akuntansi 2014

1 1. Introduction Exercise 1 Answer the questions below! 1. What is your full name? ________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is your nick name? ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Where were you born? ________________________________________________________________________ 4. When were you born? ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Where do you live? ________________________________________________________________________ 6. Where did you graduate from? ________________________________________________________________________ 7. What is your faculty? ________________________________________________________________________ 8. What is your major? ________________________________________________________________________ 9. What are your reasons? ________________________________________________________________________ 10. What do you plan after graduating from the university? ________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 2 Describe a friend next to you by asking similar questions like above. Write it in a well-written paragraph. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

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Page 1: Akuntansi 2014


1. Introduction

Exercise 1

Answer the questions below!

1. What is your full name?


2. What is your nick name?


3. Where were you born?


4. When were you born?


5. Where do you live?


6. Where did you graduate from?


7. What is your faculty?


8. What is your major?


9. What are your reasons?


10. What do you plan after graduating from the university?


Exercise 2

Describe a friend next to you by asking similar questions like above. Write it in a well-written













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Unit 1 Building a relationship

A. Match each of the following words with its meaning

1. Regard a. to make something greater in width

2. Associate b. to consider or have an opinion about something or someone

3. Consider c. to connect something in your mind with or something else

4. Stare d. to give attention to a particular subject or fact when judging

5. Pay e. to look for a long time with the eyes wide open

6. Interpret f. to decide what the intended meaning of something is

7. Depend g. to give money to someone for something you want to buy

8. Propose h. to state a possible plan or action for other people to consider

9. Blink i. to close and then open your eyes quickly

10. Widen j. to change according to the stated thing

B. Read the following text

In many western societies, including the United States, a person who does not

maintain ―good eye contact‖ is regarded being slightly suspicious, or a ―shifty‖ character.

Americans unconsciously associate people who avoid eye contact as unfriendly, insecure,

untrustworthy, inattentive, and impersonal. However, Japanese children are taught in

school to direct their gaze at the region of their teacher‘s Adam‘s apple or tie knot, and as

adults, Japanese lower their eyes when speaking to a superior, a gesture of respect.

Latin American cultures, as well as some African cultures, such as Nigeria, have

longer looking time, but prolonged eye contact from an individual of lower status is

considered disrespectful. In the US, it is considered rude to stare – regardless of who is

looking at whom. In contrast, the polite Englishman is taught to pay strict attention to a

speaker, to listen carefully, and to blink eyes to let the speaker know he or she has been

understood as well as heard. Americans signal interest and comprehension by bobbing

their heads or grunting.

A widening of the eyes can also be interpreted differently, depending on

circumstances and culture. Take, for an instance, the case of an American and Chinese

discussing the terms of a proposed contract. Regardless of the language in which the

proposed contract is carried out, the US negotiator may interpret a Chinese person‘s

widened eyes as an expression of astonishment instead of as a danger signal (its true

meaning) of politely expressed anger.

C. Answer the questions based on the text

1. How is the ―rule‖ of eye contact in western cultures?

2. How are Japanese children taught regarding eye contact?

3. What is the difference between American culture and African culture about eye


4. What do Americans do to signal interest?

5. What does a Chinese actually express when he widens the eyes?

D. Study the dialog below

Secretary : good morning, can I help you?

James : good morning. My name is James Bryan. I am a new staff here. I have an

appointment with Mr. Jack today. Can I meet him?

Secretary : welcome to Excellent company Mr. Bryan. Please wait for a moment.

Mr. Jack is still in a meeting

James : thank you. May I know your name please?

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Secretary : please call me Diane. It‘s nice to meet you Mr. Bryan.

James : it‘s nice to meet you too Diane and please call me James.

Secretary : do you need anything else?

James : no, thank you very much.

E. Expressions: useful phrases in conversation

Welcoming visitors Arriving

Welcome to…

My name is…

Can I help you?

Hello, my name is …

I have an appointment to see…

Sorry, I am a little late / early

Introducing someone Meeting someone and small talk

This is … He / she is my personal


Can I introduce you to… he / she is

our project manager

I‘d like to introduce you to

Pleased to meet you

It‘s a pleasure

How was your trip?

Did you have a good flight?

How are things here in Indonesia?

Offering assistance Asking for assistance

Can I get you anything?

Do you need anything?

Would you like to drink?

Do you need a taxi?

Please let me know if you need a


Could you get me a taxi?

Could you help me arrange a flight

to …?

Can you recommend a good


F. Make a dialog using one of the following situations

1. You came to your client‘s office. A friendly secretary welcomes you. She asks you to

wait in the lobby because your client is still in a meeting. Perform a conversation

using the expressions you have learned

2. You have an appointment for a business meeting. A personal assistant who receives

you telling that the boss has not arrived yet because of a traffic jam. You are asked to

wait in the lobby. Perform a conversation using the expressions you have learned

3. You are a secretary of a company. Someone is looking for your manager. You

welcome him / her and ask him / her to wait because your manager is still having a

rest. Perform a conversation using the expressions you have learned.

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A. Welcoming visitors

Complete the dialog with words from the box

A: hello (a) ……………….. to meet you

B: thank you for (b) ……………….. me.

A: how long are you (c) ……………….. here?

B: just two days

A: oh, not long, then. Let me (d) ……………….. you to my colleague Paul

B: Paul, (e) ……………….. is Angela Fox

This Staying Nice Introduce Inviting

B. Making small talk

Match the phrases 1 – 5 to the correct responses a – e to make a conversation

1. Did you have a good trip?

2. Was the flight on time?

3. That‘s good. And how was the weather in London?

4. Really? Well it‘s much better here

5. Can I get you a drink or something?

a) Very wet and cold, I‘m afraid

b) Yes, it was

c) Thank you. Coffee would be great

d) Very good, thank you

e) Yes, it‘s very warm

C. Asking for and giving help

Classify the sentences below into offering something (O), declining an offer (D), asking

for help (H), accepting and offer (A)

a) Can I get you anything?

b) No, I am fine thanks

c) Just a question, is there a drug store near here?

d) Would you like something to drink?

e) Yes, maybe… a cold drink, if I may

f) Can I use your phone?

g) I‘d like to print something from this disk, if possible

h) Would you like to lift to your hotel?

