Something peculiar is that we have 90% of papers with empirical application compared to 10% of theoretical works. We have a single study of a Spanish author, focused in our country under the title "current situation and approaches to future research of marketing in Spain." Gazquez-Abad, J. C. Jiménez Castillo, D. coinciding with our unique theoretical article. We found that many empirical studies on the subject matter, in our region, there are and will bear it in mind to use this technique in our work. The authors in that case used surveys, as a method to collect data from the companies. These surveys are based on personal interviews to managers or staff with senior official hotels, which were built from questions in depth and open, including very few scale, later the table 1 are listed in these questions. The themes of more interest in study, recidivism of the authors, on selected items are based on the following:

-          What contributes from a monetary point of view the actions of marketing in the hospitality industry?

-          How tend to integrate the concepts of marketing in the hotel companies, understanding in respect of its staff as well as to identify with them.

-          Evolution of the orientation to the marketing and its derivatives in the hotels.

Still the issue less researched on the application of the philosophy of marketing in large, small and medium-sized Spanish companies in the hotelier. Most of these studies come from colleges and some consist as doctoral theses. Among which are: the University of

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Almeria, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, University of Southern California and the University of Valencia. Below are the Chart 2 which reflects the majority of publications produced by these educational statutes.

Graph 2. Universities by number of publications.

Source: Own elaboration.

In the course of the literature review highlights a schools for being that more research on hotel marketing and is the so-called Cornell University School of Hotel Administration of United States, dedicating a specific section to these matters the Cornell Hospitality Quarterly. Understand different types of methodologies used by the authors and shown in the following Figure 3:

Figure 3. Most widely used methodologies.





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Source: Own elaboration.

You can detail the most common methodology is based on the descriptive analysis, with the completion of frequencies, and in equal measure follows the correlations. In the article conceptual review of the internal marketing and verification of the utility of its principles in the company  it was in the only case that the authors used Anova and principal components, the latter was used in order to reduce to the maximum the number of variables allowing the correlation between them and they resorted to the Anova in order to verify the null hypothesis since they had to examine whether the set of independent variables influenced on his type-dependent variable continuous. The variables that facilitated this research were variable type scale ranging from 1 to 5. After analysis they arrived at the conclusion, stating his hypothesis, that the internal Marketing is something fundamental in the enterprise in order to achieve its objectives. With respect to the evolution in the methodology failed to verify clear progress, since in the first years of study used descriptive analyses but already for 2009 they resorted to more efficient and advanced as the factorial analysis. There is something interesting to take into account and is that the majority of information or data from the studies were obtained through secondary information variables used by each author do not coincide in any case since each adapts them to his Studio environment, while in general about the hotel marketing. In table 1 we can see it in more detail:

Table 1. Variables used in the articles.

Articles. Variables.

Holistic in the hospitality industry marketing inPuno - Peru.

1. Performance of managers.

2. Communication medium used.

3. Training received by workers.

4. Frequency of sale price them.

5. Strategy to retain and maintain

communication with the client.

6. Relationship with suppliers.

7. Spread social messages.

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Conceptual review of the internal marketing and verification of the utility of its fundamental principles in the company.   

1. The effort that is willing to make for

your business.

2. The commitment that you feel for your


3. The level that you involved feel with

your company.

4. Your motivation in general for his

work in the company.

5. Your satisfaction in general with the

work in your company.

6. The pride he feels for his work.

7. Stability of employment offering.

8. The pride he feels for your business.

9. The taste for work.

Linking marketing to Financial efforts outcome: an Exploratory study in tourism And hospitality contexts.

1. Size of the industry.

2. Ads costs.

3. Satisfaction customer.

4. ROE.

5. ROA.

The Relationship of Sales and Marketing Expenses to Hotel Performance in the United States.   Strategies for implementation of the Yield Management: the case of the Madrid hotel.

1. Marketing payroll.

2. Total revenues per room.

3. Occupation

4. Daily rate

5. Average (ADR)

6. Gross operating.

7. Category hotel.

8. Type of exploitation

9. YM activities.

10. Provides Revenue management.

11. Weeks with other departments there

are meetings RM.

