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In the name of Allah, the most benificent and merciful Peace and blessings upon our noble messenger MuhammadInitial Study of the Muslim Village Project

And when ye withdraw from them and that which they worship except Allah, then seek refuge in the Cave; your Lord will spread for you of His mercy and will prepare for you a pillow in your plight. (16:AlKahf-Holy Quran)

ContentsVillage concept & systemsEconomic systemSocial systemPolitical systemCultural system

LocationSiwa OasisInformation needed from applicants

General Village concept and system of affairsThe Muslim village is a utopian villageNot only does it depend on Gods commands to rule, but it depends on pure and peaceful hearts collaborating for this goal.

General Village concept and system of affairsThe Muslim Village does NOT belong to ANY sect, it is not Salafi, Sufi, nor Shiite. The village has Muslims living by the Quran and the Prophets Sunna.Non Muslims are welcome in the village and are treated respectfully in compliance with the teaching of the prophet Mohamed (pbuh). Given they conform with the villages public rules and constitution.

General Village concept and system of affairsIn this critical stage of our ummas history we need men and women than can carry this religion on their shoulders, and putting Allahs love in their hearts.As our prophet started the religion, when he went to madina the madinians shared all their properties with the immigrants for the sake of God, not wanting any gains other than the satisfaction of the supreme Lord. With this loving spirit we are establishing the Muslim village, God willing, which will be the nucleus of the future Muslim Umma together with its likes. Creating Generations of peace and prosperity.

General Village concept and system of affairs

Allah's Messenger, Muhammad (pbuh) said:

In their love and concern for each other, all members of this Brotherhood are one body: when any part of the body suffers, the whole body feels the pain

Muttafaq Alayh

The Islamic Brotherhood is not based on economic interests, race, or color. It is based on something infinitely superior: Rejection of falsehood and acceptance of the Truth as revealed by the One True God.

Economic System

Economic SystemThe first stage is obviously the most difficult, but it carries the greatest reward God willingFor best results and Allahs protection we must spend and be on one mans heart.And what is wrong with you that you should not spend in the way of Allah, while to Allah belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the earth? Those who spent before the Conquest and fought are not at par (with others). Those are much greater in rank than those who spent later and fought, though Allah has promised the good (reward) for each.3Allah is well aware of what you do. (The quran10:57)

Economic SystemAllah's Messenger, Muhammad (pbuh) said:

None of you will have faith till he wishesfor his brother what he likes for himself.

Bukhari and Muslim

Economic SystemIn this stage all participants must collaborate with whatever they have and put it in one basket to make this work.This requires an elevated belief and spiritual state.We are all one & we are all equal in duties and benefits.

Allah's Messenger, Muhammad (pbuh) said: "The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allaah than the weak believer, while there is good in both. Guard over that which benefits you, seek Allaah's Assistance,wa laa ta'jiz(don't lend yourself to things devoid of benefit)

Economic System: SharesEvery supportive member and his immediate family are expected to provide one financial share. These funds are used to buy land, plant trees, build homes and projects. A supportive individual cannot under any circumstances own more than one share.Any person who wants to quit has the right to sell his share with the communitys approval of the new buyer

Economic System: SharesThe village financial committee may provide housing and work opportunity for a new incapable member in addition to delaying the collection of part of his monetary share value for a certain number of years, provided this member is highly active and is a contributing member to society. A contract will be signed for this regard.Each share entitles the benefactor 300m2 of land within the village and if it is possible to try to help with the house building.

Economic System: LoansThe village could accept an interest free loan from individual members (Provided that the village is in a dire need, and if it is in the position of being able of repaying this debt). This loan is to be repaid according to a limited time contract.Share value is at 200 g of gold.

Economic System: Village IncomeThe Villages income will come from 2 branches: Agriculture/manufacturing/AnimalsAssets (selling new shares)

The revenue from shares selling represent the sole revenue for the village in the initiation period. This revenue will be directed to cover the expenses of village development.

Economic System: Individual IncomeOnce the village is established wealth will be distributed in the following manner:A percentage is taken to pay for village expenses and for Muslims finance house.

Production revenue will be distributed equally among the actively working members.

Profits from the share selling will be distributed equally among all members regardless of their active participation working in the field

Economic System: OwnershipPublic and private ownership

There are two kinds of ownership:Private ownership: The house/land surrounding it given to the person by the village.Public ownership: All agricultural lands, mosque, schools, market and other projects.

Economic System: Village servicesAll Village services are free of charge, that includes:WaterSanitationSchoolMarket stall useCommunity centre

Economic System: WorkAll Villagers work for the village.Educational and talent background is considered and therefore every villager is allocated a suitable job that benefits the community the most. (Agriculture, manufacturing, teaching, trade, etc or a combination)A villager can opt out of this system but will not receive the benefits and has to pay for services (highly not recommended as we are one body and should be cohesive).

