all you should know about egypt

Look at Egypt tours is an Egyptian travel agency and tour operator Led by professional travel experts and tur operators who can give you the best advices and information Not only about how to make a cheap tour to Egypt? Or how to get the best price for your holidays But we give you also all advices and useful travel tips for your travel to Egypt . Here would like to give you some general information about Egypt culture About Egypt food, about Egypt top attractions, about the best time to visit Egypt. For any further questions about Egypt you are very welcome to Contact [email protected] What is the best places you should visit during your Egypt tours ? What is the top attractions in Egypt you shouldn’t miss during your visit to Egypt? Pyramids of Giza The Pyramids of Giza are one of the world’s most celebrated ancient wonders and wandering the interior passages of these tombs, together with visiting the nearby recumbent lion of the Temple of the Sphinx, is a highlight of any trip to Egypt. For the best photographs, camel trek into the surrounding desert.

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Look at Egypt tours is an Egyptian travel agency and tour operatorLed by professional travel experts and tur operators who can give you the best advices and information Not only about how to make a cheap tour to Egypt?


Page 1: All You Should Know About Egypt

Look at Egypt tours is an Egyptian travel agency and tour operator

Led by professional travel experts and tur operators who can give you the best advices and information

Not only about how to make a cheap tour to Egypt? Or how to get the best price for your holidays

But we give you also all advices and useful travel tips for your travel to Egypt .

Here would like to give you some general information about Egypt culture

About Egypt food, about Egypt top attractions, about the best time to visit Egypt.

For any further questions about Egypt you are very welcome to

Contact [email protected]

What is the best places you should visit during your Egypt tours ?

What is the top attractions in Egypt you shouldn’t miss during your visit to Egypt?

Pyramids of Giza

The Pyramids of Giza are one of the world’s most celebrated ancient wonders and wandering the

interior passages of these tombs, together with visiting the nearby recumbent lion of the Temple of the

Sphinx, is a highlight of any trip to Egypt. For the best photographs, camel trek into the surrounding


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Abu Simbel

The immense statues, pillars and inscriptions of the rock temples of Abu Simbel lie on the far southern

shores of Lake Nasser, and are a magnificent example of ancient Egyptian architecture, including the

Great Temple, dedicated to Ramses, and Small Temple, built in honour of Nefertari.

Black and White Deserts

From the elevated position of ‘English Mountain’, a stunning panorama overlooks the dark dolerite

mountains of the Black desert, a volcanic landscape where dinosaur skeletons have been uncovered. In

contrast is the nearby White Desert, where animal-like white chalk rock formations mushroom from the

Farafra Depression and natural springs feed lush oases.

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Ptolemaic Temple at Edfu

One of Egypt’s best-preserved temples, the Ptolemaic Temple at Edfu exhibits elaborately carved reliefs

that depict ancient myths, religions and conflicts. It was dedicated to the Egyptian deity, Horus, and,

combined with the nearby double temple of Kom Ombo, is essential for those interested in Egypt’s rich

architectural history.

Valley of the Kings and Queens

The rock-cut tombs of the Valley of Kings and Valley of Queens were built to house the remains of

Egypt’s pharaohs and their wives, with the nearby Deir el Medina housing the artisan workers.

Displaying intricate carvings, their isolation within the barren hills west of Luxor was designed to deter

tomb raiders.

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Siwa Oasis

Dotted with natural springs, the lush gardens of the Siwa Oasis spring from the surrounding desert and

are home to the famed Temple of the Oracle, which Alexander the Great is believed to have consulted

his destiny, as well as Cleopatra’s Pool where the Egyptian queen once bathed.

Sinai Peninsula

Featuring a spectacular desert mountain range, surrounded by the marine rich waters of the Red Sea

and Mediterranean, the triangular Sinai Peninsula is home to the famed pilgrimage site of Mount Sinai

where Moses received the Ten Commandments, as well as the world’s oldest continually-inhabited

Christian monastery at Saint Catherine’s.

Top Cities to visit in Egypt

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Egypt’s chaotic capital, Cairo, is a feast for the senses, where ancient Coptic and Greek Orthodox

Churches are juxtaposed against elaborate mosques like the grand Al-Hussein. It is home to the Egyptian

Museum, boasting more than 100,000 ancient Egyptian antiquities, including Tutankhamun’s Tomb,

while its vibrant neighbourhoods and souks are a fascinating place to soak up local culture.