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Unit 2 Culture and entertainment

A. Match each of the following words with its meaning

1. Prepare a. to make or get something or someone ready

2. Avoid b. to stay away from someone or something

3. Review c. to consider something in order to make changes to it

4. Expect d. to think or believe something will happen

5. Impress e. to cause someone to admire or respect you

6. Become f. to start to be

7. Hold g. to take and keep something in your hand

8. Remain h. to stay in the same place or in the same condition

9. Tend i. to be likely to behave in a particular

10. Accomplish j. to finish something successfully

B. Read the following text

The country you are visiting may have very different dining etiquette rules than

what you are used to. Depending on the country, be prepared to sit on the floor, eat with

your hands, not eat with your hands, or try some exotic foods. To avoid too many

surprises, take some time to review the dining etiquette rules common at your destination.

Have a humble and respectful attitude when you make a mistake. Everywhere in Asia

you will be expected to eat with chopsticks. Try to use them if you can. Africans are

famous for the pleasure they take in eating and entertaining and for their generosity.

If you're invited to someone's home almost anywhere in Africa be prepared to be

impressed by your host's generosity. In many countries, you will find no utensils of any

kind and will be expected to eat with your hands. Arabs are known for their hospitality

and their meals, which often start considerably later than ours. You may be expected to

take several helpings, so pace yourself. Alcoholic beverages are becoming more common

even in Muslim countries, but Muslims do not drink, so do not ask for alcoholic


Europeans eat using the Continental style. When using this style, hold your fork

in your left hand and your knife in your right. You then eat with your fork still in your

left hand. The fork and knife should remain in your hands at all times. Europeans tend to

be stricter about table manners than Americans are. Do not rest your elbows on the table,

but keep both hands above the table at all times. Accomplish this by resting your wrists

on the edge of the table.

C. Answer the questions based on the text

1. What is the text about?

2. In what country are chopsticks used?

3. What is the similarity between Africa and Arab in terms of dining etiquette?

4. What is the specific characteristic of the continental style?

5. How is the dining etiquette in your own country?

D. Study the dialog below

Waiter : Good afternoon, sir. This way, please.

James : Good afternoon. Thanks.

Waiter : Have a seat please. Here is the menu.

James : thank you.

Waiter : Are you ready to order, sir?

James : I would like to have the fried rice and fried chicken, please

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Waiter : What would you like to drink?

James : I‘d like to have orange juice.

Waiter : Alright, so a plate of fried rice, fried chicken, and orange juice. Do you

need anything else, sir?

James : no, thank you

E. Expressions: useful phrases in conversation

Inviting Accepting to an invitation

Would you like to have dinner?

Can you come to my house?

Let‘s take a walk

Yes, I‘d love to. Thanks

Yes, sure

Come on

Declining an invitation Stating preference

I‘d love to thanks. But I have many

things to do. I am very sorry

I am sorry. I can‘t

No. thanks

I would like to have fried rice

I like fried chicken better than

grilled chicken

I prefer fried chicken to pizza

Looking at a menu Commenting on the food

I think I‘d like to have fried shrimp

The crab sounds tasty

Can I have a bottle of soda?

It‘s delicious

Hemm… it‘s yummy

The food is splendid

F. Make a dialog using one of the following situations

1. You invite your friend to have dinner. There is a new restaurant you want to try.

Perform a conversation using the expressions you have learned

2. You are in a restaurant. A waiter comes and offers you the menu. Perform a

conversation using the expressions you have learned

3. You are inviting your colleague to have lunch at the break time. There is a coffee

shop nearby. Perform a conversation using the expressions you have learned

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A. Inviting

Choose the correct ending to make the invitations below:

1. Do you have any a. to meet this evening?

2. There‘s good b. free time this week?

3. We could go for c. you some interesting places

4. Would you like d. museum near here

5. I‘d like to show you e. something to eat at a restaurant

B. Accepting or declining

1. Which of these words indicate an A (acceptance) of an invitation? Which words indicate

a rejection (R) of an invitation?

Nice idea Very kind Unfortunately Rather busy Have to

Thank you, but I am sorry Excellent Very kind

2. Complete the sentences below with words from the box

1. I‘d like that …………………………… unfortunately I

……………………………leave very early in the





2. That‘s very …………………………… of you. I‘d

…………………………… that very much.

Have to


3. Thank you, that …………………………… be very




4. It is nice of you to …………………………… me. but

I already have an …………………………… tonight. I

am sorry about that.



5. Another…………………………… perhaps?

6. I‘d like ……………………………, thank you very


C. Eating out

Make correct sentences from the jumbled words below

a) The can menu have I please

b) I‘d start like soup please vegetable to with

c) Fried have I‘ll chicken then the

d) A the water and of please mineral water cream ice

e) A may bill of I have the coffee and please cup

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Unit 3 Could I leave a message

A. Match each of the following words with its meaning

1. Continue a. to make something certain to happen

2. Prefer b. to keep happening

3. Ensure c. to choose or want one thing rather than another

4. Leave d. to help

5. Require e. to go away from someone or something

6. Establish f. to need or make necessary

7. Assist g. to start a company that will continue for a long time

8. Appreciate h. to encourage the sale of something

9. Promote i. to keep in existence

10. Maintain j. to recognize or understand that something is valuable

B. Read the following text

Even though email and other computer-based communications have taken

precedence in business, telephone communications continue to be a primary means.

Many customers, contractors and institutions prefer, and at times require, phone

communication to complete processes and ensure satisfaction. This communication, like

many others, will leave an impression about your business.

Greeting your business callers is an easy way to establish a good telephone. Each

business call should begin by thanking your party for calling, introducing your business

and introducing yourself. For instance, ―Thank you for calling XYZ Inc. This is Jane.

How can I assist you?‖ Not only does this type of greeting welcome the caller, it invites

the caller to get right into their request. Each call should end as politely as it began. It

should be branded again, while thanking the caller for their business, i.e. ―Thank you for

calling XYZ Inc. We certainly appreciate your business.‖

Focusing your attention on the caller will help to promote proper telephone

etiquette. The business environment is often a busy one. Still, to maintain a busy and

productive environment, your business must maintain its customers. Therefore, when

your customers or clients call in, stop what you are doing and focus your attention on

answering the phone. Listen actively to the caller and take notes if you need. This will

help you to address all of the caller‘s concerns on the first attempt.