12. There are specific for SW YM.

13. Hotel size.



Group Sales and Marketing in Convention Hotels.

1. Square feet of total meeting space by


2. Number of meeting room.

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3. Square feet dedicated space of

exhibition by property

4. Percentage of premises used for the


5. Years in current position

6. The duration of the time of managers

7. Used the Internet for work.

8. Level of satisfaction with the sales

section of groups of Web site.

The new role of corporate and functional strategies in the tourism sector: Spanish smallAnd medium-sized hotels.

1. Advantages of the appropriate trade


2. Qualifications where staff should be


3. Financial obstacles to business


4. Attitudes to be developed in the future

to deal with the majority of direct


5. Changes planned for the future.

Source: Own elaboration.

Topical research in hotel marketing

In relation to all jobs, came out of a series of topics which include: research in marketing, financial results or the company's income, efforts of marketing and technology applied in the hospitality industry, hotel industry. The most studied topic is the referral to the financial results or income of the company which include it articles dealing with topics such as: If applying concepts and techniques of marketing in the company of the same monetary benefits can be increased. It also appears in investigations where it is checked whether efficient or not is the use of technologies in hotels for the benefit of customers. Universities that most examined this issue were the international as Hong Kong and California. Investigations of this kind were mainly characterized by being of an empirical nature. Its main objective to investigate based on information provided by employers own a priori. There are some certain trends in this sector, which we encounter in the first moment that we analyze such investigations, and we can name them: the increased use and reliance on mobile devices, loyalty and commitment through the video, not provided keywords, personalized remarketing, OTA

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vs. Direct bookings, meta search, semantic search, Google carousel for hotels, the new multi-screen world, marketing in social networks, growing importance of Google Plus, greater use of Analytics, loading speed of web and geo-targeting.



In the development of this work, we have tried to analyze how it behaved investigations concerning the focus or orientation of hotel marketing in Spanish companies over the past years, with the help of up-to-date magazines in this sector. The main objective was to know the evolution of the research on this subject to be aware today in reference to these studies and take ideas to determine the new purpose of research. So looking at the conclusions of the authors can come to ask our objectives in research and hypothesis. In general these conclusions can be deduced:

-          In recent years the discipline of marketing has evolved incredibly over the emergence of areas such as: marketing and market research in Spanish universities emphasizing the concepts of consumer behavior, commercial distribution, advertising and strategic marketing.

-          Investment in marketing in the hospitality sector companies always will positively affect the same benefits.

-          Technology is in the hands of the marketing of hotels so it must be her very present to cater to customers with the greatest possible efficiency.


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As it could be detected in the literature review there is not research that has done a study on the approach of marketing for hotels in Malaga City quantitatively. My main objective will be to target hotels in La Costa del Sol by their kind of marketing approach. Therefore I will limit my study by the category of hotels including hotel establishments ranging from one to five stars.



H1: The hotels in Malaga do not have only one type of marketing approach.

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H2: There is a high ratio between the marketing approach and the category of hotels.

H3: The approach to the cost or production efficiency is one of the more common in hotels.

H4: Nowadays hotels in La Costa del Sol are not focused on Social Marketing.







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MethodWe will establish a quantitative research based on a descriptive study as Gil

(2002) descriptive investigations have as main objective the description of the characteristics of a given population or phenomenon, or the establishment of relationships between variables. According to the author, some descriptive research goes beyond the simple identification of the relationships between variables and try to determine the nature of those relationships. This stage of the research is characterized by being the type of survey or survey. According to May (2004) the surveys offer a quick and inexpensive way of discovering the characteristics and beliefs of the population.