Arrive in Alexandria and you could be forgiven you were in Europe with its Mediterranean-style

architecture and wide boulevards. Named after its founder, Alexander the Great, the city is home to the

fortified Qaitbey Citadel, built in defence of the Ottoman Empire, the Turkish-Florentine style Royal

Gardens of Montazah, and the Catacombs of Kom el-Shuqafa archaeological site.

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Sharm el Sheikh

The historic Old Town of Sharm el Sheikh on the southernmost tip of the Sinai Peninsula has been

transformed into one of Egypt’s most popular beach resorts. With the underwater world of the Red Sea

on its doorstep and a white strip of sand lined with luxury hotels, it also boasts a pulsing nightlife.


Home to one of Egypt’s best bazaars and the High Dam that transformed the lives of millions living along

the length of the Nile, Aswan is the launching point for the archaeological ruins and Nubian culture on

Elephantine Island, the island Temple of Philae and the Temple of Kalabsha with its beautifully carved

reliefs, as well as the Unfinished Obelisk.

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The temples and tombs of Luxor make it one of Egypt’s most fascinating historic cities, including the

outstanding Karnak Temple. Visit the immense stone statues of Pharaoh Amenhotep III at the Colossi of

Memnon and the grand Luxor Temple, built from Nubian sandstone and beautifully lit at night.


Situated on the Red Sea’s western edge, Hurghada is one of Egypt’s most established beach resorts,

within a short boat ride to the island paradise of Giftun and the spectacular diving of Fanadhir Reef.

Combining magnificent coastal scenery with a laid-back beach vibe, Hurghada sprawls south towards

Makadi Bay, ideal for those after a quieter scene.

Unique Experiences in Egypt

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Dive in Ras Mohammed Marine Park

The Red Sea is a diver’s paradise and Ras Mohammed Marine Park is one of its most impressive

destinations. Home to a vibrant marine life, including colourful corals and large schools of pelagic fish, it

is accessed from either Sharm el Sheikh, Ras Um Sid or Shark’s Bay.

Take a luxury cruise along the Nile from Luxor to Aswan

Cruise along Egypt’s lifeblood from Luxor to Aswan, taking in the 5,000 year history of its temples, tombs

and ruins while fishermen in traditional feluccas ply its waters and the hum of local Nile life beats


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Camel trek through deserts and oases

Experience Egypt’s deserts and oases like traditional nomads on camel-back, following ancient caravan

routes between natural springs and unique cultures. Visit the easy-to-access Bahariya Desert with its

rich agricultural history, or venture into the diverse landscapes of the Libyan Desert.

Witness Nubian life at Nubian village at Aswan.

For a glimpse into the preserved Nubian way of life, complete with its own language and customs, visit

the villages of Elephantine Island, dotted with archaeological ruins and the ancient fortified town of


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Visit the historic valleys surrounding Al-Fayoum Oasis

The fertile Al-Fayoum Oasis, dotted with traditional pottery villages, is home to lush Wadi Al-Rayan

Valley, whose waterfalls and flamingo-dotted lakes are fed by natural springs, as well as Wadi Al-Hetan

where fossil remains of early whales offer an astounding evolutionary insight.

What is the best time to visit Egypt ?

June-August. The searing Summer heat makes Upper Egypt (including Cairo, Luxor and Aswan) as well as

the desert regions unbearable, and with most locals escaping the muggy capital during this time, the

more temperate Mediterranean region is heavily crowded.

September-November. Milder temperatures across the country make Autumn an ideal time to travel

throughout Upper Egypt and the deserts, with warm weather still prevailing along the beach resorts of

the Mediterranean and Red Sea.

December-February. The high season throughout Upper Egypt coincides with the Christmas and New

Year holidays when crowds of tourists descend on all its major sights, while cool temperatures and

higher winds can be expected along the Mediterranean coast and desert nights are chilly.

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March-May. Spring is an ideal time to avoid the heat and the crowds, although Easter sees a peak in

tourists across the country and intense sandstorms are known to blow across the Western Desert as far

as Cairo.

Does Egypt have Ethnic groups ?