C. Answer the questions based on the text

1. What is the best title of the text above?

2. Why is telephone still effective to be a primary means of business communication?

3. According to the text, how to establish a good telephone?

4. What is the last paragraph about?

5. What should we do when costumers call in?

D. Study the dialog below

Receptionist : good morning. Seven-Twelve Company. How can I help you?

James : Good afternoon. I am James from Eight-Eleven Company. Can I speak to

Mr. Thomas?

Receptionist : Mr. Thomas is not in the office right now.

James : When can I talk to him?

Receptionist : He is visiting London now. He will be there for about a week. Would

you like to leave a message?

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James : Yes, please tell him that James from Eight-Eleven Company called him. I

need him to call me back at 0898-0500-822

Receptionist : Alright sir. I‘ll inform Mr. Thomas to call you back as soon as he has


James : Thank you very much.

Receptionist : you are welcome. Have a good time

E. Expressions: useful phrases in conversation

Saying who you want Saying someone is not available

I‘d like to speak to…, please.

Could I have the … Department,


Is … there, please?

I am sorry he / she is not available

Sorry. He / she is in a meeting

Sorry. He / she is in Milan

Leaving and taking message Offering help in other ways

Can I leave him / her a message?

Please tell him / her that …

Can I take a message?

Should I ask him to call you back?

Would you like to speak to his


Can I help you perhaps?

Asking for repetition Acknowledging repetition

Excuse me, I didn‘t catch your


Sorry. Could you repeat please?

Can you spell your name please?

Ok. I‘ve got that now

I understand

I see. Thank you

F. Make a dialog using one of the following situations

1. You call your colleague of X Company. A secretary answers your call and tells you

that he or she is still in Australia. Perform a conversation using the expressions you

have learned

2. You told your assistant that you will be away to Jakarta for three days to any callers.

Meanwhile, your friend called you when you were away. Perform a conversation

using the expressions you have learned

3. Your colleague is calling when you are having a meeting. You ask your secretary to

leave a message. Perform a conversation using the expressions you have learned

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A. Introducing yourself and saying what you want

You are on the phone. Complete the sentences with the correct words on the right

a. Can I ……………….. to Mr. Johnson, please?

b. ……………….. Ronaldo.

c. I am ……………….. from Amsterdam.

d. Can you ……………….. me the purchasing department, please

e. I‘d like some ……………….., please.

Speak / say My name‘s / I am Living / calling Fix / give Information / informations

B. Leaving and taking messages

Complete the exchanges below with words from the box

A: can I ……………….. a message?

B: yes, please. please ……………….. him I‘ll arrive at about three in the afternoon

C: he isn‘t here at the moment. ……………….. you like to leave a message?

D: yes, ……………….. you say Mr. Sorensen called?

C: I am sorry. Can you ……………….. your name?

D: yes, it‘s George. G – E – O – R – G – E

E: Shall I ask him to ……………….. you tomorrow?

F: No, it‘s okay. Please tell him I‘ll ……………….. later

G: I‘d like to ……………….. a message for Mr. Casey, please.

H: yes, of course. Who‘s calling?

G: Angelo, from Milan.

Leave Take Could Call

Would Tell Call back Repeat

C. Asking for repetition

Make sentences from the following

a. Can I am that you repeat sorry? Didn‘t you hear I

b. Said I‘m understand I what didn‘t you sorry you that spell can please?

c. Sorry speak I‘m slowly more please say you what did?

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Unit 4 Good to hear from you again

A. Match each of the following words with its meaning

1. Present a. to make something certain to happen

2. Conduct b. to keep happening

3. Distinguish c. to choose or want one thing rather than another

4. Pronounce d. to help

5. Lead e. to go away from someone or something

6. Assume f. to need or make necessary

7. Imply g. to start a company that will continue for a long time

8. Fail h. to encourage the sale of something

9. Promote i. to keep in existence

10. Inquire j. to recognize or understand that something is valuable

B. Read the following text

Oral communication usually presents more problems than written communication.

If you‘ve ever studied another language, you know it‘s easier to write in that language

than to conduct a conversation. Even if the other speaks your language, you may have a

hard time understanding the pronunciation if the person isn‘t proficient. For example,

many non-native English speakers can‘t distinguish between the English sound v and w,

so they say ―wery‖ for ―very‖. At the same time many people from the United States

cannot pronounce the French r or the German ch.

Also people use their voices in different ways, which can lead listeners to

misunderstand their intentions. Russian speakers, for instance, speak in flat, level tones in

their native tongue. When they speak English, they maintain this pattern, and non-

Russian listeners may assume that the speakers are bored or rude. Middle Easterners tend

to speak more loudly than the Westerners and may therefore mistakenly be considered

emotional. On the other hand, the Japanese are soft spoken, a characteristic that implies

politeness or humility to Western listeners.

Idiomatic expressions are another source of confusion. If U.S. executive tells an

Egyptian executive that a certain product doesn‘t cut the mustard, chances are

communication will fail. Even when the words make sense, their meanings may differ

according to the situation. For example, suppose you are dining with a German woman

who speaks English quite well. You inquire, ―More bread?‖ She says, ―Thank you,‖ so

you pass the bread. She looks confused; then she takes the breadbasket and sets it down

without taking any. In German, thank you (danke) can also be used as a polite refusal. If

the woman had wanted more bread she would have used the word please (bitte in


C. Answer the questions based on the text

1. Why do you think it is difficult to present oral communication?

2. What probably makes it uneasy to understand someone‘s pronunciation?

3. What is the clear characteristic of Japanese when speaking?

4. How many countries are there mentioned in the text? Mention!

5. What does the word “thank you” may mean in German?

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D. Study the dialog below

Thomas : Hello, James. My secretary told you that you were calling when I was in

London. What was it about?

James : hello, Thomas. It‘s good to hear you again. You seem very busy lately. I

just want to remind you that our project needs to be evaluated, so that I

need to meet you soon.

