all about micro organisms


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Post on 03-Jan-2016




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All about Micro organisms. By Bushra Khan. What are Micro-organisms. Micro-organisms are all around us, in the air, in our bodies and in water. Some micro-organisms are harmful to us, but others are helpful to us. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 2: All about Micro organisms

Micro-organisms are very tiny living things. They are so small that you need a microscope to see them.

Viruses, bacteria and fungus are all types of micro-organism. Micro-organisms that cause diseases are often called germs.

Micro-organisms are all around us, in the air, in our bodies and in water. Some micro-organisms are harmful to us, but others are helpful to us.

Micro-organisms (germs) have caused these nails to go to a yellow colour and the actual skin to turn quite red and rashy.

Page 4: All about Micro organisms

Here are some points of how you could avoid Micro- organisms:

These sparks you can see in this picture are micro-organisms(germs).

Washing your hands before eating, after preparing food and after using the toilet. Covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Keeping away from other people if you have a disease that is easily spread. Not eating food which is not fresh or has not been cooked properly.Keeping uncooked meat separate from other foods in the fridge.  This bread is not kept in a cool place so it has gone

mouldy which means it has a lot of Micro organisms on it YUK!!!

Page 5: All about Micro organisms

When bread is made, a micro-organisms called yeast is added to the dough to make the bread rise.

Yogurt is made by boiling milk and adding special bacteria to it. The bacteria turn the sugar in the milk into acid. The acid makes the milk go thick and stops any harmful bacteria growing.

Inside a pile of dead leaves are millions of tiny bacteria. These bacteria feed on the leaves and break them down into nutrients. The nutrients go back into the soil where they can be used by plants.

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A virus is a microbe. A microbe is a tiny one-celled too small to be seen with just your eyes. Other types of microbes are: bacteria, protozoa and fungi. Some people call microbes "germs".     

Not all microbes are bad. Many bacteria live with us all the time and help us do amazing things like make yogurt, pickles, cheese, and even break down some garbage. Microbes are all around us. They exist on our skin and on the skin of fruit.

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Viruses are everywhere but they need to get inside a human, an animal or a plant to make them sick. In fact, they must invade a cell, called a host cell, in order to grow and reproduce.

Most can't survive long unless they're in a living host. Once inside though, they can spread and make other people sick. Some can live for awhile on something like a desk, or doorknob so it's important for you to wash your hands regularly so you don't become infected.

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Circle all the bad micro-organisms in red.Circle all the helpful micro-organisms in blue.Circle the items that are nothing to do with micro-organism in Black.

Left out meat in the kitchen


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Page 10: All about Micro organisms

Girls-Is mouldy bread safe to eat. Why?

Girls answer- No, because of the bad bacteria on it.

Boys- Can we see Micro-organisms?

Boys answer-No, we cant see micro-organisms unless we use a micro scope.

Girls- Are mall Micro-organisms harmful to us?

Girls answer-No some micro-organisms are helpful to us

Boys- What micro-organisms are added to the dough to make the bread rise?

Boys answer-Yeast.

Girls-What is Mould?

Girls answer- Mould is a type of micro organism.

Boys-Does this sentence help avoid micro-organisms : Keep away from other people when you have a disease?

Boys answer-Yes.

Girls- If you eat food (meat) that is uncooked what can happen to you.Girls answer- You can be really ill.

Boys-How do you prevent bread from being mouldy?

Boys answer- Keep it in a cool place.

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