The AD-HOC survey was the instrument used for the collection of data at this stage. Among its various forms decided to use the personal survey remote telephone since they are faster in your application, mean less costs and response rate tends to be high. Our respondents, at first, will be in charge of the Marketing Department, or similar, each hotel and as a second option the representatives thereof. We have a total of 809 properties on the Costa del Sol which it has decided to use as a framework of research hotels of category between one and five stars being a total of 454. The source that has given us this information comes from the register of tourism of Andalusia of the Concierge tourism and trade surveys were carried out so randomly stratified in a minimum of 215 surveys so that the study to be effective. On the basis of a questionnaire structured questions closed on valuations and assessed by the scale Likert scale described by Garson (2004), with seven values (the "1" to "7"), which in addition to allowing comparisons of ordinal type and designates this author, is useful as metric scale, reason by which is used by the majority of the studies for the application of statistical techniques. Calls started from April 14 to May 14 during business hours from Monday to Friday. The majority of the interviews will be carried out in Spanish but we do not rule out meet with some English-speaking directors. Then you can see in table 2, a sheet appears where the methodological overview and offer you the questionnaire in view in annexes 1.

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Table 2. Methodological Factsheet.


 All hotels in the Costa del Sol. 



From 14 April 2014 until 14 may 2014.

Opening hours:

Monday to Friday: 10:00 am-14:00 pm

                         17:00 am-20:00 pm



Spanish and English.




Personal distance via telephone interview.

The questionnaire is structured with questions

closed on valuations.




Random stratified by category and municipality.

They are carried out surveys to between one and

five-star hotels and in this order:


Malaga___22, 80%.Marbella___20%Torremolinos___17%Nerja___10%Ronda___12%Estepona___7%Benalmadena___6, 2%Fuengirola___3%Mijas___2%Hotels 1 Estrella___15%Hotels 2% Estrellas___25Hotels 3% Estrellas___25Hotels 4% Estrellas___30Hotels 5 Estrellas___5%

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A total of 215 telephone surveys will be carried

out, as a minimum.



Defined in the range of 95% confidence, and

under the most unfavorable conditions of

sampling (p = q = 0.5), for an infinite population

(N) and a sample size (n) of 215, was

You get a sample error of ±5. 01 for the overall


Source: Own elaboration.











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A priori we decided to reduce the variables and as Díaz de Rada (2002), with the method of principal components factor analysis has been used. According to this author, this procedure is most often used in the social and commercial research. The objective of the principal components procedure is the transform variables in few components, which are linear combinations of variables. Within the methods of rotation and at the suggestion of the same author, used the Varimax procedure, which is also the most widely used in social research and aims to minimize the number of variables with high saturations in the same factor or component. As suggested by Díaz de Rada (2002), extraction of components in the analysis it was decided starting from obtaining "eigenvalues" greater than "1". In this case we use the correlations presented the table of components for each variable with respect to the extracted factors and in consequent assign to each variable the factor with which it has more correlation or weight. Following proposed by Díaz de Rada (2002), we sought that each factor was composed of three or more variables, eliminating those associated with a single variable, since it is poorly defined. In the case of existence of factors with two variables, Díaz de Rada (2002) indicates to keep the factor only if the variables have a correlation or weight greater than 0.7 in the component table. Also, Díaz de Rada (2002) points out that the variables with a low value of extraction must be eliminated in the array of communities. Extraction value corresponds to the percentage of variance in each variable explained by the factor analysis and low levels - Díaz de Rada (2002) used as limit 0.4 - indicate that the variable is not properly explained by the factor analysis.

In order to verify the significance of that data get consistent factors, we used the index Kaiser-Mayer-Olkin (KMO), which varies between 0 and 1. Díaz de Rada (2002) points out that when the KMO coefficient is low it implies that correlations between each pair of variables not be explained by each other, so that the factor analysis cannot be used. Garson (2004) points out that the next one is the index KMO, most recommended is the use of the factorial and that less than 0.5 results indicate that the data should not be treated with this technique. Díaz de Rada (2002) also recommends the use of the Bartlett test of Sphericity (PEB), pointing out that the factor analysis is suitable the more higher the result obtained. Below in table 3, KMO - Bartlett, test data are obtained in the study, KMO = 0, greater than 0.5 766, it is acceptable, which indicates that we can continue with the analysis and finally to observe test Bartlett, that confirms this, with a level of Sig. = 0000 < α = 0, 05 is not accepted the Ho: there is no correlation between the variables. The following table 4 shows that for our study we get 4 main

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components meeting the test of eigenvalues with values greater than "1" and accounting for approximately 62,22% of all cases.