Thomas : Good to hear you too, James. I see. Let‘s reschedule our meeting. What

about this week?

James : I am sorry. I am afraid I can‘t this week. I have another important

business to do. What about the first week of next month?

Thomas : that sounds great. I‘ll arrange my schedule then. Where can we meet?

James : Let‘s meet at Moonlight restaurant. What do you think?

Thomas : sure, they have tasty food.

James : thank you very much for your time. I am looking forward to meeting


Thomas : my pleasure. See you next month.

E. Expressions: useful phrases in conversation

Stating reason to call Setting up appointments

I am calling to …

I‘d like to…

I need some information about …

Could we meet some time next


When would be a good time?

What about August 25, 2014?

Changing appointments Confirming information

We have an appointment for next

month, but…

I am afraid I can‘t come on that day

Could we reschedule it?

So …

Can I check that? You said …

Can I confirm that by fax?

Ending a call Thanking

Ok. I think that‘s all

Thanks very much for your help

I look forward to your call

Thank you very much for calling

Thanks and please call back if you

need anything

Thank you very much. have a good


F. Make a dialog using one of the following situations

1. Your colleague has just arrived in the city. He or she makes a phone call telling you

to reschedule the meeting. Perform a conversation using the expressions you have


2. You call your friend that you tend to reschedule the meeting because there is a sudden

meeting in your own company. Perform a conversation using the expressions you

have learned

3. Your secretary receives a call from your client that he or she intends to reschedule the

meeting as he or she is still in London. Perform a conversation using the expressions

you have learned

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A. Making arrangements

Complete the dialog below

A: I‘d like to (a) v ……………….. you some time next week, to meet Mr. Jack

B: that‘s (b) f ………………… I could give you an (c) a ……………….. next week

A: No, unfortunately I‘m (d) a ……………….. next week. The (e) f ………………..

week would be okay.

B: yes, well (f) h ……………….. a ……………….. Thursday morning at 10 o‘clock.

A: that‘s good. Please can you (g) c ……………….. by email?

B: yes, of course.

B. Changing arrangements

You have an appointment to see Ms. Keppel at 11:30 today. Unfortunately your train is

delayed. You will not arrive until 12:30. Telephone Ms. Keppel’s secretary, John

Cousins, to explain the problem. Complete the conversation with words from the box.

A: hello, Mr. Black. This is (your name). I (a) ……………….. at 11:30, with Ms.

Keppel. But unfortunately the train (b) ……………….. I‘m going to be (c)


B: I understand. What time do you think you‘ll arrive?

A: about 12:30, is that a (d) ……………….?

B: no, no problem at all.

A: thank you. I am (e) ……………….. about the (f) ………………..

B: it‘s okay. It‘s not your fault. See you soon. Thanks for (g) ………………..

A: thank you. Bye for now.


C. The structure of a call

Put these sentences in the correct order

A. I understand. That‘s very kind of you. Thank you very much.

B. Can I confirm that? The date is December 4th

and it‘s at the Clyde hotel

C. Excellent. I look forward to seeing you there

D. I am calling to find information about the direct line conference in December

E. Hello, my name is Patrick. I am calling from London

F. Could you tell me the date and location of the conference?

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Unit 5 Unfortunately there‘s a problem

A. Match each of the following words with its meaning

1. Flow a. to take something

2. Pick b. to be annoyed or worried by something

3. Break c. to move in one direction

4. Respond d. to (cause something to) separate suddenly

5. Search e. to have the same opinion

6. Interrupt f. to want something to happen

7. Accept g. to say or do something as a reaction to something

8. Agree h. to agree to take something

9. Hope i. to stop a person from speaking for a short period

10. Mind j. to look somewhere carefully in order to find something

B. Read the following text

In some countries, like Italy and Britain, conversation is a form of entertainment.

There is an endless flow of talk and if you break the flow for a second someone else will

pick it up. In other countries there is a higher value placed on listening – it is not only

impolite to break in but also listeners will consider what has been said in silence before

responding. Finland and Japan are examples.

If you are talking to people who are also speaking English as a foreign language,

they are likely to leave gaps and silences while they search for words or try to make sense

of what you have just said. So be patient and try not to interrupt, as you would hope they

would be patient with you.

Every country has its own codes of etiquette. For example it is common for North

Americans and the British to use first names very quickly, even in a letter or fax or

telephone call. Such instant familiarity is much less acceptable in the rest of Europe and

Asia where even business partners and colleagues of many years acquaintance address

each other by equivalent of Mr. and Mrs. And the last name or job title.

So stick to last names unless you specifically agree to do otherwise. Don‘t

interpret the other person‘s formality as stiffness or unfriendliness. On the other hand, if

business partners with North American or British background get on to first name terms

right away, don‘t be surprised.

Above all, one should remember that people do not usually mind if their own

codes are broken by foreigners as long as they sense consideration and goodwill. This is

much more important than a set of rules of etiquette.

C. Answer the questions based on the text

1. What does the sentence mean, conversation is a form of entertainment?

2. In what countries is listening placed higher value?

3. Why is it better to be patient in conversation?

4. In what paragraph does the writer emphasize the code of etiquette?

5. What is the last paragraph about?

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D. Study the dialog below

James : Hello, Thomas. I am calling to complain about the delivery. The goods

are absolutely below our standard.

Thomas : hello, James. It can‘t be true. We have got the deal on our previous

meeting and I‘ve showed you the prototype of the product.

James : yes, but I don‘t understand why they don‘t really work well. I am very


Thomas : I am sorry to hear that. My assistant will see you immediately and check

the products. Could you please tell me what part doesn‘t really work?

James : I‘ll make sure of it. The processor is very much slow and the capacity is

very small.

Thomas : alright, I understand that. I am very sorry about the problem and I‘ll be

very happy if you can understand the situation.

James : yes, anyway if the problem is not resolved soon I‘ll have to consider our

contract. Thank you very much for your time

Thomas : you are welcome Mr. James

E. Expressions: useful phrases in conversation

Explaining the problem Referring to previous problem

There seems to be…

We haven‘t received …

The quality of the work is below


It isn‘t the first time we‘ve had this


This is the third time this has


We had a meeting about this and

you assured us that …

Threatening Asking for details

If the problem is not resolved…

We‘ll have to consider our


We‘ll have to negotiate the


The consequences could be very


Could you exactly tell me about..?

