alexandra primary school · the entire school have been singing and dancing their way toward our...

Our purpose is to build a learning community that challenges and supports young minds to develop as independent and lifelong learners, continually striving for excellence in the 21st Century. RESPECT CARE INTEGRITY ACHIEVE Alexandra Primary School Our purpose is to build a learning community that challenges and supports young minds to develop as independent and lifelong learners, continually striving for excellence. Tel: 03 5772 1006 Email: [email protected] PO Box 318, Alexandra, 3714 Principal: Vicky Draper KEY DATES - Term 4 November / December Nov 23 Ready Set Go! Kinder to Prep Transion Nov 29 Grade 5/6B Kellock Lodge visit Nov 30 Grade 6 School Concert rehearsal Dec 1 Whole School Concert rehearsal Dec 4 Shrek Manee Concert 12:30pm Shrek Evening Concert 6:30pm Dec 6-8 Grade 3/4 Camp Dec 6 Rotary Awards Night Thursday 23rd November 2017 Term 4 Week 7 Achievement Awards P.1 Principals News P.2 & 3 School News P.4 PREP Mackenzie Maroney in recognion of her helpfulness and friendliness within and outside the classroom. Mackenzie we are going to miss your beauful smile around our school, good luck at your new school! Youre a superstar! 1/2A Owen Forden - thank you so much for always being willing to lend a hand around the classroom and school. I appreciate all the things you do for us and your I can do that!atude! Keep being awesome Owen! 1/2B Brock Hanlon for his ability to use a range of addion and subtracon strategies, to mentally solve Maths problems. This week, Brock showed that he was able to use strategies such as: Pairs to ten’, ‘Doubles’, ‘Near doubles’, ‘Fact families’, ‘Adding and subtracng 10’ and Adding 9’. What a terrific effort Brock! 3/4A Casey Colle for consistently demonstrang our school values and being an excellent member of our school community. You are an enthusiasc member of our school who always gives 110 per cent in everything. Keep up your enthusiasm for life Casey! 3/4B Rebeca Flynn for consistently demonstrang our school values and being an awesome member of our school community. You are always kind and caring towards others, helpful to your peers and teachers and enthusiasc about your learning. Keep being your amazing self Rebeca! 5/6A Kalan Lyle for your effort and commitment to the producon rehearsals and your part in the performance. Great work Kalan. 5/6B Timothy Soropoulos for diligently learning his lines for his role as Donkey in the Grade Six Producon of Shrek. Timothy Im so proud of the way you express your lines with humour and really get into character’. I cant wait to see your performance on 4th December! Japanese Oberon Russell for showing a great understanding of challenging origami instrucons and construcng them by himself. STAR OF THE WEEK Eric De Groot Eric is a determined learner who always tries his best. He is a good friend, always including others. Eric is a great helper in the classroom and shows all the school values. We are proud to have you in our community Eric. You are a STAR!

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Page 1: Alexandra Primary School · The entire school have been singing and dancing their way toward our production of Shrek – The Musical! ... DRUM KIT PIANO/KEYBOARD GUITAR SINGING &

Our purpose is to build a learning community that challenges and supports young minds to develop as independent

and lifelong learners, continually striving for excellence in the 21st Century.


Alexandra Primary School Our purpose is to build a learning community that challenges and supports young minds to develop as

independent and lifelong learners, continually striving for excellence.

Tel: 03 5772 1006 Email: [email protected]

PO Box 318, Alexandra, 3714 Principal: Vicky Draper

KEY DATES - Term 4

November / December

Nov 23 Ready Set Go! Kinder to Prep Transition

Nov 29 Grade 5/6B Kellock Lodge visit

Nov 30 Grade 6 School Concert rehearsal

Dec 1 Whole School Concert rehearsal

Dec 4 Shrek Matinee Concert 12:30pm Shrek Evening Concert 6:30pm

Dec 6-8 Grade 3/4 Camp

Dec 6 Rotary Awards Night

Thursday 23rd November 2017 Term 4 Week 7

Achievement Awards P.1 Principal’s News P.2 & 3

School News P.4

PREP Mackenzie Maroney in recognition of her helpfulness and friendliness within and outside the classroom. Mackenzie we are going to miss your beautiful smile around our school, good luck at your new school! You’re a superstar!