Table 3. KMO and Bartlett test.

KMO and Bartlett's test

Measure of sampling adequacy of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin. 766

Bartlett's sphericity test Approximate chi-squared 979,436

ALH 91

GIS. 000

Source: Own elaboration.

Table 4. Total explained variance.

 Source: Own elaboration.

With the help of table 5 we pass to analyze each component in reference to load or weighting of each factor in each of the variables, it will opt for variables with greater weight for each component so provide a description to each.

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Table 5. An array of rotated principal components.

Rotated component matrix  Component

1 2 3 4Cost efficiency is a primary objective for the company.

158 050 675 -, 146

How important is the improvement in production? 086 -, 027

803 -, 017

It is essential for the hotel to be effective in the distribution of its services.

000 179 772 089

Continually innovate in your products/services. 647 450 143 -, 039

The quality of their products is a key factor for the development of the business.

868 107 091 019

They carry out a continuous improvement of its products / services.

844 125 154 023

The promotion is an essential element in order to meet the sales target.

342 -, 141

-, 217


Sales is the resource most consulting 082 -, 061

-021, 783

They often use forces of sales or direct marketing to increase sales.

-, 238

144 049 790

Do you think that adapt their products to the customer's needs is paramount to achieving the goals of the company?

017 646 169 350

Know satisfaction or criticism of your customers is a key objective for the company.

554 547 -, 027


They use marketing strategies to retain giving personalized service to its customers.

576 484 044 -014,

It has implemented a system of CSR (corporate social responsibility)

180 763 031 -, 033

The importance that has for the company trade fair. 270 678 084 -, 277

Extraction method: principal component analysis. Rotation method: Standardization Varimax with Kaiser. to

The rotation has converged in 6 iterations.

Source: Own elaboration.

 Variables with higher load factor in component 1 are as follows:

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Continually innovate in your products/services. 647

The quality of their products is a key factor for the development of the business.


They carry out a continuous improvement of its products / services. 844


The questions are about the quality of the products for which this component will be the reference to the "Innovation in products and services". Component 2 has greater weight in load factor:

Do you think that adapt their products to the customer's needs is paramount to achieving the goals of the company?


Know satisfaction or criticism of your customers is a key objective for the company.


They use marketing strategies to retain giving personalized service to its customers.


It has implemented a system of CSR (corporate social responsibility) 763

The importance that has for the company trade fair. 678


The content focuses on aspects that describe the marketing and social marketing then we understand this component as "Relationship Marketing". Our 3 component has a high relationship with issues relating to production due to high loads factorial of the variables studied, and accordingly were on the "Production efficiency".

Cost efficiency is a primary objective for the company. 675

How important is the improvement in production? 803

It is essential for the hotel to be effective in the distribution of its services.



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Finally we have the component 4 that applying the same analysis that we came to the conclusion that were in the previous surplus "sales force" is checked by observing their loads corresponding factorials.

The promotion is an essential element in order to meet the sales target.


Sales is the resource most consulting 783

They often use forces of sales or direct marketing to increase sales.