Can you tell me…?

What is the …?

Apologizing Denying an accusation

I am sorry to hear that

I am sorry about the problem

I must apologize for being wrong

No, I don‘t think that it can be right

I am sorry but I think you‘re


I am afraid that can‘t be true

F. Make a dialog using one of the following situations

1. You complain your partner about the last sale report. It was far from the target.

Perform a conversation using the expressions you have learned

2. Your colleague calls you to complain that the delivery has been late for several times

for the last three months. Perform a conversation using the expressions you have


3. You call your client that you are sorry for being absent in the meeting. Your client

cannot accept your reason because you have been absent for several meetings.

Perform a conversation using the expressions you have learned

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A. Saying why you are calling

Match the phrase on the left with the correct ending

1. The reason for my call … a) advice on …

2. I am calling about … b) something about your service?

3. I need to talk to c) a supply problem

4. I would like some d) is a technical matter

5. Can you tell me e) someone about …

B. Explaining the problem

Replace the underlined words with words in the box which mean the same

1. We are still waiting for the goods to arrive.

2. There seems to be something wrong with the machine

3. The power switch is broken

4. We still have not received an answer to our letter

5. I don‘t understand why we have not received the money you owe us.

6. I don‘t understand how to operate the machine

Please explain Delivery Not working A problem

A reply The instructions Payment

C. Handling complaints

Complete the exchanges below with words from the box

A: there seems to be a problem with the machine

B: I‘m (a) ……………….. to hear that. Do you have a costumer (b) ………………..

number? What‘s the (c) ……………….. on the machine?

C: I‘d like to speak to Mr. Davis.

D: he‘s not (d) ……………….. at the moment but I‘ll (e) ……………….. to call (f)

……………….. as soon as he (g) ………………..

E: I think there‘s a problem with the invoice

F: if you (h) ……………….. on, I‘ll (i) ……………….. you to the right department

G: we still haven‘t received the goods

H: I‘m sorry. We‘ve had a (j) ……………….. in distribution. Everything should be okay

for a (k) ……………….. next week

You back Reference Serial number Delivery Transfer Delay

Comes back Hold Ask him Sorry Available

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Unit 6 Planning and getting started

A. Match each of the following words with its meaning

1. Summarize a. to make or draw plans for something

2. Dictate b. to control or influence something directly

3. Design c. to buy

4. Motivate d. to give orders

5. Determine e. to agree with and give encouragement to someone

6. Select f. to want something to happen

7. Handle g. to make someone want to do something well

8. Portray h. to express the most important facts about something

9. Support i. to operate or control something which could be difficult

10. Purchase j. to choose a small number of things

B. Read the following text. Scan the text to match the seven points

1. Choose visuals to support the presentation (…)

2. Have a simple, clear structure (…)

3. Show enthusiasm (…)

4. Use power point (…)

5. Making informal presentations (…)

6. Consider the audience (…)

7. Dealing with the nerves (…)

a. The key to a successful oral presentation is to keep things simple. I try to stick to three

points. I give an overview of the points, present them to the audience, and summarize

them at the end.

b. My purpose or desired outcome, the type of audience, and the message dictate the

formality of the presentation, the kind of visuals, the number of anecdotes, and the jokes

or examples that I use. Most of my presentations are designed to sell, to explain, or to

motivate. When I plan the presentation, I think about the audience. Are they professionals

or nonprofessionals? Purchasers or sellers? Providers or users? Internal or external? My

purpose and the audience mix determine the tones and focus of the presentation

c. When I make a presentation, I use the visuals as the outline. I will not use notes. I like to

select the kind of visual that not only best supports the message but also best fits the

audience and the physical location. Power point, slides, overhead transparencies, and flip

charts are the four main kinds of visuals I use.

d. Power point and slide presentations work well when I am selling a product or an idea to

large groups (15 people or more). In this format, I like to use examples and graphs and

tables to support my message in a general way.

e. In small presentations, including one on ones and presentations where the audience is part

of the actual process, I like transparencies or flip charts. They allow me to be informal.

f. I get very, very nervous when I speak in public. I handle my nervousness by just trying to

look as if, instead of talking to so many people, I‘m walking in and talking to a single

person. I don‘t like to speak behind lecterns. Instead, I like to get out and just be open and

portray that openness: ―I‘m here to tell you a story.‖

g. I try very hard for people to enjoy my presentations by showing enthusiasm on the

subject and by being sincere. I try not to use a hard sell – I just try to report or to explain

– and I think that comes across. In addition, it helps that I am speaking about something

that I very strongly believe in and something that I really, really enjoy doing.

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C. Answer the questions based on the text

1. How can we handle the nerves?

2. What is the benefit of using visuals?

3. What things to be considered when keeping the presentation short?

4. What does setting the presentation less formal mean?

5. Mention the four kinds of visual we can use in presentation!

D. Study the dialog below

James : Hello, Thomas. Are you ready for the presentation?

Thomas : hello, James. Yes, I am ready with my presentation today.

James : What is the subject of your presentation?

Thomas : I am going to talk about the current issues of marketing strategy

James : that sounds great. Can you tell me the ideas of your presentation?

Thomas : well, I would like to talk about three issues, they are marketing target,

promotion, and budgeting.