1/2A Owen Forden - thank you so much for always being willing to lend a hand around the classroom and school. I appreciate all the things you do for us and your ‘I can do that!” attitude! Keep being awesome Owen!

1/2B Brock Hanlon for his ability to use a range of addition and subtraction strategies, to mentally solve Maths problems. This week, Brock showed that he was able to use strategies such as: ‘Pairs to ten’, ‘Doubles’, ‘Near doubles’, ‘Fact families’, ‘Adding and subtracting 10’ and ‘Adding 9’. What a terrific effort Brock!

3/4A Casey Collett for consistently demonstrating our school values and being an excellent member of our school community. You are an enthusiastic member of our school who always gives 110 per cent in everything. Keep up your enthusiasm for life Casey!

3/4B Rebeca Flynn for consistently demonstrating our school values and being an awesome member of our school community. You are always kind and caring towards others, helpful to your peers and teachers and enthusiastic about your learning. Keep being your amazing self Rebeca!

5/6A Kalan Lyttle for your effort and commitment to the production rehearsals and your part in the performance. Great work Kalan.

5/6B Timothy Sotiropoulos for diligently learning his lines for his role as Donkey in the Grade Six Production of Shrek. Timothy I’m so proud of the way you express your lines with humour and really ‘get into character’. I can’t wait to see your performance on 4th December!

Japanese Oberon Russell for showing a great understanding of challenging origami instructions and constructing them by himself.


Eric De Groot

Eric is a determined learner who always tries his best. He is a good friend, always including others. Eric is a great helper in the classroom and shows all the school values. We are proud to have you in our community Eric. You are a STAR!

Page 2: Alexandra Primary School · The entire school have been singing and dancing their way toward our production of Shrek – The Musical! ... DRUM KIT PIANO/KEYBOARD GUITAR SINGING &


We are rolling on!

It is exciting for everyone as we move into the action packed time of the school year!

The Kinder students have their final ‘Ready Set Go’! session and have had a great time getting to

know our school, their grade 4 buddies and Mrs G. We really appreciate the effort that Mrs G

goes to in preparation for each session and the wonderful support the Grade 4 students give her.

The Grade 6 students are preparing for their graduation ceremony with photos, videos and menu

choices. They are also madly rehearsing for their roles in the production, ready for stardom!

There is so much for this team to get to and it takes an amazing effort from the Grade 5/6

teachers and Mrs Twining to get all this coordinated, we really appreciate the patience and

dedication you give to our school community.

The Grade 5 students have ordered their Grade 6 jerseys.

The entire school have been singing and dancing their way toward our production of Shrek – The

Musical! It is difficult to fit the curriculum in to the day as well as make time to choreograph and

rehearse a dance and song, we know it will be a great show and we thank them for this amazing


Make sure you have returned your ticket envelope – they are selling very fast!!

It takes a Village!

We know that we have a fantastic community of teachers and families in our school community

and this has never been more obvious to us than in the last couple of weeks.

Our Grade 6 students and teachers are organising Graduation with a fantastic bunch of parents

who are attending regular meetings and volunteering for jobs that will make the night one to

remember for ever!

Our Parent Group, with particular thanks to Fran and Maxine, ran a fabulous BBQ at

the Alexandra Geocaching event. Boz, the master BBQer and spruiker, was a master

up-seller and kept everyone smiling for the long haul. Families and teachers provided

the salads and slices and our band of volunteers kept the food moving for the two

days. Special thanks to Bec Nash and Anneka Field who supported our school also,

what a fantastic job!

Our volunteer readers are still arriving at school each morning to listen to children read. At this

busy time of year it is amazing that these wonderful people still have time to share with us.

There are other parents doing random acts of kindness each day that make our jobs so much

easier … from putting our dates on the notice boards to giving medical advice … we appreciate

you all!


In 2018 we are very excited to be able to offer music tuition in several instruments as well as a

choir/dance group (depending on numbers). This will be provided by Hot Jam Music. Further

information will be available in Term 1, if you require information sooner, please see me.


