allyson acres grandview subdivision ccr's

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  • 8/14/2019 Allyson Acres Grandview Subdivision CCR's


  • 8/14/2019 Allyson Acres Grandview Subdivision CCR's


    ,.i ','

    propertiesandthegeneralarea,andtbthe susceptibility of such'construction to fire and/or other hazards; including but not limitedto, public heal th, and traffic hazards, and may takeintoconsiderationthe blocking of view and the flow of air from and to other propertiesin the area. The,undersignedownersmay~ when "in theiropinion,titl'eto enough of the properties has been transferred to ,others, or, when, in,their opinion , enough construction hs been completed , appoint, or causeto be elected ,acommi tteeofatleastthreeofthe then oWIersinALLYSON ACRES-GRAND VIEW, ADDITIONtoser1feinthe capacity of ,the un-dersigned owners insofar as this' restrictivecovenant . concerning ,archi-tecturalcontrol 'is concernd. 'Shouldsirchplans, specifications, etc. ,"for construction and installation be sUbmitted to the undersigned own-ers,; ,their, designees, of such dcommittee,I'and no written action is takenwithin 30 days therefrom, thendsuch"construction and 'installation shallbe deemed to have been approved. ' i4. No single resiclential dweiiifigthr1than mobile homes , containingless than $20 square feeto.t:'floor,spac,exclusiVe or garages, carports,'porches, or patios, shall be placed, or permitted to remain,on anyproperty in GRAND VIEW ADDITION,andail building shall be placed onpermanent and solid type foundations, footings ,or piers cf'concrete ormasonry.5., No vehicle, or,machinery, ,that is in salvage condit.ion" or is in .theprocess of being torn dO\'ff or repaired, or is in a state of junl\,norany other type salvage or jUnk material, is'.to be placed, or kept ,orpermitted to remain, on any tract in such a manner that it maybe' seenfrom any of the, neighboringprpertiesor from any road in or adjacentto the subdivision. Ownerso! any trct,or tracts, in ALLYSON ACRES~GRAND. VIEVI ADDITION shaii notpermitanypilef dad foliage c:" brushor any dead trees or shrubbery to remain on their property but shaii.dispose of same in a resohabletime and in such a mnner that is notoffensive, nor in such a manner to ca.usea fire hazard to any propertyand all owners, Tenters,. lessors, occupants, and parties with ihterestin, properties in ALLYSON ACRES-GRAND VIEW ADDITION shall out of res-pect t their neighbors and in order to' maintain and enhance propertyvaluesl shall keep their property in reasonable repair, and shall mowthe property at regular reasonable intervals and should grass be allowedto grow to a. height greater than 1$" ,the undersignedoi.mers may enter:upon such property and mow' same and such mowing shall become a lien uponthe property.6. No tent, shack, garage, barn, or outbuilding shall at any time beused for residential purposes on any tract.7. Each dwelling unit constructed,or mobile home placed on any 'tractshall have modern sanitary , facilities, and septic systems shall, be con-structed and installed in accordance with the regulations and standardsof the Oklahoma State Department of Health.' No outdoor privies shall atany time be permitted on anyiot,norsh.gllany noxious, , offensive,unsightly, malodorous,orunheal thyacti vi ty or condition be carried on,or be permitted to remain, iipon any lo.t , nor shall any horse, cow,. I 'T7~-----'''_.""




  • 8/14/2019 Allyson Acres Grandview Subdivision CCR's


    "., .-

    , ,8. No building or mobile,homeo,'rtorany part thereof , shall be placedearer to any road line than the building set back liriesof 15" feet. ando structure other thanfencing,shall be placedon any easement areautlined on the above plat nr. nearer than 5' to any. property ownershipine, except that this restricti vecvenant, shall not be deem~d to pro-'

    hibit installation of utility lines, water wells,and, their appurtenancen such easements.9 . The, exterior of anYdwelli~g,ir'fcludingihstallationof windowsand doOrs, shall be completed and finished , not later than '12 monthsfter, initia tionof thefoundationtOr,inita tionof ,'" any: 'construction,th~reforor thereon., Shouldtheexte,ror not be cornpletdandfinished ,within said 12 months ,then th'eundersignedshallhavethe right toenter upon the property and tq;complete and

    finish 'the exterior of anyuilding initiated, whereupon the,grantee'of theproperty shall immed-ately pay to the undersignedthe full costs of 'such completion andinishin.g or shall automatically, grant iien rights for such.

    10. No garbage or trashcans,tfashburtrrs ,butane or propane storageanks,shall be placed on any tract ,in such a manrieI'SO as to be seenfrom the adjoining lots or bythegeneralpt.blic . They may be of theUnken type or may be above grundlfhidden by decorative screening,and no clothes line poles other than one, collapsibl e umbrella type,shall be installed, or permitted to ,remain on any tract. ' "11. 'For the Public Safety and t'oprovlde for ease ,of traffic passage,arking in arid along the road traffic-was 'in, excess of I-houris pro-'ibited and vehicular traffic in ALLYSONACRES-GRAND Vimr ADDITIONshall not exceed 25 miles per hour.12. There shall be only one dwelling on ,a lot unless written consentrom owner or develop'er is obtained. '13. No sign of any naturewill',h'aliowed on

    any lot unless written on-ent is given by owner or develo'per.14. "No addition will be allowed on any home and no attachment or add-on structures to mobile homes will be aI-lowed unless written cO.nsentis giVen by owner or developer.15. ,'Afee of $24~OO peT yarWilibe charged

    to 'all lot owners foriipkeep of roads and beautificationO.fdev~eloPment. ''" , ",' ",' " , " " ',', " " ,'..' ,', """ ", .','N WITNESS WHEREOF, we,' the above ,designated owners~ha~~s';t~f)s.,.,6th dayofSeptember/1973. ! " . ' ," c. \ IJ u ~ v I"'. ,...' J' II....... "". ~'_ .~~ 'ATTESTeo ,.... ....... ';',.".i ,..-., 0" ",. ...\ ....j. ...~ .~, i ~iL.; 't ') "':/ ~i .~l i-J.'~/"" , . /' /' ', .:Ui;th;2:l~a~;itii~b~~r -/,':-- (-SEAL)' ../'~"'": ..:-... 'l .... ~~~. '.~.. t" ..f. () '. ' .. " "'. I ........ 'J ,-'1 "'", I A "i' 'i.'l , ..,.

    RETRICTIVE, COVENANTS. . . pageswine, sheep or goat be kept orpermittd to :remain on 'any tract.



  • 8/14/2019 Allyson Acres Grandview Subdivision CCR's





    Before me, a notary-public in and for said county and state, onthis 6th day of September, 197J,persoi1ally appeared Robert L. StudebakerPresident of Studebaker Land Company, to'me known to be the identicalperson who executed the within and forege,ing instrument, and acknowledgedto me that he executed the same aa his free and voluntary act anddeed for the uses and purposes . therein set forth.'Witnessmy hand and seal the day and ear last above written.

    'My cornissionexpires: ~'l----= .',. \ ,~.;-:..___November' 22,1970 (SEAL) No~ary ,Publ;ic ". .",,-~

    ~, . ,:.1-~... - I