James : great. I can‘t wait attending your presentation

Thomas : Thank you, Mr. James

E. Expressions: useful phrases in conversation

Greeting in presentation Subject

Good morning ladies and gentlemen

Ladies and gentlemen

Good morning everyone. My name

is James. Thanks for coming up


I plan to say a few words about…

I am going to talk about…

The subject of my talk is …

I‘d like to give you an overview of

Structure Length

I‘ve divided my talk into three


First …

Second …


My talk will take about ten minutes

The presentation will take about

one hour… but there will be twenty

minute break in the middle

Policy on questions Giving emphasis

Please interrupt if you have any


After my talk there will be time for

a discussion and any questions

As I have told you before …

I‘ve mentioned earlier that …

The most important thing is…

F. Work in pairs. Prepare a presentation including the following ideas

1. Greet your audience

2. Introduce yourself

3. Give the title of your talk

4. Describe the structure of your talk

5. Explain that the audience can interrupt if they want

6. Say something about the length of your talk

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A. Subject

Complete the spaces in the five opening sentences of presentation

B. Presentation structure

The classic presentation has three parts. Here are six sentences from the introduction to

a presentation. Put them in the right order.

a. I am going to talk about the new organization of our European Sales

b. Afterwards you can ask any questions or say what you think

c. Good afternoon, everyone. My presentation today is about changes in our


d. Finally, I‘ll describe the new arrangement – the new system

e. First, I‘ll describe the current situation – how things are now

f. Then, I‘ll explain why we have to change this

C. Introducing your presentation

Make verb +noun phrases by matching the verbs below to the right words. See the


1. To talk about … a) questions

2. To explain … b) an overview

3. To say … c) a few words

4. To give … d) the problem

5. To divide … e) something

6. To answer … f) the talk into x parts

D. Your police on questions and discussion

Make sentences from the words below

1. Like whenever interrupt you

2. If questions have ask you please any

3. Questions until save any the please end

4. You have I a for handout

5. Points handout my the includes main of the talk

6. Few may notes take to want you a

7. Be will discussion there a later

My t ………………..today

is about our plans for

entering new markets

I’d l ………………..to say

something today about the

AX project.

The presentation will give

you an o ………………..of

our organization

The t ………………..of my

talk is the ‗single European

market and competition policy

This morning I want to e………………..

the special relationship between us and

our supplies.

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Unit 7 Image, impact, and making an impression

A. Match each of the following words with its meaning

1. Emphasize a. to show or state that something is very important

2. Relegate b. to make it possible for something to be seen

3. Convict c. to decide officially that someone is guilty of a crime

4. Justify d. to put someone into a lower or less important rank or position

5. Replace e. to make something clear or easier to understand

6. Show f. to take the place of something

7. Employ g. to attract attention to

8. Highlight h. to (make something) become larger in amount or size

9. Increase i. to use something

10. Clarify j. to give or to be a good reason for

B. Read the following text

Dinckel and Parnham (1985) say that the great danger (in using visual aids) is that

presenters place the major emphasis on visual aids and relegate themselves to the minor

role of narrator or technician. You are central to the presentation. The visual aid needs

you, your interpretation, your explanation, your conviction and your justification.‖

Visual aids can make information more memorable and they help the speaker.

However, they must literally support what the speaker says and not just simply replace

the spoken information. It is also not enough to just read text from a visual aid.

There are many advantages to the correct use of visual aids. They can show

information which is not easily expressed in words or they can highlight information.

They cause the audience to employ another sense to receive information, they bring

variety and therefore increase the audience‘s attention. They save time and they clarify

complex information.

C. State T (true) or F (false) and correct if necessary

1. The great danger of using visual aids is the presenter poses himself important

2. The visual aid needs only your justification

3. Visual aids can make information be easily memorized

4. The third paragraph discuss the benefits of using visual aids

5. Using visual aids may save our time presenting the material

D. Study the diagram below









2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Student's numbers

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E. Expressions: describing trends

Direction Verbs Nouns



Climb up

Go up

A rise

An increase

A growth

A boom




Go down

A decline

A decrease

A fall

A drop

Stay constant

Remain stable

Remain steady

Maintain the same


No change

A leveling out

F. With your pair.

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Unit 8 The middle of the presentation

A. Match each of the following words with its meaning

1. Spend a. to tell someone about something at the first time

2. Convey b. to say or write what someone or something is like

3. Introduce c. to use time doing something

4. Cost d. to pay some amount of money to buy something

5. End e. to finish or stop

6. Contain f. to have something inside

7. Include g. to take something in

8. Describe h. to express a thought

9. Concern i. to cause worry to someone

10. Absorb j. to contain something as a part of something else

B. Read the following text

Any presentation requires a clear strategy or plan to help you reach your

objectives. The aim is not to spend twenty minutes talking non-stop and showing a lot of

nice pictures. It is to convey a message that is worth hearing to an audience who wants to

hear it. However, how many speakers really hold an audience‘s attention? What is the

secret for those who do? First find out about the audience and what they need to know.

Plan what you‘re going to say and say it clearly and concisely.

A good speaker uses various signals to help hold the audience‘s attention and

make the information clear. One type of signal is to introduce a list with a phrase There

are things we have to consider. The speaker then says what the three things are and talks

about each one at the required level of detail. For example: there are three types of price

that we have to think about: economic price, market price and physiological price. Let’s

look at each of these in more detail. First, economic price. This is based on production

costs and the need to make a profit… and the speaker goes on to describe this type of

price. After that, he goes on to talk about market price and so on.

Another signaling technique is to give a link between parts of presentation. Say

where one part of talks ends and another starts. For example, a well-organized

presentation usually contains different parts and progression from one part to the next

must be clear, with phrases like That’s all I want to say about the development of the

product. Now, let’s turn to the actual marketing plan. This technique is very helpful to

the audience, including those who are mainly interested in one part only.

Another type of signaling is sequencing of information. This usually follows a

logical order, perhaps based on time. So a project may be described in terms of the

background, the present situation and the future. Key words in sequencing information

are first, then, next, after that, later, at the end, finally, etc.

Still another technique which helps to emphasize key points is careful repetition.

Examples are As I’ve already said, there is no alternative but to increase production by

100 per cent or I’d like to emphasize the main benefit of the new design – it achieves

twice as much power with half as much fuel.

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A final point concerns timing and quantity of information. Psychologists have

suggested that concentration is reduced after about twenty minutes without a break or a

change in activity. Furthermore, audiences should not be overburdened with technical

details or given too many facts to remember. It is claimed that to ask people to remember

more than three things in a five minute talk is too much. some say that seven is maximum

number of any length of presentation. Any such calculations are probably not very

reliable, but every speaker needs to think about exactly how much information of

particular type a specific audience is likely to absorb and to plan accordingly.

