al bayati interview aids

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  • 7/28/2019 Al Bayati Interview AIDS


    This was an interview done at 4ZZZ Radio station in Brisbane on the 7 th September

    2004 and distributed to alternative community radio around Australia.

    Im CC, Cal Crilly and MB is Dr. Al Bayati. This is the first part.

    CC- Im talking to Dr. Mohammed Al Bayati of Toxi-health in California.

    How did you discover there were problems with AIDS or the HIV/AIDS Hypothesisin the first place?

    MB- Well, as you know Im a toxicologist and pathologist. I opened Toxi-health

    International in 1997. I worked before that at the University of California Davis for

    about 18 years. At UC Davis I was doing biomedical studies and toxicology and

    pathology but I got a lot of questions about toxicology, and toxicology was not

    included you know, in medical health. So in 1997 I said I would like to start a

    consulting firm and to evaluate people who are exposed to toxic material in the

    workplace and try to help them to figure out what caused their illness and write a

    medical report describing my findings about the case. I made recommendations for

    clinical tests and treatment to send to the physicians to help these people, because

    physicians they do not have a lot of training in the area of toxicology plus toinvestigate cases of toxicology takes a lot of time, usually physicians they see several

    patients a day.

    The other thing is when people file a claim for damages then the agencies need proof

    that these people were really exposed to chemicals, the damage was caused by

    chemicals, so having a report from a toxicologist is very important.

    In 1997 when I was evaluating a case, a 60 year old man, he was exposed to chemical

    jet fuel at the workplace and causing pulmonary fibrosis.

    CC- Was that with Benzene and the usual suspects?

    MB- Jet fuel is a mixture of solvents, it has a little bit of Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, a

    lot of chemicals, a mixture of chemicals in jet fuel.

    The thing I discovered was he was suffering from AIDS which is as defined by

    depression in CD4 counts. When I was evaluating the case and going through all the

    clinical tests, I noticed that the lymphocytes were low. By evaluating the causes of the

    immune depression in this man, I found out he was given medication which is

    standard, this medication is corticosteroids and cytotoxic medication given to people

    treated with pulmonary fibrosis. So I was evaluating that and looking at the dose and

    then my first impression was if this man is suffering from immune depression, which

    is a syndrome similar to AIDS then why is this man taking immuno-suppressants?

    So my communication with the man and his physician is say, well, this medication is

    making the conditions worse, its making the lung capacity worse so we need to stop

    them. So the physician stopped the medication and then the man in addition to lowlymphocytes, he had pneumonia and fungal infections and all the syndrome, the

    symptoms of AIDS. Then I suggested that the man was to be tested for HIV because

    my understanding was that HIV causes AIDS, but then the man was tested negative.

    We started to stop the medication one by one and then after three weeks of stopping

    the medication then his CD4 went from below 300 to 670.

    So the man recovered and this I started to question what is going on here? Are there

    two types of AIDS, one caused by HIV and one caused by the medication or is this

    man unusual so I wanted only to investigate and ask some questions? Its difficult to

    tell because it takes a lot of money and time but then I decided you know, I have to

    get into it and to investigate. So I spent about two years going through all the data,

    and I investigated one group at a time, drug users, homosexuals, haemophiliac peopleand discovered that the HIV hypothesis is false and the cause of AIDS is not HIV and

  • 7/28/2019 Al Bayati Interview AIDS


    there is not a single case of AIDS caused by HIV. I discovered that by looking at the

    clinical trials of people given AZT, and they claimed that AZT cured AIDS, I took up

    more than two thousand patients from these trials, four major clinical trials and found

    out that 77% of them were HIV negative prior to giving them AZT. So all the studies

    they are not based on science, all the claims are false.

    CC- Do you have many AIDS patients and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Gulf WarSyndrome patients or anything like that?

    MB- Well, what happened is, I evaluated for two years the published clinical data and

    then my book it contained about 20,000 cases of people with immune suppression and

    AIDS. I went through the toxicology, epidemiology, clinical trials and described it in

    my book. Then after I published the book I evaluated several cases of people with

    AIDS from California, from the gay community and others and none of them their

    disease or symptoms was caused by HIV and each case I identified the cause of


    CC- I was going to say Mohammed, how do actually treat your patients?

    MB- Well, I am not a physician, Im a toxicologist and pathologist so I do not treat

    people. I evaluate the information and I say in my report to the physician in charge inthis case or sometimes more than the physician and give them my recommendations

    for clinical tests and treatment. Some of the people who came to me they were at the

    end of stage, the stage of dying, so I evaluated and they did not live but others they

    took my recommendation and they stopped the treatment.

    But the most important case which is this year, a child he was four years old in

    January and he was diagnosed with HIV plus AIDS. In this case because he was a

    child and there were no complication from drug use and other things, I went and did

    differential diagnoses. I discovered what caused AIDS in this child, which he was

    given corticosteroid and antibiotics and then we were able to communicate with the

    physician with a plan to monitor his case and stop the antibiotics and others and he

    was recovered in three months. His CD4 went from below 300 to over 600 and also

    his viral load was half a million copy per ? and went to 3000 without the use of

    antiviral drugs. So I finished my report and this has now become a legal case so its

    definite that HIV does not cause AIDS, AIDS is caused by the immune depression,

    which is caused by corticosteroid and other medication.

    CC- And chemical exposure?

    MB- Yes, chemical exposure.