Economic System: MotivationIhsan (is an Arabic term meaning "perfection" or "excellence." In Islam, Ihsan is the Muslim responsibility to obtain perfection, or excellence, in worship, such that Muslims try to worship God as if they see Him, and although they cannot see Him, they undoubtedly believe he is constantly watching over them. That definition comes from the hadith (Hadith of Gabriel) in which Muhammad states, "[Ihsan is] to worship God as though you see Him, and if you cannot see Him, then indeed He sees you." (Al-Bukhari and Al-Muslim).

Economic System: MotivationIhsan is one of the Three Principles of the Islamic faith (Islam, Iman and Ihsan) and means "to do beautiful things".One who "does what is beautiful" is labelled muhsin. It is generally held that a person can only achieve true ihsan with the help and guidance of Allah, who governs all things.Ihsan is excellence in worship, work, and in social interactions.

Economic System: MotivationTherefore this should be the motivation of the Villages citizens, and if they do not reach this level then it is social responsibility/a pressure/a penalty.This system brings everyone to his/her potential and brings out the best in everyone.And if the people of the townships had believed and kept from evil, surely We should have opened for them blessings from the sky and from the earth. But (unto every messenger) they gave the lie, and so We seized them on account of what they used to earn. (96:7 Quran)

Economic System: MarketThe Village has a public marketEverything sold in the market is organic with no artificial additives.Everyone in the Village has the right to use the market stalls free of charge.Prices in the market would be carefully monitored to ensure a fair economy.

Social System

Social SystemAll Muslims must abide to the general Quran and Sunna guidelines.Neighbours should care about each other, and the rich is equal to the poor. There is no differentiation except on God fearing.There will be a Judge to rule on internal disputes, and a Shoura (Consultative)council.The Judge ruling is enforced by the community and the leader (see political system).

Social SystemAnyone who breaks the rules after all ways of reason are exhausted, or any one who tries to incite sectarian upheavals is immediately expelled from the village. so separate us from the people who are the Fsiqn (rebellious and disobedient to Allh)!" (25:5 The Quran)

Social SystemAll houses should be built within walking distance of the mosque.Preferably only one mosque should exist to promote unity.There should be an Islamic studies institution to produce proper Islamic Scholars.All Muslims contribute time and effort to a security force protecting from outside threats. (Note: Siwa is a very safe town this point is in concept)

Political System

Political SystemThe Village will have a leader, to give uphold Islam and give it its strategic visions. With him is the Shoura council of scholars and wise ones and the executive staff. People in the Village are one unit, under one leader. There are no political parties.The leader must be God fearing, with his first concern being Gods content and then the wellbeing of the community. He should be wise, visionary, having wide worldly and religious knowledge (which become one to wise ones).The leader should be voted in and should not deviate from the Quran and Sunna.Everyone must obey the leader.

Cultural System

Cultural SystemThe Village depends on natural resources in agriculture, construction and energy production as much as possible.The Village is simple and economic yet beautiful, coherent and aesthetic without being lavish.Allah's Messenger, Muhammad (pbuh) said:"That person will not enter Paradise who hath one atom of pride in his heart." And a man present said, "Verily, a man is fond of having good clothes and good shoes." Lord Muhammad said, "God is Beauty and delighteth in the beautiful; but pride is holding man incontempt."

Cultural SystemThe Village promotes useful worldy education and research, and not to research things which are useless and are for pure consumerism (eg. I phone 1,2,3) that makes one forget remembering God.The Villagers goal should be Tazkia (soul purification) and Ihsan (worship perfection) with work, worship, social dealings, etc..

Cultural SystemIf these elements come together it will create a great example to prove the Dajjal system wrong practically and religiously.At the same time it protects us from all the calamities going in in our societies whether social, physical, economic or religious and guarantees to the true ones happiness in this world and heaven in the after life God willing.

NotesAll of the previous points are just guidelines subject to change according to what the community and its leader sees fit. As long as it does not contradict the Quran and sunna.They are meant to shape the vision of our project.


Siwa Oasis

Siwa Oasis


Water source inside VillageExpansion is relatively easyRelatively Cheap landHealthy natural and spiritual environmentFor more info:

Siwa Oasis


ConstructionEvery one should adhere to the general building style to ensure beauty and coherence.Generally we are planning an eco village




Information needed from applicants

Financial/Effort contribution.Time of moving inCurrent occupation and other talents/skills that could be used to help in the village.

Thank you for your time may Allah guide us to the straight [email protected] love, Your brother