C. Answer the questions based on the text

1. What is the best title of the text above?

2. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

3. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

4. In what paragraph does it discuss how to sequence the information?

5. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

D. State T (true) or F (false) and correct if necessary

1. The first strategy in presentation is to find out about the audience

2. By introducing the list of presentation content, the presentation won‘t be clear

3. The word ―now‖ is a signaling technique to give a link between parts of presentation

4. There are six key words in sequencing information mentioned in the text

5. The last paragraph is about the length of presentation that needed to be considered

E. With your pair, write a summary of the text above in 10 sentences below














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Unit 9 The end is near… this is the end

A. Match each of the following words with its meaning

1. Meet a. to give your attention

2. Shuffle b. to make or get something or someone ready for something

3. Instruct c. to order or tell someone to do something

4. Interest d. to come together with someone intentionally

5. Dispose e. to suggest that someone or something would be good

6. Offer f. to ask someone if they would like to have something

7. Prepare g. to communicate with someone

8. Comment h. to make a comment

9. Contact i. to walk by pulling your feet slowly along the ground

10. Recommend j. to make someone feel a particular way towards someone

B. Read the following text

A nightmare scenario is as follows: the speaker ends his talk with the words ―Any

questions?‖ This is met by total silence. Not a word. Then an embarrassed shuffling, a

cough … how can this be avoided? A possible answer is that if the presentation has been

good and the audience is clearly interested, someone will have something to say.

Another way to avoid the nightmare of utter silence is to end with an instruction

to the audience. This should ensure immediate audience response. Giving an instruction

is often useful in sales presentations and where the audience has special requirements.

Here are two examples:

A sales presentation

After talking about his or her products or services, the speaker wants the audience

to explain their needs and says:

“Okay – I’ve told you about the ways Snappo can help companies like yours. Now

for us to do that, we need to know more about the way you work. For example, tell me

about your particular situation, tell me what in particular may interest you…”

This places a responsibility on the audience to respond – unless of course they

have a completely negative view of both the presenter and the message! Assuming they

are well disposed towards the potential supplier, it is probably in their interests to offer

some information and begin discussion.

A training manager

Speaking to an audience of Department Managers, vice – presidents, or potential

trainees, the training Manager has outlined recommendations and explained what is

available. He / she can end with:

“Okey! I have told you what we can offer. Now tell me what are your impressions,

what are your priorities and what else do you need to know?”

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Another option is for the speaker to have a question prepared. Ask something

which you know the audience will have to answer. This often breaks the ice and starts

discussion. It may be possible to single out an individual who is most likely to have a

question to ask you or a comment to make, or it may be apparent from earlier contact

perhaps during the reception or a coffee break, that a particular individual has something

to say or to ask.

C. Answer the questions based on the text

1. What is meant by a nightmare in the passage above?

2. What might make someone will say something about the presentation?

3. What can a presenter of sales presentation do to end the presentation?

4. What is last option for a presenter to end the presentation?

5. Please let us know about your opinion how to end a presentation!

D. Fill in the mind mapping below about marketing strategies that you think effective

E. Rewrite the points in your mapping into a complete essay of 50 sentences
















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Unit 10 Making meetings effective

A. Match each of the following words with its meaning

1. Share a. to divide something and give part of it to someone else

2. Fall b. to belong to a particular group, subject or area

3. Empower c. to give someone freedom to do something

4. Boost d. to improve or increase something

5. Focus e. to give a lot of attention to one particular person, subject or


6. Waste f. to use too much of something or use something badly

7. Plague g. to cause worry to someone or something over a period of time

8. Change h. to make or become different

9. Benefit i. to be helped by something or to help someone

10. Lead j. to show the way to a group of people

B. Read the following text

Meetings are not only one of the most important ways for employees to

communicate within organizations, but they're also the way that teams get their work

done. Although individual team members work on tasks outside of meetings, team

meetings give members the opportunity to come together to determine the team's goals,

its plans for achieving its goals, and who will do what — and when. We've all

experienced more than our share of both good and bad meetings. What makes some

meetings terrific, while others are simply the pits?

Employees benefit in several ways when a meeting is well run. Here's the good

news about business meetings that fall into this category:

Meetings are empowering.

Meetings are a great way to communicate.

Meetings develop work skills and leadership.

Meetings are morale boosting.

Unfortunately, meetings are prone to fall into nonproductive pitfalls. Here's the

negative side of meetings:

Meetings may not have focus.

Companies have too many meetings.

Attendees may be unprepared.

Most meeting time is wasted.

Although this bad news may seem bleak, there is hope. For each of these

problems, and for the many other kinds of problems that often plague business meetings,

solutions are available. You simply need to be open to changing the way that meetings

are conducted in your organization. You may even need to take on a leadership role, if

necessary, to make your meetings work better.


C. Answer the following questions

1. What is the function of meeting in an organization?

2. What are the benefits of a meeting?

3. What are the disadvantages of a meeting?

4. What is meant by a meeting is a moral boosting?

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5. What is one of the positive views regarding to a problem?

D. Letter writing: identify the structure of the letter

E. State T (true) or F (false) and make any correction if necessary

1. Mr. Wong was the addressee

2. The package was in right numbers

3. Mr. Wong was absolutely disappointed with the shipping

4. If the other batteries are not delivered soon, Mr. Wong will quit the cooperation

5. Mr. Choi was the receiver

F. Write a similar letter based on one of the following situations

1. You complain about the computers you have bought. Some of them do not work


2. You complain the furniture you have ordered. They do not come until the date agreed


3. You complain the supermarket as the goods you have bought are mostly expired.

Fortune Goods 317 Orchard Road


22 August 2014

Mr. David Choi

Sales Manager

Everlong Batteries

171 Choi Hung Road

Hung Hom

Hong Kong

Dear Mr. Choi

Re. Order No. 768197

I am writing to inform you that the goods we ordered from your company have not been

supplied correctly.

On 15 August 2014 we placed an order with your firm for 12,000 long-life batteries. The

consignment arrived yesterday but contained only 1,200 batteries.

This error put our firm in a difficult position, as we had to make some emergency

purchases to fulfill our commitments to all our customers. This caused us considerable


I am writing to ask you to please make up the shortfall immediately and to ensure that

such errors do not happen again. Otherwise, we may have to look elsewhere for our


I look forward to hearing from you by return.