Integrity is a difficult value to explain to children but we have some tips to assist you in

reinforcing integrity in our children:

1. Know What You Stand For So Your Child Knows

Parents with clearly identified moral convictions are more likely to raise children who have

integrity, this is because their kids know what their parents stand for and why they do.

2. Walk Your Talk

One great question to ask yourself each day is: “If I were the only example my child had to learn

moral habits, what did she learn today from watching me”? Cont’d next page ….

From Vicky & Naomi...


Student Banking

is on every

Tuesday. Call in

to the Office if

you have any


Thank you!

Page 3: Alexandra Primary School · The entire school have been singing and dancing their way toward our production of Shrek – The Musical! ... DRUM KIT PIANO/KEYBOARD GUITAR SINGING &


School News ……. 3. Share Your Moral Beliefs and Take Stands

Speaking frequently to your child about values is called direct moral teaching. Parents who raise ethical kids do it a

lot. So look for moral issues and talk about them as they come up: from TV shows and news events to situations at

home, school, and friends. Tell your kids how you feel about the issue and why.

4. Ask Moral Questions to Stretch Moral Development

The right kind of questions can help kids expand their ability to take another perspective and ask themselves:

“Is this the right thing to do?” You could ask:

“How would you feel if someone treated you that way?”

“If you don’t follow through on your word, what do you think would happen?”

“If everybody acted that way what would happen?”

5. Boost Empathy

Kids who stick up for others are kids who feel for others. Empathy is what motivates that feeling, halts cruel

behaviour and urges kids to take a stand.

6. Ask their opinion

Encourage your children to share their opinions and stand up for what is right.

7. Teach Assertive Skills

It takes real moral strength to go against peer pressure and to stick up for your beliefs, so teach your child assertive

skills so they can take the right kind of stand whenever they are confronted with a moral dilemma.

Remember that this is a learning journey …

“If you have the guts to keep making mistakes, your wisdom and intelligence leap forward with huge

momentum.” Holly Near

Have a great weekend, Naomi and Vicky


Jam Hot Music was established in 1998 by Jason Stonehouse - Musical Director, Professional

Drummer and Drum Teacher with Michelle Jaystone - Musical Director, Professional Singer and

Singing and Dance Teacher.

All our staff at Jam Hot Music have current and past performance experience in the music industry

which greatly benefits the students.

Jam Hot Music Teachers have toured for over 20 years with Artists such as Ian Moss, Dale Ryder,

Scott Carne, Kate Ceberano, X Factor Artists and the Voice Artists. They are resident musicians at

Hilton South Warf, MCG, Grand Hyatt and Crown Casino.

“Jason is a very highly regarded and sought after Professional Drummer and Drum Teacher in the

Australian and International Music Industry! He is a wonderful teacher who has the gift of being

able to inspire and educate young students with music. Some Jam Hot Music students continue on

Jason’s legacy by becoming professional drummers and teachers. The Jam Hot Music Program is

a fantastic initiative and great opportunity for any Victorian Primary School to embrace! Jason,

Michelle and their Jam Hot teaching staff are always very attentive and responsive to the needs

and requirements of the students and staff.”

Peter Luscombe: Drummer for Paul Kelly and ROCKWIZ TV SHOW, Drum teacher

All enquiries please contact JASON STONEHOUSE 0419 872 875

MICHELLE JAYSTONE 0430 588 442 or email [email protected]

Page 4: Alexandra Primary School · The entire school have been singing and dancing their way toward our production of Shrek – The Musical! ... DRUM KIT PIANO/KEYBOARD GUITAR SINGING &


School News …….

Our school concert is Monday 4th December, which unbelievably is just over a week away. There are two performances of the show – the matinee at 12:30pm and the evening show at 6:30pm. All of our students have been practising hard, with our Grade 6 students learning their lines and all the other students fine tuning their singing voices and dance moves. Once again the concert will be a fantastic display of our amazing and talented kids. Don’t miss out on seeing this wonderful performance. Tickets need to be purchased and seats are allocated. Tickets available from the office - Adults $5 and children $2. Notices and envelopes to order tickets were sent home with the eldest student in the family last Friday. We have spare envelopes at the office should yours have gone missing. More than half of the tickets for the evening show have been sold, so be quick! Please note for those people who have already sent in their ticket requests, we will start sending these home with students tomorrow.