After meeting the main components we have conducted a study of cluster analysis, also known as cluster or numerical taxonomy analysis, is a technique of multivariate statistics which allows you to set homogeneous groups internally and heterogeneous among them. There are a number of steps that we continue to be able to conclude with a satisfactory analysis which are: the preparation phase, which includes our analysis factor of main components and the exclusion of outliers that can distort the results. In the second phase we determine the specifications of the study, based on hierarchical cluster method using the procedure of Ward, in the rest of the procedures is a trend towards the chain which makes the extraction of the cluster. Distance measurement we use was the Euclidean distance squared and the hierarchical method provided the dendrogram which we could display "5" clusters (see Appendix 2). We then apply the method of optimization, method of conglomerates plots. The one which gathers cases based on the distances between them in a set of variables. The method begins by selecting the K most distant cases together, determining beforehand the conglomerates K, in our case "5". Then starts the sequential reading of the data file by assigning each case to the nearest centers and updating the value centers to new cases, centers of conglomerate initials (see annex 3) are being incorporated. It also gives us the history of interactions where converge in 29 interaction (see annex 4) and after that all cases have been assigned to one of the clusters K, starts an interactive process to calculate the final "5" cluster centroids, table 6.  

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Table 6. Final cluster Center.

The final cluster centers  Conglomerate

1 2 3 4 5Innovation in products and services.

52608 84856 -1,36095 -, 07266 00156

Relational marketing -, 47505 -, 55425 -, 58662 71961 48370

Productive efficiency -1,29098 60491 20457 69742 -1,01755

Sales force -1,09274 61642 18404 -, 69297 62265

Source: Own elaboration.

Final centers correspond to the mean values of each case that part of each conglomerate. Then from these centers, we can identify the different types of approaches to marketing of the hotels in the province of Malaga. Due to the complexity in interpreting the cluster decided to rely on custom tables where we analyze the means of the variables for each group (see Appendix 5) as well as comparisons of means of columns which are distributed by categories represented the largest average (see annex 6). In table 7 you can see a summary of the respective interpretation of the cluster, taking into account the above criteria.

Table 7. Interpretation of Cluster.






-          Innovation of the


-          Quality of


-          Improvement of



-          Satisfaction of

the clients.

-          Use of marketing






















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-          Cost efficiency.

-          Improvement in


-          Quality of


-          Improvement of
















3- Approach to

production and starting to consider an approach to the MARKETING 

-          Improvement in


-          Efficiency in


-          The sales.

-          The forces of

sales or direct

marketing as a

key factor to

increase sales.














-          Cost efficiency

as a fundamental

objective for the


-          Improve


-          Importance of


implementation of

a system of

corporate social


-          Fair trade.


























-          Use of

promotions to

meet objectives.

-          The sales.

-          Use of forces of

sales or direct

marketing to















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increase sales.

-          Adaptation of


to the needs of the








Source: Own elaboration.

First of all identify those variables that have a high average in issues as the innovation of the products and services, the quality of the products/services, improved products/services, the satisfaction of customers and use of marketing strategies so we can consider that "Particleboard 1" encompasses hotels with a approach to the products/services and starting taking an approach to the Marketing

Second note to "Conglomerate 2" high values for the subjects concerning the efficiency costs, improvement in production, quality of products/services and improvement of its products and services, so it will be those that reflect a high approach to production and undertaking an approach to the quality of products/services.

Third issues more protruding by appreciate middle high are the improvement in production, efficiency in distribution, sales and forces of sales or direct marketing as a key factor to increase their sales by considering this "3 conglomerate" including hotels with a approach to production and starting to consider an approach to the Marketing

In fourth place following the same previous dynamic highlights efficiency in costs as objective is fundamental for the company, to improve production, importance of the implementation of a system of corporate social responsibility and fair trade, so our "Chipboard 4" will understand to hotel establishments with an approach to production considering the importance of an approach to Social Marketing.

Fifth issues more protruding with a middle superior compared to the other variables are: the use of promotions to meet sales targets, sales, the use of forces of sales or direct marketing to increase sales and products/services adapted to the needs of the client. As a result of this "Chipboard 5" presented to hotels with an approach to sales and starting an approach to the Marketing.