Yours sincerely

J. Wong

J. Wong

Purchasing Officer

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Unit 11 Sorry to interrupt you

A. Match each of the following words with its meaning

1. Discuss a. to say what the meaning of something

2. Achieve b. to develop gradually

3. Attend c. to end a speech, meeting or piece of writing

4. Follow d. to move behind someone or something

5. Define e. to talk about a subject with someone

6. Generate f. to succeed in finishing something

7. Evaluate g. to judge or calculate the quality

8. Conclude h. to go to an event, place, etc.

9. Analyze i. to study or examine something in detail

10. Evolve j. to cause something to exist

B. Read the following text

The reason for having a meeting is to make a decision. Information may be given

in a presentation followed by questions or discussion, but it is to get a consensus that the

meeting has been arranged in the first place. Achieving this in the most time – and cost-

effective manner possible is a goal that everyone attending (the meeting) must share.

Marion Haynes (1988) maintains that decision making meetings need to follow a

specific structure. The rational decision process includes the following steps:

Study / discus / analyze the situation

Define the problem

Set an objective

State imperatives and desirables

Generate alternatives

Establish evaluation criteria

Evaluate alternatives

Choose among alternatives

One other aspect of decision making is the necessity for participants in the

meeting to be aware of one another‘s needs and perceptions. If these are not effectively

communicated, if there is an insufficient degree of understanding of one another‘s

requirements, then an acceptable conclusion is unlikely to be reached. There are four

essential elements in decision making; awareness, understanding; empathy; and


It is only when we accept that communications are a two-way process that any

form of communication, including decision making, will become genuinely successful

and effective. Decision making is not always an identifiable activity. Frequently the

discussion can evolve into a consensus which can be recognized and verbalized by the

leader without the need to ―put things to the vote.‖

C. Answer the following questions

1. What is the reason of conducting a meeting?

2. In your opinion, what does ―define the problem‖ mean?

3. What is the other aspect of decision making?

4. What are the four essential elements in decision making?

5. What do you know about ―a two-way process‖?

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D. Study the dialog below

James : thank you very much for coming today. On the agenda, you‘ll see there

are two items we will discuss. And the objective is that we would like to

discuss different ideas about how to increase the quality of the product.

First, I‘d like to ask Mr. Thomas to share his ideas.

Thomas : good morning Mr. James and everyone. Thank you for allowing me to

share my ideas. I think it is important for us to have a deep research on

refining the product.

James : I think I agree with you, Mr. Thomas. Can you please tell us in detail,

what do you mean by having a deep research?

Thomas : Deep research means that we try to conduct an experiment, try and error

strategy to figure out both the strength and weakness of the product.

From the result we can make a proper decision to get better result.

James : Thanks for sharpening your argument, Mr. Thomas. I get it now. Next,

what about the budgeting constraint? How can we manage the cost if we

want to improve our product? Miss Maria, do you have something to


Maria : thank you Mr. James. I think we need to consider the cost carefully

because we can still make an improvement of the product by

determining what to purchase and not. This will help us save the money.

James : I see. That‘s a good idea. I think we‘ll consider that. Well, I can conclude

that from our discussion, first we need to conduct a further research to

figure out both the strength and weakness and the second we need to

carefully consider what need to be purchased or not. Thank you very

much for our meeting today.

E. Expressions: useful phrases in conversation

Opening the meeting Introducing the agenda

Thank you for coming…

It‘s ten o‘clock. Let‘s start…

Any comments on our previous


You‘ve all seen the agenda…

In the agenda, you‘ll see there are

three items

There is one main item to discuss

Stating objectives Introducing discussion

We‘re here to hear about plans


Our objective is to discuss different


What we want to do today is to

reach a decision…

The background to the problem is…

The point we have to understand


This issue is about…

Calling on speaker Summarizing and closing

So, what you are saying is…

Can we hear from Mr. …?

I‘d like to ask Mr. … to share his


I think we‘ve covered everything

So we‘ve decided…

I think we can close the meeting


F. Work in a group of four. Conduct a meeting simulation about any topics. Follow the

guidelines below:

1. Welcome the participants to the meeting

2. State the objectives of the meeting

3. Introduce the agenda

4. Introduce the speaker

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5. Summarize the discussion

Unit 12 What do you mean by

A. Match each of the following words with its meaning

1. Close a. to give something out to several people

2. Distribute b. to change from being open to not being open

3. Inform c. to feel or experience something

4. View d. to watch something

5. Make e. to produce something

6. Experience f. to consider or have an opinion about something or someone

7. Solicit g. to ask someone for money, information or help

8. Improve h. to include something in a list

9. Regard i. to tell someone about particular facts

10. List j. to (cause something to) get better

B. Read the following text

Regardless of the type of meeting (information or decision making), it is

important to close with a restatement of objective, a summary of what was accomplished,

and a list of agreed action that needs to be taken.

After the meeting, it is essential to follow up with action. A brief memorandum of

conclusions should be written and distributed. Inform appropriate people who did not

attend the meeting about essential decisions made.

Finally, each meeting should be viewed as a learning experience. Future meetings

should be improved by soliciting evaluations and deciding what action is required to

conduct better meetings.

C. Answer the following questions

1. What is the text about?

2. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

3. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

5. What can you conclude from the text?

D. Read the following email

To : [email protected]

Sent : August, 30th


Subject : Banyuwangi trade fair


Following our telephone conversation I confirm that we will meet at Interlink

stand at the Banyuwangi Trade Fair on September, 1st sometime during the afternoon.

I look forward to talking about our products and services. I attach the details of

some new products that I think will interest you. We can discuss these when we meet.

It would be nice to meet socially when in Banyuwangi. I wonder if you would be

free to join me and a colleague for the evening of Saturday 30? We plan to meet the

Hilton hotel, in the lobby, at about 08.30. do let me know if you can join us and of course

we would be pleased if you would like to bring a colleague or a partner.

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We look forward to meeting you soon.

Best wishes,


Product Development

E. State T (true) or F (false) based on the text and correct if necessary

6. Both Maria and Thomas will meet once

7. They will meet on 30 August at around 08.30 in the morning

8. Maria will stay in Hilton hotel

9. Thomas attaches the details of some new products

10. Thomas is a Product development

F. Read once again the email above and reply it


