What is the Ethnic groups of Egypt?


Traditionally a nomadic tribe, the indigenous Berber people inhabit a region stretching from the Sahara

across the north of Africa to the Mediterranean Sea and their culture within Egypt’s west has been

depicted on Egyptian tomb paintings dating back thousands of years. Semi-subsistence farmers and

Sunni Muslims, they are known for their artisan trades, including pottery, weaving and copper work.


The traditional inhabitants of the Nile Valley, the Nubians are today concentrated around Aswan where

traditional villages with brightly painted houses can be visited, particularly on Elephantine Island. Known

for their unique shamsi bread and handicrafts, the Nubians are famously hospitable, and felucca trips

offer a fascinating insight into this ancient culture.

Festivals and holidays in Egypt

Moulid an-Nabi

Marking the birth of the prophet Mohammed, Moulid an-Nabi is one of Egypt’s most important Islamic

festivals, celebrated with parades and processions of dancers, musicians and acrobats throughout the

country’s cities. Fairs and food stalls line the streets, selling hummus and halawet el-moulid - foods

prepared especially for this festival.

Abu Simbel Festival

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The Abu Simbel Festival celebrates Ramses II spectacular engineering feat, with crowds filling the Abu

Simbel Temple at sunrise as the first rays of light ignite the statues of Ramses, Ra and Amun, just as he

designed it to happen. This is followed by music, dancing and feasting outside the temple.

Leylet en Nuktah

Once celebrated with sacrifices of women, the yearly rise of the Nile River and its flooding which feeds

the fertile Delta soils is today celebrated by picnicking along the river banks and partying in the streets in

a festival known as Leylet en Nuktah. Balls of dough are left outside at nightfall and the cracks that

appear used to predict future fortunes.

Food and Drink in Egypt

With some dishes that date back to Ancient Egypt, the country’s cuisine has a 5,000 year legacy. The

beans, lentils and vegetables produced in the the fertile Nile Delta have been combined over the years

with ingredients brought by successive traders from abroad, while the Egyptian Bread known as aish has

remained the staple accompaniment to most dishes, as well as a form of cutlery used to ‘spoon’ food.


Combining pasta, rice, lentils, chickpeas, garlic, tomato sauce and caramelised onion, Kushari is one of

Egypt’s national dishes, despite using ingredients brought from abroad and originating with the British

Army. A hearty, vegetarian dish, it is served across Egypt in local restaurants.

Ful Medames

Originating with the ancient Pharaohs, the staple dish of Ful Medames, combining lava beans with garlic

and lemon juice, was traditionally cooked buried in hot coal or sand and served lightly salted within an

Egyptian bread bun.


Eaten with Egyptian flatbread or alongside salad, dukkah is a delicious mix of nuts, seeds, herbs and

spices, including coriander, cumin, pepper, mint that can be bought in small paper cones in local



Traditionally served during the Spring Sham El Nessim festival, Feseekh is fermented, dried and salted

fish, eaten alongside onion, lemons and Egyptian bread. It is specially prepared by a fasakhani and

stored in glass jars to contain its strong odour.

Shopping in Egypt

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Bargaining in Egypt’s souks and bazaars is an essential experience when in the country and both the

atmosphere and visual spectacle should not be missed. Without a doubt the Khan el Khalili Market in

Cairo’s Hussein District is the country’s most famous, but Luxor and Aswan also boast excellent markets.

If you want to buy direct from the maker, there are small artisan workshops selling glass, copper,

brassware and jewellery throughout Cairo’s neighbourhoods offering high quality wares.

Arabian coffee pots

The Egyptians are known for their skilful copper and brass work, and Arabian coffee pots, together with

other items such as trays and lamps, are sold in most tourist markets, while the ‘Nahaseen’ area of Cairo

is lined with copper artisans.

Leather sandals and bags

High quality leather products, including sandals, shoes and bags, are on display throughout Cairo’s Khan

el Khalili bazaar (as well as other tourist markets throughout the country) and are renowned for their


Hand-blown glass

Hand-blown glass known as muski has been produced in Egypt since Medieval times and today is

fashioned into glasses, vases and candle holders, often painted beautifully in arabic designs. If you want

to watch it blown, head to Cairo’s Al-Daour factory