After the conclusion of the analysis of the cluster, you can see that this empirical study there is a single approach to marketing reference hotels in the province of Malaga, which are combinations of more than one in each conglomerate. We can also characterize some groups through the representation of custom tables of different

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variables on the basis of each conglomerate. The variable that we found most interesting to cross data was that of categories and for this we have developed a custom table %-based columns (see annex 7) by applying the Pearson chi-square test (see annex 8) where the Sig. = 0.00 < α = 0, 05 for it which do not accept the Ho: independence between variables and the cluster, then check the dependency between the category of the hotel and the different types of approaches. In Figure 8 you can see as there is a greater tendency in the 1 star hotels to focus on sales, although they also apply approaches of Marketing being in the same situation of 2 star hotels. In the case of the 3-star hotels, a considerable part of them tend to focus on the product/service and starting taking an approach to Marketing. Arguably seen the graph that most 4 star hotels present an approach to production beginning to consider an approach to the Marketing. Finally cannot be said none of the 5 star hotels not being so relevant approach to the study.

Figure 8. Type of approach to marketing by categories of hotels.

Source: Own elaboration.



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ConclusionsTourism market in Spain, more specifically in Malaga Capital, has significantly

grown. To be aligned with that growth and to focus properly on their customers should be the primary objective for any tourist project. Within this context, the hospitality industry is established as the most important in tourism. Demand increasing infers the importance of the marketing approach adopted by hotels, so in that way costumers needs can be covered.

The main objective was to target hotels in the city of Malaga in regard to their tourist venture marketing approach through a descriptive study establishing a quantitative research. For its achievement, we included only one to five star hotels and we employed a factor analysis with principal components and then we performed a cluster analysis.

Thus, it was found that hotels in Malaga do not have only one type of marketing approach since analysis cluster concluded with five groups in which each hotel category has a mix of approaches:

1 - Approach to production and undertaking an approach to the quality of products/services.

2 - Approach to the products/services and starting taking an approach to the Marketing

3 - Approach to production and starting to consider an approach to the Marketing

4 - Approach to production considering the importance of an approach to Social Marketing.

5 - Approach to sales and starting an approach to the Marketing

It could be demonstrated that the approach to the cost or production efficiency  is one of the most common approaches in hotels in La Costa del Sol since it is included in each group. Also noteworthy is the emergence of Social Marketing as an obvious approach applied to hotels.

In hotels, with respect to its category, is identified a clear relationship with the types of approaches. There are a higher proportion of 1 star hotels, closely related with the approach to sales and starting a Marketing approach coinciding with these 2 star hotels. The approach to the products/services and starting taking an approach to the Marketing  is identified with a quite corresponding to 3 star hotels most. The Hotels 4

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star were the most relevant for being a large part to the approach to production and starting to consider an approach to the Marketing Concerning the hotels 5 star could not determine a focus on specific by not showing significant values in this study.

Research favorably concluded on the basis of the conformity of the majority of initial guesses and also see how hotels in the Costa del Sol are slowly taking an approach to marketing understanding so the orientation to the customer is essential to obtain the desired objectives of the company.


LimitationsIt is a limitation of the research that it was performed only to hotel companies

because that would have been more attractive to do the same study to other establishments, of equal size, of the tourism sector. I understand addition as limitation include only between 1 and 5 star hotels to hostels or Bed & Breakfast and can include among others. We also collect few data on the 5 star hotels. When it comes to surveys many of the hotels included in the database already there were or data were not correct. Sometimes not we could contact by telephone the marketing department managers or business of the company and therefore had to send you a form via email, that sometimes we had not answered. We have the drawback that many hotels had no marketing department or business we believe that eventually we should see included a variable of that style to cross data. There were also cases that you’re marketing department or trade it had subcontracted and to these we tried it as missing values. With respect to the variables have not been evaluated all the objective of limiting the scope of the investigation.

The futureThen we propose several ideas, in dependence on the central theme of this work, from which you can add other criteria for the development of the subject matter to future researchers.

-          The development of a related research with the why the hotels do not have a marketing department or commercial would be of great contribution to the continuation of this work.

-          We propose the use of analysis techniques applied in this research, but studies in other sectors of tourism including other activities in the service sector.

-          We understand that you should conduct research, with the same structure or similar to our study, in other municipalities of the autonomous region and

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compare them with our conclusions happens well take a common profile of properties at the level of Andalusia.


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